HomeMy WebLinkAbout700 DrwgV tglNITY HAP EXlSLing zuning is au -- 5 Field Book 02-0~, Pages 3-5 ~4 Fleid Book 35-39/~0, Pages 70-/ . Field Book 83-5, Page, s 27-29 i. 31'H, 0 O' - U,,~, aired x ,... ~ t:. ;::, ~--4~0' Slde Bulidlng Setback {Tw~A~' ~ F ~ ~t_J ' %,. N90~00~00~E 99~. a2~ .................................. .................. ,.:..._......;, ., ..... . Side BuN l~Ing Setback {TYPICAL} Parent Parcel ... 23. 487~ ACRES C"-' . % "'--. Lo't 3 ~..t~~ -- c~1? , .:~..: > -, , ~,,, 7*'~-%, -. - ., N90' 00' O0~ ~: 78~. ':a',.., ,' ' Fxis!:in':.i Zoning is AG-- 2.5 , ..... abie '... , ." 2""iT'YP~cx.3 ,. ""/ . 4 5. //and 'RL~ 3366' Ca~ , /" %? 2, 7. ....... '~. ._ :;: k;; rp~e-- C~},n:e'~ x ,,, ~:9 S, ~, 86 ~ %,_ ~. "'--- Exi-'*~ ng 7o -*'*e'~ Jnr;~ a'tt~d TE OF SURVEYOR ~ HEREBY CERTIFY that the a~ached Map of Su~ey of the hereon described ~reperty is True and Correct to the best of my kno'~edge and belief as surveyed in the fieM under- rny dffection on S .~gZ..,~.. 2.._~ i further certify that this survey meets ~e Minimum Technical :Standards set fodh in Rule: 8IG17.6 FAC adopted by the Florida Board of Professional Su~eyors and Mappers, pursuant to Fiorida Statutes 472027. There are no above ground Sect on t_i ne encroachments other than those shown hereon, subject to the surveyor's report and qualifications noted hereon. C0rne¢ Sect d Land Surveyor tration Number 239t .- ed FeDce Copndp CO LJ~sJa~ L /% %, .. 8O R~ ckey 6 September 23, 2002 8¸0 SCALE; i' = 80' S / TE PLAN pPepaPed fop V/rg/n/a £SG£N9 24O arre I / PlqO '"-' PP0ject Ha~e = F i even Hle C?eek 8anch Locatlon = HcCaP'ty Rd,,F'*~.. .Pierce,. q 34945 O~nep = R!ckey 4590 Eng!neeP ~ Appi Icab!e Type 0f PPOJect - H!noP Slte Plan/Plat '~ s~ PPoJect * 23. ,s, 0 Si Ze 487~ AcPes ;u+u.. Land use Utlllty ScPvices COMMENCE at t,he Southwest Corner of Section 33. Township 35 Sou:tk Range 39 East, St Lucie County, Fk)rida: thence, un 00 49 40 E, dong the West liqe of said Section 33, a d.s~ance o~ 30003 feet; thence run due East: parallel w~h the So~h ¢ine of said Section 33, a distance of 33.00 feet, to the POINT' OF BEGiNNiNG- thence run due East 495.34 feeL. thence run D~440°26'43'-~c, a distance of 127949 fee~ thence run due No~th. a distance~ of I09.53 feet; thence run due West, a distance of 1309.72 feet; thence r~m S 0 49 40 W, ' G" 0 ~ ' ' dislan~e of t083 37 feeL to the POtNT OF BE ,~!NNING, ali lying and being in Section 33, Township 35 South, Range 39 East, St. Lucie County Fiorida~ LESS aod E~CEPT1NG therefrom existing dghts~ef*ways; contaidng 2349 Acr'~s, more or Reproductions of this sketch are not valid untess embossed -w~th the original raised surveyor's seat and contains an original signature. Lands shown hereon were not abstra~ed or researched by this office for Rights~oL,..~ys, Easements of Record, Reservations, O~mrship, Abandonment's, Deed Restrictions, Zonif~ Regulations or Zoning Set~ back Lines, Land Use Plan Designation, adjoining deeds or Murphy Act Deeds. This supcey is not ~ntended to delineate Wetlands, Local Areas of Concern or any other Jurisdictional Boundary Lines. Legal Description sho~ hereon was provided by the client and/or his agent. FLOOD NOTE: By 9raphic piotting only, this properly is iocated in Flood Zone ' AE ', of the Fiood insurance Rate Map, Community Panel Number 12ITIC0165 F, eff~:tive June 30, 1999, and is m a Special Flood Hazard. No field surveying ,~s performed to determine this zone and an eievation certificate can orfiy determine the exact tocation Bearings shown hereon are based upon a bearing of NOO~49'40"E, along the East RighNof.-Way iine of McCarty Road~ Fence comers located orgy, unles~ otherwise noted~ The subjed property has no vmibte abeve gr0u~d mammade improvements other than those shown hereon No attem¢ war made by this office to locate underground improvements This document, together with the conceCs and designs presented herein, as an insuument of service, is intended only for the specific purpose and dent ~or which it was prepared Reuse of and/or improper rdiance on th~s document ~thout '~ten authorization and adaptatien by James A. Kirby Ill shall be without fiability to James A Kirby tlt Registered Land Su~eyoL Additions or deleUorm to 'this map or report by other than the signing party is prohibited w~ho~ wri~en consent of the signing party. The Right.-¢zWays shown heceon for McCarty Road was derived from the St Lucie County Properly Appraiser's Map. The Concrete Monuments shown as Set 4~ x4~ Co~crde Monument ~PRM RLS 2391" are being shown, but are actually proposed and shaft be set after the S~te P~an approva~ and prior to subm~ttin9 the plat of Eleven MHe Creek Ranch for recerd~ng. THiS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THiS SITE PLA~ MEETS THE MINIMUM TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE ST,*LUCiE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, THIS APPROVAL DOES NOT CONSTiTUT~ CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZATION UNTIL AL SUCH PROVISIONS OF YHE PROJECT DEVELOP- MENT APPROVAL HAVE BEEN COMPLIED WiTH AS FURTHER IDENTIFIED tN COMMUNITY OEVELOP- MENT OROF~ ~.--- . COMM! 'NtTY DEV~NT AOMiNISTRATOR APPROV AL DATF NOTICE: THERE MAY BE ADDITioNAL RESTRICTIONS THAT' ARE NOT RECORDEO ON THIS PLAT THAT MAY BE FOUND iN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNt. 5i07 TuPnplke Feede? Road (34951) P.O, Box i826 (34954) Fort Pierce, FloPld,a (7'72) 464-962! Phone (/?2} 466~93~u Fax ,=uu~:-OO,43s ( i,