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Agenda Packet 06-18-02
· ". ~ \.,.. ....¡ JUNE 18,2002 6:00 PM BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING AGENDA WELCOME GENERAL RULES AND PROCEDURES Attached is the agenda which ,vill determine the order of business conducted at today's Board meeting: CONSENT AGENDA- These items are considered routine and are enacted by one motion. There mIl be no separate discussion of these items unless a Commissioner so requests. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS- Proclamations, Presentations, Public Hearings, and Department requests are items which the Commission ,\'ill discuss individually usually in the order listed on the agenda. PUBLIC HEARINGS- These items are usually heard on the first and third Tuesdays at 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as possible. However, if a public hearing is scheduled for a meeting on a second or fourth Tuesday, which begins at 9:00 A.M., then public hearings mll be heard at 9:00 A.M. or as soon thereafter as possible. These time designations are intended to indicate that an item will not be addressed prior to the listed time. The Chairman ,,,ill open each public hearing and asks anyone mshing to speak to come forward, one at a time. Comments "vill be limited to five minutes. As a general rule, when issues are scheduled before the Commission under department request or public hearing, the order of presentation is: (1) County staff presents the details of the Board item (2) Commissioners comment (3) if a public hearing, the Chairman will ask for public comment, (4) further discussion and action by the Board. ADDRESSING THE COMMISSION- Please state your name and address, speaking clearly into the microphone. If you have backup material, please han eight copies ready for distribution. NON-AGENDA ITEMS- These items are presented by an individual Commissioner or staff as necessary at the conclusion of the printed agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT- Time is allotted at the beginning of each meeting for general public comment. Please limit comments to five minutes. DECORUM- Please be respectful of others opinion. MEETINGS- All Board meetings are open to the public and are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 P.M. and on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 9:00 A.M., unless otherwise advertised. Meetings are held in the County Commission Chambers in the Roger Poitras Administration Annex at 2300 Virginia Ave., Ft. Pierce, FL 34982. The Board schedules additional workshops throughout the year necessary to accomplish their goals and commitments. Notice is provided of these workshops. Anyone with a disability reqUiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462-1777 or TDD (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight(48) hours prior to the meeting. \.,. 'Þw/ \ ,,"\ ,Tl,V .stlucieco.gov John D. Bruhn Doug Coward Paula A. Lewis Frannie Hutchinson Cliff Barnes District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 ßOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA June 18, 2002 6:00 P.M. lNVOCA TION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. IvlINUTES Approve the minutes of the meeting held June 4, 2002. A{:.P(() ¡fe.:~J ~D) __ ~ [11 f\/Ml1~,. PROCLAMATIONS I PRESENTATIONS VU I{ ~ . There are no proclamations or presentations scheduled for June 18, 2002·fJð/}' ¡ GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT ~ 4J-Q (f:fjJwØ Atc;m!-) , 1. 3. 4. CONSENT AGENDA (~~~.- PUBLIC HEARINGS AIRPORT SA. St. Lucie County International Airport Master Plan 2002 to 2020 - Consider staff recommendation to approve the plan and grant permission to submit the plan to the Federal Aviation Administrati~n_ ~~ and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). ftPPfOV~ !f--a) COUNTY ATTORNEY SB. Ordinance No. 02-17 / Dori Slosberg Driver Education Safety Act - Consider staff recommendation to adopt the ordinance as drafted and authorize the. Chairman .f) to sign the ordinance f1P(foV'ed. J.f -0 ( e»ms)tØTf¡ NOTICE: All Proceedings before this Board are electronicallv recorded. Any person who decides to appeal any action taken by the Boarô at these meetings will need a recorá of the proceedmgs and for such purpose may nee(! to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Upon the request of any party to the proceedings, indhiduals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any' party to the proceedings will be granted the opportunity to cross-examine any indiVidual testifying during a hearing upon request. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462-1777 or TDD (561) 462-1418 at least forty-eight(48) hours prior to the meeting. REGULAR AGENDA JUNE 18, 2002 PAGE TWO .., æarnwAÐ~~ ),LL PUBUC HEARINGS (CONTINUED) ~ COUNTY ATTORNEY (CONTINUED) '-' sc. Ordinance No. 02-21 / Amending Section 1-2-16 (Terminal Incentive Pay for Accumulated and Unused Sick Leave) - Consider staff r::1F:.o. ~ndatiOn to adopt the proposed ordinance as drafted. APprO \/{!lJ, (),ý-o ) SD. Ordinance No. 02-18 / Disposition of Surplus Real Prope y - Consider staff recommendation to adopt the ordinance and authorize the Chairman to sign the ordinance. +1p(XQV¿:c{ (Lt-O J SE. ,) AT&T/Comcast Cable Televis~IFranchise Transfer / Resolution No. 02-161 - _ _.\ù'vY-" Consider staff recommendation to adopt the resolution approving the proposed (J'5,'~~/\V¡ transfer and authorize the Chairman to sigh the resolution. 1/ YO C~MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ftrJpròveð --tv JÍò 10 SF. Resolution No. 02-048/0uasi-Tudicial / THOENNISSE ~'Zo<i?sjer staff recommendation to approve the resolution granting change in z~ning from AR-1 (AgriculturaI, ReSidential - Idu/acre) to CG (Commercial Generayto allow for the expansion of the Airport Storage Facility to include a selH~!f~a~.. ·ty. Location: 32S0 North Kings Highway. fd--p(Jøvt.€.O( . (JJ 5G. IJResolution No. 02-047 /Quasi- Tudicial / GULFSTREAM NATURAL S SYS IS - ('\ (\l.;V;' Consider staff recommendation to approve the resolution granting a Conditional 'I..i r ~ \ ,tfUse Permit approval to allow for the construction and operation of the first kV . \ segment of the natrJy~ræ;Q;°~ ~?W¿ 1bGJ1tr¡ream Ga7W~e. 5H. Resolution JH?B 40/Quasi- Judicial '/P?1R#:'FINO SHÓR~PUD-tçonsidJ staff recommendation to approve the resolution granting Preliminary and Final Planned Development Site Plan approval for the project to be known as Porto fino Shores Location: southwest corner of the intersection of the Turnpike Feeder Road and Spanish Lakes Country Club Boulevard. (e.wDVV rotzd1OYl ~~ SM~ COUNTYAlTORNEY -{lõ-m {)lo.n- frðJP(o-mi ('+-O)~!OO Sl. Ordinance No. 02-16 / Amending Chapter 1-13.8 (Noise Control) of the St. Lucie 6~ .' í\uÛcounty Code of Ordinances and Compiled Laws - Staff recommends that if the (\(ji\~ Board determines to continue the public hearing, as requested by the residents of . . Sandalwood Estates, that it do so to a date and time certa~ ~ui End "(Public Hearings QrµZ '1 t~ ~ '-' ......, REGUL.\R AGENDA JUNE 18, 2002 PAGE THREE 6. ADMINISTRATION Scripps Treasure Coast Publishing Company Tax Abatement Request - Consider staff recommendation to grant permission to send a "Letter of Intent" to Scripps Treasure Coast Publishing Company for the requested 4-year Tax Abatement Program. A-pcro~ed. 4-0 (WflQb~) PUBLIC WORKS ï. 8. Resolution Number 02-166 - Consider staff recommendation to adopt the resolution directing staff to install multi way stops at the following intersections: Citrus Avenue and Driftwood Lane, Citrus Avenue and Country Garden Lane, Gopher Ridge Road and Davis Street. th a..ctd.(tlOi\ of-7iS· n COU"HY A1TORNEY A-p¡1f1JìI¿, WI oJ- lark1arct 4- -~) A. Resolution No. 02-163 / Florida Development Finance Corporatio ! Nida- Core - Consider staff recommendation to approve the resolution and authorize the Chairman to Sigm~;":~lut}f~nd Li¡n¿.~~ \ Dependency Attorney ~act·v.. ~e BoarBe~mines to award a ) contract based on the proposals submitted, staff recommends that the Board award a contract to Kirk based" ~~~ior3'-o) r/?Jr¡ CQ;\IMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AíJt1R?+-h ~ CTz~ B. West County Property Division Issues - Report by Community Development Director. 9. reco~lvtmd OfÐ~J . .M-4dn,~/1 c9f LQx11ìlS Ail· fJj.!»J ~/1.0 UWIYJ J '---- -~ ~V\m4r\ ~ Œorwu:k( PcJ~5 lù S0. B~«fJ ~\ vy c~Õct1VV5 ~ Chûoll'{JA""- . '-' -....I CONSENT AGENDA Tune 18. 2002 1. W ARRÞ..NTS LIST Approve warrants list :':0.36 & 37 2. PURCHASING A. Permission to Advertise / Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the Design, Permitting, Construction, Financing, Operations and Maintenance of a Central Chilled Water Plant - Consider staff recommendation to grant permission to advertise the RFQ. B. Bid Waiver and Piggyback Martin County Auction Services Contract - Consider staff recommendation to approve the waiver of the bid process and award a contract to Karlin Daniel & Associates to provide auction services, and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. C. Amendment to Concession Lease Agreement No. COO-1O-042 with Green Seas Environmental Organization International, Inc. - Consider staff recommendation to approve the amendment and authorize the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. D. Bid No. 02-063 / Purchase of Dump Trucks - Consider staff recommendation to award the bid for the purchase of four (4) dump trucks to Freightliner Truck Center, in the total amount of $3S7,184 and approve Budget Resolution No. 02-165 and Equipment Request No. 02-225. E. Agreement with Office Products & Services, lnc. / The Hon/ Allsteel Companies - Consider staff recommendation to approve the agreement through l\'larch 31, 2002, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement as prepared by the County Attorney. 3. INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE A. Orange AvenuejHeader Canal Bridge Replacement with a Con/Span Bridge System Project - Consider staff recommendation to accept the project and release retainage in the amount of $63,999.46; deduct (470.00) from the contract for failed laboratory tests and make Final Payment in the amount of $63,654.46 to lvlurphy Construction Company. B. Carlton Road over C-24 Bridge ID No. 940019 - Consider staff recommendation to approve Work Authorization No. 7 with Jenkins and Charland, Inc. for engineering services to provide an evaluation of the bridge in the amount of $1,200 and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. C. Shinn Road over Ten-Mile Creek Bridge ID No. 930027 - Consider staff recommendation to approve Work Authorization No.8 V\ith Jenkins and Charland, Inc. for engineering services to provide an evaluation of the bridge in the amount of $1,200 and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. '-' CONSENT AGENDA JUNE 18, 2002 PAGE TWO -.....I 3. INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE (CONTINUED) D. McCarty Road over Ten-Mile Creek Bridge ID No. 940030 - Consider staff recommendation to approve Work Authorization NO.9 with Jenkins and Charland, Inc. for engineering services to provide an evaluation of the bridge in the amount of 51,200 and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. E. McCarty Road over Ten-Mile Creek Bridge ID No. 940031 - Consider staff recommendation to approve Work Authorization No. 10 with Jenkins and Charland, Inc. for engineering services to provide an evaluation of the bridge in the amount of SI,200 and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. 4. COUNTY ATTORNEY A. Addendum I to Conceptual Approval Agreement / North Fork of the St. Lucie River Phase Two - Consider staff recommendation to approve the addendum and authorize the Chairman to sign the addendum. B. Traffic Infraction Hearing Officer Program / Agreement with Albert B. Moore, Esquire - Consider staff recommendation to approve the proposed agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. C. Teamsters Local Union No. 769 / Approval of Collective Bargaining Agreement - Consider staff recommendation to approve the agreement, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. 5. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A. Tourism / Simple Success Marketing Advertising Invoices - Consider Tourist Development Council and staff recommendation to pay invoices for the month of May in the amount of S34,596.75. B. Walton Landings SID - Consider staff recommendation to approve the final plat for the site plan known as Walton Landings SID, and authorize its final execution. C. Budget Amendment to the Florida Department of Transportation - Consider staff recommendation to grant permission to submit a fiscal year 2001/02 budget amendment for the Bicycle /Pedestrian Coordinator program/position. D. Florida Bicycling Association Grant Application - Consider staff recommendation to grant permission to submit the FY 2002/03 grant application for Bicycle Safety Program Training. '-" CONSE'\T AGENDA JUNE IS, 2002 PAGE THREE "" 6. AIRPORT A. Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement (JP A) with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) / Resolution No. 02-169 - Consider staff recommendation to approve the JP A and resolution to allow for the Environmental Resource Permit JP A funds to be used to reimburse the Sheriff's Department (S32,209.41) and the Airport ($38,070) for security coverage. B. Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) / Resolution No. 02-168 - Consider staff recommendation to approve the JP A and resolution for rehabilitation of airfield lighting at the St. Lucie County International Airport. C. First Amendment to Scope of Work - Consider staff recommendation to approve the amendment with Hoyle, Tanner & Associates (HT A) for a fee of S3,800 to complete the master planing process for the Airport Master Plan Update at St. Lucie County International Airport. ï. PUBLIC WORKS A. Professional Engineering Services for Dredging / Contract Extension - Consider staff recommendation to approve the one year extension to the consultant agreements for Dredging with BCI Engineers & Scientists, Inc., and Taylor Engineering and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreements. B. Professional Engineering Sen1ces Stormwater Management/ Contract Extension - Consider staff recommendation to approve the one year extension to the consultant agreements for stormwater management \\ith BCI Engineers and Scientists, Inc., Hazen and Sawyer, P.c. and PBS&J, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreements. C. Burger King and Merritt Ditch Emergency Culvert Replacement / Change Order No.1 - Consider staff recommendation to approve the change order in the amount of $9,500. D. Taylor Creek Restoration Dredging Project Detailed Seagrass Survey of Taylor Creek Mouth Reach 1 - Consider staff recommendation to approve Work Authorization No.4 with BCI Engineers, Inc., in the amount of S8,900, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. E. Equipment Request No. 02-226 - Consider staffrecommendation to approve the equipment request for the purchase of a networked color laser printer i\lodeI No. HP 4550N for Code Enforcement in the amount of $2,364.9S. F. Sunland Gardens MSBU / Interlocal Agreement - Consider staff recommendation to approve the agreement with Fort Pierce Utilities Authority and the City of Fort Pierce to provide potable water, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. '- CONSENT AGENDA JUNE 18, 2002 PAGE FOUR ""'" 8. COMMUNITY SERVICES Approval of an Assistance Program for MSBU Assessments using SHIP Funds - Consider staff recommendation to approve the program using funding from the SHIP allocation for at least the next three State Fiscal Years of at least $275,000 per year to assist eligible homeowners with 50% of the MSBU assessment for SHIP eligible projects. 9. ADMINISTRATION A. Grant Application / Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development (FSTED) Council - Consider staff recommendation to grant permission to submit a grant application in the amount of $6,000,000 for the purchase of 67 acres at the Port of Fort Pierce. B. Contractor's Licensing Board / Board of Adjustment- Consider staff recommendation to reappoint Doug Dmis to the Contractor's Licensing Board and the Board of Adjustment. 10. CENTRAL SERVICES Reallocation of Funds for Sheriff's Administration A/C Replacements - Consider staff recommendation to approve the reallocation of SI8,000, budgeted for the A/C inlet veins at the Courthouse Annex, to be used for the engineering and work on the A/C equipment at the Sheriff's Administration. \.,t ....1 St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners Announcements June 18, 2002 A. The Board of County Commissioners will hold a Parks Master Plan Workshop on July 1, 2002 at 2:30 PM, in the Commission Chambers. B. The 2002/2003 Budget Overview will be held on July 9, 2002 at 2:00 pm in Room 101. C. The August 6, 2002 Board of County Commissioners r-.Ieeting has been cancelled. NOTICE: All Proceedings before Ihis Board are electronically recorded. Any person who decides 10 appeal any action laken by Ihe Board at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need 10 ensure Ihat a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Upon the request of any party to the proceedings, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceedings will be granted the opportunity to cross-examine any Individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation 10 attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462· 1777 or TIO (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. \...r ....,¡ /i BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA REGULAR MEETING Date: June 4, 2002 Tape: 1-2 Convened: 7:00 p.m. Adjourned: 9:15 p.m. Commissioners Present: Chairman, Doug Coward, Cliff Barnes, Frannie Hutchinson, Paula A. Lewis, John D. Bruhn Others Present: Robert Bradshaw, Asst. County Administrator, Heather Young, Asst. County Attorney, Dennis Murphy, Community Development Director, Paul Phillips, Airport Director, Mike Rath, Purchasing Director, David Rodriguez, Human Resources Director, Roger Shinn, Central Services Director, Bill Blazak, Utilities Director, Ray Wazny, Public Works Director, Don West, County Engineer, A. Millie Delgado, Deputy Clerk I. MINUTES (1-027) It was moved by Com. Bruhn, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve the minutes of the meeting held May 28, 2002; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 2. PROCLAMA TIONS/PRESENT A TIONS None 3. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr. Robert Schwerer, representing Raptor Groves LLC, addressed the Board and requested emergency relief concerning certain plats which needed to be accepted for filing. He advised the Board that they have been through all the required steps for submission. Letters of approval from county staff were received and now it seems there is a different interpretation which arose from staffs review of policy Mr. Schwerer read policy in the former policy statement which was amended March 5. " All future non-agricultural development within agriculture land use categories will be required to preserve open space and it is defined as agriculture activities ( and goes on to talk about preservation requirements. .. There is a policy above this one that formerly which now seems to be combined in this 1.l.2.2 which dealt with new developments. It is his position that obviously it is clear that these goals and objectives and policies apply to non- agricultural development. Staff is taking the position that this is a residential development and in doing so, they have denied his client equal protection for the purpose orwhat he considers an improper interpretation o(lhe code. Com. Coward state this was clearly an issue that is well beyond an unagendad item and felt it needed to be reviewed by the Board as well as staff The Planning Manager addressed Mr. Schwerer's remarks and stated that objective 1.1.2 has not changed the policies fall under that objective. Words have not changed in the old plan a policy which would have been was split and became 2 polices under the new plan, the word stricken was "however". '-'" .."", ) I , The Community Development Director advised Mr. Schwerer that at this point the one step that has not been completed is that from the development committee it is given to the Community Development Director for him to sign off on an administrative development order. They are up to that point where the paper work is ready to come to him for signature and then this would be the precurser to the actual submission of the final record plat to the BCC for date execution. The Community Development Director stated it would be best to meet with him in the upcoming week to go over the issue and bring it back to the Board on the 18th of June which he felt they could have it worked out as to which direction it will go. Mr. Schwerer advised the Board of their time frame. Mr. Sëhwerer agreed to return with issue at the next scheduled BCC meeting. Mr. Robert Anderson, Indrio Road resident, addressed the Board on the Erosion Districts meeting last week regarding the groins and the jetty extension. Mr. Jerry James developer of plated lands addressed the Board regarding the same issue as Mr. Schwcrcr. Ms. Cass Taylor, l0l4 Echo Street, White City, addressed the Board regarding the need for stop sign issue on Citrus and suggested they consider making this street a onè way street. Mr. Sam Durham, President of Advantage Air addressed the Board regarding a new permit fee instituted recently for the changing, installing of air conditioners and air handlers. The Public Works Director advised the Board that Mr. Durham would need to write a letter ap¡ealing this permit charge to the Construction Board of Appeals which meets every 3' Wednesday of each month. Mr. Yogi Singum, contractor in St. Lucie County also commented on his opposition to the new permit fee. Mr. Gordon Lundeen, stated he has submitted a plat and was expecting to go before the Board tonight but received a letter stating it was on hold. The Chairman advised Mr. Lundeen that various representatives will be meeting on this issue and information will be brought back to the Board for action at the next meeting. 4. CONSENT AGENDA (I-11281) It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Barnes, to approve the Consént Agenda to include the additions; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. I. WARRANT LIST The Board approved Warrant List No.35. 2. PURCHASING A. Bid No. 02-065/Sunrise Blvd. at Merritt Ditch 60" R.C.P. Culvert Replacement- The Board approved awarding the bid to the low bidder, Sunshine Land Design, in the amount of$124,606.99 and authorized the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. 2 05/31/02 F'7.ABWARR FUND 001 001140 001243 001249 101 101006 102 102001 102201 107 107003 111 115 118 140 140001 160 181 183 " 183001 183002 ") - '" ;) 401 418 421 441 441802 448 449 451 458 461 471 491 505 505001 611 625 \.. -....I ST. LUÇIE COUNTY - BOARD WARRANT LIST #35- 25-MAY-2002 TO 31-MAY-2002 FUND SUMMARY TITLE EXPENSES, General Fund Section 112/MPO/FHWA FY01/02 Childern's Environ. Learning Center . Section 8 Grant FY 99/00 Transportation Trust Fund Transportation Trust/Impact Fees Unincorporated Services Fund Drainage Maintenance MSTU Archeological Survey (Div. of Histo Fine & FDrfeiture Fund Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper River Park I Fund Sheraton Plaza Fund Paradise Park Fund Port &-Airport Fund Port Fund Plan Maintenance RAD Fund SLC Housing Finance Authority Fund Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir Ct Administrator-Arbitration/Mediat Ct Admin.-County Arbitration/Mediat County Capital River Branch MSBU Capital Sanitary Landfill Fund Golf Course Fund H.E.W. Utilities Fund North Hutchinson Island Utilities SFWMD N. Hutchinson Water Main NHI Util-Renewal & Replacement Fund NHI Util - Capital Facilities Fund S. Hutchinson Utilities Fund SH Util-Renewal & Replacement Fund Sports Complex Fund No County Utility District-Operatin Building Code Fund Health Insurance Fund Property/Casualty Insurance Fund Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund Law Library 88,673.26 401.73 1,890.00 8,295.31 35,781.34 6,071.00 336.56 1,835.62 160.66 16,421.23 1,653.75 2,563.74 448.73 716.00 2,116.16 555.32 144.24 6,125.00 28.88 2.08 350.00 3,800.00 700.00 31,998.65 1,649.75 2,300.47 13,485.00 1,496.70 3,007.45 80.00 1,445.75 10,363.21 8,602.15 8,075.94 1,138.32 3,116.48 900.20 409.21 2,286.71 GRAND TOTAL: 269,426.60 ¡ I , , PAG~ 1 PAYROLL '. 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,097.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,097.15 '-' ...I B. Bid No. 02-060/Rental of Construction and Industrial Equipment- The Board approved awarding the bid to the suppliers listediand authorized the Chairman to execute the agreements as prepared by the County Attorney. 3. PUBLIC WORKS A. Midway Road Corridor Project- The Board approved the Local Agency Participation Agreement, adopted Resolution No. 02-136 authorizing the Chairman to sign the agreement granted permission to advertise for Request for Qualifications for the PD & E Study, and authorized the Chairman to sign the Federal Aid Project Funding Request. ß. ßluclÏeld Road Culvert Rcplacement Project- The Board approved and authorizcd the Chairman to sign Changc Order No.1 in the amount of $(800.00) resulting in a total contract amount of$247,950 accepted the project, released retainage, and make Final Payment to Johnson Davis in the amount of$24,075. 4. ~ HUMAN RESOURCES A. Increase in Premiums for Health Insurance- The Board approved the Health Insurance Funding for 2003 as outlined. B. October lncrease- The Board approved the 3% increase effective September 29,2002 for non-bargaining full time and part time with limited benefits employees, subject to tentative and final approval of the budget. C. Resolution No. 02-139- The Board approved adopting the proposed resolution as drafted amending sick leave and vacation leave including a shared sick leave policy. 5. COUNTY ATTORNEY St. Lucie Oaks/ 24 feet of Road Right of Way /Resolution No. 02-137- The Board approved accepting the Warranty Deed authorized the Chairman to execute the resolution and directed staff to record the Warranty Deed and Resolution No. 02-137 in the Public Records of St. Lucie County. 6. PARKS AND RECREATION Amendment to September 8, 1987 Easement between County and the City ofFt. Pierce/Lawnwood Tennis Courts- The Board approved the Amendment to Easement and authorized the Chairman to sign the Amendment to Easement. 7. AGRICULTURE Resolution No. 02-162- The Board approved the resolution endorsing the efforts of the State of Florida Department of Agriculture and expressing the approval of this Board in the necessary removal of citrus canker in the State of Florida. ADDITIONS 3 '-' ....; CA-l Permission to Advertise- The Board approved advertising Ordinance No. 02-21 Amending Section 1-2-16 Terminal Incentive Pay for Accumulated and Unused Sick Leave on June 18, 2002 at 7:00 p.m. or soon there after as possible. CA-2 Cancellation of Burns International Contract No. 00-10-200- The Board approved the cancellation of the contract with 30 days written notice. REGULAR AGENDA 6. PUBLIC WORKS (1-1367) Multi Way Stop Study at Citrus Avenue and Country Garden Lane and Measures to Control Speeding- Staff requested the Board consider whether or not to install a Multi Way Stop at Citrus Avenue and Country Garden Lane and provide direction as to whether to proceed with implementing a Traffic Calming Program for S1. Lucie County. Ms. Holly Soop, area resident, addressed the Board in favor of a Multi-way stop sign Ms. Soop also presented a letter she received from the Sheriff of St. Lucie County. A petition signed from residents in the area was submitted for the record. Mr. Herbert Beach, White City resident, submitted a letter from the White City Improvement Club in favor of the traffic calming program and the stop signs. Mr. Dan Vaughn, area resident, addressed the Board in favor of the signs. Mr. Hurlis, Gopher Road resident, expressed his concerns with the signs being placed on Citrus which he felt would move the problem to Gopher Road. Mr. Ken Dean, area resident, addressed the Board in favor of the signs and he also asked that the School Board be notified that some of their school buses are speeding down the road. Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Vogel was in the audience and stated he would address the problem with the buses. Mr. .Tack Russell, Parkland Road resident, expressed his concerns with these stop signs and the cars playing "chicken" at the stop signs. Mr. Bill Casey, Indian River Estates resident, addressed the Board regarding a similar problem on Bartow in the estates and he also would like the Board to consider placing a stop sign in that area. Mr. Bob Boust, Seagrape Drive and Bartow addressed the Board regarding the speeding vehicles in that area. Mr. Scott Herring, Road and Bridge Manager addressed the Board and advised them that according to Board direction, staff conducted an investigation on two issues, one was to perform a multi way stop at Citrus Ave., and Country Garden Lane and the other issue was to look at possible ways of slowing traffic down in S1. Lucie County. First, regarding the Multi Way Stop on Citrus and Country Garden Lane, staff conductcd a stop study. It was prcviously explained to him several years ago that the policy ofSt. Lucie County was not to install a multi way stop unless it mct the requirements as contained in the manual of uniform traffic control devices. Those requirements rate to volume and accidents. In reviewing the data for this area, it does not meet the criteria or volume which is basically 300 vehicles per hour on the main road and 200 vehicle per hour on the minor streets and also there are no records available of accidents within the past 3 years. 4 \.r ..I ¡ I It has also been County policy not to utilize stop signs for speed control. However, it should be pointed out that the Board does have the authority to over-ride staffs recommendation and direct staff to install stop signs at this location. If the Board decides to go with a traffic calming program, staff is requesting they be given 6 to 8 months to set up the program fit for S1. Lucie County and that it be implemented through an Municipal Services Benefit Unit program. The reason for the MSBU request is that the County does not have any identified funding for these improvements. Com. Barnes stated the Citms Avenue area does need a stop sign and he would like staffs opinion on the Bartow problem. Com:Hutchinson stated she concurred with Com. Barnes that Citms Avenue does need a stop sign and that Dr. Vogel needs to address the bus speeding situation. She asked that staff be directed to work with the residents in areas throughout the county such as Lakewood Park to see if there is such a need. Com. Bmhn suggested investigating the possibility of utilizing ticket fees for these types ofprojects. Com. Lewis stated she would like to see an overall plan before the county starts slapping stop signs all over the place. Com. Coward stated that if they really wanted to provide a safe community for the residents of the county, they need to address various other issues such as children standing on the swales to catch a bus or walk along the roads. Com. Coward suggested staff return with clarification about the best locations for the stop signs. There is a consensus from the, Board to move forward with this present Issue. Com. Hutchinson stated shc would agree JO this if a time frame was placed for its next review. The Road and Bridge Manager stated he could return with information after meeting with the residents of this area on the ISth of June. The Board concurred. 8. PURCHASfNG (2-173) Bid No. 02-066/Widening of the shoulder of Orange Avenue from Kings Highway to the County Line- Consider staff recommendation to award the bid to the low bidder, Dickerson, Florida Inc., in the amount of $1,861,582 and authorize the Chairman to sign thc contract as rrerarcd by thc COllllty Attorney. . Mr. .locI Winn, Wil1n Ranch, aùùressed the Board in favor ofthis project. It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Hutchinson, to approve the awarding of the Bid to Dickerson, Florida; and, upon roll call, motion calTied unanimously. 5A. COMMUNTY DEVELOPMENT Resolution No. 02-049 BIRNBAUM- Consider staff recommendation to approve the resolution granting a variance from Section 6.02.02(B)(2)(a)(2) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code- S1. Lucie River Shoreline Setbacks and a waiver from the requirements of Section S.00.05(A) of the S1. Lucie County Land Development Code- Fencing Requirements. It was moved by Com. Bmhn, seconded by Com. Barnes, to approve Resolution NO. 02- 049; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. 5 ~ ....,1 / , 5B. ORDINANCE NO. 02-014- Consider staff recommendation to approve the ordinance amending the Coastal Management Element of the County's Comprehensive Plan to incorporate the Port of Ft. Pierce Master Plan and grant approval før transmittal of the ordinance to the Department of Community Affairs. Mr. Lloyd Bell, property owner addressed the Board and stated that staff had not consulted with him as property owner and asked that any action be deferred until it is known which direction the Port will be going. Mr. Bill Hearn, 1ndrio Road, asked the question ifthis was the exact same document that was approved 4 or 5 weeks ago. Staff statèd "yes" it was. The Community Development Director advised the Board of a noted change to the P & Z minutes on page 19 .. The Port ofFt. Pierce shall continue to support limited cargo operations up to but not exceeding their existing level of operations in the Port area it does meet the criteria" etc., he advised the Board that they are not sitting as the managing port authority now, so it is his understanding that how it works, they can make a recommendation back to them to change the plan, but as the BCC and in that capacity at this moment, cannot change the plan unilaterally without their consultation. Mr. JÎÌn Murley stated that the only official action that they sitting as the County Commission can do is authorize the transmittal to the office of Community Affairs so they can comment back. Mr. Stix Nixon, Harbor Advisory Committee member stated he voted against this particular plan for the reason it limits too much of what is going to be going on there. He concurs with Mr. Bell that this should be deferred until more information is gathered, and also there are private property rights issues here that are coming to the forefront and he urges the BCC to be careful. As President of the Association of Realtors, he has an obligation to uphold private property rights. Mr. Charles Grande, member of P & Z concurred with Com. Barnes comments that if anything is going to hold up submission then he thinks that he would not have a problem with it being submitted without the change ifthey were unable to vote on the change tonight. Ms. Shirley Burlingham addressed the Board in support of the transmittal. Mr. Roy Rogalia, SLC and Palm Beach, addressed the Board with regards to private property rights and questioned the right of St. Lucie County utilizing taxpayer funds to purchase this private property in order to give it to a private entity. It was moved by Com. Barnes, seconded by Com. Lewis to approve the transmittal to the Department of Community Affairs; and, upOn roll call, motion carried unanimously. 7. COUNTY ATTORNEY Agri Science Education Center- Consider staff recommendation to approve the revised Interlocal Agreement with the St. Lucie County School Board, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. Ms. Bobbi Patterson, representing parents and students of West woods Agri Science and FFA Organization addressed the Board in favor of the agreement. 6 '-'"' ...." , f It was moved by Com. Hutchinson, seconded by Com. Bruhn, to approve staff recommendation; and, upon roll call, motion carried unanimously. There being no further business to be brought before the Board, the meeting was adjourned. Chairman Clerk of Circuit Court 7 'ff ~e;á' ¿ ?:'--rYU4/<2.A!¿~~ .. ...; . /¿;,O! ('ou~ JjoJ1.da-"ð)~_ '-I~LI-~517J '\ () j\I' -û ~k l? ,\i, ~ 0--c.\ . 164' 0 G, \~J'N~'tO (\\....~. '-< \0 " S <~: ~ \,0. V ) év~/J1L-o L (k/I-T{j'I/1-' \ S / U....... ¡J.~"17 u /_11- I 'Ç",]:J 0 ,P A LIe- [i 7/Z) ./l c/)': . L( C, ý- c.( 7' ( c;.'v/ 1/~cIíJ DIf)w~J ~ ¡¿n /fyûr/ J ;. f~C¡Y¡jf16 ...J-.1JI//{!I4M 13 It( c k II(/) b ,Ù/f'1 f¡wuvJ ¿¡¡I, t¡1/ i'-ll-i) i Ó'u...ç CU'"lA /l;toO({J¿ ,~ A f5'i 0 3 c..(~r;..u5 .1'hJ:c, - '-/ {p (- c¡ 13 S- / 7\:%frtð[ , '1J~ óod; ¿y-~ Û.uJL L/&,:>_j?Se., ~ ,~l IL, f) tvHITt!. 0"7 , ,_ y"~\ \,MG~ ~~'8~ ~~I} ~ f;¡., Il~ J..j"tr~t..r) ÇV- ) . {rëß('¿.-/ ß/((,ý G-á¡.è A cJ¿ . ' , r 11tJ Q . u....J/. Ie ~, 1- 'J / ~/..': /I ~'~ ~1F10\. \f--S°n 90 G{ ',~{o, c: I1DL/l 0 ('. 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Þ ~ W?/~ ddi& ¡L(cdtk /CCRC7C?/tf7t(2í 1X7e'2D. ßÛh ~I¡ard h,^l-' C, tfU5 A"'¡{'l7ut~ 5C¡S·.53LðO For L p¡-eI(l~ jLJC(SJ. .~~ J1~ 9Al.£IøH5U-A4p b2r!?~v> jf1.A£, FP 31--'1'6'7- ;(ef'/¡j¿jt S76j1.v ~",<:t/ 4ft /ð¡;/d.if f7 /? ~'ð ~f~r?-UJ?~r_ L, /.4/~'- /o/f'"¿cLc ~ þ,f fy?r~ O.d~ ('.J -4;, . ~~ß - (? h4¿ç¿- c;4> ~a./ Ê¿Jt<-:¿""?s-P w~ ¿/;.~- ~~~ " ,.._" M'" (' ¡ .- J ! ~ ...., i I ,i)btriff KENJ.MASCARA Telephone: (561) 462-3200 . Fax: (561) 489-5851 4700 West Midway Road· Fort Pierce, Florida 34981 October 3, 2001 Mr. & Mrs. James Soop 5612 Citrus Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Soap: I am in receipt of your correspondence dated September 29, 200 I, and am very cognizant of your problem. My parents live in Driftwood Manor which is directly off Citrus Avenue and I travel from their home south on Citrus Avenue, especially to the area referenced in your letter where it goes to one lane, I commonly witness vehicles exceeding the speed limit. I have directed your correspondence to Major Roy Hudson, Director of Law Enforcement, who will work closely with our Traffic Unit to formulate a solution to not only your problem, but our problem. In the coming weeks you will be witnessing the speed tri1iler, increased patrols, as w('!1 as radar enforcement of the speed limit on Citrus Avenue. Hopefully these measures will help address our problem and return drivers to the posted speed limit of twenty-five miles per hour along Citrus Avenue. However, if you continue to see an ongoing problem with speeders on Citrus Avenue, please do not hesitate to contact me so we may pursue other avenues to address this problem. Sincerp!y; ds ~: , ....... -."J 1',"w I ~I2 i ! 'CC: Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety measures for Citrus Avenue-White City Area 6/4/0212:17:06 PM Eastern Daylight Time ~it~LG.iMmRÇ1\JÞ. SMling~Q...ill.\.IQª. f1~\J~, ç.QW-ªf.d..Q~~cie. ft..Y.~, barbªLaj¡.@ç.Q,I~1:luQ~. fl.'!'L~, ll2;@ço.J?J: luc~.f1.us, barnl:lsc@co.st-lucieJl.us KeYLQlli} , Myeguine, MJ?Acesh~, Th-ªYi!s~st, gig.iL&ke@adeJp-hia.wt, .G!3254ª Subj: Date: !From: , ;To: White City Improvement Club,lnc. 1006 West Midway Road PO Box 13145 White City, FI. 34979 Dear Commissioners: On May 02.2002, the Executive Board òf this organization voted to seek your support in relieving the dangers of pedestrians and bicyclists using the Citrus Avenue Corridor for fitness and recreational purposes through your authorization to erect stop signs at certain intersections, namely Citrus Ave at Parkland Blvd., Citrus Avenue at Mallard Court and Citrus Avenue at Driftwood Lane. Your traffic engineering staff is not recommending that this course of action be taken. However the Board has the ability to override staffs recommendation and direct staff to install multi way stops at these intersections. So therefore, we ask that the Board authorize the erection of stop signs at these intersections, not to control the speed of traffic as much as to protect the lives and safety of pedestrians and bicyclists using this area. Also, during the school year, there is an ever increasing number of children gathering at these intersections for the purpose of "catching their bus" to school. . Short of stop signs being erected, then some type of traffic calming devices should be implemented along Citrus Avenue. Your staff proposes that the best option of paying for these types of improvements would be through an MSBU assessment. This is the easiest but wrong way to pay for the improvements. Funds for this type of improvement should be allocated from other sources such as the "fine and forfeitures" fund or any other like fund. The neighborhood residents should not be penalized monetarily for protection and safety of life in the neighborhood from people who jeopardize them through erratic and unsafe driving Also, signs Showing the cost of tickets issued because of traffic violations should also be posted. Staff seems to have used "speed and volume of traffic" as their guideline to not recommend the installation of stop signs on Citrus Avenue in White City. There are many more guidelines to install stop signs than the above, mainly the need to control vehicle/pedestrian conflicts near locations that generate high pedestrian volumes. Traffic related contacts on Citrus Avenue by the Sheriffs office so far in 2002 that were recorded were 79 traffic stops with 41 of these for a speed violation. Most of these were by Directed Patrol by traffic deputies consuming 22.5 hours above the routine patrol. This correlates into approximately 3.51 stops in an hour during this time period using the hours supplied in the sheriffs memorandum of April 23.2002. The memo of April 23 also stated that there has been only one traffic crash on Citrus Avenue in 2002. That statement should have read "only one reported traffic crash in 2002." There has been more than that if you count the unreported crashes into the drainage ditches by erratic drivers as can be attested to by those of us who have helped pull the vehicles out of the ditches. This area is a posted 25mph area, mainly a one lane two way street, and according to the Smart Survey Summary, the 85th percentile is 37mph, which according to your staff report should be the average speed alloweq on this street. ' How wrong can this be? The report or letter from the Fire dept. failed to state that traffic-calmiing devices decrease the need of or for EMS and Fire Dept. response due to less accidents. In closing, it is again requested that you, Commissioners, overrule the staff recommendations regarding this Tuesday, June 04,2002 America Online: WhiteCity/mpClub Pane 21!12 ...... ...., ¡ / matter and for the protection and safety of the residents in this area, authorize the erection of stop signs on Citrus Avenue at the specified intersections. tif~~~l~~~t~ ~ rJ 0 rbert J. (h~~~each, p~ VVhite City Improvement Club,lnc Tuesday, June 04, 2002 America Online: WbiteCilylmpClub '-" 'wÍ . . JUNE 18, 2002 6:00 PM BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETING AGENDA WELCOME GENERAL RULES AND PROCEDURES Attached is the agenda which will determine the order of business conducted at today's Board meeting: CONSENT AGENDA- Thesc items are considered routine and are enacted by one motion. There vvill be no separate discussion of these items unless a Commissioner so requests. REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS- Proclamations, Presentations, Public Hearings, and Department requests are items which the Commission "ill discuss indi\idually usually in the order listed on the agenda. PUBLIC HEARINGS- These items are usually heard on the first and third Tuesdays at 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as possible. However, if a public hearing is scheduled for a mceting on a second or fourth Tucsday, which begins at 9:00 A.~I., then public hearings will be heard at 9:00 A.M, or as soon thereafter as possible. These time designations are intended to indicate that an item "ill not be addressed prior to the listed time. The Chairman "ill open each public hearing and asks anyone \vishing to speak to come forward, one at a time. Comments will be limited to five minutes. As a general rule, when issues are scheduled before the Conm1ission under department request or public hearing, the order of presentation is: (1) County staff presents the details of the Board item (2) Commissioners comment (3) if a public hearing, the Chairman will ask for public comment, (4) further discussion and action by the Board. ADDRESSING THE COMMISSION- Please state your name and address, speaking clearly into the microphone. If you have backup material, please have eight copies ready for distribution. NON-AGENDA ITEMS- These items are presented by an individual Commissioner or staff as necessary at the conclusion of the printed agenda. PUBLIC COMrvlENT- Time is allotted at the beginning of each meeting for general public comment. Please limit comments to five minutes. DECORUM- Please be respectful of others opinion. r\1EETINGS- All Board meetings are open to the public and are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month at 7:00 P.M. and on the second and fourth Tuesdays at 9:00 A.M" unless othemise advertised. Meetings are held in the County Commission Chambers in the Roger Poitras Administration Annex at 2300 Virginia Ave., Ft. Pierce, FL 34982. The Board schedules additional workshops throughout the year necessary to accomplish their goals and commitments. Notice is provided of these workshops. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462-lï77 or TOO (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight(48) hours prior to the meeting. '-" ""'" \ \Tl, 1"1 v.stlucieco.gov John D. Bruhn Doug Coward Paula A. Lewis Frannie Hutchinson Cliff Barnes District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 ßOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGS"JDA June IS, 2002 6:00 P.M. INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ~ 1. MINUTES Approve the minutes of the meeting held June 4, 2002. 2. PROCLAJ-Li\TIONS I PRESENTATIO;..JS There are no proclamations or presentations scheduled for June IS, 2002. 3. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT 4. CONSENT AGENDA t.~l:Gl'!'\IlIIII" .- f.T rw PUBLIC HEARINGS AIRPORT SA St. Lucie County International Airport Master Plan 2002 to 2020 - Consider staff recommendation to approve the plan and grant permission to submit the plan to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). COUNTY ATTORNEY SB. Ordinance No. 02-17 / Dori Slosberg Driver Education Safety Act - Consider staff recommendation to adopt the ordinance as drafted and authorize the Chairman to sign the ordinance. NOTICE: All Proceedings before this Board are electronically recorded. All}' person who decides to appeal any action taken by the Boarô at these meetings will need a recoró ofthe proceedmgs and for such purpose may neea to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Upon the requesf of any party to the proceedin~s indi\iduals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any parly to the proceedings will be granted tne opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifyÏI1g during a hearing upon request. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462-1777 or TDD (561) 462-1418 at least forty-eight(48) hours prior fo the meeting. '-" "-" REGULAR AGENDA JUNE 18, 2002 PAGE n\10 PUBLIC HEARINGS (CONTINUED) COUNTY ATTORNEY (CONTINUED) 5C. Ordinance No. 02-21 / Amending Section 1-2-16 (Terminal Incentive Pay for Accumulated and Unused Sick Leave) - Consider staff recommendation to adopt the proposed ordinance as drafted. SD. Ordinance No. 02-18 / Disposition of Surplus Real Property - Consider staff recommendation to adopt the ordinance and authorize the Chairman to sign the ordinance. },VSE. AT&T/Comcast Cable Tele\ision Franchise Transfer / Resolution No. 02-161 - ^ Consider staff recommendation to adopt the resolution approving the proposed t (11" 1\/ transfer and authorize the Chairman to sigh the resolution. /¡ 0," ,-I .¡ \! I COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT /' SF. . .1) .r:SG. ^ ,,' Ii " / i/ /l'-¡ " Iv.,/Li . IV ',' . (.tJ' :r { .;J SH. Resolution No. 02-048/0uasi- Tudicial / THOENNISSEN - Consider staff recommendation to approve the resolution granting change in zoning from AR-l (Agricultural, Residential - 1du/acre) to CG (Commercial General to allow for the expansion of the A..:irport Storage Facility to include a self-storage facility. Location: 3250 North Kings Highway. Resolution No. 02-047/0uasi-Tudicial / Gl-LFSTREAM NATURAL GAS SYSTEMS - Consider staff recommendation to appro\-e the resolution granting a Conditional Use Permit approval to allow for the construction and operation of the first segment of the natural gas pipeline to be known as Gulfstream Gas Pipeline. Resolution No. 02-140/0uasi-Tudicial / PORTOFINO SHORES PUD- Consider staff recommendation to approve the resolution granting Preliminary and Final Planned Development Site Plan approval for the project to be known as Portofino Shores Location: southwest corner of the intersection of the Turnpike Feeder Road and Spanish Lakes Country Club Boulevard. COUNTY ATTORNEY SI. Ordinance No. 02-16 / Amending Chapter 1-13.8 (Noise Control) of the St_ Lucie County Code of Ordinances and Compiled Laws - Staff recommends that if the Board determines to continue the public hearing, as requested by the residents of Sandalwood Estates, that it do so to a date and time certain. End of Public Hearings '-' ...." REGULAR AGENDA JUNE 18, 2002 PAGE THREE 6. ADMINISTRATION Scripps Treasure Coast Publishing Company Tax Abatement Request - Consider staff recommendation to grant permission to send a "Letter of Intent" to Scripps Treasure Coast Publishing Company for the requested 4-year Tax Abatement Program. - I. PUBLIC WORKS Resolution Number 02-166 - Consider staff recommendation to adopt the resolution directing staff to install multi way stops at the following intersections: Citrus Avenue and Driftwood Lane, Citrus Avenue and Country Garden Lane, Gopher Ridge Road and Davis Street. 8. COUNTY ATTORNEY A. Resolution No. 02-163 / Florida Development Finance Corporation / Nida- Core - Consider staff recommendation to approve the resolution and authorize the Chairman to sign the resolution and Limited Joinder. B. Dependency Attorney Contract - If the Board determines to award a contract based on the proposals submitted, staff recommends that the Board award a contract to Kirk based on Option IV. 9. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT West County Property Division Issues - Report by Community Development Director. '-" ..J CONSENT AGENDA June 18. 2002 1. WARRANTS LIST Approve warrants list No.3 6 & 37 2. PURCHASING A. Permission to Advertise / Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the Design, Permitting, Construction, Financing, Operations and Maintenance of a Central Chilled Water Plant - Consider staff recommendation to grant permission to advertise the RFQ. B. Bid Waiver and Piggyback Martin County Auction SerÜces Contract - Consider staff recommendation to approve the waiver of the bid process and award a contract to Karlin Daniel & Associates to provide auction services, and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. C. Amendment to Concession Lease Agreement No. COO-I0-042 with Green Seas Environmental Organization International, Inc. - Consider staff recommendation to approve the amendment and authorize the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. D. Bid No. 02 -06 3 / Purchase of Dump Trucks - Consider staff recommendation to award the bid for the purchase of four (4) dump trucks to Freightliner Truck Center, in the total amount of $357,184 and approve Budget Resolution No. 02-165 and Equipment Request No. 02-22S. E. Agreement with Office Products & Services, Inc. / The Hon/ Allsteel Companies - Consider staff recommendation to approve the agreement through March 31, 2002, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement as prepared by the County Attorney. 3. INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE A. Orange Avenue/Header Canal Bridge Replacement with a Con/Span Bridge System Project - Consider staff recommendation to accept the project and release retainage in the amount of $63,999.46; deduct (470.00) from the contract for failed laboratory tests and make Final Payment in the amount of $63,654.46 to Murphy Construction Company. B. Carlton Road over C-24 Bridge ID No. 940019 - Consider staff recommendation to approve Work Authorization No. ï with Jenkins and Charland, Inc. for engineering services to provide an evaluation of the bridge in the amount of $1,200 and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. C. Shinn Road over Ten-Mile Creek Bridge ID No. 930027 - Consider staff recommendation to approve Work Authorization NO.8 ,,,ith Jenkins and Charland, Inc. for engineering services to provide an evaluation of the bridge in the amount of $1,200 and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. '-" CONSENT AGENDA JUNE IS, 2002 PAGE TWO ....." 3. INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE (CONTINUED) D. McCarty Road over Ten-ì\lile Creek Bridge ID No. 940030 - Consider staff rccommendation to approve Work Authorization NO.9 with Jenkins and Charland, Inc. for engineering services to provide an evaluation of the bridgc in the amount of $1,200 and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. E. McCarty Road over Ten-Mile Creek Bridge ID No. 940031 - Consider staff recommendation to approve Work Authorization No. 10 "'lith Jenkins and Charland, Inc. for engineering services to provide an evaluation of the bridge in the amount of $1,200 and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. 4. COUNTY ATTORNEY A. Addendum I to Conceptual Approval Agreement / North Fork of the St. Lucie River Phase Two - Consider staff recommendation to approve the addendum and authorize the Chairman to sign the addendum. B. Traffic Infraction Hearing Officer Program / Agreement \vith Albert B. Moore, Esquire - Consider staff recommendation to approve the proposed agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. C. Teamsters Local Union No. 769 / Approval of Collective Bargaining Agreement - Consider staff recommendation to approve the agreement, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. 5. COMMUNITY DEVELOP?lIENT A. Tourism / Simple Success Marketing Advertising Invoices - Consider Tourist Development Council and staff recommendation to pay invoices for the month of ?lIay in the amount of $34,596.75. B. Walton Landings SID - Consider staff recommendation to approve the final plat for the site plan known as Walton Landings SID, and authorize its final execution. C. Budget Amendment to the Florida Department of Transportation - Consider staff recommendation to grant permission to submit a fiscal year 2001/02 budget amendment for the Bicycle /Pedestrian Coordinator program/position. D. Florida Bicycling Association Grant Application - Consider staff recommendation to grant permission to submit the FY 2002/03 grant application for Bicycle Safety Program Training. "'" CONSENT AGENDA JUNE 18, 2002 PAGE THREE -...J 6. AIRPORT A Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement OPAl with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) / Resolution No. 02-169 - Consider staff recommendation to approve the JPA and resoIution to allow for the Environmental Resource Permit JPA funds to be used to reimburse the Sheriff's Department ($32,209.41) and the Airport ($38,070) for security coverage. B. Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) / Resolution No. 02-168 - Consider staff recommendation to approve the JPA and resolution for rehabilitation of airfield lighting at the St. Lucie County International Airport. C. First Amendment to Scope of Work - Consider staff recommendation to approve the amendment with Hoyle, Tanner & Associates (HT A) for a fee of 53,800 to complete the master planing process for the Airport l\laster Plan Update at St. Lucie County International Airport. 7. PUBLIC WORKS A Professional Engineering Services for Dredging / Contract Extension - Consider staff recommendation to approve the one year extension to the consultant agreements for Dredging with BCI Engineers & Scientists, Inc., and Taylor Engineering and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreements. B. Professional Engineering Services Stormwater Management; Contract E"Xtension - Consider staff recommendation to approve the one year extension to the consultant agreements for stormwater management with BCI Engineers and Scientists, Inc., Hazen and Sawyer, P.c. and PBS&J, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreements. C. Burger King and Merritt Ditch Emergency Culvert Replacement / Change Order NO.1 - Consider staff recommendation to approve the change order in the amount of $9,500. D. Taylor Creek Restoration Dredging Project Detailed Seagrass Survey of Taylor Creek Mouth Reach 1 - Consider staff recommendation to approve Work Authorization NO.4 with BCI Engineers, Inc., in the amount of $8,900, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. E. Equipment Request No. 02 -2 2 6 - Consider staff recommendation to approve the equipment request for the purchase of a networked color laser printer ModeI No. HP 4550N for Code Enforcement in the amount of $2,364.95. F. Sunland Gardens MSBU / Interlocal Agreement - Consider staff recommendation to approve the agreement with Fort Pierce Utilities Authority and the City of Fort Pierce to provide potable water, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. ~ CONSENT AGENDA ]Ul\'E 18, 2002 PAGE FOUR .....; 8. COMMUNITY SERVICES Approval of an Assistance Program for MSBU Assessments using SHIP Funds - Consider staff recommendation to approve the program using funding from the SHIP allocation for at least the next three State Fiscal Years of at least $275,000 per year to assist eligible homeowners ,\ith 50% of the -rvISBU assessment for SHIP eligible projects. 9. ADlVlINISTRA TION A. Grant Application I Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development (FSTED) Council - Consider staff recommendation to grant permission to submit a grant application in the amount of $6,000,000 for the purchase of 67 acres at the Port of Fort Pierce. B. Contractor's Licensing Board I Board of Adjustment- Consider staff recommendation to reappoint Doug Da\is to the Contractor's Licensing Board and the Board of Adjustment. 10. CENTRAL SERVICES Reallocation of Funds for Sheriff's Administration AjC Replacements - Consider staff recommendation to approve the reallocation of 518,000, budgeted for the AIC inlet veins at the Courthouse Annex, to be used for the engineering and work on the A/C equipment at the Sheriff's Administration. \..- wi St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners Announcements June 18, 2002 A. The Board of County Commissioners will hold a Parks Master Plan Workshop on July 1, 2002 at 2:30 PM, in the Commission Chambers. B. The 2002/2003 Budget Overview will be held on July 9, 2002 at 2:00 pm in Room 101. C. The August 6, 2002 Board of County Commissioners Meeting has been cancelled. NOTICE: All Proceedings before Ihis Board are electronically recorded. Any person who decides 10 appeal any action laken by the Board at these meetings will need a record of Ihe proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure thai a verbatim record 01 the proceedings is made. Upon the request of any party 10 the proceedings, Individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party 10 Ihe proceedings will be granted the opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the SI. Lucie Counly Community Services Manager at (561) 462- 1777 or TTO (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. JUH-17-2Ø~L ~~;¿O HI'. ~UL~~IK~H'I NHU~HL ~HÞ <:;:liQOo ffOJ,J::...£ 10 ......", GULFSTREAM NATURAL GAS SYSTEM, L.L.C. GuHstream Field ProJect Office 5925 Imperial Parkway. Suite 900 Mulberry, FL 33860-8689 Ofllc::e: ØIT-701·2500· Fe(; 863-701-2216 Oullstream IUlIrll ... .....m June 17, 20<J2 Dennis Murphy St Lucie County Planning Department 2300 Virginia Ave. Ft. ()iercc, 111 34982 RE: June \8,2002 Public Hearing Mr. Murphy, I regret to inform you that due to unforeseen circum~tance's our Project Manager and Spokesman, Brian O'Higgins, Will not be able to attend The Public Hearing that is !icheduled for June J R, 2002 at 7:00 P.M. I am therefore respectfully requesting a cont¡nuanèe or delay in this Public Hearing. Irthis could be rescheduled for the next Board of County Commissioners meeting it would be greatly appreciated. I understand Gulfstream must have some sort 01' representation present at the June 18, 2002 scheduled Public Hearing and this will be laken care ot: If you have any questions or need any further information concerning this project. J may be reached by phone Ilt 863-619A022 or email attho~.çScruggs@williams.com 9~ Tom Scruggs Senior Pc:rmit Agent 863-619-4022 t"".1::J2 , '. J~ln-¡7-20n 16:31 ~rcm-I.E 60Wm & AS50C, -----------\.,.r--------..' +3C55309417 T-Þ" P001/002 F-478 ."" LEI:BOWITZ & ASSOCIJ>.TES. P.A. .JOSltpli¡.¡ ... ~~i--'S"'E I~"'.. pn¡;¡ MATTM¡¡;W '.. ~¡;li¡l)""ITZ CME'liiYI.,. SWAI;;K SUITI;:. 1450 SUNTRU-5T INTE",NAYIONAL ~ENn:R Ot-lE §ì:O~n...e:.AST TH~AD ",VENUE I""IAMII i='~OAlC..3:!1I!i:·!11. T~c¡¡;PHON~ (30"') 630, 1311.2 T(LF:COO>IER (30$:' 530-9417 Ii:-MA,. Firm@broad1e.w,ccm June 17,2002 VIA FACSIMILE 561-462-1440 Daniel S. Mclntyre, Esq. County Anomey St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue 3'd Floor Administration Annex Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 RE: Ai &T/Comcasl Transfer Dear Mr. Mclntyre: As of this date the law Finn is not in receipt of documents executed by AT&T -Corneast in a fann that would allow us m recommend to the Board of County Commissioners approval of the pending application for the change of control of the cable franchise from AT&T Broadband to AT&T-Comcast. We are in the process of negotiating the provisions of the documents with AT&T Broadband and AT &T -Comcast. Thus, if agreeable to the Coumy, ':he appIica~t has agreed to defer the rnatter from the Board of Collnty Commissioners meeting scheduled on June 18. 2002 to the meeting scheduled for July 16,2002. As stated in the correspondence from Susan Sisna of AT&T Broadband attached hereto, The applicant has agreed 10 extend tIle automatic approval date through and includmg July 16,,2002. Please call Matt or me shoutd YOLl have flny questions- Sinc,:rely, ~ '~/cL Ila L. Feld ~ cç: Ms. Diane Turner (viaf¡).c$irnile 561-462-2131) G~\Cio'Jk'.2(jOl',t\ T&:'f-CDnìg;:,WSt Luck.f. m;\Mc.)n~n::·MLsD,ftr.A,.06~ i, o'I-þd . , J,n-1HODZ 16:3" 'rem-LEIBOWITZ;' moc, ~_. FlTLT ElROADBFlMlJ +3056309417 T.....·' P 001/002 (S5"J;ì3~-~1 F-478 p.2 ,Jun 17 02 O-+¡25p ~ lC ~.aTBroadband r 2501 S.W. 14511I STrlløl Suiœ 200 MinIrtwr. fL 33027 .. ilme 11, 2002 V1r. Doug Andanon .:(~unty Adminjstrll10r ¡to Lucie County '.300 Virginia Avenue 'ort Pie:-ce, FL 34981 lilt Re: AT&T Corp. Iùqutlt To Transfer Control OfCaÞle TeJevi.iol' Syatem III St. Lucie County ]lear Mr. ~dersoll: I am writing on behldf of AT&T Broadband to follow up on recent discussions regarding an t <tension of the 120-dll.Y review period for the above-referenced change of control il·~plication. 'This confirms AT&T Broadband's agreement to e)Ø;end the time for tb,e County t > a.ct upon the FCC Form 394 application received by the County on or abOUt MaTch &, 2 )02, to July 16, 2002. (, aT agreement to wttmd the time for the County to act is expressly conditioned on the \':¡'IÒ:r5tamiing that all of AT&T Broadband Ilrld AT&T/ComCll.st's rights are otherwise: r.3erved, and that pursuant to 47 C.P.R. § 76.502(c), ¡fthe City fails to ll<:t upon the FCC F inn 394 request by July 16. such request will be deemed granted. \li e 'ook forward to continuing to work with you to'ward a prompt approval of the Form 394 1'(, ·:¡l.Iest, lib $: :lcNely, I ì '- . J) I^..I If'¡ .... I.V(TtIV/ SI. san Bisno V ::e Presld~l1t L. ::1\1 Government Affain; c( Matt ~ibQ'Wit~ Attorney na Feld, Attorney ßOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS '\'"\\'"\\'.stlucieco.gov @ '"", ...., John D, Bruhn Doug Coward Paula A. Lewis Frannie Hutchinson Cliff Barnes District 1 District 2 District 3 District 4 District 5 AGE,\;l)A June 18.2002 6:00 P.M. INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MINUTES Approve the minutes of the meeting held June 4, 2002.' PROCLAJ\lATIONS / PRESENTATIO:\S / . There are no proclamations 0fntations scheduled for June 18, 2002~ GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT 4. CONSENT AGENDA 1..!~~'~~~m~::,>~~~~'&i'\~'1'~~'1W';,~~~~;,¡ ..~i.IJJ¡;',¡Z¡ -wr1 T R'l""!.. - PUBLIC HEARINGS 7EY,,¡IJ~ ,,4-. (j) ".. St. Lucie County Int ernational Airport Master Plan 2002 to 2020 - Consider staff \ }ecommendation to approve the plan and grant permission to submit the plan to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). ATTORNEy.-A,tfIL ."" Ordinance No. 02-1 ï / Dori Slosberg Driver Education Safety Act - Consider staff recommendation to adopt the ordinance as drafted and authorize the Chairman to sign the ordinance. NOTICE: All Proceedincrs before this Board are electronicallY recorded. An)' person who decides to appeal any action taken by the Board at these meetings will need a recoró of the proceedmfos and for such purpose may neea to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Upon the reques of any party to the proceedin~s, indhiduals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceedings will be granted tne opportunity to cross-examine any indiVIdual testif)wg during a hearingupon request. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meetin,g should contact the -St. Lucie County Community Senices _ _ . ,an u... ''1'1'1 n.. 'Tnn (':;!i1) 462-14.l8 at least forty-eight(48) hours prior to the meeting. ~ ..."" REGULAR AGENDA JUNE IS, 2002 PAGE nvo NTY ATTORNEY CONTINUED) S (CONTINUED Ordinance No. 02-21 / Amending Section 1-2-16 (Terminal Incentive Pay for Accumulated and Unused Sick Leave) - Consider staff recommendation to adopt . the proposed ordinance as drafted. Resolution No. 02- S/Ouasi-Tudicial / THOENNISSEN - Consider staff recommendation to approve the resolution granting change in zoning from AR-l (Agricultural, Residential - Idu/acre) to CG (Commercial General to allow for the expansion of the Airport Storage Facility to include a self-storage facility. . Location: 3250 North Kings Highway. Resolution No. 02-04ï /Ouasi-Tudicial / GU_FSTREAM NATIJRAL GAS SYSTEMS - Consider staff recommendation to appro\-e the resolution granting a Conditional ' Use Permit approval to allow for the construction and operation of the first segment of.th~ nCl}W'al gas pipeliIle to be known as Gulfstream Gas Pipeline, Resolution No. 02-140/0uasi-Tudicial / PORTOFINO SHORES PUD- Consider staff recommendation to approve the resolution granting Preliminary and Final Planned ' Development Site Plan approval for the project to be knovm as Portofino Shores Location: southwest corner of the intersection of the Turnpike Feeder Road and III COUN::~:~::~ ~ CIUbBo~levard. . . " sIArdinance No. 02-16 / Amending Chapter 1-13.8 (Noise Control) of the St, Lucie County Code of Ordinances and Compiled Laws - Staff recommends that if the . if Board determines to continue the public hearing, as requested by the residents of C ðf¡\{ Sandalwood Estates, that it do so to a date and time certain. ~ ~_._ __ _ .:nd of Public Hearings. II ""; '-'" ..." })~ REGULAR AGENDA JU!'-:E 18, 2002 PAGE THRES___ " >\~. -Treàsure Coast Publishing Company Tax Abatement Request - Consider staff recommendation to grant permission to send a "Letter of Intent" to Scripps reasure Coast Publishing Company for the requested 4-year Tax Abatement Program. PUBLIC WORKS @.8 Resolution Number 02-166 - Consider staff recommendation to adopt the resolution directing staff to install multi way stops at the following intersections: Citrus Avenue and Driftwood Lane, Citrus Avenue and Country, Garden Lane, Gopher Ridge Road and Davis Street. TY ATTORNEY @ Resolution No. 02-163 / Florida Development Finance Corporation / Nida- Core - Consider staff re~mmendation to approve the resolution and ,~l~horize the Chairman to sign the resolution and Limited Joinder. , ~ rlependency Attorney Contract - If the Board determines to award a contract based on the proposals submitted, staff recommends that the ,,' Board award a contract to Kirk based on Option IV. ~ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT West County Property Division Issues - Report by Community Development Director. r- \...- ...", CONSENT AGENDA Tune 18. 2002 1. WARRANTS LIST Approve warrants list No. 36 & 37 2. PURCHASING A. Permission to Advertise / Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the Design, Permitting, Construction, Financing, Operations and Maintenance of a Central Chilled Water Plant - Consider staff recommendation to grant permission to advertise the RFQ. B. Bid Waiver and Piggyback Martin County Auction Services Contract - Consider staff recommendation to approve the ,vaiver of the bid process and award a contract to Karlin Daniel & Associates to provide auction services, and authorize the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. C. Amendment to Concession Lease Agreement No. coo-l0-å42 with Green Seas Environmental Organization International, Inc. - Consider staff recommendation to approve the amendment and authorize the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. D. Bid No. 02-063 / Purchase of Dump Trucks - Consider staff recommendation to award the bid for the purchase of four (4) dump trucks to Freightliner Truck Center, in the total amount of $357,184 and approve Budget Resolution No. 02-165 and Equipment Request No. 02-22S. E. Agreement with Office Products & Services, Inc. / The Hon/Allsteel Companies - Consider staff recommendation to approve the agreement through March 31, 2002, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement as prepared by the County Attorney. 3. INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE A. Orange Avenue/Header Canal Bridge Replacement with a Con/Span Bridge System Project - Consider staff recommendation to accept the project and release retainage in the amount of $63,999.46; deduct (470.00) from the contract for failed laboratory tests and make Final Payment in the amount of S63,6S4.46 to Nlurphy Construction Company. B. Carlton Road over C-24 Bridge lD No. 940019 - Consider staff recommendation to approve Work Authorization NO.7 with Jenkins and Charland, Inc. for engineering services to provide an evaluation of the bridge in the amount of $1,200 and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. C. Shinn Road over Ten-Mile Creek Bridge lD No. 930027 - Consider staff recommendation to approve Work Authorization No.8 with Jenkins and Charland, Inc. for engineering services to provide an evaluation of the bridge in the amount of $1,200 and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. \..- " CONSENT AGENDA JUNE 18, 2002 PAGE TWO 3. INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE (CONTIl\TUED) D. McCarty Road over Ten-Mile Creek Bridge ID No. 940030 - Consider staff recommendation to approve Work Authorization NO.9 with Jenkins and Charland, Inc. for engineering services to provide an evaluation of the bridge in the amount of $1,200 and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. E. McCarty Road over Ten-I\'1ile Creek Bridge ID No. 940031 - Consider staff recommendation to approve Work Authorization No. 10 \-'lith Jenkins and Charland, lnc. for engineering senices to provide an evaluation of the bridge in the amount of $1,200 and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. 4. COUNTY ATTORNEY A. Addendum I to Conceptual Approval Agreement / North- Fork of the St. Lucie River Phase Two - Consider staff recommendation to approve the addendum and authorize the Chairman to sign the addendum. B. Traffic Infraction Hearing Officer Program / Agreement with Albert B. Moore, Esquire - Consider staff recommendation to approve the proposed agreement and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. C. Teamsters Local Union No. 769 / Approval of Collective Bargaining Agreement - Consider staff recommendation to approve the agreement, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. 5. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT A. Tourism / Simple Success Marketing Advertising Invoices - Consider Tourist Development Council and staff recommendation to pay invoices for the month of May in the amount of 534,596.75. B. Walton Landings SID - Consider staff recommendation to approve the final plat for the site plan known as Walton Landings SID, and authorize its final execution. C. Budget Amendment to the Florida Department of Transportation - Consider staff recommendation to grant permission to submit a fiscal year 2001/02 budget amendment for the Bicycle /Pedestrian Coordinator program/position. D. Florida Bicycling Association Grant Application - Consider staff recommendation to grant permission to submit the IT 2002/03 grant application for Bicycle Safety Program Training. '-'" ..., CO:';SE~T AGENDA jF\E 18, 2002 PAGE THREE 6. AIRPORT A. Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) I Resolution No. 02-169 - Consider staff recommendation to approve the JPA and resolution to allow for the Environmental Resource Permit ]PA funds to be used to reimburse the Sheriff's Department (S32,209.4l) and the Airport ($38,OïO) for security coverage. B. Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) I Resolution No. 02-168 - Consider staff recommendation to approve the ]PA and resolution for rehabilitation of airfield lighting at the St. Lucie County International Airport. C. first Amendment to Scope of Work - Consider staff recommendation to approve the amendment \\ith Hoyle, Tanner & Associates (RTA) for a fee of 53,800 to complete the master planing process for the Airport .tIlaster Plan Update at St. Lucie County International Airport. ï. PUBLIC WORKS A. Professional Engineering Services for Dredging I Contract E\":tension - Consider staff recommendation to approve the one year extension to the consultant agreements for Dredging with BCI Engineers & Scientists, Inc., and Taylor Engineering and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreements. B. Professional Engineering Services Stormwater Management! Contract Extension - Consider staff recommendation to approve the one year extension to the consultant agreements for stormwater management with BCI Engineers and Scientists, Inc., Hazen and Sawyer, P.c. and PBS&J, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreements, C. Burger King and Merritt Ditch Emergency Culvert Replacement I Change Order NO.1 - Consider staff recommendation to approve the change order in the amount of $9,500. D. Taylor Creek Restoration Dredging Project Detailed Seagrass Survey of Taylor Creek Mouth Reach 1 - Consider staff recommendation to approve Work Authorization NO.4 \\ith BCI Engineers, Inc., in the amount of $8,900, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. E. Equipment Request No. 02 -226 - Consider staff recommendation to approve the equipment request for the purchase of a networked color laser printer Model No. HP 4550N for Code Enforcement in the amount of 52,364.95. F. Sunland Gardens IvISBU I Interlocal Agreement - Consider staff recommendation to approve the agreement with Fort Pierce Utilities Authority and the City of Fort Pierce to provide potable water, and authorize the Chairman to sign the agreement. ........ ...., CONSENT AGENDA JUI\'E 18, 2002 PAGE FOUR 8. COMMUNITY SERVICES Approval of an Assistance Program for ~ISBU Assessments using SHIP Funds - Consider staff recommendation to approve the program using funding from the SHIP allocation for at least the next three State Fiscal Years of at least $275,000 per year to assist eligible homeowners \lith 50% of the 1l'ISBU assessment for SHIP eligible projects. 9. ADMINISTRATlON A. Grant Application / Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development (FSTED) Council - Consider staff recommendation to grant permission to submit a grant application in the amount of $6,000,000 for the purchase of 67 acres at the Port of Fort Pierce. B. Contractor's Licensing Board / Board of Adjustment- "Consider staff recommendation to reappoint Doug Da\is to the Contractor's Licensing Board and the Board of Adjustment. 10. CENTRAL SERVICES Reallocation of Funds for Sheriff's Administration A/C Replacements - Consider staff recommendation to approve the reallocation of $18,000, budgeted for the AjC inlet veins at the Courthouse Annex, to be used for the engineering and work on the AjC equipment at the Sheriff's Administration. \..- ....,,¡ St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners Announcements June 18, 2002 A. The Board of County Commissioners will hold a Parks Master Plan Workshop on July 1, 2002 at 2:30 PM, in the Commission Chambers. B. The 2002/2003 Budget Ovel"\iew ,vill be held on July 9, 2002 at 2:00 pm in Room 101. C. The August 6, 2002 Board of County Commissioners Meeting has been cancelled. NOTICE: All Proceedings before this Board are electronically recorded. Any person who decides to appeal any action taken by the Board at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Upon the request of any party to the proceedings, Individuals tesllfylng during a hearing will be sworn in_ Any party to the proceedings will be granted the opportunity 10 cross-examine any Individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contactlhe SI. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462· 1777 or TID (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. ~- \.,.; ......,I St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners Airport Master Plan Update Tuesday, June 18, 2002 Roger Poitras Administration Annex, 3rd Floor, Commission Chambers 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 I. Presentation: Master Plan Update for St. Lucie County International Airport I Robert Barnhart, HTA II. Questions and Comments I Board of County Commissioners III. Master Plan Study Group Comments IV. Public Comment V. Board Action NOTICE: All Proceedings before this Board are electronically recorded. Any person who decides to appeal any action taken by the Board at these meetings will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record ofthe proceedings is made. Upon the request of any party to the proceedings, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn In. Any party to the proceedings will be granted the opportunity to cross- examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462-1777 or TOO (561) 462-1428 at least forty-eight(48) hours prior to the meeting. '--' ...,.....1 DRAFT St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners Airport Master Plan Update Tuesday, June 18, 2002 Roger Poitras Administration Annex, 3rd Floor, Commission Chambers 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34982 I. Presentation: Master Plan Update for St. Lucie County International Airport I Robert Barnhart, HTA II. Questions and Comments I Board of County Commissioners III. Master Plan Study Group Comments IV. Public Comment V. Board Action NOTICE: All Proceedings before this Board are electronically recorded. Any person who decides to appeal any action taken by the Board at these meetings will need a record ofthe proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. Upon the request of any party to the proceedings, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceedings will be granted the opportunity to cross- examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Manager at (561) 462-1777 or TOO (561) 462-1428 at ieast forty-eight(48) hours prior to the meeting. From: To: Date: Subject: Charline Burgess Anderson, Douglas 6/14/02 1 0:00AM Airport Masterplan Comm. Coward just told me he would like a separate agenda for the masterplan like last time. Thanks, CB cc: Bradshaw, Robert; Turner, Diane .... f' "" ~ ~~~Yð~ "-" .....J V;Ca.5e c...{(QW t'-1e... +v pV1-eS~..Jr --ti.~s (e--t'"f€.J' 4-0 rv0bl'-L- l.Jðl'(<"'-S :r-+- ~ n-"\ -I::F -7 ~ e.> 0 / u .h ~ ,.) -;t=t- 0 ~ - I.{;, Cø ~ í ~ ~ (V~..Ç £. v~,J f,v ) J J ¡J.e l,f"- cf{ A-,.) K- yVL- ~-~}~ ý'~ ~--:;¿ 6'70 ¡j.ê. . {liJ ~ ~~ (J ¿e &-', Lr¡Á. ~ß ~!JJti;YU¡¡ ~~ ~~ ~Yn~ ....~" 0'r'3'rlnnf""'2,' '.~' . ,. '. \' , '.', \ v I I cc!.' .:: - JUN 1 4 n!'~Îì~; L.__ ~ CO. ADMIN. OFFICE ,/ '" ... ,. '. '-' ....". ...."I Dear ComnusslOner. Do rJ(' Co c..J 0... .....c..-\.. St Lucie County } Fort Pierce, Fl. lune 13, 2002 Kenneth and I have resided at the comer of Citrus and EclJo since 1915, my home is IðSS than one block south of Parldand Blvd and the same distance from the curve at Sa.r Aveoue. Unfortunately I was unable to attœd the meeting at the white city improvemeot club Tue¡¡. June I I Ill. It was determined that no stop sign be erected at Parldaod due to protests from those residents. May I please address a œw issues that were NOT discussed at that meeting? Parkland Blvd, White Oak Lane, River land Dr., Merry bee Dr., Arapaho St., Lenape St., Granada St., and Chaska. tcUling Seventy one family residences. friends and service related vehicles that enter OlJto Citrus from Parkland, Contributing Ùl8ll compounding the volume of residential traffic on and off citrus from midway to Oleander. If and when, stop signs are erected at Driftwood, Country Garden and Gopher Ridge there will be a coocent.ration of signs aU to the north with NO abatement for speed ilDd safety at the southerly end which is the more dangerous due to the blind curw the connects Saeger to- Citrus. and I request an additional three way stop intersection at Parldand or most of the traffic will elect to go south to avoid being incoovenienœd bye the Ùlree multi stops to the nort.!¡ . Over the years we hAve assisted more motorist than we çare to count or can I\lI'nember. 1 am certain the 4x4 truck that is in our driveway is why we were asked for help. Most were young drivers and aU were exceeding the speed Limit, making navigating the curve impossible and. coming to rest in ci:ther the ditches or hurled into the grove. Numerous were alcohol relat8d and noo sought nor want«! police íntervemion, answering why over the years there are no reported or documented a~idents. Just last summer a mail carrier was near the Rowe residence and in the ditdl. That is south of the suggested signs, How did he enter the ditch? Was there a report? Probably not! Rutting on the rigbt of way causes the washboard effiá. That in it ,elf gives rise to the unstable handling of a vehicle, particularly a smaller vehiclB commonly driVlll1 bye the younger driver. Most frequently, these are the ones that are unwilling to decrease 1heir speed for a pedestrian or even give right of way to an on coming vehicle. Compound thi.s situatioo with a mod1er and her chìld in a stroller or maybe even a ytlUDgster unsteady on his or her bicycle, Walking the fàmily pet, skate boarding, horseback riding, jogging, bicycling, or just wallring, we have the ingredients for a disaster. '-' ...., ....J Page 2 Not having sidewalks or any recreational use areas available the above meotioned is a daily OCCurtalce and these are the residents of Osceola and Seminole drive as well as Parkland and including 8 considerable number of teenagers that live on Saeger, Coral, and Echo street, Mr. Scott Herrirlg we disagreel Parkland Blvd does need that south stop sign to complete the saf«y for the whole neighborhood. This is bye no means an eod to the problem but it is a start. It IS commœ knowledge that no one wants to be inQOl1W1lÍeoced or go out of their way when traveling to work or running an errand, but this is a compreboosive neigbborhood issue nol: just . Driftwood, Country Garden and Gopher ridge problem Safety is the largest issue and the reason this is before you nowl Please do not loose sight that Citrus is a Minor Collector and SUBSTANDARD in all ways, starting at Midway Road and ending at Oleander Avenue, connecting these problems from End to End. To quoœ the past St.Lucic County Conunissioner Havert FllIUl, "I respætfullyagree to disagree". Mr. Scott Herring we disagree! Parkland Blvd does need that south st.op sign to complete the safety for the whole neighborhood. ThIs is bye no meøns the solution to or saÛlty and complex multiple problems, but it is a start Thank you Respectfully yours, K~¿~ !,,~ð. __v~~~ Kenneth and Kassandra Taylor 1014 &bo St. Fort Pierce, Fl. 349882 Cc Commissiœers 5t LUCIe County JoIm Brunn Doug Coward Paula Lewis Frannie Hutchinson Oiff Barnes ~ '- ( 3 - J!)ð..... ~~-Mr~~ cU~C! ~ t2> .$ ~ a:rc;Y~ r~ ~/ '- """ ......I St. Lucie County INTERNATIONAL ~ônl!filõf/mrŠ'jf¡ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. R-5 -~ DATE: June 18,2002 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ X ] CONSENT [ ] PRESENTED BY: TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Airport Paul A. Phillips SUBJECT: Approve the S1. Lucie County Intemational Airport Master Plan - 2002 to 2020, prepared by Hoyle, Tanner & Associates (HTA) under the guidance of the Airport Master Plan Study Group appointed by the Board of County Commissioners and approve the submittal of the Master Plan to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Florida Department ofTransportation (FDOT). BACKGROUND: On March 21,2002, the Airport Master Plan Study Group held their final meeting to comment on and discuss the Master Plan Update for S1. Lucie County International Airport. At their final meeting, the Study Group unanimously approved the April 2002 Airport Master Plan Update and directed that it be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration and approval. At the May ih Board meeting, the Board received comments on the April 2002 Airport Master Plan. The comments were incorporated in the draft June 2002 Airport Master Plan for consideration at the June 18,2002 public hearing. FUNDS AVAILABLE IN ACCT#: N/ A PREVIOUS ACTION: On April 17, 2001, the Board established the Airport Master Plan Study Group to prepare an update to the Airport MasterPlan. On October 19, 2001, the Board received an update on the first four chapters of the Airport Master Plan. On May 7th the Board held a public hearing. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the S1. Lucie County International Airport Master Plan 2002 to 2020 prepared by Hoyle, Tanner & Associates (HTA) under the guidance of the Airport Master Plan Study Group appointed by the Board of County Commissioners and approve the submittal ofthe Master Plan to the Federal Aviation Administration '(F AA) and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). COMMISSION ACTION: ~]APPROVED [ ]DENIED []OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent Reviews & Approvals County Attorney: Originating Dep . Finance: (Check NCE: Purchasing Other: , ..- , '- ....", .....J St. Lucie Coun ty INTERNATIONAL AIRP "Õri"Fiõ6â'à's"1reasiiièCOá5t MEMORANDUM from St. Lucie County International Airport To: Board of County Commissioners Paul A. Phillips, Airport Director June 11,2002 Airport Master Plan Update From: Date: Subject: As you knO\v, on March 21,2002, the Airport Master Plan Study Group held their final meeting to comment on and discuss the Master Plan Update for St. Lucie County International Airport. At their final meeting, the Study Group unanimously approved the April 2002 Airport Master Plan Update and directed that it be forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration at their May 7,2002 meeting. At the May ih meeting, the Board received comment on the April 2002 Airport Master Plan. The comments were incorporated in the draft June 2002 Airport Master Plan schedule for a public hearing on June IS, 2002. At the June 1 Sth public hearing, the consultant will be prepared to present a concise briefing on the June 2002 draft. After presentation by the consultant, pubIic input, and Board comment, staff recommends that the Board approve the S1. Lucie County International Airport Master Plan 2002 to 2020 prepared by Hoyle, Tanner & Associates (HTA) under the guidance of the Airport Master Plan Study Group appointed by the Board of County Commissioners and approve the submittal of the June 2002 Master Plan to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). Although, the Airport Master Plan Update is a document required by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for capital development at airports, this planning guide does not act as a business plan, and is not designed to accurately determine an airport's financial future. However, as you may recall, the Board approved funding in the current fiscal year to prepare an update to the existing St. Lucie County International Airport 1998-2002 Business & Marketing Plan with a 2010 Planning Horizon, As Indian River Community College (IRCC) was instrumental in developing the 1998 Airport Business Plan, a scope of work is currently being prepared by the Business Development Center at IRCC to prepare the 2002 Airport Business Plan. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. Cc: DougIas M. Anderson, County Administrator Dan McIntyre, County Attorney Master Plan Study Group ""'/ AGENDA REQUEST '-" 'rfEM NO. .0 & DATE: June 18, 2002 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [XX] CONSENT [] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Dori SJosberg Driver Education Safety Act BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDA nON: Staff recommends that the Board adopt Ordinance No. 02 -17 as drafted and authorize the Chairman to sign the Ordinance. [xl APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent uglas Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: Review and Approvals County Attorney: Management & Budget Purchasi ng: Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 '-' ......,. ..." INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney C.A. NO. 02-760 DATE: May 22, 2002 SUBJECT: Dori Slosberg Driver Education Safety Act ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND: Attached for review is a copy of draft Ordinance No. 02-17, which, if adopted, would implement the "Dori Slosberg Driver Education Safety Act", a co~ of which is also attached. The Act allows the Board to adopt an ordinance requiring the clerk of the circuit court to collect an additional $3.00 with each civil traffic penalty to be used to fund traffic education programs in public and non-public schools. Permission to advertise was granted on May 21, 2002 and Notice was published on May 24, 2002. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt Ordinance No. 02-17 as drafted and authorize the Chairman to sign the Ordinance. DSM/ caf Attachments \... ...." ...., ORDINANCE NO. 02-17 AN ORDINANCE CREATING ARTICLE III (DRIVER EDUCATION SAFETY TRUST FUND) OF CHAPTER 1-7 (COURTS) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY PROVIDING FOR AUTHORITY FOR ENACTMENT PURSUANT TO THE "DORI SLOSBERG DRIVER EDUCATION SAFETY ACT"; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING FOR THE CREATION OF A DRIVER EDUCATION SAFETY TRUST FUND: PROVIDING FOR THE CLERK TO COLLECT AN ADDITIONAL $3.00 WITH EACH CIVIL TRAFFIC PENALTY LEVIED IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY TO BE DEPOSITED IN THE TRUST FUND; PROVIDING FOR EXPENDITURES FROM THE DRIVER EDUCATION SAFETY TRUST FUND; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY; PROVIDING FOR FILING WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; ADOPTION; AND CODIFICATION. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. Section 98 of Chapter 2002-20, Laws of Florida, known as the "Dori Slosberg Driver Education Safety Act", authorizes this Board to enact an ordinance requiring the clerk of the court to collect an additional $3.00 with each civil traffic penalty to be used to fund traffic education programs in public and non-public schools. 2. Implementation of the Dori Slosberg Driver Education Safety Act is in the best interest of the citizens of St. Lucie County. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida: 1 '- .....,' ....,,¡ PART A. CREATION OF ARTICLE III (DRIVER EDUCATION SAFETY TRUST FUND) OF CHAPTER 1-7 (COURTS) Article III (Driver Education Safety Trust Fund) of Chapter 1-7 (Courts) of the Code of Ordinances of St. Lucie County, Florida, is hereby created to read as follows: ARTICLE III. DRIVER EDUCATION SAFETY TRUST FUND Sec. 1-7-30. Authority for enactment of article. This article is enacted pursuant to the authority vested in the board of county commissioners by virtue of Section 98 of Chapter 2002-20, Laws of Florida known as the "Dori Slosbera Driver Education Safety Act". Definitions. Sec. 1-7-31. For the purpose of this article, the following terms have only those meanings ascribed to them: Board of county commissioners shall mean the board of county commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida. Clerk shall mean the clerk of the circuit court and county court of St. Lucie County and accountant to the board of county commissioners. County shall mean the incorporated and unincorporated areas of St. Lucie County. Florida. Sec. 1-7-32. Creation of Fund and accounting. fg) Pursuant to the Dori Slosberg Driver Education Safety Act, on or after October 1. 2002, the clerk shall collect an additional $3.00 with each civil traffic penalty levied in St. Lucie County. íQ1 The clerk will keep a record of collections collected by the clerk. The clerk shall forward all monies collected to the board of county commissioners for deposit into a special and separate account titled "Drivers 2 '-' .....,. ....", Education Safety Trust Fund." Once each Quarter, the board of county commissioners shall require a full report from the clerk as to the amount of funds collected and deposited into the Driver Education Safety Trust Fund, and amount of expenditures from the Driver Education Safety Trust Fund. Sec. 1-7-33. Expenditures. Monies deposited into the Driver Education Safety Trust Fund shall be used to financially assist driver education safety proqrams in public and non-public schools in the County. The funds shall be used for direct educational expenses and shall not be used for administration. In order to receive assistance grants from the Driver Education Safety Trust Fund, programs shall be selected as program recipients on the basis of selection procedures which shall be developed by the county administrator. Such procedures shall include as a basis for selection the success of the program. Final approval shall be made by the board of county commissioners upon recommendation by the county administrator, and selections shall be made annually. PART B. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS. Special acts of the Florida legislature applicable only to unincorporated areas of St. Lucie County, and adopted prior to January 1, 1969, County ordinances and County resolutions, or parts thereof, in conflict with this ordinance are hereby superseded by this ordinance to the extent of such conflict. PART C. SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY. If any portion of this ordinance is for any reason held or declared to be unconstitutional, inoperative, or void, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. If this ordinance or any provision thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any person, property, or circumstance, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, property, or circumstance. 3 " \... 'V ..." PART D. FILING WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE. The Clerk is hereby directed forthwith to send a certified copy of this ordinance to the Bureau of Administrative Code and Laws, Department of State, The Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida 32304. PART E. EFFECTIVE DATE. This ordinance shall take effect on October 1, 2002. PART F. ADOPTION. After motion and second, the vote on this ordinance was as follows: Chai rman Doug Coward XXX Vice Chairman Cliff Barnes XXX Commissioner Frannie Hutchinson XXX Commissioner Paula A. Lewis XXX Commissioner John D. Bruhn XXX PART G. CODIFICATION. Provisions of this ordinance shall be incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of St. Lucie County, Florida, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate word, and the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; provided, however, that Parts B through G shall not be codified. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 18TH DAY OF June, 2002. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Deputy Clerk Chairman 4 '- ....., ..., APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS BY: County Attorney 5 , AGENDA REQUEST ITEM N'¥.tJ Date: June 18, 2002 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ X ] Consent [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 02-21 - Amending Section 1-2-16 (Terminal Incentive Pay for Accumulated and Unused Sick Leave) BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 02-864 FUNDS A V AIL.(State type & No. of transaction or NI A): NI A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners adopt proposed Ordinance No. 02-21, as drafted. ~] APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: 4-0 Barnes Absent COMMISSION ACTION: County Attorney: t9ý ¡' Coordination/Sie:natur es Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing: Originating Dept.: Other: Othcr : Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): '-" .....", ....,J INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney C.A. NO: 02-864 DATE: June 10, 2002 SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 02-21 - Amending Section 1-2-16 (Terminal Incentive Pay for Accumulated and Unused Sick Leave) BACKGROUND: Section 1-2-16 (Terminal Incentive Pay for Accurnulated and Unused Sick Leave) of the Code of Ordinances and Compiled Laws establishes a program under which employees with ten or more years of creditable county employment who leave county employment in good standing will receive compensation equal to their accumulated and unused sick leave up to a maximum of sixty (60) days. The ten (10) years requirement was based upon the ten (10) years employment previously required to vest in the Florida Retirement System. In 2000, this vesting period was lowered to six (6) years. Attached to this memorandum is a copy of proposed Ordinance No. 02-21 which would amend Section 1-2-16 to reflect the change in the vesting requirement for the Florida Retirement System. Under the proposed ordinance, an employee with six (6) or more but less than ten (10) years of creditable county employment would be eligible for up to a maximum of two hundred forty (240) hours of terminal incentive pay upon termination of employment in good standing. Employees with ten (10) or more years of creditable county employment would be eligible for up to a maximum of four hundred eighty (480) hours of terminal incentive pay upon termination of employment in good standing. The change from days to hours is recommended due to the fact that some employees' regular work day is eight hours while others are scheduled for ten hour days. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners adopt proposed Ordinance No. 02-21 as drafted. Respectfully submitted, Heather Young Assistant County Attorney Attachment HY/ Copies To: '-' ....." ....¡ Concurring Staff Clerk Secretary Press Public 2 \...- ....", ..., ORDINANCE NO. 02-21 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 1-2-16 (TERMINAL INCENTIVE PAY OF ACCUMULATED AND UNUSED SICK LEAVE) OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES AND COMPILED LAWS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO AMEND SUBSECTION 1- 2-16 TO DELETE THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY PORT AND AIRPORT AUTHORITY AND AMEND THE NUMBER OF REQUIRED YEARS OF CREDIT ABLE COUNTY EMPLOYMENT FOR TERMINAL INCENTIVE PAY OF ACCUMULATED AND UNUSED SICK LEAVE; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTING PROVISIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY; PROVIDING FOR FILING WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE; ADOPTION; AND CODIFICATION. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. Section 1-2-16 (Terminal incentive pay for the accumulated and unused sick leave) of the Code of Ordinances and Compiles Laws of St. Lucie County, Florida, provides for employees who leave County employment in good standing after ten (10) years of creditable county employment to receive terminal incentive pay for accumulated and unused sick leave. 2. Section 1-2-16(a) includes employees of the St. Lucie County Port and Airport Authority in the definition of "county empIoyees of St. Lucie County". 3. The St. County Port and Airport Authority was abolished by the Florida Legislature pursuant to Chapter 98-497, Laws of Florida. 4. The ten (10) year service requirement set forth in Section 1-2-16(f) was intended to correspond to the vesting period requirement under the Florida Retirement System. 5. The 2000 Florida Legislature lowered the vesting period under Ùie Florida Retirement System to from ten (l0) years to six (6) years. 6. It is appropriate to amend Section 1-2-16 to delete the reference to the St. Lucie County Port and Airport Authority and lower the required period of credible county employment from ten (10) years to six (6) years. Strucktrn-ough words are deleted; underlined words are added. \w ......" ....I NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida: PART A. AMENDMENT OF SECTION 1-2-16 (TERMINAL INCENTIVE PAY FOR ACCUMULATED AND UNUSED SICK LEAVE) OF THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES AND COMPILED LAWS Section 1-2-16 (Terminal incentive pay for accumulated and unused sick leave) of the Code of Ordinances and Compiled Laws of St. Lucie County, Florida, is hereby amended to read as follows: Sec. 1-2-16. Terminal incentive pay for accumulated and unused sick leave. (a) The term "county employees of St. Lucie County" as used in this section shall include all employees of the following: (1) Board of County Commissioners; (2) St. Lucie County Port and Airport Authority; ßj ill St. Lucie County Erosion District; {4.} ru St. Lucie COWlty Mosquito Control District. (b) All county employees of St. Lucie County shall be entitled to terminal incentive pay for accumulated and unused sick leave to each employee upon normal or regular retirement or termination of employment after ten (10) six (6) years creditable county empIoyment, or for other reasons other than disability, and to his beneficiary if service is terminated by death, after ten fl-G1 six (6) years of creditable county employment. (c) The employing agency shall maintain accurate and reliable records showing the amount of sick leave which has accumulated and is unused by the employee at the time of his retirement, death or termination. (d) The payment authorized by this section shall be determined by using the rate of pay received by the employee at the time of his retirement, termination or death applied to the sick leave time for which he is qualified to receive terminal "incentive" pay under this section; provided, however, terminal pay allowable for unused sick leave shall not exceed a maximum of sixty (60) days four hundred eighty (480) hours for employees with ten (10) or more vears of creditable county employment and two hundred forty (240) hours for employees with six or more but less than ten (10) years of creditable county employment. 2 Struckthrough words are deleted; underlined words are added. \.,. "",...I (e) The payments made pursuant to this section shall not be considered in any state administered retirement system as salary payments and shall not be used in determining the average final compensation of an employee in any state administered retirement system. (0 Any employee who is found guilty in a court of competent jurisdiction of committing, aiding or abetting any embezzlement or theft from his employer or bribery in connection employment committed prior to retirement or t-en (10 years normal creditable termination as provided in Subsection 1-2-16(b), whose employment is terminated by reason of his admitted committing, aiding or abetting of an embezzlement or theft from his employer or by reason of bribery for cause, who, prior to ten (10) years normal creditable termination or retirement termination as provided in Subsection 1-2-16(b), is adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to have violated any state law against strikes by public employees shall forfeit all rights and benefits under this section. Any employee whose employment terminates as a result of an act committed subject to this section or for cause will not be given credit for unused sick leave accumulated prior to termination should he be reemployed at a later date. PART B. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS. Special acts of the Florida legislature applicable only to unincorporated areas of St. Lucie County, and adopted prior to January 1, 1969, County ordinances and County resolutions, or parts thereof, in conflict with this ordinance are hereby superseded by this ordinance to the extent of such conflict. PART C. SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY. If any portion of this ordinance is for any reason held or declared to be unconstitutional, inoperative, or void, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. If this ordinance or any provision thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any person, property, or circumstance, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, property, or circumstance. PART D. FILING WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE. The Clerk is hereby directed forthwith to send a certified copy of this ordinance to the Bureau of Administrative Code and Laws, Department of State, The Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida 32304. PART E. EFFECTIVE DATE. 3 S>tnlGktRrougR words are deleted; underlined words are added. '-' ...., ..J This ordinance shall take effect on October 1, 2002. PART F. ADOPTION. After motion and second, the vote on this ordinance was as follows: Chairman Doug Coward XXX Vice Chairman Cliff Barnes XXX Commissioner Frannie Hutchinson XXX Commissioner Paula A. Lewis XXX Commissioner John D. Bruhn XXX PART G. CODIFICATION. Provisions of this ordinance shall be incorporated in the Code of Ordinances of St. Lucie County, Florida, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate word, and the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; provided, however, that Parts B through G shall not be codified. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this XX day of XX, 2002. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Deputy Clerk Chairman APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS BY: County Attorney 4 Struckthrough words are deleted; underlined words are added. / ... AGENDA REQUEST ....., }l(EM NO... 6t) DATE: June 18, 2002 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [XX] CONSENT [] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Victoria Winfield Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 02-18 - Disposition of Surplus Real Property BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt Ordinance No. 02-18 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Ordinance. ou as Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: [X] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent 'County Attorne~: I~/ Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Eft. 5/96 \r ....., ...,., INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Victoria Winfield, Assistant County Attorney C.A. NO. 02-859 DATE: June 10, 2002 SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 02-18 - Disposition of Surplus Real Property ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND: Attached to this memorandum is a copy of proposed Ordinance No. 02-18 which, if adopted, would create Chapter 1-16.2, "Public Property" and Article I, "Disposition of Surplus Real Property." Pursuant to the provisions of this article, the County could dispose of real property declared surplus by the Board of County Commissioners via an alternative method to selling and conveying real property owned by the County in accordance with the standards of competition provided by the recent amendment to section 125.35, Florida Statutes. If adopted, the ordinance would take effect upon receipt by the Clerk of the Board of notice that it has been filed with the Department of State. Permission to advertise was granted on May 28, 2002 and notice was published in the Tribune on June 5, 2002. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt Ordinance No. 02-18 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Ordinance. Respectfully submitted, {~~L ~~\x{\j \ Victoria Winfield Assistant County Attorney VW / caf Attachment '-' "'" "'-' ORDINANCE NO. 02-18 AN ORDINANCE OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ST, LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, CREATING CHAPTER 1-16.2, "PUBLIC PROPERTY", CREATING ARTICLE I, ST. LUCIE COUNTY CODE AND COMPILED LAWS, ENTITLED DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY; CREATING SECTION 1-16.2-1, ENTITLED PURPOSE; CREATING SECTION 1-16.2-2, ENTITLED DECLARATION OF SURPLUS PROPERTY; CREATING SECTION 1- 16.2-3, ENTITLED PROCESS BY WHICH INTERESTED PERSONS MAY ACQUIRE SURPLUS PROPERTY; CREATING SECTION 1- 16.2-4, ENTITLED STANDARDS OF COMPETITION AND NOTICE OF DISPOSAL; CREATING SECTION 1-16.2-5, ENTITLED NEGOTIATION PROCEDURES; CREATING SECTION 1-16.2- 6, ENTITLED NOTIFICA TION OF DISPOSITION TO INTERESTED PARTIES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; PROVIDING FOR INCLUSION IN THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY CODE; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, section 125.35, Florida Statutes, governs the way in which a county is permitted to sell or convey real property owned by the county; and WHEREAS, the Florida Legislature recently amended section 125.35, Florida Statutes, to provide counties with an alternative method to selling and conveying real property owned by the county; and WHEREAS, the amendment to section 125.35, Florida Statutes, allows counties to prescribe by ordinance disposition standards and procedures for surplus real property; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners now desires to enact such an ordinance and finds that such an ordinance is in the best interest of the citizens of St. Lucie County, Florida. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, as follows: '-' ....." ,."", PART A. Recitals. The foregoing recitals are true and correct and incorporated herein by reference. PART B. Creation. Chapter 1-16.2 "PUBLIC PROPERTY' is hereby created, Article I, St. Lucie County Code, entitled Disposition of Surplus Real Property of Chapter 1-16.2 is hereby created to read as follows: ARTICLE I. DISPOSITION OF SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY Section 1-16.2 -1 Purpose. This Article is created for the purpose of establishing a method of disposition of surplus County real property in accordance with section 125.35(3). Florida Statutes. Section 1-16.2 - 2 Declaration of surplus property. {Q) When the Board of County Commissioners finds that any real property owned by the County is unusable or not needed for County purposes. the Board may declare the real property to be surplus property. Once the property is declared surplus. the property may be sold, dedicated, donated or otherwise conveyed to interested parties pursuant to the terms of this Article. The declaration of surplus property shall be recorded in the minutes of the Board. (Q) Once the real property is declared surplus by the Board of County Commissioners. the County Administrator or designee shall have the authority to sell the property to the hiahest and best bidder. A deed transferring the property to the hiahest and best bidder shall be presented to the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners for sianature without any further approval of the Board beina reQuired. The County Administrator or designee shall have the authority to re iect all bids if the bids are determined to be too low or not in the best interest of the County. In the event the County Administrator or desianee desires to transfer the property to a person other than the highest and best bidder. the matter shall be presented to the Board for approval. 2 \w ....,. ....I Section 1-16.2 - 3 Process by which interested persons may acquire surplus property. {g) Any person. corporation. governmental body, or other legal entity may request to acquire surplus real property by submittina a letter of interest to the County 'Administrator or desianee. The letter shall include the following information: ill name of the person or leaal entity interested in the property; ill the reason for acquiring the property, I.e., personal, charitable, governmental. etc.; ill the proposed purchase price; and ill the leaal description, the alternate key number and. if available. the street address of the property; and í.2) any other information the person deems relevant. (Q} Upon receipt of the letter of interest, the County Administrator or desianee shall verify whether the property has in fact been declared surplus. If the property has not been declared surplus, the County Administrator or designee shall make a determination as to whether the property is needed for County purposes. If the property is no longer needed, then the County Administrator or desianee shall request the Board of County Commissioners to declare the property surplus. Once the property is declared surplus. then the County Administrator or designee shall seek to dispose of the property in accordance with the standards of competition set forth in this Article. f£l The County may, on its own initiative, dispose of surplus property by following the standards of competition. Section 1-16.2-4 Standards of competition and notice of disposal {g) For real property valued more than $25,000, as appraised by the Property Appraiser's Office, the County may sell the property to the highest and best bidder. Notice callina for bids shall be published In a newspaper of general 3 '-' ...." ';",øi circulation once each week for two (2) consecutive weeks. The County shall have the option to convey the property to the hiahest bidder or reiect all bids. This procedure applies reaardless of whether the surplus property is beina disposed of on the County's own initiative or upon receiving a letter of interest. íQ} For real property valued at $50,000 or more, as appraised by the Property Appraiser, the County shall have the property re-appraised by a fee appraiser designated by a fee appraiser designated by the County. W Alternatively, for real property appraised under $25,000 by the Property Appraiser's Office, the County may negotiate the private sale of the property to an interested person. The County shall send notice to all ad iacent property owners by certified mail indicatina the County's desire to dispose of the real property. If, within ten (10) business days after receiving such notice, any ad iacent property owners indicate their desire to purchase the property. the County shall accept sealed bids for the property from the interested parties. The County may then convey the property to the hiahest bidder or re iect all bids. This procedure applies reaardless of whether the surplus property is being disposed of on the County's own initiative or upon receiving a letter of interest. @ The County, reaardless of the appraised value of the property, may convey such property to another aovernmental entity or charitable institution at a private sale for such price as the Board of County Commissioners may fix. The conveyance shall be done in accordance with section 125.38, Florida Statutes. Section 1-16.2-5 NeQotiation procedures. (Q.) In neaotiatina the terms and conditions of the disposal of surplus property. the County Administrator or designee shall take into consideration the following factors: ill The appraised value of the real property; ill The condition of the real property, and the extent to which the party seekina to acquire the property will have to expend funds to make the property useable, or, to bring the property into compliance with the St. Lucie County Code of Ordinances. 4 \., '....I 'J ill The proposed use of the party seekin9 to acquire the property. í.Q} In no event shall the disposition of surplus property violate the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan or the zoning regulations of St. Lucie County, Florida. Section 1-16.2 - 6 Notification of disposition to interested parties. The County Administrator or desiqnee shall publish a notice in a newspaper of general circulation once at least twenty (20) days prior to the Board of County Commissioners' hearing in which the real property is to be declared surplus. The notice shall contain a description of the surplus property sou9ht to be disposed of, the name of the County Administrator or desiqnee to which ob iections shall be addressed. and the date of the regular meeting of the Board in which proposed final action is to be taken. Ob iections to the final disposition of surplus property shall be made in writina no later than ten (10) days prior to the final disposition and shall be qiven to the Board prior to makinq its final decision. PART C. Severability . If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase, word or provision of this ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, whether for substantive, procedural, or any other reason, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision, and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. PART D. Inclusion in the Code. It is the intention of the Board and it is hereby provided that the provisions of Parts A and B of this ordinance shall be made a part of the St. Lucie County Code of Ordinances; that the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; and that the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article", or other appropriate designation. PART E. Filing by Clerk. The Clerk shall file a certified copy of this ordinance with the Department of State within ten (10) days after enactment. 5 \.. ....." '.,J PART F. Effective Date. This ordinance shall become effective immediately upon filing with the Department of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this DAY OF ,2002. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Deputy Clerk Chairman APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS BY: County Attorney 6 't,/ AGENDA REQUEST "-' ITEM NO.,5f;' DATE: June 18, 2002 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [XX] CONSENT [] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: AT&T/Comcast Cable Television Franchise Transfer BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt Resolution No. 02-161 approving the proposed transfer and authorize the Chairman to sign the resolution. [~APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent Approved to continue to July 16, 2002. o las Anderson C unty Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: County Attorney: ~ Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng,: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Eft. 5/96 ~ '.,I INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney C.A, NO. 02-636 DATE: June 12, 2002 SUBJECT: AT&T/Comcast Cable Television Franchise Transfer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND: AT&T Broadband has proposed a transfer of its cable television franchise with the County to AT&T/Comcast Corporation. Attached is a copy of the relevant correspondence: 1. S. Bisno letter dated February 27, 2002, as well as FCC Form 394 2. D. Anderson letter dated March 27, 2002 3. S. Bisno letter dated April 11, 2002 4. I. Feld, Esq. letter dated April 22,2002 With regard to the issues identified on page 3 of Mr. Anderson's March 27, 2002 letter, County staff has met with a representative of AT&T to discuss the issues. 1. Provision of Service to County Facilities. County staff has verified that A T& T is providing service to County facilities as required by the Franchise Agreement. 2. Provision of Second Access Channel to the County. Channel 21 will be available to the County in the fall of 2002. 3. Procedures for Customer Complaints. AT&T has mandated customer policies and procedures including, but not limited to forced arbitration and waiver of 'tw' "....¡ subscribers rights to participate in class action lawsuits. The "Notice of Policies and Procedures" was never submitted to the County Administrator for approval as required by Ordinance No. 98-09, Section 1-5.5-41(1) and represents a violation of the ordinance and franchise agreement. 4. Interconnection with other cable operators in the County. AT&T has interconnected its system with Adelphia's system. 5. INET. AT&T will submit cost proposals for County review. ria Feld, Esquire, of Leibowitz & Associates, the firm which represents the County on cable issues, will attend the June 18 meeting to answer any questions that the Board may have. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt Resolution No. 02-161 approving the proposed transfer and authorize the Chairman to sign the resolution, Respectfully submitted, Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney DSM/ caf Attachments ~ '..I RESOLUTION NO. 02-161 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE CHANGE OF CONTROL OF THE TCI OF NORTHERN NEW JERSEY, INC. , CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE AGREEMENT TO AT&T COMCAST CORPORATION WHEREAS, on March 8, 2002, St. Lucie County, Florida ("County") received an FCC 394 and an Application for County consent by the County Commission to the proposed change of control of the TCI of Northern New Jersey, Inc., ("Franchisee") cable television Franchise Agreement from AT&T Corporation and AT&T Broadband, LLC (collectively, "AT&T") to AT&T Comcast Corporation (" A pp I i cant"). WHEREAS, pursuant to Ordinance No. 98-09 of the County ("Ordinance") and the Franchise Agreement, no such change of control may occur without prior approval of the County Commission of the County: and, WHEREAS, the County has required that the Franchisee fulfill its obligations, pursuant to the Ordinance and Franchise Agreement, and provide information on the proposed transaction including details on the legal, financial, technical and other qualifications of the Applicant and on the potential impact of the transfer on service; and, WHEREAS, under FCC Rules, 47 CFR Section 76.502, the County has 120 days plus any extensions thereto from the date of submission of a completed FCC Form 394, together with all exhibits, and any additional information required by the Franchise Agreement or applicable state or local law, to act upon an application to sell, assign, or otherwise transfer controlling ownership of a cable system: and, '-' ...,I WHREAS, Franchisee has represented to the County that it has taken all actions and implemented all practices necessary to insure that the Franchisee is, unless otherwise noticed, in compliance with all. provisions of the Ordinance and Franchise Agreement; and WHEREAS, the County has required written acceptance from Franchisee and written acceptance by Applicant of the terms and conditions of this Resolution, the Ordinance and the Franchise Agreement, by affidavit, as a condition precedent to adoption of this Resolution (affidavit attached hereto as Exhibit "A"); and WHEREAS, in the event the proposed transaction between AT&T and Comcast Corporation is not consummated within one hundred twenty (120) days of the date hereof or does not reach final closure for any reason, or in the event such closure is reached on terms substantially or materially different to the terms described in the FCC For 394 and exhibits thereto, the approval granted in this Resolution shall be null and void. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The foregoing recitals are approved and incorporated herein by reference. Section 2. To the extent required, the County hereby consents to the change in ultimate control of the County's cable television Franchise Agreement from AT&T to AT&T Comcast. Section 3. That the consent granted herein does not constitute and should not be construed to constitute a waiver or release of any obligations of the Franchisee under the Ordinance, Franchise Agreement and any and all amendments and agreements related thereto. '-' ...,I Section 4. That the consent granted herein does not and should not be construed to constitute a waiver of any right of the County or Franchisee under applicable law, including but not limited to, the Ordinance or the Franchise Agreement; and further, this consent shall not prejudice the County's rights with respect to the enforcement, renewal or transfer of the current Franchise Agreement and any and all amendments or agreements related thereto. Section 5. ' That the consent herein granted is conditioned upon (a) Franchisee's assurances set forth in its affidavit submitted to the County on and attached hereto as Exhibit "A"; and (b) payment to the County no later than July 17, 2002, of all costs incurred by the County related to the evaluation the transfer application and the transfer process including, but not limited to, consulting and legal fees. Section 6. That this Resolution shall have the force and effect of continuing the Franchise Agreement between the Franchisee and the County, (as the Franchise Authority), to the extent consistent with Ordinance No. 98-09, the Franchise Agreement and any and all agreements related thereto, including but not limited to, Exhibit" AU attached hereto. Section 7. That the County hereby reserves all of its rights pursuant to Federal, State and local law, including but not limited to, the rights in (a) the franchise renewal process, including but not limited to, the right to consider violations of the franchise by the Franchisee, either prior to or subsequent to the merger of AT&T and Comcast Corporation; (b) the franchise transfer process, including but not limited to, the right to act upon any application to sell, assign or otherwise transfer any interest in the Franchisee or the cable system; and (c) the enforcement of the current Ordinance, the current Franchise Agreement, and any and all amendments, agreements and assurances related thereto. '-' wi Section 8. That the consent herein granted expressly does not waive and expressly reserves to the County its rights to fully exercise all applicable legal rights and authority with regard to Franchisee, AT&T and AT&T Comcast, and their affiliates, parents or subsidiaries, in connection with any use of the County's rights of way not authorized by the County, including but not limited to levying fines or instituting litigation for trespass and ejectment. Section 9. That the consent herein granted is an express non-waiver and reservation of the County's rights and authority against Franchisee and AT&T Comcast for any Franchise violations that may exist, including but not limited to, those in connection with any unauthorized use of Franchisee's or AT&T Comcast's facilities or facilities, by any entity in any way affiliated with a company ¡nwhich Franchisee or AT&T Comcast, its affiliates, parent or subsidiary has an interest. Section 10. That the consent granted herein is subject to the Franchisee's, AT&Ts and Applicant's compliance with all other applicable legal requirements and the County does not waive and expressly reserves the right to enforce full compliance with its Ordinance and Franchise requirements, whether or not any non- compliance that may be determined arose before or after the transfer of control from AT&T to AT&T Comcast. Section 11. That this Resolution shall become effective upon the date of its adoption herein. After motion and second the vote on this resolution was as follows: Chairman Doug Coward xxx xxx Vice Chairman Cliff Barnes Commissioner Paula A. Lewis xxx \.. ..,., Commissioner Frannie Hutchinson xxx Commissioner John D. Bruhn xxx PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this day of ,2002. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: DEPUTY CLERK CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO LEGAL FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY ~ '-' - ~ AT&T Broadband <, -., February 25, 2002 Mr. Doug Anderson, County Administrator St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, FL 34981 Re: Merger of AT&T Broadband and Comcast Corporation Request for Consent to Change of Control Dear Mr. Anderson: AT&T Corp., the parent corporation of your franchisee, and Comcast Corporation have announced their intention to combine their cable systems into a new public company, A T& T Comcast Corporation. We are writing to provide you with information regarding this transaction, and to formally request any consent that may be required by franchise or applicable law. AT&T and Com cast are excited about the merger, which we believe will have significant benefits for our customers. The transaction will create the world's leading communications, media and entertainment company. With the combined expertise and initiative of AT&T Broadband and Comcast, we hope to enhance the quality and choice of products and services available to consumers. Under the terms of the agreements governing the transaction, following an internal restructuring, A T& T Corp. will spin off its cable system assets and simultaneously merge them with Comcast, forming a new company to be called AT&T Comcast Corporation. We have attached a description of each step of the process, including "before" and "after" charts, to assist you in understanding the transaction. Subject to the internal restructuring, the transaction will not change the holder of the franchise; the franchise will continue to be held by the same legal entity after the merger is complete. However, the transaction will result in a new indirect parent company for the Franchisee - A T& T Com cast Corporation. Our records indicate that the franchise may require that we obtain your consent to this transaction. To assist you in evaluating our request, we have enclosed the following materials: · FCC FORM 394. Enclosed are three copies of the Federal Communications Commission's (FCC's) Form 394 and any additional copies required by your franchise. According to the FCC, the Form 394 is designed to provide you with the information necessary to assess the financial, legal and technical qualifications of the proposed new controlling entity. As part of that Form, we are including any specific additional information required by the franchise. Under the FCC's rules, '-' '.,; February 25, 2002 Page 2 you have a maximum of 120 days from the date you receive this information to review it and to act upon our request for consent to the merger. This timeframe may be shorter if so specified in your franchise. If you choose not to take any action within this 120 day period, under federal law your consent will be deemed granted. . CONSENT RESOLUTION. For your convenience and consideration, we have also enclosed a draft resolution that addresses your consent to the transaction. We would request that this resolution be placed on your agenda for consideration at your earliest convenience. If at any time you have any questions or concerns about the transaction or would like any additional information, please feel free to call me at 954-533-5102. You can write to me at: Susan Bisno Vice President, Franchising and Local Govemment Affairs 600 N. Pine Island Rd., #100 Plantation, FL 33324 Fax: 954-858-4907 If you write to me, please send a copy to: AT&T Broadband 188 Inverness Drive West, Room 6-042 Englewood, CO 80112 Fax: 303-858-3615 Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, Attachment and Enclosures '"" '...; ATTACHMENT TO LETTER Enclosed in the front pocket of the FCC Form 394 Application is a check for the application fee, By payment of this fee, Applicants do not waive their right to challenge any application fees or reguIatory costs associated with future requests for consent to a franchise change of control or transfer. '-" '..."J CURRENT STRUCTURE Public Shareholders AT&T Corp. '. A T& T Broadband of Southern Cal, Inc. AT&T Broadband LLC Media One Group, Inc. AT&T CSC, Inc. District Cablevision, Inc. Novato Cable Company South Chicago Cable, Inc. . Existing Cable Franchise Existing Cable Franchise Existing Cable Franchise Holders (direct and indirect) Holders (direct and indirect) Holders (direct and indirect) '-' -..I STEP #1 Restructure some internal subsidiary legal entities without affecting ultimate control of Franchisee. Contribute entities that own or control cable franchisees to a newly formed wholly owned subsidiary of A T& T Corp. Public Shareholders AT&T Corp. AT&T Broadband LLC Media One Group, Inc. AT&T Broadband of Southern Cal,lnc. AT&T CSC, Inc. District Cablevision, Inc. Novato Cable Company South Chicago Cable, Inc. , Existing Cable Franchise Holders (direct and indirect) Existing Cable Franchise Holders (direct and indirect) Existing Cable Franchise Holders (direct and indirect) '-" ,.I STEP #2 Spin-off AT&T Broadband Corp. to AT&T Shareholders -, . Public Shareholders AT&T Corp. AT&T Broadband Corp. AT&T Broadband of Southern Cal, Inc. AT&T Broadband LLC Media One Group, Inc. AT&T CSC, Inc. District Cablevision, Inc. Novato Cable Company South Chicago Cable, Inc. , Existing Cable Franchise Existing Cable Franchise Existing Cable Franchise Holders (direct and indirect) Holders (direct and indirect) Holders (direct and indirect) '-" ""'" STEP #3 Merge wholly owned Subsidiaries of AT&T Comcast Corporation into AT&T Broadband Corp. and Comcast Corporation Public AT&T Com cast Public Shareholders Corporation Shareholders AT&T Broadband Holdings, L.L.C. I AT&T AT&T Comcast J\ Broadband Comcast Broadband \jrger Acquisition Acquisition MerV Corporation Corp. Company Company I AT&T Broadband of Southern Cal, Inc. AT&T Broadband LLC Media One Group, Inc. AT&T CSC, Inc. District Cablevision, Inc. Novato Cable Company South Chicago Cable, Inc. Existing Cable Franchise Existing Cable Franchise Existing Cable Franchise Holders (direct and indirect) Holders (direct and indirect) Holders (direct and indirect) ~ FINAL STRUCTURE ...-tI Public Shareholders AT&T Corneast Corporation AT&T Broadband Holdings, LL.C. AT&T Broadband Corp. Corn cast Corporation AT&T Broadband of Southern Cal, Inc. A T& T Broadband LLC Media One Group, Inc. AT&T CSC, Inc. District Cablevision, Inc, Novato Cable Company South Chicago Cable. Inc. Existing Cable Franchise Existing Cable Franchise , Existing Cable Franchise Holders (direct and indirect) Holders (direct and indirect) Holders (direct and indirect) '-' ...,¡ RESOLUTION NO. CONSENT TO CHANGE OF CONTROL AND INTERNAL RESTRUCTURING WHEREAS, the cable franchise holder ("Franchisee") in ("Franchise Authority") is an indirect subsidiary of AT&T Corp. ("AT&T"), and AT&T intends to merge with Comcast Corporation ("Comcast") to create a new company to be known as AT&T Comcast Corporation ("AT&T Comcast") pursuant to the terms of an Agreement and Plan of Merger dated December 19, 200l by and among AT&T Corp., AT&T Broadband Corp., Comcast Corporation and certain of their respective affiliates, and a Separation and Distribution Agreement dated December 19, 2001 by and between AT&T Corp. and AT&T Broadband Corp. (the "Merger"); and WHEREAS, prior to the Merger, pursuant to an internal corporate restructuring, the cable franchise or stock of the Franchisee, or indirect ownership of the Franchisee, may be transferred through one or more internal transfers or mergers to another direct or indirect subsidiary of AT &T, or Franchisee may elect as permitted by law to convert or reorganize its legal form to a limited liability company (together with the Merger, the "Transactions"); and WHEREAS, following the Transactions, the resulting entity will be controlled by AT&T Comcast but will continue to operate the System and continue to hold and be responsible for performance of the cable franchise; and WHEREAS, Franchisee and AT&T Comcast have requested that Franchise Authority consent to the Transactions in accordance with the requirements of the cable franchise and have filed an FCC Form 394 ("Transfer Application") with the Franchise Authority requesting such consent Transactions; and WHEREAS, the Franchise Authority has reviewed the Transfer Application, examined the legal, financial and technical qualifications of AT&T Comcast, followed all required procedures in order to consider and act upon the Transfer Application, and considered the comments of all interested parties. WHEREAS, the Franchise Authority is willing to consent to the Transactions. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. The Franchise Authority hereby consents to the Transactions in accordance with the terms ofthe cable franchise and applicable law. SECTION 2. This Resolution shall be deemed effective upon adoption. '-' ""., SECTION 3. This Resolution shall have the force of a continuing agreement with Franchisee and AT&T Comcast, and Franchise Authority shall not amend or otherwise alter this Resolution without the consent of Franchisee and AT&T Comcast. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this ~ day of ,2002. By: Name of Community: (city, township, county) (state) ATTEST: Title: Fc:dcr~1 Communicati~mission Washmgton. D. C. 20S~- ..".I Appro...ed by OMB 3060-0173 FCC 394 APPLICATION FOR FRANCHISE AUTHORITY CONSENT TO ASSIGNMENT OR TRANSFER OF CONTROL OF CABLE TELEVISION FRANCHISE FOR FRANCHISE AUTHORITY USE ONL Y DATE: February 25, 2002 I, Community Unit Identification Number: FL0299; FLl177; FLl178; FL0229 2. Application for: D Assignment of Franchise rgJ Transfer of Control 3. Franchising authority: ST LUCIE COUNTY 4, Identity community where the system/franchise that is the subject of the assignment or transfer of control is located: ST LUCIE COUNTY 5. Date system was acquired or (for system's constructed by the transferor/assignor) the date on which service N/A was provided to the first subscriber in the franchise area: . 6, Proposed effective date of closing of the transaction assigning or transferring ownership of the system to As 500n as all closing conditions transferee/assignee: have been sati,fied 7, Attach as an Exhibit a schedule of any and all additional information or material filed with this application that is identified in the franchise as required to be provided to the franchising authority when requesting its approval of the type of transaction that is the subject of this application Exhibit No. I PART I - TRANSFERORJASSIGNOR I I d' h T dd d I h b f h fi n lcale I e name, mal mg a ress, an te epl one num er 0 t e trans eror assignor. Legal name of Transferor/Assignor (ifindividual, list last name first) AT&T Corp. Assumed name used for doing business (if any) Mailing street address or P.O. Box c/o AT&T Broadband, LLC, \88 Inverness Drive West, Room 6-042 City State ZIP Code Telephone No. (include area code) Englewood CO 801\2 (303) 858-5417 2.(a) Attach as an Exhibit a copy of the contract or agreement that provides for the assignment or transfer of control (induding any exhibits or schedules thereto necessary in order to understand the terms thereot). If there is only an oral agreement. reduce the terms to writing and attach. (Confidential trade. business. pricing or marketing information, or other information not otherwise publidy available, may be redacted). Exhibit No, 2 (b) Does the contract submitted in response to (a) above embody the full and complete agreement between the transferor/assignor and the transferee/assignee' DYes r8J No Exhibit No, See Exhibit 2 FCC 39.& SI'lll:m~r-19Qb '-" "., PART n - TRANSFEREE/ASSIGNEE I.(a) Indicale the name, mailing address, and telephone number of the transferee/assignee. I Legal name of TransfereelAssignee (i£individual,list last name first) AT&T Comc:ast Corporation Assumed name used for doing business (if any) Mailing street address or P.O. Box 1500 Market Street, U'k Floor - West Tower City Philadelphia State PA ZIP Code 19102 Telephone No. (include area code) (215) 320-8618 (b) Indicate the name, mailing address, and lelephone number of penon to contact, if other than transfercclassignee. Name of contact person (list last name first) Arias, Marla Finn or company name (if any) AT&T Broadband Mailing street address or P.O. Box 188 Inverness Drive West, Room 6-042 Fax Number: 303-858-3615 City Englewood 1 State co I ZIP Code 80112 Telephone No. (include area code) 303-858-5417 (c) Attach as an Exhibit the name, mailing address, and telephone number of each additional person who should be contacted, It' any. Exhibit No. See attachment to this a e (d) Indicate the address where the system's records will be maintained. Street address 1500 Market Street City Philadelphia State PA ZIP Code 19102 2. Indicate on all attached exhibit any plans to ç,h¡ln~e the C\rrCllllcrtns lIld condi\ions of $ervice and operanons ot the system as a consequence ot tile 1ransactlon lor whlcJt approva IS sought. .I Exhibit No. 3 FCC '!l4 (.... 2) .......,. 2D,'002 '-' ...,I ATTACHMENT TO SECTION I, Part II, Question l(b) The primary contact person is identified below based upon the State or Commonwealth in which the local franchising authority is located as identified in the following chart. States Contact Name Phone Fill Number E-Mail Address Number SAN FRANCISCO BAY Kent Leacock 925 -973·7026 925·973-7104 leacoclc.kent@broadband.att.com P. O. Box 5147 AREA, San Ramon, CA 94583 CALIFORNIA SACRAMENTOI Susan Ritchie 916-858-4905 209-474-1650 srilchie@broadband.atLcom 3443 Decr Parle Drive CENTRAL VALLEY, Stoclcton, CA 95219 CALIFORNIA .- SOUTHERN ponyParlcs 310-647-3056 310-647-3036 pparlcs@broadband.att.colll 550 N. Continenlal Blvd., CAUFORNIA N250 El SeJ1lt1do, CA 90245 CO Margaret Lejuste 303-603-5011 303-603-2077 lejuste.margarct@broadband.on.eom BOOO Eost iii" AYe. Denver, CO 8023 I Carol Johnson 303-603-5780 303-603-566B johnson.carol@broadband.att.com 6850 S. Tucson W oy Englewood, CO 80112 CT Dan Glanville 413-730-4540 413-B27-o5B3 dglanvillC@broadband.otLcom 3303 Moin Street Springfield, MA 01107 FL Susan B isno 954-533-5102 954-533-5121 sbisno@broadband.an.eom 600 N. Pine Island Rd., '100 Planwion, FL 33324 GA Tim Gage 770-559·2821 770-559-7623 tg8le@broodband.att.com 2925 CourryardJ Drive Noraoss, GA 30071 !D, Mr, lIT, WY Steve Proper 801-401-3250 801-401-3290 sproper@broadbond.att.eom 9602 South 300 West Sandy, UT 84070 IL,IN Bob Ryan 63 0-2B8·1206 630-28B-1295 ryan.bob@broodband.att.com 2001 York Rd. Ollie Broolc, IL 60523 Michael Scon 312-230-8206 312-977-9447 mikewscon@lga.otLcom 222 W. Ad!lrrlS '1500 ChicoBO, IL 60606 Boston Metro, MA Nick Leuci 978-258-422 7 971-683-7057 nleuci@broadblUld.atLcom 6 ClII11plUlelli Drive Andover. MA OIBlO Northern Mass..:huseus Liz GrBham 971-258-5138 978-613-7057 csrBhlll11@broadbond.on.com 6 CamplUlelli Drive Andover, MA 01810 Southeastern John Maher 508-121-5793 508-828-2676 jmahcr@broadband.otLcom 440 Mylc.s SWldish Blvd. Massaehusens/Capc Cod X7042 , Tounlon, MA 02780 Western Mwachusens Dan GllUlvUle 413-730-4540 413-127-0583 dgJanyillC@broadblUld.att.com 3303 Moin Street Sprinsfield, MA 0 II 07 ME,NH Liz GrBhlll11 978·258-5138 978-683-7057 egrBhlll11@broadband.on.com 6 CamplUlelli Driye Andover, MA 01810 ,......., 20. 2DOZ '-' ....,; ATTACHMENT TO SECTION I, Part II, Question 1(b) (continued) MI Leslie Brolan 517-333-6025 517-333-6044 bropn.lcsli C@broadband.aILcam JOCI Caalidle Road. #300 Easl Lansinl. MI 48823 MN,WI Dave Seykora 651-493-5280 651-493-52S8 dscykora@broadband.atteam 10 River Park Plaza SL Paul, MN 55107 OH, PA. VA, WV Carmen Cefalo- 908-221-5615 908-221-893 I cefala@attcom 295 N. Maple Avenue, Room Pane 3135 C2 Baskins Ridse, Nl 07920 OR, WA Debbie Luppold 425-398-6140 425-398-6232 luppald.debbie@broadband.attcam 22025 30th Drive SE Bathel, W A 9S021 TX Dick Kirby 972-S30-3812 972-830-3928 dlcirby@broadband.attcom 2951 Kinwesl Parkway Irving. TX 75063 " Febnw} 1D. 2llO2 '-" ..", SECTION I. TRANSFEREE'S/ASSIGNEE'S LEGAL QUAUFICA TIONS I. Transferee/As:signee is: · Corporation a. Jurisdiction ofincorporation: p. .Na¡n~ and address of registered agent in Pcnnsylvanla Junscbcllon: b. Date of incorporation: Corporation Scrvlce Company 1217/01 ;:704 Commerce Drive, Suite B Harrlsbur:, PA 17110 c. For profit or not-for-profit Far profit c Limited Partnership a. Jurisdiction in which fotmed: ~. ~"!1'~ and address of registercd agent in Junsdlcllon: b. Date of fonnation: , c General Partnership a: Jurisdiction whose laws govern formation: b. Date oeformation: o Individual o Other. Describe in an Exhibit. Exhibit No N/A 2, List the transferee/assignee, and, if the transferee/assignee is not a natural person, each of its officers, directors, stockholders beneficially holding more than S% of the outstanding voting shares, general partners, and limited partners holding an equity interest of more than S%. Use only one column for each individual or entity. Attach additional pages if necessary. (Read carefully - the lettered items below refer to corresponding lines in the following table.) , (al Name, residence, occupation or principal business, and principal place of business. (If other than an individual, also show name, adrm:ss and citizenship of natural person authorized to vote the voting securities of the applicant that it holds.) List the applicant first, officers, next, then directors and, thereafter, remaining stockholders and/or partners. ~5 ~~~J::~~m¡, to the transferee/assignee (e.g., officer, director, etc.). d) Number of shares or nature of partnership interest. e) Number of votes. f) Percentage of votes. (8) AT&T Comeast Corporation See attached pages for officers, 1500 Market Street directors and stockholders beneficially Philadelphia, PA 19102-;:148 holding more than 50/. of outstandin¡¡:: voting shares. (b) USA (e) Transferee (d) N/A " (e) N/A (f) N/A FCC 3M (lap]i) ''''''''' 21l, 2002 '-' ,.I A TIACHMENT TO SECTION I, QUestiOD 2 All individuals who will serve as officer.s and dircctol'3 of Transferee as of the effective rime of the closing have not been determined as of the date hereof. The Board ofDircctor.s ofTransferee will consist of 12 per.sons, 10 of which will be drawn from the existing Boards ofDirector.s of AT&T Corp. and Comeast Corporation, whose member.s, other than those listed below, are shown on the attached Appendix to this Attachment. Three of the twelve per.sons have already been designated. The persons designated as officers and directors ofTransfercc are listed below: Directors and Officers: (a) C. Michael Armslrong (a) Brian L. Roberts (a) Ralph 1. Robens 32 Avenue of the Americas 1500 Market Street 1500 Market Street New York, NY 10013 Philadelphia, P A 19102 Philadelphia, P A 19102 (b) USA (b) USA (b) USA (c) Chairman of the Board (c) Director, Prcsidc:nl, Chief Executive (c) Director (d) Less than S% Officcr and over 5% (d) Less than S% (e) Less than S% beneficial owner (e) Less than 5% (1) Less than 5% (d) 138,268 shares ÌlfClass A common stock (f) Less than 5% 9,444,3 75 shares of Class B common stock 9,656,613 shares of Class A Special common stock (e) 141,696,789 (1) 33.3% Stockholders beneficially owninE more than 5% of the outslandinE vOlinE shares of Transferee: The current stockholders ofTransferce are: (a) AT&T Corp. 295 North Maple Avenue Basking Ridge, N1 07920 (b) USA (c) Stockholder (d) I share common Slack (e) One (f) 50% (a) Comcast Corporation IS00 Market Street Philadelphia, P A 19102 (b) USA (c) Stockholder (d) 1 share common stock (e) One (f) 50% At the closing, Brian L, Roberts will be the only person beneficially owning more than 5% of the outstanding voting control of Transferee. ,......,.".21Xl% ..... ....,. APPENDIX TO ATTACHMENT TO SECTION I, QuestloD 2 J. Mich...¡ Cook Cbainnan and Chief Executive Officer, Retired Deloilll: & Touche LLP Kenneth T. Derr Chainnan oflbe Board, Rl:tired Chevron Corporation David W. Cannan President AT&T Corp_ M. KatIuyu Eickhoff President EickhotrEconomic.s Inc. George M. C. Fisher Retired Chainnan and Chief Executive Officer Easlman Kodak Company Amos B. Hostetter, Jr. Fonner Chainnan and Chief Executive Officer Continental Coblevision, Inc. Decker Ansuom President and Chief Operating Officer Landmark Communications Sheldon M. BonovilZ Chainnan and Chief Executive Officer Duane, Morris & Heekscher Julian A. Brodsky DireclOr Comeasl Cable Communications, Ine. and RBB Fund,lne. Joseph L. Castle, II Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and Director CasUe EneI¡)' Corporation FobNory ~ :lllll2 AT&T Board Members Shirley A. Jackson President Renssel...r Polytechnic InstilUle Donald F. McHelll}l President IRC Group former U.S. Ambassador 10 the United NatioD.!l Charles H. Noski Vice Chainnan and Chief Financial Officer AT&T Corp. Louis A. Simpson President and CEO, Capital Operations GEICO Corporation Michael I. Sovern Presidenl Emeritus and Chancellor Kenl Professor of Law Columbia Univcnity Sanford I. Weill Chainnan and Chief Executive Officer Citigroup Comeast Board Members Felix G. Rohatyn Fonner US Ambassador to France Managing Director, Retired Lazard Frtres and Company Chainnan, Retired Municipal Assistance Corporalion (MAC) ofllie City of New Yorlc Bernard C. WBlSon Chainnan oflbe Board ofDirectolS, Retired Health Manaacment Alternatives Foundation Irving A. Wechsler Of Counsel Wechsler, Wolsh and Associales, Certified Public AccountanlS Anne Wexler Chainnan WexJerGroup- unil of Hill and KnowllOnPublic Alfairs Worldwide '-' '-.,¡/ 3. If the applicant is a corporation or a limited l1artnership, is the transferee/assignee fonned under the laws ot; or duly qualified to transact busine:;s in, the Slate or olller jurisdiction in whiCh Ù1e system operate:;? . If the answer is No, explain in an Exhibit. 4. Has the transferee/assignee had any interest in or in connection with an application which has been dismissed or denied by any franchise auÙlonty? If the answer is Yes, describe circumstances in an Exhibit. S. HaS an adverse finding been made or an adverse final action been taken by any court or administrative body with respect to the transfercclassignee in a civil criminal or administratIve proceeding, brought under the provisions of any law or regulation related to the fOllowing: any felonYi revocation, suspension or involunll!I:Y transfer of any auÙlorization (including cable franchises) to provide vloeo programming services; mass media rc:latl!'i !l'lti~ or unfair competition; fraudulent statements to anoÙler governmental unit; or employment dlscnmmaUon? If the answer is Yes, attach as an Exhibit a full description of the persons and matt~s) involved, including an identification of any court or administrative body and any proceeding (by dates and file numbers,lf applicable), and the disposition of such proceeding. 6. Are there any documents, instruments, contracts or understandings relating to ownership or future ownership rights with respect to any attributable interest as described in Question 2 (mcluding. but not limitcd to, non- voting stock interests, beneficial stock ownership interests, Options, Wllmlnts, debentures)? If Yes, provide particulars in an Exhibit. 7. Do documents instruments, agreements or understandings for the pledge of stock of the transferee/assignee, as security for loans or contractual p'erformance provide that: (a) voting rights will remain with the apphcant, even in t1ie event of default on the obligation; (¡;\ In the event of de fault, there will be either a p'rivate or public sale of the stock; and (e)Jlrior to the exercise orany ownership ri~ts by a purchaser at a sale i1escribed In (b) any prior consent of the FCC andlor of the franchising authonty,lfr!=Cuired pursuant to federal, state or local law or pursuant to the terms of the franchise agreement will be obtained? If No, attach as an Exhibit a full explanation. SECTION III - TRANSFEREE'S/ASSIGNEE'S FINANCIAL QUALIFICATIONS 1. The transferee/assignee certifies that it has sufficient net liquid assets on hand or available from committed resources to consummate the transaction and operate the facilities for three months. 2. Attach as an Exhibit the most recent financial statements, prepared in accordancc with generally accepted accounting principles, including a balance sheet and income statement for at least one full year, for Ù1e transferee/assignee or parent entity that has been prepared in the ordinary course of business, if any such financial statements are routinelYl1repared. Such statements, ifnot otherwise publicly available, may be marked CONFIDENTIAL and will be IlWntained as confidential by Ù1e franchise authority and its agents to the extent permissible under local law. SECTION IV. TRANSFEREE'S!ASSIGNEE'S TECHNICAL QUALIFICATIONS Set forth ill an Exhi.bit a narrative. ~count of the. trans.feree'slassigne,e's. technical qualific!ltions, experience and eXp'ertlse reganhng cable televiSion systems, Includmg, but not hmlted to, summary mfonnation about appropriate management personnel that Will be mvolved m the system's management and operations The transferee/assignee may, but need not, list a representative sample of cable systems currently or fonnerly o~ed or operated. pee ]94 (P.,- 04) F......, :U.1cm DYes I8l No Exhi~it No. J DYes I8l No Exhi~it No. J DYes I8l No Exhibit No. 6 l8lycs DNa Exhibit No. 7 DYes I8l No Exhibit No. S l8lycs DNa Exhibit No. 9 Exhibit No. 10 '-'" ....., SECTION V - CER TIFICA TrONS Part I - Transferor/Assignor , All the statements made in the application and attached exhibits are considered material representations, and all the Exhibits are a material part hereof and are incorporated herein as if set out in full in the application. I CERTIFY that the statements in this application are true, Signature: AT&T CORP. complete and correet to the best of my knowledge and belief and &.1. ¿;~ are made in good faith. By: Date February 25, 2002 WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON TInS FORM ARE . PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND/OR IMPRISONMENT. U.S. CODE, Print full name RIck D. Bailey TITLE 18, SECTION 1001. Check appropriate classification: 0 Individual D General Pmner t81 CorpOTllte Officer D Other, Explain: ~dicate Title) VIce Pres deDt Part II - Transferee! Assignee All the statements made in the application and attached Exhibits are considered material representations, and all the Exhibits are a material part hereof and are incorporated herein as if set out in full in the application. The transferee!assignee certifies that he!she: (a) Has a current copy of the FCC's Rules governing cable television systems. (b) Has a current copy of the franchise that is the subject of this application. and of my applicable state laws or local ordinances and related regulations. (c) Will use its best efforts to comply with the terms of the franchise and applicable state laws or local ordinances and related regulations, and to effect changes, as promptly as practicable, in the operation of the system, if any changes are necessary to cure any violations thereof or defaults thereunder presently in effect or ongoing. Signature: AT&T Corncast Corporation I CERTIFY that the statements in this application are true, 'S~~ complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and ~- arc made in good faith. By: Date February 25, 2002 WILLFUL FALSE STATEMENTS MADE ON TInS FORM ARE PUNISHABLE BY FINE AND/OR IMPRISONMENT. U.S. CODE, TITLE 18, SECTION 1001. Print full name Brian L. Roberts Check appropriate classification: 0 Individual D General Partner t81 Corporate Officer D Other, Explain: ~ndicale TiUe) resIdent and Chief Executive Officer PC'C 3!M (Pap '> F"'""'YU.:IC02 \..- ...., BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Ms. Susan Bisno Vice President Franchising & Local Government Affairs AT&T Broadband 600 N. Pine Island Road Suite 100 -Plantation, FL 3324 RE: St. Lucie County, Florida: AT&T/Comcast Cable Television Franchise Transfer " Dear Ms. Bisno: The County staff has now had the opportunity to study your letter to St. Lucie County dated Febtuary 27, 2002 and received by this office March 8, 2002 as well as the FCC Form 394 attached thereto with respect to the proposed transaction between AT&T Broadband and Comcast. Your letter states that as a result of the proposed transfer, the legal entity which currently holds the franchise for St. Lucie County will not change. The transfer will, however, result in a new parent company for that entity and thus, for the County's cable television franchise. Pursuant to Ordinance No, 98-09 of St. Lucie County and the TCI Franchise Agreement, no such change of control may occur without prior approval of the Board of County Commissioners. Any violation of this provisi on may make the franchisee subject to actions including, but not limited to, the reversion of the Security Fund to the County; liquidated damages, possible Franchise revocation proceedings, and additional remedies available at law or equity, Thus, the proposed change of control of the franchise from A T&T Broadband to A T& T /Comcast JOHN D. Ofl.UHN. Dil,,¡cr 1'0, 1 . DOUG COWARD. Dilni" No.2· PAULA A. LE':.r!5 D;",la No.:} . FRAS:-liE HUîCHINSON. Disrr;c, No.... . CUFF OARS£.>. D,;;-'=, No.5 r,."....,..,' ~~I"':"'I;r_:ç;::~:~· DOUQlos M. AnderiCi'i '-' ..",,¡ Ms. Susan Bisno page 2 March 27, 2002 is prohibited without the prior consent of St, Lucie County. Such consent shall not be granted or denied until the County has been provided with a complete and accurate FCC Form 394 and all information required by the Cable Ordinance No. 98-09 and the TCI franchise agreement. Having reviewed the'FCC Form 394 submitted to the County, Cable Television Ordinance No. 98-09 of St, Lucie County, relevant provisions of the Franchise Agreement between TCI and the County and applicable law, it appears to the County that (a) the FCC Form 394 is neither complete nor accurate; and, (b) pursuant to the terms of the franchise, the County hereby requires AT&T Broadband!Comcast to submit to the County information discussed below. ~ " FCC Form 394 Section 1. Part II Hd). Indicate the Address Where the System's Records will be Maintained. The.,FCC 394 states that records will be maintained in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This'· is in conflict with the Ordinance and franchise Agreement pursuant to which the franchisee is obligated to make a complete set of books and records available to the County in St. Lucie County, See Sec. 4.4-17(c), Ordinance No. 98-09. Section V. Part IICe). Transferee! Assignee will use its best efforts to comply with the terms of the franchise and applicable state laws or local ordinances and related regulations. and to effect changes. as promptly as practicable. in the operation of the system. if any changes are neceSsary to cure any violations thereof or defaults thereunder presently in effect or ongoino. The above statement indicates the transferee's commitment to comply with the terms of the franchise within the County and to make any changes necessary to cure any violations. However, Exhibit 3 of the FCC Form 394 states in relevant part "Transferee has no current plans to change the terms and conditions for the service and operations of the cable system..." As of the date hereof, the franchisee is not in compliance with all terms and conditions of the franchise. Thus, changes in the service and operation of the system ar.e required for the franchisee to cure the pending violation and to be deemed in \.. ..,,¡ Ms. Susan Bisno Page 3 March 27,2002 compliance. Accordingly, the applicant's statement in Section V, Part II(c) is only accurate if applicant agrees to revise Exhibit C to agree to those changes which will be implemented to cure pending violations and guarantee compliance with the franchise. Pending matters with respect to franchisee's compliance with the franchise include but are not necessarily limited to those discussed below: 1. Provision of service to County facilities. 2. Provision of a second access channel to the County. 3. Failure to submit to the C?unty for approval written procedures for the investigation and resolution of all subscriber or County resident complaints. ~ 4. lntercoflnection with other cable operators in the County. 5. Execution of an agreement with respect to the INET and matters related thereto. Franchise Agreement In addition to a completed FCC 394, the 120 day transfer automatic approval period does not commence until the cable operator has submitted to the County all information required by the franchise. The TCl cable Television Franchise with St. Lucie County is governed by Cable Ordinance No. 98-09 of St, Lucie County and the current TCI cable television franchise (adopted pursuant to Resolution No. 7235). Pursuant to the ordinance and the franchise, the County hereby requires submission to the County of the following information: '--' ...", Ms. Susan Bisno Paoe 4 ,-' March 27, 2002 1. Information with respect to the impact of the transfer on subscriber rates and service including, but not limited to customer service. 2. Franchisee's plan to come into compliance with all franchise obligations including, but not limited t~ pending violations with respect to customer service, provision of service and facilities, and an INET. . 3. Reports and records described in Sec. 1-5.5-30 (A)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(9) (1O)(1l)(12),B(5) of Ordinance No. 98-09. 4. A statement in a form agreed upon by the County, that transferee will accept all terms and conditions of th~e ordinance and franchise. 5. A statement, in a form agreed upon by the County, that transferee will assume all obligations and Iiäbilities of the previous franchisee (transferor) whether known or unknown 011 the date hereto and whether arising before or after the date of the transfer. The above request is not intended as necessarily a final and complete request for information. The County hereby reserveS its right to request such additional information as may be required to reach a determination as to whether the proposed change of control or ownership is in the public interest. Furthermore, nothing contained herein or omitted from this correspondence shall constitute a waiver of any rights or remedies of the County with respect to enforcement of any terms and conditions of the Franchise Agreement or Ordinance No. 98-09 of St. Lucie County, Florida or any other agreements or obligations to which Franchisee may be subject, This correspondence is not intended to be all inclusive with respect to the Franchisee's compliance with all terms and conditions of the Franchise Agreement and Ordinance, In addition to the information required pursuant to Cable Television Ordinance 98.-09 and the Franchise Agreement, the County hereby requires the proposed . tr.ansferee to execute an affidavit indicating the proposed transferee's acceptance '-' ...., Ms. Susan Bisno Page 5 March 27, 2002 of (a) the terms and conditions or the existing ordinance and rranchise, (b) all obligations and liabilities arising with respect to compliance with such ordinance and rranchise whether known or unknown, and whether arising berore or after the date hereof; (c) agreement to comply with all or the provisions or a plan to come into compliance with all terms and conditions or the ordinance and franchise; and (d) agreement to reimburse th~ County for all costs and rees incurred by the County in connection with or related to the transfer process. As you are aware, Federal law requires local franchising authorities to approve or deny a rranchise request within one hundred twenty (120) days of receipt by the franchising authority of (a) a completed FCC Form 394, and (b) that information which is required by the franchise. · As of this date, AT&T Broadband has neither submitted a completed and accurate FCC 394 nor that·information required by the franchise. Accordingly, the one hundred twenty (120) day automatic approval period has not yet begun. PLEASE BE ADVISED that in order for the Board of County Commissioners to consider an agenda item, all prerequisites to the item (including the submission of documents and payments due) must be submitted ten (10) business days prior to a scheduled Board meeting. DSM/ caf Copy to: County Attorney Assistant to the County Administrator I. Feld, Esq., Leibowitz & Associates, P.A. AT&T Broadband, 188 Inverness Drive West, Room 6-042, Englewood, CO 80112 \..; """'" - - - AT&T Broadband -- Florida Market 600 N, Pine Island Road Suite 100 Plantation, Florida 33324 April 11, 2002 VIA TELEFACSIMILE AND FEDERAL EXPRESS JH:¡ )tV i J~ Q!.J~1 ~ I. 19',4~ Mr, Douglas M, Anderson County Administrator St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982-1648 Re: AT&T Broadband / Comcast Merger ("Transaction") . Dear Mr. Anderson: I am in receipt of your letter dated March 27, 2002, which I received by mail on April 1, 2002, in which you assert that AT&T Corp.'s ("AT&T") and AT&T Comcast Corporation's ("AT&T Comcast") FCC Form 394 ("Application") is neither complete nor accurate. We disagree v.ith that position as set forth herein. First, please allow me to clarify that the franchise is not being transferred to AT&T Comcast as a result of the Transaction. The franchise will continue to be held by TCl of Northern New Jersey, Inc. ("Franchisee") following the close of the Transaction. AT&T Comcast is only seeking to become the ultimate parent company of Franchisee. Since Franchisee is not changing, we believe that all of the compliance issues raised in your letter are not within the County's appropriate scope of review related to the Application. The issue does not pertain to the merger or the qualifications of the proposed new controlling entity, AT&T Comcast. Additionally, because this is a change of control versus a transfer, any alleged non- compliance issues are not extinguished and the County will have all rights to continue investigation of any compliance matters following the close of the merger under the terms set forth in the franchise. Also, please note that federal law limits the scope of review and information the County may require as part of the change of control approval process.! Beyond the information required by the Application, franchise or applicable local law, a local franchising authority I See. e.g., Charter Communications. Inc. v. Countv of Santa C!.!db 133 F.Supp.2d 1184, 1201 (N.D.Cal 2(01) (FederJ1 Jaw imposes "certain outer limits on the LFAs' power to request infonnation over and above that required by Form 394"). ffi <.6<9 Rec, c eo °2cer '-' ...., Page20f5 Mr. Douglas M. Anderson / S1. Lucie County April 11, 2002 ("LF A") may only request "such additional information as may be reasonably necessary to determine the qualifications of the proposed transferee."2 A federal court has recently confirmed that a cable operator need not answer any requests for information that are outside this scope or are otherwise unreasonable, and such refusal may not be used as a basis for denying LFA consent to the FCC Form 394 Application.3 However, in an effort to be responsive to the County's inquiry, we have endeavored to provide as much information as reasonably possible without undergoing an undue burden. By responding, the Companies do not waive any arguments regarding the relevance of such information or the County's authority to make such requests. FCC Form 394 The County alleges that the statement set forth in Section I, Part n led) of the Application, that the System records will be maintained in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, is in conflict with the Ordinance and Franchise Agreement pursuant to which the Franchisee is obligated to make a complete set of books and records available to the County in St. Lucie County. See Sec. 4.4-17 (c), Ordinance No. 98-09. . As described above, the merger is a parent company transaction that will not have any effect on the obligations of the Franchisee under the current franchise. After the merger, Franchisee will remain obligated to comply with the terms and conditions of the franchise and applicable ordinances in the same manner and to the same exient as before the merger. Thus, all books and records required by the franchise to be available to the County in S1. Lucie County will continue to be made available by the Franchisee in St. Lucie County. Duplicate records for the system will be maintained at the corporate headquarters in Philadelphia as needed or required. The County believes that the statement made in Exhibit 3 of the Application needs to be revised to "agree to those changes which will be implemented to cure pending violations and guarantee compliance with the franchise." AT&T Comcast's response in Exhibit 3 of the Application is responsive to the question in Part II 2 of the Application, which asks: 2 Implementation of Sections 11 and 13 of the Cable Television and Competition Act of 1992. Report and Order, 8 F.C.C.R. 6828, ~ 86 (1993). See also id at ~ 85; See Implementation of Sections 11 and 13 of the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992, Memorandum Opinion and Order on Reconsideration, 10 F.C.C.R. 4654, 4676, ~'\i 50-53 (1995). See. e.g., Charter Communications. Inc. Y. County of Santa Cruz. 133 F.Supp.2d at 1208 ("an operator may spurn an unreasonable request" for information; "if an LF A imposes unreasonable information demands, it may not then deny the application on the ground that the applicant refused to answer them''). 3 '-' Page 3 of5 Mr. Douglas M. Anderson I St. Lucie County April 11, 2002 '-wi Indicate on an attached exhibit any plans to change the current terms and conditions of service and operations of the system as a conseqlience of the transaction for which approval is sought. AT&T Comcast's response is correct in that it has no current plans to change the terms and conditions for the service and operation of the cable system as a consequence of the Transaction. As noted earlier. your request for certain cure plans related to allegations of non-compliance with the franchise by Franchisee are unrelated to the Application. The issues do not pertain to the merger or the qualifications of the proposed new controlling entity, AT&T Comcast. Franchisee will remain jn place, will continue to own the cable system and will be fully bound by all existing lawful franchise agreement obligations following the Transaction in the same manner and to the same extent as prior to the Transaction. Notwithstanding the foregoing, we recognize that the County has certain rights with respect to compliance matters under the franchise which are separate from our Application, and we are prepared to cooperate and participate with the County and/or its consultants on this subject as well. Someone will soon contact you in order to discuss these alleged violations of noncompliance. Franchise Al!:reement The County alleges that the foJJowing information is required by the franchise and/or ordinance to consider the Application: 1. Information with respect to the impact of the transfer on subscriber rates and services including, but not limited to customer service. No changes in the operation of the cable system are being proposed at this time as a result of the Transaction. Regulated rates will continue to be set in conformance with FCC regulations that are generally designed to cover inflation, programming costs and other costs related to system operations. Other rates will continue to be established based on various market and operational factors. Additionally, the Franchisee will continue to comply with all lawful customer service standards set forth in the Franchise Agreement and Ordinance No. 98- 09. 2. Franchisee's plan to cure any and all issues of non-compliance. Please see our response above to the County's question about Exhibit 3 of the Application. \.,. Page 4 of5 Mr. Douglas M. Anderson I St. Lucie County April 11, 2002 'WtI 3. Reports and records described in Sec. 1-5.5-30(A)(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(9)(lO) (1l)(12),B(5) of Ordinance No. 98-09. We have reviewed Section 1-5.5-30 of Ordinance No. 98-09, and have determined that there is no requirement as part of the Application that Franchisee provide to the County the items listed therein in order for the Application to be complete. The information requested in subsection (A) only requires reports and records to be provided "within six (6) months of the close of its fiscal year [and] a Franchisee shall provide the County upon request with an annual report that includes the following information...." Thus, Franchisee will consider your letter as such a written request and will provide the required information in accordance with Section 1-5.5-30(A) of Ordinance 98-09 of St. Lucie County. Additionally, with respect to subsection B.5 of Section 1-5.5-30, we know of no such documents that are responsive. Thus, since the items listed in Section 1-5.50-30(A) and (B)5. of Ordinance 98-09 are not required to be provided at the time of a request of consent of change of control or are not in our possessions, nothing further needs to be provided to the County in order for the FCC Form 394 to be complete. 4. A statement in the form agreed upon by the County, that the transferee will accept all terms and conditions of the ordinance and franchise. As noted earlier in this letter, the merger is a parent company transaction which will not have any affect on the obligations of Franchisee under the current franchise. After the merger Franchisee will remain obligated to comply with the terms and conditions of the franchise and ordinance in the same manner and to the same extent as before the Transaction. Since Franchisee will remain obligated to the lawful terms and conditions of the franchise and ordinance, AT&T Comcast is not required to make such a statement, nor does it intend to do so. 5. A statement in the form agreed upon by the County, that the transferee will assume all obligations and liabilities of the previous franchisee (transferee) whether known or unknown on the date hereof and whether arising before or after the date of the transfer. Please see our response to item 4 above. Additionally, we reiterate our statement . that because the Transaction results in a change of control of the Franchisee versus a transfer, any alleged non-compliance issues are not extinguished and the County will have all rights to continue investigation of any compliance matters following the close of the merger under the terms set forth in the franchise. Finally, I must respond to your assertion that our Application was in any way incomplete and that, as a result, the statutory 120-day deadline for the County's review of the Application has not begun. While FCC rules permit LF As to request additional information (subject to limitations), the failure to provide such information does not render the \w Page50f5 Mr. Douglas M. Anderson / St. Lucie County April 11, 2002 ...." Application incomplete4 To the contrary, the FCC rules prohibit LF As from rendering a filed Application incomplete for failure to include information subsequently requested by the LFA.5 We also note that, in adopting FCC Form 394, the FCC found that the form provided the information necessary to establish the legal, technical and financial qualifications of the proposed transferee.6 Thus, for the reasons set forth above, the absence of the information referenced in your March 27 letter does not affect the sufficiency or completeness of the Application and will not toll the statutory 120-day review period. The Application, as filed with the County on March 8, 2002, contained all information required by the FCC Form 394 and the franchise, and therefore the 120-day deadline was properly commenced as of March 8, 2002. Further, under the FCC rules, even if the Application had not been complete as filed, which we dispute, such incompleteness would not be grounds for tolling the l20-day review period. Although FCC rules permit LF As to challenge the completeness of the Application within thirty (30) days of filing, the 120-day deadline is only tolled if the applicant fails to cure any such incompleteness within ten (10) days of their receipt of such challenge7 Within this lO-day time frame, the companies have now replied to your letter and clearly demonstrated how and why the Application was complete as filed. Accordingly, FCC rules prohibit any tolling of the 120-day deadline based on this Application as filed. If! can provide you with further information or you would like to discuss this further, please give me a call at 954-533-5102. We look forward to working cooperatively with the County during the merger approval process. Very truly yours, ~ð Susan Bisno AT&T Broadband Vice President of Government Affairs 4 See Implementation of Sections II and 13 of the Cable Television and Competition Act of 1992, Report and Order, 8 F.C.C.R. 6828, 'If'lf 8;-86 (1993) ("1993 FCC Order"); Implementation of Sections II and 13 of the Cable Television Consumer Protection and Competition Act of 1992, Memorandwn Opinion and Order on Reconsideration, 10 F.C.C.R. 4654, 4676, m: ;0-53 (1995) ("1995 FCC Order"). See 199; FCC Order at 'If;0 (rejecting a request by NATOA that an FCC Form 394 Application not be deemed complete until information subsequently requested by the LF A is provided), 6 See id. at 'If 52 ("we created FCC Form 394 with the expectation that the information required by the form would establish the legal, technical and financial qualifications of the proposed transferee or assignee. ") See 47 C.F.R. § 76.502(b). See also Charter Co=unications. Inc. v. County of Santa Cruz. 133 F.Supp.2d 1184, 1207 (N.D.Ca!. 2001). 'ONZ-ZOOZ 04:Z5pm ~Om-LEIBOWITZ & ASSOC, +3055309417 T P001/004 -.."I HOS LEIBOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, P.A. ,JOSEPH A. O1:1.15L.E ILA L. FELD MATTH~ L. J..'::IBO'wITZ .sUITJ:: 14S0 5UNT~U5T INTI::R"'ATION....L CENTER ONI: SOIJTH£A&T THORO AVENUE MIAMI, F'1.0RlgA .3~1.:J'·'7115 T£~£PHON£ (3051 530-13ZZ T£LI!:COPIIi:I'l (~05) 5;;10'''''''17 E-MAIL Firm@btoadlaw.com April 22, 2002 VLA U.S. CERTIFIED MAlL RETURN RECE1PT REQUESTED Ms. Susan Bisno Vice President Franchising and Local Government Affairs AT&T Broadband 600 N. Pine Island Road Suite 100 Plan,ation, FL 33324 RE: St. Lucie County, Florida AT&T/Cornca"t Cable Television Franchise Transfer Dear Ms. Bisno: On behalf of St. Lucie County, this is to acmowledge receipt of your letter to Douglas M. Anderson, dated April) ],2002. Please be advised that we are not in agreement with respect to numerous issues raised in your letter including, but not limited to those discussed below. 1. Definition of Transaction. Your letter states that in your opinion, franchise compliance issues are not relevant to the pending application because the transaction at issue is "a change of control versus a transfer." Ordinance No. 98-09 of St. Lucie County at Section 1-5.5- lO(K) defines Control as "possession of the ability to direct or cause the direction of the management Or polìcies of a Franchisee or Applicant, or the operation of a Franchisee's system, whether through acrual operational control in whatever manner, exercising ownership of voting securities, by contract or understanding, or in any other manner." Thus, we are in agreement that the merger of AT&T and Corneast will regµlt in a change of control of the cable franchise for St. Lucie County. However, Section 1-5.5-10(KK) ofÙ1e Ordinance defines Transfer as "any transaction in which (1) an ownership or other interest in a Franchise or its cable system is transferred from one ,) person or group of persons to another person or group of person so that control of the Franchisee ~,.. ~=:::~::.::::'Onhol wbi<h ~llresult from the merger clearly comes ~ '~ íS)~r\ b4-'22-2002 04:27pm \...'m-LEI80IYITZ & ASSOC, +3055309417 '-...I P,002l004 HOS Letter to Ms. Susan Bisno April 22, 2002 Page 2 the definition of Transfer pursuant to the Ordinance. Accordingly, all provisions of the Ordinance and the Franchise relevant to Transfers are applicable to the subject transaction. 2. Federal Law. Contrary to the implication in Paragraph 3 of your letter, St. Lucie County has not requested any information with respect to the pending transaction prohibited by federal law. With respect 10 your citation to Charter Communication, Inc. v County of Santa Cruz, please be reminded that the case was decided by the 9th Circuit COUl'! of Appeals and is not binding in the State of Florida. 3. FCC Form 394: Availability of Records_ The County will accept your commitment to maintain a set of records in St. Lucie County. However, please be advised that your statement with respect to compliance" ...in the same manner and the same extent as before the merger" is not acceptable. To the extent, the Franchisee is not in compliance with the Franchise before the merger such non-compliance represents a violation of the Ordinance and the Franchise. Pursuant to Section 1-5_5-1 SeD) of the Ordinance such non-compliance must be cured or a plan to cure must be suhmined to and approved by the County prior 10 a gram of approval to a request tor Transfer. 4. FCC Form 394: Exhibit 3. As discussed above, your statement that .....cure plans related to allegations of non-compliance with the franchise by Franchisee are unrelated to the Application." is contrary to the Ordinance and therefore incorrect.( See Ordinance Section 1-5.5-15 CD)). 5. Franchise Agreement: Issue # I: You state" Franchisee will continue to comply with all lawful customer service standards sel forth in the Franchise Agreement and Ordinance No. 98- 09." As an initial matter please be advised mat it is the County's position that all customer standards provided for in the Ordinance are lawful. The Counl)' has previously notified you that Franchisee has nOI been in compliance and is not currently in compliance with all tenns and conditions of the Franchise including but not limited to customer service standards as set forth in the Franchise and Ordinance. Thus, changes are required_ 6. above. Franchise AIi!Teement: Issue t12. See Ordinance Section 1-S.S-15(D) as discussed 7_ Franchise Agreement: Issue #3. It is the County's understanding that the fiscal year for AT&T Broadband ends December 31. Accordingly all repons are required no laLer than hIDe 31, 2002. 8. Franchise Agreement: Issue #4. The statement to which you object is required pUTsuant to Ordinance Section 1-S.5-I5(E). t, \C.l.!lle\2002\A T&"~ß...~t L."cit!\Lus\ßillClo·Tnlllfer,U4:;O \I.rþd. LXI130Wn;Z & AsSOCIATES, P..A. SUI"'~ 1450, ONI;; 50U.,.HE:AST THII'O ...."~NUE:. MIAMI, FLO>'l'OA 33I;¡OI·171~ . Tt':LI!:PHONE: (:)o~ 5:!lO.13l!l! Ò4-Z2-Z002 04:27pm \... ~-LE I BOWITZ & ASSOC, +3055309417 T~ P.003/004 HOB Letter ~o Ms. Susan Bisno A.pril 22, 2002 Page 3 9. Franchise Alrreement: Issue #5. Please refer to Sections 1-5. S-15(E) and the Franchise Agreement. 10. 120-Dav Approval Period. In your letter you state: "While FCC rules permit local franchising authorities to request additional information (subject to limimions), the failure to provide such infonnation does not render the Application incomp1ete. To the conn-ary, the FCC rules prohibit local franchising authorities from rendering a tiled Application incomplete for failure to include information subsequently requested by a local franchising authority . We also note that, in adopting FCC Form 394, the FCC found that the form provided the infonnation necessary to establish the 1egal, technical and financial qualifications of the proposed transferee. Thus, for the reasons set forth above, the absence of information referenced in your April 2 letter does not affect the sufficiency or completeness of the Application and will not toll the statutory 120-day review period. " A thorough and complete review of me FCC Report and Order and Memorandum Opinion and Order on Reconsideration cited in your lener and upon which you apparently relied to reach your conclusion shows that you have misinterpreted the law. Tn the Matter ofImplementation of Sections 11 and 13 of the Cable Television and Competition Act of 1992., Memorandum Opinion and Order on Reconsideration, 10 FCC R 4654,~50 specifically and unambiguously states: "Our implementing rules provide for corom encement of the 120-day period when the cable operator has submitted a completed FCC Form 394 and any additional information required by me terms of the franchise agreement or applicable srate or local] aW. We concluded in the First Report and Order that local franchise authorities are permitted to request additional infonnation they deem reasonably necessary to detenníne the qualifications of the proposed assignee or transferee, but that requestS for information not explicitly required by the franchise agreement or 10callaw will not toll the statutory 120-day limitation unless the franchise aumority and Ùle cable operator agree to an extension of time." Thus, as a matter oflaw, the 120-day automatic approva1 period will commence only upon receipt by Ùle County of a completed FCC F onn 394 and that information required by the franchise agreement. Moreover, the 10-day grace period within which the applicant may cure any deficiency is only applicable where the applicant does, in fact, cure the deficiency. A response such as in your letter of April 11, 2002, does not substantively cure the deficiency. G ~1~I:!OO2\A T&. T -C-""I'IIllQn\S1 Luó~\Llr.~iSJ\o. TrMWQ' .04:!2. WJld ~IBOWI1":;! & ASSOCIATES, P.A. SUITE ,....1>0, ONE SOUTHEAST THIRD A"~NUE. MIAMI, I'LORrDA :;.I3131-1? 15 . T~LEPHONr. (305)530-1322 Ò4-ZZ-Z00Z 04: Z7pm '- ,,-LE I BOW I TZ & ASSOC, +3055309417 ~ '...,.¡ P.004/004 HOS Lener to Ms. Susan Bisno April 22, 2002 Pa~e 4 As of this date, it is the ComIty's position that AT&T has neither submitted a complete and accurate FCC 394 nor that information required by the franchise. Accordingly, the one hundred twenty (120) day automatic approval period has not yet begun. Furthermore, please be advised that as of this time it is the intem of the County staff to place the matter of the pending transfer application on the agenda of the Board of County Commissioners meeting scheduled for June 4, 2002'10 request the Board take action IO either grant Or deny the application. We look forward to discussing this matter with Ms Filipiak at the County on April 24, 2002. Please do not hesitate to contact me to discuss !his maner. Sincerely, Jff, ~ ti cft.</ Ila L. Feld cc: Daniel S. McIntyre, Esq. Ms. Ellen Filipiak G, <'~,\:!0CI2,^rIcT.com~lSt l.uti.\Ur..œi.tlO-Tl"~~.0422 wpd LEIBOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, P.A. SUITIZ 1450. ONE: 50UTHlrAS,. THIRD "'VENUE:. MIAMI, F"~O"'IOA 33131-1715 . TE:L.E:I>HQN¡; t306} 630-1322 ~ "" ..., Agenda Request Item Number Date: 51F June 18, 2002 Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] [ [ ] [X] Quasi-JD [ X ] To: Board of County Commissioners Submitted By: Community Development Director SUBJECT: Consider Draft Resolution 02-048 approving the request of Raymond C. Thoennissen II for a Change in Zoning of property located at 3250 North Kings Highway, from the AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential - 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the CG (Commercial General) Zoning District (File No. - RZ-02-010) BACKGROUND: Petition of Raymond C. Thoennissen II, for a Change in Zoning from the AR-1 (Agricultural Residential - 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the CG (Commercial General) Zoning District. The stated purpose of the rezoning is to allow for the expansion of the Airport Storage facility to include a self-storage facility. The applicant is aware that a future conditional use permit will be required for the construction of the storage facility. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: The Planning and Zoning Commission, by a vote of 7 to 0, with two members absent (Mr. Mathes and Mr. Trias), recommended approval of the rezoning from AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential- 1 du/acre) to CG (Commercial General) at its May 16, 2002 meeting. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Draft Resolution 02-048. ONCURRENCE: COMMISSION ACTION: c::=Kl APPROVED D DENIED D OTHER (4-0\ Barnes Ah!'ip.nr Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator County Attorney Originating Depl.: Finance: Coordination! Signatures Mgl. & Budget: Other: Purchasing: Other: '-' ..".I COUNTY COMMISSION REVIEW: June 18, 2002 Resolution 02-048 MEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Board of County Commissioners Community Development Director June 11, 2002 Petition of Raymond C. Thoennissen II, for a Change in Zoning from the AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential - 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the CG (Commercial General) Zoning District. (File No.: RZ-02-010) The proposed rezoning of property located at 3250 North Kings Highway, from the AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential - 1 dulacre) Zoning District to the CG (Commercial General) Zoning District is to allow for the expansion of the existing business known as Airport Storage. The petitioner has indicated that he would like to construct a mini-warehouse storage facility on the one- acre parcel of land. The applicant is aware that a future Conditional Use Permit will be required for the construction of the mini-warehouse/storage facility. The subject property is located in an area which is designated MXD-Airport on the future land use map of the County's Comprehensive Plan. Policy, Figure 1-100, identifies the specific types of uses permitted within the MXD-Airport Mixed Use Development area, to those uses that are allowed in the Commercial, Industrial, Transportation/Utilities or Public/Facilities Land Use designations. The subject property is surrounded by CG (Commercial General) zoning to the west and south and AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential - 1 du/acre) zoning to the north and east. The properties surrounding the subject land parcel are being used for either commercial or agricultural uses. North Kings Highway, north of St. Lucie Boulevard and south of Indrio has been in a transitional stage from an agriculturally oriented community to a more commercial oriented community. The following commercial facilities are located adjacent to the subject property: Pippin Tractor and the existing portion of the Airport Storage Facility. Further to the north is the Indrio Crossings Shopping Plaza, Eckerd Drugs, a small commercial strip mall, number of gasoline stations, etc. The requested change in zoning would be consistent with the existing pattem of development in this area. The petitioned property is not part of any planned public acquisition associated with the St. Lucie County International Airport. The permitted uses in the CG (Commercial General) Zoning District are not expected to unduly impact the surrounding area, existing uses or public services. At the time of development, the petitioner will be required to satisfy all Land Development Criteria dealing with landscaping and buffering and basic site development requirements. '-' June 11, 2002 Page 2 ...,.¡ Petition: Raymond Thoennissen File No.: RZ-02-010 At the May 16, 2002, public hearing on this matter, the S1. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission, by a vote of 7 to 0, (with Mr. Mathes and Mr. Trias being absent) recommended approval of this petition as set forth in Draft Resolution 02-048. This proposed change in zoning has been determined to meet the standards of review as set forth in Section 11 .06.03 of the S1. Lucie County Land Development Code, and is not in conflict with the goals, objectives, and policies of the S1. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends the approval of this petition for a change in zoning from the AR-1 (Agricultural Residential- 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the CG (Commercial General) Zoning District as set forth in Draft Resolution 02-048. DJM!cs cc: County Administrator County Attorney Planning Manager Raymond Thoennissen File 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 '- '-' RESOLUTION 02-048 FILE NO.: RZ-02-010 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A CHANGE IN ZONING FROM THE AR-1 (AGRICULTURAL, RESIDENTIAL - 1 DU1ACRE) ZONING DISTRICT TO THE CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL) ZONING DISTRlçr OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN ST. LUCI ONTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners 0 testimony and evidence including, but not limited t determinations: 1. Raymond C. Thoennissen II. presented a pe AR-1 (Agricultural Residential- 1 du/acre General) Zoning District for the prope 2. On May 16, 2002, the St. Lucie C oning Commission held a public hearing on the petition, at least 10 days prior to the hearing and notifying by mail within 500 feet of the subject property, and recommended unty Commissioners approve the hereafter des . ed req zoning from the AR-1 (Agricultural, Residentia acr Dis the CG (Commercial General) Zoning District for 'n Part A below. 3. On June 18, notice at Ie property public hearing on the petition, after publishing o the hearing and notifying by mail all owners of subject property. 4. zoning is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies Comprehensive Plan and has satisfied the requirements of eSt. Lucie County Land Development Code. 5. The pro change in zoning is consistent with the existing and proposed use of property in the surrounding area. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida: A. The proposed change in the Zoning District Classification for that property described as follows: File No.: RZ-Ð2-Ð10 June 18, 2002 Resolulion 02-048 Page 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 B. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 '- '...I THE NORTH 171.76 FEET OF THE EAST 256.15 FEET OF THE FOLLOWING PARCEL: THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, LYING AND BEING IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, LESS DRAINAGE CNALS AND ROAD RIGHT OF WAY AND LESS PARCEL CONVEYED TO FLORIDA STATE TURNPIKE AUTHORITY RECORDED IN DEED BOOK 215, PAGE 103, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA. ALSO, LESS THEREFROM THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND: ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING, BEING J\ND 25, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, ST. LUCIE COU PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF S 39 EAST; THENSE NORTH 00 06'48" EAST, ALONG DISTANCE OF 2655.28 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE 70.98 FEET TO A POINT IN THE EAST RIGHT OF WA BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREIN 01'15" EAST, ALONG THE EAST RIGHT OF WAY LI OF 242.14 FEET TO A POINT, THENCE NORTH 89 TO A POINT; THENCE NORTH 00 01'15" EA THENCE NORTH 89 46'12" EAST, A DISTA 0001'16" WEST A DISTANCE OF 670.20 F DISTANCE OF 1256.70 FEET TO THE P UTI;t¡;jRANGE ION 25, A ANCE OF INGS HIG SAID POINT TRACT; THENCE NORTH 00 HIGHWAY A DISTANCE ANCE OF 406.15 FEET .00 FEET TO A POINT, POINT; THENCE SOUTH E SOUTH 89 43'39" WEST, A .R.B.1175 PAGE 1418) Tax Id. No. 1325-233-0001-000/4 (Location: north of Sl Lucie Boulevard.) nissen II, is hereby changed from the AR-1 cre) Zoning District to the CG (Commercial The St. L directe Coun resol nity Development Director is hereby authorized and to be made on the Official Zoning Map of St. Lucie ake notation of reference to the date of adoption of this After cond, the vote on this resolution was as follows: Chairman Doug Coward XXX Vice-Chairman Cliff Barnes XXX Commissioner Paula Lewis XXX Commissioner John Bruhn XXX Commissioner Frannie Hutchinson XXX Rle No,: RZ-02-010 June 18, 2002 Resolution 02-048 Page 2 ~ .....I 1 2 PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED This 18th day of June 2002. 3 4 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 5 ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA 6 7 8 BY 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 ATTEST: 17 18 19 20 21 Deputy Clerk 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 File No,: RZ-02-010 June 18, 2002 Resolution 02-ü48 Page 3 '-" .....; PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION REVIEW: 5/16/02 File Number RZ-02-01O MEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Planning Manager DATE: May 8,2002 SUBJECT: Application of Raymond C. Thoennissen II, for a Change in Zoning from the AR-1 (Agricultural Residential - 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the CG (Commercial General) Zoning District. LOCATION: 3250 North Kings Highway EXISTING ZONING: AR-1 (Agricultural Residential-1 du/acre) PROPOSED ZONING: CG (Commercial General) FUTURE LAND USE: PARCE:L SIZE: MXD Airport (COM/IND) 1 acre PROPOSED USE: The purpose of the requested change in zoning is to allow the expansion of the existing business known as Airport Storage located at 3250 North Kings Highway Section 3.01.03(8), of the County's Land Development Code identifies the designated uses in the CG (Commercial General) zoning district, which are permitted by right; permitted as an accessory use, or permitted through the conditional use process. Any use designated as a "Conditional Use" is required to undergo further review and approval. Any use not identified in the zoning district regulations is considered to be a prohibited use in that district (see Attachment "AA"). PERMITTED USES: SURROUNDING ZONING: AR-1 (Agricultural Residential - 1 du/acre) zoning district surrounds the petitioned property to the north and east and CG (Commercial General) zoning district surrounds the petitioned property to the west and south. '-' .....,; May 8, 2002 (revised June 10. 20@ Page 2 Petition: Raymond Thoennissien File RZ-02-010 SURROUNDING LAND USES: The existing Airport Storage facility is located to the west of the subject property and Pippin Tractor is located to the south of the subject property and existing citrus groves are located to the north, and east of the subject property. The surrounding properties are designated with MXD - Airport future land use designation. fIRE/EMS PROTECTION: Station # 4 (St. Lucie County International Airport) is located approximately 3 miles to the east. UTILITY SERVICE: The subject property is an area that is planned to be serviced by the St. Lucie County Utilities Department as part of the development of the wets side of the St. Lucie County International Airport. TRANSPORTATION IMPACTS RIGHT-Of-WAY ADEQUACY: The existing right-of-way for North Kings Highway is 60 feet. The future right-of-way needs along North Kings Highway call for an additional 130 feet (+/-). However, since this property is not contiguous to the existing right-of-way of North Kings Highway, it is not expected that it will be part of any right-of- way acquisition program. SCHEDULED IMPROVEMENTS: North Kings Highway is tentatively scheduled for resurfacing in FY 1998-99. Widening of this roadway is not currently funded as part of the State FOOT work program. TYPE Of CONCURRENCY DOCUMENT REQUIRED: Concurrency Deferral Affidavit. ********************.********...******** STANDARDS Of REVIEW AS SET fORTH IN SECTION 11.06.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE In reviewing this application for proposed rezoning, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider and make the following determinations: '-' ....,,¡ May 8,2002 (revised June 10.2002) Page 3 Petition: Raymond Thoennissien File RZ-02-010 1. Whether the proposed rezoning is in conflict with any applicable portions of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code; The applicant is requesting a change in zoning from the AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the CG (Commercial, General) Zoning District. The area in which the subject property is located is designated MXD-AIRPORT on the future land use map of the County Comprehensive Plan. Policy, Figure 1-100, limits the uses within the MXD-Airport Mixed Use Development Area, to those uses that are allowed in the Commercial, Industrial, T/U, or P/F land use designations. The proposed change in zoning to Commercial General (CG) , has been determined not to be in conflict with the surrounding uses of this area, nor the current Future Land Use designation of the petitioned property. 2. Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with all elements of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan; The applicant is requesting a change in zoning from the AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential 1 du/acre) Zoning Districtto the CG (Commercial, General) Zoning District. The area in which the subject property is located is designated MXD-AIRPORT on the future land use map of the County Comprehensive Plan. Policy states "Mixed Use activity areas shall be developed as indicated in the following sub area Mixed Use activity areas plans, as depicted in Figure 1-10a thru 1-10j." According to Figure 1-100, the subject property is located in area designated as CommerciaVlndustrial. This area is restricted to those uses that would be equivalent to the Commercial, Industrial, T/U, or P/F land use designations. The proposed change in zoning is consistent with all elements of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. The MXD-Airport land use intensity classification described in Figure 1-100 requires that any change in zoning be to either a CG (Commercial General), IL (Industrial, Light), or IH (Industrial, High) Zoning District. 3. Whether and the extent to which the proposed zoning is inconsistent with the existing and proposed land uses; The proposed zoning is not inconsistent with either the existing and proposed land uses in the area. The general use of the immediate surrounding area of the subject property is as follows: Surrounding Use Land Use Zoning North Agricultural, Grove MXD-Airport AR-1 South Pippin Tractor MXD-Airport CG East Agricultural, Grove MXD-Airport AR-1 West Airport Storage MXD-Airport CG ......' .....,¡ May 8,2002 (revised June 10. 2002) Page 4 Pe,lition: Raymond Thoennissien File RZ-02-010 The area under consideration has been identified under the County's Comprehensive Plan with an MXD-Airport Land Use designation and an established zoning criteria that emphasizes Commercial General or Industrial uses. 4. Whether there have been changed conditions that require an amendment; The land conditions of the area have not changed so as to require an amendment. The applicant is proposing to expand the existing Airport Storage facility to the east. They have currently outgrown their existing facility. 5. Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in demands on public facilities, and whether or to the extent to which the proposed amendment would exceed the capacity of such public facilities, Including but not limited to transportation facilities, sewage facilities, water supply, parks, drainage, schools, solid waste, mass transit, and emergency medical facilities; The rezoning of the petitioned property is not expected to create significant additional demands on any public facilities in this area. The subject property is currently utilized for agricultural purposes (a grove). A change in zoning is not considered to be a Final Development Order as defined under the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan and Land Development Code. Preliminary Development Orders do not require the issuance of a certificate of capacity and the granting of a preliminary development does not assure the applicant, any successor or assign or a reservation of system capacity. Prior to the approval of any expansion to the existing facility, the applicant will need to provide documentation verifying that sufficient facilities are in place to support the new development. 6. Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in significant adverse impacts on the natural environment; The proposed amendment is not anticipated to create adverse impacts on the natural environment. The site does not contain any known unique or threatened habitat. The applicant will be required to comply with all federal, state, and local environmental regulations. 7. Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in an orderly and logical development pattern specifically identifying any negative affects of such patterns; A continued orderly and logical development pattern will occur with this change in zoning. The surrounding parcels of property are designated for uses as required within the MXD- Airport land uses. The Comprehensive Plan identifies the area under consideration with a CommerciaVlndustrial land use and further requires either a Commercial General or Industrial Zoning classification. In order for the subject property to be consistent with the 'lilw' '...I May 8, 2002 (revised June 10. 2002) Page 5 Petition: Raymond Thoennissien File RZ-02-01 0 Comprehensive Plan, the rezoning would have to take place. In addition, the development patterns along this segment of Kings Highway have taken on a more urbanized (commercial and industrial) pattern. 8. Whether the proposed amendment would be in conflict with the public interest, and is in harmony with the purpose and intent of this Code; The proposed amendment would not be in conflict with the public interest and is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the S1. Lucie County Land Development Code. COMMENTS The petitioner, Raymond Thoennissen, has requested this change in zoning from the AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential - 1 du/acre) Zoning District to the CG (Commercial, General) Zoning District in order to expand the existing Airport Vehicular Storage facility on the subject property. The subject property is in an area designated within the Comprehensive Plan for Commercial or Industrial Uses. Staff has reviewed this petition and determined that it conforms with the standards of review as set forth in the S1. Lucie County Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the goals, objectives, and policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends that you forward this petition to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval. Please contact this office if you have any questions on this matter. cs cc: Raymond Thoennissien File H:\wp\rezoning\Thoennissen\fnl.srp. wpd ~ -.""I Suggested motion to recommend approval/denial of this requested change in zoning. MOTION TO APPROVE: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING, INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, AND THE STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.06.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, I HEREBY MOVE THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMEND THAT THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS GRANT APPROVAL TO THE APPLICATION OF RAYMOND THOENNISSIEN, FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING FROM THE AR-1 (AGRICULTURAL RESIDENTIAL - 1 DU/ACRE) ZONING DISTRICT TO THE CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL) ZONING DISTRICT, BECAUSE..... [CITE REASON WHY - PLEASE BE SPECIFIC]. MOTION TO DENY: AFTER CONSIDERING THE TESTIMONY PRESENTED DURING THE PUBLIC HEARING, INCLUDING STAFF COMMENTS, AND THE STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.06.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE, I HEREBY MOVE THAT THE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION RECOMMEND THAT THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DENY THE APPLICATION OF RAYMOND THOENNISSIEN, FOR A CHANGE IN ZONING FROM THE AR-1 (AGRICULTURAL RESIDENTIAL -1 DU/ACRE) ZONING DISTRICT TO THE CG (COMMERCIAL GENERAL) ZONING DISTRICT, BECAUSE..... [CITE REASON WHY - PLEASE BE SPECIFIC]. , "-' COUNTY ....I OKEECHOBEE T 35 S T 34 5 ... .. ... Ii ~ .. ... .. ~ ... c.. .... :5: .. ~ III -t Z ... WED ROAD Ii fi i i () o c z =< RIMÇ[ LINE RO&lJ .. ... ... ... ;. f .~ i ..~ I ~~. >l ~ i~ if " \ ~ ') Q .. " ') o . t , õ Z -..I'\b- , .' ~ .,' .~ ,~. . l . I .. ;: ~ I .-0 0-' aO O:l '--- ....-+CD -·a 0'- :::J :0 N o I\.) I o ---l. o :0 ~ :3 o :::J 0... -- ~ o CD :::J :::J -- en en CD :::J z 0 ï> z .. III ... :0 ~ :0 8 c z =< .. = ... ~, ..I N "UURllIØ~Ap&··~.q~;o.l~lI·~~ llfU'l;II;Jll p.III.-n;I~q~ O!~ ~ta....~-..w. 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Signatures Mgt. & Budget: Other: , ..... -- - To: Submitted By: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: County Attorney Originating Dept.: Finance: '-" ...", Agenda Request 5G- June 18, 2002 Item Number Date: Consent Regular Public Hearing ego [ ] I [ I [X] Quasi-JD [ X ] Board of County Commissioners Community Development Director C0"1munj y Devel pment Director Consider Draft Resolution 02-047 approving the request of Gulf ~'¿am Natural Gas Systems, for a Conditional Use Pennit approval to allow for the construction and operation of the first segment of the natural gas pipeline to be known as Gulfstream Gas Pipeline. (File No.: CU-02-002) The petitioners, Gulfstream Natural Gas Systems, are requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit that would allow them to construct a portion of the interstate natural gas pipeline project to be known as the Gulfstream Natural gas pipeline. This overall project is a 744-mile natural gas pipeline that will begin in two onshore collection! pumping areas in coastal Mississippi and Alabama, cross through the Gulf of Mexico, making landfall in Manatee County, Florida (south of Tampa Bay) and then extend across the State of Florida to selVice markets in Central and Southeastem Aorida. This pipeline will have the capacity to transport 1.1 billion cubic feet of gas per day Into the State of Florida. According to the filings made with the County, this pipeline project is designed to primarily selVe utilities and power generation facilities in the State that will use high-efficiency, natural gas turbines to meet the increased demands for electric energy. The portion of this project that lies within St Lucie County will enter the County at the southwest comer of the County where Martin, Okeechobee and SI. Lucie County's touch each other. In general, the pipeline route will parallel the Florida's East Coast Railroad Une that comes into the County from the "Glades" areas. This pipeline will first enter the County along the north side of the railroad corridor and then in the vicinity of Range Une Road, it will cross over to the south side of the railroad corridor. The pipeline is not proposed to occupy any railroad right-of-way, other than the two points where it wliI cross the railroads right-of-way. Gulfstream proposes there to be two phases of pipeline constructlon in S1. Lucie County. The first phase, and the phase that Is subject to the Boards Conditional Use review, will run from the southwest comer of the County line to the area of the Midway Road/I-9S Interchange. At that point, the line will end until a future application is filed that will provide for a northerly extension of this line to the vicinity of the proposed Capline Power Plant Facility in Indian River County. Prior to that new line being certified for construction, the applicant w1i1 need to comply with all applicable local and state regulations goveming the construction of a linear transmission facility, and will be subject to further Conditional Use review by this Board N1A The Planning and Zoning Commission, by a vote of 7 to 0, with two members absent (Mr. Mathes and Mr. Trias), recommended approval of the Conditional Use Pennit at its May 16, 2002 meeting. Staff recommends the that the Board of County Commissioners approve, through Resolution 02-047, the petition of Gulfstream Natural Gas Systems for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the construction of the S1. Lucie County portion (line segment 600) of the Gulfstream Natural Gas Pipeline pursuant to Section 03.01.01 (0) of the S1. Lucie County Land Development Code. The specific corridor alignment is to be a 300 foot corridor centered on the Florida East Coast Railroad K-Branch line from the Intersecting point of the Martin, Okeechobee and S1. Lucie County lines northeasterly to 1-95 then north along and Inside the Florida Power And Light easement running from Glades Cut-Off Road to the Midway Road substation property. CURRENCE: Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator Purchasing: Other: .....' 'will COUNTY COMMISSION REVIEW: June 18, 2002 Resolution 02-047 MEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT To: Board of County Commissioners From: Community Development Director Date: June 11, 2002 Subject: Petition of Gulfstream Natural Gas Systems, for a Conditional Use Permit approval to allow for the construction and operation of a natural gas pipeline, to be known as Gulfstream Natural Gas Pipeline, per Section 3.01.01 (D) Transportation and Utility Rights-of-Way, of the Land Development Code. (File No.: CU-02-002) The petitioners, Gulfstream Natural Gas Systems, are requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit that would allow them to construct a portion of the interstate natural gas pipeline project to be known as the Gulfstream Natural gas pipeline. This overall project is a 744-mile natural gas pipeline that will begin in two onshore collection! pumping areas in coastal Mississippi and Alabama, cross through the Gulf of Mexico, making landfall in Manatee County, Florida (south of Tampa Bay) and then extend across the State of Florida to service markets in Central and Southeastern Florida. This pipeline will have the capacity to transport 1.1 billion cubic feet of gas per day into the State of Florida, According to the filings made with the County, this pipeline project is designed to primarily serve utilities and power generation facilities in the State that will use high-efficiency, natural gas turbines to meet the increased demands for electric energy. The portion of this project that lies within St. Lucie County will enter the County at the southwest corner of the County where Martin, Okeechobee and 81. Lucie County's touch each other. In general, the pipeline route will parallel the Florida's East Coast Railroad Line that comes into the County from the "Glades' areas. This pipeline will first enter the County along the north side of the railroad corridor and then in the vicinity of Range Line Road, it will cross over to the south side of the railroad corridor. The pipeline is not proposed to occupy any railroad right-of-way, other than the two points where it will cross the railroads right-of-way. The attached supporting materials generally depict the alignments to be followed. A specific survey line has not yet been established and is still subject to final easement negotiations, however the general corridor, approximately 300 feet wide, has been identified. The actual areas of construction will be approximately 50 feet in width. Gulfstream proposes there to be two phases of pipeline construction in 81. Lucie County. The first phase, and the phase that is subject to the Boards Conditional Use review, will run from the southwest corner of the County line to the area of the Midway Roadl 1-95 Interchange. At that point, the line will end until a future application is filed that will provide for a northerly extension of this line to the vicinity of the proposed Capline Power Plant Facility in Indian River County. Prior to that new line being certified for construction, the applicant will need to comply with all applicable local and state regulations governing the construction of a linear transmission facility, and will be subject to · '-" ..., June II, 2002 Page 2 Subject: Conditional Use Permit - Gulfstream File No.: CU-02-002 further Conditional Use review by this Board. Again, at this time, only the first phase of construction is being presented for your review at this time. Although most local regulatory issues effecting linear transmission facilities such as the one proposed are pre-empted by State regulations, Section 3.01.01 (D), of the S1. Lucie County Land Development Code recognizes and provides for the fact that there may be impacts of these facilities on a local community that in addition to the state review should be reviewed by the local governing body, in this case, the Board of County Commissioners. For reference, Section 3.01,01 (D), of the Code reads as follows: 'Transportation and utility rights-of-way and the linear portion of transportation facilities, e.g., pipes, pole lines, wires, cables, conduits, pavement rails, drainage and other similar equipment and accessories in connection herewith, shall be pennitted in all zoning districts and shall comply, as applicable, with the resource protection and development standards for vegetation protection, protection of environmentally sensitive lands, protection of habitat endangered and threatened species, flood damage prevention and stonnwater management. Prior to any local certification of consistency for those utility rights-of-way subject to review and approval under Chapter 403, Part II, Florida Statutes, a conditional use review, in accordance with the provisions of Section 11.07.03, shall be required." The Gulfstream Natural Gas Pipeline received approvals from the State of Florida through the "Team Permitting Process" in February 22, 2001. S1. Lucie County has not yet been asked to provide the required local certification of consistency for the construction of any portion of this project in S1. Lucie County. The first phases of this project, the Alabama! Mississippi to Polk County segments are nearing completion. Construction of the remaining approximately 1/3 of the pipeline length is set for late 2002 or early 2003. Most all-major environmental permitting issues, State Air and Water Quality permitting matters and other federal and state agency permits have been obtained, at least on a conceptual basis. The County's role in reviewing this matter is to review the proposed corridor alignment and to determine if the alignment would contravene any local development code or standard, not otherwise addressed through the State permitting process. The proposed pipeline will cross three roadways within S1. Lucie County: Glades Cut-Off Road, Range Line Road and Commerce Center Drive and Glades Cut-Off Road for a second time. The petitioners have applied for and are in the process of receiving appropriate permits from the Public WorkslEngineering Department allowing this pipeline to cross the public roadways/rights-of-way. At this time, a review of the submitted Conditional Use Permit application finds that the Gulfstream Natural Gas Systems request will not adversely affect the surrounding areas. The proposed natural gas pipeline is not expected to adversely impact any of the surrounding properties along the corridor route. The pipeline will be underground and all canal crossing will be below grade. There are no planned aerial crossings of any waterways along the corridor route. Wetland impacts along the proposed corridor are expected to equal approximately 14.18 acres. Mitigation plans for these impacts were included as part of the over FDEP Team permitting process completed in 2001. .. \..i ...., June 11,2002 Page 3 Subject: Conditional Use Permit - Gulfstream File No_: CU-02-002 The petitioner has stated that they will be utilizing to the best extent as possible existing rights-of- way (roadway and railway) and easements (FPL) within the county. At the time of construction, the petitioners will be required to acquire permission from the controlling entities to utilize these rights- of-ways and easements. For those areas in which there are no easements or rights-of-way, the petitioners will be required to work with the individual property owners in order to gain access through the private properties. The petitioners have stated that they will be utilizing all options available to them with the last resort be condemnation. The petitioners have obtained the following permits: U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Permits; U. S. Army Corp of Engineers Permit; U. S. Department of Interior Mineral Permit; Florida Department of Environmental Protection Environmental Resource Permit and Sovereign Submerged Lands Permit, Discharge Permit, and Water Quality Permit; Florida Department of State Historical Resource Permit. The petitioners have indicated that no adverse impacts to the natural environment are expected as a result of either the construction or operation of this pipeline facility. The St. Lucie County Environmental Resource Division has signed off on the environmental portion of this proposed natural gas pipeline. At the May 16, 2002, public hearing on this matter, the St. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission, by a vote of 7 to 0, with two members absent (Mr. Mathes and Mr. Trias) recommended approval of this petition as setforth in Draft Resolution 02-047. The proposed Conditional Use Permit meets the standards of review as set forth in Section 11.07.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, and is not in conflict with the goals, objectives, and policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. Staff recommends the that the Board of County Commissioners approve, through Resolution 02- 047, the petition of Gulfstream Natural Gas Systems for a Conditional Use Permit to allow for the construction of the St. Lucie County portion (line segment 600) of the Gulfstream Natural Gas Pipeline pursuant to Section 03.01.01 (D) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. The specific corridor alignment is to be a 300 foot corridor centered on the Florida East Coast Railroad K-Branch line from the intersecting point of the Martin, Okeechobee and St. Lucie County lines northeasterly to 1-95 then north along and inside the Florida Power And Light easement running from Glades Cut-Off Road to the Midway Road substation property. If you have any questions, please let me know. County Administrator County Attomey Public Works Director Planning Manager Environmental Resources Manager Tom Skaggs, Gulfstream Natural Gas Systems 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 '-' 'wi RESOLUTION 02-047 FILE NO.: CU-02-o02 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT APPROVAL FOR GULFSTREAM NATURAL GAS SYSTEMS TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION 0 A LINEAR GAS TRANSMISSION PER SECTION 3.01.01 (D) OF E UCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOP T BE KNOWN AS GULFSTRE PIPELINE FOR PROPER LUCIE COUNTY, FLORID 1. WHEREAS, the Board of County Commission testimony and evidence, including but not determinations: ty, Florida, based on the rt, has made the following Gulfstream Natural Gas 8 stem to construct and operate Gulfstream Natural Pipelin for a Conditional Use Permit smission line, to be known as ribed in Part B. 2. ie C nning and Zoning Commission held a after hing notice at least 10 days prior to the owners of property within 500 feet of the subject e Board of County Commissioners approve the Conditional Use Permit for the property described 3. rd held a public hearing on the petition, after publishing a and notifying by mail all owners of property within 500 feet of 4. nditional Use is consistent with the goals, objectives, and policies e County Comprehensive Plan and has satisfied the requirements of 1.07.03 of the 81. Lucie County Land Development Code. 5. The proposed project will not have an undue adverse effect on adjacent property, the character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, parking, utility facilities, or other matters affecting the public health, safety and general welfare. File No.: CU-02-002 June 18, 2002 Resolution 02-047 Page 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 '-' ...., 6. The proposed project will be constructed, arranged and operated so as not to interfere with the development and use of neighboring property, in accordance with applicable district regulations. 7. A Certificate of Capacity, a copy of which is attached to this resolution, was granted by the Community Development Director on June 18, 2002, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commission of St. Lucie County, Florida: A. Pursuant to Section 11.07.03 of the St. Lucie C Conditional Use Permit for Gulfstream Natural G and operation of a linear gas transmission lin Gas Pipeline is hereby granted for the prope depicted in the attached Exhibit B. B. The property on which this Conditional Use Pe follows: A 300 foot corridor centered on the from the Intersecting point of th lines northeasterly to 1-95 then Light easement running fr substation property. ad K-Branch line d St. Lucie County he Florida Power And d to the Midway Road to the 1195/ Midway Road Intersection.) C. ions y this Resolution are for the purpose of 'near gas transmission line and shall expire on June obtained a building permit approval for the linear n has been granted in accordance with Section ty Land Development Code. E. approval granted under this Resolution is specifically ent that the petitioner, Gulfstream Natural Gas Systems, rs in interest, shall obtain all necessary development permits horizations from the appropriate State and Federal regulatory ng but not limited to: the United States Army Corps of Engineers, artment of Environmental Protection, and the South Florida Water District, prior to the issuance of any local building permits of authorizations to commence development activities on the property described in Part B of this Resolution. F. The Certificate of Capacity, a copy of which is attached to this resolution, shall remain valid for the period of Conditional Use approval. Should the Conditional Use approval granted by this Resolution expire or an extension be sought pursuant to File No.: CU-02-002 June 18,2002 Resolution 02-047 Page 2 '- ...., 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 Section 11.07.05(F) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, a new certificate of capacity shall be required. After motion and second, the vote on this resolution was as follows: Chairman Doug Coward xxx Vice-Chairman Cliff Barnes xxx Commissioner John Bruhn Commissioner Paula Lewis Commissioner Frannie Hutchinson PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED This 18th da OMMISSIONERS TY, FLORIDA Chairman ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: Deputy County Attorney cs H:IWPIConditional UsesIBulfstreamJAgendasIResolution.doc File No.: CU-02-002 June 18,2002 Resolution 02-047 Page 3 '-' '-' 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 File No.: GU-02-002 June 18, 2002 Resolution 02-047 Page 4 '-' -..I ........ è ..- è c C ::J ::J 0 0 U U .......... .... C <D t > -.... Cú ä: ~ c ] Cú ..--- 'õ ~ ] E ~ ..- ...~ '""" ..., ] I ~ -= co '- :J ....... CO Z() c E:....J CO(/) ()co ro (/) - :J CJ l __z (\J o o I (\J o :::> ü w :J o a: D W en o 0. o ~ a.. ,," fie .<è '(l1c ,,\ it-\">.'& '" \Ill- f ,! !Ii i J\ i Ilf e-'{ ¿: ~ IIH r~f i i Iii : l~ ! I ¡H ~ : ~ ~ î lIP d ß If 1 !! i! i! ! ~unoJ aaqo4oaa~o \ :i w .... 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CU_Oi~~;ÚSSlDN \.- zaNING ~ n':I~r;1.i 11' nr'Q ~~u..,·- Cyndi Snay, presenting Staff comments, stated that Agenda Item # 7 was the application of Gulfstream Natural Gas Systems, for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction and operation of a segment of the Gulfstream Natural Gas Pipeline to enter St. Lucie County. The subject property is primarily Utilities in zoning. She stated that the proposed pipeline is a 744- mile long interstate pipeline and would originate onshore in Mississippi and Alabama that would travel across the Gulf of Mexico and make landfall in Manatee County, Florida, extending across the state. She continued that the pipeline would enter St. Lucie County at the Martin/St. Lucie County jurisdictional line, travel north to the Midway Road/I-95 Corridor. She stated this is the first segment and once approved the applicant would submit a request for the second Conditional Use Permit for the next phase, which would go from St. Lucie County to Indian River County. She also stated that during the construction of the facility the applicant would be required to obtain all rights from each of the individual property owners in order to construct the pipeline across the properties. She continued that the pipeline would cross three roadways in St. Lucie County: Glades Cut-Off Road, Range Line Road and Commerce Center Drive. She stated that the applicant has already obtained the State and Federal permits for the proposed pipeline and that their request is consistent with the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Comprehensive plan. She also stated that it does meet the standards in the Land Development code and therefore recommending approval of the applicant's request. Mr. Hearn stated that he thought that a gas pipeline was a permitted use under the current zoning and wasn't why a conditional use permit would be necessary. Mr. Kelly stated that there are associated distribution points associated with the project and the pipeline itself would fall under the permitted uses but the distribution points require the conditional use permit. Mr. Brian O'Higgins, 1108 SE Lakeview Drive, Sebring, Florida stated. he was the Director of Engineering and Construction for Gulfstream Natural Gas Systems. He stated that he had a large map to display and some aerial photography to the Commission and the public could review the entire project to understand it's conception and how it relates to St. Lucie County, He also stated that they had pamphlets, which give information regarding the company, the project and various other aspects regarding the entire project. He advised that this project extends crosses approximately fourteen miles of the county. He stated that the project was brought before several other counties within the State through the FEC and there was a lengthy permitting process through the Federal Government to prove there was a public need and necessity for the project. He also stated that they had to prove that the project was constructed in a manner that would minimize impacts to the environment. He stated the FEC issued a certificate of public need and necessity to the Gulf Stream Natural Gas System in February 2001. He continued that the certificate was amended in March 2002 to phase the project into two phases. He stated that the original application that was submitted was to begin construction in June 2001 and complete construction in June 2002. He continued that they elected to build the project in phases due to the size of the project and they will construct it over a two-year period. He also gave a copy of their amended certificate to each member of the Commission. Mr. O'Higgins stated that parallel to the FEC process the project participated in the team permitting process with the Florida DEP over the past two years. He stated that DEP did issue a permit to them through that process and was issued in March 2001, which included numerous mitigation sites that are currently nearing completion, the closest being in Lake Wales. He also P & Z Meeting May 16, 2002 Page 11 ...Jt"1>W"'~1"U~IA'l_ r,G\r' ¡... ~" K ",,,,,. ~ cU ('.-n ,,.,,... TO . ' ;...~ ',it' ~ \i -1'< : -., "~ ';.J ¡¡ rìj\¡..;¡mm & ZONING l stated that they are currently nearing completion of construction of Phase 1, which O19}.~SiûMr APPRO" A the facilities in Alabama, Mississippi, the portion that crosses the Gulf of Mexico, and the portion that is in Manatee, Hardee, Polk and Osceola Counties, Florida. He continued that the portion in Phase 2, which includes an extension out through Okeechobee County and into St. Lucie County, is currently scheduled to begin construction in February 2003. He stated they would construct from the west to the east and that the pipeline consists of approximately 14.4 miles of 24-inch diameter pipeline and would, for the most part, be co-located with the FEC railroad and the FPL power line right-of-way, He aIso stated that there is a .35-mile portion, which would extend under 1-95. He continued that there is a one main line valve setting and a meter station, which would measure the gas that is delivered to the proposed customers. He stated there are two railroad crossings, two county highway crossings, County Road 609 and 709, and one crossing of 1-95. He also stated that there are three horizontal directional drills proposed, which is similar to installing a fiber optic where they drill under the driveway, which would be located at 1-95, Rim Ditch and County Line Canal. He continued that 3.5 miles of the pipeline parallels the FEC Railroad and 10.6 miles is located within FPL's existing right-of-way. He stated that they are scheduled to begin construction in February 2003 with a completion date of June 2003. "'" Mr. Lounds questioned if they would be going under the SFWM canals and not bridging over them. Mr. O'Higgins confirmed that was correct. Mr. Lounds asked what the depth under the canal would be. Mr. O'Higgins stated it would be between forty to sixty feet below the depth of the canal. Mr. Merritt asked if the wetlands that would be affected would be bored under as well. Mr. O'Higgins stated they would not and that the wetlands that are crossed would be crossed using conventional pipeline construction techniques. He also stated they would strip off the topsoil and stored and the ditch where the pipeline is located wouId be impacted, the topsoil would be placed back on top so that native base returns. He continued that the wetland would be allowed to re-vegetate back to its original condition. He stated that if it were a wooded wetland they would allow the ten-foot over the pipeline to revert back to an herbaceous wetland. He also stated that they would allow the trees to grow back to within twenty-feet in height and the reason for the ten foot section over the pipeline is because it is mandatory for ariel patrols that are conducted and also mandatory by the FDOT so that the corridor can be seen. Mr. Merritt asked approximately how much wetland would be impacted. Mr. O'Higgins stated that the exact figures were located in their submitted information and that it would be in an area that was already previously been impacted by the railroad as well as the power lines. Mr. Grande wanted to verify that the pipeline would be installed completely underground except for the meter station and valves. Mr. O'Higgins verified that was correct. Mr. Grande questioned if there would be any above ground storage facilities. Mr. O'Higgins confirmed that was also correct. Mr. Grande stated he would like those two items added as conditions of the Conditional Use Permit and Mr. O'Higgins stated that would not be a problem, with the exception of the pipeline markers or protection test leads. Mr. Lounds confirmed that they would be following the already existing utility and railroad right-of-ways and therefore would not be breaking any new ground. Mr. O'Higgins stated that was correct. Mr. Kelly showed the transparency, which illustrated the route of the pipeline. Mr. Kelly also stated that they were stating they would go under 1-95 and they had the route turning left before 1-95 and going north along the substation route. Mr. O'Higgins stated the portion that P & Z Meeting May 16, 2002 Page 12 '-' ",r'Ft:'1['rr'm~~ f1¡ n ~~Jrr~~~!fâ¡¡"- (',-,. .".~... 71\ ..)d¡~,f~:\.:.tt ; ~J ~il ^ :'~,,""" t' 'è/1'P'J"r. r;'Lt-;N:\~!~~~J O~ Ltnt¿,f:l1 cr;r:MI~qflN APPROVAL extends under 1-95 is line 601, which extends to the meter and regulator station A'rl~·ïs'-'.'3'5 or 1,800 foot of 24-inch pipeline and would lateral off of the main line. Mr. Kelly confirmed that the drawing for themaiil line 'was correct and Mr. O'Higgins stated that was right. Mr. Kelly asked what the terminal point was for that section and Mr. O'Higgins stated it would be near Glades Cut-Off Road. Mr. Kelly pointed out to Mr. Grande that section 3.01.01(d) specifically explains the need for a conditional use permit. Mr. Murphy questioned if when you come up Glades Cut-Off Road the pipeline goes underneath 1-95 and then moves left back towards the power station or if it would stop before 1-95 and then make the left and follow the power line corridor up and then terminate at the substation. Mr. Liam Grear stated that where the lateral line extends parallel to Glades-Cut·Off Road to the east side of 1-95 where it would meet the meter station and tie into a proposed power plant. Mr. Hearn questioned if their decision tonight was to be based on if the petition meets the Goals, Objectives and Policies of the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Code or is it a matter of if they want this in their communities or not. Mr. Kelly stated their major responsibility is to determine consistency with the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Grande stated to Mr. Hearn that there is a list of criteria for decision making listed in the Land Development Code which are sufficiently broad and inclusive so that if they feel this is not the right project for the County, that is enough to base their decision on. Mr. Hearn questioned Staff if that was correct. Mr. Kelly stated this application would need to be considered just as any other conditional use application would be. Chairman McCurdy opened the Public Hearing. Seeing no one, Chairman McCurdy closed the Public Hearing. Mr. Merritt stated that after considering the testimony presented during the Public Hearing, including Staff Comments, and the Standards of Review as set forth in Section 11.07.03, St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Planning and Zoning Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners grand approval to the application of Gulfstream Natural Gas Systems, for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the installation of a segment of a natural gas line from the St. Lucie/Martin County line north to the Midway RoadlI-95 intersection in the U(Utilities) Zoning District because it is within the scope of the applicants request. Mr. Grande questioned if the motion could include as conditions that the pipeline will be installed completely underground except for the meter stations and valves and that there will be no above ground storage facilities, as agreed to already by the petitioner. Mr. Merritt asked the applicant if at some point in the meter station there would be a need to bring that gas to the surface or any storage in that facility. Mr. O'Higgins stated that within the meter station the piping is brought above ground and there are electronics on the pipe and they do include a two hundred and fifty gallon tank in the event there is condensate in the pipe because it is designed to be dry and that would be covered under the conditions requested. Mr. O'Higgins asked that they add an exception for those pertinences required by FDOT. Mr. Merritt stated that after considering the testimony presented during the Public Hearing, including Staff Comments, and the Standards of Review as set forth in Section 11.07.03, St. Lucie County Land Development Code, I hereby move that the Planning and P & Z Meeting May 16, 2002 Page 13 '-' ..../¡'" " ""........r "'" 'Al ;_';.~,: ~ fI... \'01 .1 ~ lR ~ 1 ~,,(J~ .~ tJ.g~ ,,' - ('. ..~1l',:",,,,,,,!" . ',.':) ,', ~ . :IJ f , ; & ZONING Zoning Commission recommend that the St. Lucie County Board~i.o£ill~ APPROVAL Commissioners grand approval to the application of Gulfstream Natural Gas Systems, for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the installation of a segment of a natural gas line from the St. Lucie/Martin County line north to the Midway RoadJI·95 intersection in the U(Utilities) Zoning District with the following condition: The pipeline will be installed completely underground except for the meter stations and valves and any pertinence required by FDOT. Motion seconded by Mr. Grande. Upon a roll call vote the motion was unanimously approved (with a vote of 7·0) and forwarded to the Board of County Commissioners with a recommendation of approval. P & Z Meeting May 16, 2002 Page 14 '-' ...., AGENDA - BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TUESDAY, June 18,2002 7:00 P.M. GULFSTREAM NATURAL GAS SYSTEM, LLC., has petitioned St. Lucie County for a Conditional Use Permit to allow a cross country natural gas transmission line for the following described property: Location: Follow the FEC Railroad, K Branch/Glades Cut-Off Road from SW Corner of the St. LucielOkeechobee County Line to 1-95 and Midway Road. Please note that all proceedings before the Local Planning Agency are electronically recorded. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the Local Planning Agency with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purposes, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Upon the request of any party to the proceeding, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. Written comments received in advance of the public hearing will also be considered. Prior to this public hearing, notice of the same was sent to all adjacent property owners June 8, 2002. Legal notice was published in the Port St. Lucie News and The Tribune, newspapers of general circulation in St. Lucie County, on June 8, 2002. File No. CU-02-002 '-' -.J June 8, 2002 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS In accordance with the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, you are hereby advised that GULFSTREAM NATURAL GAS SYSTEM, LLC., has petitioned St. Lucie County for a Conditional Use Per:r..¡~ to allow a cross country natura! gas transmission line for the following described property: Location: FoUow the FEC Railroad, K Branch/Glades Cut-Off Road from SW Corner of the St. LucieJOkeechobee County Line to 1-95 and Midway Road. THE PROPERTY'S LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST The second public hearing on the petition will be held at 7:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, on June 18, 2002, County Commissioner's Chambers, St. Lucie County Administration Building Annex, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard at that time. Written comments received in advance of the public hearing will also be considered. Written comments to the Board of County Commissioners should be received by the County Planning Division at least 3 days prior to a scheduIed hearing. County policy discourages connnunication with individual County Commissioners on any case outside of the scheduled public hearing(s). You may speak at a public hearing, or provide written comments for the record. The proceedings of the County Commission are electronically recorded. If a person decides to appeal any decision made by the County Commission with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings. For such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Upon the request of any party to the proceeding, individuals testifying during a hearing will be sworn in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross-examine any individual testifying during a hearing upon request. If it becomes necessary, a public hearing may be continued to a date-certain. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Director at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting at (561) 462- 1777 or T,D.D. (561) 462-1428. If you np longer own property adjacent to the above-described parcel, please forward this notice to the new owner. Please call 561/462-1960 if you have any questions, and refer to: File Number CU-02-002 Sincerely, ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ~Ch~~/~ JOHN D, OI\UHN. Dwicr No, 1 . DOUG COWARD. District No, 2 . PAULA A LEWIS. Disrrier No. J . FRANNIE HUTCHINSON, Disrricr No, 4 . CLIFF OAI\NES, DIStrict No 5 Counry AdminisTraror - Douglos M_ Anderson 2300 Virginia Avenue . Forr Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Adminisrrarion: (561) 462-1590 . Planning: (561) 462-2822 . GISfTechnical Services: (561) 462-1553 Economic Developmenr: (561) 462-1550 . Fax: (561) 462-1581 Tourisr/Convention: (561) 462-1529 . Fox (561) 462-2132 '- ..J I ¡- ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA June 18. 2002 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN, ·~--I d-··'·' NOTICE is hereby given in accordance with Section 11.00,03 of the Sf. Lucie County la~d' Development Code and in accordance with tne provisions of the St. LUcie County Compre- herisive Plan, that the fallowing applicants ha,v.,.;equested thaI the St..~gcie County Board of Commissioners consider their following_ requests: . _', :'.: t.·~'-::;.:,:.· . '. :' _, ., . _ ,_'_: :":. ',' .... _,'~ .¡"t. .:.; ,; 1. RAYMOND THOENNiSSEN, fQrd c:hang'éin,Zo¡'inQ"from'the AR:l .lAgricultural, Residential- I du/acre) Zoning DislriCt to·'the CG (Cammerd91,:Oeneral), Zoning.District for the following described property, , ", ' . . ~~~. THE NORTH 171.76 FEET OF THE EAST 256.15 FEET OF THE FbiLbwÎÑG PARCEL, ALSO INCLUDING ANY AND ALL RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST IN A CERTAIN EAS MENT DATED OCTOBER 27, 1970, FILED NOVEMBER 16, 1970 AT O.R. BOOK 1E PAGE 907, CLERK'S FILE NO. 200989, ST. LUOE COUNTY RECORDS· EASEMH DATED NOVEMBER 16, 1970, AT O.R. BOOK 188. PAGE 908, CLERK'S FILE Nt 200990, Sf. LUCIE COUNTY Rec&ds; AND EASEMENT DATED OCTOBER 12 197 FILED NOVEMBER 16, 1970, AT O.R. 800K 188, PAGE 896-897, CLERK'S FilE Nl 2009B7, ST. LUCIE COUNTY RECORDS. EXCEPTING THEREFROM, A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTIO 12. TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, DESCRIBED AS FOlLOWS, THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER Of SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, LYING AND BEING IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, LESS DRAINAGE CANALS AND ROAD. RIGHT OF WAY AND LESS PARCEl CONVEYED TO FLORIDA STATE TURNPIKE AUTHORITY RECORDED. ,IN D~ED BOOK 215, PAGE 103, PUBLIC RECORDS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, fLORIDA. ' COMMENCING AT THE OF THE NORTH-SOUTH ONE-QUARTER SECTION lI" WITH THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE SUNSHINE STATE PARKWA fEEDER ROUTE, WHICH POINT IS 86.61 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNE OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAI ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEl OF LAND LYING, BEING AND SITUATE IN SECTION 12. TOWNSHIP 39 SOUTH, RANGE 34 EAST; THENCE NORTHEASTERL SECT/Q~·25,TOWNSJiIP 34 SOUTH. RANGE 39 EAST,ST. LUCIE COUNTY. FLORIDA ALONG THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE OF THE SUNSHINE STATE PARKWA AND MÓREPARtltULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS, FEEDER ROUTE A DISTANCE OF 205.62 FEET TO THE. POINT OF BEGINNING OF TH ' TRACT HEREBY DESCRIBED; . ÇJ;)MMENCING AT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER, OF -SECTION 25, TOWNSHIP 34< ' ~H,RANGE:39 EAST; THENCE NORTH 00006'48",EÄ$T. ALONG THE WEST LINE FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING RUN NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE RIGHT-Of Of SAID SECTION 25, A DISTANCE OF 2655.28 FEETfØtA POINT; THENCE NORTH WAY OF SUNSHINE ,STATE PARKWAY FEEDER ROUTE, A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEE~ 1Icr;:{3~(l9":'~À~;A:~.~TÃNCE~pF',o/,tf;'l8FEET TO A P~W1~EÀST RIGHT OF THENCE NORTH PARALLEL WITH SAID NORTH-SOUTH ONE-QUARTER SECT/at W-~YLl!',lEQf,(II;JGS,~.tG¡:¡'Vft,\Y..S,(ID POINT BEING,T<iqØ!NTiOFBEGINNING LINE TO A POINT THAT WOULD BE INTERSECTEDBY A l1NE EXTENDED DUE EAS ~l-rHE HER'EINpESCRIBED::l'RÄ6r;.Ji+THENCE 'NORTH OO~t1'~l5"·;l?AST, ALONG THE FROM A POINT ,ON SAID NORTH-SOUTH ONE-QUARTER SECTION LINE THAT I EAST'RIGHTOF WA'Y·' LINE Of 5¡MO(KJNGS HIGHWAY A DISTANCE OF 242.14 FEET 901.72 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE tQ";I,\;POIf'.TiTH~N~-·.i'{ÒIÜ:f:t.Ø~~4:6~12· EAST, A DISg.NÇ.E OF 406.15 FEET TO A QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 12; THENCE WES gP,iNT: THEf'.CE NORJH.:Q(}OOl'l5.~:l!'AST. A DISTÄNCE;of429..Oll.n.n TO A POINT. ,ALONG SAID LINE EXTENDED DUE EAST TO A POINT THAT IS DUE NORTH OF THI THENCE NORm .89~46·12::·-EAST,--Á.·DISTANCE OF,851J.55 FEET TO A POINT; POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH AND PARAllEl WITH SAID ONE-QUARTEI THENCE SOUTH 00.00"16" WEsr,'A'DISTANCE OF·7)70.20FEET TO A POINT;'SECTION LINE, A DISTANCE OF 847.84 FEET. MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT Oi THENCE SOUTH 89°43'39" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 1256_70 FEET TO THE POINT OF I BEGINNING. ii~GINNiNG.{O_R.B. i 175 PAGEÙ1B) , , OVERALL PARCEl CONTAINS 185.91 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. L¡,Cation, 3250 North Kings Highway. ". ' , ',' ' Location, West side of Ihe TurnpIke Feeder Road, directly south of Spanish Lakes Countl) 2, GLASSMAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION for a Change in Zoning from Ihe RM-5 Club Village. '. [Residential. Multiple-Family - 5du/acre). IX (Industrial. Extraction),' and CN (Co'mmercial, , . Neighborhood) Zoning Districts to Ihe PUD (Planned Unit Development- Portafina Shares}l 3. GULFSTREAM NATURAL GAS SYSTEM, LLC, for a Conditional Use Permit to allow c Z~ning DisrriCt for the following described property: : cross country natural gas transmission line for the following described property; .;~'. ~. . Ä"LSO..lESSTHEREFROMTHEfOllOWING OESCRIBED PARCEL OF,LANO, BEING ALL THAT PART OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 34 FOllOW THE FEC RAILROAD, K. BRANCH/GLADES CUT:OFF ROAD FROM SW COR. SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY. flORIDA, LYING NORTH OF THE: NER OF THE Sf. LUCIE/OKEECHOBEE COUNTY LINE TO 1-95 AND MIDWAY ROAD. ftJRNPIKE FEEDER ROAD. AND ALL THAT PART OF THE WEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH. RANGE 40 EAST, LYING NORTH OF SAID TURN. PUBLIC HEARINGS will be held in Commission Chambers, Roger Patras Annex. 3rd Floor 'IKE FEEDER ROAD; I Sf. Lucie County Administration Building, 2300 Virginia Avenue. Fort Pierce, Florida a~ : June 18. 2002, beginning at 7:00 P.M. or os soon thereafter as possible _ESS AND EXCEPTING THEREFROM A PARCEL OF APPROXIMATELY 2.9 ACRES' )ESCRIBED AS, A PART OF THE WEST 146. 34 FEET OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE.i PURSUANT TO Section 2B6.0105. Florida Statutes. if a person decides to appeal an~ :;¡UARTER OF SECTION 12. TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST. DESCRIBED AS: deCISIon made by a board. agency, or commission with respect to any matter considerec :OLlOWS; at a meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings. and that, for suet i purpos~s. he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, whicr ~EGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH-SOUTH ONE-QUARTER SEe record Indudes the test, many and "vidence upon which the appeal IS to be based nON LINE WITH THE NORTHERLY RIGHT·OF-WAY LINE OF THE SUNSHINE STAHl 'ARKWAY FEEDER ROAD, WHICH POINT IS 8661 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS :ORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER ST LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA 7 JF SAID SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 39 SOUTH, RANGE 34 EAST; THENCE NORTH /5 / Doug Coward, CHAIRMAN 02 €. ;ASTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-Of-WAY LINE OF THE SUNSHINE STATE . ,ß, 20 'ARKWAY FEEDER ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 205.62 FEET TO A POiNT, WHICH POINT PublISh, June 8,2002 Ò " jUne \T ITS ClOSEST DISTANCE IS 146,34 FEET FROM THE NORTH· SOUTH ONE- 2446947 __' S3Nt 3" :;¡UARTER SECTION LINE OF SAID SECT/ON 12, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 39 \-- ítibUne, :AST; THENCE NORTH, PARAllEl WITH THE SAID NORTH-SOUTH ONE QUARTER í"e jECTION LINE, A DISTANCE OF 847,84 FEET; THENCE WEST 146,34 FEET TO THE ¡AID NORTH-SOUTH ONE-QUARTER SECTION LINE; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID II )NE-QUARTER SECTION LINE, A DISTANCE OF 988.34 FEET. MORE OR LESS TO THE ·OINT ()F RFr;I"J"Hf'.,~ '- c r ..."I PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION REVIEW: 5/16/02 File Number CU-02-002 MEMORANDUM DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT TO: Planning and Zoning Commission FROM: Planning Manager ()¡:ï--~ ..< DA TE: May 8, 2002 SUBJECT: Application of Gulfstream Natural Gas Systems, for a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction and operation of a segment of a natural gas pipeline, to be known as Gulfstream Gas Pipeline, in the U (Utilities) Zoning District. LOCATION: From the OkeechobeeJSt. Lucie County line along the FEC Railway right-of-way north to the I-95/Midway Road FPL Substation. SITE DESCRIPTON: A segment of an interstate natural gas pipeline to transport 1.1 billion cubic feet of natural gas per day to the State of Florida. The proposed pipeline is 744-miles long and will originate onshore in Mississippi and Alabama, cross the Gulf of Mexico and make landfall in Manatee County, Florida, extending across the state. The project is designed primarily to serve Florida utilities and power- generation facilities that will use high-efficiency, natural gas turbines to meet the incremental demand for electric energy. The natural gas pipeline will enter St. Lucie County at the MartinlSt. Lucie County jurisdictional line. There will be two phases of construction within St. Lucie County, the first phase will be from the St. Lucie CountylMartin county line along the FEC Railroad right-of-way traveling north to the Midway Road/I-95 Corridor (FPU Substation). The second phase will require an additional conditional use and will travel north along the FPL easement into Indian River County. Only Phase I is being considered through this Conditional Use Permit. The proposed pipeline will cross three roadways within St. Lucie County: Glades Cut-Off Road, Range Line Road and Commerce Center Drive. The applicant applied for and received a permit from the Engineering Department allowing the installation to cross these roadways. ZONING DESIGNATION: U (Utilities) '- ( ( ....." May 8, 2002 Page 2 Petition: Gulfstream Pipe Line File No.: CU-02-002 LAND USE DESIGNATION: TfU (TransportationlUtilities) PROPOSED USE: A segment of a 744-mile interstate natural gas pipeline. SURROUNDING LAND USES: The primary uses are agricultural in nature with some residential and industrial uses. TRANSPORTATION IMPACTS RIGHT-OF-WAY ADEQUACY: N/A SCHEDULED IMPROVEMENTS: N/A TYPE OF CONCURRENCY DOCUMENT REQUIRED: Certificate of Capacity. ********************** This petition is for a combination of Conditional Use Permit Approval. As such, it is required to satisfy the standards of review found in Section 11.07.03 of the County's Land Development Code. STANDARDS OF REVIEW AS SET FORTH IN SECTION 11.07.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE In reviewing this application for proposed conditional use, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider and make the following determinations: '1. Whether the proposed conditional use is in conflict with any applicable portions of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code; The proposed conditional use has been determined to not be in conflict with any applicable provision of the St Lucie County Land Development Code. Section 3.01.03(W)(7), U (Utilities) Zoning District, allows gas pipeline rights-of-way and natural or manufactured gas storage and distribution points as conditional uses. 2. Whether and the extent to which the proposed conditional use would have an adverse impact on nearby properties; The proposed conditional use is not expected to adversely impact the surrounding properties. The proposed site is located within an area zoned for utilities. The proposed natural gas line will be installed within a 50-foot corridor following the FEC Railroad north to the FP&L easement from the MartinfSt Lucie County Line north to the Intersection of 1-95 and Midway Road. The applicant has '- ( ( , ...", May 8, 2002 Page 3 Petition: Gulfstream Pipe Line File No.: CU-02-002 indicated that this pipeline will be installed completely underground except for the meter stations and valves. 3. Whether and the extent to which the proposed conditional use would be served by adequate public facilities and services, including roads, police protection, solid waste disposal, water, sewer, drainage structures, rarks, and mass transit; This conditional use is not expected to create significant additional demands on any public facilities in this area. The Gulfstream Natural Gas Line by its nature will not create any impacts on public facilities or services_ The proposed natural gas line will be installed underground within a 50 foot corridor along the FEC RR and FP&L easements. 4. Whether and the extent to which the proposed conditional use would result in significant adverse impacts on the natural environment; The proposed project is predominantly to be constructed within a 50-foot corridor associated with the FEC Railroad easement and the FP&L easement. The applicant has obtained the following permits: U. S, Fish and Wildlife Service Permits; U. S. Army Corp of Engineers Permit; U. S. Department of Interior Minerai Permit; Florida Department of Environmental Protection Environmental Resource Permit and Sovereign Submerged Lands Permit; Discharge Permit; Water Quality Permit; Florida Department of State Historical Resource Permit. No adverse impacts to the natural environment are expected. COMMENTS The petitioner, Gulfstream Natural Gas Systems, LLC., is seeking approval for a conditional use permit in order to install a segment of a natural gas pipeline for a 50 foot corridor starting at the St. Lucie County I Martin County line and traveling north to the 1-95/Midway Road Intersection for property in the U (Utilities) Zoning District. The project will be known as Gulfstream Natural Gas Pipeline. Natural Gas line right-of- ways are permitted uses in the U (Utilities) Zoning District and Natural or manufactured gas storage and distribution points are allowed as conditional uses in the U (Utilities) Zoning District upon approval of the Board of County Commissioners. Staff finds that this petition meets the standards of review as set forth in Section 11.07.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the goals, objectives, and policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensi ve Plan. Staff recommends that you forward this petition to the Board of County Commissioners. Please contact this office if you have any questions on this matter_ Attachment cs ce: Tom Scruggs '- ( ( ....,¡ May 8, 2002 Page 4 Petition: Gulfstream Pipe Line File No.: CU-02-002 Gulfstream Natural Gas Systems File ,(,. w. 1 , Purpose '- ...." ( ( Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations !L UTILITIES The purpose of this district is to provide and protect an environment suitable for utilities, transportation, and communication facilities, together with such other uses as may be compatible with utility, transportation, and communication facility surroundings. The number in ·0· following each identified use corresponds to the SIC code reference described in Section 3.01,02(8). The number 999 applies to a use not defined under the SIC code but may be further defined in Section 2.00.00 of this code. 2. Permitted Uses a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j- k. /' I. l m. n. Air transportation services (451.452) Agriculture, including farms, groves, and ranches. (01.02) Communication. (48) Electric services (491) Electric transmission rights-of-way. (491) Gas pipeline rights-of-way. (492) Gas production and distribution (492) Industrial wastewater disposal. (999) Railroad, rapid rail transit, & street railway transportation. (40.41) Sanitary services (495) Transportation services (47) Telecommunication towers - subject to the standards of Section 7.10.23 (9991 Water supply and inigation systems. (494,497) Water transportation (44) 3. Lot Size Requirements Lot size requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04,00. 4. Dimensional Regulations Dimensional requirements shall be in accordance with Section 7.04.00. 5. Off-street Parking and Loading Requirements Off-street parking and loading requirements are subject to Section 7.06.00. 6. Landscaping Requirements Landscaping requirements are subject to Section 7.09.00. l. 7. Conditional Uses a. Airports_ (458) b. Electric generation plants. (49'1 c. Gas production plants. (492) d. Land clearing and yard trash recycling operations - subject to the provisions of Section Adopted August 1, 1990 130 Revised Through 08101100 (',",', ...... '- ( .....I c Section 3.01.03 Zoning District Use Regulations e f. g. h. 7.10.12. (999) Natural or manufactured gas storage and distribution points. (492) Protective functions and their related activities - Correctional institutions (9223) Solid waste disposal. (4953) Outdoor shooting ranges, providing site plan approval is obtained according to the provisions of Sections 11_02_07 through 11_02.09 and Section 7.10.19 of this Code. (999) 8. Accessory Uses ( " Adopted August 1. 1990 Accessory uses are subject to the requirements of Section 8.00.00 and include the following: a. b. Automobile and truck rental services. Restaurants. (Including the sale of alcoholic beverages for on premises consumption only.) (999) ¡. 131 Revised Through 08/01/00 (" I ( '- ((t (f: ....,,¡ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR April 5, 2002 In accordance with the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, you are hereby advised that GULFSTREAM NATURAL GAS SYSTEM, ILC. have petitioned St Lucie County for a Conditional Use Pennit to allow a cross country natural gas transmission line for the following described property: Location: FoUow the FEC Railroad, K Branch/Glades Cut-Off Road from SW Corner of the St. Lucie/Okeechobee County Line to 1-95 and Midway Road. THE PROPERTY'S LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST The first pub/ü: hearing on the petition will be held at 7:00 P.M., or as soon thereafter as possible, Oil Thursday, April 18, 2002, County Commissiorrer's Chœnbers, St. Lucie County Administration Building AIUtex, 2300 Jruginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida. All interested persons will be given an opportunity to be heard at that time. Written comments received in advance of the public hearing will also be considered. Written comments to the Planning and Zoning Commission should be received by the County Planning Division at least 3 days prior to a scheduled heañng. County policy discourages communication with individual Planning and Zoning Commission and County Commission on any case outside of the scheduled public hearing(s), You may speak at a public hearing, or provide written comments for the record. The proceedings of the Planning and Zoning Commission are electronically recoOOed. If a person decides to appeaI any decision made by the Plannil1g and Zoning Cnmmi~on with respect to any matter considered at such meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings. For such pwpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made. which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. Upon the request of any party to the proceeding, individuals testifying during a hearing will be swom in. Any party to the proceeding will be granted an opportunity to cross- examine any individual testifying during a heañng upon request. If it becomes necessary; a public hearing may be continued to a date-œrtain. Anyone with a disability requiring accommodation to attend this meeting should contact the St. Lucie County Community Services Director at least forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting at (561) 462- 1777 or T.D.D. (561) 462-1428. If you no longer own property adjacent to the above-described parcel, please fOlWard this notice to the new owner. Please call 561/462-1960 if you have any questions, and refer to: File Number CU-02-002. Sincerely, ST. 7YC~ COUNTY PL~G. AND WNING COMMlSS, ION .~1-~/J&¿Wk/d-·£~_ Stefan~átthes, Chainnan JOHN D. ORUHN. DiSHier No.1. DOUG COWAr.O. DiSHier No.2· PAULA A. LEWIS. Disrricr No. J . FRANNIE HUTCHINSON. District No_ 4 . CUFF OARNES. Discricr No.5 Counry Admlnimotor . Douglas M. Anderson 2JOO Virginia Avenue . Fort Pierce. FL J4982-5652 Adminísrrarion: (561) 462-1590 . Planning: (561) 462-2822 . G/5fTechnlcol Services: (561) 462-155J Economic Developmem: (561) 462-1550 . Fax: (561) 462-1581 rr"..,;,...lr,............,.-........;~..... rl:;;¿"'A,\ ALr"i AC............ . r- .. '- \::~:::... ¡~~:;;~:l.:':;-;i '::~~·.:;:¡t;;!:~~~~~·::;,<·;ð~·~):.~ ~~{~~/~·::_~:~:;k . ~ . /'"..",,- It .)1 lUl...lt c...UUNIT PLANNING AND lONING COMMISSION PUBLIC HEARING AGENDA Ap,,1 18. 2002 ~ ~ TO WI 'OM IT MAY CONCERN. . .... ., . '~,. ..'" NonCE Is hereby giv,m" in accordanœ with Sectioo .' 11.:00.03 of the Sf Lucie County land Development Codð ood the provision, of the $1 Lucie CoUnty Com~ve Plan.. 'he follo~ng applicants havø requested rhat the Sf. Lucie County Planning and ZOlllng Commis'Ilon consider '''cir following requesfJ: I. INDRIO VENruRES. ltc, for {] Chonge in Zoning from Il1e AGo 1, (AgricuUvrol - I du/~cr~) ~~ing Disrrict fa ,he I CG (Commercial. Geoer-all Zonmg Dlstflct 10( the follow- ing deSCf,tred prO(lCrly, [HE WEST 400 Her Of THE SOUTH 5""7.96 ffET OF THE (ASf !/2 OF THE NW 1/-4 OF SeCT. 16. TWN 3'5. R 39E, lESS '.95 RIGHT·Of.WAY AS DESCRIBED IN OffiCiAL 'ECORDS BOOK 233. PAGE 2209. PUBLIC 'ECORDS OF Sf, LUCIE CO. HORIDA AND lESS INORIQ ROAD AND CANAL RIGHT.OF-WAY, SAID LAND lYING AND BEING IN ST LUCIE COUNTY. flORIDA locotion; Northemt corner of Indrio Rood and ~ble- gord Rood, 2. JOHN ARIE, fOf" a Change in Zoning from rhe AR.l (Agricultural. Residential - I du/ocre) Zoning Oistrid to fhe RS-2 (Re~ident;al, Single-family - 2 du/ocreJ Zoning Disfricl fOf the following desaibed property: BEING A PARCEl OF LAND lYING IN SECTION 16. TOWNSHIP 36 SOUTH. RANGE 40 fAST. ST. LUCIE I COUNTY. FLORIDA. AND BEING MORE PARTICUlARLY DESCR'BED AS fOLLOWS, COMMENCE AT THE SOUTHEAST' CORNER Of SAID SECTION 16; THENCE NORTH. AlONG THE EAST tiNE OF SECTION 16. A DISTANCE Of 1334,05 fEET TO THE POINT Of BEGINNING Of THE fOllOWING DESCRIBED PARCEl, THENCE S 89"40'00' W; A DISTANCf 01'6-47,131'$; THENCE SOUTH A 'DISTANCE Of 62.18 fEET; THENCE" S 72°28'00" W, A DISTANCE Of 190 FEET. MORE OR LESS TO' THE MEAN HIGH WATER UN!:' Of THE ST. LUCIE RIVE.. THENCf NORTHWESTERlY AlONG SÁlo MEAN 'HIGH WATER tlNE'TO THE It{TERSECTIÒN WITH A tiNE 460.75 FEET NORTH Of. AND MEASURfO AT R'GHT ANGLES. AND PARAllEL WTTH,THE'SOlJTH liNE Of'THE NORTHEAST ONE-QUARTER 'Of THE SAID SEctiON Hi TH~NCE EASTERlY AlONG lAS.ny, SAil; LINE. ^ DISTANCE'Of 1706 fEET. MORE OR LESS. TO, THE INTERSECTION WITH THE SAII),:'EAST UI'If Of SECTION 16. THENCE SOUTH AlQNGSAlOEASrUI'If Of SECTION 1'6, A DISTANCE ()f,~S fEEHO TJiE ,*"L POINT OrBEGINNINGtESSTHEEÁST ~ fEET FOR' ROAD RIGHT .{JF.'WAY. ' , localion: 'We5t sideDI' Oleander ArerÎVe.' approximately 2~ feet nàrfflof E,lyse ewe. .',':: 3, ALf'S SPIRITS AND WINES. INC;.' lor à' Candifianol Use rumi' t~ anow Q rerail liquor store ~ the ç:G'(Cocn- mercial, General} Zoning· District: for the following described pro~ PARCEll, All Of THAT AREA DESCRIBED AND SHOWN AS PAR- CEt NO.2 ON rHE PlAT Of W1NDMIU,VII.lAGE BY THE SEA. 'A REPlAT'Of UNlTS'I'AND i-A, ACCORo:. ING TO THE PlAT THEREOf. AS RECORDED IN PlAT BOOK 16; PAGE' ó;'PiJBlIC RECORDS' 'OF ST. LUOE COUNTY. flORIDA>: '..' , PARCEL 2: fO' A POINT Of BEGINNING. COMMENCE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER' Of 'WINDMill VIllAGE BY THE SEA. UNIT TWO. AS"RECORDED .IN PlAT BOOK 16, PAGE 31. Of THE.PUBtlC RECORDS OF' ST.. lUCIE COUNTY. flORlOA; THENCE RUN SOUTH 89056'2T WEST ALONG THE NORTH tiNE Of ,SAID' PlAT,' A DISTANCE Of 27." fEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH 00°03'38' EAST,PARALLEl WITH .THEfAST UNE:Of SAID PlAT. A DISTANCE Of·i11.82 fEÈTiTHENCE RUf-l NORTH 89°56'22" EAST.·A DISTANCE Of 247.09 fEET TO AN INTERSECTION' WITH THE WESTERlY RIGHT.' Of.WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD AlA AS NOW LAID OUT AND IN USE; THENCE RUN NORTH 23°"9"31" WEST ALONG SAlQ RIGHT-Of-WAY, A OISTANCE OF 122,21 FEET; THENCE RUN SOUTH B9°56'22' WEST ALONG A l!NE THAT IS AN EA$ TERl Y PROJECTION Of THE NORTH LINE Of SAID WINDMILL VillAGE BY THE SEA, UNI T TWO, ^ DrS r ANCE Of 170.00 fEET TO THE POINT Of 8EGINNiNG, SAID lANDS SITUATE, lYING AND BEING IN Sr. LUCIE COUNTY. FlORIDA location: 10875 South OCean Drive, (Goflet"fo Shopping eenler) ... lIN~A DIMSEY. fo~ 0 Conditional Use Permit ;0 cllow social services (day care facility] in the I (!mlitutional IOf1- irtg Dislrid Fo. the following dC'iaibed property; WHITE OTY 5/0 03 36 '0 LOT 26.< ESS ( 120 fT AND LESS N 50 Ff FO R DR DnCH AND LESS RO F?/W _ (2,6B ACIIMAP 3'/03N location; JO" Eosl Mid.....ay Rood 5, GUlFSTREAM NATURAL GAS SYSTEM, llC, for (] Condirional Use Permi' to allow 0 cross country natural go, transmission line for the following described properly; fOllOW THE fEC RAilROAD. K BRANCH/GlADES CUT-QFf ROAD fROM SW CORNER OF THE ST. LUCIE/ OKEECHOBEE COUNTY liNE TO 1-95 AND MIDWAY ROAD. 6. T&T lAND. LTD" for 0 Change i~ land Use from RU (Residential Urbani to INO (Indu$friaIJ fOf the following de5aibed property THE WEST TEN ACRES OF THE NW 1/' Of THE NE 1/4 Of THE SW 1/' Of SECTION I. TOWNSHIP 3S SOUTH. RANGE 39 EAST. Sf. LUCIE COUNTY. flORIDA AND THE NORTH 1/2 Of THE NW 1/4 Of THE SW 1/4 Of SECTION I. TOWNSHIP 35 SOUTH. RANGE 39 EAST. ST. LUCIE COUNTY. flORIDA. location: East side of· Kings Highwoy approximately 2,500 !eel''''"''' of Angle Rood. ' 7.,T&T lAND. mi, I", a Change in Zanlng!ram thoAG-l (AgiioJitu<aI- 1 du/acre, and the AR-I '(Agricuitu<a~ RO$I- : . dontIaI - 1 du/ciae¡ Zoning Oistricn la the It Pnd<n1rla~ ·lIghllIOn~ O~strid ~ _the following desaibed ~ ,THE ,WEST TEN :ACRES Of,:THE 'NW 1/4.0f TJ:iE NE ,1/4 Of THE SWT/4'Of SECTIOf-l 1. TOWN5HIP'3S SOUTH. RANGE 39. EAST. ST. LUCIE C?UNTY. .f~ORIDA. " , ANO ¡ . 'THE NORTH T /2 Of THE NW 1/4 Of TH.E. SW 1/4 Of SECTION I, TOWNSHIP 35 SOUTH. RANGE '39 EAST, ST. lUClE COUNTY. flORIDA tocatiòn: E(u' s¡d~ ,of Kings Highway app"oximately 2,500 Feet south 01 ~'Ie Road, ;';'~'- PUBLIC HEARINGS Will be held in Comini$1Îon Chomben.. Roger PoitrQ$An~K.2300 Virginia Avenue, fort Pierce. Florida on April 18. 2002. beginning ?' 7:00 P.M. or as soon thereafter as possible. 'PURSUANr'TO Sect.,n 286.0105. florlda SIaM... la perwn deödcs to appeal any decj5¡OO~ made by ~:board. agency, 0( commission with'respect to any moner consid- ereclat a meeting Ol",hearing. he will ~ a .record ol the proceedings. -cind thQI. for such purposes, he. moy need 10 ensure that a Vffbatim record of the pt"oceedlngs Is mode, which record includes the teslimony a...d evidence upon wt.¡ch the appeal is to be bosed. PlANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION ST. LUCIE COUNTY. FLORIDA /S/Sldan Matthe.. CHAIRMAN PUBliSH DATE. April 5. 2002 2395868 'f"- - '- _ 1-,' S TiY7 'J::::- Aldcomp Ltd D K Richardson PO Box 370 Vero Beach, FL 32961-0370 ...., John M Applebee Lori A Applebee 7104 Winter Garden Pkwy Fort Pierce, FL 34951-1839 A Duda and Sons Inc PO Box 620257 Oviedo, FL 32762-0257 CharIes L Baker Jr Peggy J Baker 17200 Glades Cut Off Rd Port St Lucie, FL 34987-2634 Leon G Bass Andree Bass 530 Cypress Rd Vero Beach, FL 32963-1723 Beryl I Bearint 7964 Saddlebrook Dr Port St Lucie, FL 34986-3113 Becker Holding Corp 660 Beachland Blvd Ste 201 Vera Beach, FL 32963-1707 Bernard A Egan Groves Inc 1900 Old Dixie Hwy Fort Pierce, FL 34946-1423 Kirsten A Besanko 21210 Glades CutoffRd Port St Lucie, FL 34987-2614 Beta Grove LLC Darryl T Bey Sandra L Brown 1807 Ocean Dr Gina D Dean 21220 Glades Cut-off Road Vero Beach, FL 32963-2111 1005 Kentucky Ave Port St Lucie, FL 34987 Fort Pierce, FL 34950 Steven Buchmeyer Judy A Budd Don Cannon Trena G Buchmeyer 1464 SW 28th Ter Rita Cannon 20908 Glades Cutoff Rd Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312-3951 21660 Glades Cut-Off Rd Port St Lucie, FL 34987-2612 Fort Pierce, FL 34987 Ernest Carnahan Chem-Tex SuppIy Corp Kai Guan Chor 11470 Carlton Rd 8350 NW 93rd St 18 Marcus Ave Port St Lucie, FL 34987-3432 Miami, FL 33166-2026 Booragoon 6154, AUSTRALIA Drucille Conrad John Conrad Jr Donald R Cooke 392 Midway Rd 392 Midway Rd Dorothy H Cooke Fort Pierce, FL 34982-0000 Fort Pierce, FL 34982-0000 7866 Saddlebrook Dr Port St Lucie, FL 34986-3110 Rheba Cooper CPV Atlantic LTD Dairy Feeds Inc 4306 W Midway Rd 8403 Colesville Rd Ste 915 PO Box 1365 Fort Pierce, FL 34981-4821 Port St Lucie, FL 34984 Okeechobee, FL 34973-1365 Joseph Davis Gale J Davis 661 SE Norseman Dr Port St Lucie, FL 34984 James L Davis 4355 Sabal Palm Rd Miami, FL 33137-3355 Claude T Davis Sr James L Davis 4355 Sabal PaIm Rd Miarrti,FL 33137-3355 Edsall Groves Inc 3915 1st St SW Vero Beach, FL 32968-2415 Donald A Evans Frank D S Evans Hedvig Tetens Evans 4598 S 25th St Fort Pierce, FL 34981 Evans Properties Inc 660 Beachland Blvd # 301 Vero Beach, FL 32963 \w Dale A Farabee 18480 Glades Rd Port St Lucie, FL 34987-0000 Florida Power and Light Co PO Box 14000 Juno Beach, FL 33408-0420 J asodra S Hardeo Alness Village No 2 Lot 1 Corentye Blu, GUYANA SA Hennis Construction Co Inc 18500 Glades Cut Off Rd Port St Lucie, FL 34987-2631 Lee Huan 14 Persiaran Negeri Sembilan FederalHill 50480 Kuala Lumpur, MALA YSIA Juma B Inc 3900 Galt Ocean Dr# 29156 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308-6631 Brian W Kent Patricia M Kent 18704 Glades Cut OffRd Fort Pierce, FL 34987-2631 Richard M Lamb L Diane Lamb 20932 Glades Cut Off Rd Port St Lucie, FL 34987-2612 LTC Ranch Ind/Comm Pk POA Inc 700 Island Landing Dr Saint Augustine, FL 32095-9638 Joseph M Maturani 1197 SW Galvin Rd Port ST Lucie, FL 34953 Dale A Farabee PO Box 13329 Fort Pierce, FL 34979-3329 Florida Tire Recycling Inc 9675 Range Line Rd Port St Lucie, FL 34987 Hyman B Hendler Alvin D Schwartz 900 NE Spanish River Blvd Boca Raton, FL 33431-6168 Tracy J Hoffman Kathy S Hoffman 19110 Glades Cut Off Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34987-2603 Huck'S Country Comer Inc 18505 Glades Cut-Off Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34987-2699 K & M of The Treasure Coast In 17300 Glades Cut Off Rd Port St Lucie, FL 34987-2628 R N KobIegard ill Charlene W Koblegard 401 S Indian River Dr Fort Pierce, FL 34950-1530 Michael E Leben Sr Renee A Leben 21100 Glades Cut Off Rd Port St Lucie, FL 34987-2612 Richard L Lynch Robbin C Lynch 2505 N Indian River Dr Fort Pierce, FL 34946 Michael S McCarty Daniel T McCarty ill Lela M Mitchell PO Box 3715 Fort Pierce, FL 34948-3715 ......, Fec Rr PO Box 1048 St Augustine, FL 32085-1048 Anthon Francis NaIda Francis 4012 Greenwood Dr Fort Pierce, FL 34982-6151 Gerard C Hennis 18500 Glades Cut Off Rd Port St Lucie, FL 34987-2631 Richard T Hoxie Teresa F Hoxie PO Box 264 Fort Pierce, FL 34954-0264 George E Hyde Jr 9111 SE 65th Way Okeechobee, FL 34974-1456 Kegel and Stilli Inc 1461 NW Commerce Centre Dr Port St Lucie, FL 34986-3209 Poh Kok Kian 17 Jalan SS21 11 Damansara Uta Selangor, MALAYSIA Ltc Joint Venture 700 IsIand Landing Dr Saint Augustine, FL 32095-9638 Rick R Massey Terry A Massey 10420 Glades Cut Off Rd Port St Lucie, FL 34986-3206 Thomas C McCarty Margaret Monahan Michael 0 Monahan 3672 S Brocksmith Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34945-4411 '- Gee brook Dr cie, FL 34986-3110 Meintel 220 Glades Cut Off Port St Lucie, FL 34987-2614 LeIa M Mitchell Daniel T McCarty III Lela M Mitchell PO Box 3715 Fort Pierce, FL 34948-3715 Jimmy C Morgan Jane E Morgan 19500 Glades Cut Off Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34987-2635 John R Norvell Janice E Norvell 800 Ulrich Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34982-3978 Panda Midway Power Partners LP 4100 Spring Valley Rd Suite 1001 Dallas, TX 75244 Port St Lucie City Of 121 SW Port St Lucie Blvd Port St Lucie, FL 34984-5099 Reserve Community Dev Dist 10300 NW 11th Mnr Coral Springs, FL 33071-6530 Ru-Mar Inc 160 Lamont Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34947-1538 Robert C Shoebottom Caroline A Shoebottom 6116 Russell St Tampa, FL 33611 Paul P McMahon Linda J McMahon 1352 SW Bent Pine Cove Port St Lucie, FL 34986 Steven M Meyer 7844 SaddIebrook Dr Port St Lucie, FL 34986-3110 Margaret M Monahan Michael 0 Monahan Thomas McCarty 3672 S Brocksmith Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34945-4411 James W Moms 11510 Carlton Rd Port St Lucie, FL 34987-3414 Robert W Norvell Sr Catherine B Norvell 17600 Glades Cut OffRd Fort Pierce, FL 34987-2629 Kenneth J Perry 26 Joseph's Way New Bedford, MA 2745 John K Quillen Christine M Quillen 1355 Island Fork Rd Morehead, KY 40351 Reserve Homes Ltd Lp 150 E Palmetto Park Rd Ste 330 Boca Raton, FL 33432 Beverly J Schoeneberg Robert Schoeneberg 21430 Glades Cut OffRd Port St Lucie, FL 34987 Joseph J Short Jr Kathy H Short 19440 Glades Cut Off Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34987-2635 "" Paul P McMahon Linda J McMahon 150 Banyan Dr Port St Lucie, FL 34952 Evalyn M Miller 11354 Carlton Rd Port St Lucie, FL 34987-3430 Mark R Montgomery Mark R Montgomery J an G Montgomery PO Box 1299 Fort Pierce, FL 34954-1299 Mark A Murphy Johnni M Murphy 20806 Glades Cut-Off Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34987-2610 James V Orlando Lena T Orlando 7852 Saddlebrook Dr Port St Lucie, FL 34986-3110 Cheryl C Phillips 18490 Glades CutoffRd Port St Lucie,}<"L 34987-2631 Reserve Association Inc 2160 NW Reserve Park Trce Port St Lucie, FL 34986-3223 Joseph M Roque Darlene A Roque PO Box 12163 Fort Pierce, FL 34979-2163 Sfwmd 3301 Gun Club Rd West Palm Beach, FL 33406-3007 Roshan L H Singh 7812 Saddlebrook Dr Fort Pierce, FL 34986-3110 ". ....J ~.. .. . '-' Craig B Spengler St Lucie Co Nelly P Spengler 2300 Virginia Ave I 3231 SW 44th Ft Pierce, FL 34982-5652 oda Ter Fort Lauderdale, FL 34987-2603 cie, FL 34984 D Stark ill (Est) State Of Florida Dot Reed Sudderth x 3715 3400 W COmmercial Blvd Cherie Mowery Sudderth Pierce, FL 34948-3715 Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309-3421 21306 Glades Cut Off Rd Port St Lucie, FL 34987-2616 Russell D Sutton Trinity Holding Co Inc Tropicana Products Inc Elizabeth A Sutton 9675 Range Line Rd PO Box 660634%Frito_ 2090 SW Import Dr Port St Lucie, FL 34987-9110 LayTax3A306 Port St Lucie, FL 34953-2111 Dallas, TX 75266-0634 Tyringham Ridge Inc U S Precast Corp Christopher J Vann 3468 Vista Grande BIvd 8351 NW 93rd St Lynn M Vann Carson City, NY 89705-7147 Medley, FL 33166-2025 945 Reef Lane Vero Beach, FL 32963-1121 Alvin H Weinberg George Williams Bobby E Williams Jacqueline C Weinberg 2686 Edgwater Ct Doris H Williams 20510 Glades Cut Off Rd Weston, FL 33332-3401 19270 Glades Cut-OffRd Port St Lucie, FL 34987-2610 Port St Lucie, FL 34987-2603 B E Williams Susan K Wilson Kenneth D Zollinger Doris H Williams 19050 Glades Cut Off Rd Tani B Zollinger 19270 Glades Cut Off Rd Port 5t Lucie, FL 34987-2603 20786 Glades Cut Off Rd Fort Pierce, FL 34987-2603 Fort Pierce, FL 34987-2610 ~-' '1IliíIíoo... _ , ~ "'" Agenda Request Item Number Date: 6 f+ 06/18102 Consent Regular Public Hearing leg. [ ] [ 1 [ ] [X] Quasi-JD [ X ] SUBJECT: Consider Draft Resolution 02-140 granting Preliminary an inal Planned Development Site Plan approval for the project to be known as Portofino Shores - Planned Unit Development for property located at the southwest comer of the intersection of the Turnpike Feeder Road and Spanish Lakes Country Club Boulevard. To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Community Development BACKGROUND: Glassman Development Corporation has requested a change in zoning for 185.91 acres of land located at the southwest comer of the intersection of the Turnpike Feeder Road and Spanish Lakes Country Club Boulevard. The stated purpose for the rezoning is to develop the property for 519 Single-Family Lots and an one-acre commercial parcel in Phase II. (File No: RZ-02-007IPUD-02-002lMJSP-02-003) FUNDS AVAilABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: At the May 16, 2002, public hearing on this matter, the 51. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission, by a vote of 6 to 0, with two members (Mr. Matthes and Mr. Trias) absent, and one member (Mr. Jones) recusing, recommended approval for the requested change in zoning. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of Draft Resolution 02-140. COMMISSION ACTION: fÐ APPROVED D DENIED D OTHER (4-01 Barnes Absent Remove notation of Gas Station/Convience Store from plan. Coordinationl Signatures Mgt. & Budget: Other: ouglas M. Anderson County Administrator County Attorney Originating Dept.: Finance: Purchasing: Other: '-' "'" Commission Review: June 18, 2002 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division MEMORANDUM TO: County Commission FROM: Community Development Director DATE: June 12, 2002 SUBJECT: Petition of Glassman Development Corporation for a Change in Zoning from the RM-5 (Residential, Multiple-Family - 5 du/acre), IX (Industrial, Extraction), and CN (Commercial, Neighborhood) Zoning Districts to the PUD (Planned Unit Development - Portofino Shores) Zoning District and for Preliminary Planned Unit Development Site Plan Approval for the Residential Project to be known as Portofino Shores - PUD. (File No.: RZ-02-007/MJSP-02-003/PUD-02-002) LOCATION: Southwest corner of the intersection of the Turnpike Feeder Road and Spanish Lakes Country Club Boulevard (opposite Holiday Pines SID) EXISTING ZONING: RM-5 (Residential, Multiple-Family - 5 (Industrial, Extraction), and CN Neighborhood) du/acre), IX (Commercial, PROPOSED ZONING: LAND USE DESIGNATION: PUD (Planned Unit Development - Portofino Shores) RU (Residential Urban) PARCEL SIZE: 185.91 acres PROPOSED USE: 519 Single Family Lots in 6 phases and a one-acre commercial use. PROPOSED DENSITY: 2.79 dulacre SURROUNDING ZONING: PUD (Planned Unit Development - Spanish Lakes Country Club Village) is located to the north. AR-1 (Agricultural, Residential - 1 du/acre) is located to the northeast and east. U (Utilities), CO (Commercial, Office), and RS-4 (Residential, Single-Family - 4 du/acre) are located to the southeast. RS-4 is also located to the west. RM-5 (Residential, Multiple-Family - 5 du/ac), CN (Commercial, Neighborhood), and I (Institutional) are located to the southwest. ~ -J June 12, 2002 Page 2 Subject: Glassman Development Corporation File No.: RZ-02-007/MJSP-02-003/PUD-02-002 SURROUNDING LAND USES: The existing use of land surrounding the property is residential. The Future Land Use Classification of the immediate surrounding area is RU (Residential Urban). fIRE/EMS PROTECTION: Station #7 (4900 Ft. Pierce Boulevard), is located approximately 3 miles to the southwest. UTILITY SERVICE: The St. Lucie County Utilities Department will service the subject property. TRANSPORTATION IMPACTS RIGHT-Of-WAY ADEQUACY: The existing right-of-way for the Turnpike Feeder Road is 100 feet. As part of the development of this site, an additional 15 feet of right-of-way will be required to be conveyed for future improvements to the Turnpike Feeder Road/ North Kings Highway (SR 716). SCHEDULED IMPROVEMENTS: None. TYPE Of CONCURRENCY DOCUMENT REQUIRED: Certificate of Capacity. *******..**************************** STANDARDS Of REVIEW AS SET fORTH IN SECTION 11.06.03, ST. LUCIE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT CODE In reviewing this application for proposed rezoning, the Planning and Zoning Commission shall consider and make the following determinations: 1. Whether the proposed rezoning is in conflict with any applicable portions of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code; The proposed change in zoning and petition for Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development has been determined to be consistent with the S1. Lucie County Land Development Code. This Planned Unit Development will result in a lower gross residential density than would be allowed under the current zoning designation of RM-5. There are a total of 521 units proposed in this development to be built in 6 phases. If the subject property were developed at its maximum residential density for those areas zoned RM-5, 735 units would be possible. June 12, 2002 Page 3 2. 3. 4. 5. "" -....J Subject: Glassman Development Corporation File No.: RZ-02-007/MJSP-02-003/PUD-02-002 The site plan that is submitted as a part of this rezoning to PUD is consistent with the provisions of the Land Development Code. Whether the proposed amendment is consistent with all elements of the 51. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan; The proposed Portofino Shores - PUD has been determined to be consistent with the general purpose, goals, objectives, and standards of this Code, the S1. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan, and the Code and Compiled Laws of S1. Lucie County. Policy 1 .1.1.1 of the S1. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan establishes maximum residential densities for the RU (Residential Urban) Future Land Use Category as 5 dwelling units per 1 acre. The proposed project is to be developed with a maximum residential density of 2.79 units per acre, therefore, the proposed project is consistent with this policy, Policy of the S1. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan establishes regulations providing that existing on-site native upland habitat be incorporated into required site plans as a part of open space areas, required landscaping, or as a part of minimum yard areas as is practicable is maintained. The site plan for this project proposes to preserve 15.3 percent (23.90 acres) of the native upland habitat found on-site. Total common open space for this site involves 68.5 acres, or 37% of the entire site. Whether and the extent to which the proposed zoning Is inconsistent with the existing and proposed land uses; The proposed change in zoning to PUD is for the purpose of allowing the construction of a single-family residential development, and is consistent with the surrounding uses in the area of single-family and mobile home development. The gross density of the proposed PUD development is 2.79 du/acre, which is consistent with the future land use designation in this area for all of the adjacent developed areas. Residential development densities in the Lakewood Park area to the west of this site is approximately 4 du/acre, Holiday Pines to the southl has a residential density of approximately 4 du/acre and the Spanish Lakes Country Club Village to the north has a residential density of approximately 5 du/ac. Whether there have been changed conditions that require an amendment; The petitioned parcel is one of the last remaining large undeveloped parcels that is available in the Lakewood Park/Holiday Pines area suitable for development of the type proposed. The site is serviced by adequate utility and roadway services, subject to the conditions outlined below. The development of this site represents a logical level of in-fill development for this area. Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result In demands on public facilities, and whether or to the extent to which the proposed amendment would exceed the capacity of such public facilities, June 12, 2002 Page 4 6. 7. ~ ! ~',,'j 1) ~'< 'wi Subject: Glassman Development Corporation File No.: RZ-02-007/MJSP-02-003/PUD-02-002 including but not limited to transportation facilities, sewage facilities, water supply, parks, drainage, schools, solid waste, mass transit, and emergency medical facilities; The proposed site plan, which is tied to this rezoning is not expected to create additional demands on any public facilities in this area that cannot be addresses through the development permitting process. Water and Sewer service is available and will be provided by the St. Lucie County Utilities Department. Prior to the issuance of final "construction" authorizations, the developers are required to have completed all service capacity reservation agreements, including payment of all applicable fees and charges. Roadway capacities in the area are adequate to meet the needs of the development. Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in significant adverse impacts on the natural environment; The proposed change in zoning and development of this site as a residential planned unit development is not expected to result in any un-addressable environmental impact. As part of the planned unit development review process an environmental impact report has been submitted for review. The majority of the site is dominated by pine flatwood habitat (156,10 acres), a large open body of water that was created as a result of sand mining activities (16.5 acres), and a small amount of wetlands (7.21 acres). The proposed development plan calls for the preservation of 23.90 acres of the upland habitat (15.3% of habitat type) and the establishment of 9.45 acres of landscape area along with the preservation/restoration of 6.16 acres of the on-site wetlands. In addition to the general habitat reviews of this site, the developers of the project have conducted the required listed species review. Approximately 36 active gopher tortoise burrows were located on this site. However, prior to the petitioners filing their application for development with the county, the developers received permission from the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission to relocate the tortoises to a suitable off-site location. No on-site burrows were retained as part of the development submission. The relocation of these tortoise burrows without any effort toward on-site preservation is not consistent with County development regulations. However, since the "damage" was done by the time the County was made aware of it, the developer was required to pay for research mitigation at the Bluefield Ranch FCT site that the County will use for future relocation and mitigation programs. The developer has complied with the County's requirements in this matter. Whether and the extent to which the proposed amendment would result in an orderly and logical development pattern specifically identifying any negative affects of such patterns; An orderly and logical development pattern will occur with this change in zoning. The development is located in an area of proposed and existing subdivisions. '-' ......J ~J ..., June 12, 2002 Page 5 Subject: Glassman Development Corporation File No.: RZ-02-007/MJSP-02-003/PUD-02-002 8. Whether the proposed amendment would be in conflict with the public interest, and is in harmony with the purpose and intent of this Code; The proposed amendment would not be in conflict with the public interest and is in harmony with the purpose and intent of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code. COMMENTS The applicant is proposing a residential development of 521 Single-Family Units along with a one-acre commercial tract at the northeast corner of the site. This project is to be known as Portofino Shores - PUD, On November 15, 2001, the Planning and Zoning Commission reviewed an earlier version of this plan known as the Silver Lake - PUD. That plan consisted of 799 residential units (455 Single-Family Lots and 344 Multiple-Family Units) to be built in two phases, and a one-acre commercial use area referred to as Phase III. At the Board of County Commissioners review of this item (January 15, 2002), the developers of this project withdrew the original development plan from further review and opted to redesign the project to address concerns raised through the public hearing process. The resubmitted project while similar to the original is generally less intense than the original and does provide for increased habitat preservation and common open space uses. On November 15, 2001,the Planning and Zoning Commission recommended approval of the revised project. In developing this revised project, the developer has provided an updated traffic assessment report that concludes that the areas roadway network has sufficient remaining capacity to meet the demands of this development. However as this report indicates, with this development, there is very little remaining roadway capacity in this area and as a consequence, there may be some long term effects of future development authorizations until such time as remedial actions are funded and programmed. These actions include but are not limited to intersection improvements, lane addition or other operational type of improvements. Although no off-site improvements appear to be warranted, the developers of this site are required to make certain project access improvements at each of the site entrances addition, the developers are required to covey to the County certain right-of-way that is to be used for the eventual widening of the Turnpike Feeder Road! North Kings Highway at some point in the future consistent with FOOT long range improvement plans. Section 7.01,03(1) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code requires that 35% of the site must consist of common open space, a minimum of 15% of which must be native upland habitat preserved in its natural condition. The planned development maintains 37% of the project area in total open space. Wetlands account for 6.16 acres; a developed lake accounts for 28.99 acres; 23.90 acres of native upland habitat has been preserved; and 9.45 acres of common area landscape has been provided. The remainder of the project of 117.41 acres consists of those areas designated for residential development (buildings, roadway, driveways, sidewalks, and lift station). v ...." June 12, 2002 Page 6 Subject: Glassman Development Corporation File No.: RZ-02-007/MJSP-02-003/PUD-02-002 Staff has reviewed this petition and determined that the proposed zoning designation and the Preliminary and Final Planned Unit Development site plan are compatible with the existing and proposed uses in the area. This petition meets the standards of review as set forth in Section 11,06.03 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and is not in conflict with the goals, objectives, and policies of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan. Attached is a copy of Draft Resolution 02-140, which, if approved, would grant Preliminary and Final Planned Development Site Plan approval for the project to be known as Portofino Shores - Planned Unit Development. Staff recommends that the Board approve the petition for Preliminary and Final Planned Development Site Plan, subject to the following conditions: ,. Prior to the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy, including any use or occupancy authorizations for sales or temporary use facilities, the project entrance(s) on Kings Highway shall be constructed with right and left turns at all project entrances. 2. By October " 2002, the petitioner, his successors or assigns, shall dedicate to Sf. Lucie County, in a manner and form acceptable to St. Lucie County, the east 15 feet of the petitioned property described in Part B below for future right-of-way needs associated with planned improvements to the Turnpike Feeder Road. 3. Prior to the recording of any plats for Phase Five or beyond, the developers, their successors and assigns shall conduct a signal warrant study to determine if any additional entrance improvements are required at either of the project entrances. If signalization is warranted, all cost to provide such signalization shall be the responsibility of the developer, their successors and assigns and al/ improvements shall be contracted for prior to the recording of the plats for Phase Five or beyond as shown on the approved project site plan referenced under this Resolution. 4, No land clearing or site alteration permits shall be issued until the foJ/owing items have been addressed or provided for a) Land clearing or site alteration permits shall only be issued for primary infrastructure areas. General lot clearing is specifically prohibited until a detailed lot line, tree survey, and grading plan is provided. This plan must provide for the preservation and protection of as much of the existing pine f1atwood habitat as possible. b) A complete mitigation plan consistent with the requirements of the Sf. Lucie County Lane Development Code is approved by the Natural Resources Division. 5. Prior to the issuance of any building permits in the commercial portion of the project, Final Planned Development Site Plan approval must be granted by the Board of County Commissioners. The commercial area shall be limited to a maximum size of one-acre and restricted to the uses described within the CN \." -.I :tt " f June 12, 2002 Page 7 Subject: Glassman Development Corporation File No.: RZ-02-007/MJSP-02-003/PUD-02-002 (Commercial, Neighborhood) Zoning District. Nothing in these conditions shall be interpreted to relieve the developer, his successors or assigns, from meeting any conditional use or other CN Zoning District standards. No development of this phase may proceed until at least 208 of the authorized dwelling units of the project (40 percent) have been completed. 6. Driveway access to the commercial tract shall be from the Turnpike Feeder Road! North Kings Highway only. No driveway access shall be permitted to the entrance driveway serving Spanish Lakes Country Club Village unless the restriction is specifically amended the Board of County Commissioners following a major adjustment review to this Planned Unit Development consistent with the public hearing notice requirements of the St. Lucie County Development Code. 7. Prior to the recording of any plats for this project, the developers, their successors and assigns shall have entered into an enforceable utility service agreement with St. Lucie County Utilities regarding the final provision of water and sewer services to this site. This agreement shall be in a form consistent with St. Lucie County regulations regarding utility service extensions and service provision. 8. Irrigation system within this project shall be designed to accept reuse water from St. Lucie County Utilities as the preferred method of irrigation. Please contact this office if you have any questions on this matter. p ent Director Attachment hI cc: County Administrator County Attorney Public Works Director Utilities Director Planning Manager Environmental Resources Manager Lindsay A. Walter J.P. "Butch" Terpening. P.E. File 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 '-' '-' RESOLUTION 02-140 FILE NO.: RZ-02-007/PUD-02-002lMJSP-02-003 A RESOLUTION GRANTING A CHANGE IN ZONING FROM THE RM-5 (RESIDENTIAL, MULTIPLE-FAMILY - 5 DU/ACRE), IX (INDUSTRIAL, EXTRACTION), AND CN (C MERCIAL, NEIGHBORHOOD) ZONING DISTRICTS Tgi"HE LANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT - PORTOFINO SH ·~"S) ZO .. RICT OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN ST. LUCI UNT"f¡¡ WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of. testimony and evidence, including but not limited to t determinations: 'ê'County, Florida ort, has made 1. Glassman Development Corporation, p RM-5 (Residential, Multiple-Family (Commercial, Neighborhood) Zoni Portofino Shores) Zoning Distri nge in zoning from the Indu~t I, Extraction), and CN nned Unit Development - ucie County, Florida. 2. anning....., d Zoning Commission held a public d and+filed to all property owners within 500 recommended to this Board that the sidential, Multiple-Family - 5 du/acre), IX N (Co , Neighborhood) Zoning Districts to the PUD ortofino Shores) Zoning District be granted. 3. a public hearing on the petition, after publishing a g by mail all owners of property within 500 feet of the al approval to the property described below. SITE PLAN 4. oposing the construction of a project consisting of 519 single-family d a one-acre commercial parcel in Phase II for property located on the r of the intersection of the Turnpike Feeder Road and Spanish Lakes oulevard. 5. elopment Review Committee has reviewed the site plan for the proposed project and found it to meet minimum technical requirements. 6. On May 16, 2002, the S1. Lucie County Planning and Zoning Commission held a public hearing, of which due public notice was published and mailed to all property owners within 500 feet at least 10 days prior to the hearing, and recommended to this Board that File No.: RZ-02-007/PUD-02-002lMJSP-02-003 June 18, 2002 Resolution 02-140 Page 1 1 2 3 4 7. 5 6 7 8 9 8. 10 11 12 13 9. 14 15 16 17 10. 18 19 20 21 11. 22 23 24 25 12. 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 \w, '-' Preliminary Development Plan approval for the project to be known as Portofino Shores - PUD, be granted. On June 18, 2002, this Board held a public hearing on the petition, after publishing a notice of such hearing and notifying by mail all owners of property within 500 feet of the subject property, and granted Preliminary Development Site Plan approvalforthe property described below. The proposed project is consistent with the gen standards of the St. Lucie County Land Dev Comprehensive Plan, and the Code of Ordinan The proposed project will not have an undue character of the neighborhood, traffic conditions, affecting the public health, safety, and general All reasonable steps have been taken to mini project on the immediate vicinity through screening. ect of the proposed , landscaping, and The proposed project will be cons with the development and use district regulations. rated so as not to interfere accordance with applicable ublic facilities and services. oard of County Commissioners of St. Lucie 2.0 of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, the he project to be known as Portofino Shores - A Planned Unit is hereby approved as shown on the site plan drawings for the sociates, Inc., dated April 15, 2002, and date stamped received by munity Development Director on April 19, 2002, for the property to the following conditions: o the issuance of the first certificate of occupancy, including any use or cupancy authorizations for sales or temporary use facilities, the project entrance(s) on Kings Highway shall be constructed with right and left turns at all project entrances. 2. By October 1, 2002, the petitioner, his successors or assigns, shall dedicate to St. Lucie County, in a manner and form acceptable to St. Lucie County, File No.: RZ-02-007/PUD-02-002lMJSP-02-003 June 18. 2002 Resolution 02·140 Page 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 '-' ~\! ,.,~.¡ ~1 1\; ",; '...I the east 15 feet 'Of the petitianed praperty described in Part B belaw far future right-af-way needs assaciated with planned impravements ta the Turnpike Feeder Raad. 3. Priar ta the recarding 'Of any plats far Phase Five 'Or beyand, the deVf!(ppers, their successars and assigns shall canduct a signal "warrant/study ta determine if any additianal entrance impravements areuired,8.t either 'Of the praject entrances. If signalizatian is wan; ted, all ovide such signalizatian shall be the respansibility 'Of t lape; sars and assigns and all impravements shall be ca'lt ted far pr.' ding 'Of the plats far Phase Five 'Or beyand as s wn an th pfí plan referenced under this Resalutian. 4. Na land clearing 'Or site alteratian permit items have been addressed 'Or pravided a) Land clearing 'Or site alteratian permit primary infrastructure areas. Gen until a detailed lat line, tree su must pravide far the preserv pine flatwaad habitat as p I Ie. be issued far ally prahibited vided. This plan uch 'Of the existing b) Lucie Caunty Lan Resaurces Divisi the requirements 'Of the St. approved by the Natural 5. mits in the cammercial partian 'Of the Dev Site Plan appraval must be granted by mmissianers. The cammercialarea shall be limited -acre and restricted ta the uses described within hbarhaad) Zaning District. Nathing in these II be ated ta relieve the develaper, his successars 'Or eting any canditianal use 'Or ather CN Zaning District lapment 'Of this phase may praceed until at least 208 'Of elling units 'Of the praject (40 percent) have been access ta the cammercial tract shall be fram the Turnpike Feeder rth Kings Highway 'Only. Na driveway access shall be permitted ta trance driveway serving Spanish Lakes Cauntry Club Village unless restrictian is specifically amended the Baard 'Of Caunty Cammissianers fallawing a majar adjustment review ta this Planned Unit Develapment cansistent with the public hearing natice requirements 'Of the St. Lucie Caunty Develapment Cade. File No.: RZ-02-007/PUD-02-002lMJSP-02-003 June 18, 2002 Resolution 02-140 Page 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 '-' ..." 7. Prior to the recording of any plats for this project, the developers, their successors and assigns shall have entered into an enforceable utility service agreement with Sf. Lucie County Utilities regarding the final provision of water and sewer services to this site. This agreement shall be in a form consistent with Sf. Lucie County regulations regarding utilitYs,ervice extensions and service provision. ' ' 8. Irrigation system within this project shall be df:Js,.igned toäcceptteuse water from Sf. Lucie County Utilities as the preferredinethodofirrigat!on. B. The property on which this Preliminary and Fin¡;j,.tPlanned <\-Jnit Develdpl11èqt.Sit approval is granted is described as follows: BEING ALL THAT PART OF THE EAST ONE-HACJ;)(¡) SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, F.I.:. TURNPIKE FEEDER ROAD, AND ALL THAT PAR:J'¡)pF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 40 EAS , TURNPIKE FEEDER ROAD; LESS AND EXCEPTING THEREFRO DESCRIBED AS: A PART OF TH ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 12, T AS FOLLOWS: ÇTION 12, TOWNSHIP 34 ING NORTH OF THE ~ONE-QUARTER OF G'~NORTH OF SAID ATELY 2.9 ACRES THE SOUTHEAST 39 EAST, DESCRIBED ORTH-SOUTH ONE-QUARTER -WAY LINE OF THE SUNSHINE T IS 86.61 FEET SOUTH OF THE NE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST CTION WNSHIP 39 SOUTH, RANGE 34 EAST; NG THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OFTHE ER ROAD, A DISTANCE OF 205.62 FEET TO A SEST DISTANCE IS 146.34 FEET FROM THE CTION LINE OF SAID SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 34 ST; HENCE NORTH, PARALLEL WITH THE SAID TER SECTION LINE, A DISTANCE OF 847.84 FEET; TO THE SAID NORTH-SOUTH ONE-QUARTER SECTION LONG SAID ONE-QUARTER SECTION LINE, A DISTANCE OF OR LESS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. G ANY AND ALL RIGHT, TITLE AND INTEREST IN A CERTAIN TED OCTOBER 27, 1970, FILED NOVEMBER 16, 1970 AT O.R. BOOK 907, CLERK'S FILE NO. 200989, ST. LUCIE COUNTY RECORDS; T DATED NOVEMBER 16, 1970, AT O.R. BOOK 188, PAGE 908, CLERK'S E NO. 200990, ST. LUCIE COUNTY REC&DS; AND EASEMENT DATED OCTOBER 12,1970, FILED NOVEMBER 16, 1970, AT O.R. BOOK 188, PAGE 896-897, CLERK'S FILE NO. 200987, ST. LUCIE COUNTY RECORDS. EXCEPTING THEREFROM: A PART OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION File No.: RZ-02-007/PUD-02-002/MJSP-02-003 June 18,2002 Resolution '02-140 Page 4 '-' """" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 12, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE OF THE NORTH-SOUTH ONE-QUARTER SECTION LINE WITH THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE SUNSHINE STATE PARKWAY FEEDER ROUTE, WHICH POINT IS 86.61 FEET SOUTH OF THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTERiOF SAID SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 39 SOUTH, RANGE 34 EAST; THENCE NORTti§ASTERLY ALONG THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE,.SUNSHIPARKW A Y FEEDER ROUTE A DISTANCE OF 205.62 FEET TO T' NT G OF THE TRACT HEREBY DESCRIBED; FROM SAID POINT OF BEGINNING RUN RIGHT-OF-WAY OF SUNSHINE STATE PARKWA. 200.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH PARALLEL WITH SECTION LINE TO A POINT THAT WOULD BE IN DUE EAST FROM A POINT ON SAID NORTH-SOU.!J.'! THAT IS 901.72 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHW~$T C ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUAfÚER OF WEST ALONG SAID LINE EXTENDED DUE POIN THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THEN 0 P ONE-QUARTER SECTION LINE, A 01 THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 185.91 ACRES, (Location: of the Turnpike Feeder Road oulevard) which is attached to this resolution, was granted by the une 18, 2002. all be attached to the site plan drawings described in Section A, e with the St. Lucie County Community Development Director, CHANGE IN ZONING d change in the Zoning District Classification for that property described as BEING ALL THAT PART OF THE EAST ONE-HALF OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, LYING NORTH OF THE TURNPIKE FEEDER ROAD, AND ALL THAT PART OF THE WEST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 7, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 40 EAST, LYING NORTH OF SAID File No.: RZ-02-007/PUD-02-002lMJSP-02-003 June 18.2002 Resolution 02-140 Page 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 '-"' -" TURNPIKE FEEDER ROAD; LESS AND EXCEPTING THEREFROM A PARCEL OF APPROXIMATELY 2.9 ACRES DESCRIBED AS: A PART OF THE WEST 146. 34 FEET OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 12, TOWNSHIP 34 SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE NORTH-SO SECTION LINE WITH THE NORTHERLY RIGHT-OF-W¡l!¡y LlN STATE PARKWAY FEEDER ROAD, WHICH POINT/l$it86.61 NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE~QUARTER ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 12, TOWNS 39 SO THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE NORTH SUNSHINE STATE PARKWAY FEEDER ROAD, POINT, WHICH POINT AT ITS CLOSEST DIST NORTH-SOUTH ONE-QUARTER SECTION LINE OF SOUTH, RANGE 39 EAST; THENCE NOR118¡ii NORTH-SOUTH ONE-QUARTER SECTION LINE, A DI THENCE WEST 146.34 FEET TO THE SAID OUTH LINE; THENCE SOUTH ALONG SAID 0 ECTIO 988.34 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO TH REST IN A CERTAIN R 16, 1970 AT O.R. BOOK LUCIE COUNTY RECORDS; OOK 188, PAGE 908, CLERK'S D EASEMENT DATED OCTOBER OOK 188, PAGE 896-897, CLERK'S DS. T OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SECTION 9 EAST, DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ,OF TH ORTH-SOUTH ONE-QUARTER SECTION LINE WITH -OF-WAY LINE OF THE SUNSHINE STATE PARKWAY INT IS 86.61 FEET SOUTH OFTHE NORTHEAST CORNER E-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID IP 39 SOUTH, RANGE 34 EAST; THENCE NORTHEASTERLY ERL Y RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF THE SUNSHINE ST ATE PARKWAY DISTANCE OF 205.62 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF THE DESCRIBED; ~ Ml"fSAID POINT OF BEGINNING RUN NORTHEASTERLY ALONG THE ffT"OF-WAY OF SUNSHINE STATE PARKWAY FEEDER ROUTE, A DISTANCE OF 200.00 FEET; THENCE NORTff PARALLEL WlTff SAID NORTff-SOUTH ONE-QUARTER SECTION LINE TO A POINT THAT WOULD BE INTERSECTED BY A LINE EXTENDED DUE EAST FROM A POINT ON SAID NORTff-SOUTH ONE-QUARTER SECTION LINE THAT IS 901.72 FEET NORTH OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE NORTHWEST ONE-QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST ONE-QUARTER OF SAID SECTION 12; THENCE File No.: RZ-02-007/PUD-02-002lMJSP-02-003 June 18, 2002 Resolution 02-140 Page 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 G. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 '-' wi WEST ALONG SAID LINE EXTENDED DUE EAST TO A POINT THAT IS DUE NORTH OF THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE SOUTH AND PARALLEL WITH SAID ONE-QUARTER SECTION LINE, A DISTANCE OF 847.84 FEET, MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 185.91 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. (Location: Southwest intersection of the corner of the Tur and Spanish Lakes Country Club Boul~""Grd) owned by XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, is hereby changeôfrom thef¡l.M- Multiple-Family - 5 du/acre), IX (Industrial, Extrl:iction), a.od CN ( 0 Neighborhood) Zoning Districts to the PUD (Planoe¡d:L!nil.Pevelopment- Shores) Zoning District. The St. Lucie County Community Developmentg,it directed to cause the change to be made on th!:s¿¿Ott County, Florida, and to make notation of ref to the resolution. y authorized and p of St. Lucie ption of this After motion and second, the vot XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY Chairman File No.: RZ-02-007/PUD-02·002lMJSP-02-003 June 18, 2002 Resolution 02-140 Page 7 ~ -' 1 ATTEST: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Deputy Clerk 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: File No.: RZ-02-007/PUD-02-002/MJSP-02-003 June 18, 2002 Resolution 02-140 Page 8 ~ '" ... 1. ~~ OKEECHOBEE COUNTY 1 35 S 1 34 S " .. !i a .. ... ... ... ~ 2: -- C-M 0 i ~ ~ .. 5lCD .... ~ .. t.UlLTON IIO.lD II .. l: :0 ;: -i ... ì õl ... 2: i ì 0 RAJIG( L~ ROAD 0 C Z ~ .. '" .. ... G) ~ ! OJ (f) '~ Ï) \ ~ 3 '" ') . .~ " 0 :u ~ ') · !,G)~ ::ï · ~ I ¡ " I iiii! . i\ r: .~ J · ~ 0 ~ ~ it 'io'Øt'0\. CD " ~ < .. ? .. 0 0 2 '( 0 ~ D z --- \.- ...,I ~~~.-........~-........-~ __.-.n>,..,.....,."J¥'Il'dDl~...._~~_ .Aµo-=cl.rG -..... p..e ~"""'.q pcIO.¡lllO.....-qR\ dIut "Nl N l f-- - - - - . - . . tOOl 'Si: Jaqwa¡das paredaJd c:te~ EK)JBd pe[qns Se1BQ!pU! UJelled S!41 ~u-' !slb ~W~7 .ff5 ~wœ ~- ~/,-"., ,¡... -:-\ -~- /. 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(i W I j-u( i in'--;, ··¡·;-f!-·-, ! ; In'+-::r+¡-lntl':-i::n_~ I ' ; I,' I [ 0 ' , ! ! ii' I' ¡ I' 'I C ~ ;..L__ ~J~JJU_ULI Llll' I_I , .. " AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. V Date: June 18, 2002 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ X ] Consent [ ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 02-16 - Amending Chapter 1-13.8 (Noise Control) of the S1. Lucie County Code of Ordinances and Compiled Laws BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 02-896 FUNDS A V AIL. (State type & No. of transaction or N/A): N/A RECOMMENDA nON: Staff recommends that if the Board of County Commissioners determines to continue the public hearing on proposed Ordinance No. 02-16, as requested by the residents of Sandalwood Estates, that it do so to a date and time certain. COMMISSION ACTION: [~APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent Approved to continue to July 16, 2002. E: Doug as . Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: J:v Coordination/Sil!:natures Mgt. & Budget: ~k!"! b./ Purchasing: Originaling Dept.: Other: Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): '-' ....tI INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney C.A. NO: 02-896 DATE: June 13,2002 SUBJECT: Ordinance No. 02-16 - Amending Chapter 1-13.8 (Noise Control) of the St. Lucie County Code of Ordinances and Compiled Laws BACKGROUND: Attached to this memorandum is a copy of proposed Ordinance No. 02-16 which would amend Chapter 1-13.8 (Noise Control) of the St. Lucie County Code of Ordinances and Compiled Laws. The proposed amendments to the noise control ordinance are based upon the results of the noise study conducted by the Midwest Environmental Assistance Center ("MEAC"). As recommended in the MEAC report, the ordinance would be amended to provide for measurement of noise by octave band and would aIso establish maximum permissible vibration levels. Copies of the noise study are available for review in the County Attorney's office. Staffhas received a request from Chris Humphreys, on behalf of the residents of Sandalwood Estates, that the Board continue the public hearing until after July 1, 2002 in order to allow their attorney sufficient time to review the proposed ordinance. The next available public hearing dates are July 16, 2002 and August 20, 2002. RECOMMENDA nON/CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that if the Board of County Commissioners determines to continue the public hearing on proposed Ordinance No. 02-16, as requested by the residents of Sandalwood Estates, that it do so to a date and time certain. Respectfully submitted ~~ Heather Young Assistant County Attorney Attachment HY/ '-' ...." Copies To: Concurring Staff Clerk Secretary Press Public '-' ...I ORDINANCE NO. 02-16 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 1-13.8, NOISE CONTROL, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING SECTION 1-13.8-16 ("DEFINITIONS") TO CHANGE THE NAME TO "TERMINOLOGY, STANDARDS AND DEFINITIONS", TO PROVIDE FOR TERMINOLOTY AND STANDARDS AND TO ADD CERTAIN DEFINITIONS; AMENDING SECTION 1- 13.8-18 ("MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE SOUND LEVELS BY USE DISTRICT") TO ESTABLISH MAXIMUM PERMISSIBLE SOUND LEVELS AND VIBRATION LEVELS BY USE DISTRICT; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTING PROVISIONS, SEVERABILITY AND APPLICABILITY; PROVIDING FOR FILING WITH THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE AND THE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE; PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE AND FOR TERMINATION, AND CODIFICATION. WHEREAS, on February 2, 1988, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Ordinance No. 88-20 which created Chapter 1-13.8, Noise Control, of the S1. Lucie County Code of Ordinances and Compiled Laws; and, WHEREAS, Chapter 1-13.8 established maximum permissible sound levels by use districts based upon decibel levels; and, WHEREAS, this Board has conducted a nOIse measurement program with vibration analysis for 81. Lucie County; and, WHEREAS, based upon the results of the noise measurement program, this Board has determined that it is appropriate to amend Chapter 1-13.8 to provide for sound measurement based upon octave bands rather than decibel levels. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County Commissioners of 81. Lucie County, Florida: 1 Strud: IMsH¡;1l words are deleted; underlined words are added. '-' .....I PART A. CHAPTER 1-13.8, NOISE CONTROL, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, IS HEREBY AMENDED BY AMENDING SECTION 1-13.8-16 AS FOLLOWS: Section 1-13.8-16. Defioitioos. Terminolol!V. standards. and definitions. (a) All technical acoustical terminology and standards used in this article which are not defined below shall be read or constructed in conformance with the American National Standards Institute. Inc., ("ANSI") publication entitled "Accoustical Terminology", designated as ANSI S1.I-1960. or its successor publication. ill For the purposes of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply: Ambient noise is the all-encompassing noise associated with a given environment, being usually a composite of sounds from many sources, near and far, independent of any single, identifiable noise source. Bel is a unit of level when the base of logarithm is ten (10). Use of the Bel is restricted to levels of quantities proportional to power. Boat is a description of watercraft, barge and airboat used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water, mode of habitation or a place of business or professional or social association on the water of the unincorporated areas of St. Lucie County including but not limited to: (1) Foreign and domestic watercraft engaged in commerce; (2) Passenger or other cargo-carrying watercraft; (3) Privately owned recreational watercraft; (4) Airboats and seaplanes; (5) Houseboats or other floating homes. Decibel is a unit for measuring the volume of a sound, equal to twenty (20) times the logarithm to the base ten (10) of the ratio of the pressure of the sound measured to the 2 Stnwk tlH'Elllgh words are deleted; underlined words are added. ~ ...." reference pressure, which is twenty (20) micropascals (twenty (20) micronewtons) per square meter. Discrete tone is the condition of a noise source in which sham, piercing or hum- like steady tones occur in the octave noise spectrum. Downwind f!radient is within plus or minus 45° of the wind direction connecting the center of the noise source and the center of the receiver, with the wind blowing from source to receiver. The wind speed is given as up to 11 mph (5m/sec). Emergency work is work made necessary to restore property to a safe condition following a public calamity or work required to protect persons or property from an imminent exposure to danger. Frequency of a function periodic in time is the reciprocal of the primitive period. The unit is the cycle per tmit time and must be specified. Ldn level is the twenty-four (24) Leq level in an environment in which all the ambient sotmd and other noises at night (defined as 10:00 p.m. to 7 a.m.) are added up as 10 dB( A) above actual noise level. Leq level is the level of the time-weighted, mean-square, A-weighted sound pressure. Stationary noise sources are measured, in terms of octave band Leq, for a minimum of ten (10) minutes of operation. The background sound level measured for a minimum of five (5) minutes with the source off. must be subtracted from the Leq level in each of the nine octave frequency bands. Person is any person, person's firm, association, copartnership, joint venture, corporation or any entity, public or private in nature. Sound level meter is an instrument including a microphone, an amplifier, and output meter and frequency weighting networks for the measurements of noise and sound levels in a specified manner. 3 StrUBle tkOH¡;h words are deleted; underlined words are added. '-' ..I Sound pressure level in decibels of sound is twenty (20) times the logarithm to the base ten (10) of the ratio of the pressure of this sound to the reference pressure, which reference pressure must be explicitly stated. /.11 technical definitions are in accorda:nee with .^.merican National Standards Institute Stafldard S1.1 1960 entitled .^.col:lStieal; Terminology, as reaffirmed. PART B. CHAPTER 1-13.8, NOISE CONTROL, OF THE CODE OF ORDINANCES OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, IS HEREBY AMENDED BY AMENDING SECTION 1-13.8-16 AS FOLLOWS: Section 1-13.8-18. Maximum permissible sound levels and vibration levels by use district. ill It shall be unlawful to project a sound or noise from one property into another property within the boundary of the use district which exceeds either the limiting noise spectra set forth in Table 1 below or exceeds the ambient noise level by more than three (3) decibels for any minimum part of a measurement pefiod which measurement period shall not be less than sixty (60) seconds when measured as specified under the noise enforcement practices as adopted by the board of county commissioners by resolution. fB tù Sound or noise projecting from one (1) use district into another use district with a different noise level limit shall not exceed the limits of the district into which the noise is projected. ~ {!;ù The lim.its Hereinabove referred to sball be in accordance \vith the follov>'Ìng table:Unless provided otherwise. such sound that tests in excess of any such sound affected site specific applicable resultant value. after applying all site-specific impulse sound and lor pure tone (character of sound) adjustments. shall be a violation of this article. ~ (c) Corrections for character of sound: 1. Steady pure tone. For each sound that is a steady pure tone, the applicable maximum sound 1eve11imits set forth in Table 1 shall be 4 Struek tHrough words are deleted; underlined words are added. '-" ..J reduced by five decibels at sound-affected sites/units in residential use districts. 2. Non-repetitive impulsive sound. For any non-repetitive impulsive sound (up to five impulses in an hour), the maximum sound level limits set forth in Table 1 shall be increased by ten decibels from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. T.ÅABLE 1 APPLICABLE NOISE LIMITS Measurement period one quarter hour (cominuous) as measured at the property boundary ofilie receiving property. Use Sound Lc,'C! in Dccibels A Sca!c (dBA) Day }'light 0700 2200 2200 0700 b.¡. L!{i l.Jg l.¡ l.!g l.§() 70 €i5 60 65 60 55 75 70 65 70 65 €i0 75 70 65 75 70 65 C1assiflCatiel'l Residential Commercial Industrial Lc"c'Le) ". ..... That noise (/'1. weighted souRd level) exoeeding one (1) percent of a measl:lrement time equivalent to at least fifteen (15) minutes. Le";:!' Leg) '" ~ ~ . Th:at noise VA weighted sound level) exceeding ten (10) pereem of a measuremem time equiyalent to at least fifteen (15 minutes. LC"';Icl L(50). That noise VA weighted sound level) exceeding fifty (50) percent of a measurement time equiyulent to at least fifteeR (15) minutes. 5 Struck through words are deleted; underlined words are added. '\.,.r '.".Î (1) If the noise occrns at any time OR Sooday or holidays, the decibel level applicable betweeR 10:00 J3.m. Elflà 7:00 a.m. shall preyail. (5) Noise levels shall not exceed the peak noise levels, independent of time duration, set out in Table II below: Use Cklssification Residential Commercial Industrial TAELE II PEAK }ýOISE LEVELS Sound LC)'el in Dccibels A Scale (dEA) 80 85 85 ~ The conditions regarding times of operation for mining and manufacturing activities as specified in a permit issued by the board of county commissioners shall pre'iail over the provisions of this ohapter. féj For noise of impulsive character (hammering, etc.), the permissible decibel levels set out in Table I shall be corrected by subtracting five (5). Impulsive souFld is any sOI:lFld of short duration, I:lsually less than one (1) second with &R abrupt onset and rapid decay, e.g. Emplosions, blasting, &Rd discharge of fireanns. 6 Stmck tATBI±¡;A words are deleted; underlined words are added. "'" ....J TABLE 1 OCT A VE BAND NOISE LIMITS IN TERMS OF UN-WEIGHTED DECIBELS AND EOUlV ALENT A-WEIGHTED DBA LEVELS ResidentiallResidential Commercial/ Residential IndustriallResidential Octave Band Dav Night Day Night Day Night Center Frequency (Hertz) 31.5 57-59 52-54 64 59 64 59 63 57-59 52-54 64 59 64 59 125 54-56 49-51 61 56 61 56 250 50-52 45-47 57 52 57 52 500 46-48 41-43 53 48 53 48 1000 41-43 36-38 48 43 48 43 2000 37-39 32-34 44 39 44 39 4000 34-36 29-31 41 36 41 36 8000 30-32 25-27 37 32 37 32 dBA 48-50 43-45 55 50 55 50 (2) It is a violation of this article to operate. permit of suffer operation or use of any industrial, manufacturing and/or commercial device. facility, operation, or process that causes any vibrations which exceed the applicable displacement(s) in inches specified in Tables 2 and 3 below. at the property boundary of, or within, any vibration affected site or unit in a residential use district. Steady state vibrations are continuous or occur in discrete pulses more frequently than 100 impulses per minute. Discrete pulses that do not exceed 100 impulses per minute must not cause displacement in excess of twice the applicable value(s) in Tables 2 or 3. Impact vibrations occur in discrete pulses which are separated by a time interval of at least one minute and which occur no more than eight times in any 24-hour period. These vibrations regulations do not apply to activities conducted pursuant to. and to the extent authorized by, blasting permits 7 SlruEIc through words are deleted; underlined words are added. " ..., issued by the board or any other governmental entity that is authorized to issue such permits. TABLE 2 APPLICABLE VIBRATION LIMITS RESIDENTIAL TO RESIDENTIAL USE DISTRICT Residential/Residential - Commercial Measured Levels Frequency Permitted Level Ambient Level: R/R Measured@XII. Y6 Ambient Level: R/C Measured@ Y 5 Rate of Vibrational Strokes Greater than Less than Less than Less than 100IMin 100IMin 100IMin 100IMin Less than 10HZ .0004 .0008 .0007 .0003 10-19 Hz .0002 .0004 .00004 .00015 20-29 Hz .0001 .0002 .00001 .0001 30-39 Hz .0001 .0002 .00001 .0001 40-49 Hz .0001 .0002 .00001 .00004 50 and Over .0001 .0002 .00001 .00001 TABLE 3 APPLICABLE VIBRATION LIMITS COMMERCIAL TO RESIDENTIAL AND INDUSTRIAL TO RESIDENTIAL Commercial, Industrial to Residential Measured Levels Frequency Permitted Level Ambient Level: C/R Measured @ Xl I. Y6 Ambient Level: I/R Measured@ Y5 Rate of Vibrational Strokes Greater than Less than 100IMin 100IMin Less than 100IMin Less than 100/Min Less than 10 HZ .0004 .0008 .0003 .0004 10-19 Hz .0002 .0004 .0001 .00006 8 Struek throU¡;H words are deleted; underlined words are added. 20-29 Hz ~ """" .0001 .00005 .00002 .0002 .00001 30-39 Hz .0001 .00001 .0002 .00001 40-49 Hz .0001 .0002 .00001 50 and Over .00002 .0001 .00001 .0002 (b) PART C. (a) The following standards shall be used, as aoolicable, to measure vibrations: ISO-2631 (Mechanical vibrations and shock - Evaluation of human exoosure to whole bodv vibration); ANSI S 2.2-1959 (RI990) (Calibration of shock and vibration oickuos); ANSI S 2.61-1989 (ASA 78) (Mechanical mounting of accelerometers); ANSI S 24.21-1957 (RI989) Characteristics of shock and vibration measurements). A three component measuring system shall be used to measure vibrations. The testing system shall measure earth borne vibrations in three directions, each of which occurs at right angles to the other two. CONFLICTING PROVISIONS Special acts of the Florida legislature applicable only to unincorporated areas of St. Lucie County, County ordinances and County resolutions, or parts thereof, in conflict with this ordinance are hereby superseded by this ordinance to the extent of such conflict. PART D. SEVERABILITY If any portion of this ordinance is for any reason held or declared to be unconstitutional, inoperative or void, such holding shall not affect the remaining portions of this ordinance. If this ordinance or any provision thereof shall be held to be inapplicable to any person, property or circumstances, such holding shall not affect its applicability to any other person, property or circumstances. PART E. APPLICABILITY OF ORDINANCE This ordinance shall be applicable in the unincorporated areas of St. Lucie County. 9 Stru61; tflrBlIgh words are deleted; underlined words are added. ","' -..I PART F. FILING WITH DEPARTMENT OF STATE The Clerk be and hereby is directed forthwith to send a certified copy of this ordinance to the Bureau of Laws, Department of State, The Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida, 32304. PART G. FILING WITH DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE The Clerk shall send a certified copy of this ordinance to the Department of Revenue, The Carlton Building, Tallahassee, Florida, 32301, within ten (l0) days after approval of the Ordinance. PART H. EFFECTIVE DATE; TERMINATION This ordinance shall take effect upon filing with the Secretary of State. PART I. ADOPTION After motion and second, the vote on this ordinance was as follows: Chairman Doug Coward. XX Vice Chairman Cliff Barnes XX Commissioner Paula A. Lewis XX Commissioner John D. Bruhn XX Commissioner Frannie Hutchinson XX PARTI K. CODIFICATION Provisions of this ordinance shall be incorporated in the County Code and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section", "article" or other appropriate word, and the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; provided, however, that parts D to K shall not be codified. 10 Struek througll words are deleted; underlined words are added. ~ -...J PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this XX day of XX, 2002. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: Deputy Clerk Chairman APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: BY: County Attorney 11 Struck throll:;h words are deleted; underlined words are added. '-' "'-" ITEM NO. 6 DATE:, June 18. 2002 AGENDA REQUEST REGULAR: (X) PUBLIC ARING: ( ) CON N: ( ) TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): ADMINISTRATION SUBJECT: Scripps Treasure Coast Publishing Company Tax Abatement Request BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: NIA RECOMMENDATION: Staff is recommending a letter of intent be sent to Scripps Treasure Coast Publishing Company for the requested 4-year tax abatement program. ~ COMMISSION ACTION: ø APPROVED 0 DENIED o OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent Doug a Anderson County Administrator Review and ADDrovals Q County Attorney: Q Management and Budget: Q Purchasing: Q Originating Dept: Q other: Q other: Q Finance: Check for copy only, if applicable: Anyone with a disability requiring accommodations to attend this meeting should contact the Sf. Lucie County Community Services Manager at 561-462-1777 or TTD 561-462-1428, at leas/48 hours (48) prior to the meeting. H :IWINIWP\AG EN DA Iscrippslaxabate, wpd ....... '.,J COUNTY ADMINISTRATION MEMORANDUM 02-63 t;r;'?!:'~;",.¡¡I?;Wi.1})iW$io.. ,'ä ,.J"',*iil'W,j,:$V..¡;:;;r.>';V4,",·''"''J.\':;;:''~''* %Il' TO: Board of County Com FROM: Douglas M. Anderson ounty Administrator DATE: June 11, 2002 RE: Scripps Treasure Coast Publishing Company (Scripps) Tax Abatement Request Scripps has requested a 4-year tax abatement on the facility that they are proposing to construct in St. Lucie County. At this time, Scripps is requesting a letter of intent from the County stating that once the project is constructed and Scripps is qualified to apply for a tax abatement, they would be granted by the County, a 4-year, 100% abatement estimated at $1,396,912. During the same 4 -year period, the School Board, Fire District and Children Services Council would receive approximately $2,123,300 in increased property taxes. Scripps has agreed that should they close the plant within the next 15 years or relocate the facility to an area outside of St. Lucie County, any abatements granted by the County would be refunded to the County, including interest. As the project progresses and the jobs are better identified, the County will also consider the job growth incentive program to determine if Scripps qualifies. Staff is recommending a Jetter of intent be sent to Scripps offering the above outlined tax abatement program. DMNab c: Jeff Furst, Property Appraiser Dan McIntyre, County Attorney Dennis Murphy, Community Development Director H:IWINIWP\AGENDA Iscrippstaxabate.wpd "'", '--' June 18, 2002 ð' Scripps Treasure Coast Publishing Company Mr. Thomas E. Weber, Jr. Editor and President PO Box 9009 Stuart, FL., 34995-9009 RE: Letter of Intent Dear Mr. Weber: This letter sets forth the intent of the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, to provide the following to Scripps Treasure Coast Publishing Company (Scripps) upon construction of a facility in St. Lucie County: Adoption of an ordinance granting an economic ad-valorem tax exemption including tangible personal property over a four (4) year period in accordance with the following schedules: Year 1 -100% Year 2 -100% Year 3 -100% Year4-100% Should Scripps close the plant within fifteen (15) years of the beginning of the tax abatement program or relocate the facility to an area outside St. Lucie County, any abatements granted by the County, including interest, will be refunded to the County. The granting of an ad-valorem tax exemption is contingent upon adoption of an ordinance at a public hearing and Scripps complying with all State and local requirements pertaining to economic development ad-valorem tax exemption. As the project progresses and the jobs created are better identified, the County will also consider the job growth incentive program to determine if Scripps qualifies. '-' .....,,¿ Page 2 June 18, 2002 Scripps/Letter of Intent This letter, if accepted by Scripps, will not constitute a binding contract, but will serve as a letter of intent. Any binding contract will exist only when the appropriate documents have been prepared and approved by the parties and signed and delivered by the parties. Sincerely, Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator DMA/ab 02-58 c: Board of County Commissioners Dennis Murphy, Community Development Director Dan Mcintyre, County Attorney Jeff Furst, Property Appraiser · ' ""', P. O. BOX 9009 STUART. FLORIDA 34995-9009 TEL 561-287-1550 FAX 561-221-4250 ......,J ~a~ iill SCRIPPS Treasure Coast Publishing Company May 21,2002 r~\l l ~\4J\ cJ! (rr , t.A-. LV i Mr. Douglas M, Anderson W!J ' \.:7 d . C . ptl ¡t,lI " (' County A mimstrator St. Lucie County Nl .^ 2300 Virgin,ia Ave. "/.1V/ f' Fort Pierce, FL 34982 ( tI ? RE: Request for Economic Development Incentives 1" The Stuart News The Port St. Lucie :'\ews Port St. Lucie Tñbune Fort Pierce Tribune Press Journal The Jupiter Courier Sebastian Sun Treasure Coast Business Journal 50 Plus Lifestyles Dear Mr. Anderson, Scripps Treasure Coast Publishing Company (Scripps) is proposing the construction of a new facility in St. Lucie County for newspaper printing, packaging, and distribution operations (Facility). An exemption of certain ad valorem taxes is requested on property improvements and equipment for this project under Chapter 1-19.3, Article V of the St. Lucie County Code of Ordinances. It is expected that 100 people will be employed at the Facility, and the tax exemption is requested as an "expanding business" as defined in section 1-19.3.55 of the Code. ' Proiect Description and Location Scripps has prepared a business plan for the construction of a 125,000 square foot (approximate) building for printing, packaging and certain distribution operations of its three daily newspapers, weekly newspapers, and other niche publications. Currently Scripps serves the Treasure Coast of Florida distributing more than 110,000 newspapers each day and has news, business and manufacturing operations in Stuart (Martin County), Fort Pierce (St. Lucie County) and Vero Beach (Indian River County). The proposed Facility would combine the manufacturing operations for all three existing locations and provide distribution operations to all three counties. The manufacturing operations in the existing locations would be discontinued if the new Facility were built. Scripps has entered in to a conditional contract with St. Lucie West Development Company to purchase approximately l7 acres of land in the St. Lucie West lndustriàl Park to construct the Facility (Exhibit 1). The site is in the city of Port St. Lucie, approximately two miles north of the intersection ofI-95 and St. Lucie West Blvd., on the east side ofI-95 (Exhibit 2). "'" ...., P. O. BOX 9009 STUART, FLORIDA 34995-9009 TEL 561-287-1550 FAX 561-221-4250 The proposed Facility will have newspaper printing presses, platemaking, and packaging equipment and will provide space for newsprint roll and customer supplied printed product storage. Newspapers and associated products will be trucked from the Facility to other Treasure Coast locations for distribution. Certain distribution operations will also be conducted on the site for portions of St. Lucie County. It is expected that 100 people will be employed at this Facility, and that Scripps' total employment in St. Lucie County will increase by 60. The average wage for these jobs is expected to range from $ 12/hour to $20/hour depending on the worker classification. Proiect Schedule and Cost If the financial goals of the business plan can be obtained and conditions in the contract to purchase the site can be met to Scripps' satisfaction, it is expected that construction would begin in the first quarter of2003 and last twelve to fourteen months. The goal would be to have a newspaper press operational by the third quarter of 2004. The total cost of the pro-ject is expected to be $45 million. In addition to the tax exemption, Scripps is requesting the project be considered for a Job Growth Incentive Grant from the County and employee training opportunities or coordination services provided by the Workforce Development Board ofSt. Lucie County. The newspapers we publish on the Treasure Coast have been in business for more than lOO years. Weare part of the fabric of each community we serve. As these communities have grown, so too has our business, leading to this opportunity to build the operations center for the next generation of newspaper publishing and provide capabilities to better serve our customers, the residents and businesses of the Treasure Coast. Weare hopeful we can bring this plan to reality and the opportunities presented by St. Lucie County, both in economic incentives and business development, are crucial to making that happen. We look forward to working with St. Lucie County on this project. Sincerely, .---- t. l~tcvU/J (, Ul1At Thomas E. Weber, r. Editor and President Scripps Treasure Coast Publishing Company "~- """ ~~--_.__.., q: ~ f£ I!:Ì o )- ~ o "i: ro 0 1':;1-- PL Jd i ¡ ~i ;~ ;, 1¡ J¡ B i!1 " -9 s t i i¡i~ Il-i¡ ~n¡~ii. 5.a!~ ~~H !.H; 2 ~ ~1t!!,al!~ WI·III ·..·Í',·I' < ~I ,~!~,;,. î~. ,~!!!i~iilmhm~i i :¡ c.. ot.~ :t~~"':a'5"~~~~¡~:! l~";"~ ...2:" ~ ~ ~ ~.....:t:>·¡:61 0 0- (I'l é) a.. 2~ , -- ,,' ......... . ,ill~ I "'!'l~' ~;;~ I ª!i-:lU!!!·~ ~ :~:;; ¡8' ~!m .< ~... ~ m J. ,~ <; ,~ S; ð:: ~~ ð !tit f:2 ~~ :i lilt:. :J S" ) ~: -l../' \ t3 ~ \ ~ tl~ 'z \ sf \ Si " ~: .' ¡: ¡, £ :+ .o6'V£~ .,.;'t.~.' ,~\,'j.~.V .çç.6£,,?-V "'lUa' .z:¡.iLl-':" .9~ l~ , 'eN .l)\tìil HI3~^{:JÐ'VN\f/f èl31 It fA ...c::r z c:::r £x/¡¡ bd , h li;!lí!r !~~!!! ~§~..~ '~i~~~ R!i~~~ ~f~§! i~ II ~ ~ ~~~ ~ ~Ãh ~ bi N ~ ª ~ ~ I 'ì: ::~ "'f ~;~ ", ~ ...,,; .,/'~' '-'~""'., ~__'::'-'-:',':Ÿ ~f~\__"" ../ fUlvR\ ;"Fl ~ _. :"\'? ~/~ -", '·':t .;~' ._,. /J Future. _<~l~~dUry~~i~,~ . t'/ _ "i -\ \ -~ -~~ -'., " r@nmcf'(!~l '" r "Q~':';""""",..'.,:".oy",..,J',-,".,~',.·_,..'?_, ""~ <-.,--,-. :J \." 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BACKGROUND: At the June 4th, 2002 Board meeting, staff was directed to meet with the Citizens in the Citrus Avenue area to determine the locations for multi way stop control at various intersections. Staff met with the citizens on Monday, June 10th, at the White City Improvement Club. Extensive discussion took place as to the location of the proposed multi way stop signs. Additionally, there was a contingent of citizens who requested that no multi way stop signs be installed. Attached are individual sheets showing what the various citizens requested for various stop sign locations. There was also a request from a number of the citizens present to improve the one lane section of Citrus Avenue to a standard roadway segment. A letter was received from Mr. Richard L. Gardner requesting the improvements of Citrus Avenue. This information has been forwarded to the County Engineer to address this situation and to investigate the possibility of establishing a Municipal Services Benefit Unit (M.S.B.U.) to improve Citrus Avenue to a standard roadway. As a result of this meeting, the consensus was that the Citizens who are requesting multi way stops, that the multi way stop signs be installed at the following locations as shown on the attached map: Citrus Avenue and Driftwood Lane Citrus Avenue and Country Garden Lane Gopher Ridge Road and Davis Street FUNDS AVAILABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: Board direction to staff to meet with the Citizens at the June 4th, 2002 meeting. Agenda Item #6 RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board adopt Resolution Number 02-166 directing staff to install multi way stops at the following intersections: Citrus Avenue and Driftwood Lane, Citrus Avenue and Country Garden Lane, Gopher Ridge Road and Davis Street. COMMISSION ACTION: k] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Bar.ne;:; ~s t Approved ~~ äition of Stop sign .,~~ P-arkl. d. , ;t:..r Coordination/Signatures [X] County Attorney " [ ] Mgt. & Budget [X] Originating Dept. Public Works 1Ú/v...) ugl M. Anderson Cou ty Administrator [ ] Purchasing [ ] Co. Eng [ ] Other [ ] Finance (check for copy only. if applicabie) J, a: w c z. ct w .... o 5T T ~ N g.;. " - < BOARD OFr------, , TOWNE I REA. L TORS I SOUTH i r I PLAZA . I _ ..... ) c a:, -- '" I f"TrUd. cr __ '-' ...I 8~ ~ ~ Cl ~6 0 0 0 ~ "'d ÞOd ~~ § ~ ~ ~~ Š ~ ~ ~ S 0 ~Ed to (") 0 ~ 0 0 > >0 ~ Cl tn ~ Šti3 ~ O~ ~~ ÞOd -0 "'tl ~ tZlZ ~ tZltZl ~ (") 0 ~Z 0 0 ÞOd ~ ! ~ 0 tn(") ~ ~ r:/1 ~§ ~ ~ m 0 ~ (')d tn to q Cl 0 ~r:/1 Z ~ § t:l 1:0 ~~ tZl ~ ê~ ~ ~ ~ r:/1r:/1 ~ ,>8 z ~z Cl > . t"-l ~ 0 (') > ~ ~ ~ "'d ~ ~ ~ (") ~ ~ 0 0 tZl ~ ÞOd r:/1 d § ~ ~ ~ "'d ~ > to (") Cl ....;¡ ~ ~ § (') ~ ~ ~ '-" '-' ~p ~ ~ tiiSi1 > ~ ~~ ~ 8 Cì> rc c:: tIj~ 8 ~ >~ . 80 tïÞ¡:1 ~g Þ¡:1 ~ í/)Z ~ > í/)í/) p b ~~ ~ ê ~§ d (1 tIj to Þ-3 ~ ~ ~ rc rc ~ > ~ ....... ~ ~ í/) Þ-3 o Þ¡:1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 8 (1 to Þ-3 rc . 8 Cì d ~ ~ ~ ~ ël 0 tï d 8 rc l~J ~ (1 ~ ~ ~ ê ~ ~ d ~ Þ-3 ~ o o tï rc ~ (1 o ~ ~ Cì § ~ ~ ...." o ~ ~ ~ o z > o ~ ~ ~ eo ~ ~ ~ o r:/) g] nr:/) ~~ 1-30 ê~ r:/)r:/) >~ <Z rn~ o n ~ ~ o z r:/) o ~ ~ ~ ~ n ~ rLj C1 --- ~ '-' "'-' >=--~ (\, ~ v \,~ D-- \ 0\ ~ cL:E v. --..J J" () ~ '~\J '~ (~ > ,..., \/] "'~. 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",. ....,I C')~ Þ-d ~ C') t:I 0 ~ 0 ~ ""d ~~ ~ Þ-d ~ ~ ::r:o ~ ::r: ~ ~ tr.l~ ~ ~ ~Þ-3 ~ ê 0 ~~ ~ 0 > n t:I t:I 8~ to 0 C') ~ ~ ~ tr.l ~ tr.lo ~~ ""d ~ t:l0 >--Þ-d <::j ""d -0 ~ n 0 0 CZlZ 0 ""d (,f) CZlCZl ~ ~ ~ t:d ~Z ~ ~ nO >-- Þ-3 0 tr.ln ê ~ z ~(,f) Þ-3~ ~~ . § n ~ to ê~ tr.l ~ z ê (,f)(,f) CZl ~ >~ Þ-3 <~ >-- ~ ~ ~~ ~ z 0 C') n >-- > ~ ~ ~ 0 Z Þ-3 - Þ-d ~ n 0 (,f) ~ >-- 0 ""d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CZl Þ-3 0 Þ-3 ~ ~ Z 0 Þ-d n C') n >-- to ~ >-- Þ-3 ~ ê 8 tr.l Z ~ '-' ~ RESOLUTION NO. 02·166 A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE FOLLOWING INTERSECTIONS AS MULTI WAY STOPS IN ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Sl. Lucie County, Florida, has made the following determinations, 1. Section 316.008(1)( a), Florida Statutes, authorizes the Board to designate any intersection under its jurisdiction as a stop intersection. 2. The intersections of Citrus Avenue and Driftwood Lane, Citrus Avenue and Country Garden Lane, Gopher Ridge Road and Davis Street, are under Sl. Lucie County jurisdiction. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County of S1. Lucie County Commissioners of Sl. Lucie County: 1. The intersections of Citrus Avenue and Driftwood Lane, Citrus Avenue and Country Garden Lane, Gopher Ridge Road and Davis Street, are hereby designated as a multi-way stop. 2. The Sl. Lucie County Road and Bridge Manager is hereby directed to erect stop signs at the above intersections. 3. The County Administrator is hereby directed to provide copies of this resolution to the Sheriff of Sl. Lucie County, and the Sl. Lucie County Road and Bridge Manager. \..r ..."" After a motion and second the vote on this resolution was as follows: Chairman Doug Coward Vice Chairman Cliff Barnes Commissioner Fran Hutchinson Commissioner Paula Lewis Commissioner John D. Bruhn PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 18th day of June, 2002. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: DEPUTY CLERK CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY " ....,¡ Q~ ""0 ~ Q tj 0 ~ 0 ~ I-d ~~ ~ ""d ~ ~ ŠO ~ Š ~ ~ 0 þd~ ~ ê þd 0 z ~~ ~ 0 :> (ì t:l tj tj> to 0 Q ~ Þdto ~ § tr:l ~ ~~ â I-d tjO Id >""0 0 <~ I-d ~O ""d ~ (ì tj 0 0 Cl)Z > ° N ~ I-d CZl CI) CI) ~ ~ ~ tr1 ~Z ~ '( ~ ~ nt:l § ~ 0 t11(ì ~ ~ 0 Z ~CZl ~§ ~O ~~ (ì ~ ~ tj to ê~ t11 to ~ ~ z ~ ~ CZlCZl CI) tj t11 Yt :>~ ~ Z (\\ <~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ Z 0 Q n > :> ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ Z ~ ""0 ~ (ì 0 CZl ~ > 0 I-d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ CI) > ~ 0 ~ § Z 0 ""'d (ì ~ n > to ~ ~ ~ ê tj t11 Z ~ ~ ~.~.~~ ~ Cl t:j 0; 0 . t-< ¡¡¡ êl ~ ÞOTj ,,~ g;¿J Š~ ~'~'" ~ ~ o > to (") -----.. 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AGENDA REQUEST ~' éJ¡l ITEM NO. Òn DATE: June 18, 2002 REGULAR [XX] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Florida Development Finance Corporation - Nida-Core- Resolution No. 02-163 BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve Resolution No. 03-163 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Resolution and Limited Joinder. [x] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent uglas Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: County Attorney: ~ Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 '-' ..,/ INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY I FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney C.A. NO. 02-810 DATE: June 3,2002 SUBJECT: Florida Development Finance Corporation - Nida-Core - Resolution No. 02 -163 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND: Attached to this memorandum are copies of the following documents: 1. Memorandum dated May 30, 2002 from Robert 0, Freeman, Esq. 2. Draft Resolution No. 02-163 authorizing execution of a limited joinder to the Interlocal Agreement between Orange County, Florida and Florida Development Finance Corporation. 3. Limited Joinder to Interlocal Agreement As indicated in Mr. Freeman's memorandum, he is recommending that the County approve a limited joinder as opposed to a Blanket Joinder. Staff concurs with Mr. Freeman's recommendation. '-'-' ....,/ RECOMMENDA TION/CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board approve Resolution No. 03-163 and authorize the Chairman to sign the Resolution and the Limited Joinder. DSM/ caf Attachments n \i./ '-" SSQUlRE ~DER5 LEGAL COUNSEL WORLDWIDE ...",; SQUIRE, SANDERS & DEMPSEY L.L.P. MEMORANDUM To: Daniel S. McIntyre, Esquire County Attorney St. Lucie County, Florida Copy: Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator St. Lucie County, Florida Loomis C. Leedy, III, Financial Advisor William R. Hough & Co. From: Robert O. Freeman Date: May 30, 2002 Re: Florida Development Finance Corporation Interlocal Agreement I have reviewed the proposed resolution (the "Resolution") relative to St. Lucie County's (the "County") joining, via the Joinder to Interlocal Agreement (the "Joinder"), the Interlocal Agreement (the "Interlocal") between the Florida Development Finance Corporation ("FDFC") and Orange County, Florida, dated April 12, 1994. I have also reviewed the InterlocaI and the provisions of Sections 25 - 34 of Chapter 93-187, Laws of Florida (1993) (the "FDFC Act"), which provided for the creation of the FDFC. The Resolution, the Joinder, the Interlocal, the FDFC Act, and the Interlocal Act (hereinafter defined) are collectively referred to as the "Legislation"). The purposes of the FDFC are set forth in Section 26 of the FDFC Act, the powers in Section 29. Those purposes are generally related to assisting the growth of small businesses in the State without regard to county or other boundaries. Those powers include the power to acquire property and improvements, mortgage, encumber, and dispose of property, have plans and surveys prepared, apply for government grants, make and execute contracts. Under the Interlocal Agreement, the FDFC is granted the right to exercise all powers granted under both the FDFC Act and Chapter 163, Part I, Florida Statutes (the "Interlocal Act")[Section 2 of Inter local]. The County, by executing the Joinder, would be prohibited from terminating the joinder for so long as any bonds issued by the FDFC to finance projects in St. Lucie County '-' ...", were outstanding. [Section 3 ofInterlocal]. Once the Joinder is executed, FDFC is not required thereafter to obtain any approval, consent, or authorization in any respect from the County for the exercise of its powers, except as may be provided otherwise by applicable law (this would include, for example, TEFRA approval for the issuance of tax-exempt bonds by FDFC). The County is not entitled to receive any fees or other payments from FDFC in connection with the exercise of its powers [Section 5, Interlocal] (this may be no big deal if the County is not going to look at these financings). The Resolution provides that execution of the Joinder is not to be construed as the County's having approved "any zoning, building, or other regulatory or building permit" and that approval of the Joinder shall not be construed as the County's having "waived, or be[ing] estopped from asserting, any rights or responsibilities it may have in . . . regard [to permitting]." [Resolution, section 3]. The Interlocal Act provides a broad grant of powers to entities creating and created by interlocal agreement such as the Interlocal, and enumerates the types of provisions which an interlocal agreement may contain. The attorneys for the FDFC have offered assurances that the FDFC exists only to provide financing assistance to small corporations, consistent with the FDFC Act. The Interlocal does provide that the powers granted to the FDFC are only granted to the extent that the exercise of such powers is consistent with the purposes of the FDFC Act. In my opinion, however, the Interlocal is unduly broad, does not address many of the specific matters that are enumerated in the Interlocal Act, and leaves much discretion to the FDFC to operate as it deems appropriate. The question is whether the County is comfortable giving "carte blanche" to the FDFC based on not much in the way of specifics. There may well be, and probably is, no reason not to look at this as a "good ole boy" situation where there would be no negative repercussions and only positive benefit for the County. I have had no experience with the FDFC and have no opinion about its organization and operations, either positive or negative. In my mind, however, and particularly in light of the provisions of Section 3 of the Interlocal regarding the County's terminating its status as a member of the Interlocal, I would recommend that the County consider executing individual joinders on a case-by-case basis. Under this approach, at least, the County could refuse to execute any further joinders if it became disenchanted with the FDFC for any reason, and it wouId not have a "perpetual" joinder by virtue of bonds being outstanding and continuing to be issued without any requirement for Board of County Commissioners approval. I have provided my suggested revisions to the Joinder consistent with the foregoing recommendation to counsel for FDFC. Please let me know if you need anything further at this point. SQUIRE, SANDERS &DEMPSEYL.L.P. - 2- May 30, 2002 '-" ..." RESOLUTION NO. 02-163 A RESOLUTION OF THE COUNTY COMMISSION OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A LIMITED JOINDER TO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN ORANGE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND THE FLORIDA DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION FOR THE PURPOSE OF AUTHORIZING THE FLORIDA DEVELOPMENT FINANCE CORPORATION TO EXERCISE ITS POWER AND AUTHORITY WITHIN THE JURISDICTIONAL LIMITS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY FOR PURPOSES OF FINANCING THE 2002A PROJECT AS DESCRIBED HEREIN, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTNE DATE. WHEREAS, pursuant to Chapter 93-187, Laws of Florida, (1993), the Legislature of the State of Florida adopted the Florida Development Finance Corporation Act of 1993 (Chapter 288, Part IX, Florida Statutes, hereinafter the "Act"); and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of the Act and, in particular, Section 288.9604, Florida Statutes, the Florida Development Finance Corporation (the "FDFC") was created as a body corporate and politic of the State of Florida (the "State") upon a finding of necessity by Orange County, Florida ("Orange County"), a county of the State of Florida, which county was selected by a search committee of the Board of Directors of Enterprise Florida Capital Partnership, Inc., pursuant to Resolution No. 94-M-21 of the Board of County Commissioners of Orange County, Florida; and WHEREAS, the Act further provides that, to efficiently and effectively achieve the purposes of the Act, it is necessary and in the public interest that the FDFC cooperate and act in conjunction with public agencies of the State and local governments of the State through interlocal agreements pursuant to the Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969, as amended (the "Interlocal Act"); and {0R505002;2} '-' ....I WHEREAS, Orange County and the FDFC have heretofore entered into that certain Interlocal Agreement, dated as of April 12, 1994 (the "Interlocal Agreement"), a copy of which is attached hereto as Annex I, pursuant to which Orange County granted the FDFC full right, power, and authority to exercise any and all powers set forth in the Act and under the Interlocal Act (to the extent that the exercise of such powers is consistent with the purposes of the Act) within the jurisdictional limits of Orange County; and WHEREAS, the Interlocal Agreement provides that any other public agency (as defined in the Act) may join in the Interlocal Agreement at any time for the purpose of granting the FDFC full right, power, and authority to exercise any and all powers set forth in the Act and under the Interlocal Act (to the extent that the exercise of such powers is consistent with the purposes of the Act) within the jurisdictional limits of such public agency by the execution of an addendum to the Interlocal Agreement in the Form of Exhibit "A" attached thereto; and WHEREAS, in order to grant the FDFC full right, power and authority to exercise any and all powers set forth in the Act and under the lnterlocal Act (to the extent that the exercise of such powers is consistent with the purposes of the Act) within the jurisdictional limits of S1. Lucie County, including without limitation the issuance of the Bonds to finance projects, the County Commission wishes to authorize the execution of an addendum to the Interlocal Agreement in the form of Exhibit "A" attached hereto; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSION OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY: Section 1. finds and declares that: a. There is a need to enhance economic activity in the cities and counties of Findings and Declaration of Necessitv. The County Commission the State by attracting manufacturing, development, business enterprise management, and other {ORS05002;2 } 2 \..; """" activities conducive to economic promotion in order to provide a stronger, more balanced, and stable economy in the cities and counties ofthe State. b. A significant portion of the businesses located in the cities and counties of the State, or desiring to locate in the cities and counties of the State, encounter difficulty in obtaining financing or are unable to obtain financing at all. c. The difficulty in obtaining such financing impairs the expansion of the economic activity and the creation of jobs and income in communities throughout the State. d. The businesses most often affected by these financing difficulties are small businesses critical to the economic development of the cities and counties of the State. e. The economic well-being of the people in, and the commercial and industrial resources of, the cities and counties of the State would be enhanced by the provision of financing to businesses on terms competitive with those available in the most developed financial markets worldwide, f. In order to improve the prosperity and welfare of the cities and counties of the State and its inhabitants, to improve and promote the financing of projects related to the economic development of the cities and counties of the State, and to increase the purchasing power and opportunities for gainful employment of citizens of the cities and counties of the State, it is necessary and in the public interest to facilitate the financing of such projects as provided for in the Act and to do so without regard to the boundaries between counties, municipalities, special districts, and other local governmental bodies or agencies in order to more effectively and efficiently serve the interest of the greatest number of people in the widest area practicable. g. In order to promote and stimulate development and advance the business prosperity and economic welfare of the cities and counties of the State and its inhabitants; to {0R505002;2 3 '-" ..." encourage and assist new business and industry in the State through loans, investments, or other business transactions; to rehabilitate and assist existing businesses; to stimulate and assist in the expansion of all kinds of business activity; and to create maximum opportunities for employment, encouragement of thrift, and improvement of the standard of living of the citizens of the State, it is necessary and in the public interest to facilitate the cooperation and action between organizations, public and private, in the promotion, development, and conduct of all kinds of business activity in the State. Section 2. The County Commission of St. Lucie County hereby approves the Interlocal Agreement and authorizes the Chair of the County Commission of St. Lucie County to execute and deliver a Limited Joinder to the Interlocal Agreement solely for the purpose of authorizing FDFC to finance a manufacturing facility for Nida-Core, which facility will be located at 541 N.W. Interpark Place, Port St. Lucie, Florida, 34986 (the "2002A Project"), substantially in the form of Exhibit "A" hereto, with such changes therein as may be hereafter approved by the Chairman, with execution by such person to constitute conclusive evidence of such approval. Section 3. The execution of the Limited Joinder to the Interlocal Agreement authorized herein shall be solely for the purpose of satisfying the requirements of the Act in order to grant the FDFC full right, power, and authority to exercise any and all powers set forth in the Act and under the Interlocal Act (to the extent that the exercise of such powers is consistent with the purpose of the Act) within the jurisdictional limits of St. Lucie County with respect to the 2002A Project and shall not be construed as an approval of any zoning, building, or other developmental or regulatory permit, and the County Commission of St. Lucie County shall not be construed by virtue of its adoption of this resolution to have waived, or be estopped from asserting, any rights or responsibilities it may have in that regard. {OR505002;2) 4 ~ .....,I Section 4. St. Lucie County shall not be liable or responsible for any of the indebtedness, liabilities, costs, or expenses of the FDFC. All debts, liabilities, costs, and expenses incurred by the FDFC shall be paid soIely by the FDFC as permitted under the Act. Section 5. Bonds, notes, or other indebtedness issued or insured by FDFC shall not constitute a debt, liability, or obligation of St. Lucie County, or the State, or any political subdivision thereof or a pledge of the faith and credit or any taxing power of St. Lucie County or the State or any political subdivision thereof, but shall be limited obligations of the FDFC payable solely from and secured by a pledge of payments made by the FDFC and other funds provided therefor. Section 6. That this resolution shall take effect immediately upon its adoption. DULY ADOPTED in regular session, this day of ,2002. THE COUNTY COMMISSION OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: Chair, County Commission [ATTEST: By: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENTY: {0R505002;2} 5 '-' ...; LIMITED JOINDER TO INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WHEREAS, Orange County, Florida, and the Florida Development Finance Corporation have heretofore entered into that certain Interlocal Agreement, dated as of April 12, 1994 (the "Interlocal Agreement"), providing for the activation of the Florida Development Finance Corporation (the "FDFC"), pursuant to the provisions of the Florida Development Finance Corporation Act of 1993 (such Act, as now or hereafter amended, is herein referred to as the "Act"); and WHEREAS, the Act and the Interlocal Agreement provide that any other public agency (as defined in the Act) may enter into an Interlocal Agreement in order to permit the FDFC to function within the corporate limits of such public agency; and WHEREAS, St. Lucie County, a public agency as defined in the Act, desires that the FDFC function within the jurisdictional limits of St. Lucie County for the purpose of assisting in the financing of a manufacturing facility for Nida-Core, which facility will be located at 54l N.W. Interpark Place, Port St. Lucie, Florida 34986 (the "2002A Project"); NOW, THEREFORE, St. Lucie County hereby joins in the Interlocal Agreement, but only with respect to the financing of the 2002A Project, and agrees to be bound by all the terms and provisions thereof, but only with respect to the financing of the 2002A Project. St. Lucie County further agrees to file an executed copy of this Limited Joinder, together with a copy of the Interlocal Agreement, with the Clerk of the Circuit Court ofSt. Lucie County. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, St. Lucie County has caused this Limited Joinder to Interlocal Agreement to be executed for the uses and purposes therein expressed on this _ day of , 2002. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY By: Doug Coward, Chairman [ATTEST: By: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENTY: 1 {0R505002;2} "'" '" STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF ST. LUCIE BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, personally appeared Doug Coward, Chairman, St. Lucie County, County Commission, to me personally known, and acknowledged before me that he is the person who signed the above and foregoing Limited Joinder to Interlocal Agreement for the uses and purposes therein contained. WITNESS my hand and seal of my office, at this _ day of , 2002. , St. Lucie County, Florida, Notary Public, State at Large My commission expires: (OR505002;2) 2 \,/; '-" AGENDA REQUEST ...., ITEM NO. 'itS DATE: June 18, 2002 REGULAR [XX] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Dependency Attorney Contract BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: If the Board determines to award a contract based on the proposals submitted, staff recommends that the Board award a contract to Kirk based on Option IV, COMMISSION ACTION: [X] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (3-0) Barnes Absent Bruhn Abstained Approved with addition to sending status reports. County Attorney: (j2 Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 \.' ....., INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney C.A. NO. 02-876 DATE: June 13, 2002 SUBJECT: Dependency Attorney Contract ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND: Chapter 39, Florida Statutes, governs proceedings relating to children. The law changed in October of 1998 to require court-appointed attorneys in dependency proceedings for parents who could not afford counsel. Prior to this, in 1997, the Department of Children and Families (the "Department") had filed approximately 50 petitions for dependency. Since the new law took effect, the number of petitions filed by the Department has increased significantly with approximately 250 petitions filed in 2001. As a consequence of the increased numbers of petitions and, with the potential of two, or even more, parents involved per petition, the number of counsel appointments has risen dramatically since 1998. In 2001, the court appointed counsel to 400 indigent parents. In 1998, pursuant to a Request for Proposals, the County contracted for legal representation in dependency cases at the trial level for indigent parents with Dawn Kirk and Stuart Webb who were the lone proposers who submitted a proposal (Stuart Webb subsequently retired). The contract's cost to the County has risen as the number of petitions and subsequent court-appointed counsel increased. The annual cost to the County is now over $500,000. As a result, the Board authorized staff to advertise a new Request for Proposals. Four proposers submitted proposals in response to the County's request. Two of the proposers offered more than one method of \.,-' '...I compensation. All proposers varied in the amount of compensation. At the first selection committee meeting, Commissioner Bruhn proposed an alternative method of compensation different from those proposed in an effort to save the County money and in keeping with the statutory caps (hereinafter referred to as the "alternate proposal"). For comparison purposes, the selection committee requested a financial analysis of all proposals, as well as the alternate method. A copy of this analysis is attached. The financial analysis first computes the cost to the County for each proposal using the 2001 breakdown for the number of payments made in each dependency phase. The second analysis considers a scenario of 400 petitions filed and the current dependency contract attorney's estimate that 100'1'0 of cases will result in a Phase I payment; 70'1'0 go to Phase II; and that 10'1'0 have a petition for termination of parental rights ("TPR") filed. These percentages may prove to be inaccurate because they are based on limited historical data and because the numbers have increased dramatically over such a short period of time. Certain numbers could not be estimated and are not included in the analysis. County staff forwarded the alternate proposal to the Chief Judge to see if the Chief Judge would incorporate the proposal into an Administrative Order. By letter dated June 7, 2002, a copy of which is attached, the Chief Judge indicated that he did not feel it was appropriate to issue an administrative order. County staff also contacted other counties in this Judicial Circuit to determine how they compensate dependency attorneys. Indian River has the identical contract and same compensation plan as St. Lucie County, but with different attorneys. The other two counties compensate differently. Martin County never implemented a contract, and continues to compensate dependency attorneys on an hourly basis. Okeechobee County has a contract, but compensates at $750.00 per phase. This is $200 less per phase than St. Lucie County's current contract. None of the three other counties have the large number of dependency cases that St. Lucie County does. 2 '-' ..J Based upon the County's financial analysis, the alternate method of compensation appears to provide the lowest cost. This method contemplates paying $500.00 to an attorney following court appointment. Should the dependency proceedings reach Phase II, the County would pay the attorney an additional $500.00. For dependency cases that proceed to the filing of a TPR, the attorney is paid $1,000.0. This compensation plan might be achieved through a contract since the Chief Judge has indicated that he is unwilling to incorporate the proposal into an Administrative Order. For a contract, the Board would have to reject all proposals and direct the County Attorney to negotiate with one or more proposers to a contract with those terms. Using the 2001 numbers, the second lowest proposal appears to be that of the current dependency contract attorneys, Kirk, Shafer, Pickering and Sessions ("Kirk"). Kirk submitted four compensation options and the last one essentially charges a flat fee of $990,00 per case with an $800.00 fee for cases in which TPRs are filed for up to 20.5 hours of work. Any additional time would be billed at $39.00 per hour. The main drawback with this proposal is that the $990.00 fee is paid upfront, upon appointment and is due even if the case is dismissed with little or no work performed by the contract attorney. Under the 400 case scenario, the financial analysis determined that Kirschner & Garland's proposal was the second lowest proposal. Kirschner & Garland have the current criminal conflict contract with the County. Their proposal collapses Phase I and Phase II into one at the rate of $1,125.00, which is paid at the conclusion of the single Phase. TPRs are billed at $925.00 each and cases that last longer than two years are paid an additional $750.00. The main drawback with their proposal is that it is for only 50'1'0 of the appointments. In addition, the analysis shows that, if the number of petitions continues to increase significantly, it is possible that paying the contract attorneys a flat monthly fee would provide the least costly alternative to the County. Kirk's third compensation option essentially contemplates paying the contract attorneys a flat rate of $32,000.00 per month. In addition, the attorneys would be compensated $800.00 for TPRs up to 20.5 hours of work and be paid $39.00 per hour thereafter. The main drawback to this 3 '-" 'WI option is that the fee is paid upfront and is only attractive to the County should the dramatic rise in dependency cases continue. DISCUSSION: Based on the proposals submitted and the financial analysis performed by County staff, a discussion of the various options available to the Board follows: 1. If the Board determines to award a contract based on the proposals submitted, it appears that Option IV submitted by the current dependency contract attorney Kirk is the lowest proposal based on 2001 filings. Based on a review of the various letters from Judge Kenney, he appears to be very satisfied with the quality of the representation provided by the current contract attorneys. If the dependency filings continue to rise dramatically, Option III submitted by Kirk would be the least costly alternative. 2. If the Board is not comfortable with any of the proposals submitted, the Board could: a. Reject all the proposals and compensate dependency attorneys on an hourly basis similar to what Martin County does now and what St. Lucie County did before 1998. This option would require the County Finance Department and the County Attorney's office to review and process bills from attorneys appointed by the Juvenile Court Judge; or, b. Reject all the proposals and negotiate contracts with interested attorneys based on the alternative proposal. This would allow the judges to appoint whomever they feel is qualified and no attorneys would be excluded. RECOMMENDA nON/CONCLUSION: If the Board determines to award a contract based on the proposals submitted, staff recommends that the Board award a contract to Kirk based on Option IV. 4 \r- DSM/ caf Attachments 5 ...I '-"' St. Lucie County Courthouse 315 Courthouse Addition 218 South Second Street Fort Pierce, Florida 34950 (561) 462-1461 Fax (561) 462-2783 Maim'! County Courthouse 100 East Ocean Boulevard Post Office Box 2100 Stuart, Florida 34995 MARC A. ClANCA CHIEF JUDGE STATE OF FLORIDA NINIITHEENTH JUDICIAL CmcUIT INDIAN IUVER, MARTIN, OKEECHOBEE, AND ST. LUCIE COUNTIES June 7, 2002 Daniel S. Mcintyre, Esq. County Attorney 2300 Virginia Avenue 3rd Floor Admin. Annex Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 r·-....-- 11'~nD. FU.U~~7 :, i' II!" I I ',', Jl i:, !: i . ... . . t ...;U( ì ' 1.--- " Re: Proposed Dependency Administrative Order L.C2"' (,. .. . ....,l ,,-. , .~. - ~ . --..,....,... ,_~. l ;; -'~.J Dear Mr. Mcintyre: I have reviewed your letter dated May 29, 2002, and have discussed with Judge Kenney and judicial staff members, your proposal for compensation of court-appointed counsel and request for the entry of an administrative order which would outline the parameters of representation and fees. While I support Saint Lucie County in containing the -County's costs of providing legal representation in dependency cases for indigent parents, I do not feel that it is appropriate to enter the proposed administrative order. I believe that to the extent possible, administrative orders should not be utilized to address one county's fiscal needs or problems. In addition, the proposed administrative order does not appear to me to be necessary. Compensation for appointed counsel is addressed in Chapter 39 of the Florida Statutes. Consider also that although the legislature has provided a fee cap for compensation of court-appointed counsel, there is a long line of appellate cases, beginning with Makemson v. Marlin County, 491 SO.2d 1109 (Fla. 1986), which holds that the trial court has the authority to award a fee in excess of the statutory maximum in non-capital cases such as in a dependency and termination of parental rights proceeding. I have additional concerns about the County's proposed alternative method of appointing attorneys and compensating court-appointed counsel. Our dependency court proceedings presently are streamlined and run efficiently and smoothly. In the long run, it may prove to be even more costly to the County to appoint an attorney from a list of attorneys who would like to be considered for dependency appointments but have had little exposure to dependency court. Experience in dependency court matters. The appellate courts have consistently held that a parent who is constitutionally entitled to court-appointed counsel, is entitled to competent assistance of counsel. A parent in a dependency proceeding can challenge his or her attorney's competency via , I a petition for writ of habeas corpus. If a hearing is necessary to address the merits of the parent's A (ì Þ ineffectiveness claim, then the County could be required to appoint and to compensate additional W(3'" counsel to represent the parent in the habeas proceeding. ~ '.~~1- '-" ....,j Page Two Letter to Daniel S. Mcintyre, S1. Lucie County Attorney RE: Proposed Dependency Administrative Order June 7, 2002 I urge you and the County Commissioners to carefully consider all of these implications as well as the concerns which Judge Kenney raised in his June 3, 2002 letter, before changing our present method of appointing counsel in dependency court and compensating our court-appointed attorneys. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, MARC A. I Chief Jud by DWIGHT L. GEIGER, Acting Chief Judge cc: Board of County Commissioners Honorable Scott M. Kenney, Circuit Judge Canda Brown, Esq. OPTION I '-" Kirk, Shafer... Phase payments schedule includes $300 fee designed for situations in which the parents are appointed an attorney; however, the case does not proceed to Phase I and is closed. At present, there is no historical data to show the number of such cases. This option includes pro bono mental health cases. This option requires that currently pending 343 cases covered by the existing contract be billed $750 per phase. Fees 2001 Cases Total Phase A $300 unknown unknown Phase I $700 290 $203,000 Phase II $700 240 $168,000 Phase III $800 22 $17,600 Annual Cost: $388,600 . This calculation does not include payments for Phase A * Fees Future Cases Total Phase A $300 unknown unknown Phase I $700 400 $280,000 Phase II $700 280 $196000 Phase III $800 40 $32,000 Annual Cost: $508,000 * OPTION II $39.00 per hour up to $1,000 per case subject, to approval of fees exceeding $1000 per case. This option includes pro bono mental health cases. Analvst's Scenario #1: Assuming 4 attorneys working 50 business hours a week, 52 weeks a year, the annual cost would be: 4x50x52x$39= $405,600 1* Analvst's Scenario #2: Assuming 4 attorneys working 60 business hours a week, 52 weeks a year, the annual cost would be: 4x60x52x$39;:;1 $486,720 1* · This amount does not include extraordinary fees for cases exceeding $1000. $32,000 flat monthly fee payable to 4 attorneys capable of handling all dependency cases, plus $800 for TPRs requiring up to 20.5 hours of work, and $39/hour thereafter. This option includes pro bono mental health cases. Fees 2001 Cases Total All cases 32KJmonth all cases 384,000 TPR $800 22 17,600 Other 0 0 unknown Annual Cost: $401,600 * Fees Future Cases Total All cases 32KJmonth all cases $384,000 TPR $800 40 $32,000 Other 0 0 unknown Annual Cost: $416,000 * · This calculation does not include payments for TPR cases exceeding 20.5 hours of work. OPTION IV Kirk,Shafer...Pr()p()saI4of 4" $990 flat fee for each dependency case payable to 4 attorneys capable of handling all cases, regardless of the amount of time involved in the case, plus $800 for TPRs requiring up to 20.5 hours of work, and $39/hour thereafter. In case of contract termination the County would pay $39/hour to complete the pending cases. This option includes pro bono mental health casesAdvanced payment required upon appointment. Fees 2001 Cases Total All cases $990 290 $287,100 TPR $800 22 $17,600 Other $0 0 unknown Annual Cost: $304,700 * Fees Future Cases Total All cases $990 400 $396,000 TPR $800 40 $32,000 Other 0 0 unknown Annual Cost: $428,000 * · This calculation does not include payments for TPR cases exceeding 20.5 hours of work. G:\BudgetIQUA TTROIRESEARCHIDepenCourt2. wb3......06/11/02 OPTION V '-' Burns Proposal 1 of Phase payment schedule based on the present County contract. Law firm ready to handle all eligible dependency cases. Fees 2001 Cases Total Phase I $625 290 $181,250 Phase II $625 240 $150,000 Phase III $625 22 $13,750 Other 0 0 0 Annual Cost: $345,000 Fees Future Cases Total Phase I $625 400 $250.000 Phase II $625 280 $175,000 Phase III $625 40 $25 000 Other 0 0 0 Annual Cost: $450,000 OPTIONNI Burns Proposal Lump sum of $450,000 for all eligible dependency cases. Phase payment schedule based on the present County contract. Law firm ready to handle all eligible dependency cases. Phase III cases exceeding 20 hours are billed an additional $40/hour. Fees 2001 Cases Total Phase I $850 290 $246,500 Phase II $850 240 $204,000 Phase III $800 22 $17,600 Other 40/hour unknown unknown Annual Cost: $468,100 " Fees Future Cases Total Phase I $850 400 $340 000 Phase II $850 280 $238,000 Phase III $800 40 $32 000 Other 40/hour unknown unknown Annual Cost: $610,000 " OPTIONVIII . This calculation does not include payments for Phase Iff cases exceeding 20 hours of work. Kirschner & Garland Flat rate payments for dependency case at $1125 each, plus $925 for each TPR petition filed. This law firm is willing to handle up to 50% of all eligible cases. Proposal includes $750 fee for exceptional situations in which cases lasting more than two years. No advance payment required for the beginning phases, however, TPR fee will be billed at filing. Fees 2001 Cases Total Per Case $1,125 290 $326,250 TPR $925 22 $20,350 Other $750 unknown unknown Annual Cost: $346,600 " Fees Future Cases' Total Per Case $1,125 320 $360,000 TPR $925 32 $29,600 Other $750 unknown unknown Annual Cost: $389,600 " 1 The future calculation captures two phases, meaning at least a 15-months period. This table is adjusted for time based on the following calculation: 400 cases/15 months x 12 OPTION IX . This calculation does not include $750 fee payments for cases lasting more than 2 years. Alternative PropoSal Phase payment schedule similar to present County phase fees. Court would appoint attorney from a list of qualified attorneys willing and able to handle dependency cases. The payments would be made at the beginning of each phase. Fees 2001 Cases Total Phase I $500 290 $145000 Phase II $500 240 $120,000 Phase III $1,000 21 $21,000 Phase IV $1,000 1 $1,124 Annual Cost: $287,124 G :\Budget\QUA TTRO\RESEARCH\DepenCourt2. wb3..... .06/11/02 Fees Future Cases Total Phase I $500 400 $200,000 Phase II $500 280 $140,000 Phase III $1,000 40 $40,000 Phase IV $1,000 0 $0 Annual Cost: $380,000 \... Brief Analysis of Dependency Representation Cost as of 6/12/02 ....., Prepared by: Mika Gorniewicz, OMB, ext. 1733 Objective: to determine whether or not the case billing data for the first 5.25 months of 2002 have a significant impact on previously analyzed cost of dependency representation. Based on data collected by the St. Lucie Clerk of Court, we can estimate the number of cases and their cost in 2002. This calculation is based on the assumption that there is no extraordinary change in the number of cases: Actual Number 2002 Average 2002 TABLE 1 Actual Cost per of Billings In Number of 12-Months 2002 Cost Case The First 5.25 Billings Per Case Billings Estimate Months of 2002 Month Estimate Phase I $950 141 26.86 322 $306,171 Phase II $950 134 25.52 306 $290,971 Phase III $800 3 0.57 7 $5,486 Total Billings: 635 $602 629 Based on the data in Table 1, we can compare years 2001 (Table 2) and 2002 (Table 3) and calculate the percentage increase in billings and total cost: Increase in the Number of Billings: Increase in Total Cost: 15.11% 15.65% TABLE 2 Fees 2001 Cases Total Phase I $950 290 $275,500 Phase II $950 240 $228,000 Phase III $800 22 $17,600 Other 0 ° ° Total Billinas: 552 521,100 TABLE 3 Fees 2002 Cases Total Phase I $950 322 $306,171 Phase II $950 306 $290 971 Phase III $800 7 $5,486 Other ° ° 0 rotal Billines 635 602 629 Assuming that the 15% increase trend will also be present in 2003, we can project the cost into the future year: TABLE 4 Fees 2003 Cases Total Phase I $950 371 $352,097 Phase II $950 352 $334,617 Phase III $800 8 $6,309 Other 0 0 0 Total Billinas: 731 693,023 If we compare Table 4 to our original assumption that in 2003, we would have 400 new cases, 70% of which will result in Phase II and 10% of which will result in TPR, we have very similar results in number of billings and the total cost: TABLE 5 Fees 2003 Cases Total Phase I $950 400 $380,000 Phase II $950 280 $266,000 Phase III $800 40 $32,000 Other ° ° ° Total Billinas: 720 678,000 Summary: Based on the case billings data for the first 5.25 months of 2002, the resulting number of phase billings and the total cost are slightly higher than the 400-case model used In the original analysis. G:\Budget\QUA TTRO\RESEARCH\DepenCourt2. wb3..... .06/13/02 '":ontract Page 1 I ....J~ From: To: Date: Subject: Sue Moses Victoria Winfield 6/11/025:09PM Dependency Contract The information you requested is as follows: Phase I Phase II Phase III 141 @$950 134 @ $950 3 @ $800 $133,950 127,300 2,400 These totals represent what has been paid thus far this year (Jan. 01 - June 07) with an additional amount of $472.34 consisting of costs, i.e subpoenas, transcriptions, etc. cc: Christann M. Hartley ¡; , """ , St. Lucie County Courthouse 315 Courthouse Addition 218 South Second Street Fort Pierce, Florida 34950 (561) 462-1461 Fax (561) 462-2783 ..." Martin County Courthouse 100 East Ocean Boulevard Post Office Box 2100 Stuart, Florida 34995 MARC A. ClANCA CHIEF JUDGE STATE OF FLORIDA NINETHEENTH JUDICIAL Cmcurr INDIAN RIVER, MARTIN, OKEECHOBEE, AND ST. LUCIE COUNTIES June 7, 2002 Daniel S. Mcintyre, Esq. County Attorney 2300 Virginia Avenue 3'd Floor Admin. Annex Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 ~.-."""",.- !I'~.,~ œ & to. -æ - f..n,r')"ì,.'~ I 1- --', I n I n \ "'1/" : . !; 111\ I ¡ I ".') 'II ¡r , '" ~ . . r..>";'ut... j , Re: Proposed Dêpendency Administrative Order LS(' '-. . ....... ¡,__, ","_ i ',~ ~ ,. - -......... '.' .'-,; I ,_... ¡ i i -"-_.J Dear Mr. Mcintyre: I have reviewed your letter dated May 29,2002, and have discussed with Judge Kenney and judicial staff members, your proposal for compensation of court-appointed counsel and request for the entry of an administrative order which would outline the parameters of representation and fees. While I support Saint Lucie County in containing the County's costs of providing legal representation in dependency cases for indigent parents, I do notfeel that it is appropriate to enter the proposed administrative order. I believe that to the extent possible, administrative orders should not be utilized to address one county's fiscal needs or problems. In addition, the proposed administrative order does not appear to me to be necessary. Compensation for appointed counsel is addressed in Chapter 39 of the Florida Statutes. Consider also that although the legislature has provided a fee cap for compensation of court-appointed counsel, there is a long line of appellate cases, beginning with Makemson v. Marlin County, 491 SO.2d 1109 (Fla. 1986), which holds that the trial court has the authority to award a fee in excess of the statutory maximum in non-capital cases such as in a dependency and termination of parental rights proceeding. I have additional concerns about the County's proposed alternative method of appointing attorneys and compensating court-appointed counsel. Our dependency court proceedings presently are streamlined and run efficiently and smoothly. In the long run, it may prove to be even more costly to the County to appoint an attorney from a list of attorneys who would like to be considered for dependency appointments but have had little exposure to dependency court. Experience in dependency court matters. The appellate courts have consistently held that a parent who is constitutionally entitled to court-appointed counsel, is entitled to competent assistance of counsel. A parent in a dependency proceeding can challenge his or her attorney's competency via a petition for writ of habeas corpus. If a hearing is necessary to address the merits of the parent's ineffectiveness claim, then the County could be required to appoint and to compensate additional J\ (\ / counsel to represent the parent in the habeas proceeding. , ~ ~~J ... ~ '"" ...., Page Two Letter to Daniel S. Mcintyre, St. Lucie County Attorney RE: Proposed Dependency Administrative Order June 7, 2002 I urge you and the County Commissioners to carefully consider all of these implications as well as the concerns which Judge Kenney raised in his June 3, 2002 letter, before changing our present method of appointing counsel in dependency court and compensating our court-appointed attorneys. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, MARC A. I Chief Jud by DWIGHT L. GEIGER, Acting Chief Judge cc: Board of County Commissioners Honorable Scott M. Kenney, Circuit Judge Canda Brown, Esq. r ( St. Lucie County courth~ 315 Courthouse Addition 218 South Second Street Fort Pierce, Florida 34950 (561) 462-1461 Fax (561) 462-2783 ...,.¡ Martin County Courthouse 100 East Ocean Boulevard Post Office Box 2100 Stuart, Florida 34995 MARc A. ClANCA CHIEF JUDGE STATE OF FWRIDA NINETIIEENTH JUDICIAL Cmcurr INDIAN RIVER, MARTIN, OKEECHOBEE, AND ST. LUCIE COUNTIES June 7, 2002 Daniel S. Mcintyre, Esq. County Attorney 2300 Virginia Avenue 3rd Floor Admin. Annex Fort Pierce, FL 34982-5652 f¡---- 1/~,r~_fL~~a rgf-r,,""l.,' I . ".----- I n ii n ¡: ' } 1 i/ i! : ¡lLi : , III~' If':'. I') '," ! i I I t.."..:U( L~_ _ Re: Proposed Dependency Administrative Order ¡ t-" (~ ! I '-"-',-" """---~~ ...~._=. : '......'i Îi .::..:....j Dear Mr. Mcintyre: I have reviewed your letter dated May 29, 2002, and have discussed with Judge Kenney and judicial staff members, your proposal for compensation of court-appointed counsel and request for the entry of an administrative order which would outline the parameters of representation and fees. While I support Saint Lucie County in containing the County's costs of providing legal representation in dependency cases for indigent parents, I do not feel that it is appropriate to enter the proposed administrative order. I believe that to the extent possible, administrative orders should not be utilized to address one county's fiscal needs or problems. In addition, the proposed administrative order does not appear to me to be necessary. Compensation for appointed counsel is addressed in Chapter 39 of the Florida Statutes. Consider also that although the legislature has provided a fee cap for compensation of court-appointed counsel, there is a long line of appellate cases, beginning with Makemson v. Martin County, 491 So.2d 1109 (Fla. 1986), which holds that the trial court has the authority to award a fee in excess of the statutory maximum in non-capital cases such as in a dependency and termination of parental rights proceeding. I have additional concerns about the County's proposed alternative method of appointing attorneys and compensating court-appointed counsel. Our dependency court proceedings presently are streamlined and run efficiently and smoothly. In the long run, it may prove to be even more costly to the County to appoint an attorney from a list of attorneys who would like to be considered for dependency appointments but have had little exposure to dependency court. Experience in dependency court matters. The appellate courts have consistently held that a parent who is constitutionally entitled to court-appointed counsel, is entitled to competent assistance of counsel. A parent in a dependency proceeding can challenge his or her attorney's competency via a petition for writ of habeas corpus. If a hearing is necessary to address the merits of the parent's ineffectiveness claim, then the County could be required to appoint and to compensate additional 11 (ì / counsel to represent the parent in the habeas proceeding. , ~ ~~J ..'" I' ~ '--..J Page Two Letter to Daniel S. Mcintyre, St. Lucie County Attorney RE: Proposed Dependency Administrative Order June 7, 2002 I urge you and the County Commissioners to carefully consider all of these implications as well as the concerns which Judge Kenney raised in his June 3, 2002 letter, before changing our present method of appointing counsel in dependency court and compensating our court-appointed attorneys. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, MARC A. I Chief Jud by DWIGHT L. GEIGER, Acting Chief Judge cc: Board of County Commissioners Honorable Scott M. Kenney, Circuit Judge Canda Brown, Esq. L Agenda Request .., Item Number q Date: June 25, 2002 Consent [ ) Regular [ X ] Public [ ] Presentation Leg. [ ] Quasi-JD [ ~ SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: Western Nea Property Divisions Over the past several weeks, there has been an increased interest in the development of small "agriculturette" subdivisions in the western areas of SI. Lucie County. Apparently as a result of falling citrus values, a number of property owners are looking to get out of the citrus business and convert their lands into other "agricultural" uses, including but not limited to vegetable production, tree and nursery farms and small "ranchettes" for limited "gentleman farming"/residential uses. Recently my office has had a number of site plans/plats filed with us that would provide for the development of small "agricultural" subdivisions in the western areas of the County. The applications that we have received are for properties along Carlton Road.,l:leader Canal Road and Carlton! Adams Road. The average size of these subdivisions is about 70 acres, with a median lot size of about 7.5 acres. The total number of parcels in these subdivisions range from 5to 10 lots. Director To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Community Development As part of the review process for these developments, two issues have emerged that staff is requesting that the Board provide further direction on. The first issue deals with those site plans that we have received for review that do not currently meet the requirements of Future Land Use Policies and of the SI. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan (March 2002). The second issue to be dealt with is a broader policy issues that the Community, as a whole needs to address and provide input into. That is, what exactly is the kind of development pattern that the County wants to encourage in those areas of the community that are outside of the urban service area? FUNDS AVAilABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: At this point in time, and after reviewing the County's current Future Land Use policies, assessing recent commentary received from State Officials regarding the general direction that the State wants local communities to go in addressing urban sprawl issues, and the expectation of the private property and land owners in the community, I believe that the Board needs to do the following: Direct that any application for subdivision approvals currently under review, or that may be filed in the future. be processed in a manner consistent with the provisions of Policies; and of the County's Comprehensive Plan (March 2002), and that the Board further explore, perhaps as part of the pending compliance negotiations that we will be having with the DCA, whether it is appropriate to continue to require the following of a formal PUD process for the development of western area properties, when in most cases the processing of these large lot scenarios under the County's PUD review process as the process is not practical as currently impiemented. Staff believes that there are more effective alternatives to achieve the intent of Objective 1.1.2 and its accompanying Policies. Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: !JC] APPROVED D DENIED D OTHER (4-0) Barnes Absent Look at other cases individualla that miqht be submitted at a later ate. Coordination/Signatures (within 90 days) County Attorney Mgl. & Budget: Originating Dept.: Other: Finance: Purchasing: Other: (AGEND633a) \.- """ As a follow-up of my memo to you dated June 14, 2002, and based upon further staff discussions on this matter, in addition to the recommendations previously cited, staff recommends that the Board consider taking the following actions to address certain ambiguities that appear to be found in the County's Comprehensive Plan regarding the processing of any proposed subdivision of property in the areas of the County that area classified under the AG (Agriculture) Future Land Use designation, as well as fairness and equity issues. · Affirm that it is the intent of the Board that Objective 1.1.2, of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan, along with its accompanying policies, be read and applied as one to all future proposed divisions of property in the unincorporated areas of the County. · That any site application already filed for review with the County, and determined by the County to be substantially complete as of June IS, 2002, be permitted to be processed, notwithstanding the above determination. · That the County review the existing objective and policies regarding development and property divisions in the agricultural areas of the County to provide improved clarity and direction as to the preferred pattern of development in this region of the community; and that these initial reviews be conducted as part of any proposed amendments necessary to bring the County's recent comprehensive plan amendments into compliance with the findings of the Department of Community Affairs; that County staff meet with interested parties as part of this review. It is anticipated that this initial review will be conducted over the next 90 day period. '-" ""'" Commission Review: June 18,2002 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Administration MEMORANDUM TO: County Commission FROM: Community Development Director DATE: June 14, 2002 SUBJECT: Western Area Property Divisions Over the past several weeks, there has been an increased interest in the development of small "agriculturette" subdivisions in the western areas of S1. Lucie County. Apparently as.,a result of falling citrus values, a number of property owners are looking to get out of the citrus business and convert their lands into other "agricultural" uses, including but not limited to vegetable production, tree and nursery farms and small "ranchettes" for limited "gentleman farming"/residential uses. Recently my office has had a number of site plans/plats filed with us that would provide for the development of small "agricultural" subdivisions in the western areas of the County. The applications that we have received are for properties along Carlton Road, Header Canal Road and Carlton/ Adams Road, The average size of these subdivisions is about 70 acres, with a median lot size of about 7.5 acres. The total number of parcels in these subdivisions range from 5 to 10 lots. As part of the review process for these developments, two issues have emerged that staff is requesting that the Board provide further direction on. The first issue deals with those site plans that we have received for review that do not currently meet the requirements of Future Land Use Policies and of the S1. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan (March 2002). The policies in question read as follows; Policy Require that new developments within agricultural land uses not exceed the gross densities provided in Policy 1.1 .1.1. Policy For developments in excess of four units require approval through the PUD process and include provisions in the land development regulations requiring clustering of such developments Policy All future non-agricultural development within the agricultural land use categories will be required to preserve open space (defined as agricultural activities such as groves and range land as well as preservation of natural areas) according to the following criteria: a. developments in excess of 20 units must retain a minimum of 80% of the project site as open space; '--' '-" June 14, 2002 Page 2 Subject: Western Area Properly Divisions b. developments in excess of four units up to 20 units must retain a minimum of 50% of the project site as open space; and, c. developments of four dwelling units or less are not required to retain open space except as may be otherwise required in the Lan~De\ielopment Regulations or elsewhere in this Plan; provided that this paragraph shall not be applied to avoid the remainder of this policy through further subdivision of land parcels as existed as to record on January 9, 1990. By way of background, these Policies were first incorporated into the County's Comprehensive Plan as a result of settlement negotiations between the County and the State of Florida (Department of Community Affairs) following the DCA's finding he County's 1989 Comprehensive Plan as being "Not In Compliancè' with the requirements of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (DOAH CASE NO.: 90-1893M). These Policies were designed to a"Cldress the concerns raised by the DCA as they related to how the County's Comprehensive Plan addressed the issue of urban sprawl. In reviewing the 1990 Stipulated Settlement agreement between the County and the State of Florida (a copy of which is attached), it appears that the focus of these Policies was towards addressing the County's desire at that time to permit residential developments in the western (agricultural) areas of the community, subject to those developments meeting certain limitations. The limitation were to require PUDs for development in excess of 10 units, to require minimum open space standards and to further require that they be self sustaining relative to such item as utility services. As a result of the Settlement Agreement negotiations, the County accepted the language found in Policy (Exhibit B, Page 1 of the Stipulated Settlement Agreement, which as part of the 2002 Comprehensive Plan update, has been split into two separate policy statements) that mandates that any development of property in the agricultural areas that has more than four units in it, must be approved through the County's PUD process and that any development must have a clustered pattern to it. The term "Units" is an undefined term in this agreement, however it may reasonably be interpreted to mean residential housing units. It may further be inferred that since a single family home is a permitted use in the AG zoning districts, that at least one home per lot or parcel can reasonably be expected to be built there. The term "clustered" is also an undefined term, however common development practices would indicate that this policy was seeking a concentration of the residential units into one part of the property in order to minimize infrastructure needs and costs. With 12 years of hindsight to now draw on, it is clear that conditions in the western areas of the community have changed from what they were envisioned to be in the 1980's as the 1989 Comprehensive Plan was prepared. Since the adoption of the County's Comprehensive Plan in 1989, we have had only very limited interest in the development of anything other than productive agricultural uses outside of the County's Urban Service Boundary. Those areas that have been subject to interest for something other than agriculture have been located immediately adjacent to, or at least in very close proximity with, the County's Urban Service Boundary. Only recently have we had any significant interest in the division of large agricultural tracts into smaller development parcels that could be used for activities other than the areas traditional citrus agriculture use. It has been represented to the County that many of these new smaller parcels will continue to be used for agricultural purposes, at least in a general nature, """ ....I June 14, 2002 Page 3 Subject: Western Area Property Divisions but they may very well include a small residential component (typically one home per lot or parcel). It should be noted that the County has not received any request to actually increase the development density in any area classified for agricultural use. All recent inquires have been consistent with the County's Future Land Use designation of either 1 unit! 5 acres or 1 unit! 2.5 acres. What we have been asked to do, is to permit the division of properties into more than four parcels, under one common plat, and not require that the site plan/plat to go through the County PUD review process and therefore not be required to the comply with those provisions in the County's PUD regulations that require all compulsory open space to be in "common ownership." It is the belief of those interested in this kind of development, that the "common" aspect of the open space is not required to achieve the basic objective of maintaining open space in these areas, consistent with the requirements of Policy 1 .1.2.3. It is the general consensus/opinion of those interest groups that lands in the western areas of the community that have lost their primary citrus production value, are better left to be managed by the individual property owners, in a manner that they so choose, for a use that they choose, so long as that use is consistent with the County's Zoning standards. They do not want to encumber the property with large "common" areas that in their opinions cannot be effectively managed or maintained as either undisturbed lands or productive agricultural areas. The uses that would still be taking place on these parcels could include crop production, plant and tree production, the keeping of non-domestic animals or large lot residential uses J The counterpoint to this position is that the policies in the County's Comprehensive Plan are intended to recognize that while there indeed are inherent rights for an individual to make effective use of his property, thqse rights are to be balanced against the demands that any such development activity has on the ability of the local community to provide the necessary services to support that development. Issues to be dealt with include, but are not limited to; is there sufficient school capacity, are the roadways adequate? Can Fire/EMS Services be provided to the property? Can the other community services that we all take for granted be provided to the property without placing an undue or unreasonable burden on the existing financial supporters for those services? The second issue to be dealt with is a broader policy issues that the Community, as a whole needs to address and provide input into. That is, what exactly is the kind of development pattern that the County wants to encourage in those areas of the community that are outside of the urban service area? Do we as a community want to allow the development of an unlimited area of small "ranchette" type developments? Do we want to acquire development rights on agricultural lands in order to assist in keeping these areas as viable agricultural production areas? Is it economically practical do so or are the economic forces at work that we, through land use regulations have no control over that will dictate the viability of agriculture n this community? The answer to these questions is one that will entail accepting comments and input from all interested stakeholders in the community. At this point in time, and after reviewing the County's current Future Land Use policies, assessing recent commentary received from State Officials regarding the general direction that the State wants local communities to go in addressing urban sprawl issues, and the expectation '-' ...., June 14,2002 Page 4 Subject: Western Area Property Divisions of the private property and land owners in the community, I believe that the Board needs to do the following: Direct that any application for subdivision approvals currently under review, or that may be filed in the future, be processed in a manner consistent with the provisions of Policies; 1.1 .2.2 and of the County's Comprehensive Plan (March 2002), and that the Board further explore, perhaps as part of the pending compliance negotiations that we will be having with the DCA, whether it is appropriate to continue to require the following of a formal PUD process for the development of western area properties, when in most cases the processing of these large lot scenarios under the County's PUD review process as the process is not practical as currently implemented. Staff believes that there are more effective alternatives to achieve the intent of Objective 1.1.2 and its accompanying Policies. If you have any questions, please let me know. DJMI WESTERNPROPERTY1 H) Cc: County Administrator County Attorney Planning Manager , t'i- ,e·; ,f ,-', .-\ \..- (' ·r ...,; ., STATE OF FLORIDA DIVISION OF ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS, Respondent. ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) DOAH CASE NO. 90-1893GM Petitioner, vs. ST. LUCIE COUNTY, STIPULATED SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT Petitioner Florida Dep~rtment of Community Affairs (Department) and Respondent st. Lucie County hereby stipulate and agree as follows: GENERÞ.L PROVISIONS 1. Definitions. As used in this agreement, the following words and phrases shall have the following meanings: a. ~: The Local Government Comprehensive Planning and Land Development Regulation Act, as codified in Part II, Chapter 163, Florida Statutes (1987). b. Aqreement: This stipulated settlement agreement. c. Comprehensive Plan or plan: st. Lucie County, as adopted by Ordinance No. 90-1 on January 9, 1990. d. DOAR: The Florida Division of Administrative Hearings. e. In compliance or into compliance: Consistent with Sections 163.3177, 163.3178 and 163.3191, Florida Statutes, .~) ~: - l) ~-, ,(.I~ \w ( ( ...J Section 187.201, Florida statutes, the applicable regional policy plan, and Chapter 9J-5, Florida Administrative Code. f. Notice: The notice of intent issued by the Department to which was attached its statement of intent to find the plan not in compliance. g. Petition: The petition for administrative hearing and relief filed by the Department in this case. h. Remedial action: A remedial plan amendment, submission oÎ support docum~,t or other action described in the statement of intent or this agreement as an action which must be completed to bring the plan into compliance. i. Remedial plan amendment: An ð.lIlendment to the plan or support document, the neeà for which is identified in this agreement, including its exhibits, and which the County must adopt to complete all remeàial actions. Remedial plan amendments adopted pursuant to this agreement must, in the opinion of the Department, be consistent with and substantially similar in concept and intent to the ones identified in this agreement or be otherwise acceptable to the Department. j. Statement of intent: The statement of intent to find -the plan not in compliance issued by the Department in this case. k. Support document: The studies, inventory maps, surveys, data, inventories, listings or analyses used to develop and support the plan. 2 '-' I ( ...., :.j~.;. ,) \ ". .' 2. Entire aqreement. This is the entire agreement between the parties and no verbal or written assurance or promise is effective or binding unless included in this document. 3. Approval bv governinq body. This agreement has been approved by the County governing body at a public hearing advertised in a quarter-page advertisement pUblished approximately 14 days prior to the hearing in the manner prescribed for advertisements in Section 163.3184(15) (c), F.S. This agreement has been executed by the appropriate County- officer as provided in the County's charter or other regulations. 4. Chancres in 1 a...: . Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to relieve eith-er party from adhering to the law, and in the event of a change in any statute or administrative regúlation inconsistent with this agreement, the statute or regulation shall take precedence. 5. other persons unaffected. Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to affect the rights of any person under the law other than the parties. 6. Attorney fees and costs. Each party shall bear its own costs, including attorney fees. 7. Public records. The County shall allow public access to all documents, reports, papers, letters or other material, subject to the provision of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, prepared or received by the County in conjunction with this agreement. It· is expressly understood that upon receipt of 3 '-' , ( ...." .:) " \.. ,.".!l, substantial evidence of the County's refusal to comply with this provision, the Department will have the right to terminate this agreement for breach. 8. Effective date. This agreement shall become effective upon the last date of signing by the parties. PART I 9. Purpose of Part I. The parties enter into Part I of this agreement in a spirit of cooperation for the purpose of avoiding costly, lengthy and unnecessary litigation and iR recognition of the desire for the speedy and reasonable resolution of disputes arising out of or related to the plan. lOA Deoartment Dowers. The Department is the state land planning agency and has the power and duty to administer and enforce the Act and to determine whether the plan is in compliance. 11. Exhibits. Exhibits A and B are hereby incorporated by reference. In the event of conflict between Exhibit A and Exhibit B, the provisions of Exhibit B shall control. 12. Adoption of olan and support document. The County provided the support documents and adopted the plan by ordinance at a properly advertised public hearing held on January 9, 1990. 13. Review of plan and findinq of noncompliance. After reviewing the adopted plan the Department issued its notice and statement of intent to find the plan not in compliance, and filed the petition ir this case to that effect. 4 " " .' '- ( ( ..., (;'& 14. Neqotiation of aqreement; intent. Subsequent to the filing of the petition the parties conferred and agreed to resolve the issues in the petition, notice and statement of intent through this agreement. It is the intent of this agreement to resolve fully all issues between the parties in this proceeding. Dismissal reco~~endation. If the County completes the 15. remedial actions required by this agreement, including the adoption of required plan amendments as set forth herein¡-the Department shall request that the Administration Commission enter an order dismissing this proceeding without imposing any sanction ~~at might otherwise he imposed under the Act. Thereafter, the Department shall take every action necessary to effectuate this paragraph. 16. Filina and continuance. ~nis agreement shall be filed with DOAH by the Department after execution by the parties and shall constitute a joint request that DOAR continue this proceeding for a time sufficient to allow the parties to complete their responsibilities under the agreement. However, the Department may request DOAR to schedule a hearing of this proceeding at an earlier time, as provided in this agreement. 17. Retention of riqht to final hearinq. Both parties hereby retain the right to have a final hearing in this proceeding and nothing in this agreement shall be deemed a waiver of such right.. 5 , . . ~.;,.. '-" c ( ....J 18. Description of provisions not in compliance and remedial actions; leqal effect of aqreement. Exhibit A to this agreement is the statement of intent and contains a description of the plan provisions found not in compliance by the Department and remedial action needed to bring the plan into compliance. It also constitutes an admission and stipulation by the Department that if the described remedial actions are accomplished the plan will be in compliance. Exhibit B contains additional detail regarding some provisions not in compliance and remedial.~ctions needed for compliance. In the event o£ a conflict between E~~ibit A and ~Yhihit B, the previsions in Exhibit B shall central. 19. Remedial actIons to be considered Tor adoption. The County agrees to consider for adoption by formal action of its governing body all remed.i..al actions described in Ex..l1.ibit A (as modified by Exhibit B) no later than the time period provided for in this agreement. 20. Transmittal hearina for remedial actions. Wi~~in 60 days after the effective date of this agreement the County shall deliver to the Department, after a transmittal public hearing pursuant to Section 263.3184(3) of the Act, all remedial actions, including all remedial plan amendments and support documents, along with a transmittal letter describing the remedial action taken for each part of the plan amended, including references to specific portions and pages. 6 < . ;'L '-' C ( ...., 0, '-. 2l. Review of transmittal. The Department shall provide the County with its objections, recommendations and comments on the remedial amendments and support documents in the manner provided in Chapter 9J-ll, Florida Administrative Code, and Subsections 163.3184(3)-(7), Florida statutes. If the County fails to deliver or rejects any remedial plan amendment or support document described in Exhibit A or Exhibit B, the Department may move for a final hearing for this proceeding as provided in Paragraph 19 above. 22. Adoption or annroval of remedial plan amendments. Within 60 days after receipt of the Department's objections, recommendations and comments, the County shall consider for adoption all remedial plan amendments and amendments to the support document, and deliver the amendments and a transmittal letter to the' Depar-ùnent as provided' in Subsection 163. 3.1B4 (7) , Florida Statutes, and Rule 9J-J.LOJ.l(3) , F.A.C. The letter shall describe the remedial action adopted for each part of the plan amended, including references to specific portions and pages. 23. Review of adoptions and notice of intent. Witbin 45 days after receipt of the adopted remedial plan amendments and support documents, the Department shall issue a notice of intent pursuant to Section 163.3184, Florida Statutes, for the adopted amendments in accordance with this agreement. a. In compliance: If the adopted remedial actions are consistent with the recommendations in Exhibit A or Exhibit B, the Department shall find the plan amendments in compliance 7 ',' '1 . ~ l"_. '-' ( f '. ....1 , . . . . and shall request that DOAH relinquish jurisdiction and join the Department in requesting that the Administration Commission adopt a final order dismissing this proceeding and finding the plan, as amended, in compliance. b. Not in compliance: If the remedial actions are not adopted, or if the Department determines they are not consistent with and substantially similar to the recommendations in Exhibit A or Exhibit B, the Department shall issue a notice of intent to find the plan amendments not in compliance and~hall forward the notice to DO&~ for a hearing as provided in Subsection 163.33.84 (10) , Florida Statutes, and may request that the matter be consoliñ~tedwiththe.pending proceeding tor a single, final hearing. The parties hereby stipulate to that consolidation and to the setting of a single, final hearing if the Department so requests. The Department may also move for a £inal hearing of this proceeding as provided in Paragraph 17 above. 24. Concurrent amendment. Nothing in this agreement shall be construed to prohibit the amendment of the plan concurrent with the adoption of this agreement. Part II 25. Purpose of Part II. The parties enter into Part II of this agreement to provide funding to assist the County to undertake the remedial actions necessary to bring the adopted 8 -- .J '- ( (" ...",/ I -' "\ plan submitted pursuant to Subsection 163.3167(2), F.S. and Chapter 9J-12, F.A.C. into compliance. 26. Liabilitv. To the extent of funds received under this agreement, the County hereby agrees to hold harmless the Department, to the extent allowed by law, from all claims, demands, liabilities and suits of third persons or entities not a party to this agreement arising out of, or due to any act, occurrence, or omission of the County, its subcontractors or agents, if any, that is related to the County's performance under this agreement. 27. Availabilitv of Funds. Payment of state funds pursuant to this agreement is subject to and conditioned upon the total release of authorized appropriations from the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Assistance Program provided by law. The state of Florida's performance and obligation to pay under this Agreement is contingent up.on an ~nnm~l. .appropriation by the Legislature as noted in Section 287.0582, Florida statutes. 28. Consideration. a. As consideration for work performed under~his agreement, the Department agrees to pay a fixed fee of up to $20,000.00. Payment will be based on the payment schedule and other conditions contained in paragraph 29 below. b. Use of Funds: Funds may not be used for the purchase of equipment, fixtures, or other tangible property of a nonconsumable and nonexpendable nature with an expected useful 9 , . . ~ c , ( .." life which exceeds the duration of this contract. Funds may also not be used for attorney fees unrelated to this agreement. 29. Method of Payment. Deliverable Due Date PaYment Proposed remedial action No later than 60 $10,000.00 days after execution of agreement Adopted remedial action No later than time $10,000.00 frames specified in s. 163.3184(7), F.S. for transmittal of adopted plan amendments Total $20,000.00 The first payment will be made by the Department after timely receipt of the deliverable which will be veri£iedby the Department to include all required proposed remedial action. If the transmitted remedial actions are not received in accordance with the schedule in this agreement, or if the Department in its discretion determines that the transmitted remedial actions are inconsistent with this agreement, the first payment shall not be made. The final payment will be made after receipt of the adopted remedial actions and issuance by the Department of a Notice of Intent to find the plan in compliance. If the adopted remedial actions are not received in accordance with the schedule in this agreement-, or if the Department determines that the adopted remedial actions are not in compliance, the final payment shall not be made and the County shall refund the first payment to the Department within 30 days after issuance of the Notice of Intent. 10 · \w (, C. ...", '- 30. Audit Requirements. a. The County agrees to maintain adequate financial procedures and adequate support documents to account for the expenditures of funds under Part II of this agreement. b. These records shall be available at all reasonable times for inspection, review, or audit by state personnel and other personnel duly authorized by the Department. "Reasonable" shall be construed according to circumstances, but ordinarily shall mean normal business hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., local time, Monday through Friday. c. The County shall also provide the Department wi~~ the records, reports or financial statements upon request for the pm:::po.ses of auditing and monitoring the funds awarded under Part II of this agreement. d. The County shall include an accounting of these. funds under Part II of this agreement in the local audit prepared by the city of the 1989-90 and 1990-91 fiscal years. e. In the event the audit shows that all or a portion of the funds provided under Part II, were not spent in åccordance with Chapter 9J-26, Florida Administrative Code, and the conditions of this agreement, the County shall be held liable for repayment to the Department of all funds not spent in accordance with these applicable regulations and agreement provisions within thirty (30) days after the Department has notified the County of such noncompliance. 11 , ( .. ( ....¡ " '-' " . 'i f. The County shall retain all financial records, supporting documents, statistical records, and any other documents pertinent to Part II of this agreement for a period of three years after the date of sUbmission of the final expenditures report or, ~~ an Qudit has been initiated and audit findings have not been resolved at the end of three years, the records shall be retained until resolution of the audit findings. 31. MOdification of Part II. Either party may request modification of the provisions of Part II of this agreem~~t. Changes which are mutually agreed upon shall be made by written correspondence from the Department, by the parties and incorporated as part of this agreement. This agreement contains all the terms and conditions agreed to by the parties. 12 '-"' ( ( .J ", In witness whereof, the parties hereto have caused this authorized. agreement to be executed by their undersigned officials as duly DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS ')t~~ B; Ggp~ flhomas G. Pelham Secretary »~J5-.JtD Date ./1 -/. ' /Î /-/@/cØv1/(--?'~~,-- Senior Attorney 13 ST. LUCIE COUNTY ~. ~ .¡-~ BY: Chairman Septe,mber 25, 1990.~ Date Attest: ¡) , /IJ '-V-Yfk£ ú MIl¡ ~-count~ CI - J , ¡jþjft;/{ County Attå~ . .1 " '-' ( ( ( \ .-wI STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS IN RE: ST. LUCIE COUNTY ) COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ) ADOPrED BY ) ORDINANCE NO. 90-1 ) ON JANUARY 9, 1990 ) ) DOCKET NO. B9-NOI-5601-(N) STATEMENT OF INTE!ot'T TO FI!otL> COMPREHENSIVE PLAN NOT IN COMPLIANCE The Florida Department of Community Affairs hereby issues its Statement of Intent to find the Comprehensive Plan of St. Lucie County, adopted on January 9, ,199,0, Not In Compliance based upon the Objections, Recommendations and Comments Report (ORC report) issued by the Department on November 10, 1989, which is hereby incorporated by reference, and changes made to the plan, as adopted, which -were not previously reviewed by the Department. The Department finds that the plan is "not in compliance, ,i as defined in Section 163.3.lß4(1) (b.), Fl.orida .s:tatut:es (F.S~), because it is not consistent with Section 163.3177, F.S.,_ the state Comprehensive Plan, the Treasure Coast Regional Council Policy Plan, and Chapter 9J-S, Florida Administrative Codë' (F.A.C.), for the following reasons: I. PROTEcrroN OF NATURAL RESOURCES A. Inconsistentorovisions. The inconsistent provisions of the plan grou~ed under this subject heading are as follows: 1. Policy in the Conservation Element does not define the locally determined criteria for the preservation of · ., '-' ( ( 'wII sufficient natural upland habitat of each community type to maintain viable populations of native plant and animal species. The statement contained in Policy that native plant communities shall be preserved as defined in the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council's Regional Policy Plan, Regional Policy, does not adequately specify the actions the County will take to preserve native habitat. Rule 9J-5.013(2) (c)3., F.A.C. This is also inconsistent with Treasure Coast RPC Policy, which indicates that a minimum of 25 percent of,_ existing native habitat should be preserved. B. Recoürr.1ended remedial action.. These inconsistencies :may be remedied by taking the following action: L Revise Policy 8.1. 8.6 too he cons±-stentwith the Treasure Coast Regional Pla~,ing Council Policy, which indicates that a min~Jm of 25 perca~t oÏ exis+;-~g native habitat should be preserved. II. EFFICIENT USE OF LAND A. Inconsistent provisions. The inconsistent provisions of the plan grouped under this subject heading are as follows: 1. The future land use patterns on the Future Land Use Map are not based on data and analysis because they allocate more than twice the amount of land needed for residential, commercial a~d industrial use for the year 2015. Subtracting the 1988 existing residential land use acreage of 16,900 acres from the future land usè designation of 70,989 acres, the resultant figure 2 \w' ( ( '. """" of 54,089 acres has been designated as residential land use to accommodate a projected population increase of only 24,739 residents (including seasonal populations). This equates to one person per every 2.18 acres of land designated for residential use, which is far in excess of the amount the analysis indicates will be needed to accommodate gro_~h, even at the end of the 25 year planning period. Additionally, this analysis does not include the land designated as agricultural which allows either one dwelling unit per five acres or one dwelling unit per two- and-one-half acres. Subsection 163.3177(6) (a), F.S., and-Rules 9J-5.005(2) (a) anà (c) and 9J-5.006(2) (c), F.A.C. 2. Policy designates a density of one dwelling unit per two-and-one-half acres fer ag~icultural land directly outside the Planned Urban Service Area and a density of one dwelling per five acres .for all other agricultural lands without analysis of future land use needs for the location of residential uses. Rules 9J-5.006(2) (c) and 9J-5.006(3) (b)7., F.A.C~ 3. Objective 1.1.4 åoes not include the specific, measurable, intermediate end result which the County wil~ achieve to discourage the proliferation of urban sprawl. Objective 1.1.4 also does not provide any locational criteria for future development which addresses discouraging urban sprawl because it allows for development wherever urban services can be "ensured." I~plementing Policies and fail to address the issue of urban sprawl. Additionally, Policy indicates that urban devèlopment may be allowed outside the Planned Urban J ! .. ~ ( ( "wi -. \ Service Area as long as the development addresses "all of its community infrastructure impacts, both on-site and off-site." Also, by encouraging and permitting residential densities of one dwelling unit per two-and-one-half acres and one dwelling unit per five acres in agricultural land districts without any meaningful planning standards or regulations the County is encouraging urban sprawl and allowing encroachment of urban uses into traditionally agricultural areas. Rules 9J-5.005(5) (b) and 9J-5.006(3) (b)7., F.A.C. 4. The plan does not include an, objective which ensures the availability of suitable land for utility facilities necessary to support proposed development. Additionally, implementing Policy 1.~.4.9 does not oreflectthe intent of the requirement. Rule 9J-5.006(3)(b)8.,F.A.C. 5. The plan does not establish standards for density or intensity of use in each future land use category because most of the Mixed Use Districts depict general categories of Hig~ Intensity, Medium Intensity and Low Intensity uses, without providing an indication of the character of the Mixed Us~ District (e.g. 40 percent residential, 40 percent office, 20 percent cOüUllercial retail, etc.). Subsection 163.3177 (6°) (a), F. S ., and Rule 9J-5.006(3) (c)7., F.A.C. B. Recommended remedial actions. These inconsistencies may be remedied by taking the following actions: 1. Revise the analysis in the Future Land Use Element to analyze accurately the amount of land needed to accommodate the 4 ...' ;. ," .. ; ~ c ( -.,I projected population by considering all relevant economic, social, demographic and growth management factors which affect the extent, location and distribution of future land uses. Project the need for all proposed land uses, including density and intensity ranges, and use this revised analysis to revise the Future Land Use Map. 2. Revise the analysis of future land use needs to include an analysis of future needs for agricultural purposes and density requirements needed to support agricultural uses by providing suf£icient a:creage to sustain viable agricultur.al production or lOwer density designations as supported by existing data and analysis. The density designations are not objectionable per se¡ however, additiQnal planning controls such as clustering, open space requirements, locational criteria and stronger mixed use and planned Unit development-policies are suggested to preserve the rural and agricultural nature of the aYLicultural areas and discourage urban sprawl. 3. InclUde a specific and measurable objective which discourages the proliferation of urban sprawl. Adopt specific implementing policies which direct urban development within the Planned Urban Service Area. Include specific po1icies regarding the extension, timing and location of services in order to direct and manage urban development within the Planned Urban Service A~ea. Reduce'the residential densities within the agricultural land use category, or include in the plan controls such as clustering, opèn space requirements, locational criteria and 5 · . ¡t \wf ( (, \ "'" stronger planned unit development and mixed use policies to discourage urban sprawl and promote the continuation of viable agricultural uses. 4. Include a specific and measurable objective ~hich ensures the availability of suitable land for utility facilities necessary to support proposed development. 5. Revise Policy, or include additional policies, to be more specific by establishing criteria for the type, distribution, extent, location, population densities, and building and structure intensities for land uses which ~ill be allo~ed in ¥jxed Use Districts. The relative proportion of ~~e desired land uses must be indicated in terms of land allocation ( e. g. 4, 0 percent residential, 40 percent office, 20 percent co~~ercial retail, etc.) and density and intensity, or some combination thereof. Revise Figures l-lOa through .J.-J..OJ to indicate clearly the character of each Mi~ed Use Di~ct and to be consistent ~ith Policy III. CONSISTENCY WITH THE STATE COMPREHENSIVE P~~ A. Inconsistent provisions. The inconsistent provisions of the plan grouped under this subject heading are as follo~s: 1. The plan is not consistent ~ith and does not adequately address the goals and policies of the following portions of the State Comprehensive Plan (Rule 9J-5.021, F.A.C.): a. Policy (16) (b)I., which requires promoting state programs, investments and development and redevelopment activities ~hich encourage efficient development and occur in 6 " "r. ,. '" (" ~, ~. .....",¡ areas which will have the capacity to service new population and commerce; b. Policy (16)(b)2., which requires the development of a system of incentives and disincentives which encourages a separation of urban and rural land uses while protecting water supplies, resource development, and fish and wildlife habitat: c. Policy (16) (b)3., which requires the e~~ancement of the liveability and character of urban areas through th~ encouragement of an attractive and functional mix of living, working, shopping and recreational activities; d. Policy (18) (b) 1., which requires the p1;"ovision of incenti ves- £o:r developing land in aw.ay t..l-ra.t ì!lax.imi:zes, 't;he, uses of existing public facilities; e. Po~icy (22) {b)3., which requires the maintenance, as one of the state's primary assets, the envirornnent, including agricultural and natural resources; and f. Goal (23) (a), which states that Florida shall maintain and strive to expand its agricultural and related industries in order to be a competitive force in the national and international marketplace. B. Recommended remedial actions. These inconsistencies may be remedied by taking the remedial actions described in the Efficient Use of Land section of this statement of intent: 7 .. .' '-'( ( ..J IV. CONSISTENCY WITH THE REGIONAL POLICY PLAN A. Inconsistent provisions. The inconsistent provision of the plan grouped under this subject heading is as follow: 1. Policy in the Conservation Element is inconsistent with Regional Planning Council Policy, which indicates that, a minimum of 25 percent of existing native habitat should be preserved. Rule 9J-S.021, F.A.C. B. Recommended remedial action. This inconsistent may be remedied by taking the following actions: 1. Revise Policy to be consistent with the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Policy ),. 1- Plan. 2. Plan. 3. 4. 5. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The Plan is not consistent with the Regional Policy The Plan is not consistent. with the State Comprehensive The plan is not consistent with Chapter 9J-5, F.A.C. The plan is not consistent wi~~ Section 163.3177, F.S. The plan is not "in compliance", as defined in section 163.3184(1) (b), F.S. 6. In order to bring the plan into compliance, ~~e County may complete t~e recommended remedial actions described above or adopt other remedial actions that eliminate the inconsistencies. 8 .. . "",( c -.J . .. Executed this ~ day of March, 1990, at Tallah~ssee, Florida. c t~JI ~~ Paul Bradshaw LJ Division Director Division of Rczource Planning and Management 2740 centerview Drive Tallahassee, Florida 32399 9 .' "'" ( ( ..J EXHIBIT ~B~ Remedial actions necessary to bring the St:. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan into compliance with the requirements of Chapter 163 Part II, Florida Statutes and Chapter 9J-S, Florida Administrative Code. LAND USE ELEMEh~ CHF~GES The following objective and subordinate policies are new but would follow the conclusion of Policy on page 1-56_ OBJECTIVE 1.1.2: Provide in the land development requlations rovisions for a compatible .<L~d coordinated land use pattern which es~ablishes aariculture as the primarv use outside of the urban service bo~~darv and promote retention of aqriculLural activities, preserve natural resources aQd maintain native veqetative habitats. Policv Require that new develoDments within agricultural land upes not exceed the qross àensi ti.es nrovi.òeè L" PO.l.i..C"'; l ~ l- 1. 1; ho~ever, Íor òevelopm~~~s in excess of £our units require approval throuah ~he pun õJrccess ~~è. incluåe ~rc";..-isions in the land develoDm<mt reou·lët:i.on:s reou:i:tinq Clustering o£ such òevelooments. POlicv 1..1.2.2: All future non-aqricul "tural . development wi thi...'1. the aaricul tura], lënè use cateeon.es will be re~~ired to prese=-~e aDen Space (defined as aqricultural activities such as groves anò ranee lanò as well a preservat~on of natural areas) accord~nq to th~ £ollow~no c~iteria: a. åevelopments in retain a minimum of as ooen soace; excess of 20 un.i,.-::s 80% 0= the Droject must si"te b. òevelooments in excess of four units uo to 20 units must retai~ a ~inimum of 50% of the project si-::e as o~en SDêce; ënò, c. àevelooments of four dwellino units o~ less are not reouire= to retain ODen soace exceot as mav be oth¿r~ise reou~red in the lanè àeveloDme~t =eculations or elsewhere in t.his Flê:1; D::,ovideò that 1 _:o.ugust 28, 1990 :', """ (' ( ~' ...J Policy 1. L 2.5 : Provide adequate bufferina and/or setbacks between aariculture and non-aqricultural uses to protect such aaricultural uses from adverse impacts associated with encroachment of non-aoricultural development or creation of nuisances bv aoricultural operations_ The following objectives and policies of the Land Use Element are to be modified as indicated. OBJECTIVE l.1.23: (pp 1-56) St. Lucie County shall by August 1, 1990, enact Land Development Regulations which support the iffiplementation of the Future Land Use Element, and the other co~ponents of the St. Lucie Co~~ty Comprehensive Plan. Policy 1. J. . 23. l: (pp 1.-56) Adopt and/or amend existing land development regulations to enSUre that they contain the specific and detailed provisions necessary to. implement ~~e adopted Comprehensive Plan, ~~d which as a minimum include the£ollowino: ..Þ- - A. Regulate the subëivision of land; B . Reg-<.lla"te ~ne use 0"£ J:a.."'1d ê.T1Ù water con:s:i..stent '\o.'"Î. th all .el,emen:ts o£ the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan, to ensure the c~atibil~ty C~ aèj acent ,lanõ uses and provide :for aõequate open space,; C. Protect those areas designëterl :for Conservation purposes or that contain other special environmental habitat as identi::ied in the Future Land Use and other elements of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive ?l~; D. Regulate periodic drainage areas subject to seasonal and flooding and prov~Qe for and stormwate~ management; Protect potable water well fields aquifer recharge areas; and F. Regulate signage; G. Provide minimum lan¿scaping standarås for all àeveloprne~~ that encourages the use and protection of native and 3 Augus t -¡o ~v, 1990 "" OBJECTIVE ~.~.34: (pp 1-57) Policy (pp 1-57)- Policy (pp 1-58) Policy 1. 1. 34.3: (pp 1-58) ( (" \ """ drought tolerant species in lieu of exotic and water consumptive plants; H. Ensure traffic needs; safe flow and convenient and vehicle on-site parking I. Provide that development orders and development permits shall not be issued which result in a reduction of the levels of service for the affected public facilities below the level of service standards aàopted in this and o~her elements of the St. Lucie County Comprehensive plan; and J. Provide for procedures and time scheàules for acceptance of amendments to the St. Lucie County Comprehensive Plan in accordance with ~~e provisions of Chapter 163.3187, FS. Require through,þ" the County's Land Development Regulations, specific perfo=ance =i teria (ie; landscaping and use separation stanå::...-tÏ<:, TDR' S,), that all new development be compatible with .,.uo.._ounding land uses, both existing and future as represented in this Element. Encourage the location of u-~an land use :i::::ten:si. ties, through the development o£ density bonus and incentive programs in the Land Development ReguJ..ations, to those areas that lie within the defined urban service boundary before encouraging/ supporting the conve=sion c:: p=ope~;"y in the agricultural and suburban areas to higher intensity ur~an uses, but still keeping all development authorizations in line with the.adopted levels of service within this plan. Require that new development be àesigneê and planneà in a manner which àoes not place an unanticipateà economic burden upon the services and ::acilities of St. Lucie County. Encourage the planneà unit conserve open use of cluster housing anê development techniques to space and environmentally 4 August 28, 1990 .' ?olicy (pp 1-59) """ ( ç -.J sensitive areas, through the of the following into the Development Regulations: incorporation County's Land (a) The establishment of minimum acreage requirements necessary to support a viable mixed use community providina sufficient desiqn flexibility to allow i~~ovation and creativity in all forms of planned unit developments; (b) The establishment of minimum aDen SDace ratios of 30% or area~er in all planned unit develooments includina ~ithin the PUD documents assurances on the oar~ of the èevelooer that such areas will remain as open space ~o orotec~ existina na~ive habitat, to proviàe for minimum setback needs from adjacent uses, and to oroviàe active and passive recreational as well as visual amenities. (c) The establishment- of minimum open space stanãards; ( d) oÞ- The of establi.shmen~ Re~l:i~~f.ftS' provisions ensuring t~e long term p:r:ese--rva:t:Lon of remaining open spaces ; (e)fe7 The establishm'ent o£ a Mmixeà uses district combining resiàential, commercial, recreational, eãucational, and other income producing uses providing s'i.gn.:Lfic2..J.t £UJ.,cti.onal ~¿ -phy~'-~' integration among uses; (f)fë7 The Eestablishment of minimum standards ~or -the provision of- on-site shopping, job oppo~~unities and- inte~al trip capture; and, (q)fe7 The Eestablishment of specific requirements to provide efficient, centralized infrastructure (potable water and sanita~ sewer). Incluåe specific restrictions on the use of septic tanks, inåiviåual wells; anå package plants in pl~~ed unit developments. Provide for the residential density the e=eve~~eft mean eft~y_ Provide for transfer/cluster of calculation of gross on lands that lie above high water elevation the ability to residential density 5 August 28, 1990 figure 1-9 '-' OBJECTIVE 1_1_45 (pp 1-59) Policy (pp 1-59) POlicy 1...3..5.2 (new policy) (" ( , " "'" from wetland and other sensitive or unique environmental habitats to upland areas on contiguous property. urban service area In coordination with other elements of this plan, future development within the Planned Urban Service Area shall be directed to areas where urban and community services/facilities can be en~tlred~ provided in the most efficient and comoact manner so as to discouraae the proliferation of urban sprawl. Urban development activities shall be restricted to that area identi£ied as the Planned Urban Service Area (Fig. 1-9). Orban development activities are åefined, for the purpose of this Policy, as any residential development acti~ty in .~xcess of two uni. ts to the çoss_ac:::-e, a.'ìY non- ag~icu1tura~ cOu~ercial activity or any non-extractive/ no~agricult~ally related industrial activity. Un:tll. .amenàment of this Plan to incorporate the water anã wastewater master ulan as provideà in Policy, the Countv shall establish a water anà wastewater utility extension nolicv a.'ìå åeveloo rules anà recrulations which onr~~àe ~~at ~~~ the P2anned U=oan Se~iceArea, such oublic facilities shall be extended so that qrO~~'occurs in an efficient and rational manner proaressing outward fromexistina urban deve~opment. In accordance with Policy, the County will permit only those proposed locations of such facilities which maximize the efficiency and minimize the cost of " services provided bv makinq such available according to the services following ntio::-i t)": a) n~ovide service to existinq residential urban develonments (those areas having a àensity in excess of two (2) õwellino wnits per acre), or to existing non-residential u~ban develooments, not oresentlv havinc service; b) oroviôe service to new develooments 6 August 28, 1990 ~ Policy 1.1.5_3 (new policy) Policy 2..".1...,5 _ 4 (new policy) Pclicy 1. L 5. 5 (new policy) Policy (pp 1-59) ( ( 0. ...., immediatelY contiouous to or within one- fou~th mile of existino non residential urban development or residential urba~ development (those areas havina a density in excess of two (2) dwellinq units per acre); Where reaional water and wastewater utility service 'is not: extended the County shall allow for non-residential develooment, or resiòential development in excess of two (2) dwe11inq units per acre as oer Policy, where the following factors are met: a) the develo~ment bears the entire fiscal imoact of nroviding its own water and wastewater system; and, b) the developer aarees to connect to a reaional water and wastewater system when such svstem becomes aya~lable to the site with none of the cos~ £0= connectina to the reqional system passed on to t~e recioüal sv·stem. The County shall complete a potable water and wastewater master ~lan to delineate Poli~ and Policy ODcr be£ore December, 1991 and shall thereupon w~end this Pl~~ to inccroorate such master nlan_ The County shall not at nublic eXD.ense construct any new roarlwavs which will extend public facilities -to areas not presently served within the Urban _Services A=ea unless such areas are ~ediatelv contiauous to existinq non-residential or resiõential urban develooments (those areas having a density in- excess o£ ~wo (2) dwellina units per acre) or which have been identified bv the Metropolitan Planninq Oraanization as part of its area roaãwav network to meet areawide t=aris~o~~atian neeës. No urb~~ development activity sfteH~è shal,l be permi tteã outsiàe of the Planneè Urban Service Area that ãoes not aèåress all of i~s co~~uni~y in=rastruct~~e impacts, both on-site and o=f-site. All åevelonment o~tsiàe the Urban 7 ~^ .<:.0, August ., .................... .J...;J::JV " ¡ "-' Policy 1_1.~5.37: (pp 1- 59 ) Pol~cy 1_1_45_48: (00 1-59) Pol~cy 1_1.45_59: (pp 1-61) ?olicy 1.1_45.610: (pp 1-61) t (' ( -J Se~ice Area shall pay the entire cost of its fiscal imoacts on public facilities and services _ The Planned Urban Se~ice A~ea is not intendeà to be static line of development. This area may be extended o~ contracted onlv for a residential classification up to 1,500 feet from that which is inàicated on Figure 1-9 without necessitating an amenàment to the Comprehensive Plan where the urban service area lies contiauous to a resiòential Classification, ~he o~~er of con~iQuous property can ensure the nrovision of aooronriate infrastructure and services, and the resultinq chance àoes not detrimental Iv ~mpact the establisheà character of the area. St. Lucie County shall be responsible to maintaL~ an updated map inàicating the location o£ "the approved Plan..ï.ed Uzban 'Š~-vice Bound~~ and once eve=-~ two years inc1uõe as a part of its ComprehensivePl~~ .~endment process,~he latest Urban S~vice Area Map... :;'.n~- Ez:tens.i.on of the -pJ.a,¿-me.d li..a....-ban. S-ervi-ce Area Bounda::y beyond 1,500 feet, w.ill require a formal amendment through the Comprehensive Plan amen¿~ent process. In conjunction o;i:th Policy 9, new L~dus~ial development shall be located ~n t~ose areas that are serviceà with acceptable e~-g~~e water and wastewater facilities that will not contribute to the deg=:adation of surficial water quality, or in areas that can be provided those services concurrent with the ãevelopm~~t of the property. The use of individual on-site sep~~c disposal systems for inåustrial development ac~ivities shall be in accordfu~ce w~th all applicable state and local regulations. including but not limited to Rule lOD-6~ FAC., and St. Lucie Environmental Control Ordinance 89-02 (wastewater and sewage disposal regulatio~s. ) As p~ovided for unàer Policy construction of ne~ residential at àensities greôter than two 1. 1 ... 45.. 1, . development uni"ts per ô ~99Q Aü.g"'ù.s~ ')0 ~v, ',' ~ Policy 1_1_45.711: (pp 1-61) Policy (pp 1-61) Policy 1.J.... 4.5.913: (pp 1-61) OBJECTIVE 1.1.56: (pp 1.-62) Policy 1_1.56.1: (pp 1-62) ( ( l -..I acre shall only be permitted when central or on-site water and central or on-site wastewater systems are available or will be provided concurrent with the impacts of development, consistent with the adopted levels of service found in the plan. Existing development will be required to connect to central water and sewer systems when such facilities are made available in accordance with applicable Rules and Regulations, e.g.; Rule 100-6, FAC. All new subdivision and site plan development projects that are proposed to take place within the approved service area of any duly authorized water/wastewater utility in St. Lucie County, shall be required to provide a "dry-line" central water and wastewater distribution/ collection system, and provide £or the connec~on to centralized systêms as they become available. The stanåards for construction of these systems shall be included as a part 0= the County's Land Development Regulaticns. Localut:ï::Li-ty se....v..:.-ces (i.e., e1·ectr.i..c substations, wastewater 1 -; ft s"taL:J,.ons, telecommunication sites and other small scale ~~"ity service operations) necess~~ to provide for the uti.lity service needs o£ the lleighborhood area, may be approved w~tÞ~ut ~~e need to a~enè the Future L-and Use Element so long as the property on which the activity is to take place is less than five (5) acres in total area.. Zoni.ng compli~~ce ~~d review procedures are to be as described in the coun~·'s Land Development Regulations. St. Lucie County shall require, t~xough t~e County's Land Development Regulations, the protection of histo=ically significant str~ctures, facilities and locations within the unincorporated areas of the County, as iãentified by the State of Florida or the Federal Register of Historic Places. St. Lucie County shall continue, with the assistance of the state o£ Florida and ~he. St. Lucie County Historical Commission, to identify signi=icant historic resources 9 August 28, 1990 Policy 1.1.56_2: (pp 1-62) Policy (pp 1-62) Policy (pp 1-62) Po,2.i.cy 1.1. 56.5: (¡:lp 1.-62) Pc:li.cy 1. _ 1. _ 5"6.. 6.: (pp .2-62) '-" OBJECTIVE 1.1.67: ,(pp 1-63) Policy (pp 1-63) Policy (pp 1-53) ( ~'.. -..I within the in need management appropriate. unincorporated areas which are of protection and òevelop and restoration plans as Historic resources shall be through designation as historic the State or the County. protected sites by St. Lucie County shall include within its Land Development Regulations specific actions as prescribed by the Division of Historic Resources of the Florida Department of State, that are to be followed in the evènt historically significant facilities are discovered through or threatened by the land development process. Adaptive reuse of historic structures shall be given· priority over activities that would ha= or othe--rwise destr,oy- th,e historic value of such resources. St. Lucie Cou..'ìty ßhall by August~ 1993, adopt an Histc=i.c Pres€-~ation Orrl~nance_ st.. LuC±-e COU-Tlty sha·ll coo.rñ ~ " a,t e- ë.nå cooperate wi±h the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Counc~l in the inventory ~'ìÒ mapping of all archaeological anò historical resources within the County, by August~ 1992. Future àeve10pment anå redevelopment activities shall be directed to those areas àepicted with urban land use designations on the Future Land Use Ma~ and are to be consistent wit~ sound pl~nn;ng principles contained' ~n the _ goals, objectives, anà policiès of this plan. Permit and encourage ~nnovative land use development patterns, by including by August~ 1990, adequate provision in the Coun~'s Land Development - Regulations includ~ng Plafu'ìed Unit Developments (PUDs) and Mixed Use Developments (MXDs). St. Lucie amenè i."ts consistent designations County shall by August, zoning regulations to with the future land indicated on Figure 1-8, 1990,. be. use and lO .z..ugus-:: 28, 1990 ·4' '-' ( L ...." l as identified in Table 1-6, of this element. Fu~thermore, the County shall add interim level zoning dist~icts to its multi-family designations and include a single family development dulac, exclusive of any activity. densi ty 0: 1 agricultural St. Lucie County shall by March, 1991, inco~porate into its Land Development Regulations a formal Mixed Use (MXD) zoning designation permitting both residential and non-residential development within a single planned õeveloprnent. These district regulations shall contain specific performance standarõs gove~ning the mix and intensity o£ the land uses within it, but at a ratio that does not exceed 40~ resiõential in the Mixed Use activity ê..!:"'e..ë.s. Policy (pp 1-63) Folicy L L 67.4: (pp 1-63) Mixed Use act~vity areas shall be developed as indicated in ~he following sub-area Mixed Use activity areas pl<4~ as depicted in Figure l-lOa thzu l-lOj''': Policy 1..1.67.5: (pp 1-63) The following use intens~~de£i.nitions shall be used for the purpose of this Plan for the M;ved Use activitv areas: 1_ Eigh Intensity àavelopment areas may include the fallowing types o£ land uses: Res~6en~~a:--------5-~e-~5-àtifae~es €eÆme~e~e=---------e:=-zen~ng-6es±9~e~iens =~è~s~~~e=---------a==-~e~~ft~-èe~~~fte~~efts Resiòential Institutional Professional Service/Office General Commercial Public Service/Utility Industrial 5 to 15 du/acres L 5 FAR '* L 5 FAR * 1.0 FAR * .5 FAR * . 5 FAR * * FAR = Floor Area Ratio 2. Medium Intensity development areas may incluåe the following types of land uses: Ree~èe~~~e;----5-~e-9-è~iêe~e5 €e~~e~e±a=-----e==-~e~~n~-èe~igfta~~eft9 =R6~9t~~e=-----=~~ft~-~ft¿~5~~~e=-öges-e~=y 11 August 28. "'.......r"'oi"\ ..J...'":;~V " \w ( ( ( ...., Residential Institutional Professional Service/Office General Commercial Public Service/Utilì~ Industrial 5 to 1.0 1.0 _75 _ 25 .25 9 du/acres FAR * FAR * FAR * FAR * FAR * * FAR = Floor Area Ratio 3. Low Intensity development areas may incluòe the following types of ~ses: Re9~èe~tiöl--------tl~-tð-5-dtlfeeres Eðmme~c~ei---------e=~-~onift~-èe9~~~et~ofts ±ftBtls~rie=---------ftðfte-~ermitteè Resiòential Institutional Professional Service/Office General Commercial Public Servic~/Utility not to exceed 5 òu/acres .5 rAR * .5 FAR * .5 FAR * ...25 FAR w * FAR = Floor Area Ratio 4. Specific Use Areas; ~Z6as wi~~ special 0= ~Lique loca1 cha=acte= ~ay be incluàeà 'within the M:i:xed Use Desi-gnation. These areas, because of conditions unique or peculiar to t~em alone, have been limited to specific activities and zoning options as set forth in the activity area plans des=ibed in POlicy L L 67.34 _ Any zoni.ng application not consistent with this-policy must be accompanied by a corresponãing Comprehensi.ve Plan Amenàment inãicating the change in intensity classification. Application of the Specific Use Area designation is to be maàe to those areas recognizeã by the County as suitable for alternative land" use as the full spectrum of community services become available. This designation would serve to prevent the unplanneã or premature development of such areas until all service were proviòeà for anà is consistent with the Future Land Use òevelopment philosophy of St. Lucie County. The te~inology used in the Specific Use òesignation iòentifies the type of permitted activity, maximum zoning density or maximum zoning intensity. Each Mixed Use Activity area will identify the type of Special üse areas in the legenås of each area. 12 Þ.ugust 28, 1990 '-' Policy (pp 1-64) OBJECTIVE 1.1.78: (pp 1-75) - Policy (pp 1-75) Policy (pp .3..-75) Policy (pp 1-75) Pol~~v l_l.~a.~: (DO 1-75)- ( ( (. """ St. Lucie County shall review on an annual basis, beginning one year from the adoption of this plan, all mixed use activity areas for consistency with the other elements of this plan and to determine if any amendments or further definition of intensity designation is warranted_ The protection of the single family neighborhood as a defined residential area from the encroachment of commercial and/or other inappropriate land uses will be provided for through the Land Development Regulations. All new subàivisions, planned unit developments and site development plans shall be designed to include an efficient system of internal traffic circulation, that does not require internal trios or t~ips of shc~t duration from be~ng-forced onto the major roadway network. All new subdivisions shall be designed so that all :i.nàiviàual lots have direct access to the internal street system, ana ¡:nat any lot or p=opertyalong the periphery of the àevelopment is to be buffered from any major roadway and incompatible lanù u~s. In conjunction with the Objectives and POlicies of the Traffic Circulation Element, st. Lm::ie Co=i:y sh-all develop a~d implement by August.!., 1990 a County- wiàe right-ot-way protec~ion regulation and right-of-way õedication Orõinance. L~mi~ed develo~men~ of commercial/no~- residential uses will be allowed within areas class~fied for resident~~l use, provided that thesé activ~ties are compatible with the adjacent land uses and meet the following standaràs: 1) The intent of the commercial use is to prov~de easily accessible, convenience-type uses to immediately surrounding residents; 2) The property for commercial àesignation is located on an Arterial Collector; wh~ch the sought is or Major. 13 August 28, 1990 · ., ,"'-' Policy 1.1.?8.5: (pp 1-76) ( <" t ...." 3) Conversion property would commercial use petitioned any strip of the not promote of land; 4) The use is compatible with surrounding land uses anò is provided with adequate screening and buffering of any adjacent residential property; 5) The site does not have direct driveway access onto any local or Minor Collector street; 6) The property for commercial designation is not exceed 10 acres; and, which sought the does 7) Within any area designated as PREFERRED RESIDE~~IAL (PFR), (Figure 1-11), the following restrictions shall apply to the establishm,ent o£ any congregate living, group care, 0= foste= care home as defined in the St. Lucie County Land Development Regulations; No Congregate Care, Group Care or Foster Care Facil~t-~ shall be authorized that would permit more than six ~~elated individuals to be houseà in that facility. Any request' £or a cna!"lcre in :z:cning or lanà use to an Inõustrial, Commercial, Institutional or othe= noræesidential land use designation for property located within any area designated as PREFERRED RESIDE~~IAL (PR:), must be accompanied by a amendment to the Comprehensive Plan to remove the Preferreå Residential Designation from the petitioned p=operty. Such application for 'amendment is to be processed in accordance with the provisions of Section 163.3l87, Florida Statutes. Require effective visual and light diffusion barriers between resiåential and non-residential uses. Standards and requirements for such ba~riers are to be included in the landscaping and screening regulations of the St. Lucie County Land Development Regulations. 14 AugUSt: 28, 1990 " . .' . ' , '-" .' Policy 1.1.718.6: (pp 1-76) Policy 1.1_?8_87: (pp 1-76) Policy 1.1.?8.98: (pp 1-78) Poli~~ 1.1.?S.i99: (DO 1-78) Policy 1_1.718.1=0: (pp 2-78)- OBJECTIVE 1.1.89: (pp 1-78) ( ( \ 'will Eliminate future scattered and highway strip commercial development by encouraging the development of commercial centers or nodes consistent with the Future Land Use Map_ Restrict strip commercial development to those traffic corridors where such development patterns now exist. The depth of these commercial areas should average 600 feet, with the exceptions to be found at points of arterial intersection. Concentrate tourist anà regional related commercial activities to areas aèjoining the interstate system or that have sufficient automobile access. service those highway regional Interchange development act~v~t~es~_ should not inClude co~~ercial activities that zre designed to service a small geographic market area. Local service activities should be 'located at points away from an interchange .so as to avoid conflicts between region~l and local tra££ic wn~cn can contribute to accelerated degraàation of level of service in these areas_ Lncourage the use of exis~~ng co~~ercial and inàustria1 òesignai:eò lands wi thin . the urûa..-:ï se~ v.ice are.a, +-~,. a,ugh reg"'; ":"'"'; ng a strict demonstration of service availability, before authorizing Land Use and Zoning amendments in areas not presently i.ndicated as having -such a designation. St. Lucie County shal~ include within its Land Development Regulations criteria and standards for the protection/creation of of ~~e remaining native plant communities within the Co~~ty. For the purpose of this plan, Native Plant Communities shall be preserved as defined in the Treasure Coast Regional Pla~ing Councils, Regional Policy Plan, Regional Policy, .....preserved in viable condition with intact gro~nd cover, unòerstory and canopy." 15 August 28, 1990 " ., "-' Policy (pp 1-78) POlicy (DO 1-79) ?olicy (pp 1-79) ( ( \ ...,¡ St. Lucie County shall include within its Land Development Regulations criteria and standards for the protection and preservation of both wetland and upland habitat. The criteria to be inCluded within the County's Land Development Regulations shall be based upon, but not limited to, the fOllowing~~ 1) Size of the property on which the development activity is to take place; 2) The the and type, quality and sensitivity of native habitat includinq nestinq fo~acing locations found on site; 3) MethodoloGies to protectinq and habitat; be emploved in preservinq native 3~) The presence or occurrence of endangered or threatened species on site. and methodoloGies to be emoloved to ensure their continuino preSence on site or mitioation; 4~) The state area; amount of similar habi_tGt of preserve within the and, in a same (6) Reauirements that all necessarv enÿ-ironmental asse=ents be nrenared bv oerso~'el havinq the appropriate exoertise to make the necessary àeterrninations . which shall be submitted in writinq to the Board of Coun~ Co~~issioners for review prior to their makinq a determination reqaràinq anv oro,nosed àeveloornent. In conjunction with the implementation of Policy, the County shall consider the -establisTh~ent of an impact fee collection system for the purpose of habitat acquisition/preservation, in lieu of specific on-site preservation. All development concepts that impact wetland habitat s~all be with all applicable ¡¿deral, County regulations. propose to consistent State and 16 August 28, 1990 " , f '4 Pö~iey-'l:":''l:":'8,,·..4 (pp 1-79) Policy 1_l.89.5~: (pp 1-79) '-" ( ....., ( ~ ~he--€OtlM~Y-3heii-ineitlde-wi~hiM--it3--LBftd Beve!ep~e~t-Regtlie~iön9-by-Atlgtl9~-i~--i999~ 3peeifie----~egtli6~ion3----göve~ftin~----Éhe ~~eteetieM-e£-MBtive-tlpieMè-hßbitßt-th~etlgh ~~e3e~vetienf~e3to~6tiö"-p~og~ßm9~ St~-Ltleie-€etl"~y-e"eOtl~ege3-èeveieþe~9--te ~ßi"tBiM-6-èive~9ity-ef-fteÉive-hBbitßts--e" site":' The land development requlations shall provide that existinq on-site native upland habitat be incoroorated into reQuired site plans as a part of open space areas, reQuired landscapinq or as a part of minimum vard areas so that as much of the iàentified habitat as is nracticable is main'taineà~ CONSERVATION ELEMENT CHANGES The follo~ing objective and pOlicies of the Cons€=-~ation Element a::-e to be -moèi..fied as ind.icõ.ted.. Objective 8_1_8: (pp 8-46) Policy 8.1. 8.1: (pp 8-46) Bv 1995, ~~e acreaqe o£ publicly o~ned or otherwise protected (throuqh priva~e ow~ersh~p) natural preserve lands i~ the County shall be increase.dbv at least -=.en (IO~) 'percent_ The acreaqe of publicly owned or othe---w.i.se urotected (throuQh private ownershin) natural ureserve lands in the Co~~tv shall continue to be increased L~ reoula= increments of ~emaininq na~~ve habitats in the subsequent years of this Plan, th~oUQh onqoinq proaram refinements and updates designed to meet the upland native habitat preservation croals in the Treasure Coast Recrional Policy Plan. The County shall tr~ouah i~s land develo?me~t reoulations provide for native nlant soecies diversification through requirements for usaqe of such snecies in landscaping_By Aögö~~--~7-~9997-the-€o~~ty-~he±1-ene~t--lend deve~o~~en~--~e~±e~±on~--Mh~~~--~eqtli~~__~he co~~e=~etion--an¿--p=otection--o=--ecologicel com...~~n'::: 't::e~--e.:'"l¿--~~=¿!= £e--·~~c~t1¿~~S--~~ 'tive . wetian¿--an¿-tlp=an¿--~ege~ative--co~önitie37 ~i~¿±i~e7-en¿-me=ine-hebitet~ The land development regulations shall requi~e ~hô~ 211 nuisance anò invasive exo~ic vegetation (e.g. Brazilian pepper, Australian pine and Melaleuca) be removed at the time of develo~ment or reàevelopment of a site and, 17 AugUSt: 23, 1990 .' .. ~ ( ( ...., I Policy 8.1.8_2: (pp 8-46) ?olicv (new pOlicy) ?olicy (pp 8-47) POlicy 8.1.8_45: (pp 8-47) where appropriate, replaced with native or drought tolerant species that are adapted to existing soil and climatic conditions. The land development regulations shall include criteria for the protection of endangered and threatened plant and animal populations and the conservation of the native habitat, including intact canopy, understory and ground cover; upon which these populations depend for survival. Possible mechanisms would include: a. Assisting in the compliance with regulations; of and state application feòe:¡:-al and b. Consulting with appropriate state agencies during reviews when endangered or species may be ansite; federal and development threatened c. Establishing ma~agement progr&~s with incen~~ves for private landowners to protect or conserve habitats, such as reduced parking, lfuldscaping, or credit for park and rec:reaDon j "'pac±' £ees.; d. Using conservation site pla~~ing and buildings. easements, cluster ~~crositing of e. ]...ssi~ ~:ing the s-tz1:.e education program preservation of threatened species. an the and in ãevelcpL""lg to promote end~ngered The land develoDment reaulations shall n~cvide for an enviro~~en~al ~mnact statement process in which concerns for ..habitat preservation and sDecies·.orotection are to be addressed for orojects creater than ten acres. The land development regulations shall incluõe criteria which allow utilization of Transfer of Development ?-ights (TDRs) or other flexible methods of lanõ development transfer that would direct àevelopment from nonsuitable lands to those most suitable for active use. The land incluòe development ~2gu~ations crite~ia which support shall all 18 August 28, 1990 J. ..~.. -to' .. C . '-' Policy 8_L8.56: (pp 8-<;;7) Policy (pp 8-47) Poli.cy 8.l.8.rB: (pp 8-47) Policy 8.1. a. 89: (pp 8-48) (' ~ i, ..., development, including the conversion of land for agricultural purposes, which proceeds in a manner compatible with the conservation of wildlife and natural systems. The land development regulations shall require the use of native or drought tolerant vegetation adapted to existing soil and climatic conditions in landscaping. St. Lucie County shall include within its Land Development Regulations criteria and- standards for the protection/creation of the remaining native plant communities within the County. For the purpose of this plan, native plant communities shall be preserved as defined in the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council's Regional Policy Plan, Regional Policy lO.1..2.2.,"...preserved in viable condition with intact ground cover, unòerstor)r and canopy." The land development regulations shall prohibit the use of o£f-road vehicles ~n en~-ronmentally sensitive wetlanã and uplanã areas iãenti.£ied pursuant to Obje.c:tive 8.1.12. By hl:1gl:1si:-3:,-::998 January 1, 1991, the County sha~ conåuct a preliminary study to identify existino native habitat :including ecological co~~unities wn~cn should be ãe-s:ignated e=vi :!:unnre:.'""lt-ally sensi:t:ive, i.n addi ti.on to any already identified in this Comprehensi.ve Plan. By Beee.'l\Be~--3::7--=993 August 1, 1991, a final stuòy shall be prepared including recommendations for the p=o~ection, app=opria~e use and conse=vá- tion of these areas, and the admin- i.strative and fisca~ constraints of the County. Potential programs shall incluãe acquisition, restriction or prohibition of activities, and incentives such as reduced paving, conservation easements, cluste~ site planning and micrositing of buildings, transfer of development rights, fee simple acquisition, anò zoning. The stuèy shall identify those areas where particular mechanisms would be most appropriate, as well as possible cooperative efforts with other public anò p~ivate entities for implementation of this policy. The study shall be presented to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration as an 19 August 28, 1990 · '~ . .( ...j. " "'-' Policy 8.1_8.910: (pp 8-48) f ('" ~ .J amendment to this Comprehensive Plan. Clearing of a specific development reõevelopment site or sites shall commence until the developer is ready construct the building or buildings to located on the site, unless approved by Community Development Department. or not to be the Peiiey-8.±.8.i8~----BY-Atl9tlst-±,-1992,-~he-€eöfttY-Sfteli--B6e~t--B (pp 8-48) Pöblie-bBft¿s-Aeqöisitieft-HeftöBl-te-set--£o~tk p~eeeciö~es-fo~--ièeftti£yi~~--£e~--öe~öisitieft e~ees-ftBvifts-int8et-ftetive-piBftt-eemfflöftities~ Policy (pp 8-48) POlicv 8_1.8.12: (new policy) lfi-e~de~-te--~~ege~e---~~:eftè--hebitet,--t~e €eönty---skeli---esteblish--e---Eetlftty---ben¿ heqöisitien---Seleetion--2ðmmittee--öfid--benò heqtlisitiðfi--F~Bftee-Eemmittee~--=ft--8èèitien, the---€Otlftty---sh81i--pö~söe---£~n¿in9---f~eM Ree~eetien--Bep8rtment--hssis~8ftee--Pre9reMg, FBHR,---lobby-£er--Florièe--E~A~R~b~--pre9~8M fönès-to-be-spent-in-5t~--böeie--êeön~,--eftè monitor--S81es--e£--pöblie-lenès-to--ièenti£y pðssible-h8bit8t-sites-£or-preservatien~ Bv January l, 1991, the CounZv shall establish a County Lanè Acouisition Selection Corom';t-+",,,, whose £unction shal' be to util:i:z-e the work oroducts identified in Policy to formulate a master acouisition list of lands havinq ûative habitat includinq those sites cornoriseå of ecoloaical communities that are environmentallY unioue wi th tIiS obi-ecti.ve of õevelODi..nq a Drogram to ensure the preservation of a minimum of twentv-=ive percent of the remaininq na~~ve habitat with the highest priority being those classified as endanoered or threatened as well as those properties havina habitats that are =acina destruction as a result of urban development and which recoanizes relationshios to those- areas of native hab~tat alreaèv unãer Dublic and/or private preservation, with a final report to be presenteè to the Baarå of Countv Commissioners six months followino initial aODointment. The County shall by Julv 1, 1991, establish a Lanã Acouisition Finance Committee whose function shall be to develoD a reco~mendation as to how to funã ~he master accuisition list includina the timina, size and natura of the overall fundino mechanism found to be necessarv to C2~rv out the ~~OG~êm with â 20 August 28, 1990 '-' ..." t.-I ,r ..:_ H, ... ~. f " '- Policy 8.1.8_13: (new policy) Policy (new policy) Po1icv (new policy) F t (: ~ -....J ~inal report to be presented to the County Commissioners six months initial appointment. Board of following The Land Acauisition Funding Task Force shall consider the following as potential financing options including aeneral obligation bonds, revenue bonds, impact fees, ad valorem taxes, soecial taxina districts, arant proarams and any other possible revenue source. The Bc~rd of Countv Commissioners shall consider aoorcval of an acauisition and financinq proGram as an _ amendment to the Capital Imorovements Element anà to anv other aopropriate portion of the Plan during the second plan revision process of Calendar 1991. The land development reaulations shall provide that existing on-site native uoland habitat be incoroorated into reauireà site plans as a Dart of coen soace areas. reouired landscapinq or as a Da~ of minimum yard areas so that as much of the identifieå habitat as is nraoticable is maintained. 21 August 28. 1990 """ ...", CONSENT ITEMS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MEETINCi 06/14/02 FZABWARR FUND 001 001007 001140 001143 001258 001265 001266 001267 001269 001271 001809 101 101002 101003 102 102001 102104 105 107 107001 107002 1 ~7003 '201 121 140 140001 140275 140307 145112 160 183 183001 183002 183004 185002 316 382 396 399 401 418 421 441 448 449 451 458 "'w' ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOk~D ...., WARRANT LIST #37- 08-JUN-2002 TO 14-JUN-2002 FUND SUMMARY TITLE EXPENSES General Fund General-Energy Efficiency Fund Section 112/MPO/FHWA FY01/02 Health & Human Srvcs CSBG FY01/02 TDC Planning Grant FYOO/01 TDC Planning Grant FY01/02 CTD TRIP Grant FY01/02 EMPA 01/02 Dept. of Community Affai FDEP-Urban Mobile Lab Grant 01/02 DHR-Historical Museum Grant-In-Aid SFWMD-Floridian Aquifer Well 01/04 Transportation Trust Fund Transportation Trust/80% Constitut Transportation Trust/Local Option Unincorporated Services Fund Drainage Maintenance MSTU FDOT Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator Library Special Grants Fund Fine & Forfeiture Fund Fine & Forfeiture Fund-Wireless Sur Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper Child Dependency Court Represent'n Blakely Subdivision Fund Port & Airport Fund Port Fund DOT-140-Airport Maintenance Bldg Const. Parking Apron#405823-1-94-01 NOAA/CIP Bear Point Integration Plan Maintenance RAD Fund Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir Ct Administrator-Arbitration/Mediat Ct Admin.-County Arbitration/Mediat Ct Admin.- Teen Court SHIP Housing Assistance FY 01/02 County Capital Environmental Land Capital Fund Lennard Road 1 - Roadway Capital Grey Twig Lane MSBU Sanitary Landfill Fund Golf Course Fund H.E.W. Utilities Fund North Hutchinson Island Utilities NHI Util-Renewal & Replacement Fund NHI Util - Capital Facilities Fund S. Hutchinson Utilities Fund SH Util-Renewal & Replacement Fund Sports Complex Fund 303,277.88 123,653.09 1,178.52 6,293.71 48.60- 113.22 17,416.80 544.53 653.19 99.63 1,109.17 136,864.72 2,917.50 24,075.00 27,420.80 102,911.02 191. 68 2,997.04 145,437.57 128.76 17,865.06 9,530.34 41,877.00 68.18 40,944.09 7,725.93 36,643.00 847.50 4,422.00 2,454.69 1,380.57 198.85 300.00 445.95 222.14 20,814.14 37,712.63 8,714.01 3,157.17 161,909.30 5,801.83 231.55 2,884.37 140.71 114.60 1,221.03 108.18 6,364.28 PAGE 1 PAYROLL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 06/14/02 FZABWARR FUND 471 478 479 491 505 505001 611 625 630 "'-w" ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD ...., WARRANT LIST #37- 08-JUN-2002 TO 14-JUN-2002 FUND SUMMARY TITLE No County Utility District-Operatin No Cty Util Dist-Renewal & Replace No Cty Util Dist-Capital Facilities Building Code Fund Health Insurance Fund Property/Casualty Insurance Fund Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund Law Library Tax Deed Overbid Agency Fund GRAND TOTAL: EXPENSES 1,873.10 64.69 44.25 5,292.52 205,685.03 2,391.11 1,160.11 6,079.75 49,487.51 1,583,412.40 PAGE 2 PAYROLL 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,380.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6,380.15 0'-' ...., 06/14/02 ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD F7.ABWARR VOID LIST# 37- 08-JUN-2002 TO 14-JUN-2002 ~uND: 001 - General Fund CHECK INVOICE VENDOR 00280681 I2209977 Fla Dept of State PAGE 1 FUND TOTAL: TOTAL 61. 25 61. 25 f' 06/07/02 FZABWARR FUND 001 001124 001137 001139 001140 001143 001217 001265 001267 001269 001809 101 101002 101006 102 102001 102104 104001 105 107 107001 , "7002 1003 140 140001 140308 140313 140322 140800 160 183 183001 183004 183106 183214 184203 184804 185002 205 310003 316 316001 382 401 418 421 441 1 '- ST. LDCIE COUNTY - BOARD ..." WARRANT LIST #36- 01-JUN-2002 TO 07-JUN-2002 FUND SUMMARY TITLE EXPENSES General Fund FTA USC Section 5307 FY 99/00 Zora Neala Hurston Dust Tracks Heri FHA Transportation for 21st Century Section 112/MPO/FHWA FY01/02 Health & Human Srvcs CSBG FY01/02 DEP-Regional Attenuation Facility TDC Planning Grant FY01/02 EMPA 01/02 Dept. of Community Affai FDEP-Urban Mobile Lab Grant 01/02 SFWMD-Floridian Aquifer Well 01/04 Transportation Trust Fund Transportation Trust/80% Constitut Transportation Trust/Impact Fees Unincorporated Services Fund Drainage Maintenance MSTU FDOT Bicycle/Pedestrian Coordinator Recreation Donations Fund Library Special Grants Fund Fine & Forfeiture Fund Fine & Forfeiture Fund-Wireless Sur Fine & Forfeiture Fund-E911 Surchar Fine & Forfeiture Fund-800 Mhz Oper Port & Airport Fund Port Fund FDOT Const. of Perimeter Fencing #4 Airport Master Plan Update FDOT Industrial Park West Development IRL Taylor Creek Restoration SFWMD Plan Maintenance RAD Fund Ct Administrator-19th Judicial Cir Ct Administrator-Arbitration/Mediat Ct Admin.- Teen Court Domestic Relations Hearing FYOO-03 01/02 OSCA Civil Traffice Infractio Ft. Pierce Beach Restoration FIND So. Causeway Shoreline Stabil. SHIP Housing Assistance FY 01/02 Beach Bond I&S Fund Impact Fees-Public Buildings County Capital Transportation Capital Environmental Land Capital Fund Sanitary Landfill Fund Golf Course Fund H.E.W. Utilities Fund North Hutchinson Island Utilities NHI Util-Renewal & Replacement Fund 171,909.71 33,587.00 8.35 16.58 848.98 69.22 336.57 49.91 553.93 334.85 898.95 23,152.56 19,967.00 4,417.64 8,243.22 504,732.41 93.82 3,431.50 91,194.12 2,932,673.71 488.24 1,457.00 1,287.74 8,798.38 20,656.09 6,179.11 2,530.55 11,320.00 8,176.56 445.07 630.79 350.24 367.11 6,312.48 2,300.00 17,567.08 765.12 104.40 300.00 6,035.00 110,871.72 104,247.00 200.00 185,278.76 11,609.50 27.92 69,456.20 63.08 PAGE 1 PAYROLL 442,511.07 0.00 0.00 216.81 7,141.90 943.50 0.00 665.81 0.00 1,188.80 1,188.80 109,331.15 0.00 0.00 44,814.69 3,574.78 1,226.40 0.00 2,122.01 75,723.46 829.15 19,586.53 0.00 10,492.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2,440.00 4,496.73 1,115.38 2,874.61 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,430.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 42,673.67 21,295.42 379.32 2,803.70 852.37 ¡ 06/07/02 FZABWARR FUND 449 451 458 461 471 478 479 491 505 505001 611 615 625 630 '- . ST. LUCIE COUNTY - BOARD ....", WARRANT LIST #36- 01-JUN-2002 TO 07-JUN-2002 FUND SUMMARY TITLE NHI Util - Capital Facilities Fund S. Hutchinson Utilities Fund SH Util-Renewal & Replacement Fund Sports Complex Fund No County Utility District-Operatin No Cty Util Dist-Renewal & Replace No Cty Util Dist-Capital Facilities Building Code Fund Health Insurance Fund Property/Casualty Insurance Fund Tourist Development Trust-Adv Fund Impact Fees Fund Law Library Tax Deed Overbid Agency Fund GRAND TOTAL: EXPENSES 19,251. 00 7,303.54 76.28 21,387.12 71 7 .24 10,090.04 27.27 1,955.84 50,972.50 131. 37 629.40 138,237.98 0.42 1,443.74 4,626,568.91 PAGE :; PAYROLL 687.60 1,579.35 1,029.83 12,586.23 2,212.85 505.34 369.00 24,469.50 2,766.66 1,760.03 5,575.91 0.00 0.00 0.00 855,461. 06 ~ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM~. C-2-A , DATE: June 18,2002 REGULAR [ l PUBLIC HEARING [ l CONSENT [Xl TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Purchasinq Michael Rath. Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: Permission to advertise for a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the Design, Permitting, Construction, Financing, Operations and Maintenance of a Central Chilled Water Plant BACKGROUND: This RFQ is required to statements of qualifications from interested and qualified companies for the design, permitting, construction, financing/funding, operation and maintenance of a central chilled water plant and other related energy supply and distribution activities for the County. At a minimum, the central chilled water plant is to serve the St. Lucie County Administration Complex. Other uses for the plant and/or plant output may be proposed to serve other potential customers such as: Lawnwood Regional Medical Center, facilities owned by St. Lucie County School District, Indian River Community College, St Lucie County Fire District and other similar administrative or professional buildings. FUNDS AVAIL: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval to advertise the attached Request for Qualifications (RFQ) for the Design, Permitting, Construction, Financing, Operations and Maintenance of a Central Chilled Water Plant. COMMISSION ACTION: u Anderson County Administrator [X] APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent ,'"', ,-"'" County Attorney:(X) ß .ff Originating Dept: Mgt. & Budget: ( Other: n Purchasing Mgr.:(X) ¡f1::- Other: Finance: (Check br Copy only, if Applicable) Eff.1/97 · RFQ No. 02-086 '-' RFQ No. 02-086 CHILLED WATER PLANT/UTILITY Due Date: July 24,2002 Due Time: 2:00 PM St. Lucie County Purchasing Department 2300 Virginia Avenue, Room 228 Ft. Pierce, FL 34982-5652 (772) 462-1700 1 ...., \...' ....., BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA REQUEST FOR QUALIFICATIONS Sealed Qualifications will be received at the Purchasing Department, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982, until 2:00 PM local time on Wednesday, July 24, 2002, for the following: RFQ No. 02 - 086 CHILLED WATER PLANT/UTILITY RFQ documents may be obtained via the Internet using the County's website at http://www.co.st-Iucie.fl.us. If you do not have Internet access, you may obtain the documents by calling DemandStar by Onvia 800-711-1712 and request document number #02-086 or contact the Office of the Purchasing Director at 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida, 34982, (772) 462-1700. RFQ's may be either mailed or hand delivered to the Purchasing Department, 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, FL 34982. Any RFQ'S received after the above stated time will be returned to the bidder unopened. The Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to waive any informalities or minor irregularities; reject any and all Qualifications which are incomplete, conditional, obscure, orwhich contain additions not allowed for; accept or reject any submittal in whole or in part with or without cause; and accept the proposal which best serves the County. For Bids, RFQ, RFP, Bid Results and other information visit the S1. Lucie County Purchasing Web Site at http://www.co.st-lucie.f1.us. SI. Lucie County is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Board of County Commissioners SI. Lucie County, Florida By: Michael Rath, CPPO, CPPB, Purchasing Director PUBLISH: June 23, 2002 BILL & PROOF: Board of County Commissioners 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 RFQ No. 02-086 2 Part I 1-1 1-2 1-3 1-4 1-5 1-6 1-7 1-8 1-9 1-10 1-11 1-12 1-13 1.14 1-15 1-16 1-17 Part II 2-1 Part III 3-1 3-2 3-3 Part IV 4-1 Part V 5-1 Part VI 6-1 RFQ No. 02-086 '-' ...., Table of Contents General Information Definitions Invitation to Propose; Purpose Issuing Office Awards Development costs Inquiries Timetables Delays Proposal Submission and Withdrawal Rejection of Irregular Qualifications Addenda Equal Opportunity Oral Presentation Insurance Lobbyist Disclosure Public Entity Crimes Statement Interlocal Cooperation Statement of Work Background/Scope of Work Instructions for Preparing Qualifications Rules for Qualifications Proposal Format Qualifications Questionnaire Evaluation of Qualifications Evaluation Method and Criteria Proposer Information Proposer Information Form Questionnaire Proposer's Questionnaire Form 3 '-" "" GENERAL INFORMATION PART I 1-1 DEFINITIONS For the purposes of this Request for Qualifications ("RFQ"), Proposer shall mean contractors, consultants, respondents, organizations, firms, or other persons submitting a response to this Request for Qualifications. 1-2 INVITATION TO PROPOSE: PURPOSE The Board of County Commissioners, St. Lucie County, Florida (the "Board") solicits offers from interested and qualified companies for the design, permitting, construction, financing/funding, operation and maintenance of a central chilled water plant and other related energy supply and distribution activities for the County. The successful Proposer will be responsible for calculating possible energy and operational savings for the County. The Proposer must demonstrate experience in implementing contracts under Section 489.145, Florida Statutes. At a minimum, the central chilled water plant must serve the St. Lucie County Administration Complex. Other uses for the plant and/or plant output may be proposed to serve other potential customers such as: Lawnwood Regional Medical Center, facilities owned by St. Lucie County School District, Indian River Community College, St Lucie County Fire District and other similar administrative or professional buildings. The County does not endorse nor guarantee the viability of any other customers. The cooling demand for the Administration Complex is estimated to vary from a minimum of 37,185 ton-hours to a maximum of 107,160 ton-hours, with the average annual load being approximately 70,555 ton-hours. The parcel of land where the plant will be located will be directly behind the existing administration complex located on Virginia Avenue. The plant may also house offices and maintenance bays for the Fire District. The parcel of land is presently owned by the County and the construction and operation of such facilities are allowed uses specified for the zoning for the parcel. The successful qualified proposers to the RFQ shall be issued a request for proposals ("RFP") to design, permit, finance/fund, construct, operate and maintain the chilled water facility and optionally the normal power service and distribution system in order to supply the potential end users. The County reserves the right to conduct simultaneous negotiations with multiple Proposers. The County may, at its option, provide alternative financing for the project. The successful proposer may also be requested to calculate possible energy and operational savings for each potential end user. The scope of work will be as stated in the final RFP to be issued to all qualified proposers. 1-3 ISSUING OFFICE AND LOCATION OF PROPOSAL OPENING St. Lucie County Purchasing Department Administration Annex 2300 Virginia Avenue, Room 228 Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 1-4 CONTRACT AWARDS The Proposer understands that this RFQ does not constitute an agreement or a contract with the Proposer. An official contract or agreement is not binding until Qualifications are reviewed and accepted by the Board and a written agreement or contract is approved by both the Board and the successful Proposer. The Board reserves the right to reject all Qualifications, to waive any informalities, and to solicit and re- advertise for other Qualifications. RFQ No. 02-086 4 "" 1-5 DEVELOPMENT COSTS "'" Neither the Board nor its representatives shall be liable for any expenses incurred in connection with preparation of a response to this RFQ. Proposer should prepare their Qualifications simply and economically, providing a straightforward and concise description of the Proposer's ability to meet the requirements of the RFQ. ' 1-6 INQUIRIES The County will not respond to oral inquiries. Proposers may mail or fax written inquiries for interpretation of this RFQ to: Michael Rath, CPPO, CPPB St. Lucie County Purchasing Director Administration Annex 2300 Virginia Avenue, Room 228 Fort Pierce, Florida, 34982. (772) 462-1294 (fax) The County will respond to written inquiries if received at least 7 working days prior to the date scheduled for receiving the Qualifications. The County will record its responses to inquiries and any supplemental instructions in the form of a written addendum. If addenda are issued, the County will mail or fax written addenda at least 5 working days before the date fixed for receiving the Qualifications. This will be adhered to even if the opening date must be postponed in order to observe the time requirements. The County will send written addenda to all Proposers who receive the RFQ. 1·7 TIMETABLES The Board and the Proposers shall adhere to the following schedule in all actions concerning this RFQ. A. RFQ available for distribution B. Deadline for submission of Qualifications C. Evaluation/Selection Process D. Issue RFP to qualified respondents (including draft Construction and Service Agreements E. Mandatory Pre-Proposal Conference F. Issuance of Addendum G. Receive Priced Proposals H. Evaluation/Selection Process I. Final Negotiations J. Projected Contract Award Date 1-8 DELAYS June 19, 2002 July 24, 2002 July-August, 2002 August, 2002 August - September 2002 October, 2002 October, 2002 November, 2002 November- December, 2002 January, 2003 The County may delay scheduled due dates if it is to the advantage of the County. The County will notify Proposers of all changes in scheduled due dates by written addenda. RFQ No. 02-086 5 '-' ..."" 1-9 QUALIFICATION SUBMISSION AND WITHDRAWAL The County will receive Qualifications at the following address: St. Lucie County Purchasing Department Administration Annex 2300 Virginia Avenue, Room 228 Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 To facilitate processing, please mark the outside of the envelope as follows: "Chilled Water Plant/Utility RFQ No. 02-086". The envelope shall also include the Proposer's return address. Proposers shall submit fifteen copies (15) including one marked original on the outside (with an original signature inside) of the proposal in a sealed, opaque package marked as noted above. The Proposer may submit the qualification in person or by mail. THE COUNTY MUST RECEIVE ALL QUALIFICATIONS BY 2:00PM ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 2002. Due to the irregularity of mail service, the County cautions Proposers to assure actual delivery of Qualifications to the County prior to the deadline set for receiving Qualifications. Telephone confirmation of timely receipt of the proposal may be made by calling (772) 462-1700 before proposal opening time. Qualifications received after the established deadline will be returned unopened to the Proposer. Proposers may withdraw their Qualifications by notifying the County in writing at any time prior to the opening. Proposers may withdraw their Qualifications in person or through an authorized representative. Proposers and authorized representatives must disclose their identify and provide a signed receipt for the proposal. Qualifications, once opened. become the property of the County and will not be returned to the Proposers. Upon opening, Qualifications become "public records" and shall be subject to public disclosure in accordance with Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. 1-10 IRREGULARITIES: REJECTION OF QUALIFICATIONS Qualifications not meeting stated minimum terms and qualifications may be rejected by the County as non-responsive or irregular. However, the County reserves the right to waive any irregularities, technicalities or informalities in any proposal. The County reserves the right to reject the proposal of any Proposer in arrears or in default upon any debt or contract to the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County or who have failed to perform faithfully any previous contract with the County or with other governmental jurisdictions. The County reserves the right to reject any or all Qualifications without cause. 1-11 ADDENDA If revisions become necessary, the County will provide written addenda at least five working days prior to the opening date to all Proposers who receive the RFQ. This will be adhered to even if the opening date must be postponed in order to observe the time requirements. Any changes to the RFQ will be made available for all prospective proposers to receive. Although we will make an attempt to notify you of the addendum, it is the sole responsibility of the proposer to ensure it is received. 1-12 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY The County recognizes fair and open competition as a basic tenet of public procurement and encourages participation by minority and women business enterprises. The County requests minority and women business enterprises to submit evidence of such classification with their Qualifications. RFQ No. 02-086 6 '-' "'" . 1-13 ORAL PRESENTATION Agencies that have been selected for the final short list may be asked to render an oral presentation based on past achievements, staff qualifications, and overall capabilities with special emphasis on Chilled Water Plant/Utilities. The Board or staff will schedule presentations. 1-14 INSURANCE The Proposer, if awarded a contract, shall maintain insurance coverage reflecting the minimum amounts and conditions required by the County. 1-15 LOBBYIST DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENT Pursuant to Article IV of Chapter 1-2 of the Code of Ordinances of St. Lucie County, Florida, any professional consultant who utilizes the services of a lobbyist as defined in Section 1-2-62 is required to make full disclosure with the Clerk of the Board prior or concurrently with the submission of a proposal to the Board for the performance of any services for the Board. Such disclosure shall include the following: A. The name of any lobbyist employed directly or indirectly by the consultant for the purpose of influencing or attempting to influence the selection of the professional consultant by the Board. B. The name and address of the lobbyist. C. The length of such agreement, contract or understanding and the amount of any fee, gratuity, compensation or consideration paid or promised to be paid to the lobbyist either before or after hiring whether or not same is set out as compensation for the lobbying or is for other services. The disclosure shall be filed with the Clerk on forms provided by the Board and such records shall be open to the public. 1-16 PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME STATEMENT A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for a public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to the County, may not submit a bid on a contract to the County for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to the County, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with the County, and may not transact business with the County in excess of $1 0,000.00 for a period of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. The County will not intentionally award publicly-funded contracts to any contractor who knowingly employs unauthorized alien workers, constituting a violation of the employment provisions contained in 8 U.S.C. Section 1324a(e) [Section 274A(e) ofthe Immigration and Nationality Act ("INA")]. The County shall consider the employment by any contractor of unauthorized aliens a violation of Section 274A(e) of the INA. Such violation by the Recipient of the employment provisions contained in Section 274A(e) of the INA shall be grounds for unilateral cancellation of this Agreement by the County. 1-17 INTERLOCAL COOPERATION Notwithstanding Section 2-1 the proposer and the County hereby consent to the use of any Agreement approved by the County by other local governments in the State of Florida, including school districts, public colleges, counties and municipalities, under the authority of the Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969 (the"Acr'). The County further consents to the use of the selection process utilized by the County under Section 235.215, Florida Statues and Section 489.145, Florida Statues, in accordance with the Act RFQ No. 02-086 7 '-' '..../ . STATEMENT OF WORK PART II 2-1 BACKGROUND/SCOPE OF WORK The Board of County Commissioners, St. Lucie County, Florida (the "Board") solicits offers from interested and qualified companies for the design, permitting, construction, financing/funding, operation and maintenance of a central chilled water plant and other related energy supply and distribution activities for the County. The successful Proposal will be responsible for calculating possible energy and operational savings for the County. The Proposal must demonstrate experience in implementing contracts under Section 489.15, Florida Statues. At a minimum, the central chilled water plant must serve the St. Lucie County Administration Complex. Other uses for the plant and/or plant output may be proposed to serve other potential customers such as: Lawnwood Regional Medical Center, facilities owned by SI. Lucie County School District, Indian River Community College, St Lucie County Fire District and other similar administrative or professional buildings. The County does not endorse nor guarantee the viability of any other customers. The cooling demand for the Administration Complex is estimated to vary from a minimum of 37, 185 ton-hours to a maximum of 107,160 ton-hours, with the average annual load being approximately 70,555 ton-hours. The parcel of land where the plant will be located will be directly behind the existing administration complex located on Virginia Avenue. The plant may also house offices and maintenance bays for the Fire District. The parcel of land is presently owned by County and the construction and operation of such facilities are allowed uses specified for the zoning for the parcel. The successful qualified proposers to the RFQ shall negotiate a contract with SI. Lucie County to design, finance/fund, construct, operate and maintain the chilled water facility and optionally the normal power service and distribution system in order to supply the potential end users. The County reserves the right to conduct simultaneous negotiations with multiple Proposers. The County may, at its option, provide alternative financing for the project. The successful Proposer may also be requested to calculate possible energy and operational savings for each potential end user. The scope of work will be as stated in the final RFP to be issued to all qualified proposers. RFQ No. 02-086 8 ...... ...., INSTRUCTIONS FOR PREPARING QUALIFICATIONS PART III 3-1 RULES FOR QUALIFICATIONS The Proposer must name all persons or entities interested in the proposal as principals. The proposal must declare that it is made without collusion with any other person or entity submitting a proposal pursuant to this RFQ. 3-2 PROPOSAL FORMAT Proposers shall prepare their Qualifications using the following format: A. Letter of Transmittal This letter will summarize in a brief and concise manner, the Proposer's understanding of the Scope of Work. The letter must name all of the persons authorized to make representations for the Proposer, including the titles, addresses, and telephone numbers of such persons. An official authorized to negotiate for the Proposer must sign the Letter of Transmittal. B. Oraanization Profile and Qualifications This section of the proposal must describe the Proposer, including the size, range of activities, etc. Each Proposer must be authorized to do business in the State of Florida and, if a corporation, must be incorporated under the laws of one of the States of the United States, proof of same must be provided. Provide general information on the responding firm including name, address, telephone number, officers of firm and contact person for this project. Please provide information on your Florida office(s) and the total number of employees in Florida. List the team members of your in-house project team that will be used on this project and their qualifications including education, experience with projects in Florida, years of service with your firm and any other pertinent information. If the responding firm is relying on the experience of other team members, provide the experience of those other member firms along with a letter from each firm stating their willingness to provide the services. If a Proposer is qualified based upon the experience of these other team members, the respondent will not be allowed to change the team members without the prior written consent of the County. Changing or eliminating such team members without the County's prior written consent will be grounds for the County to disqualify such proposer and eliminate them from further participation in this procurement process. Provide a minimum of three examples of chilled water plant projects in the United States and Florida that the proposer has either designed and constructed and/or operates and sells chilled water service to end users. For each plant, provide: (i) The capacity of the plant and the year it was constructed. (ii) The customers the plant services; (iii) A description of the plant equipment and distribution system; (iv) A description of the rate structures, and the billing and payment system employed at the plant (v) An explanation of which plants your project team designed and built and what firms and resources were utilized; RFQ No. 02-086 9 '-" ,..., Financial statements provided to meet the above disclosure are exempt from public disclosure requirements under Section 119.07 (3) (t) - Florida Statutes "Any financial statement which an agency requires a prospective bidder to submit in order to pre-qualify for bidding or for responding to a proposal for a road or any other public works project is exempt from the provisions of subsection (1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution." Proposers_will ma'rk the required financial statements as "EXEMPT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS" and provide them separate from other information required in the Qualification Statement. D. Scope of Work This section of the proposal should explain the Scope of Work as understood by the Proposer and detail the approach, activities and work products to be provided. E. Additional Data Any additional information which the Proposer considers pertinent for consideration should be included in a separate section of the proposal. 3-3 QUALIFICATIONS QUESTIONNAIRE Each Proposer is required to submit the attached Qualification Questionnaire. As the questionnaire will be reviewed by a number of people. the Proposer shall submit fifteen (15) copies of the questionnaire and requested materials. RFQ No. 02-086 11 '-"" ...., EVALUATION OF QUALIFICATIONS Part IV 4-1 EVALUATION METHOD AND CRITERIA A. General The County shall be the sole judge of its own best interests, the proposal, and the resulting negotiated agreement. The County reserves the right to investigate the financial capability, reputation, integrity, skill, business experience and quality of performance under similar operations of each Proposer, including stockholders and principals before making an award. Awards, if any, will be based on both an objective and subjective comparison of Qualifications and Proposers. The County's decisions will be final. The County's evaluation criteria will include, but shall not be limited to, consideration of the following: Name of Proposer: Topic Maximum Point Value Percentage Obtained Score Firm Profile 10 Permitting Experience For Chilled Water Plant or other similar facilities 15 (Florida experience oreferred) Chilled Water Plant Design and 30 Construction Exoerience Chilled Water Plant Operation & 30 Maintenance Exoerience Experience with Owning And Privately Financing 15 Chilled Water Plants or other similar facilities Grand Total Score (Possible 100) B. Selection The selection process will be a two-phase process. Following the opening of statement of qualifications. the statement of qualifications will be reviewed by a Review Committee appointed by the County. The Review Committee may schedule interviews with qualified Proposers. The recommendations of the Review Committee as to the award of statement of qualifications will be submitted for approval to the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners. The County Commission may request a workshop session to review the recommendations prior to any formal Board action. At the workshop, the County Commission may schedule interviews with the most meritorious Proposers. During said interviews, each Proposer will be given an opportunity to explain and elaborate on its statement of qualifications. However, these meetings are for elaboration on submitted information. New proposals or material changes to original statement of qualifications will not be allowed. The County Commission may then rank the statement of qualifications and invite one or more Proposers to submit more detailed proposals. RFQ No. 02-086 12 '-' """ .J Following the Review Committee's evaluation of the proposal(s) and possible public presentation, negotiations with one or more Proposers may be recommended to County Commission. The County Commission may then decide to enter into negotiations with one or more Proposers. The St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners reserves the right to waive any irregularities and reserves the right to reject any and all proposals for any reason whatsoever. RFQ No. 02..Q86 13 '-' ..., ) PROPOSER INFORMATION Part V 5.1 PROPOSER INFORMATION FORM Submitted by: Proposer (Entity): Signature: Name (Typed): Address: City/State: Telephone: Fax: It is understood and agreed by Proposer that the County reserves the right to reject any and all qualifications submittals/proposals, to make awards on all items or any items according to the best interest of the County, and to waive any irregularities in the RFQlRFP or in the proposals received as a result of the RFQlRFP. It is also understood and agreed by the Proposer that by submitting a proposal, proposer shall be deemed to understand and agree than no property interest or legal right of any kind shall be created at any point during the aforesaid evaluation/selection process until and unless a contract has been agreed to and signed by both parties. (Authorized Signature) (Date) (Printed Name) Proposer must sign below to acknowledge receipt of addendum (if necessary). Amendment NO.1: Amendment NO.2: Amendment NO.3: RFQ No. 02-086 14 '- 6.1 PROPOSER'S QUESTIONNAIRE Proposer's Name: Principal Office Address: Official Representative: Individual Partnership (Circle One) Corporation If a Corporation, answer this: When Incorporated: In what State: If Foreian Corporation: Date of Registration with Florida Secretary of State: Name of Resident Agent: Address of Resident Agent: President's Name: Vice-President's Name: Treasurer's Name: Members of Board of Directors: If a Partnership: Date of organization: General or Limited PartnerShip·: Name and Address of Each Partner: NAME RFQ No. 02-086 QUESTIONNAIRE Part VI ADDRESS 15 ...", ~ ...., Questionnaire (continued) * Designate general partners in a Limited Partnership I. Number of years of relevant experience in operating similar business: 2. Have any similar agreements held by proposer for a project similar to the proposed project ever been canceled? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, give details on a separate sheet. 3. Has the proposer or any principals of the applicant organization failed to qualify as a responsible bidder, refused to enter into a contract after an award has been made, failed to complete a contract during the past five (5) years, or been declared to be in default in any contract in the last 5 years? If yes, please explain: 4. Has the proposer or any of its principals ever been declared bankrupt or reorganized under Chapter 11 or put into receivership? Yes ( ) No ( ) If yes, give date, court jurisdiction, action taken, and any other explanation deemed necessary. 5. Person or persons interested in this Qualification Form (have) (have not) been convicted by a Federal, State, County, or Municipal Court of any violation of law, other than traffIc violations. To include stockholders over ten percent (10%). Explain any convictions: 6. Lawsuits (any) pending or completed involving the corporation, partnership or individuals with more than ten percent (10%) interest: A. List all pending lawsuits: B. List all judgments from lawsuits in the last five (5) years: RFQ No. 02-086 16 \w. ...., Questionnaire (continued) C. List any criminal violations and/or convictions of the proposer and/or any of its principals: WITNESSES: IF INDIVIDUAL: Signature Signature Print Name Print Name WITNESSES: IF PARTNERSHIP: Signature Print Name of Firm Print Name Address By: Signature (General Partner) (Print Name) (Print Name) WITNESSES: IF CORPORATION: Signature Print Name of Corporation Print Name Address By: President Attest: Secretary (CORPORATE SEAL) RFQ No. 02-086 17 ~. AGENDA REQUEST ITE~O. C-2-B DATE: June 18, 2002 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Purchasinq Michael Rath, Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: Bid Waiver and Piggyback Martin County Auction Services Contract BACKGROUND: On June 19, 2001 Martin County awarded RFP No. 139-01 to Karlin Daniels and Associates, Inc., to perform auction services. On May 15, 2002 Martin County extended this contract through June 13, 2003. The RFP documents stipulate that other governmental agencies within the State of Florida may access the resulting award. It is the intent of staff to hold an auction to dispose of surplus vehicles and equipment on July 13, 2002. In accordance with the County Purchasing Manual, staff requests a waiver of the bid process and award of a contract to Karlin Daniel & Associates to provide auction services. FUNDS AVAilABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMM ENDA TION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the waiver of the bid process, award of a contract to Karlin Daniel & Associates to provide auction services and authorization for the Chairman to sign the contract as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: NCE: [x] APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent - g nderson County Administrator County Allomey:(X) q, ð j,--\--- rr-....... Mgt. & Budget Other: /' Purchasing Mgr. :(X) '- (z.....- Originating Dept: Other: Rnance: (Check for Copy only, If Appiicable) Elf. 1/97 /( ~ , \w-' Karlin Daniel & Associates, Inc 50 SE Kindred Street· Suite 103 . Stuart, Florida 34994· (561)220-2557' ~878-AU1207 AUCTION AGREEMENT This AUCTION AGREEMENT, made and entered into this ~day of June 20-ºl by and between St. Lucie County Board of County commissioners of 2300 Virqinia Avenue. Ft. Pierce, Florida hereinafter referred to as ·SELLER- and KARLIN DANIEL and ASSOCIATES, Inc. Auctioneers, Real Estate Brokers, and Yacht Brokers, hereinafter referred to as "AUCTIONEER~. For good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Seller does hereby give Auctioneer the exclusive right to sell at public auction the fallowing described real and/or personal property, to wit: Su Ius vehicles fixtures ~ e i ent er attached list) Auction location: 3071 Oleander Blvd., Ft. Pierce, Florida The Seller does hereby agree to pay to the Auctioneer tor its services in conducting said sale a fee of ~ percent of the highest and last bid, made and taken on said real property, notwithstanding the owners refusal or inability to transfer title to saiQ property, and ~ percent of the net bid(s} on said personal property. The tee is to be paid out of first proceeds received from the sale. In no event shall the total fee be less than as stated due and payable the day of sale. However, the fee may be deducted from the Seller's funds at closing in the event Auctioneer elects to delay payment. This auction (is) (is aat} subject to a lOt Buyer'S Premium; and in the event the Buyer'S Premium is a term at the auction, all references herein to highest and last bid shall include said Buyer's Premium. The Seller hereby agrees to pay the following auction expenses over and above the fee percentage stated above: AdvertiSing $ -0- SUrvey $ -0- Tent $ -0- Auction Set-up $ -0- Repairs $ -0- Catering $ -0- Other $ -0- The Seller warrants that (1) it (is)~ the sole and legal owner(s) of all the real and/or personal property mentioned in this agreement; (2) the real and/or personal property is free from any and all liens, adverse claims, encumbrances, concealed physical defects and any environmental problems as defined by Federal or State law except as listed in this paragraph; and (3) ~ (has)~ full authority to sell and to dispose of said property in accordance with this agreement and will give marketable title to said property. No liens exist. n is 'l:m.'¡arst:ggd. anà :agra9¡;l th.3t. R9R'ã ç~ tAR jilPQpa.t:1 hEllreiR liS1iøõl ;.:1" sale shall );'il l i.tJ¡iilr:a.-'t:rn :fr9lll t.his Ä9lt9effi&Rt ElIX'iilapt ~ tAs aJ'iress ·rliitt:9R ,,!WIlBGlRt gf thil ~'Hr"i"ReIill:l' The Auctioneer agrees to use its best efforts to obtain the best possible price of said property and to do all things necessary to affect sucb sale. It is understood and agreed that the Auctioneer by this agreement assumes no liability for the loss by fire, theft, destruction or damage to the property to be sold or to the premises where the sale is to be conducted or for any losses or deficiencies caused by insufficient funds on any checks received for payment for any property sold. The terms of the above mentioned sale are in accordance with terms and conditions of Martin County contract 8RFP 139.01 awarded Karlin Daniel & Associates June 13, 2003 and as follows; Buyer's) shall acceDt evervthinq on an "AS IS, WHERE IS " basis with no warranties exøressed or implied; buyer's) shall make payment in full the day of the auction, buyer's) shall remove all items the day of the auction unless otherwise provided for. A 10' buYer's premium shall be charqad and retained bv auctioneer as fee for services. Settlement of auction proceeds with the seller shall occur on the 10~ bankinq day followinq the auction. In the event that the terms of this auction require an earnest money deposit, and the purchaser at auction then defaults, the earnest money deposit will be divided equally between the Seller (as damages) and the Auctioneer (as fee). In no event shall the auctioneer receive more than the fee shown above. The Auctioneer shall also receive accnled interest on any escrowed funds. This Agreement is binding upon the parties hereto and their beirs, successors and assigns. Sellar hereby agrees that any suit, action or legal proceeding arising out ot or relating to the auction shall be brought solely and exclusively in the oourts of the State of Florida in and for St. Lucie County, Florida, consents to the juriSdiction of such court in any suit, action or proceeding and wa.ives any objection which it may have to the laying of venue of any such suit, action or proceeding in such court. Further, the parties acknowledge and agree that this Auction Agreement and all transactions contemplated by this Auction Agreement shall be governed by, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida without regard of principles of conflicts of laws. In the event that Auctioneer is required to take any action to enforce the terms of this Auction Agreement. the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover all of their reasonable attorneys' fees and costs. Reasonable attor.neys' fees shall include those fees incurred (a) before, during and after litigation, including those incurred in attempting collection without litigation, (b) in litigating in all trial and appellate levels, (e) in any bankruptcy proceeding and (d) in any post-jUdgment proceeding. SELLER DOES HEREBY WAIVE THE RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY IN RESPECT TO ANY LITIGATION ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH THIS AUC'I'ION AGREEMENT OR THE AUCTION ITSELF. All parties signing this Auction Agreement in any representative capacity represent that they have the authority to sign on behalf of such party or entity. Said Auction is to be conducted on the ~ day of Julv 20-º.L at 10:00 a.m. I........ The personal property listed herein is being sold on a(n) ABSOLUTE basis. WE HAVE READ THE ENTIRE CONTENTS OF THIS AGREEMENT, UNDERSTAND FOLLY THE CONTENTS THEREOF I ACKNOWLEDGE RECEIPT OF A COPY OF SAME. We are not relying upon verbal statements not contained herein. SS# SELLER SS# SELLER AUCTIONEER: KARLIN DANIEL & ASSOCIATES, INC. By AGENDA REQUEST ITEM ~. C-2-C '-' '" DATE: June 18, 2002 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): PURCHASING Michael Rath. Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: Amendment to Concession lease Agreement No. COO-10-042 with Green Seas Environmental Organization International, Inc. BACKGROUND: Green Seas Environmental Organization International, Inc., entered into a Concession lease Agreement on October 18, 2000 to provide boat tours at River Park Marina. Green Seas Environmental Organization International, Inc., has had a transition in leadership and is requesting changes to the Concession lease Agreement as outlined in the attached Amendment. Additionally, the Amendment includes the first of (2) two, one (1) year options to extend the Agreement through October 17,2003. FUNDS AVAilABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board of County Commissioner's approve the amendment to the contract with Green Seas Environmental Organization International, Inc., and authorize the Chairman to sign the amendment as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: [}j APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent Doug derson Cou y Administrator r , Coordination/Signatures Mgt. & Budget '(ILJ r h~ Other: Purchasing Mgr.:(X) Other: (> J. '1'-- County Attomey.(X) ~_>4 Originating Dept: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable) Eft. 1/97 \w- ."", ~ AMENDMENT TO OCTOBER 18, 2000, CONCESSION LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN ST. LUCIE COUNTY AND GREEN SEAS ENVIRONMENTAL ORGANIZA TION INTERNATIONAL, INC. THIS AMENDMENT TO October 18, 2000 Concession Lease Agreement made this day of ,2002, between ST. LUCIE COUNTY, aPolitical Subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the "COUNTY," and GREEN SEAS ENVIRONMENTAL ORGANIZATION INTERNATIONAL, INC. or his, its or their successors, executors, administrators, and assigns hereinafter called the "LESSEE": WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Concession Lease Agreement on October 18, 2000 wherein the Lessee agreed to provide boat tours at River Park Marina, and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the Concession Lease Agreement to exercise their first option to extend the Concession Lease Agreement for an additional one year from October 18, 2002 through and including October 17,2003, and WHEREAS, Lessee has had a transition in leadership and is requesting changes in various other terms of the Concession Lease Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows: 1. as follows: Article 1 Section 1.01 of the Concession Lease Agreement shall be amended to read 1.01 Term. Unless terminated earlier as provided for herein the term of this Concession Lease Agreement shall begin on October 18, 2000 and continue through and including October 17, 2003. It is understood by the parties that the Lessee shall suspend operations and vacate the premises between June 1 and November 1, during each year of the term of this Concession Lease Agreement, as may be extended. 1 '-'" ....I . 2. as follows: Article 2 Section 2.0 I of the Concession Lease Agreement shall be amended to read 2.01 Option to Renew. Provided that there has been no default of the Lease by Lessee. Lessee may, by written notice to and with the approval of the County Administrator or his authorized designee, at least two (2) months before the end of the current term, renew this Lease for one (I) additional period of one (1) year, upon such terms and conditions as the parties may agree. Such period shall run consecutively so as to make this Lease continuous in its operation from the beginning to its termination, a period of four (4) years. In the event that the parties do not agree on terms before the expiration of this Lease, Lessee shall have no further rights under this Lease. 3. Article 5 Section 5.02 of the Concession lease Agreement shall be amended to read as follows: 5.02 Sales Tax. The Lessee shall be liable for the prevailing State of Florida Sales and Use Tax imposed on rent (currently at the rate of6.5%) On the amounts payable to the County under this Lease. 4. Article 6 Section 6.02 of the Concession lease Agreement shall be amended to read as follows: 6.02 County Approval. The Lessee agrees that it will obtain prior written approval from the County in all of the following matters. A. Changes from originally approved specifications, signage, and graphics. B. Equipment Lessee plans to install requiring any modifications. Further, it is understood by the Lessee that should any of the above items be disapproved, Lessee will offer alternative solutions. The County shall be allowed sixty (60) days to reach a decision in any of the above matters and failure to do so within such period shall constitute approval. Lessee shall provide the County with two copies of any new menus, price lists or other sale or rental items with suggested prices prior to use. 5. Article 6 Section 6.05 of the Concession lease Agreement shall be amended to read as follows: 6.05 Minimum Hours of Operation. The Concessions will be required to operate a minimum of two hundred (200) days per year. 2 '-"'" ....; 6. Article 6 Section 6.07 of the Concession lease Agreement shall be amended to read as follows: 6.07 Scope of Services. The Concession granted to the Lessee under this Lease shall include only the operation of boat tours. The Lessee shall not sell or rent, nor offer to sell or rent, any other merchandise, product or piece of equipment, without the prior written approval of the County Administrator or his designee. The parties agree that the scope of the concession may be amended upon mutual written agreement of the parties. 7. Article 6 Section 6.08 of the Concession lease Agreement shall be amended to read as follows: 6.08 Emereencv Response. The Lessee shall provide a means of communications, acceptable to the County Administrator or his designee, by which the Lessee can timely and effectively communicate with County, state or federal emergency response personnel. 8. Article 26 Section 26.01 of the Concession lease Agreement shall be amended to read as follows: 26.01 Notices. Any notices submitted or required by this Lease shall be sent by registered or certified mail and addressed to the parties as follows: To the County: St. Lucie County Administrator 2300 Virginia Avenue Administration Annex Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 With a copy to: St. Lucie County Attorney 2300 Virginia Avenue Administration Annex Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 With a copy to: S1. Lucie County Leisure Services Director 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 To the Lessee: Green Seas Environmental Organization International, Inc. 7505 S. Indian River Drive Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 3 '-' ..."j or to such other address as any party may designate by notice complying with the terms of this Section. Each such notice shall be deemed delivered (a) on the date delivered if by personal delivery, (b) on the date upon which the return receipt is signed or delivery is refused or the notice is designated by the postal authorities as not deliverable, as the case may be, if mailed. 9. Except as amended herein, the remaining terms and conditions of the October 18, 2000 Concession Lease Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment on the date as indicated beIow. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: DEPUTY CLERK CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY WITNESSES: GREEN SEAS ENV1RONMENTAL ORGANIZATION INTERNATIONAL, INC. Print Title g: lattyllcatherine \contracts1a.greeseass 4 ......... ..." Green Seas Environmental Organization International, Inc. Dana G. WadeÆxecutive Director 7505 S. Indian River Dr. Ft Pierce, FL 34932 (772) 466-9549 Green Seas Environmental Organization International, Inc., is requesting the following changes to the CONCESSION LEASE AGREEMENTfor the St Lucie County River Park Marina site, The LEASE to read as follows: ARTICLE 5 5.02 Sales Tax. The Lessee shall be liable for the prevailing State of Florida Sales and Use Tax imposed on rent. ARTICLE 6 6,02 County Approval. 'IC'" shall be deleted 6.05 Minimum Hours of Operation. The concession wilI be required to operate a minimum of two hundred (200) days per year. 6.07 Sco.¡Je of Services. The Concession granted to the Lessee under this Lease shall include only the operation of boat tours. 6.08 Emer¡ency Re~nse. The Lessee shall provide a means of communications, acceptable to the County Administrator or his designee, by which the Lessee can timely and effectively communicate with County, state or federal emergency response personnel. ARTICLE 26 26.01 Notices. To the Lessee: Green Seas Environmental Organization International, Inc. 7505 S. Indian River Drive Ft Pierce, Florida 34982 '-' J Green Seas Environmental Organization International, Inc. Dana G, WadeiExecutive Director 7505 S. Indian River Dr. F1. Pierce, FL 34982 (772) 466-9549 May 1. 2002 To whom it may concern; Green Seas Environmental Organization International, Inc., a Florida non-profit organi71ltion, will operate a leisure service of scenic river boat cruises from Northport Marina Island in Port S1. Lucie, for a mlnirnwn of two hundred (200) days per year. All licenses required for conducting business in 51. Lucie County are current to date. The vessel in operation is USCG approved with current inspections to date and will be operated by a U.S. Coast Guard licensed Captain/IOO Ton Master, In conclusion, we have lived in S1. Lucie County for over fifteen years and can truly appreciate the natural SUfTOl.mdings of the North Fork of the 81. Lucie River, We feel fortunate to be able to introduce this leisure service to the geneml public on such a personalized level. The eounty will be enhancing the opportunity for eeo-tourism as well as offering residents the chance to experience the priceless beauty in our own backyard Thank you for your time concerning this matter. Sincerely, Dana G. Wade Executive Director ¡O~( ,.-!J, ?U ~~ ~f)~ 04/29/02 ~ON 09:46 FAl 561 3982707 Du~e Lang ~OOl '"", ~ CfREEN SEAS eN"'~ONHENTA' O~4AN'2AlI0N INl£l:NiH' "NAL. INC.. 1437 S.~ CoIcbnœr Cin:Ic Port Sl Lucie. Florida 34952 PIIOIIc: rm> 393-0947 Fax: (772) 398-2707 E-mail: Gra:meas2@ao1.=m Ceulllar.rm> 971-9380 VHF hdio: CIwIDel6ll.t 16 PROVIDING rHE VOLUNTEE R WOR" FOKC£ TO REPLANT THE MANGROVE fORESTS Linda Brown St Lucie County Leisure Services 2300 Virginia Avenue Ft. Pierce. .Fl34982 April 29, 2002 Dear Linda. G~!f('lS Environmental OrVni7.11tion has had a transition in leadership. The new president is Mr. Dana Wade. AD necessary Florida State DocUJDCDts have been cbauged to reflect the new officers, all orpní7Jltiooal documents have been entrusted to Mr. Wade's care. Dana Wade and his wife Dina are probably the most knowledgeable people regarding Sl Lucie County flora and fauna on the St Lucie River North Fork. and have been providing highly acclaimed environmental river cxcursioÐs for the past six years. Addi1icmally. the couple arc well known for their phill1nthTOpiC worlc in the area: They arc also known to the administration at the county environmental leaming center and arc interested in working with groups who want to learn more about the river and it's environmental health. Over the past three years, we have cn:atcd a data base that clearly indicates that providing enviromncnta1 excursions on the river is sttictlya scasoœJ busiDess and limited to those months when people from the uorth come to Florida. Any cruise operaror must be somewhat financially independent as revenue from cruises is iDsufficicnt to be considered a livable income as captain Jim Roberts can attest. Caplaiu Roberts bas put his boat. River Explorer, OD the market aDd is seekins opportuDÏties for higher income. In this industry. expenses are annual and high while revenue is seasonal and moderate at best. Other interesting facts that were evident: from the data base indicates that a boat with a capacity of approximalely 15 to 20 people and propelled by single ecoDOmic::a14 cycle cuginc is required to pOSS1bJy be successful. This was recogni2:ed after Capt. Bob's 44 passenger, twin engine boat, the 32 passenger, twin 4 cycle engine Lagoon Explorer and single engine, 6 passenger River Explorer failed to be able to make sufficient revenue to offset expenses, even with significant high viSlòility advertising. 1. 04/29/02 MON 09:46 FAX 561 3982707 ,._.0'_- '_.. __ . ---_.__.__ -.- _.. ,_. . . ... . __ __Duane Lang ~002 '-' ..., We did have certain successes however, in addition to the art contest for Lincoln Park Academy art students. we also spousorcd a cruise for the children from Hibiscus House. After the cruise. a ioìnt effort between Greenseas and the Sl Lucie Yacht Club provided chocolate Sundaes and sodas to the children on the venmda of the Yacht Club. Club members did the serving Greenseas purchased the goodies_ Two OUt of state groups from the Sierra Club were also given free ctuiscs and a free Christmas Parade cruise was given to local residents aboard the Lagoon Explorer. Tbe Wade's 19 passenger boat, River Lilly, that will be replacing the River Explorer has all ofthc appropriate USCG documentation and equipment. The vessel also has the insurance limits required by the county. h is felt that the Wade's will provide an exc:cptíonal service to Sl Lucie County. Greenseas would like to exercise the upcoming two year contract option and continue seamless service in providing environmcDtal excursions on the St Lucie River North Fork ~st~ ./ ~~. Duane G. Lang c:T '-' :it" (!IJO - ( 0 _ oj 1.- .,1- CONCESSION LEASE AGREEMENT THIS LEASE is made and entered into this / t;fh day Of{Jc.ftJhvJ, 2000, by and between St. Lucie County (the "County") a political subdivision of the State of Florida, and Green Seas Environmental Organization International, Inc. (the "Lessee"), a Florida non-profit organization. ARTICLE 1 1.01 Term. The County, hereby leases to the Lessee for a term of two (2) years, the Site described in Article 3.01 below for the operation of a boat tour concession facility within S t. Lucie County and at the Site noted herein, hereafter called the "Facility" or "Concession." ARTICLE 2 2.01 Option to Renew. Provided that there has been no default of the Lease by Lessee. Lessee may, by written notice to and with the approval of the County Administrator or his authorized designee, at least hvo (2) months before the end of the current term, renew this Lease for two (2) additional period of one (1) year, upon such terms and conditions as the parties may agree. Such periods shall run consecutively so as to make this Lease continuous in its operation from the beginning to its termination, a period of four (4) years. In the event that the parties do not agree on terms before the expiration of this Lease, Lessee shall have no further rights under this Lease. 2.02 Facility and Concession Lease A~reement. This Lease is exclusive only to the Site and authorized Concession described herein. Nothing contained in this Lease shall preclude the County from charging fees for, including but not limited to parking, admission, pavilion rental and special events. ARTICLE 3 3.01 Site Description. A map of the River Park Marina site (the "Site") showing the location for the Site leased to the Lessor under this Facilities and Concession Lease Agreement is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "A." ARTICLE 4 4.01 Lessee Responsibilitv. The Lessee or his subcontractors are independent contractors and are not employees or agents of the County. Nothing in this Lease shall be interpreted to establish any relationship other than that of an independent contractor, between the County and the Lessee, its employees, agents, subcontractors, or assigns, during or after the performance of this Lease, ARTICLE 5 5.01 Comnensation. Lessee shall provide a minimum of twenty-four (24) free tours per year from the Site. The County Administrator or his designee shall provide the Lessee with a minimum of -1- \...- ~ 48 hours written notice of an intent to exercise a free trip. The County Administrator or his designee shall designate the usage of the 24 free trips. 5.02 Sales Tax. The Lessee shall be liable for the prevailing State of Florida Sales and Use Tax imposed on rent(currently at the rate of 6.5%) on the amounts payable to the County under this Lease. This Sales and Use Tax shall be payable to the County that in turn will remit same, less authorized handling deductions, to the State. 5.03 Utility Reimbursement. The Lessee shall pay the utility charges. 5.04 Pavment of Fees. The Lessee shall pay all rents, fees, and charges, and submit all reports required by this Lease to the following: Department of Leisure Services 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 In the event Lessee fails to pay any of the rentals, fees, or charges as required to be paid under the provisions of this Lease within ten (10) days after same shall become due, interest at the rate of one percent (1%) per month shall accrue against the delinquent payment(s) until same are paid. Implementation of this provision shall not precIude the County from terminating this Lease for default in the payment of rentals, fees, or charges, or from enforcing any other provisions contained herein. 5.05 Reports and Records. A. The Lessee shall maintain during the term ofthis Lease all books of account, reports, and records customarily used in this type of operation and such records as are necessary to document its activities pursuant to this Lease and all monies collected hereunder, not limited to gross receipts. All required records shall be available to the County Administrator or his designee and the County auditors at a reasonable location in S1. Lucie County, Florida for a period offive (5) years after the end of any lease year. The form of all such records and reports shall be subject to the approval of the County prior to commencement of operations, and subsequent recommendations for changes, additions, or deletions. ARTICLE 6 6.01 Advertisement. Lessee may advertise on County Property subject to the approval of the County Administrator or his designee. Description of the advertising shall be submitted to the County Administrator or his designee for approval which approval shall be granted or denied within 20 days. Failure to respond by the County Administrator or his designee within the 20 day period will be deemed approval. 6.02 County Approval. The Lessee agrees that it will obtain prior written approval from the County in all of the following matters. -2- """ JwJ1.- A. Changes from originally approved specifications, signage, and graphics. B. Equipment Lessee plans to install requiring any modifications. C. Changes to their prices_ Further, it is understood by the Lessee that should any of the above items be disapproved, Lessee will offer alternative solutions. The County shall be allowed sixty (60) days to reach a decision in any of the above matters and failure to do so within such period shall constitute approval. Lessee shall provide the County with two copies of any new menus, price lists or other sale or rental items with suggested prices prior to use. 6.03 Countv Aporoval ofChan!:!e. The County reserves the right with stated just cause to require the Lessee to change within a stated time any and all items contained in Article 6 of this Lease it deems in need of change, despite previous approval of same. 6.04 Public Contact of Lessee's Emolovees. Lessee's employees in contact with the public shall perfonn their duties efficiently and courteously. Failure of an employee to do so shall be grounds for the County to demand his or her removal from duties. All employees, except the Site manager and assistant manager, shall be distinctively unifonned or appropriately attired so as to be distinguishable as the Lessee's employees, 6.05 Minimum Hours of Operation. The Concessions will be required to operate aU minimum of two hundred (200) days per year from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Sufficient attendants will be available to provide outstanding service. Prior to the signing of this Lease, the Lessee shall submit a schedule of intended hours of operation to the County for approval. The County may require a change in days and hours of operation if, in the discretion of the County, such a change is desirable in providing the best service to the public. 6.06 Oualitv of Lessee's Services. A. The Lessee shall conduct its operation in an orderly manner so as not to annoy, disturb, or be offensive to customers, patrons, or others in the immediate vicinity of such operations. B. The Lessee shall control the conduct, demeanor, and appearance of its officers, members, employees, agents, representatives, customers and patrons, and upon an objection of the County concerning the conduct, demeanor, or appearance of any such person, Lessee shall immediately take all necessary steps to correct the cause of such objections. C. Lessee shall take good care of the Site, shall use the same in a careful manner and shall, at its own cost and expense, keep and maintain the same in constant good and substantial condition and repair, and upon the expiration of this Lease, or its tennination in any manner, shall deliver said Site to the County in no worse -3- \w. ",-,,- condition than the same was at the commencement of this Lease, loss by fire or other casualty and ordinary wear and tear only exceptions. D. Lessee shall furnish good, prompt, and efficient service, adequate to meet all reasonable demands therefore. 6.07 Sco{le of Services. The Concession granted to the Lessee under this Lease shall include only the operation of boat tours. The boat tours shall operate from either two 6 passenger pontoon excursion vessels or one 32 passenger pontoon excursion vessel. The two smaller vessels are in the USCG "T", uninspected class of vessels while the one 32 passenger vessel is subchapter 7, USCG inspected. The scope of services to be provided under this Lease is set forth in the Proposal to Provide S1. Lucie Waterways cruises attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit "B". Any conflict between the terms and conditions of Exhibit "B" and the terms and conditions of this Lease shall be interpreted in favor of this Lease. The Lessee shall not sell or rent, nor offer to sell or rent, any other merchandise, product or piece of equipment, without the prior written approval of the County Administrator or his designee. The parties agree that the scope of the concession may be amended upon mutual written agreement of the parties. 6.08 Emer!!encv ResDonse. The Lessee shall provide a means of communications, acceptable to the County Administrator or his designee, by which the Lessee can timely and effectiveIy communicate with County, state or federal emergency response personnel. The Lessee shall maintain an emergency response boat, acceptable to the County Administrator or his designee, at the Site during all times of operations, ARTICLE 7 7.01 AssÏ!mment. Sublettin!! and Successors in Interest. Lessee shall not sublease the Site in whole or any part, or assign this Lease to any other persons or firm without first obtaining the County Administrator or his designee's written approval. It is covenanted and agreed that all covenants, conditions, agreements and undertakings contained in this lease shall extend to and be binding on any respective successors, assignees or sublease accepted by the County. ARTICLE 8 8.01 Alcoholic Bevera!!es. Lessee shall not sell give or otherwise distribute any alcoholic beverages while on County property nor allow any customer to bring any alcoholic beverage off the tour boat, in accordance with Florida State Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco regulations. -4- '-' ~ ARTICLE 9 9.01 Structures and Improvements. The Lessee shall not construct or place nor cause to be constructed or placed, any structure or other improvements at the site without the express -wntten approval of the County Administrator or his designee, It shall be the responsibility of the Lessee to obtain and pay for any local, state or federal permits or permissions required to construct or place any structures at the Site. 9.02 Eauipment Installed bv Lessee. A. All equipment, furnishing, signing, and advertising installed by the Lessee shall be in keeping with the appropriate standards of decor at the facilities and must be approved by the County prior to installation. The Lessee shall not install, remove, or replace the equipment or furnishings, and improvements that the County may approve from time to time, Lessee shall provide to the County a certified statement by an independent Certified Public Accountant setting forth the cost of such equipment, furnishings or improvements and the date upon which the installation of such equipment, furnishings, and improvements was completed. B. Lessee agrees that all equipment, furnishings, and improvements provided shall meet the requirements of all applicable building, fire, pollution, and other related codes. C. Lessee shall not alter or modify any portion the Site, the leased premises or the improvements constructed therein without first obtaining written approval from the County. D. Lessee shall not sell, convey, mortgage, pledge, or otherwise dispose of any of the equipment or furnishings installed on the leased premises without prior written consent of the County. 9.03 Ownership ofImprovementslEauipment. It is the intention of the parties to this Lease that all fixtures, furnishings, equipment or improvements provided by Lessee shall at the termination of the Lease become the property of the County. Lessee agrees to execute and deliver any improvements/equipment to the County within thirty (30) days from the tennination of this Lease. Prior to the installation of any such equipment or improvements, the Lessee shall provide the County with an invoice or other documentation of the cost ofthe equipment or improvements along with the manufacturer's or contractor's estimated useful life for the equipment or improvement. ARTICLE 10 10.01 Maintenance Responsibilities of Lessee. Appearance of the Site: Lessee shall, at its sole cost and expense, keep and maintain the Site in a first-class condition during the term of this Lease and any extensions thereof. Lessee shall be responsible for the maintenance of all equipment, furnishings and fixtures used or useful at the Site. Lessee shall be responsible for the removal of all trash from the Site generated by the Concession. Lessee shall use an approved marine sewage pump -5- '-' .- ..., out service for wastewater removal from the tour boat. Lessee shall be responsible for security for boat and dock, as required. 10.02 Damae-es. Lessee shall repair all damage to the leased or non leased portions of the Site caused by the Lessee, its employees, agents, or independent contractors. ARTICLE 11 11.01 Ouiet Eniovment of Leased Propertv. The County covenants and agrees that so long as no default exists in the performance of Lessee's covenants and agreements contained herein, Lessee shall peaceably and quietly hold and enjoy the lease site and all parts thereof free from eviction or disturbance by the County or any persons claiming under, by or through the County. ARTICLE 12 12.01 Indemnification. To the extent of the insurance coverage set out in Article 16, Concessionaire agrees to indemnify and save the County (and its directors, officers, employees and agents) harmless from any liability, losses, damages, judgments, liens, expenses and costs (including, without limitation, reasonable attorneys' fees) sustained or incurred in connection with any claims, demands, suits, actions or proceedings made or brought against any such party as a result of any negligent act or omission of Concessionaire (or its directors, officers, employees and agents) in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement. For the purpose of this section, the tenn "County" shall be deemed to include the Board of County Commissioners and its agent~, employees and affiliates. The indemnifications contained herein shall survive the expiration or termination. ARTICLE 13 13.01 Liabilitv for Damal!e or Iniun'. The County shall not be liable for any damage or injury that may be sustained by any party or persons on the leased Site or connected in any way with the Lessee's operation of the Site other than damage or injury caused solely by the negligence of the County. ARTICLE 14 14.01 Dama~e or Destruction of Premises. If the leased Site is partially damaged, but not rendered unusable for the purposes of this Lease, the same shall be repaired with due diligence by the Lessee at its cost and expense, and for the period of the Lessee's business interruption a pro-rata adjustment shall be made. ARTICLE 15 15.01 Inl!ress and El!ress. Subject to the rules, regulations, statutes, and ordinances governing the use of the Site, Lessee, his agents, servants, patrons and invitees, and his suppliers of service and furnisher of materials, shall have the right of ingress and egress to and from the Site. -6- '-' ...., - ARTICLE 16 16.01 Insurance. The Lessee shall maintain the following insurance during the term of this Lease: A. Workmen's Compensation and Employer's Liabilitv Insurance Workers' Compensation Insurance shall provide for the limits required by law. The Employer's Liability shall be for a limit of no less than five hundred thousand and no/IOO dollars ($500,000). If Lessee, his partners, or officers request a waiver of exemption under Florida law, Lessee agrees to provide full disclosure of this waiver to the County and the County shall have the right to rej ect Lessee's waiver of exemption. B. Marine Liability Insurance Lessee shall provide Protection and Indemnity Insurance written on an occurrence basis, including third party liability, Crew Liability, Commercial Passenger Liability and USL&HW, for a limit of no less than One million and 00/100 dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence, combined single limits for bodily injury, illness and property damage. The County shall be named as an additional insured under all of the above policies. C. General Liabilitv Insurance Lessee shall provide Commercial General Liability insurance written on an occurrence basis, including product liability/completed operations, contractual liability, for a limit of no less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit for bodily injury, illness and property damage. The County shall be named as an additional insured under all of the above policies. The insurance required shall include those classifications as listed in Standard Liability and Marine Liability Insurance Manuals, which most nearly reflect the operations of the Lessee under this Lease. All insurance policies required under this Lease shall be issued by companies authorized to do business under the laws of the State of Florida, with the following qualifications as to management and financial strength: All insurance policies shall be written with companies licensed and authorized to write business in the State of Florida and shall be in accordance with the latest edition of Best's Key Rating Guide, published by A.M. Best Company; having a rating of A or better and a financial rating of X or better. The Lessee shall furnish Certificates of Insurance to the County at lease fifteen (15) days prior to the commencement of operations, which Certificates shall clearly indicate that the Lessee has obtained insurance in the type, amount and classifications as required for strict compliance with the terms of this Lease and clearly that the County has been named as an additional named insured where applicable. -7- '-' .....r The County reserves the right to reasonably amend the insurance requirements by the issuance of notice in writing to the Lessee. Article 17 17.01 Termination bv County. A. The County may tenninate this Lease without notice upon the occurrence of any of the following events. 1. Institution of proceedings in voluntary bankruptcy by the Lessee. 2. Institution of proceedings in involuntary bankruptcy against the Lessee if such proceedings continue for a period ninety (90) days. 3. Assignment by Lessee for the benefit of creditors. 4. Abandonment by Lessee of, and discontinuance of operations hereunder. 5. Failure to maintain required insurance 6. If the Lessee fails to pass a St. Lucie County Health Department health/sanitation inspection, Lessee shall remedy the violation within a fourteen (14)day period or this Lease shall tenninate automatically as to the Site in violation. 7. If the Lessee fails to pass a marine safety inspection, Lessee shall remedy the violation within a seven (7) day period or this Lease shall tenninate automatically as to the Site in violation. B. The County shall have the right, after seven (7) calendar days written notice sent by registered or certified mail to the Lessee specifying the amount of payment(s) in default, to tenninate this Lease whenever the nonpayment of any sum or sums due hereunder continues for a period often (10) caIendar days after the due date for such payments; provided, however, that such tennination shall not be effective if Lessee makes the required payment(s) during the seven (7) caIendar days period following receipt of the written notice. Each such notice shall be deemed delivered (a) on the date delivered ifby personal delivery, (b) on the date upon which the retum receipt is signed or delivery is refused or the notice is designated by the postal authorities as not deliverable, as the case may be, if mailed. C. The County shall have the right to tenninate this Lease after thirty (30) days written notice sent by registered or certified mail to the lessee, of the occurrence of one or more of the following, unless the same shall have been corrected within such period. -8- '-' ~'...I A. Nonperformance of any covenant of this Lease and failure of the Lessee to remedy such breach. B. The conduct of any business or the merchandising of any product of service not specifically authorized herein. Each such notice shall be deemed delivered (a) on the date delivered if by personal delivery, (b) on the date upon which the return receipt is signed or delivery is refused or the notice is designated by the postal authorities as not deliverable, as the case may be, if mailed. 17.02 Termination bv Lessee. Lessee shall have the right upon thirty (30) calendar days written notice to the County to terminate this Lease at any time after the occurrence of one or more of the following events: A. Issuance by any court of competent jurisdiction of any injunction substantially restricting the use of the Site for commercial purposes, and the remaining in force of said injunction for more than ninety (90) calendar days. B. A breach by the County of any of the terms, covenants, or conditions contained in this Lease and the failure of the County to remedy such breach for sixty (60) calendar days after receipt of written notice sent by registered or certified mail from the Lessee of the existence of such breach. 17.03 Termination without Cause. Either party may terminate this Lease without cause upon ninety (90) days prior written notice to the other party. ARTICLE 18 18.01 Non-Discrimination. A. That Lessee for itself, its personal representatives, successors in interest, and assigns, as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree that: 1. No person on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of said facilities. 2. That in the construction of any improvements on, over, or under such land and the furnishing of services thereon, no person on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or otherwise be subjected to discrimination, -9- '-' --.",; - 3. That the Lessee shall use the Site in compliance with all other requirements imposed by or pursuant to Title 45, code of Federal Regulations, Article 80, Nondiscrimination under programs receiving Federal Assistance, B. That in the event of breach of any of the above nondiscrimination covenants, the County shall have the right to terminate the concession and to re-enter and repossess the Site thereon and hold the same as if said concession had never been made or issued. C. Lessee shall not discriminate against any employees or applicants for employment to be employed in the performance of the contract with respect to hiring, tenure, terms, conditions, or privileges of empIoyment, or any matter directly or indirectly related to employment because of age, sex, or physical handicap (except where based on a bonafide occupational qualification); or because of marital status, race, color, religion, national origin, or ancestry. ARTICLE 19 19.01 Rules and Re~ulations. The Lessee will observe, obey and comply with all rules and regulations adopted by the County and all laws, ordinances and/or rules and regulations of other governmental units and agencies having lawful jurisdiction, which may be applicable to Lessee's operations under this Lease. ARTICLE 20 20.01 Pavment of ObIi~ations. Lessee shall pay all taxes and other costs lawfully assessed against its leasehold interest in the leased Site, its improvements and its operations under the Lease provided, however, that Lessee shall not be deemed to be in default of its obligations under this Lease for failure to pay such taxes pending the outcome of any legal proceedings instituted to determine the validity of such taxes, ARTICLE 21 21.01 Availability of Lessee's Records. Lessee shall make available to the County's Auditors anytime from Monday through Friday, inclusive, between the hours of9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. all books of account, reports, records, and other pertinent information relating to Lessee's Operations as may be required for audit purposes hereunder, as determined by the County, ARTICLE 22 22.01 Insoection bv County. The County may make periodic inspections of all of the leased premises and equipment to determine if such are being maintained in a neat and orderly condition. The Lessee shall be required to make any improvements in cleaning or maintenance methods required by the County. Such periodic inspections may also be made to determine whether the Lessee is operating in compliance with the terms and provisions of this Lease. -10- ~ ~ ARTICLE 23 23.01 Facilitv Reoairs. Alterations and Additions bv the County. The County shall have the absolute right, without limitations to make any repairs, alterations, and additions to any structures and facilities at the Site, including any facilities which maybe leased under this Lease, free from any and all liability to the Lessee for loss of business or damages of any nature whatsoever, except pro-rata rental adjustments as set forth in Article 14.01, during the making of such repairs, alterations, and additions. ARTICLE 24 24.01 Termination of Contract. The Lessee, within seventy-two (72) hours following the tennination of this Lease, shall forthwith remove all of its personal property not acquired by the County under the terms of this Lease. Personal property as defIned herein shall not include any fIxtures, equipment and improvements pennanentlyaffixed, Any personal property of Lessee not removed in accordance with this Article may be removed by the County for storage at the cost of Lessee or shall constitute a gratuitous transfer of title thereofto the County for whatever disposition is deemed to be in the best interest of the County. The County shall not be liable to Lessee for the safekeeping of Lessee's personal property. Upon termination of this lease and the removal of all personal property by Lessee shall restore the Site to a neat, clean, and habitable condition. ARTICLE 25 25.10 Indul!!ence Not Waiver. The indulgence of either party with regard to any breach or failure to perform any provision of this Lease shall not be deemed to constitute a waiver of the provision of any portion of this Lease at either the time the breach or failure occurs or anytime throughout the term of this Lease. ARTICLE 26 26.01 Notices. Any notices submitted or required by this Lease shall be sent by registered or certifIed mail and addressed to the parties as follows: To the County: St. Lucie County Administrator 2300 Virginia Avenue Administration Annex Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 With a copy to: St. Lucie County Attomey 2300 Virginia Avenue Administration Annex Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 -11- ~ ··....r ARTICLE 23 23.01 Facilitv Repairs. Alterations and Additions bv the Countv. The County shall have the absolute right, without limitations to make any repairs, alterations, and additions to any structures and facilities at the Site, including any facilities which maybe leased under this Lease, free from any and all liability to the Lessee for loss of business or damages of any nature whatsoever, except pro-rata rental adjustments as set forth in Article 14.0 I, during the making of such repairs, alterations, and additions. ARTICLE 24 24.01 Termination of Contract. The Lessee, within seventy-two (72) hours following the termination of this Lease, shall forthwith remove all of its personal property not acquired by the County under the terms of this Lease. Personal property as defmed herein shall not include any fixtures, equipment and improvements permanently affixed, Any personal property of Lessee not removed in accordance with this Article may be removed by the County for storage at the cost of Lessee or shall constitute a gratuitous transfer of title thereof to the County for whatever disposition is deemed to be in the best interest of the County. The County shall not be liable to Lessee for the safekeeping of Lessee's personal property. Upon termination of this lease and the removal of all personal property by Lessee shall restore the Site to a neat, clean, and habitable condition, ARTICLE 25 25.10 Indul~ence Not Waiver. The indulgence of either party with regard to any breach or failure to perform any provision of this Lease shall not be deemed to constitute a waiver of the provision of any portion of this Lease at either the time the breach or failure occurs or anytime throughout the term of this Lease. ARTICLE 26 26.01 Notices. Any notices submitted or required by this Lease shall be sent by registered or certified mail and addressed to the parties as follows: To the County: S1. Lucie County Administrator 2300 Virginia Avenue Administration Annex Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 With a copy to: S1. Lucie County Attorney 2300 Virginia Avenue Administration Annex Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 -11- "-' ~....,J With a copy to: St. Lucie County Leisure Services Director 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 To the Lessee: Green Seas Environmental Organization International, Inc. 1437 $.E. Colchester Circle Port St. Lucie, Florida 34952 or to such other address as any party may designate by notice complying with the terms of this Section. Each such notice shall be deemed delivered (a) on the date delivered if by personal delivery, (b) on the date upon which the return receipt is signed or delivery is refused or the notice is designated by the postal authorities as not deliverabIe, as the case may be, if mailed. ARTICLE 27 27.01 Interpretation~ Veoue. This Lease constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior verbal or written agreements between the parties with respect thereto. This Lease may be amended only by written document, properly authorized, executed and deliverable by both parties hereto. This Lease shall be interpreted as a whole unit and section headings are for convenience only. All interpretations shall be governed by laws of the State of Florida. In the event it is necessary for either party to initiate legal action regarding this Lease, venue shall be in the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit for St. Lucie County, Florida for claims under state law and the Southern District of Florida for any claims which are justiciable in federal-court. Waiver of any breach shall not constitute waiver of any other breach invalidation of any portion of this Lease shall not automatically invalidate the entire Lease. ARTICLE 28 28.01 ATTORNEYS' FEES AND COSTS. In the event of any dispute concerning the terms and conditions of this Lease or in the event of any action by any party to this Lease to judicially interpret or enforce this Lease or any provision hereof, or in any dispute arising in any manner from this Lease, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its reasonable costs, fees and expenses, including but not limited to, witness fees, expert fees, consultant fees, attorney, paralegal and legal assistant fees, costs and expenses and other professional fees, costs and expenses, whether suit be brought or not, and whether any settlement shall be entered in any declaratory action, at trial or on appeal. The liability of the Lessee and its surety or sureties for such fees and costs is joint and several. ARTICLE 29 29.01 CONFLICT OF INTEREST. The Lessee represents that it presently has no interest and shall acquire no interest, either direct or indirect, which would conflict in any manner with the performance of services required -12- '-' .~ hereunder, as provided for in Section 112.311, Florida Statutes (1997) and as may be amended from time to time. The Lessee further represents that no person having any interest shall be employed for said perfonnance. The Lessee shall promptly notify the County in writing by certified mail of all potential conflicts ofinterest prohibited by existing state law for any prospective business association, interest or other circumstance that may influence or appear to influence the Lessee's judgment or quality of services being provided hereunder. Such \Vl'Ítten notification shall identify the prospective business association, interest or circumstance, the nature ofW ork that the Lessee may undertake and request an opinion of the County whether the association, interest or circumstance would, in the opinion of the County, constitute a conflict of interest if entered by the Lessee. The County agrees to notify the Lessee ofits opinion by certified mail within thirty (30) days of receipt of notification by the Lessee. If, in the opinion of the County, the prospective business association, interest or circumstance would not constitute a conflict of interest by the Lessee, the County shall so state in the notification and the Lessee shall, at his/her option, enter into said association, interest or circumstance and it shall be deemed not in conflict of interest with respect to services provided to the County by the under the tenns of this Lease, ARTICLE 30 30.01 MEDIATION. In the event ofa dispute between the parties in connection with this Lease, the parties agree to submit the disputed issue or issues to a mediator for non binding mediation prior to filing a lawsuit. The parties shall agree on a mediator chosen from a list of certified mediators available' from the Clerk of Court for S1. Lucie County. The fee of the mediator shall be shared equally by the parties. To the extent allowed by law, the mediation process shall be confidential and the results of the mediation or any testimony or argument introduced at the mediation shall not be admissible as evidence in any subsequent proceeding concerning the disputed issue. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Lease to be executed by their appropriate officials, of the date first above \Vl'Ítten. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LU E UNTY, FLORIDA BY:. Jf3J- HAIR1'1AN OVED AS TO FORi\1 AND CORRECTNESS: ij~}.COUNTY A~ . -13- ~ ~ WITNESSES: _0\ ~~ ~~1~~ - \c..rYÙ~ ~\A-t\5 g: iJlttylkatherinelLSE-GreenSeas GREEN SEAS ENVIRO~1ENT AL ORGAt"lZATIONINTER1~ATIONAL, INe. <:¡2<~~.0, ~ Print..=::ò.....{. LJ.e Lt4Nc- Title £f....e.c......ci¡ð-t: "':LJ:t-<.::6c/' -14- '-'" -....r EXHIBIT "A" Site Usage Includes: Concession Hut Parking Area (nonexclusive Dock '-' .....¡ .- GREEN SEAS ENl¡I~ONHENïAL Of.GANfZAitON I NTH.NATI ONA L.lNe.. 1437 S.E- Colclu:st..-r Circle POlt SL Lucie, Florida 34952 Phoce: (561) 398-0947 Fa.""C: (56!) 398-2707 E-mail: Gr=1se-as2:ã:aolccm Cellular:(561) 971-9380 v1iF Radio: Chmmel 68 &: 16 PROVIDING THE. VOLUNrEE R WORK FORCE. TO REPLANT THE PROPOSAL TO PROVIDE ST. LUCIE WATERWAYS CRUlSES . MANGROVE FORESTS GreenSeas Environmental Organization. a Florida Non-Profit Organization would like to form a partnership with St Lucie County to offer "St Lucie Waterways Cruises" on ~e St Lucie River, North fork beginning October 2, 2000. Cruises are segmented into 2 categories, revenue generating cruises and no-cost cruises. Revenue generating cruises are open to the general public and are designed to offer an opportunity to see our environmentally sensitive waterways while providing financial support for cruise operations. No-cost cruises are specifically designed to generate awareness of out local waterways environment and habitat by classes of school children. senior citizen groups, County Administration groups, visiting dignitaries and visiting groups of environmentalists, GreenSeas will operate two 6 passenger vessels for small groups and one 32 passenger vessel for larger groups. The 2 smaller vessels are in the USCG "1"", uninspected class of vessels while the 32 passenger vessel is subchapter T, USCG inspected. The GreenSeas Flagship, the two masted schooner Sequoia is also available for use by previously stated or~ni-nltions and groups, but is too large to be collocated with the other cruise vessels. GreenSeas is a member of the National Cruise Operators Organization (NACO) and is insured to the appropriate levels stated in the RFP by the NACO Groups Insurance for the cruise industry. All cruise vessels are pontoon excursion vessels. It is our plan to convert all vessels to electric propulsion as soon as practical. ; Initially,4 cruises per day shall be offered, 7 days per week in order to define optimum passenger participation. An additional daylight evening cruise will be offered to test passenger response. Cruise times will be posted at the park location, and a minimum of one Vessel Master will be present during scbeduled cruise hours. Each cruise shall be approximately 1 1/4 hour long and follow the route defined on page 3. Tbe fare that will initially be charged is $12 per person; however, due that GreenSeas is a non-profit or~ni:rntion. a certificate for an $8 ta."{ deductible donation will be issued in accordance with provisions of IRS 501(c)3 guidance for non-profit organizations_ This is a significant benefit to individuals and groups buying cruises. Free group cruises will be scheduled between nonnally scbeduled revenue generating ~xcursions. An additional nuance and benefit is that only a two hour prior notification is needed for bonafide no-<:ost cruise groups. The accompanying photographs clearly show the beauty of the waterways. Passing under the ~ ~ " ~I'k . .1.. h .1.'- .."","- a Vis-..a bridge 1S 1 e passmg uJl"oug a gate'W"aY to we m~C!'.1TIcence ofFloriåa as it was a hundred years ago with it's jungle en...,ironment and plethora of birds and """lId liÎe. .NO COST CRùìSES: By the very nature of transporting groups of children, senior citizens and others, plannin2 and execution of each cruise requires significantly greater detail. For larger group cruises, we - plan to have a 40 passenger USCG certified vessel available shortly after normal cruises belZÏn. With school groups, we are prepared to offer a 1 hour course of classroom instruction to th; participating class. Forty minutes will be devoted to the Red Mangrove, it's importance and place in the natural environment and other detai]s regarding the need for mangrove reforestation and planting methods. The last fifteen minutes of the class will be a safety briefing concerning the cruise, wearing ofpersonaI flotation devices and awareness of various plants, amph1bians and " reptiles to stay a'WaY from. The same course of instruction may be offered to groups .of seniors. No cost cruises will also follow the same route unless there is specific interest in another area. Each cruise shall be 1 hour and I 0 minutes in duration. Any time a group of either school .' children or seniors is scheduled, communications such as cell phone and vhf marine radio will be place on board to permit essential communications with schools and emergency personnel Communications will be tested prior to vessel departure. It is recommended that school groups should be attended by one adult per 10 children. We welcome special education classes also but require one adult per three children for safety reasons. . No cost cruises have been discussed with the Audibon Society and Sierra Club. Their request for cruises at day break is interesting. It is felt that all no cost cruises can be scheduled between normally scheduled cruises, The cruises will generate no trash as no food or beverages will be sold on board. \Vhile the cruises are a small segment of Green Seas overall mangrove reforestation objectives, we consider them a high priority. Each October beginning in year 2001, all vessels are to be used in ~ng mangrove seed for replanting in zones designated by the State. In addition to enVironmental course which will further be enhanced, an excellent opportunity exists for students to participate in the actual work of mangrove harvesting and reforestation along with Green Seas volunteers. The most significant benefit to St Lucie County is in having a fully developed and very active environmental education and research program available to add to other programs for it's planned Center for Environmental Leaming. Due diligence and caution is being exercised in developing cruises that can be sustained and be available to the public year after year and serve as an attraction and value added educational tool to our County. '-' AGENDA REQUEST ITEM ~. C-2-D " DATE: June 18, 2002 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Purchasinq Michael Rath, Purchasinq Director SUBJECT: Award of Bid No. 02-063, Purchase of Dump Trucks BACKGROUND: On May 8,2002 bids were opened forthe purchase of three (3) models of Dump Trucks for the Road and Bridge Division. Seven hundred thirty-four (734) vendors were notified, thirty-three (33) bid documents were distributed and seven (7) bids were received (tabulation attached). Three (3) trucks were to be purchased in the FY02 budget (EQ02-113, EQ02-115 and EQ02-116). In October of 2001, a 1998 International Dump Truck was in an accident and considered a total loss. The County received $29,393.33 from the insurance company. Budget Resolution No. 02-165 is attached to recognize the insurance settlement for the wrecked dump truck and cover the balance offunds required to purchase a replacement vehicle. The Road and Bridge Division has reviewed the bids received and recommends, in an effort to standardize the fleet, that the bid be awarded for the purchase of two (2) 14/16 Cy Dump Trucks (Item No.1), one (1) 4-Door 14' Flatbed Dump Truck (Item No.2) and one (1) 2-Door Flat bed Dump Truck (Item No.3) to the overall lowest bidder, bidding all items, Freightliner Truck Center, in the total amount of $357,184. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in Transportation Trust Fund, Road & Bridge Drainage, Equipment Account No.1 01-41 08-564000-400 (EQ02-113 & EQ02-225) and Transportation Trust Fund, Road & Bridge Maintenance, Equipment Account No. 101-4110-564000-400 (EQ02-115 & EQ02-116). The purchase of the replacement vehicle (EQ02-225) will require approval of the attached Budget Resolution No. 02-165 which will establish the revenues and corresponding expenditure in the proper accounts. PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends award of Bid No. 02-063 for Purchase of Four (4) Dump Trucks to Freightliner Truck Center, in the total amount of $357,184 and approval of Budget Resolution No. 02-165 and Equipment Request #EQ02-225. .., ~';·'-ì .0" Coordination/Signatures Mgt. & Budget (X) ~ vYl rn 9 Other: COMMISSION ACTION: [x] APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent County Attorney.(X) , ~~ /' Originating Dept: Other: Finance: (Check br Copy only. if Applicable) Eff. 1/97 f \ lU~ Õ~ r- u " :! c~ E::;t. 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"ì .... c .... ö: w CD :E ;:) Z I- Z ;:) o o o ~ 1.0 <'.I C';oI 8 IJJ g w 0:: I- Z W ::¡¡ 0.. 5 a w ~ """" RESOLUTION NO. 02 -165 WHEREAS, subsequent to the adoption of the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners budget for St. Lucie County, certain funds not anticipated at the time of adoption of the budget have become available in the form of insurance proceeds for the settlement of a wrecked dump truck from the Public Works I Road and Bridge division. WHEREAS, Section 129,06 (d), Florida Statutes, requires the Board of County Commissioners to adopt a resolution to appropriate and expend such funds. WHEREAS, Section 129.06 (d), Florida Statutes. requires the Board of County Commissioners to adopt a resolution to appropriate and expend such funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, in meeting assembled this 18th day of June, 2002, pursuant to Section 129.06 (d), Florida Statutes, that such funds are hereby appropriated for the fiscal year 2001-2002, and the County's budget is hereby amended as follows: REVENUES 101-4108-336930-400 Reimbursements $ 29,398 APPROPRIATIONS 1 01-4108-564000-400 Machinery and Equipment $ 29,398 After motion and second the vote on this resolution was as follows: Commissioner Doug Coward Commissioner Cliff Barnes Commissioner Paula A. Lewis Commissioner Frannie Hutchinson Commissioner John D. Bruhn PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED THIS 1STH DAY OF JUNE, 2002. A TIEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO CORRECTNESS AND FORM: COUNTY A TIORNEY '- '-' ."" " RESOLUTION NO. 02 - 165 WHEREAS, subsequent to the adoption of the S1. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners budget for S1. Lucie County, certain funds not anticipated at the time of adoption of the budget have become available in the form of insurance proceeds for the settlement of a wrecked dump truck from the Public Works I Road and Bridge division. WHEREAS, Section 129.06 (d). Florida Statutes, requires the Board of County Commissioners to adopt a resolution to appropriate and expend such funds. WHEREAS, Section 129.06 (d), Florida Statutes, requires the Board of County Commissioners to adopt a resolution to appropriate and expend such funds. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of S1. Lucie County, Florida, in meeting assembled this 18th day of June, 2002, pursuant to Section 129.06 (d), Florida Statutes. that such funds are hereby appropriated for the fiscal year 2001-2002, and the County's budget is hereby amended as follows: REVENUES 101-4108-336930-400 Reimbursements $ 29.398 APPROPRIATIONS 101-4108-564000-400 Machinery and Equipment $ 29.398 After motion and second the vote on this resolution was as follows: Commissioner Doug Coward Commissioner Cliff Barnes Commissioner Paula A. Lewis Commissioner Frannie Hutchinson Commissioner John D. Bruhn PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED THIS 18TH DAY OF JUNE, 2002. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO CORRECTNESS AND FORM: COUNTY ATTORNEY ... ,... -. '..¿.... .,.. .. _. ... Ió~~:'':';'~'_'\:';..; ~~:¡-;:-"'.~>., ~. ,~, : ~ ;:·.<-,:~·:~·,r;;.,:"(" -~;,rC:"" "'J;"C"'~>.,~,,;.~~.-;..._~::... ~!\~;~;;~\r~"~,~iR-,dt~.<~~,~.~i-¿.·'· -,."'--, .,. '.~. .-.., ., . ,...". 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' 2 ___:t:~¡";: ..... (1¡ '-' c:: c;; ..t:: en .0 ~2-"2~ "'t (.) (1¡ 0 'l:I: >< (J) g. O::~c::c:: 9- c:: ~ (1¡..... - 0 .- ~ "E~13 ~ ~ E ~ C") º- e C) Ol 0 "" (.) Ol C::"t).!l:! ..... (1¡ C) Cl. (1¡ E .~ ~ .!It 6 ~ CD ~ ã ~ C) (.) (1¡ - (.) .s ~ e .!It 0 Cl. .!It "t) E :5 ~ fij l!: -§ z o ¡:: « o ü: ¡:: UJ :) "") o o "'t C o Cl ~ l{) , o ..... ..... "'t , ..... Cl .... ~ w m ::æ :) z I- Z :) o o o ~ (0 .... .... , C\ o o lJ.J :it a w 0:: I- Z W ::æ !!: :) a w ~ ~ ITEM~. C-2-E AGENDA REQUEST DATE: June 18, 2002 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Purchasino Michael Rath. Purchasino Director SUBJECT: Agreement with Office Products & Services, Inc./The Hon/Allsteel Companies. BACKGROUND: Several years ago an annual contract was establish with Office Products & Services, Inc./The Hon/Allsteel Companies in conjunction with the bid for furniture for the Sheriffs Building on Midway Road. The County has seen the necessity to continue this contract from year to year to take advantage of the discounts provided in the bid for the purchase of miscellaneous office furniture. It has now been determined that it is more advantageous for the County to use the State of Florida Contract pricing for these purchases. Realizing the County will not be billed for design/space planning or installation services, as allowed under the State Contract, Office Products & Services, Inc./The Hon/Allsteel Companies, has provided a discount structure that better meets the needs of the County. FUNDS AVAilABLE: N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the agreement with Office Products & Services, Inc./The Hon/Allsteel Companies, through March 31,2004, and authorization for the Chairman to sign the Agreement as prepared by the County Attorney. COMMISSION ACTION: E: [~APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent ~ 'ì , - ~/ '; -/ Purchasing Mgr.:(X) If- County Attorney:(X) Mgt. & Budget (X) Originating Dept: Other: Other: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if Applicable) Elf. 1/97 '-" ~ St. Lucie County, Florida Account Purchase Agreement AGREEMENT dated between Office Products & Services, Inc. representing The Hon/Allsteel Companies as the "Seller" and St. Lucie County, Florida as the "Buyer". WITNESSETH: Subject to the St. Lucie County purchasing procedures, the buyer may purchase certain office furniture and equipment from the Seller, based on State of Florida Contract No.425-001-01-1, upon and subject to terms and conditions as stated herein. 1. Discount Schedule. Realizing the County will not be billed for design/space planning or installation services, for items purchased utilizing this contract, the following is the schedule of pricing in percentage of discount from suggested list prices in effect at time of order entry. Pricing does not apply to "SPECIAL" products, unless otherwise noted. LIST LESS 56 % Concensys and 8000 Panel Systems and components. LIST LESS 55 % Vertical Files: All standard vertical file series, all vertical file hangrails, follower blocks and locks kits. (Excludes Flamesafe Files). LIST LESS 54 % LATERAL FILES: All Current Series: 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, Flagship, Essential, Classic, Persona, all Hangrails, Dividers and Tops. SEATING: All current seating lines, accessories and arm packs (see exception below) (Excludes Product 19 Seating) SYSTEMS: Terrace Plus system and components Director series LAN furniture All Current Simplicity II panels system components, tackboards, 6400, 6600, Megaworx, Ultraworx, series computer furniture. CASEGOODS: ALL Current Wood Veneer Casegoods, Laminate Wood Casegoods, All tables - Wood Veneer, Laminate, 5100, 6100, Steel tables, Essential Foundations, Steel Casegoods, Deluxe Series (only) Folding tables. LIST LESS 45 % Flamesafe Files ORDERS OF $250,000.00 LIST PRICE AND ABOVE: *On orders of this magnitude, Seller shall assist Buyer in the planning, specifying, delivery, and installation of Seller's products to effect additional cost savings to Buyer. '-' ...., 2. Exceptions The above list of discounts applies to all Seller's standard systems, chairs, filing, storage equipment, desks, tables and bookcases as contained in the State Contract. The above price structure excludes specials and parts as shown in the Parts Price List. 3. Service Level Delivered and installed covers a shipment received, placed in a specified area and made ready for use by Seller's personnel or authorized representatives of the Seller. Delivery and installation is based on performance during normal working hours and non-construction trade union labor. 4. Payment Terms Net 30 days 5. Freight Policy All shipments are F.O.B. destination. However, product must be shipped on a regular order shipment. Rush items and items in the Parts Price List are excluded. 6. Purchase Orders All orders made by the buyer shall be in the form of written Purchase Order. Purchase orders will be placed with: Office Products & Services, Inc. 208 Ave A Ft. Pierce, FL 34950 7. Acknowledgements All purchase orders will be accepted, based on current acknowledgement dates prevailing at time purchase order is received, unless a specific date is required and is mutually agreed to at the time of acknowledgement. 8. Additions to Orders Once the Seller acknowledges an order, Buyer cannot increase quantities without approval of Seller. 9. Cancellations or Changes Products in Seller's standard finishes, fabrics, laminates, and trim may not be changed or canceled after "The Hon/Allsteel Co's." factories have committed materials and/or labor to the manufacturing of said product without incurring substantial penalties. Seller reserves the right to reschedule production of all changes allowed. Orders specifying special materials (not Seller's standards) or special construction are not subject to cancellation or change. 10. Modifications The agreement may be changed or modified from time to time only upon the prior written agreement of Seller and Buyer. '-' ...J 11. Default Seller will not be considered in default of this agreement for any acts or other causes beyond its reasonable control. 12. Termination The agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty (30) days written notice. 13. Additional Products Additional items added to Seller's price lists and catalogs from time to time may become a part of this agreement with their announcement. Likewise, should any product be discontinued, Seller will notify Buyer of same and they shall be excluded from the agreement with their announcement. 14. Additional Services Seller's agreement provides for normal services in aiding and assisting Buyer's locations with the selection of equipment; however it does not provide for extra rental furniture, warehousing, double handling, or inventorying. These services are available through Seller's sales offices on an individually negotiated basis. Interior design/space planning for furnishings covered under this agreement are included. No interior design/space planning done by Seller for Buyer shall be used for obtaining construction permits without written permission of Seller (especially in areas normally reserved for architect's review and approval). 15. Use by other Governmental Agencies Other government entities are entitled to use this contract with the same terms, conditions and discounts applicable. 16. Term of Agreement The term of this agreement shall be from through March 31, 2004, which shall run concurrently with State of Florida Contract No. 425-001-01-1. SELLER: BUYER: Office Products & Services, Inc. The Hon/Allsteel Companies. Bid Department 200 Oak Street Muscatine,IA 52761 St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners 2300 Virginia Ave. Ft. Pierce, FL 34982-5652 Approved and Accepted by: Approved and Accepted by: Name Name Title Title Date Date '-. v .",J AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C - 3A- DATE: June 18, íÒ02 "INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE" TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] PRESENTED BY: ~ç;r('\~..R.(Ñ~ ~ (!on West, P.E.t County Engineer SUBJECT: Accept the Orange Avenue / Header Canal Bridge Replacement with a Con/Span Bridge System project; release the retainage in the amount of $63,999.46; deduct ($470.00) from the contract for failed laboratory tests and make Final Payment in the amount of $63,654.46 to The Murphy Construction Co. for the project. BACKGROUND: On March 13, 2001, the Board awarded The Murphy Construction Co. a contract in the amount of $598,917.40 for the replacement of a deficient two-lane bridge with an 100-foot single span arched culvert structure. On January 15, 2002, the Board approved Change Order NO.1 in the amount of $41 ,202.20 for additional materials and activities enabling the completion of the project. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds are available in Fund No. 316001-41133-563000-431016 Transportation Capital- Transportation Trust - Local Option Bridge Maintenance. PREVIOUS ACTION: The Board awarded the Orange Avenue / Header Canal Bridge Replacement with a Con/Span Bridge System project contract on March 13, 2001 inthe amountof$598,917.40. On January 15, 2002, the Board approved Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $41,202.20 for additional materials and activities enabling the completion of the project for a total contract price of $640,119.60. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board accept the project and release retainage in the amount of $63,999.46; deduct (470.00) from the contract for failed laboratory tests and make Final Payment in the amount of $63,654.46 to The Murphy Construction Co. for the Orange Avenue / Header Canal Bridge Replacement with a Con/Span Bridge System project. [x] County Attorney 1 [x] Originating Dept. Pu II [x] Finance (Check for copy only, if p [] DENIED Banres Absent Dou s nderson, County Administrator [x] Mgt. & Budget Uf) ~ )~ [x] Purchasing W [x] Project. Man. elMI [x] Budget & Rev. Coor. Mn. I COMMISSION ACTION: [2): APPROVED [] OTHER (4-0) 1" -=--" '-' ....., . DIVISION OF ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM 02 - 159 ____________.__·.·_·__._.·._.·.·._._.·.·._.·.0...·................0... ._-.-.-.-...-."................_-.-.-.-...-.-.-.-...............-. n__________."..._._....._.____.._____________._.".____....__.._... ..__u_________..._..............._________._______.........______ n.._... .._... ... ___ _____.____ __ _ _."._.. _ .....__.. _ ____. __ _.._ _ _ _._ ...............................---.------........."............... n__..............__...._..._......._..........____...______________ .·.·_·_...·.·_·.·_-.-.;.·~.·.UJ.'J...·.v.....·.U..·.....·.........·.'J.-_·."....J....:..........."..._..._...".."."....:.".".".".". , ,,. TO: Dan McIntyre, County Attorney FROM: Don West, County Engineer ~~.~ DATE: May 15,2002 SUBJECT: Orange Avenue over Header Canal Bridge Releases of Lien ¡ lõí') ~~_ ©._[r-'- II" ! : dlj ¡ MAY I 5 2Uu¿ : L_~_. . _.,..,.~ -.....--.- ¡ CC'uNTY AT¡ORN- Please approve the Orange A venue over Header Canal Bridge reIeases of lien for correctness. If we can be of any assistance, please call Craig Hauschild, Senior Projects Engineer, at extension 1707. Barn Attachments (6) fõ)Œ l10 MAY I 7 2002 ~ßurn ,;:< cc: Ray Wazny, PubIic Works Director Mike Powley, Capital Projects Engineer Craig HauschiId, Senior Projects Engineer ENGINEERING , " I i~·'/ (\ S\'-' ~ h \ \ .)\ .~ .' ,01:\" - CI '-' APPLICAœION FOR ~ AND FINAL ORANGE AVENUE OVER HEADER CANAL BRIDGE PROJECT NAME: ENGINEER'S PROJECT NO.: OWNER: 00 33 CONTRACTOR: THE MURPHY CONSTRUCTION CO. CONTRACT DATE: APPLICATION AMOUNTz FOR PERIOD ENDING: $64,124.46 4/30/02 APPLICATION DATE: 5/10/02 INITIAL CONTRACT AMT. BASED ON EST. QUANTITIES $ 598.917.40 5/24/01 TABULATION OF AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLI~ATION ORIGINAL. CONTRACT AMOUNT COMPLETED TO DATE (See Attached "Estimate of completed work") CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 @ 100 % COMPLETE (+) CHANGE ORDER NO. @ % COMPLETE (+) CHANGE ORDER NO. . @ % COMPLETE (+) CHANGE ORDER NO. @ % COMPLETE ( +) PREVIOUS PAYMENTS: U $ 59,310.00 #2 $ 175,088.70 13 $ 218,206.80 #4 $ 73,313.10 #5 $ 50,076.54 TOTAL $ 575,995.14 AS APPLIED FOR AS·APPROVED BY CONTRACTOR BY ENGINEER 598;917.40 '10 $ $ S<J8, ""7. 41,202.20 ~o $ $ /II, 2oZ.. $ $ $ $ $ $ 640,119.60 r,o $ $ ¿/II), /I.&ì. $ (575.995.14) $ 5ìf , '}';5, II{ $ 64.124.46 $ {¡,Ij, /2¿¡, "" (- ) $ ~7ð.(1() TOTAL WORK TO. DATE (+) LESS PREVIOUS PAY. (-) SUB-TOTAL LESS FAILED LAB. TESTS AMOUNT DUE FINAL PAYMENT, EXCEPT FOR ANY LIQUIDATED DAMAGES ASSESSED BY BOARD 116 $ t:3.tÞ~ 'I. . , CONTRACTOR'S AFFIDAVIT The undersigned Contractor hereby swears under penalty of perjury that all obligations incurred by the Contractor under this Contract to date ~ave been diSCharged in full; that no suits are pending in connection with the work under the Contract, that the Contractor agrees to the total final prioe of $ 640.119.60 and final payment of $ 64,124.,46. as full settlement of his account under the Contract and of all claims in conneotion therewith. __CONT~?;O~" ~~ ~;~HY CONSTRUCTION CO N S2 ;;¡ ~ 0 Õ l:: 1;1 ;0 .. 0. ~ 0 = '" ~ !! . ~ l!! j! 0. u ;;¡ ~ C C :> 0 ;¡: .5 0 N S2 "ii ~ N u ~ 0 l:: '" .. 0. 0 :tl ~ ~ i ]í i ::;) ~ .5 0 N ~ ¡¡¡ fi õ l:: .... o ¡¡ ~ ~ l!! j! ~ :5 ~ .5 0 12 ;; ~ õ 'C 0 .. .. t! ~ !il ~ ~ :l :!! .~ C E g :> 0 .5 0 0 ~ õ ~ u '" l:: Õ 0. 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REGULAR [ I PUBLIC HEARING [ I CONSENT [xl PRESENTED BY: þ~~,~ (Don West, P.t. County Engineer SUBJECT: Work Authorization NO.7 to the continuing engineering agreement with Jenkins and Charland, Inc. to provide an evaluation of Bridge ID 940019, Carlton Road over C-24. The evaluation will provide a review of the overall condition of the bridge as well as a projection of the feasible service life, BACKGROUND: June 17, 1997, the Board of County Commissioners approved an additional two cents of Local Option Gasoline Tax for St. Lucie County. The revenue from this additional tax is earmarked for Capital Maintenance of bridges and road reconstruction. A list of needed bridge repair and replacement projects was approved by the BOCC under the "Investment for the Future" program. Carlton Road over C-24 is one of the bridges on this list. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be made available in Fund NO.1 01 003-41133-5630054322 Transportation Capital I Local Option Bridge Maintenance. PREVIOUS ACTION: No previous action has been taken. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve Work Authorization NO.7 with Jenkins and Charland, Inc. for engineering services to provide an evaluation of the Carlton Road over C-24 Bridge in the amount of $1 ,200.00, and authorize the Chairman to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: PI APPROVED [I DENIED [I OTHER (4-â-L_Barnes Absent (x] County Attorney ,J 4' [x] Project. Man. CA '" {Check for copy only, If applicable l . Anderson, County Administr~ (x] Originating Depl Public Works Vµ '-' -.I WORK AUTHORIZATION NO.7 Engineering Services Related to Bridge Evaluation and Design COO-12-159 Professional Services for the Evaluation of Bridge # 940019 Carlton Road over C-24 Pursuant to that certain Agreement Between County and Engineer for Engineering Services (the "Agreement") between St. Lucie County (the "County") and Jenkins and Charland, Inc. (The "Engineer") dated December 5,2000, the Engineer agrees to provide the Scope of Services described in Exhibit A for the Compensation described in Exhibit B. All services provided under this Work Authorization shall be completed according to the schedule described in Exhibit C. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County has hereunto subscribed and the Engineer has affIxed his, its, or their names, or name, on the dates below. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: CHAIRMAN Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY ENGINEER //-:~ / /' ---- ~ / c'/."' )7' BY: /:þ~:("...-/ (¿/~/ '-----~-- // /' Print Name: PM E ¿-4/~lcJ...... Pi Jenkins and Charland Inc. ' -I Date: 7 /~ ·i:> L- , L JENKI~& CHARLAND INCORPORATEO O',,,Wo, '0'''''" ....,.¡ Structural - Civil EXIllBIT A Date: May 29, 2002 SCOPE OF SERVICES SECTION I: GENERAL SCOPE STATEMENT The CONSULTANT shall provide planning assistance to the COUNTY with the bridge improvement program by evaluating the condition of Bridge No.940019 (Carlton Rd over C-24 Canal) and recommending appropriate remedial action. SECTION II: SPECIFIC TASKS Task 1: Make a cursory inspection of each bridge to compare with the recent and past FDOT reports and to compare with the conditions we found with our previous inspections approximately 4 and 9 years ago. Review posting requirements. Task 2: Provide a professional opinion ofthe remaining practical service life of the bridge and recommendation for remedial action. (Repair or replacement) If repairs are recommended, provide a professional opinion of the extension of service life of the bridge that would result from the repairs. Prepare a written report of our findings and recommendations. 12381 Cleveland Avenue, #204, Fort Myers FL 33907 (239) 939-1414 . Fax (239) 278-4289 E-mail: ftm@jcengineers.com CA: 00000650 Fort Lauderdale FL . Fort Pierce FL Jacksonville FL . Tampa FL Sarasota FL · 'I" . JENKIN&. ~ , CHARLA1'Ib INCOR~ORATED Consulting Engineers ~ Structural - Civil EXHIBIT C Date: May 29,2002 Br. # 940019 SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE This Exhibit establishes times of completion for the various tasks required to perform the work set forth in Exhibit "A": Task Number Task Title Number of Calendar Days for Completion 1. Evaluation 22 / 22 2. Recornrnendations~eport 8/30 * / ** : * = Number of calendar days to complete individual task **= Number of calendar days from Notice To Proceed to completion of individual task 12381 Cleveland Avenue, #204, Fort Myers FL 33907 (239) 939-1414 . Fax (239) 278-4289 E-mail: ftm@jcengineers.com CA: 00000650 Fort Lauderdale FL . Fort Pierce FL Jacksonville FL . Tampa FL Sarasota FL , - ~ ...J Ø!ià ~ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C - 3c DATE: June 18, 2002 "INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE" TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] PRESENTED BY: .À~~:t. ~ù.--- (Don West, P.E. County Engineer SUBJECT: Work Authorization NO.8 to the continuing engineering agreement with Jenkins and Charland, Inc. to provide an evaluation of Bridge 10 940027, Shinn Road over Ten-Mile Creek. The evaluation will provide a review of the overall condition of the bridge as well as a projection of the feasible service life, BACKGROUND: June 17, 1997, the Board of County Commissioners approved an additional two cents of Local Option Gasoline Tax for St. Lucie County. The revenue from this additional tax is earmarked for Capital Maintenance of bridges and road reconstruction. A list of needed bridge repair and replacement projects was approved by the BOCC under the "Investment for the Future" program. Shinn Road over Ten-Mile Creek is one of the bridges on this list. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be made available in Fund No. 316001-41133-563005-43102 Transportation Capital / Local Option Bridge Maintenance. PREVIOUS ACTION: No previous action has been taken. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve Work Authorization NO.8 with Jenkins and Charland, Inc. for engineering services to provide an evaluation ofthe Shinn Road over Ten-Mile Creek Bridge in the amount of $1,200.00, and authorize the Chairman to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: pq APPROVED [] DENIED - [] OTHER (4-0.h. BJrnes Absent 0 I Anderson, County Administrat0J¡ I , [x] County Attorney P V [xl Mgt. & Budget tïRJ) ff1/'rtf.7! [x] Originating Dept. Public Works t:ÃJ Ix] Project. Man. C~" [x) Budget & Rev. Coor. . f'I't'\ ' (Check for copy only, if applicable) ,. ~ ..."" WORK AUTHORIZATION NO.8 Engineering Services Related to Bridge Evaluation and Design COO-12-159 Professional Services for the Evaluation of Bridge # 940027 Shinn Road over Ten-Mile Creek Pursuant to that certain Agreement Between County and Engineer for Engineering Services (the "Agreement") between St. Lucie County (the "County") and Jenkins and Charland, Inc. (The "Engineer") dated December 5,2000, the Engineer agrees to provide the Scope of Services described in Exhibit A for the Compensation described in Exhibit B. All services provided under this Work Authorization shall be completed according to the schedule described in Exhibit C. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County has hereunto subscribed and the Engineer has affIxed his, its, or their names, or name, on the dates below, ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: CHAIRMAN Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY ENGINEER~ /-/- //e, \ //, ,-/' ~n - 'c BY /,7, '/ ',/ (, .9/';' ________ : //7 __' _ .,'" . /..~ _ " Print Name: ;0'-1<-_ [" f.4,Jt.J:~ ./[: Jenkins and Charland Inc. ' Date: .f- ./ _.:~~<) ~/') l-- -L' .- JENKINL& CHARLAND INCORPORATED Consulting Engineers ""'" Structural - Civil EXHIBIT A Date: May 29,2002 SCOPE OF SERVICES SECTION I: GENERAL SCOPE STATEMENT The CONSULTANT shall provide planning assistance to the COUNTY with the bridge improvement program by evaluating the condition of Bridge No.940027 (Shinn Road over Ten- Mile Creek) and recommending appropriate remedial action. SECTION II: SPECIFIC TASKS Task 1: Make a cursory inspection of the bridge to compare with the recent and past FDOT reports and to compare with the conditions we found with our previous inspections approximately 4 and 9 years ago. Review posting requirements. Task 2: Provide a professional opinion of the remaining practicaI service life of the bridge and recommendation for remedial action. (Repair or replacement) Ifrepairs are recommended, provide a professional opinion of the extension of service life of the bridge that would result from the repairs. Prepare a written report of our findings and recommendations. 12381 Cleveland Avenue, #204, Fort Myers FL 33907 (239) 939-1414 . Fax (239) 278-4289 E-mail: ftm@jcengineers.com CA: 00000650 Fort Lauderdale FL . Fort Pierce FL Jacksonville FL . Tampa FL Sarasota FL . ~ . ".X: JENKINS. l CHARLAft'O INCORPORATEO Consulting Engineers ~ Structural - Civil EXHIBIT B Date: May 29,2002 Br. # 940027 The COUNTY shall compensate the CONSULTANT for providing and performing the Tasks set forth and enumerated in Ex;HIBIT "A" entitled "SCOPE OF SERVICES" as follows: Task Number Task title Amount of Compensation Type of Compensation 1. Evaluation $820 Lump Sum 2. Recommendations & Report $380 Lump Sum GRAND TOTAL $1,200 12381 Cleveland Avenue, #204, Fort Myers FL 33907 (239) 939-1414 . Fax (239) 278-4289 E-mail: ftm@jcengineers.com CA: 00000650 Fort Lauderdale FL . Fort Pierce FL Jacksonville FL . Tampa FL Sarasota FL , \. 'I- JENKIN\.. ,t& " CHARlAWD INCORPORATEO Consulting Engineers """" Structural - Civil EXHIBIT C Date: May 29,2002 Br. # 940027 SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE This Exhibit establishes times of completion for the various tasks required to perform the work set forth in Exhibit "A": Task Number Task Title Number of Calendar Days for Completion 1. Evaluation 22 / 22 2. Recommendations/Report 8/30 * / ** : * = Number of calendar days to complete individual task **= Number of calendar days from Notice To Proceed to completion of individual task 12381 Cleveland Avenue, #204, Fort Myers FL 33907 (239) 939-1414 . Fax (239) 278-4289 E-mail: ftm@jcengineers.com CA: 00000650 Fort Lauderdale FL . Fort Pierce FL Jacksonville FL . Tampa FL Sarasota FL ;¡t' ~' ,," ''- " '-"" ..J .~ßC ." 0..... ~ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C - 3d DATE: June 18, 2002 "INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE" SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): PUBLIC WORKS OEPT. REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] PRESENTED BY: ~~~cR.~ .-/ (Don West, p.E.r County Engineer TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Work Authorization No.9 to the continuing engineering agreement with Jenkins and Charland, Inc. to provide an evaluation of Bridge 10 940030, McCarty Road over Ten-Mile Creek. The evaluation will provide a review of the overall condition of the bridge as well as a projection of the feasible service life. BACKGROUND: June 17, 1997, the Board of County Commissioners approved an additional two cents of Local Option Gasoline Tax for St. Lucie County. The revenue from this additional tax is earmarked for Capital Maintenance of bridges and road reconstruction. A list of needed bridge repair and replacement projects was approved by the BOCG!tmder the "Investment for the Future" program. McCarty Road over Ten-Mile Creek is one of the bridges on this list. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be made available in Fund No. 316001-41133-563005-4317 Transportation Capital! Local Option Bridge Maintenance. PREVIOUS ACTION: No previous action has been taken. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve Work Authorization NO.9 with Jenkins and Charland, Inc. for engineering services to provide an evaluation of the McCarty Road over Ten-Mile Creek Bridge, Bridge ID 940030, in the amount of $1 ,200.00, and authorize the Chairman to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: PI APPROVED [] DENIED [] OTHER (4$ Barnes Absent [x] County Attorney [x] Project. Man. t'-4tf (Check for copy only. if applicable) ~ ~ '-' ....I WORK AUTHORIZATION NO. q Engineering Services Related to Bridge Evaluation and Design COO-12-159 Professional SelVices for the Evaluation of Bridge # 940030 McCarty Road over Ten-Mile Creek Pursuant to that certain Agreement Between County and Engineer for Engineering Services (the "Agreement") between St. Lucie County (the "County") and Jenkins and Charland, Inc. (The "Engineer") dated December 5,2000, the Engineer agrees to provide the Scope of Services described in Exhibit A for the Compensation described in Exhibit B. All services provided under this Work Authorization shall be completed according to the schedule described in Exhibit C. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County has hereunto subscribed and the Engineer has affIxed his, its, or their names, or name, on the dates below. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: CHAIRMAN Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY /' ENGINEE~ 7 ,..__'-/' ///// \ ./ / 4' /. .1_/ _ C BY: /-/l-C/ ~ L/r-- -" __________ //' I'"" Print Name:.!¡..~ L- (;':¡,(;Cd(.:"" i'-le Jenkins and Charland Inc. '0;., J/,>ofIJ '-_.. Date: Lo '. JENKI,-" & CHARLAND INCORPORATED Consulting Engineers ...,; Structural - Civil EXHIBIT A Date: May 29,2002 SCOPE OF SERVICES SECTION I: GENERAL SCOPE STATEMENT The CONSULTANT shall provide planning assistance to the COUNTY with the bridge improvement program by evaluating the condition of Bridge No.940030 (McCarty Road over Ten-MiIe Creek) and recommending appropriate remedial action. SECTION ILSPECIFIC TASKS Task 1: Make a cursory inspection of each bridge to compare with the recent and past FDOT reports and to compare with the conditions we found with our previous inspections approximately 4 and 9 years ago. Review posting requirements. Task 2: Provide a professional opinion of the remaining practical service life of the bridge and recommendation for remedial action. (Repair or replacement) Ifrepairs are recommended, provide a professional opinion of the extension of service Iife of the bridge that would result from the repairs. Prepare a written report of our [mdings and recommendations. 12381 Cleveland Avenue, #204, Fort Myers FL 33907 (239) 939-1414 . Fax (239) 278-4289 E-mail: ftm@jcengineers.com CA: 00000650 Fort Lauderdale FL . Fort Pierce FL Jacksonville FL . Tampa FL Sarasota FL .' :L' ~ JENKI~& CHARLAND INCORPORATED Consulting Engineers ...., Structural - Civil EXHIBIT B Date: May 29, 2002 Br. # 940030 The COUNTY shall compensate the CONSULTANT for providing and performing the Tasks set forth and enumerated in EXHIBIT "A" entitled "SCOPE OF SERVICES" as follows: Task Number Task title Amount of Compensation Type of Compensation 1. Evaluation $820 Lump Sum 2. Recommendations & Report $380 Lump Sum GRAND TOTAL $1,200 12381 Cleveland Avenue, #204, Fort Myers FL 33907 (239) 939-1414 . Fax (239) 278-4289 E-mail: ftm@jcengineers.com CA: 00000650 Fort Lauderdale FL . Fort Pierce FL Jacksonville FL . Tampa FL Sarasota FL · '. X· .. JENKIf\.., & CHARLAND INCORPORATEO Consulting Engineers ...", Structural - Civil EXHIBIT C Date: May 29,2002 Br. # 940030 SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE This Exhibit establishes times of completion for the various tasks required to perform the work set forth in Exhibit "An: Task Number Task Title Number of Calendar Days for Completion 1. Evaluation 22 / 22 2. Recommendations~eport 8/30 * / ** : * = Number of calendar days to complete individual task **= Number of calendar days from Notice To Proceed to completion of individual task 12381 Cleveland Avenue, #204, Fort Myers FL 33907 (239) 939-1414 . Fax (239) 278-4289 E-mail: ftm@jcengineers.com CA: 00000650 Fort Lauderdale FL . Fort Pierce FL Jacksonville FL . Tampa FL Sarasota FL 4...:;''7---=~~- .. \.t' "wi AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C - 3e DATE: June 18, 2002 "INVESTMENT FOR THE FUTURE" TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY (DEPT.): PUBLIC WORKS DEPT. REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] PRESENTED BY: ~~~~.~~ County Engineer SUBJECT: Work Authorization NO.1 0 to the continuing engineering agreement with Jenkins and Charland, Inc. to provide an evaluation of Bridge ID 940031, McCarty Road over Ten-Mile Creek. The evaluation will provide a review of the overall condition of the bridge as well as a projection of the feasible service life. BACKGROUND: June 17, 1997, the Board of County Commissioners approved an additional two cents of Local Option Gasoline Tax for St. Lucie County. The revenue from this additional tax is earmarked for Capital Maintenance of bridges and road reconstruction. A list of needed bridge repair and replacement projects was approved by the BOCC under the "Investment for the Future" program. McCarty Road over Ten-Mile Creek is one of the bridges on this list. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds will be made available in Fund No. 316001-41133-563005-4317 Transportation Capital I Local Option Bridge Maintenance. PREVIOUS ACTION: No previous action has been taken. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board approve Work Authorization No.1 0 with Jenkins and Charland, Inc. for engineering services to provide an evaluation of the McCarty Road over Ten-Mile Creek Bridge, Bridge ID 940031, in the amount of $1,200.00, and authorize the Chairman to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: pq APPROVED [] DENIED - [] OTHER (4-0) Ba~ Absent D u a Añderson, County Administrazo [x] county Attorney . [x] Mgl. & Budget UO ' ~ [x] Originating Depl. Public Works .A... ) Ix] Project. Man. (!4H [x] Budget & Rev. Coor. ~" I (Check for copy only, if applicable) ~ ...,J WORK AUTHORIZATION NO. 10 Engineering Services Related to Bridge Evaluation and Design COO-12-159 ProCessional Services Cor the Evaluation oC Bridge 41 940031 McCarty Road over 10 Mile Creek Pursuant to that certain Agreement Between County and Engineer for Engineering Services (the "Agreement") between St, Lucie County (the "County") and Jenkins and Charland, Inc. (The "Engineer") dated December 5, 2000, the Engineer agrees to provide the Scope of Services described in Exhibit A for the Compensation described in Exhibit B. All services provided under this Work Authorization shall be completed according to the schedule described in Exhibit C. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County has hereunto subscribed and the Engineer has affIxed his, its, or their names, or name, on the dates below. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: CHAIRMAN Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY ENGINE~R--7 /~. - //. "..//t:'~- ~-;,' ,./ - -,' " , ", c___ 'Z-. BY:/"':~ c:: -- /' ¿// -- /. /1 Print Name: ;-;t¡u... c (i-f'z.~.l'-~ 'l: Jenkins and Charland Inc. Date: ·f//r::- L' JEN~S & CHARLAND INCORPORATEO Consulting Engineers ....., Structural - Civil EXHIBIT A Date: May 29,2002 SCOPE OF SERVICES SECTION I: GENERAL SCOPE STATEMENT The CONSULTANT shall provide planning assistance to the COUNTY with the bridge improvement program by evaluating the condition of Bridge No.940031 (McCarty Road over Ten-Mile Creek) and recommending appropriate remedial action. SECTION II: SPECIFIC TASKS Task 1: Make a cursory inspection of the bridge to compare with the recent and past FDOT reports and to compare with the conditions we found with our previous inspections conducted approximately 4 and 9 years ago. Review posting requirements. Task 2: Provide a professional opinion of the remaining practical service life of the bridge and recommendation for remedial action, (Repair or replacement) Ifrepairs are recommended, provide a professional opinion of the extension of service life of the bridge that would result from the repairs. Prepare a written report of our findings and recommendations. 12381 Cleveland Avenue, #204, Fort Myers FL 33907 (239) 939-1414 . Fax (239) 278-4289 E-mail: ftm@jcengineers.com CA: 00000650 Fort Lauderdale FL . Fort Pierce FL Jacksonville FL . Tampa FL Sarasota FL ., -. ~ L JENKI\...- & CHARLAND INCORPORATED Consulting Engineers ...., Structural - Civil EXHIBIT B Date: May 29, 2002 Br. # 940031 The COUNTY shall compensate the CONSULTANT for providing and performing the Tasks set forth and enumerated in EXHIBIT "A" entitled "SCOPE OF SERVICES" as follows: Task Number Task title Amount of Compensation Type of Compensation 1. Evaluation $820 Lump Sum 2. Recommendations & Report $380 Lump Sum GRAND TOTAL $1 ,200 12381 Cleveland Avenue, #204, Fort Myers FL 33907 (239) 939-1414 . Fax (239) 278-4289 E-mail: ftm@jcengineers.com CA: 00000650 Fort Lauderdale FL . Fort Pierce FL Jacksonville FL . Tampa FL Sarasota FL 'I'" JENUS & CHAFfLAND INCORPORATED Consulting Engineers ...."I Structural - Civil EXHIBIT C Date: May 29,2002 Br. # 940031 SCHEDULE OF PERFORMANCE This Exhibit establishes times of completion for the various tasks required to perform the work set forth in Exhibit "A": Task Number Task Title Number of Calendar Days for Completion 1. Evaluation 22 / 22 2. Recommendations/Report 8/30 * / ** : * = Number of calendar days to complete individual task **= Number of calendar days from Notice To Proceed to completion of individual task 12381 Cleveland Avenue, #204, Fort Myers FL 33907 (239) 939-1414 . Fax (239) 278-4289 E-mail: ftm@jcengineers.com CA: 00000650 Fort Lauderdale FL . Fort Pierce FL Jacksonville FL . Tampa FL Sarasota FL ~ '- AGENDA REQUEST ~M NO. C ..~o. DATE: June ¡G, 2002 REGULAR [] PUBLIC HEARING [] CONSENT [XX] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney SUBJECT: Addendum I to Conceptual Approval Agreement - North Fork of the St. Lucie River Phase Two BACKGROUND: See attached memorandum FUNDS A V AILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDA TION: Staff recommends that the Board approve Addendum I and authorize the Chairman to sign ~ddendum I to the Conceptual Approval Agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: [x] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent uglas Anderson County Administrator County Attorney: i~l( Review and Approvals Management & Budget Purchasing: Originating Dept. Public Works Dir: County Eng.: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) Eff.5/96 '-' ...",,¡ INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorney C.A. NO. 02-789 DATE: May 29, 2002 SUBJECT: Addendum I to Conceptual Approval Agreement - North Fork of the St. Lucie River Phase Two ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BACKGROUND: On March 11, 2002, the Board entered into a Conceptual Approval Agreement with Florida Communities Trust (FCT) with regard to the above referenced project. The attached Addendum I reflects FCT action to approve the County's request to change the Acquisition Plan. Parcels E and F have been made priority one parcels with Parcel B contingent on the purchase of Parcel A; Parcel D contingent on the purchase of Parcel E and Parcel C contingent on the purchase of Parcel D. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION: Staff recommends that the Board approve Addendum I and authorize the Chairman to sign Addendum I to the Conceptual Approval Agreement. Respectfully submitted, Daniel S. McIntyre County Attorney DSM/ caf Attachment '-' ....",ì DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Planning Division MEMORANDUM ......"..-.,..... FROM: Dan Mcintyre, County Attorne~ Diana Waite, Planner III ¡l1JJ ':.11 ò1. r,. ŒJëLlJ r}i Œ . t~"~j;-.1 I 'i~--'"711 ¡ ¡:II! M~Y20'nl'l !lull I"'" 1-\...' £.UU£: IJ ' LL --- ---.J l CC,.~;¡n y AI:IORN~Y ¡ TO: DATE: May 16, 2002 SUBJECT: North Fork of the St. Lucie River Phase Two - Conceptual Approval Agreement (CM) Attached you will find the FCT cover letter and first amendment to the CM for the North Fork of the St. Lucie River Phase Two FCT project. Could you please review and agenda the agreements for approval by the Board of County Commissioners, if necessary. If not, please sign both copies and forward to Carrie Hall at FCT offices. If you have any questions, please let me know. cc: Community Development Director Environmental Lands Specialist Project File , , \ ~~(ÿ ~ SØ?, O)(¡ tk. ~, '~~-<0 ~ n, f.'::f-, ,,'t;P.', '-ov '~ ~. ~ "r;t ,1'1 ~CYþJV1..:\ Of'1s .it-- t:Þ "" ..,¡ lFl((])riJ& C((])mJlltllJUlnities Trust May 1, 2002 Diana Waite St. Lucie County 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Re: Acquisition Plan Amendment FCT # 01-098-FF1 North Fork of the St. Lucie River, Phase II Dear Ms. Waite: Florida Communities Trust (FCT), has approved the proposed amendment to the Acquisition Plan for the referenced project as requested in your e-mail dated April 29,2002. The enclosed Addendum I to the Conceptual Approval Agreement reflects FCT action to approve St. Lucie County's request to change the Acquisition Plan. Parcels E and F have been made priority one parcels with Parcel B contingent on the purchase of Parcel A, Parcel D contingent on the purchase of Parcel E and Parcel C contingent on the purchase of Parcel D. Please execute both copies and return them to FCT as soon as possible. We will execute the copies, retain one original for our files and return the other to you for your records. If you have questions regarding this approval, please give me a call at (850) 487-4910. Sincerely, Ii ( ~'1/VlJ Carrie Hall Enclosure: Conceptual Approval Agreement Addendum I '~~1-~(f~ ~ -~n---~~ ~- rñì D! ,- ' ! \ H \ r; \ MAY ~620Œi ,,) I .~., \ ;.. I cc ._...1 ~,:. L - ,.- l/ /ì/' f7aJJI DEPARTMEKT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS· 2555 SHUMARD OAK HOllLVARD . TALLAHASSEE, FL 32399-2100 850/922-2207· SUNCOM 292-2207· FAX 850/921-1747 @ FLOlUlH COMMLTNITlI:, TKIIST REOI.LE!l " '-'" AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. C-"'" Date: June 18,2002 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [ X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Traffic Infraction Hearing Officer Program - Agreement with Albert B. Moore, Esquire BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 02-816 FUNDS A V AIL. (State type & No. of transaction or N/A): Account No. 183214-769-334905-6000 (OSCA Civil Traffic Infraction Grant) RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the proposed agreement with Albert B. Moore, Esquire, to serve as the Civil Traffic Infraction Hearing Officer, and authorize the chairman to sign the agreement. COMMISSION ACTION: [ :} APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent E: >1 / Coordinati nISi natures V ,'\ County Attorney: L. Mgt. & Budget: V Originating Dept.: (f'ê)\ { Other:_ Finance (Check for Copy only. if apPliCable):~ Purchasing: Other: '-' ~ '- INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney C.A. NO: 02-816 DATE: May31,2002 SUBJECT: Traffic Infraction Hearing Officer Program - Agreement with Albert B. Moore, Esquire BACKGROUND: The County received a grant from the Florida Supreme Court, Office of State Courts Administration, for the establishment of a civil traffic infraction hearing officer program for fiscal year 2001-2002. Following receipt of the grant, the Chief Judge ofthe Nineteenth Judicial Circuit appointed Albert B. Moore, Esquire, to serve as the Civil Traffic Infraction Hearing Officer beginning October 1,2001. Attached to this memorandum is a copy of a proposed contract with Mr. Moore to provide these services. The term of the agreement will run retroactively from October 1, 2001 through and including September 30, 2002, subject to extension upon prior agreement of the parties. As set forth in the agreement, Mr. Moore will be compensated for his services in an amount not to exceed thirty thousand and 00/1 00 dollars ($30,000.00) based upon an hourly rate determined by the Court Administrator. Mr. Moore will not be reimbursed for any expenses related to the program. RECOMMENDATION/CONCLUSION: Staffrecommends approval of the proposed agreement with Albert B. Moore, Esquire, to serve as the Civil Traffic Infraction Hearing Officer, and authorize the chairman to sign the agreement. Respectfully submitted ~~ - Heather Young Assistant County Attomey Attachment HY/ Copies To: Concurring Staff Clerk Secretary Press Public '-' ..J AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this _ day of ,2002, by and between the ST. LUCIE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, (hereinafter referred to as the "Board"), and ALBERT B. MOORE, ESQUIRE, (hereinafter referred to as the "Hearing Officer"). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Board has received a grant from the Florida Supreme Court, Office of the State Courts Administrator for the establishment of a civil traffic infraction hearing officer program; and, WHEREAS, the Board desires to obtain the services of an attorney to serve as the Civil Traffic Infraction Hearing Officer; and, WHEREAS, the Hearing Officer, as a member in good standing of the Florida Bar knowledgeable in the area of civil traffic law, is willing and able to serve as the Civil Traffic Infraction Hearing Officer for the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit. NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the premises and the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto agree as follows: I. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE HEARING OFFICER A. The Hearing Officer shall serve as the Civil Traffic Infraction Hearing Officer for the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit (hereinafter referred to as the "Circuit"). B. The Hearing Officer shall coordinate the hearing schedules in order to timely adjudicate all cases brought before him. C. Following conclusion of a hearing, the Hearing Officer shall promptly issue a recommended order to the presiding judge. D. The Hearing Officer shall be responsible for providing the necessary clerical support staff to assist him in the performance of his responsibilities hereunder. E. The parties acknowledge and agree that the Hearing Officer may continue to maintain his private law practice to the extent that such private practice does not conflict with his duties pursuant to this Agreement as provided below in Paragraph XV. 1 '- ....¡ II. TERM; TERMINATION The parties acknowledge and agree that the Hearing Officer began providing services on or about October 1, 2001. The term ofthis agreement shall begin retroactively on October 1,2001 and shall continue through and including September 30, 2002, or until otherwise terminated as herein provided. Either party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement with or without cause, in whole or in part, upon sixty (60) calendar days prior written notice to the other party. In the event grant funds for the program are no longer available, the County may terminate this Agreement at upon fifteen (15) days prior written notice to the Hearing Officer. In the event of early termination as provided herein, the Hearing Officer shall be paid for all work performed up to the effective date of termination. This term of this Agreement may be extended upon prior written mutual agreement of the parties. III. TERMS OF PAYMENT The County will compensate the Hearing Officer on a monthly basis for services rendered pursuant to this Agreement. The Hearing Officer will be compensated in a total amount not to exceed thirty thousand and 00/1 00 dollars ($30,000.00) based upon an hourly rate to be determined by the Court Administrator for the Circuit. The Court Administrator shall notify the County of any adjustments to the hourly rate at least thirty (30) days prior to the effective date of the adjustment. The County shall not reimburse the Hearing Officer for any expenses incurred in the course of performing services under this Agreement. The Court Administrator shall maintain a record of compensation paid to the Hearing Officer pursuant to this Agreement. IV. INDEMNIFICATION AND HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT The Hearing Officer shall, during the term ofthis Agreement, indemnify and hold the Board harmless from any and all claims, liability, losses and causes of action which may arise out of the actions of negligence, in whole or in part of the Hearing Officer, its officials, agents, employees or assigns, in the fulfillment of this Agreement. The Hearing Officer shall pay all claims and losses of any nature whatever in connection therewith, during the term of this Agreement, including all costs and judgments which may issue thereon. V. COOPERA TION WITH RESPECT TO LITIGATION The Hearing Officer shall cooperate with the Board in any litigation or related matter which may arise out of the performance of this Agreement, and appear and testify in any hearing should the Hearing Officer be requested to do so by the Board, provided the Hearing Officer be compensated at a rate to be mutually agreed upon by the Board and the Hearing Officer. VI. PROFESSIONAL INDEPENDENCE OF THE HEARING OFFICER It is understood and agreed that the Hearing Officer is not an employee of the Board. The 2 '- ..",; Hearing Officer is, and shall remain, an independent professional with respect to all services performed under this Agreement. No partnership relationship between the Board and the Hearing Officer is created or intended by this Agreement. VII. ASSIGNMENT This is an Agreement for unique personal services and the Hearing Officer's obligation hereunder is not assignable. The Hearing Officer shall not assign, transfer, pledge, hypothecate, surrender, or otherwise encumber or dispose of any of its rights under this Agreement, or any interest in any portion of same, without the prior written consent of the Board. VIII. RECORDS; ACCESS The Hearing Officer shalI maintain records of all accounts, invoices for reimbursable expenses and supporting documentation for any research or reports, for a period of five (5) years from completing performance of this Agreement. Such records shall be sufficient to permit a proper pre- and post-audit in accordance with general accounting methods. The Hearing Officer shall permit the Board or its designated agent to inspect such records at the location where they are kept upon reasonable prior notice. The Hearing Officer shall allow public access to all project documents and materials in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. IX. NON DISCRIMINATION The Hearing Officer shall assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color, creed, national origin, handicap, or sex, be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in any activity under this Agreement. The Hearing Officer shall take all measures necessary to effectuate these assurances. X. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS The Hearing Officer, its employees, subcontractors or assigns, shall comply with all applicable federal, state, and local laws and regulations relating to the performance of this Agreement. XI. AMENDMENT This Agreement may be amended only with the written approval ofthe parties. XII. WAIVERS Failures or waivers to enforce any covenant, condition, or provision of this Agreement by the parties, their successors and assigns shall not operate as a discharge or, invalidate, such covenant, 3 '- ,..", condition, or provision, or impair the enforcement rights of the parties, their successors and assigns. XIII. COMPLETE AGREEMENT This Agreement states the entire understanding between the parties and supersedes any written or oral representations, statements, negotiations, or agreements to the contrary. The Hearing Officer recognizes that any representations, statements or negotiations made by the Board staff do not suffice to legally bind the Board in a contractual relationship unless they have been reduced to writing, authorized, and signed by an authorized Board representative. This Agreement shall bind the parties, their assigns, and successors in interest. XIV. NOTICE All notices required in this Agreement shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, and if sent to the Board shall be mailed to: To the Board: With COpy to: St. Lucie COLmty Administrator 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 St. Lucie County Attomey 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 To the Court Administrator: Court Administrator 200 South Second Street Fort Pierce, Florida 34954 To the Hearing Officer: Albert B. Moore, Esquire 1109 Delaware Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34950 XV. CONFLICT OF INTEREST The Hearing Officer represents that he presently has no interest and shall acquire no interest, either direct or indirect, which would conflict in any manner with the performance of services required hereunder, as provided for in Section 112.311, Florida Statutes. The Hearing Officer further represents that no person having any interest shall be employed for said performance. The Hearing Officer shall promptly notify the Board in writing by certified mail of all potential conflicts of interest prohibited by existing state law for any prospective business association, interest or circumstance, the nature of work that the Hearing Officer may undertake and request an opinion of the Board as to whether the association, interest or circumstance would, in the 4 '-' ...., opinion of the Board, constitute a conflict of interest if entered into by the Hearing Officer. The Board agrees to notifY the Hearing Officer of its opinion by certified mail within thirty (30) days of receipt of notification by the Hearing Officer. If, in the opinion of the Board the prospective business association, interest or circumstance would not constitute a conflict of interest by the Hearing Officer, the Board shall so state, at hislher option, enter into said association, interest or circumstance and it shall be deemed not in conflict of interest with respect to services provided to the Board by the Hearing Officer under the terms of this Agreement. XVI. SITUS; VENUE This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. In the event it is necessary for either party to initiate legal action regarding this Agreement, venue shall be in the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit in St. Lucie County for claims under state law and the Southern District of Florida for any claims which are justiciable in federal court. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this document on the date first above written. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: DEPUTY CLERK CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY WITNESSES: COURT ADMINISTRATOR BY: 5 \.r g: \a tty\a greemn t\con tract\moore. wpd 6 B. MOORE, ESQUIRE ,^-- ALBERT B. MOORE """ '-' AGENDA REOUEST ITEM NO. C-4.C....., Date: June 18, 2002 Regular [ ] Public Hearing [ ] Consent [ X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): County Attorney Heather Young Assistant County Attorney SUBJECT: Teamsters Local Union No_ 769 - Approval of Collective Bargaining Agreement BACKGROUND: See C.A. No. 02-870 FUNDS A V AIL.(State type & No. of transaction or N/ A): Health Insurance Fund and various operating funds; 001- 99l 0-59931 0-800 (General Fund Salary Increase Reserve) and various funds under 001-9910-59931-800. RECOMMENDA nON: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement with Teamsters Local Union No. 769, and authorize the chairman to sign the agreement. [~APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent COMMISSION ACTION: Doug as . Anderson County Administrator County Attorney' ~/ Coord ina tion/Si!matures Mgt. & Budget: Purchasing' Originating Dept.: Other: Other : Finance (Check for Copy only, if applicable): '-" ....., INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Heather Young, Assistant County Attorney C.A. NO: 02-870 DATE: June 12,2002 SUBJECT: Teamsters Local Union No. 769 - Approval of Collective Bargaining Agreement BACKGROUND: Attached to this memorandum is a copy of the proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement with Teamsters Local Union No. 769. The agreement will begin October 1,2002 and run through September 30, 2005. The agreement incorporates the benefit package approved by the Board for non- bargaining unit employees on June 4, 2002. This includes no increase in the insurance premium and a three percent (3%) wage increase for Fiscal Year 2002-03. The parties will reopen the agreement to negotiate insurance and wages for Fiscal Years 2003-04 and 2004-05 on or before June 1, 2003 and June 1, 2004, respectively. The bargaining unit ratified the proposed agreement on June 11, 2002. RECOMMENDA nON/CONCLUSION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Collective Bargaining Agreement with Teamsters Local Union No. 769, and authorize the chairman to sign the agreement. Attachment HY/ Copies To: Concurring Staff Clerk Secretary Press Public '-' .." COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND TEAMSTERS LOCAL UNION NO. 769 AFFILIATED WITH THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 1, 2002 '-' ....".I TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ARTICLE 1 Intent and Purpose 1 ARTICLE 2 Management Rights 2 ARTICLE 3 Correspondence 4 ARTICLE 4 Alcohol, Drugs and Controlled Substance Examination/Testing Procedures 5 ARTICLE 5 Safety 9 ARTICLE 6 No Concurrent Employment 11 ARTICLE 7 Attendance 12 ARTICLE 8 Overtime 13 ARTICLE 9 Hours of Work 14 ARTICLE lO Emergency Standby Duty 15 ARTICLE 11 On Call Status 17 ARTICLE 12 Evaluation Period 19 ARTICLE 13 Separations 21 ARTICLE 14 Recall after Lay-Off 24 ARTICLE 15 Transfers 26 ARTICLE 16 Promotions 28 ARTICLE 17 Temporary Assignments 30 ARTICLE 18 Insurance 31 ARTICLE 19 Leaves of Absence 33 ARTICLE 20 Paid Sick Leave 38 '-' ....., ARTICLE 21 Sick Leave Incentive 40 ARTICLE 22 Holidays 42 ARTICLE 23 Vacation Leave 45 ARTICLE 24 Dues Check-Off 48 ARTICLE 25 Union Activity 49 ARTICLE 26 Grievance Procedure 51 ARTICLE 27 Arbitration 54 ARTICLE 28 Continuity of Operations 57 ARTICLE 29 Subcontracting 58 ARTICLE 30 Bulletin Boards 59 ARTICLE 31 Uniforms 60 ARTICLE 32 Wages 61 ARTICLE 33 Retirement 62 ARTICLE 34 Printing Agreement 63 ARTICLE 35 General 64 ARTICLE 36 Savings Clause 66 ARTICLE 37 Duration of Agreement 67 SIGNATURE PAGE 68 '-' ...,¡I ARTICLE 1 INTENT AND PURPOSE It is the intent and purpose of the parties hereto to set forth herein the basic agreement covering rates of pay, hours of work, and conditions of employment; to achieve and maintain harmonious relations between the Board of County Commissioners, St. Lucie County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the "County", and Teamsters Local Union No. 769, Affiliated with the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, hereinafter referred to as the "Union"; to insure the continuous, uninterrupted and efficient operation of all departments; and to provide for the prompt and amicable adjustment of differences that may arise. 1 '-' ..; ARTICLE 2 MANAGEMENT RIGHTS Section 1. Except as otherwise specifically limited in this Agreement, the Union recognizes and agrees that the supervision, management, control and determination of the County business, operations, working force, equipment and facilities are exclusively vested in the County and its designated officials, administrators, managers and supervisors. The County alone shall have the authority to determine any direct policies, mode and methods of providing its services and unilaterally set the standards for same, without any interference in the management and conduct of the County's business by the Union or any of its representatives. Except as expressly limited by a specific provision of the Agreement, the County shall continue to have the exclusive right to take any action its deems necessary or appropriate in the management of its business and the direction of its work force. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, such rights exclusively reserved to the County shall include but not be limited to its right to determine the existence or nonexistence of facts which are the basis of management decisions; the right to determine the size and composition of its work forces; to determine the existence of a job vacancy; to temporarily fill vacancies; to hire new employees from the outside at any level; to select, reinstate, retire, promote, demote, evaluate, transfer, suspend, assign, direct, lay-off and recall employees subject to the express provision of this Agreement; to determine the fact oflack of work; to determine questions of physical fitness, skills and ability of employees to perform the work; to reward or reprimand, discharge, or otherwise discipline employees; to maintain the efficiency of employees; to determine job content and minimum qualification for job classifications and the amount and type of work needed; to engage in experimental and developmental projects; to determine what records are to be made and kept, how the records are to be made and kept, including those records relating to hours of work of employees, who will make and keep the records, how the records are to be made and kept; to establish new jobs, abolish or change existingjobs; to determine the assignment of work; to contract out or subcontract work; to schedule the hours and days to be worked on each job and each shift; to close facilities and to open new facilities; to make time studies of work Ioads, job assignments, methods of operation and efficiency from time to time and to make changes based on said studies; to expand, reduce, alter, combine, transfer, assign, cease, create, or restructure any department or operation for business purposes; to control, regulate and determine the number, type, and use of supplies, machinery, equipment, vehicles and other property owned, used, possessed or leased by the County; to introduce new, different or improved methods, means, and processes of County services and operations; to make or change rules and regulations, policies and practices for the purpose of efficiency, safe practices and discipline; and otherwise generally to manage the County, direct the work force, and establish terms and conditions of employment, except as modified or restricted by a provision of this Agreement. The County's failure to exercise any function or right hereby reserved to it, or, its exercising any function or right in a particular way, shall not be deemed a waiver of its rights to exercise such function or right, nor precludes the County from exercising the 2 '-" J same in some other way not in conflict with the express provisions of this Agreement. The Union agrees that the County may exercise all of the above without advising the Union of any proposed action; nor may the Union require the County to negotiate over the decision or its effects on the employees except as altered by this Agreement. The exercise of the rights specifically listed in this Article does not preclude the employees or their representatives from conferring with Management or raising questions about the practical consequences that decisions on these matters may have on the terms and conditions of empIoyment. Section 2. Past practices of the Board of County Commissioners or County Management shall not be considered for the purpose of limiting the rights, responsibilities, or prerogatives of management, nor for the purpose of enlarging upon the specific and express limitations on management which are contained in this Agreement. Section 3. If the County determines that civil emergency conditions exist, including but not limited to riots, civil disorders, strikes or illegal work stoppages, hurricane conditions or similar catastrophes or disorders, the provisions of this Agreement may be suspended by the County during the term ofthe declared emergency. Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 3, Correspondence, notice of such suspension will be given to the Union President as soon as practicable after the determination has been made and by whatever means are appropriate under the circumstances. 3 '-" ...." ARTICLE 3 CORRESPONDENCE Section 1. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, all correspondence from the Union to the County shall be directed to the Human Resources Director, or his designee, and alI correspondence from the County to the Union shall be directed to the Business Representative. To comply with the time limits contained in this Agreement, such correspondence shall be sent via the U.S. Postal Service, hand delivered or via facsimile and shall actually be received by the Human Resources Director, or his designee, or Union Business Representative on or before the date due unless sent via the U.S. Postal Service. When the U.S. Postal Service is utilized, all time limits contained in this Agreement shall be considered met so long as the correspondence is mailed via certified mail and the postmark date is in compliance with the specified time limit. All other correspondence shall be mailed by the U.S. Postal Service via regular mail, hand delivered, or sent via facsimile. Section 2. It is the responsibility of the Union to furnish the County with a mailing address for the Union, and to advise the County of any address change. 4 \w' ""., ARTICLE 4 ALCOHOL. DRUGS AND CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE EXAMINA TION/TESTING PROCEDURES Section 1 The County reserves the right to require all job applicants and employees to be tested for the use of alcohol, drugs or controlled substances. Alcohol, drugs and/or controlled substances shall hereinafter be referred to as "drug" or "drugs". If state or federal law regulations requires random or other types of drug testing of any job applicant and/or employee in the bargaining unit, the County will begin testing of such job applicants and/or employees as soon as required and as provided by law. The County will provide a list to the Union of the job classifications identified for random testing. All testing will be done at facilities approved by the Florida Agency for Health Care Administration or the United States Food and Drug Administration. Section 2 The County reservcs the right, at any time, to request any employee to take a drug test and/or physical examination based on reasonable suspicion. Reasonable suspicion is a belief that an employee is using or has used drugs in violation of County policy drawn from specific, objective, and articulate facts and reasonable inferences drawn from those facts. Among other things, such facts and inferences may be based upon: A. Observable phenomena while at work, such as a direct observation of drug use or the physical symptoms or manifestations of being under the influence of a drug or drugs. B. Abnormal conduct or erratic behavior while at work or a significant deterioration in work performance. C. A report of drug use, provided by a reliable and credible source. D. Evidence that an individual has tampered with a drug test during his employment with the County. E. Information that an employee has caused, contributed to, or been involved in an accident while at work. F. Evidence that an employee has used, possessed, sold, solicited, or transferred drugs while working or while on County premises or while operating County vehicle, machinery, or equipment. 5 v ." Section 3 The testing outlined for drugs in Section 1 and 2 of this Article will be administered in accordance with the following provisions: A. Any employee may be subject to an investigation which may include, but not be limited to, drug detection and testing, urinalysis, saliva testing, or any other medically recognized testing procedure. Prior to being tested, the employee will be given the opportunity to present any evidence oflegal substances he has taken which may affect the accuracy of the test results. The employee may consult with his Union Steward before being tested, provided such consultation does not delay the testing for more than thirty (30) minutes. If the employee is ordered to be tested based upon reasonable suspicion or the County is advised of any positive test results, the County in its sole discretion, shall decide whether the employee should be returned to a limited duty capacity orrelived of duty pending the results of the testing. Ifrelieved of duty, the employee will be suspended without pay. Ifpermitted to continue working pending the results of the testing, the employee shall not be permitted to operate any equipment or perform any function that could present a danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the public, co-workers, or the employee, and shall not be permitted to operate a motor vehicle. If the test results are negative for the presence of drugs, an employee who has been suspended will be paid for the time lost. B. V oluntary Rehabilitation: An employee who has not undergone rehabilitation for a substance abuse problem previously while employed by the County and/or has not been asked to be tested based on reasonable suspicion may be granted a leave of absence, without pay for up to thirty (30) days to seek rehabilitation. The County may approve up to a fifteen (15) day extension of this leave upon application by the employee. The employee may be entitled to use accrued vacation and/or sick leave if the employee so requests during this period. C. The decision to investigate and conduct drug testing shall be made by the County Administrator or his designee, who shall not be the employee's direct supervisor. Should the employee refuse to cooperate with the investigation and/or drug test, the employee will be terminated. Should the investigation and/or drug test substantiate the influence, use, or presence of drugs, the following procedural steps will be followed: 1. The employee shall be subject to disciplinary action as provided in the Employee Handbook Code of Workplace Conduct. In addition, the employee will be required to participate in and successfully complete a rehabilitation program under the Employee Assistance Program ("EAP"). Failure to participate in such rehabilitation program shall be grounds for termination. As an alternative to suspension, the employee may request an unpaid leave of absence for up to thirty (30) days to participate in and successfully complete a rehabilitation program. The County may 6 y ...,¡f approve up to a fifteen (15) day extension of this leave upon application by the employee. The employee shall be entitled to use accrued vacation and/or sick leave during such leave of absence, if he so elects. An employee who receives a positive confirmed test result may contest or explain the results to the County's designated medical review officer within five (5) working days after the employee receives written notification of the test result. If the employee's explanation is unsatisfactory to the medical review officer, the medical review officer shall report a positive test result back the County and the employee shall have the right to contest the drug test result pursuant to rules adopted by the Florida Department of Labor and Employment Security. If the employee's explanation is acceptable to the medical review officer, the employee will be returned to work and will be paid for the time lost. The individual employee shall have the right to have his original specimen tested by a Florida Health Care Administration or United States Food and Drug Administration approved laboratory of his choice in rebuttal to the initial test, and present such test results to the County. This test will be accomplished at the sole expense of the employee. If there is a conflict between the first and second test, the County shall have the right to request a third test of the original specimen by an approved laboratory of the County's choice. If this final (third) test reverses the County's original finding, the employee will be reimbursed for the second test and paid for the time lost. This retesting, which is available at an employee's option, does not take the place of the testing procedures outlined in paragraphs C2 and C3 of this section. However, the employee may also exercise this retesting option when given the tests outlined in paragraphs C2 and C3 of this section. 2. Prior to returning to work following a suspension or leave of absence described in paragraphs B and Cl of this section, the employee will be given a drug test. If the drug test is positive, the employee will be discharged. However, at the sole discretion of the County, an employee may be allowed to retum to work temporarily before completing his rehabilitation program. An employee returning to work under such circumstances shall not be permitted to operate any equipment or perform any function that could present a danger to the health, safety, or welfare ofthe public, co- workers, or the employee, and shall not be permitted to operate a motor vehicle_ Further an employee returning to work before completing his rehabilitation program will be given a drug test on a day and time of the County's choosing, between the 3lst day and the 45th day after the first specimen was taken. If the drug test is positive, the employee will be discharged. 7 '-' ...." 3. As a condition of returning to work following the leave described in paragraphs Band C 1 of this section, the employee must submit to periodic drug testing no more than once a quarter during the following two (2) year period upon the demand of the County and without prior notice to the employee. Having had the benefit of paragraphs B and CI ofthis section, an employee who fails a drug test at anytime in the future will be discharged (Second Offense). Section 4. The sick leave, vacation and leave of absence without pay referred to in this Article shall be taken in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. Section 5. If the County finds that the employee's use or possession of any drug has detrimentally affected its interest the employee may be discharged rather than being afforded the opportunities of rehabilitation. This Article does not prevent the County from disciplining an employee for any violation of the County's Code of Personal Conduct, Departmental Rules and Regulations, or other provisions of this Agreement or the Employee Handbook that may occur regardless of whether it is in connection with the use or abuse of controlled drugs or substances. Section 6. Upon request, an employee shall receive a copy of the laboratory report(s) received by the County. 8 '-' -...,; ARTICLE 5 SAFETY Section 1. All employees and the County shall be responsible for following the provisions of the Employee Safety Handbook. The County shall provide all employees with a copy of the Employee Safety Handbook. The County shall continue to have the right to unilaterally establish adopt, change amend, withdraw, and enforce the Employee Safety Handbook, so long as such actions do not result in a conflict with the specific terms and conditions of this Agreement. The County will post all changes to the Employee Safety Handbook in all work areas. Except in the case of an emergency, such changes will be posted on the County bulletin boards at least five (5) working days before the effective date ofthe change. Failure to follow prescribed safety procedures may result in disciplinary action. Section 2. A. The County and the Union agree that it is in the best interest of the County and the employee to report accidents as soon as possible, no matter if minor in character. Failure to do so may result in complications ofthe illness or injury and delay recovery for the employee. Therefore, employees are required to immediately report to their supervisor any accident or injury incurred on the job and/or any work related illness unless physically unable to do so. Failure to so report a job related illness or injury may result in disciplinary action. An employee may also be requested to file a written report regarding ajob related illness or injury. B. Unless an emergency exists, an employee must receive authorization from his supervisor prior to receiving medical treatment. The County reserves the right to designate specific doctors, clinics, and hospitals, that will be exclusively authorized to treat employees' on the job injuries and illnesses. An employee wishing to be treated by his own physician must receive prior written approval from his supervisor. C. In the case of all vehicular accidents on a public right of way, the employee shall immediately call 911, advise the operator that he is a County employee, and ask the 911 operator to call and notify his supervisor, who shall immediateIy notify the Risk Manager, and the County's Public Safety Department of the accident. The employee shall notify his supervisor immediately of all vehicular accidents on County property. 9 v ""'" Section 3. The County provides safety equipment and devises for employees engaged in work where such special equipment is deemed by the County to be necessary. Such equipment, where provided, must be used. Failure by an employee to utilize provided equipment shall be cause for disciplinary action. Section 4. The Employee Safety Handbook provides for a Safety Committee the size and composition of which shall be determined by the County Administrator. Bargaining unit representation on the County's Safety Committee shall consist of three (3) employees from the bargaining unit. The Union shall furnish the County Administrator the names of three (3) employees chosen by the bargaining unit. The County Administrator shall appoint these three bargaining unit employees to the Safety Committee, except he may reject an appointment for good cause. The votes of the individual bargaining unit representatives will be given the same weight as any other individual member of the Safety Committee. Any decision or recommendation of the Safety Committee will be considered by the County Administrator or his designee but will not be binding on the County. 10 v ...., ARTICLE 6 NO CONCURRENT EMPLOYMENT Section 1 During working hours, the employee is to concern himself strictly with the business of the County and the duties of his position. At no time during working hours shall the employee perform any services or make or receive any telephone calls on behalf of any employment, that are not a part of the employee's job responsibilities with the County. Section 2 An employee shall notify his supervisor of any other employment in order for the County to determine that no conflict of interest exists with regard to such employment and the employee's duties with the County. 11 v ...., ARTICLE 7 ATTENDANCE Section 1. All employees are expected to report for duty at the scheduled time. If an employee is unable to work for any reason, he must notify the department as indicated by written departmental policies which are posted or otherwise distributed to employees. Departmental policies shall be guided by procedures described in the Employee Handbook unless circumstances of the department warrant deviation. Employees in a department without a separate attendance policy shall be required to notify the department that they will be absent within thirty (30) minutes after their scheduled start time. Insufficient notice may constitute leave without pay. Section 2. Unauthorized absenteeism or lateness may be cause for disciplinary action in accordance with the Employee Handbook. 12 \..,1 ...., ARTICLE 8 OVERTIME Section 1. Employees shall be required to work overtime when requested unless excused by supervisors. Employees working in those classifications which are overtime eligible classifications and not exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act will be paid overtime at the rate of time and one-half their regular base rate of pay for all time actually worked in excess of forty (40) hours per work week. If there are any changes during the term of this Agreement in the Fair Labor Standards Act with regard to overtime provisions which affect public sector employees, the parties shall consider this paragraph immediately open for negotiations and shall immediately meet for such negotiations. Section 2. The County will seek volunteers consistent with equitable distribution of overtime within a work area, classification, shift and consistent with skill and ability. In the event sufficient volunteers are not available, qualified employees shall be assigned to overtime work in a manner consistent with the equitable distribution of assignments. 13 \..~ -...I ARTICLE 9 HOURS OF WORK Section 1. The workweek shall consist of a consecutive seven (7) day period. The work day shan consist of a twenty-four (24) hour period beginning at 12:00 midnight. Regularly scheduled working hours and days off of employees covered by this Agreement shall not be indiscriminately changed by the County. Changes shall be made by reason of operational necessity and/or efficiency. Such changes require at least five (5) working days notice to the affected employees except in the case of an emergency. Except as provided herein, an employee's regular work schedule shall contain two (2) consecutive days off. An employee may request that his regularly scheduled days off be non-consecutive. Such request shall be subject to the prior approval of the employee's supervisor based upon the operational and scheduling needs of the department. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Section 2. Lunch, and if provided, break periods will be scheduled by the Department Head/Designee. Whenever consistent with efficient operation, such lunch period shall be scheduled by the Department Head/Designee to fall approximately at the mid-point of the employee's work day. Whenever consistent with efficient operation, such break shall be scheduled by the Department Head/Designee within the approximate mid-point of both the first and the last half of the employee's work day. However, nothing herein should be construed as preventing the County from providing staggered lunch and break times or requiring the County to provide any or the same lunch and break time for employees. 14 ~ ""'" ARTICLE 10 EMERGENCY STANDBY DUTY Section 1. In order to provide coverage for services during off-duty hours, it may be necessary to assign and schedule certain employees to emergency standby duty. An emergency standby duty assignment is made by a Department Head/Designee who requires an employee to be available for work on off-duty time which may include nights, weekends and/or holidays. Section 2. Emergency standby time is defined as that period of time during which an employee is required to be readily available for emergency callout. When assigned to emergency standby duty, the employee's activities are restricted to the extent that he may be readily contacted by telephone or pocket pager. Section 3. The Department Head/Designee will determine when it is necessary to place employees in an emergency standby status. The department will seek volunteers consistent with equitable distribution of emergency standby time within a work area, classification, shift and consistent with skill and ability. In the event sufficient volunteers are not available, qualified employees shall be assigned to emergency standby work in a manner consistent with equitable distribution of assignments. Section 4. Employees assigned to emergency standby shall be compensated as follows: A. One hour token pay will be paid per 24-hour period. This is paid regardless if the employee is or is not called into work. This token pay will be based upon the employee's regular rate of pay. B. Except as provided below if an employee is called out, he will be paid a minimum of2 hours per 24 hour period provided the time worked does not immediately precede or extend the employee's regularly assigned work shift. This 2 hour minimum payment will apply only to the first call-out, and the actual time worked will be paid for subsequent call-outs in the same 24-hour period based upon his regular rate of pay or his overtime rate of pay, as appropriate. C. If an employee is called out during a week in which there is a County holiday, the employee will be paid a minimum of 2 hours per 24 hour period or 1 'l2 times his regular rate of pay for the time worked on the call-out, whichever is greater. This 2 hour minimum payment will 15 ",. ,...¡ apply only to the first call-out during the 24 hour period, and subsequent call-outs in the same 24 hour period will be paid at 1 Y2 time his regular rate of pay for the actual time worked. Section 5. Except as provided above for weeks with a holiday, overtime compensation of 1 Y2 times the base hourly rate of pay will be paid for hours actually worked in excess of 40 hours per work week to employees who are non-exempt employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act. If there are any changes during the term of this Agreement in the Fair Labor Standards Act in regard to overtime provisions, the parties shall consider this section immediately open for negotiations and shall immediately meet for purposes of computing overtime pay. However, for the purposes of computing overtime, the one hour token pay will count as one hour worked even if no work is performed. Section 6. All emergency standby employees will be provided with pocket pager and County vehicle for possible use. If the employees does not report to work in a timely fashion, not to exceed 30 minutes, in response to a call for assistance, all emergency standby compensation may be forfeited, and disciplinary action may be enforced. 16 '- .....I ARTICLE 11 ON CALL STATUS Section 1. It is recognized and agreed by both parties that the nature of the operation of the County sometime requires that employees be available to be called back to work at a time other than their regularly scheduled hours of work, including nights, weekends or holidays. Section 2. The Department Head will determine when it is necessary to place employees in an on call status. The department will seek volunteers whenever possible consistent with equitable distribution of on call time within a work area, classification, shift, and consistent with skill and ability. In the event sufficient volunteers are not available, qualified employees shall be assigned on call work in a manner consistent with equitable distribution of assignments. Section 3. Employees on the on call list will provide the County with a contact telephone number and will be responsible for keeping the County advised of any changes. Employees on the on call list have complete freedom of activity in the off duty hours until assigned to work and are not considered on "emergency standby" duty. Section 4. Employees placed on the on call list who are called back to work shall be compensated as follows: A. Except during a week in which there is a County holiday, an employee who is called back to work shall be compensated for the amount of time actually worked or 2 hours, whichever is greater, provided such work does not immediately precede or extend the employee's regularly assigned work shift. The 2 hour minimum payment will apply only to the first call-out during the 24 hour period, and subsequent call-outs in the same 24 hour period will be paid based upon actual time worked at his regular rate of pay or his overtime rate of pay, as appropriate. B. Ifan employee is called back to work during a week in which there is a County holiday, the employee will be paid a minimum of2 hours per 24 hour period or 1 Yí times his regular rate of pay for the time worked on the call-out, whichever is greater. The 2 hour minimum payment will apply only to the first call-out during the 24 hour period, and subsequent call- outs in the same 24 hour period will be paid at 1 Yí time his regular rate of pay for the actual time worked. 17 '-' .....I Section S. On call time away from work shall not count as hours "worked" for the purpose of computing overtime pay, Section 6. This article is not intended to override or interfere in any manner with any work assignment made in accordance with emergency manuals, for example, hurricane preparedness non-military radiological manuals and assignments made in accordance with a state of emergency declared by an appropriate official. 18 '- ,.." ARTICLE 12 EV ALVA TION PERIOD Section 1. The evaluation or "working test" period is an integral part of the hiring and promotion process It is utilized to closely observe the new employee's work, to secure the most effective adjustment of a new employee to the position, and to reject any employee whose performance does not meet the required standards. Section 2. Except as otherwise provided in Articles 13, 14 and l5 ofthis Agreement, the evaluation period shall extend a minimum of six (6) months from the employee's first day of work with the County or in the position to which he has been promoted. An employee will receive a minimum of three (3) written evaluations during this six (6) month period. The County may extend an employee's evaluation period one time beyond the end of the minimum evaluation period for a period not to exceed thirty (30) calendar days upon approval of the County Administrator/designee. Further, the evaluation period will be extended by the number of days an employee is absent whether paid or unpaid during the evaluation period. When the employee has successfully completed the evaluation period, and any extension, he shall be placed on regular status. Section 3. Regular status denotes final appointment in a specific County position and classification following successful completion of the evaluation period, and any extension thereof. Section 4. A newly hired employee who does not successfully complete his evaluation period is not entitled to the Grievance/Arbitration Procedures or payments of sick leave or vacation leave at the time of termination. Section 5. If an employee who is serving an evaluation period incurred as a result of a promotion is found to be unqualified to perform the duties of the higher position, a good faith effort will be made to return the employee to the position and status he held immediately prior to the promotion. If the employee is returned to this former position, his wages will be the same amount he would have been paid if he had not been promoted, including any increases which he would have achieved during the period he held the higher position. If the employee's former position is filled, the employee may be transferred 19 ""', ~ to a vacant position, for which he qualifies, subject to the approval of the Department Head and the County Administrator. If no vacancy exists for which the employee is qualified, he will be placed in a layoff status with recall rights pursuant to Article 14 of this Agreement. 20 ,,",' ......, ARTICLE 13 SEPARATIONS Section 1. Date of SeDaration The effective date of separation shall be the last day on which the employee is physically present for duty unless otherwise specified herein. Section 2. Resignation A. Resignation is defined as an action whereby an employee voluntarily leaves County employment with or without giving notice. B. An employee wishing to leave County employment in good standing shall file with the County a written resignation, stating the date and reasons for leaving. Such notice must be given at least two (2) weeks prior to the date of separation. Failure to comply with this courtesy may be cause for denying such employee reemployment with the County. Section 3. Retirement A. Retirement is defined as a voluntary or involuntary procedure whereby an employee separates from County employment for reasons of length of service or disability. B. Retirement regulations and benefits shall conform with the provisions of the Florida Retirement System in effect upon the effective date of the employee's retirement. Section 4. Death Termination shall be effective as of the date of death. All compensation and benefits due to the employee as of the effective date of separation shall be paid to the beneficiary, surviving spouse, or the estate of the employee, as determined by law or by executed form in the employee's Personnel Division file. Section 5. Reduction in Force (Lav-off) A. If a layoff occurs, all empIoyees serving an evaluation period will be laid off first by job classification. The only exception would be if an employee in an evaluation period has a particularly skill required to perform duties and no one else employed by the County is qualified to perform such duties in the opinion of the County. B. In determining the order of layoff of employees other than employees in their probationary 21 \.,.' """" period, the following criteria will be weighted equally: (a) ability, (b) skill, (c) attendance record for preceding twelve (12) month period, (d) evaluations, (e) any documented counseling or disciplinary actions in preceding twelve (12) month period, and (t) seniority. Ifthe employee has the ability, skills and desire to reclassify to a lower paying position within his division, he may replace the least senior employee in the lower position provided he has more seniority than the employee he is replacing. The employee's rate of pay will remain the same if his wage is within the range of the lower position. If the employee's rate of pay exceeds the maximum of the lower position, the employee will receive the top of the range for the new classification. An employee who reclassifies to a lower position will not be subject to the provisions of Article 12. If an employee returns to his former job classification within one year from the effective date of his reclassification to a different position, he will not be subject to the provisions of Article 12. C. If a laid-off employee is transferred from one department to another where a vacancy exists and is required to take a reduction in pay, that employee will have the option of receiving his vacation pay prior to being transferred at the previous higher rate of pay. If the employee chooses not to take vacation pay before the transfer, he will be paid vacation leave at his current rate of pay when he chooses to take vacation. If a full-time employee is laid-off, he will be compensated for his vacation in full and receive sick leave accrued not to exceed eighty (80) hours unless the employee has ten years of continuous service for which he would receive up to sixty (60) days of accrued sick leave. Part-time employees who are laid offwill receive their vacation and sick leave pro-rated based on an average two week work period. D. Recognizing the hardship a layoff creates for an employee, the County will continue to pay its share of health insurance premiums for one full month after layoff for the employee and family coverage. E. Seniority is defined as the employee's last date of hire with the County with deductions for absences of sixty (60) working days. If employees have the saine seniority date, their relative seniority dates shall be determined by the last four digits of the employee's social security number, the lowest number being the most senior. Section 6. Dismissal or Dischare:e A. A discharge is the involuntary separation of an empIoyee from County employment. Employees discharged for disciplinary reasons shall not generally be eligible for reemployment and shall lose all seniority and reinstatement privileges. B. A discharged employee will be allowed to discuss the discharge with the Union Steward before he is required to leave the property of the County, unless his presence creates an unsafe situation. 22 ","' ,..¡ C. The County will notify the Union Steward upon the discharge of an employee in the bargaining unit, but failure to give such notice shall not affect the validity of the discharge. D. Discipline or discharge of employees in an evaluation period shall not be subject to the grievance or arbitration procedures. Section 7. Return of Property and Financial Obligations A. At the time of separation and prior to receiving final monies due, all records, books, assets, uniforms, keys, tools, and other items of County property in the employee's custody shall be returned to the department. Certification to this effect shall be made by the employee's supervisor. Any monies due because of shortages shall be deducted from the final pay check due or shall be collected through appropriate action. B. Any outstanding debts incurred by an employee, such as shortages in leave accounts, deductions for the loss or abuse of County property or other financial obligations which are due the County shall be deducted from the employee's final pay check and/or termination leave pay. 23 '...... ..., ARTICLE 14 RECALL AFTER LAY-OFF Section 1. A laid off employee is eligible to remain in a recall status for one (1) full year from the date oflay-off. The County's obligation under this provision will continue for one (1) full year from the date oflay- off. A person recalled within the year will not lose his seniority, but the amount of time he is laid off will not be credited to him for seniority, retirement and benefit purposes, Section 2. When the County decides to increase the work force, laid off employees will be called back in their order of layoff by classification, e.g., last out, first in, providing the employee can still meet the minimumjob requirements as stated in thejob description and pass a physical examination including a drug test. An employee who is recalled within ninety (90) days of the date of his lay off will not be required to take a physical examination and/or drug test unless the County has specific information that makes such examination and/or test appropriate in its opinion. The employee must notify the Personnel Department at time of layoff whether he desires to be recalled to the job classification which he held at the time of layoff or to any available position for which he is qualified. Section 3. Notice to a laid off employee regarding the County's intention to recall him shall be sent by certified mail to his last known address and by documented telephone call to his last known telephone number as shown in his Personnel File. If an employee so notified does not apply in the Personnel Department or give notice of his intention in writing to do so within five (5) working days of receipt of the notice, it shall be assumed that he has resigned and all rights accrued previously shall be forfeited. If an employee refuses in writing to accept the job offered because it is a lower paying position than previously held, he shall not lose rights for future recall during the one (1) year of eligibility. Section 4. An empIoyee will not forfeit his recall rights to his former position under this Article if he accepts recall to a lower paying position or to a temporary position ofless than ninety (90) days duration. Section 5. An employee who is recalled to his former position within the (1) year recall period will be paid at his rate of pay at the time of the layoff and will not be subject to the provisions of Article 12. If an 24 ~ ...., employee is recalled to a lower job classification than the one he held at the time ofIay off within the one (I) year recall period, he will be paid at his previous rate of pay if it is within the pay range for the new position and will serve an evaluation period as set forth in Article 12. An employee recalled to a lower job classification will not be entitled to a pay increase upon satisfactory completion of the evaluation period, however, his new anniversary date will be the date he began work in the new position. 25 v ,..." ARTICLE 15 TRANSFERS Section 1. An employee may be transferred from a classification in one department to the same or equivalent classification in another department or another division in his department provided the transfer is to the advantage of the County and/or results in a better utilization of the education, experience or interests of the employee. No transfer may be made without the approval ofthe two (2) Department Heads, or the Department Head and two Division Managers in the case of an intra-department transfer. involved, knowledge of the employee involved, and prior approval by the County Administrator. The provisions of the paragraph shall not be administered as a means to discipline employees. Section 2. Transfers shall be made as follows: A. An employee may be transferred to a position within another department or another division within his department with the same job classification and such transfer will not change the employee's pay grade, rate of pay, anniversary date or classification date. An employee who transfers to another department or .another division within his department for a promotion or lateral move at his request must remain in the department or division to which he is transferring for a minimum of nine (9) months before applying for a promotion or lateral move to another department or division within his department. B. An employee transferred at his own request shall serve a minimum of six (6) months evaluation period in the new department or division, provided, however, that such employee shall not be entitled to a pay increase at the conclusion of the evaluation period. If, during the evaluation period, the employee is found to be unsuited for or unqualified in the new department or division, the employee may return to his previous position, subject to the approval of the Department Head, if a vacancy exists. Ifhis former position is filled, a good faith effort will be made to place the employee in a comparable position. If a vacancy does not exist, the employee will be placed in lay-off status with recall rights pursuant to Article 14, Recall After Lay-off. C. In no event shall an employee's transfer pursuant to this Article result in his receiving a rate of pay which exceeds the pay range for his new position. 26 "" ...., Section 3. The County Administrator may grant an employee's request to transfer to a lower paid job classification, provided the transfer is to the advantage of the County and/or results in better utilization of the education, experience, or interests of the employee. An employee so transferred shall be paid at his rate of pay at the time of his transfer if it is within the pay range for the lower paid classification. If the employee's rate of the pay at the time of his transfer exceeds the highest rate of pay for the lower-paid classification, he wiII be paid at the top rate of pay for the lower paid position. An employee transferred to a lower paid classification at his own request shall serve a minimum of six (6) months evaluation period in the classification, provided, however, that such employees shall not be entitled to a pay increase at the conclusion of the evaluation period. An employee who is transferred to a lower paid position shall not be permitted to apply for a promotion to his former classification for a period of one (1) year following the effective date of his transfer to the lower paid classification. 27 '-" ..."., ARTICLE 16 PROMOTIONS Section 1. For the purposes of this Agreement, a promotion shall be defined as reclassification to a different position with a higher pay grade. Section 2. In filling all vacancies in the bargaining unit, the County shall consider all of the following factors: A. Ability to perform all essential duties in the classification. B. Ability to meet reasonable performance standards for quality and quantity of work. C. Length of continuous service with the department and/or County. D. Overall work record with the County, excluding the following: (1) Written reprimands (without a suspension) which occurred more than three (3) years prior to the date of application for the promotion if the employee has not received any additional discipline for a period of two (2) years prior to the date of such application. (2) Suspensions which occurred more than five (5) years prior to the date of application for the promotion if the employee has not received any additional discipline for a period of three (3) years prior to the date of such application. E. Prior formal education, apprenticeship programs, specialized training schools, military assignment, job experience prior to being employed by the County, and any other relevant qualification the individual may possess. Section 3. The parties agree that an employee's continuous service with the department and/or County is an important factor when determining qualifications for filling vacancies. Section 4. Employees within the division where the vacancy exists shall be given first consideration subject to their qualifications being equal to other bidders. 28 '-" .~ Section 5. Promotional vacancies will be posted in all departments for at least five (5) working days_ Section 6. A promoted employee will serve a six (6) month evaluation period. Section 8. The County agrees to post management vacancies and will gIve bargaining unit employees consideration in filling such vacancies. Section 7. Upon promotion, an employee will receive the minimum pay rate for his new position or a five percent (5%) increase of his pay rate at the time of his promotion, whichever is greater. Upon satisfactory completion of the evaluation period, the employee will be eligible for a five percent (5%) pay increase, subject to the recommendation of the Department Head and approval of the County Administrator. In no event shall an employee's transfer pursuant to this Article result in his receiving a rate of pay which exceeds the pay range for his new position. Section 8. An employee who is promoted to a position in another department or another division within his department at his request must remain in that department or division for a minimum of nine (9) months before applying for a promotion or lateral move to another department or division. 29 \wf ..., ARTICLE 17 TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENTS Section 1. The County shall not be prevented from temporarily assigning or appointing any employee to perform work which would normally be done by an employee in another classification, when, in the discretion of the County, such assignment or appointment is necessary. Section 2. An employee temporarily assigned to perform work outside his normal classification shall suffer no loss of pay should said temporary assignment be to a lower classification. Section 3. An employee who is temporarily assigned to a position in a higher classification shall be paid his regular rate of pay for the first ten (10) consecutive calendar days. If such assignment continues beyond ten (10) consecutive calendar days, he shall receive five percent (5%) above his regular rate of payor the minimum of the higher classification, whichever is greater. In the event that the County has been notified by the empIoyee whose position is being temporarily being filled that his absence will extend beyond ten (10) consecutive calendar days prior to the first date of such absence or as soon thereafter as possible in the event of illness or emergency, the County shall pay the employee temporarily assigned to fill the position at the minimum of the higher classification or five percent (5%) above his regular rate of pay, whichever is greater, beginning on the first day of the temporary assignment. If the temporary assignment extends beyond ten (10) consecutive calendar days, the County shall pay the employee receiving the temporary assignment at such higher rate of pay retroactively for the first ten (10) consecutive calendar days of the temporary assignment. This section shall not apply where the distinction in classification is based primarily on experience or years of service. 30 '-" ..I ARTICLE 18 INSURANCE Section 1. For the period October 1, 2002 through and including December 31, 2003, regular full time bargaining unit will participate in the same health insurance program and coverage, including the same rates of employee contribution, as provided by the Board of County Commissioners to its non- bargaining unit employees. The health insurance program shall include optional dental, prescription care and vision plans. Section 2. Regular full time bargaining unit employees will continue to be eligible to participate in the County's short term and long term disability program. Section 3. Regular full time bargaining unit employees will continue to be eligible to participate in the County's life insurance program. Section 4. Regular full time bargaining unit employees will continue to be eligible to participate in the County's employee assistance program (EAP). Section 5. Except as otherwise provided in this Agreement, the insurance coverage listed above shall be discontinued on the date the employee's services are terminated, the day he quits or retires, or the day he goes on any leave of absence other than Family Medical Leave Act leave, or is laid off, provided that, subject to the approval of the insurance carrier, said coverage will continue for that period for which the County has prepaid the premium for such employee. 31 ~ .J Section 6. Eligibility, coverage and benefits under the above insurance plans are subject to the terms and conditions, including but not limited to any waiting period or other time limits, contained in the contracts between the County and the carrier. Any rebates or refunds of premiums paid by the County shall accrue to the County. With reference to the insurance set forth above, the County will continue to have the right to select carriers, to change carriers, and to be self-insured. It is further agreed that the only liability assumed by the County under this article is to pay the premiums agreed upon. Any claim settlement between an employee and the insurance carrier shall not be subject to the grievance procedure. 32 \...t' """" ARTICLE 19 LEAVES OF ABSENCE Section 1. Court Leave A. Employees attending court as a witness when instructed or ordered to attend by the County Administrator or his designee for County business, shall receive pay at their regular rate for the hours they attend court. This time is charged as leave with pay and such time will considered as time worked for purpose of computing overtime. B. Employees on jury duty shall receive pay at their regular rate for such time spent during their normal working hours. This time will be charged as leave with pay; however, such time will not be considered as hours worked for overtime purposes. C. Those employees who become plaintiffs or defendants in personal litigation or as witnesses in litigation other than that covered in Paragraph A of this Section are not eligible for court leave with pay. In such cases, vacation leave or leave without pay may be granted upon application by the employee and approval by the Department Head. Leave of absence without pay will follow the provisions of Section 4 of this Article. The County recognizes that employees who have been subpoenaed by the court must honor such subpoena, D. Employees on County paid leave who attend court for only a portion of a regularly scheduled work day are expected to report to their supervisor when excused or released by the court. E. Employees required to attend court as stated in Paragraph A of this Section, who are on scheduled vacation will either, at the employee's option and with the Department Head's approval, I) extend their vacation equal to such time spent attending court on behalf of an instruction or order by the County, or 2) reschedule such time in accordance with the vacation policy and Article 23, Vacation Leave. F. All court attendance must be verified before an employee is compensated. Monies received from court appearances shall be turned over to the County, except for travel pay and meal allowance. Section 2. Military Leave An employee may request military leave to serve on active duty in an emergency or on required annual duty, and shall be compensated in accordance with State law, provided: A. The employee provides his supervisor with one (1) month's notice in advance, where possible, and copies of orders to active duty. 33 '-' .I B. Military leave shall not affect an employee's right to vacation or sick leave. Section 3. Leaves under the Familv and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) The FMLA establishes the rights of eligible employees to a leave of absence for up to twelve (12) weeks in a twelve (12) month period from their employment for birth, adoption, the care of a family member's serious health condition, or the employee's own serious health condition. It also provides for the continuation of health insurance benefits while on leave and the return of the employee to the same or an equivalent position at the end of the leave. The parties state that it is their intention to follow and comply with the FMLA in granting leaves where applicable. Where applicable, an employee's workman's compensation leave will be counted in determining the total amount ofFMLA leave used by an employee in a twelve (12) month period. Section 4. Leave Without Pay A. The decision to grant a leave without pay (lease of absence) is a matter of administrative discretion, and may only be approved by the County Administrator or his designee. Leaves without pay must be requested by the employee at least two (2) weeks prior to the leave, unless circumstances satisfactory to the County Administrator/designee render advance request impossibIe. All leave without pay requests must be in writing, and indicate a beginning and an ending date. No leave without pay shall extend beyond ninety (90) days. However, all approved leaves of absence shall be granted in increments ofthirty (30) days or less. Extensions may be granted if requested at least seven (7) days prior to the expiration of the leave, and approved by the County Administrator or his designee. An employee must exhaust all available vacation and/or sick leave, as appropriate, before beginning a leave without pay. B. The following provisions apply to leave without pay status: 1. An employee granted a leave of absence must keep the department informed of his current activity (school, medical, military, etc.) each time a request for extension of the leave is made. In addition, the employee must keep the department advised of his current address at all times. Failure to comply with these provisions shall result in the employee being dropped from leave of absence status, in which case he must return to duty or be discharged. 2. An employee who obtains either part-time or full-time employment elsewhere while on an authorized leave of absence, may be discharged unless specific approval by the County Administrator/designee is received in advance. 3. An employee granted a leave of absence shall contact the Department Head/designee 34 \.,.-. ....J at least two (2) weeks prior to the expiration of the leave in order to facilitate the reinstatement process. 4. Failure to return to work at the expiration of the leave shall be considered a resignation. 5. No sick leave or vacation shall be accrued by an employee while he is on leave without pay. 6. An effort will be made to return the employee to the position and status held immediately prior to his leave of absence. If the employee's former position is filled, he may be transferred to a position for which he qualifies, subject to the approval of the Department Head and the County Administrator. Ifno vacancy exists for which the employee qualifies, he will be placed in a layoff status with recall rights pursuant to Article 14, Recall After Lay-Off. 7. The employee will be responsible for the entire cost of his insurance premium while on leave without pay. 8. Leave without pay shall not begin until after the employee has used all existing vacation and/or sick leave. C. Time spent on leave of absence shall not constitute a break in service. However, the time shall not be credited toward retirement, vacation, sick leave, or toward satisfying the evaluation period. Section 5. Worker's Comoensation Leave Payment of worker's compensation to employees who are disabled because of an injury arising out of and in the course of performing their duties with the County shall be governed by the Florida worker's compensation law. A. Full wages will be paid for the day of the on-duty injury if disability results, or for that part of the employee's scheduled hours of work for the day of the on-duty injury spent receiving medical treatment. B. An employee who has experienced a disability under Florida's worker's compensation law resulting from a compensable injury may request the Department Director to approve the use of accrued sick or vacation leave, which together with the payment of worker's compensation, shall provide the employee with a salary equivalent to no more than his normal schedule at his straight time rate of pay. The amount of such accrued leave granted to an employee shall be based upon an employee receiving worker's compensation monies from the first day of 35 \.' ..,; disability. C. Compensation for the disability will be made in accordance with the Florida worker's compensation law. D An employee on worker's compensation leave shall report to the County Administrator/designee within the fIrst week of every month regarding his health status and prognosis for recovery, unless otherwise directed by the County Administrator/designee. E. An employee on worker's compensation leave shall make himself available for all doctor's appointments. Such an employee shall follow the doctor's orders and/or directions, and shall avoid any activity which may aggravate or exacerbate the illness or injury. F. An employee returning from a worker's compensation leave must present a medical release from his physician certifying the employee's ability to return to work without restrictions or with restrictions acceptable to the County Administrator/designee. G. An employee who obtains part-time or full-time employment elsewhere while on a worker's compensation leave, may be discharged unless specific approval by the County Administrator is received in advance. H. An effort will be made to return the employee to the position and status held immediately prior to his leave of absence. Ifthe employee's former position is filled, he may be transferred to a vacant position for which he qualifIed, subject to the approval of the Department Head and the County Administrator.' If no vacancy exists for which the employee qualifIes, he will be placed in a lay-off status with recall rights pursuant to Article 14, Recall After Lay-Off. 1.. Failure to return to work at the expiration of the leave will be considered as a resignation. 1. As stated above in Section 3, an employee's worker's compensation leave, where applicable under the FMLA, shall be included in determining the total amount ofFMLA leave used by an employee during a twelve (12) month period. Section 6. Funeral Leave In cases of the death of an employee's mother, father, foster parents, stepmother, stepfather, grandparents, great-grandparents, grandparents-in-Iaw, step grandparents, sister, brother, stepbrother, stepsister, wife, husband, son, daughter, stepchildren, foster children, grandchildren, mother-in-law, or father-in-law, the employee will be allowed a maximum of three (3) days paid leave to attend the funeral if held within the State of Florida, or fIve (5) days paid leave to attend the funeral if held outside of the State of Florida. Funeral leave will be paid at the rate of eight (8) hours per day. The 36 ~ ....I employee will give his supervisor and Department as much notice as possible prior to such leave. Funeral leave must be approved by the Department Head. Such approval shall not be unreasonably withheld. Section 7. Change in Employee's Health Status In order for the County to provide a safe and healthy work place, employees shall immediately inform the County of any possible change in physical or mental condition resulting from illness, injury, disability, or pregnancy. If, at any time, the County questions the ability of the employee to perform his job in a safe and satisfactory manner, the County may request that the employee submit to the County a statement by a physician of the County's choice that the employee is physically and mentally able to perform all of the duties that the job requires in a manner that does not interfere with the safety or health of the employee or any other person. If the physician does not so certify, then the County may place the employee on a leave of absence in accordance with the Sick Leave or Leave Without Pay Policy. Except as otherwise required by law, the County shall not be required to return to work an employee recovering from a non-employment related illness or injury pending receipt of a written statement from his treating physician releasing him to full duty for his position. 37 ~ ""'" ARTICLE 20 PAID SICK LEAVE Section 1. Full-time employees who have completed their evaluation period shall accrue eight (8) hours of sick leave for each month of service. Part-time employees who have compIeted their evaluation period shall accrue on pro-rata basis based upon the actual number of hours worked. A part-time employee shall be defined as one who fills a part-time (less than forty (40) hours per week) regularly budgeted position. Temporary employees shall not be eligible for paid sick leave. There will be no maximum on the amount of sick leave an employee may accumulate. For overtime purposes, sick leave will not be considered as time worked. Section 2. Sick leave shall be considered a privilege which will be allowed only in cases of personal illness or disability, including pregnancy, scheduled doctor or dentist appointments, or in the case of illness within the immediate family. Section 3. In order to be granted sick leave with pay, an employee must notify his department as indicated by written departmental policies which are posted or otherwise distributed to employees. Section 4. The County may require medical certification of an employee's absence signed by a physician stating the kind and nature of sickness or injury if such absence exceeds three (3) working days, or if the County feels that the employee has abused the provisions of this article. Use of sick leave when physically fit for duty may result in discharge of the employee. Section 5. When an employee's accumulated sick leave is not sufficient to cover an illness or injury, the employee shall use his vacation leave to help cover time needed for absence from work due to the illness or injury. 38 '-" .J Section 6. All employees eligible for paid sick leave shall be entitled to terminal "incentive pay" for accumulated and unused sick leave to be paid to each employee upon normal or regular retirement, or termination or resignation, other than termination for just cause, after six (6) years of creditable and continuous service with St. Lucie County, and to the beneficiary if service is terminated by death, after six (6) years of creditable and continuous service. The payment shall be determined by using the rate of pay received by the employee at the time of retirement, termination, resignation, or death based upon the following schedule: 6 -10 years 10 years or more Not to exceed 240 hours Not to exceed 480 hours This payment shall not be considered in any state retirement system as salary payments, and shall not be used in determining the average final compensation of any employee or any state administered retirement plan. Except for employees on Family Medical Leave, accrued sick leave shall not be used to determine the date of termination. Section 7. Pursuant to Section 1-2-16, St. Lucie County Code of Ordinances and Compiled Laws, any employee found guilty in a court of competent jurisdiction of committing, aiding, or abetting an embezzlement or theft from his employer, or of bribery in connection with employment, committed prior to retirement or creditable termination as provided in Subsection 1-2-16(b), whose employment is terminated by reason of his admitted committing, aiding, or abetting of an embezzlement or theft from the County or by reason of bribery or for cause, or who prior to a creditable termination or retirement as provided in Subsection 1- 2-16(b), is adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to have violated any state law against strikes by public employees shall forfeit all rights and benefits under this section. An employee whose employment terminates as a result of an act committed subject to this section or for cause will not be given credit for unused sick leave accumulated prior to termination should the employee be reemployed at a later date. Section 8. All bargaining unit employees shall be eligible to participate in the Shared Sick Leave Program offered to non-bargaining unit employees. 39 '-' ..., ARTICLE 21 SICK LEAVE INCENTIVE Section 1. The employees covered by the Agreement and the Union recognize their obligation to prevent unnecessary absences or other abuses of sick leave privileges. As an incentive for not abusing the sick leave policy, employees may earn extra credit for a vacation in the following manner. Employees who have been employed by S1. Lucie County for a minimum of two (2) consecutive years and have unused sick time available, will be entitled to extra paid vacation days as listed in the table below: 120 hours = 240 hours 360 hours 480 hours = 600 hours 720 hours 840 hours = 960 hours = 1080 hours 1200 hours = one (1) extra vacation day two (2) extra vacation days three (3) extra vacation days four (4) extra vacation days five (5) extra vacation days six (6) extra vacation days seven (7) extra vacation days eight (8) extra vacation days nine (9) extra vacation days ten (10) extra vacation days Extra vacation days are limited to a maximum of ten (10) regardless of the amount of sick time that the employee may accumulate over 1200 hours. Section 2. As additional vacation days are taken, they will be deducted from the employee's sick leave accumulation. For the purpose of this Article, a vacation day is considered to be either eight (8) or ten (10) hours depending on the empIoyee's normally scheduled work day, except for part-time employee who will have their time pro-rated. For the purposes of overtime, incentive vacation days will not be considered as time worked. Incentive vacation days must be taken in eight (8) hour or ten (10) hour increments depending on the employee's normally scheduled work day, except for part-time employees whose time will be pro-rated. Section 3. Employee eligibility will be calculated annually as of September 30th each year. Employees will be notified of all incentive vacation days for which they are eligible. Employees must take this time during the following fiscal year ending September 30 or their extra vacation days will be forfeited. 40 '-' 'wÍ Section 4. Subject to the approval of the Department Head and the County Administrator, employees may receive pay in lieu of a vacation day(s). Employee will receive eight (8) hours of pay even if their normally scheduled workday exceeds eight (8) hours, except for part-time empIoyee who will have their pay pro-rated. The hours equal to the pay received will be deducted from the employee's accumulated sick leave. 41 '-' """ ARTICLE 22 HOLIDAYS Section 1. The following holidays are observed by regular full time employees: New Years Day (January 1st) Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Birthday (3rd Monday in January) Memorial Day (Last Monday in May) Independence Day (July 4th) Labor Day (1 st Monday in September) Veterans Day (November 11th) Thanksgiving Day (4th Thursday in November) Friday after Thanksgiving Christmas Eve (December 24th) Christmas Day (December 25th) Floating Holiday Section 2. Holidays may be granted at the regular, straight time rate of pay to all eligible employees regularly scheduled to work such days, provided that an employee may be required to work on a holiday if necessary to maintain essential services to the public. The County Administrator shall determine when any department or operation will not be closed in observance of a holiday. Section 3. When a holiday falls on a Saturday, the preceding Friday will be designated as substitute holiday and observed as the official holiday for that year. When a holiday falls on a Sunday, the following Monday will be designated a substitute holiday and observed as the official holiday. 42 '-" ..",¡ Section 4. When a holiday is observed on a day on which an employee is normally scheduled to work, the employee will receive holiday pay for the number of hours the employee would have been normally scheduled to work that day; i.e. ifthe employee is regularly scheduled to work a ten (10) hour day, the employee will receive ten (10) hours of pay for the holiday; if the employee is regularly scheduled to work an eight (8) hour day, the employee will receive eight (8) hours of pay for the holiday. If the holiday is observed on a day on which the employee is not scheduled to work, the employee's holiday will be counted as the first day he would normally be scheduled to work following the date the holiday is observed as indicated above; i.e. if an employee normally works a four (4) day week, ten (10) hours a day schedule Wednesday through Saturday, and a holiday is observed on a Monday, the employee will receive Wednesday off with ten (10) hours pay. If the employee's Department Head/Designee determines, however, that the needs ofthe department will not permit the employee to have a holiday off, a non-exempt full-time employee will be paid at a rate of one and one-half (1 Yz) times his regular hourly rate for all time actually worked on an observed or substitute holiday. A part-time employee who is scheduled to work on a holiday will be paid at his regular rate of pay for all time actually worked on an observed or substitute holiday. A part-time employee who works on an observed or substitute holiday will be entitled to take another day off during that pay period as his holiday and will be paid his regular rate of pay for the number of hours the employee would have been normally scheduled to work that day. A part-time employee shall be defined as one who fills a part- time (less than forty (40) hours per week) regularly budgeted position. Temporary employees shall not be eligible for paid holiday leave. Section 5. A. An employee must work or be on active pay status, on the regularly scheduled working day immediately prior to a holiday or designated substitute holiday and the regularly scheduled working day immediately following a holiday or designated substitute holiday in order to qualify for holiday pay. For purposes of this Agreement, active "pay status" shall refer to periods of time during which an employee is being paid for work performed or period of time during which an employee is being paid for approved leave time such as paid sick leave, paid vacation, paid court time, and while on paid military leave. B. F or purposes of computing over-time payments, holidays shall not be counted as time worked. Section 6. A. When a holiday falls on an employee's regularly scheduled workday during the employee's vacation period, that day will not be charged as a vacation day. B. When a holiday falls within a period of leave of absence without pay, the empIoyee shall not be paid for the holiday. 43 \..r ..J Section 7. As set forth above in Section l, each eligible employee shall be entitled to one Floating Holiday per fiscal year (October 1 - September 30). A Floating Holiday shall be equal to an employee's regularly scheduled work day; i.e., the Floating Holiday for an employee who is regularly scheduled to work an eight (8) hour day will be eight (8) hours. Except in the event of an emergency, an employee must request his Floating Holiday at least seven (7) calendar days in advance. Approval of the request shall be subject to the department's operational needs. If an employee does not use his Floating Holiday prior to the end of the fiscal year, he may not carry it forward into the next fiscal year. 44 '-'" -....I ARTICLE 23 VACATION LEAVE Section 1. Eli!!:ibilitv and Rate of Accrual Eligible employees shall accrue vacation leave with pay as set forth in this Article. Vacation leave shall be earned on an hourly basis based on an eighty (80) hour biweekly pay period. A part-time employee shall be defined as one who fills a part-time (less than forty (40) hours per week) regularly budgeted position. Temporary employees shall not be eligible for paid vacation leave. A. The basic vacation leave for all full-time employees with less than five (5) years continuous service shall be computed at the rate of ten (10) days per year, accrued biweekly at the rate of3.08 hours limited to a cap of160 vacation hours. The basic vacation leave for all part-time employees with less than five (5) years continuous service shall be computed on a pro-rata basis based upon the actual number of hours worked.. B. The basic vacation leave for all full-time employees with five (5) to ten (10) years of continuous service shall be computed at the rate of fifteen (15) days [one hundred twenty (120) hours] days per year, accrued biweekly at the rate of 4.62 hours and limited to a cap of 240 vacation hours. The basic vacation leave for all part-time employees with five (5) to ten (10) years of continuous service shall be computed on a pro-rata basis based upon the actual number of hours worked. C. The basic vacation leave for all full-time employees with eleven (11) to twenty (20) years of continuous service shall be computed at the rate of twenty (20) days [one hundred sixty (160) hours] per year. The basic vacation leave for all part-time employees with eleven (11) to twenty (20) years of continuous service shall be computed on a pro-rata basis based upon the actual number of hours worked. D. The basic vacation leave for all full-time employees with twenty-one (21) to twenty-five (25) years of continuous service shall be computed at the rate of one additional day per year as follows: 1. Twenty-one (21) years of eligible service - Twenty-one (21) vacation days each year, accrued biweekly at the rate of 6.46 hours and limited to a cap of 335 hours. 2. Twenty-two (22) years of eligible service - Twenty-two (22) vacation days each year, accrued biweekly a the rate of 6_78 hours and limited to a cap of 352 hours. 3. Twenty-three (23) years of eligible service - Twenty-three (23) vacation days 45 '-' ..., each year, accrued biweekly at the rate of 6.78 hours and limited to a cap of 368 hours. 4. Twenty-four (24) years of eligible service - Twenty-four (24) vacation days each year, accrued biweekly at the rate of7.40 hours and limited to a cap of 384 hours. 5. Twenty-five (25) and up years of eligible service - Twenty-five (25) vacation days each year, accrued biweekly at the rate of7.70 hours and limited to a cap of 400 hours. The basic vacation leave for all part-time employees with twenty-one (21) to twenty-five (25) years of continuous service shall be computed on a pro-rata basis based upon the actual number of hours worked. Section 2. ChanÚn2 Leave A. Vacation leave may be used as it is earned after completion of six (6) months of service or may be used within twenty-four (24) months from date earned. Any vacation leave not used within twenty-four (24) months from date earned will be considered forfeited and lost, except that when an employee has been denied use ofleave because of the needs of the County, the County Administrator may extend the period during which the leave may be used. B. Vacation leave shall be charged in one hour minimum increments. C. For purposes of determining overtime payments, vacation hours shall not be counted as time worked. D. Vacation pay will be at the employee's basic hourly rate of pay. E. Vacation leave shall be used for sick leave in the event accumulated sick leave is not sufficient to cover length of illness or injury. Section 3. Request for Leave A. Except in the event of an emergency or as provided above in Subsection 2.E, an employee shall request vacation leave a minimum of twenty-four (24) hours or a period equal to twice the amount ofleave requested, whichever is greater, prior to the start of the leave. Vacation leave may be taken only after approval by the employee's Division Manager or his designee. In the event an employee must be absent due to an emergency, he shall notify his department, division office or supervisor, as set forth in the department's attendance policies, as soon as possible. 46 '-" ..." B Vacation assignments will be made in accordance with the preference of the employee ifand when, in the opinion of the employee's supervisor, service requirements will permit. If two (2) or more empIoyees request the same vacation time, and the supervisor in his discretion cannot grant all requests, the request of the employee with the most County-wide seniority as defined in Article 13, Section 5.E. will be granted, provided he has made his request at least sixty (60) days in advance. Otherwise, the first request received will be granted. C. In the event an employee wishes to take more than his creditable vacation leave, the empIoyee mayor may not at the discretion of the Department Head/designee, be granted extra Ieave without pay. Section 4. Pavment for Unused Vacation Leave Employees who have completed six (6) months or more service shall, upon leaving the service in good standing, be paid for accrued vacation leave. Any accumulated vacation leave will be paid on the last regular check an employee receives, provided the Finance Department is informed of the termination in time to include it on the last regular check and the termination is not for misconduct. If the Finance Department does not receive the information in time and the termination is not for misconduct, payment for accumulated vacation leave will be made at the end of the next pay period. Vacation leave shall not be used to determine the date of termination. 47 ~ ..,,; ARTICLE 24 DUES CHECK-OFF Section 1. Employees who wish to join the Union and have their dues deducted through the payroll system may authorize the County to make such deductions by using the Union's authorization form. This authorization shall remain in effect until such time as the County has received written notice of revocation of this authorization from the employee. Any employee who notifies the County that he wishes to revoke his dues deduction shall cease to be subject to dues deduction beginning thirty (30) days after the County's receipt of written notice of such revocation. The County's receipt of a written revocation of authorization from an employee shall be sufficient authorization to cease deductions and the County shall incur no liability to the Union in the event the Union does not receive its written notice from the employee. Employees wishing to revoke membership will be advised of the requirement to notify the Union. Section 2. The Union agrees to indemnify and hold the County harmless against any and all claims, suits, orders, or judgments brought or issued against the County as a result of any action taken by the County under the provisions of this Article. Section 3. No deductions shall be made from the pay of any employee for any payroll period in which the employee's net earnings for that payroll period, after other deductions, are less than the amount of dues to be checked off. Section 4. The Union wi\l send an invoice to the County between the 15th and 20th of each month. The amount of dues owed will be the amount determined by using the Union's formula as calculated by the County's computation program. The County shall deduct one-half of the amount calculated from the first two (2) paychecks each month, unless the employee has revoked the authorization. The County shall forward the total amounts withheld and a copy of the Union's invoice to the official and address designated by the Union within ten (10) working days of the second deduction. 48 '-i ...., ARTICLE 25 UNION ACTIVITIES Section 1. The County recognizes the right of the Union to appoint or elect Stewards. The number of Stewards shall be no more than as follows: Airport 1 Central Services 2 Parks and Recreation 3 Mosquito Control 1 Public Safety 1 Public Works 3 In addition, the Union may designate one of the above names positions as Chief Steward. The Union shall notify the County Administrator, in writing, of the names of the Chief Steward and Stewards and the areas they are representing at least three (3) days before they assume duty. If such notice has not been given, the County has no duty to recognize the Stewards. Section 2. Stewards shall not spend time on Union business during working hours. Except as otherwise provided herein, any time spent by the Stewards or employees, processing or participating in the grievance procedure shall be non-compensable. Notwithstanding the above, when appropriate and in order to facilitate the scheduling of meetings with the County and resolution of grievances, the County Administrator, in his sole discretion, may grant time off with pay to a Steward to attend grievance meetings with the County. Section 3. Non-employee Union representatives shall be certified, in writing by the Union, to the County Administrator. A non-employee Union representative shall first make his presence known to the County Administrator, or his designee in the County Administrator's absence, at the County Administrator's office, upon entering County premises, and before entering any other County premises or office. No Union representative shall conduct any Union business on County property without receiving the permission of the County Administrator, and no Union representative shall contact any employee during the employee's working hours. In addition to the above, the Union representative shall comply with all applicabIe rules and regulations of the County concerning visitors. 49 \..I "'" Section 4. The Union agrees that, during the term of this Agreement, its non-employee representatives and Stewards shall deal only with the County Administrator or his designee in matters subject to discussion in this Agreement. This does not prohibit a Steward from addressing the concerns of individual employees with a Supervisor or Department Head. However, no agreements reached with any member of management other than the County Administrator or his designee shall be binding on the County. Section 5. No Union member, agent or representative of the Union, or any person acting on the behalf of the Union may solicit County employees during the working hours of any employee who is involved in the solicitation, nor distribute literature during working hours in areas where the actual work of County employees is performed. 50 '-' '" ARTICLE 26 GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE Section 1. A grievance is defined as an alleged violation of a specific provision of this Agreement or a beliefby the employee that he has been unjustly disciplined or discharged in a manner inconsistent with the Code of Workplace Conduct for all County employees during the term of the Agreement. Such discipline or discharge notices shall be in writing. Section 2. This formal grievance procedure is not intended to foreclose or prevent an employee from informally discussing any matter with a supervisor. Such an informal discussion will not be classified as a grievance under this Article. The following procedure shall be followed in presenting a grievance to the County: Submission of Grievance. If an employee feels he has a grievance as defined above, he shall, within five (5) working days after the employee had knowledge, or reasonably should have had knowledge of its occurrence, present the grievance in writing to his Division Manager, Department Head, or the Personnel Coordinator/designee, or the grievance shall be considered waived. The written grievance shall name the employee involved, shall contain a complete and detailed statement of the facts giving rise to the grievance (including the date of occurrence and other employees involved), shall specifically identify all of the provisions of this Agreement alleged to be violated, and shall be signed and dated by the employee and a Union steward or Business Representative. Preliminary Meeting. Within five (5) working days from the date the written grievance is submitted, the employee shall request an informal meeting with his supervisor to discuss the subject of the grievance and attempt to resolve the matter. If the grievance does not contain a complete and detailed statement of facts as required herein, the County may request that the employee provide additional information with regard to the grievance prior to scheduling the preliminary meeting. In the event the matter is not resolved, the employee may request a Step One meeting as provided below in this Article. No grievance shall proceed to Step One without a preliminary meeting between the supervisor and the employee. SteD One. Within ten (10) working days from the employee's request for a Step One meeting, the meeting will be held between the Department Head/designee, the grieving employee and if the empIoyee requests, a Union Steward and/or the Union Business Representative. If the Union Business Representative intends to attend the Step One meeting, he shall notify the Personnel Coordinator at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance If the Personnel Coordinator and/or a representative of the County Attorney's Office intends to attend the Step One meeting, the Personnel 51 '-" "'wtIII Coordinator shall notify the Union Business Representative at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance. If necessary, the parties will reschedule the meeting to a date convenient to all parties desiring to attend. The County will submit the Department Head/designee's written answer to the Union Business Representative within ten (10) working days after date of the meeting, If the grievance is not satisfactorily adjusted or an answer is not given within the time limits, the Union or employee, if not represented by the Union, may submit the grievance for review under Step Two. Such notice shall be submitted to the Personnel Coordinator/designee. In discharge cases, the employee may skip Step One and initiate his grievance at Step Two, so long as he does so within five (5) working days after the discharge and follows the other requirements of Step Two. Step Two. Ifwithin five (5) working days after the service of the answer in Step One, the answer is not accepted by the grievant, the grievant may present the grievance to the County Administrator or his designee. If the grievance is not submitted for review under Step Two within the time limits stated above, it shall be considered settled and waived. Within ten (10) calendar days of the County's receipt of a request for review under Step Two, a meeting will be held between the grieving employee, the County Administrator/designee, a Union steward and the Union Business Representative. However, ifthe tenth calendar day is a Saturday, Sunday, or holiday observed by the County, the tenth day will be the next working day following the tenth calendar day. The County Administrator or his designee will submit the County's answer to the grievance to the Union Business Representative within ten (10) working days following the meeting. Section 3. The time limits set forth in this Article may be extended by the joint written consent of the County and the Union or the employee if he is representing himself. For computing working days in this Article, working days shall be defined as Monday through Friday excluding observed holidays. Section 4. Only individual grievances may be filed and the County need not consider group or multiple grievances. A class grievance, however, may be considered by the County and resolved as if one grievance. A class grievance shall be defined as a dispute which concerns two (2) or more employees within the bargaining unit arising out of the same set off acts and circumstances and alleging the same violation of a specific provision of this Agreement. Section 5. Any grievance not advanced to the next step by the grievant within the time limit in that step shall be deemed abandoned. If the County fails to meet the time limits established for conducting Step One meetings and providing grievance answers, without mutual agreement to extend such time limits, the grievance shall automatically advance to the next step in the grievance procedure. 52 \..- ...., Section 6. The grievant shall be present at each step of the grievance procedure. The grievance procedure may be used by both Union members and non-members, however, the Union is not obligated to represent non-members. The grievant shall have the right to present his own grievance to the designated representative of the employer and to have such grievance adjusted without the intervention of the Union, so long as the adjustment is not inconsistent with the terms of the collective bargaining agreement and if the Union has been given reasonable opportunity to be present at any meeting called for the resolution of such grievance. The County shall submit the written response to both the grieving employee and the Union Business Representative. Section 7. A grievance which has been processed in accordance with the grievance procedure, but which has not been settled in Step Two, may be submitted to arbitration subject to the requirements of Article 27, Arbitration. Section 8 All discipline and discharge notices shall be filed in a grievance file maintained in the Personnel Department until the grievance has been resolved. A notice that there is a matter relating to the employee in a current grievance file may be placed in the employee's personnel file pending resolution of the grievance. If the grievance is resolved in favor of the employee, the notice of the pending grievance shall be transferred to the grievance file. If the discipline or discharge is upheld, the discipline or discharge notice shall be placed in the employee's personnel file. If a grievance is not filed within five (5) days after the date the employee receives the discipline or discharge notice, the notice shall be removed from the grievance file and placed in the employee's personnel file. 53 '-" ....." ARTICLE 27 ARBITRA TION Section 1. A grievance which has been processed in accordance with the grievance procedure; but which has not been settled in Step Two, may be submitted by the Union to arbitration. An individual may only take a grievance to arbitration if the Union declines to represent him in the arbitration process because he is not a member. The request to arbitrate must be given in writing to the County Administrator, in accordance with Article 3, Correspondence, within seven (7) calendar days following the answer, or the expiration of the time for such answer in Step Two. If such notice is not received as herein set forth, such grievance shall not be subject to arbitration. Except by mutual written agreement ofthe Union and the County, an arbitration hearing shall be limited to a single grievance. In no event shall arbitration be available subsequent to the expiration of this Agreement, provided, however, that a grievance made arbitrable by a specific provision of this Agreement which is in process when this Agreement expires may continue to be processed through the grievance procedure and submitted to arbitration pursuant to this article. Section 2. The parties shall jointly furnish to the arbitrator a written submission of the issue or issues to be decided. If the parties after reasonable consultation are unable to agree upon such a submission, each party may file its version of the issue or issues to be decided, and based thereon, the arbitrator shall determine the scope of the issue(s), but in no case shall the issue be broader or extend beyond the issue presented in the original written grievance. Section 3. The decision of the Arbitrator must be within the scope of his authority, as set forth herein. A. The arbitrator shall confine himseIfto the facts developed at the hearing and which are directly related to the matter at issue. B. The arbitrator's decision shall be based on the specific language of the Agreement. The arbitrator shall not have the power to add to, subtract from, disregard, or modify any terms or conditions of this Agreement. C. In making his ruling, the arbitrator shall have due regard for the essential and proper rights and responsibilities of management and shall not interpret this Agreement so as to further restrict or limit those rights and responsibilities. 54 '-' ....; D. The arbitrator's decision shall not infringe upon the collective bargaining process. E. If the arbitrator finds he lacks authority to rule on the grievance, the matter shall be referred back to the parties without decision or recommendation. Section 4. If the parties are unable to agree to a neutral arbitrator within five (5) days from the date the request to arbitrate is received, either party may request the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service to submit a list of seven (7) arbitrators, from which to select the arbitrator. The parties shall alternately strike names from the list, with the person requesting arbitration striking first; and, this process shall be repeated until only one (1) name remains. The person whose name remains on the list shall be the arbitrator. Should either party fail to make its strikes in the proper sequence within thirty (30) days following receipt of the panel, the other party may seIect the arbitrator from the names remaining on the panel. If no name on the first list supplied by the Service is acceptable to a party, that party may request a second list, provided that before making any strike from the first list, it notifies the other party, in writing, and provided that the request for second list is made no more than ten (10) days following receipt of the first list. No additional lists may be sought after the second list without mutual agreement of the parties. Section 5. The arbitrator so selected shall hear all ofthe evidence to be presented by both parties and shall render his decision, in writing, thirty (30) days from the date ofthe hearing. His decision shall be final and binding upon the County, the Union, and the affected employee. If a decision of the arbitrator provides for retroactivity, it is agreed that retroactivity may not extend back beyond the date that is used for determining whether a grievance is timely filed as defined in Article 26, Section 2, Grievance Procedure. All claims for back wages shall be limited to the amount of wages that the employee would otherwise have earned, less any compensation that he may have received from any source during the period of the back pay, exclusive of any collateral source of compensation being earned prior to the date the alleged grievance occurred. No decision in anyone case shall require a retroactive wage adjustment in any other case. Section 6. The fees and expenses of the arbitrator shall be shared and paid equally by the parties to this Agreement. All other expenses of preparing and presenting its case, including payment of wages for employees while attending the hearing, shall be borne by the party incurring them or making the request. Should either party cause a transcript to be taken, the party requesting the transcript will pay the full cost of the transcript, but shall not be required to furnish a copy to the other party. If both parties request a transcript, the cost shall be equally divided between the parties. 55 '-' "'" Section 7. Unless otherwise agreed, the arbitration hearing will be held in 81. Lucie County or in the vicinity. Section 8. In the event of any breach of the provisions of the Continuity of Operations article hereof, the Employer may avail itself of any remedy through appropriate Courts or governmental agencies for redress of that breach without regard to the grievance and arbitration provisions hereof. 56 \..- "WI' ARTICLE 28 CONTINUITY OF OPERATIONS Section 1. The Union agrees that there will be no strikes as defined in Section 2 herein and such activity shall constitute a breach of contract. The term includes not only activities directed against the County, but action done in support of or sympathy with other employees or unions. The Union supports the County fully in maintaining normal operations. It is recognized by the parties that the County is responsible for and engaged in activities which are the basis of the health and welfare of the citizens, that any violation of this Article could give rise to irreparable damage to the County and to the public at large. Accordingly, it is understood and agreed that in the event of any violation of this Article, the County shall be entitled to seek immediate injunctive relief as well as any other relief it is entitled to under law. The County agrees not to engage in a lockout during the term of this Agreement. Section 2. The term "strike" shall mean the concerted failure of employees to report for duty; the concerted absence of employees from their positions, the concerted stoppage of work by employees; the concerted submission of resignations by employees; the concerted abstinence in whole or in part by any group of employees from the full and faithful performance of the duties of employment with a public employer for the purpose of inducing, influencing, condoning, or coercing a change in the terms and conditions of employment or the rights, privileges, or obligations of public employment, or participating in a deliberate and concerted course of conduct which adversely affects the services of the public employer; the concerted failure of employees to report for work after the expiration of a collective bargaining agreement; and picketing in furtherance of a work stoppage. The term "strike" shall also mean any overt preparation, including, but not limited to the establishment of strike funds with regard to the above listed activities. Section 3. It is agreed that any violation of this Article shall be grounds for discipline including discharge and shall not be grievable except to determine if the violation did in fact occur. Section 4. The Union agrees that in the event of any strike, as defined in Section 2, a responsible official of the Union shall promptly and publicly disavow such strike and order the employees engaged in such activity to return to work. 57 """ ...,¡ ARTICLE 29 SUBCONTRACTING Section 1. Subcontracting shall mean for the purpose of this Agreement, work which will be contracted out by the County to another agency, persons, company, group, etc., which results in the direct displacement (lay-off) of bargaining unit employees. Section 2. The County reserve the right to subcontract work. Should subcontracting occur which will result in regular bargaining unit employees currently on the payroll being laid off, the County agrees to notify the Union when the request to subcontract is put on the County Commission agenda. The Union reserves the right to appear before the County Commission and express its position to the County , Commission for consideration at the time the Commission considers the subcontracting agenda item. If employees are laid off due to subcontracting, they shall have the rights provided under Article 13, Section 5, Separations, Reduction in Force. 58 """ ....", ARTICLE 30 BULLETIN BOARDS Section 1. The County will furnish space for the Union to place one bulletin board at each location where the County has an official bulletin board. The Department Head will approve the exact location for placement of the bulletin board within his facility, except that the County Administrator or his designee shall approve placement in the Administration Building. Union bulletin boards may be no larger than 20 inches by 30 inches. Section 2. All notices placed on such bulletin boards shall relate solely to official Union business. Notices posted shall not contain derogatory, defamatory, inflammatory, or untrue statements about the County or any of its officials. Bulletin boards shall not be used to communicate with the general public, to distribute political matter, or for advertising. All notices shall clearly state that they are "Teamster Notices" and shall be signed and dated by the Union Business Representative or Chief Steward who will accept full responsibility for their content. Section 3. The Union Stewards shall check all bulletin boards at reasonable intervals to insure that no unauthorized materials have been posted. If unauthorized materials have been posted or if the Union Chief Steward has been notified that bulletin boards contain unauthorized materials, the Union Chief Steward shall cause such unauthorized materials to be removed immediately. 59 '-"' ....,¡ ARTICLE 31 UNIFORMS Section 1. The County will furnish to employees required to wear a uniform set comprised of a shirt and a pair of pants for each day the employee is regularly scheduled to work in a workweek. It is understood that such uniforms are not to be worn except while employees are on the job and while traveling to and from the job each work day. Employees shall be responsible for laundering the uniform, except for certain positions designated by the County. Employees shall wear no hats or caps except those furnished by the County, and employees are encouraged to wear such cap or hat when working outside. Except as provided herein, the County is not required to replace caps or hats more than twice during a fiscal year. Uniforms and/or hats which are damaged to the point of being unwearable due to normal laundering and/or normal wear and tear may be replaced by the County at the request of the employee upon returning the damaged article to the County. Section 2. Any employee who is supplied uniforms shall be required to wear such uniform while working. Any such employee who reports to work not wearing a uniform shall be sent home without pay and shall not be permitted to work until he returns to work wearing his prescribed uniform. Section 3. Tools and equipment which are normally supplied by the County will be used properly and carefully by the employees who require them in the work. It is the responsibility of the employee to use and secure such tools and equipment in such a manner as to minimize the potential for loss or theft. 60 '-' ...." ARTICLE 32 WAGES Section 1. Except as otherwise provided below, each bargaining unit employee, including those employees in an evaluation period as the result of a promotion, shall receive a three percent (3 %) increase in his regular rate of pay effective September 29,2002. Ifan employee is at the top of the pay range for his position or the increase will exceed the top of the pay range for his position, he will receive the full amount of the increase, but the pay range for his position will not be affected as a result of his increase. Employees who are in their initial evaluation period ("new hires") shall not be eligible for such three percent (3%) increase. Section 2. Upon promotion to a higher pay grade, each bargaining unit employee shall receive a five percent (5%) wage increase or the bottom of the pay range for the new position, whichever is greater. Section 3. Except as otherwise provided in Article 15 (Transfers) and Article 16 (Promotions), upon satisfactory completion of the evaluation period, an employee shall receive a five percent (5%) wage increase, effective with the first payroll period after completion of the evaluation period. 61 '-' ...., ARTICLE 33 RETIREMENT The County will continue to maintain its participation in the Florida Retirement System for all employees covered under this Agreement as provided by Florida Statute and Florida Administrative Code. 62 ~ .."" ARTICLE 34 PRINTING AGREEMENT This Agreement shall be printed within a reasonable time by the County. The County shall provide to the Union 165 copies and the Union will be responsible for any additional requests for copies. Each employee coming within the scope of this Agreement shall be entitled to receive one copy from the Union upon request. 63 '-" '...,¡1 ARTICLE 35 GENERAL Section 1. Masculine pronouns used herein shall refer to men or women or both. The use of masculine job classification titles shall be construed as including both genders. Section 2. Members of management will not be regularly assigned the same work as that regularly performed by members of the bargaining unit. Further, this does not limit management from regularly performing such work which is incidental to their managerial responsibility. This provision shall not apply to actual or declared emergencies. Section 3. Unless otherwise stated in this Agreement, references to "days" shall mean calendar days and not work days. Section 4. The term "Department Head" as used in this Agreement is defined as the level of administrator in the employee's department or division who reports directly to the County Administrator. Section 5. The parties acknowledge that during the negotiations which resulted in this Agreement, each had unlimited right to make demands and proposals with respect to any subject or matter not removed by law from the area of collective bargaining. They, therefore, each voluntarily and unqualifiedly waive the right for the term of this Agreement to bargain collectively with respect to any matter referred to or covered in this Agreement, or with respect to any subject or matter not specifically referred to or covered by this Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire agreement between the parties and no other agreements or practices are binding upon either party hereto with respect to wages, hours, or working conditions of the employees covered hereby. The County shall not be obligated to continue any benefits or employee practices which is has given or engaged in prior to the execution of this Agreement unless such benefits or practices are specifically set forth in this Agreement, and past practices of the County will not be considered in interpreting this Agreement. 64 '-'" ....., Section 6. It is further understood and agreed that neither party hereto has been induced to enter into this Agreement by any representations or promises made by the other which are not expressly set forth therein and that this document correctly sets forth the effect of all preliminary negotiations, understandings and agreements and supersedes any previous agreement, whether written or verbal. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the parties and shall not be modified, altered, changed or amended in any respect except on mutual agreement set forth in writing and signed by both parties. 65 "'"' ..., ARTICLE 36 SAVINGS CLAUSE If any article, section, or provision of this Agreement should be found invalid, illegal or not enforceable by reason of any existing or subsequently enacted legislation or by judicial authority, all other articles and sections of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of this Agreement. If such action occurs, the County and the Union shall meet within thirty (30) days for the purpose of negotiating a mutually satisfactory replacement for such provision. 66 ~ """" ARTICLE 37 DURATION OF AGREEMENT Section 1. Except as otherwise provided in Article 32, the provisions of this Agreement shall be effective as of October 1,2002 and shall continue and remain in effect through September 30, 2005. Section 2. The parties shall reopen Article 18 (Insurance) and Article 32 (Wages) to negotiate insurance and wages for FiscaI Years 2003/04 and 2004/05 on or before June 1,2003 and June 1,2004, respectively. 67 ........ >..,,/ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed on the dates set forth below. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: CLERK CHAIRMAN DATE: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY TEAMSTERS LOCAL UNION NO. 769 AFFILIATED WITH THE INTERNATIONAL BROTHERHOOD OF TEAMSTERS BY: PRESIDENT DATE: BY: BUSINESS AGENT 68 \.--- ~ ..., Agenda Request Item Number Date: e,!'A June 18. 2002 [X] [ ] [ ] Quasi-JD [ ] Consent Regular Public Hearing Leg. [ ] Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Community Development - TOURISM nity D velopment Director Simple Success Marketing Advertising Invoices Simple Success Marketing has been contracted to provide advertising services for the S1. Lucie County Tourist Development Council. The attached invoices in the amount of $34,596.75 represents costs for the following: Presented By To: SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: $ 1,615.00 $23,343.75 $ 9,638.00 Monthly Retainer Fee Media Production and Ad Placement Attraction Brochures Request approval for payment on the invoices for the month of May in the amount of $34,596.75. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 611-5210-534000-500 Other Contractual Services - $12,033.00 001-5210-548010-500 General Fund (Recovery Plan) - $22,563.75 PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: N/A The Tourist Development Council and Staff recommend Board approval to pay the attached invoice. (4-01 Barnes Absent URRENCE: ouglas M. Anderson County Administrator County Attorney ¡51~ Originating Dept.~ Finance: Coordination! Signatures Mgt. & BUdget:~ c,¡ Purchasing: Other: Other: SIMPLE SUCCESS MARKETING, INC. 2646 SW MIpp ANd SaII_ . PALM CflY, f(0RIQA 34990 ~ TO (Ill) 117-2011 St. La:ic CaaDIy ToariIIIllÀt-lk-4 AnN: Gayla Barwic:1t 2300 VqiDia Ave. Fl ~ n. 34912 ':I' . ...... ---..- -.- - Due May I, 2002 QUANTITY DE SC RIP TION PF1IC E Ar.10Urn Service Retainer ~fay 1-31, 2002 TOTAL S 1615 00 S 1,615 00 THANK YOU '-'-'TO_ 8I)).22S«JIO Of "".CCIrft .. - (511) 217·2OtI May 30, 2002 SIMPLE SUCCESS ~N8. INC. 2646 SW MIIIP .... s.a. 305 PMM CITY. A:ORÐA 34910 -.~.. DQ'I TO SL Lucie CouaI)' Tourism Dcpar1meol ATrN: Glyla Barwick 2300 VqiDia Ave. FL m~ FL 34982 ~ OOIŒ"..o. SIoUl_-=-- VIA TEAMS Due Upon Receipt QUANTITY DESCRIPTlO~J PRICE Ar.l0UNT Domain Name Registration Fees: register.com Internet: naturesthemepark.com S 70 00 Internet: natures-tbeme-park.com S 70 00 Internet: visitnaturesthemepark.com S 70 00 Internet: visit-natures-theme-park.com S 70 00 TOTAL $ 280 00 THANK YOU ~T._ IIXJ-22!5.ð38O or nlIIIe.com \ ,. .. (5&1) 217·2OtI SIMPLE SUCCESS IlAlldn'N8, INC. =~m=J:~...' Qlq TO Sl Luåo CouaIy Tourism Dc:pIrtmcm AnN: Gayla Barwick 2300 Vtrginìa Ave. Fl Picru, FL 34982 ~_..- -.a_ - TERMS Due Upon Receipt QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE Ar.l0UNT Line;: ,\(t Dlustration S 500 00 Stmmer 2002 Ad Camoaiqn "How Do You Pack" TOTAL $ 500 00 THANK YOU I_I To_ 1OO-225-IæO or nlÞl.com ." ... t)t::ð3·:t)ù~ ¡ 3: 3') ~ è: ":3. . - 7: :': >'FL:: ~~:£ , ' '-'. '-' ..." St. Lucie COUllry Attractions Broc:bure: Rd4r, IIIIWÙf// MIl ., St. l.M.ú CøIUU1, FtDriå #50,000 Venion 1 #'0, 000 Version 2 Printing Printer's AA' I for Reproof 00 TOTAL 59,638 00 _ ~j;""""'-=-_I~____~""___~· ~-,--'IIir '7{~~~~-C\"'t':".....'\.~r-·-;-:r.r ,....~.,.,' J...n..r:;:w'~·_,'- ':-:-..,-0;. .,,'.' _...\~_'.) ......1-~-.,:'""v, ....... ~~.. ":1r-.it"";:.:. (., . " .~ r:. , .¡!~..:. r'~.~ ....." ~u;''''~.'þ-.t ,.,..:.. .....-,.....:...... .;f ~ ~..:.,., ,r,,< ').' ~~~.....~ .'"\, .....-..., ~,..r~;",..~"" "I ·.....·..J,;.·o:".....l· ........~ ',...... llØW SIMPLE SUCCESS ~NG. INC. =~~~~ ' ''':1.., . (561) 217·2OtI MIy 30. TO Sl Lucie Couaty Tourism 1À;pubu..ul AnN: OayJaBmvick 2300 ViI¡inia Ave. Ft Pierce. FL 34982 ~_..- -.E_ ..... rEAMS Due Upon Receipt .; QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE M.10UNT Internet: away. com April, 2002 S 1 969 5-t TOTAL $ 1,969 54 Reco"'ery Fund THANK YOU ~T._ IDO-Z25-I3IO 0I1't1l1be..oa111 ( '- .' .. " SIMPLE SUCCDS ~NQ, INC. 2646 SW .... bel ... 305 PALM cnv, A:ORD\ 341!10 ~ .< .~""¡-t ..s-~'" ~ 30, 2002 .~ ~. '.:>\' . ~"',þ' (561) 217·2091 0llTl! TO Sl Luåe County Tourism DcpaI1mcnt ATIN: G1I)'1a Barwiçk 2300 VirgiDja Ave. Fl Pierce, FL 34982 --..- SM.E_~ VIA rERMS Due Upon Receipt QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE AI.l0UNT Internet: accessatJanta.com Cox Interactive Media May 1 - ~fay 31,2002 S 4 166 67 TOTAL $ 4,166 67 Recovery Fund THANK YOU fi§!i!i) T._ lIOO-:z25.«BI.. ftIIbLcøn l' SIMPLE SUCCESS IlARdnNG. INC. 2646 SW MIpp Roed .. 305 PALM art, f(QRIM 341!10 (511) 217·2OM :0 Sl Luåe County Tourism Department A TIN: Gayla Bæ'\\ick 2300 Virginia Ave. Ft Pierce. F1.. 3~982 TeR~S Due Upon Receipt '.... ~..,_.., ~. , ." .. '.., - ," . '. .. -. 3~9 ~by 30, 2002 I»Tl ~QIOCC"...o. ......--- "'" Internet: 400,000 targeted cm.1ils Gulfstrcam Internet, Inc. TOTAL Reco1iery Fund THANK YOU ~ ",000 I 00 $ 4,000 00 I-I T._ IIOO-~ 01 "".com .-~ ~ SIMPLE SUCCESS IlARÌØíNe. INC. 2646 SW MIIlP Aoed Su11305 PALM cnY. f(0RIÐ.\ 34990 (5451) 217·2OtI ~~. 30, 2002 oon TO SL Luc:ie Count)' Tourism Depa1ment ATIN: Gayla Barwick 2300 Virginia A'Ie. Ft Pierce, FL 34982 ~ OI'DIE"..o -.E~ 1M TER"S Due Upon Receipt QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE AI\10UNT Internet: Foders Banner & Button Fonnats Winstar Interactive Media Apri11-30, 2002 S 5.815 I 129 I \29 I I TOTAL S 5,815 Recovery Fund THANK YOU '_1 To_ IDO-225«3IO at IIIÞI.com (, ,I' . .' ~~ 30, 2002 SIMPLE ~ ~NG. INC. 2M6 SW MIIIP hi .... _ - . IW.M aTY. FlC:)RD 34910 '''' (511) 217·2011 - TO Sl Lucie CounIy Tourism Department ATIN: GIyIa Barv.;ck 2300 Vø¡iDia Ave. Fl Pierce, FL 34982 ~ ClIIDlI" ..0. ~-- ..... TERMS Due Upon Receipt QUANTITY DESCHIPTlON PRICE Ar.l0UNT Ch.1rlottc Observer 2 Col x 2oS"; B& W Insertion Date: April 7,2002 S 923 2S TOTAL $ 9ZJ 25 c:< €Cò'->.~ 'â ..Ç "'^ ð THANK YOU I_I To_ ~225-CBI ar ....a:m ( tl ... ..' SIMPLE succm MAl6.mNG. INC. 2646 aw ........ lull 305 '~Q1Y.~34910 '.;;',_. (561) 217·2OtI ~30;' ,.,- TO Sl Lucie County Tourism Depar1malI AnN: Gay" &wick 2300 Virginia Ave. Fl Pierce. FL 34982 Due Upoll Receipt __ CltIØI.. 0C1 -.~ "'" TEPMS QUANTITY DE ~,CHIP fl(JtJ PfllCE Al\lQUNT florid a Monthly 113 Page; 4 Color Insertion Date: t\-[ay, 2002 S 1 176 SO TOTAL $ 1,176 50 Recovery Fund THANK YOU I_I To_ IOOo22HI3IO OIl'1l1t1a.cam ( '.. , '-'" SIMPLE succm IIARIŒI1NG, INC. =~~~...-~.,... ' (561) 217·ZOI8 ~ 30,2002 0A1W TO St Lucie County Tourism DcpII1ment AITN: Gayla Barwick 2300 Vqìnia Ave. Ft Pierce, FÌ 34982 ~_..- -..- "'" rERM$ Due Upon Receipt QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE AI\10UNT Florida ~Ionth1y 1/3 Page; 4 Color Insertion Date: JW1C, 2002 S 1.176 50 TOTAL $ 1.176 50 Recovery Fund THANK YOU ~TO_ ..22&GID Oft....com ( :' ... " (5&1) 217·2011 ;..:..~--~ ~ SIMPLE SUCCESS IIAR~NG. INC. 2146 SW MIIlP Ru~ ... _ PALM CI1Y. FI:ORÞ 34IlIO -. # -- TO St. Lucie County Tourism Dcpaa1mcnl A11'N: GayIaB~ick 2300 Via¡inia A \'e. Ft ~ FL 34982 --,,0tQ -..~ VIA TEAMS Due Upon Receipt QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PRICE AI\10UNT Miami Herald 2 Col x 2.5"; B&W Insertion Date: April 28, 2002 S 1 571 25 TOTAL S 1.571 25 Recovery Fund I I I I THANK YOU I_/T._ I!JOO.~ otMIDI.oem ( '- ,I ~ May 30. 2002 SIMPLE SUCCESS ~N8, INC. ..,=~~Ja.'" (HI) ZI7·zotI DAft __-NO. TO St. Lucie Counly Tourism Departmenl A TIN: Glyla Barwick 2300 Vqinìa Ave. Ft. Pierce, FL 34982 --- "'" TEAMS Due Upon Receipt QUANTITY DESCRIPTION PFlICE Ar.l0UNT Travel America V3 Page; 4 Color Insertion Dat~: May: June, 2002 ~ 1.7~ 75 TOTAL 5 1.76" 75 Rl'covery Fund THANK YOU ~To_ ....22S«JIO or....can ( ,t .. þ Agenda Request Item Number Date: -...I c5b 06118/02 '-" Consent Regular Public Hearing Le ] [X] [ ] [ ] Quasi-JD [ To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Community Development SUBJECT: Request of John G. Albritton for final plat approval for the site plan known as Walton Landings SID located on the west side of South Indian River Drive, approximately 110 feet south of River View Drive. BACKGROUND: On November 18, 1999, the S1. Lucie County Community Development Director granted approval of a minor site plan and preliminary plat, through Community Development Order 99- 011, for a 6-lot subdivision for 4.162 acres of property located on the west side of South Indian River Drive, approximately 110 feet south of River View Drive in the RE-2 (Residential, Estate 2 dulacre) Zoning District to be known as Walton Landings Subdivision. This project was granted a one-year extension on November 16, 2001, because the developers had health problems that prevented them from being able to submit the final plat. The associated final plat for this subdivision was received in the office of the Community Development Director on May 23, 2002. FUNDS AVAILABLE: NIA PREVIOUS ACTION: On November 18, 1999, the St. Lucie County Community Development Director granted approval to the minor site plan and preliminary plat for Walton Landings SID. RECOMMENDATION: Approve the final plat of Walton Landings SID and authorize its final execution. COMMISSION ACTION: rn APPROVED D DENIED D OTHER (4-0) Barnes Absent - Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator County Attorney Originating Depl.: Finance: Coordinationl Signatures Mgt. & Budget Other. Purchasing: Other: '" \r' '.I Commission Review: June 18, 2002 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Planning Division MEMORANDUM To: Board of County Commissioners From: Dennis J. Murphy, Community Development Director Date: June 12, 2002 Subject: Petition of John G. Albritton for final plat approval for a 6-lot subdivision to be known as Walton Landings Subdivision On November 18, 1999, the St. Lucie County Community Development Director grar.ted approval of a minor site plan and preliminary plat, through Community Development Order 99- 011, for a 6-lot subdivision for 4.162 acres of property located on the west side of South Indian River Drive, approximately 110 feet south of River View Drive in the RE-2 (Residential, Estate 2 du/acre) Zoning District to be known as Walton Landings Subdivision. This project was granted a one-year extension on November 16, 2001, because the developers had health problems that prevented them from being able to submit the final plat. The associated final plat for this subdivision was received in the office of the Community Development Director on May 23, 2002. In accordance with the provisions of Section 11.03.03(0) of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code, you are hereby requested to approve the plat for the subdivision to be known as Walton Landings SID. This plat was determined to meet all applicable provisions of the St. Lucie County Land Development Code and Chapter 177, Florida Statutes on May 23, 2002. Please contact this office if you have any questions on this matter. ( '--" cc: Betty Jordan John G. Albritton Ron Harris, County Surveyor Dan Mcintyre, County Attomey File ... '--' ..I I w '" '" .. .~.';:"" .11f~' J'Q1: ~:~<W - "~I~ J II c. ¡~ I. .- .. III 'Ø'~ ~~ ~~~" - .~ 'S.,~ ~ ~ t \0- .. 0'" 1'~1Ii aO,,¡,_ z .e~,l=!"j =t. ~ ¡:¡"l:li:(;3':¡~i' ~l!i ~ ..__~:~Iifl(r.Qii_.. I '" c c .. .. '" -' .. ...~:;, ",'I.,,;;:"'~'pf.;''¡,i}. ",l1,...~..~ ~~..........,. r~'"' f \~.. , /" ~,~t~ ,-"Ill' ,./ \ \ I \ \ \ I , \. ~- \ \ I I \ \ \ Zi -l5 ;~ i:~~ ~r-:g ," g:~~ '-' 1:1......g Z l....-' \5~": - .11> C S¡~,.: "'Z~f~ "', Q A ~~:;N ....... VI wO ~ .~!i~ !!l '~.J ... .~ Z-<tIoI:ra:: ""Þ-t:::;:n.. \ O ~g~<[ \ g~~ \ I- \5 ~~ ,\ #.'~ _",." ~ 3::- ~ \ ~% I "i.'~;:4'~"~ .A .. ~!i ) '. ...... lI;!¡f.. , ~:~ ~ ...-.r-------t;t-- - . ~ð§! '~~ ~~~ ~@.. ~\ ~ ...,....... b",./'\ j '1' \ ..g \ \ \ \ \ . \ \ I I \ \ ....->-./ V \ \ \ \ \ \ \ " \ ,\~4 \ ~~\ \ 0.-\ \ ~ \ \ . \ \ /" '\ . \ I \ ...) \.....-- V \ . /" . I \ \ \ \~ . .....-- .....-- \ /" \~ \ "' , \ I l.. \ \ /" .---- 0- U ... '" \- . " ~.'-~ \...,- .. , \ \ , " . , '. ,..-" '. " ., ... '. - - \......... - ~".. " - , ./ ... ., '. ...>-, \ ' I \ ~........ \./ ...... , /"./" I \ / \ ../ \. ,,_ . """tl ./~ .....\\."""'- ..' - ø-"\ ....c,\ /;i.-<J-. v- '" z Q z '" -' z o ... -' .. :> .. ¡;¡ ~ "'i I '" ØL .... ;. ~I lit ~é Jf~ "II>! z !II. ~ .!¡ I \ , \ \ \ -- '-'" J Agenda Request Item Number Date: C-Sc- June 18, 2002 Authorization for submittal of fiscal year 2001r02 budget amendment to the Florida Department of Transportation for our Bicycler Pedestrian Coordinator prog amf position_ Consent Regular Public Presentation Leg. [ ] [ X] [ ] [ ) Quasi-JD [ To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Community Development SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: The Florida Department of Transportation receives funds from the Federal Highway Administration to be disbursed for Highway Safety Projects that fulfill the National Priority Program Area. For the 2001r02 fiscal year, St. Lucie County Community Development was awarded a grant in the amount of $44,000 for the salary of a Bicycler Pedestrian Coordinator. The individual selected to fill the coordinator position declined the health Insurance benefits. In addition the coordinator started October 15, 2001. Salary and benefits were not eligible for reimbursement from the Florida Department of Transportation until November 9, 2001, As a result of the decline of insurance and the date of issuance of the grant there is a $12,000.00 surplus in this budget. The Community Development department would like approval to submit a budget amendment to FDOT asking them for permission to use these funds to purchase additional equipment for the educational component that is facilitated by the coordinator. The additional equipment will allow for more students to participate in the Florida Traffic and Bicycle Safety Program, currently implemented in area elementary schools. FUNDS AVAILABLE: PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: $12,000.00 from budget #102104-1510-331491-100 NfA Staff recommends approval of Authorization for submittal of fiscal year 2001r02 budget amendment to the Florida Department of Transportation for our Bicycler Pedestrian Coordinator programf position Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: CD APPROVED D DENIED D OTHER (4-0) Barnes Absent County Attorney Originating Dept.: Finance: Coordination/ ~mro~ Mgt. & Budget: Other: . Purchasing: Other: ..... v J Commission Review: June 18, 2002 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Administration MEMORANDUM TO: County Commission FROM: DATE: Community Development Director June 10, 2002 SUBJECT: Authorization for submittal of FY 2001/02 budget amendment to the Florida Department of Transportation for our Bicycle/ Pedestrian Coordinator program/ position. The Florida Department of Transportation receives funds from the Federal Highway Administration to be disbursed for Highway Safety Projects that fulfill the National Priority Program Area. For the 2001/02 fiscal year, St. Lucie County Community Development was awarded a grant in the amount of $44,000 for the salary of a Bicycle/ Pedestrian Coordinator. The individual selected to fill the coordinator position declined the health insurance benefits. As a result there is a $12,000.00 surplus in this grant. Staff would like permission to submit a budget amendment to FOOT requesting additional equipment for the Florida Traffic and Bicycle Safety Program. The FTBSP is currently implemented in area elementary schools through their Physical Education classes and is facilitated by the Bicycle/ Pedestrian Coordinator. The following is a list of equipment we would like to purchase with these funds: · 1 custom built enclosed bike trailer · 100 bike helmets · 30 bikes · An assortment of traffic safety equipment to be used with FTBSP (cones, stop signs, ropes, poly-spots, air pump) Staff recommends authorization for submittal of FY 2001/02 budget amendment to the Florida Department of Transportation for our Bicycle/ Pedestrian Coordinator programl position DJMI cc: County Administrator County Attorney Planning Manager OMS Director Finance Director .,. <:) 't'- It) 't'- I ~ 't'- c-.. <:) 't'- =Þ: .... <: ~- C) Q) .-8' . ::, a:: a:¡ ~'t3 ~ .~ :::: ::s: Q Q) a:: a:: 0,1l:! 8~ <:(1) s; e: ~ fil ~ ~ a:¡ ""' ëii ~ ~ æ .... co ~m 0l'<t 0 C') 0 00 CO t'- 00 M C')t'-LO<OONCO<OCOOO,.... 0,0000000 0 ~ 0 to LO N Ñ It) ~ Ñ .... w '<tNC')())OOCONOOO O())())OOCO<oqr-:qo "':l""iN"':o«iLriN'<too '<tLOLO<O '<t <OC') L()CO,....r--. Ö .... <o-.r.....COOONOC')OO ~C"')LONOOLOC"')-.rOO «iail""iocOCÖ"':«ioo N(')O LO ())LO qC\lC\!, .... .... 000000 ooqoqo a)('t),....ci......LÒ .....<»..... 0.... <C!.C"')~ .... ,.. .... SSSSSSo 0000000 uiuiMd"':uiui cnco-.rco.....cø.... cn..........r--I.t)- .."-,,, -.. !::i !::. 000000 oqoooo ui...."':uid"': C"')1I).....cø ..... 'lilt........".... .... Ñ,..:' .... c o .. c.. .¡: u w Q) C Q) ci g ~ c ~ c: ~ zQ)::l~ 'i::ü««ECIJ::l ctI ::¡: ~ .s en ~Ü:ð'ãi-s.!: u..- Cl:: ëiiQ) oS! ::J :I: &.. Q) .c E ::10000000 zgg~gg~~ 1:~NN~~~~ ::ILOLOLOLOLOLOLO o U U ct c...ü ~~ gig 00 '<t LO NN LOLO ggggg oONoâ ~())~O 0: ~ :~ w sO'o-'o ooogø ~_ ë ~ ~ 16 - II) co .w - ~ C\I .... 000 000 aidui CD cø co Q) ~ _ ì:: o c: Q) üQ)lß .ECl:: a. a. E ':; õ Q) 0' Q) c: W .~ ::l e c... OO.:¡ oC')ct ~g.... <O())O LOLO.... wi c-.. <:) <:) ~ o 't'- (è) ,.... .... cci (Ø N Ñ ~ w ..- o o N oï L- a¡ ..c E a¡ > o z o ~ I() o N 0) ~ W :¡:; C ::I a¡ > :g ~ a¡ ..... o c (J) ell == o o ,0 o o ~ w ..... c ~ Cl a¡ (J) ::I ell U a¡ ..c co cð CJ') (J) (J) B >< w cD Cl ~ ~ a¡ u c ~ ::I (J) C .c ..... ãi a¡ J: a¡ Ul o o .c u ..... o C 'C 'õ a¡ a¡ >. o n. E w ù..i t- o Z ~ '-" Agenda Request ."" Item Number ~ - 5 ci Date: June 18, 2002 Consent Regular Public Presentation Leg. [ ] [ X) [ ) [ ] Quasi-JD [ '--- Authorization for submittal of FY 2002103 grant application to the Florid Bicycling Association To: Submitted By: Board of County Commissioners Community Development SUBJECT: BACKGROUND: The Florida Bicycling Association has established mini-grants through the "Share the Road" specialty license plate campaign. Through the monies raised they have established a mini- grant program to provide funds to programs that create motorists and bicyclist awareness of proper, legal roadway sharing. The Community Development department would like to submit for a mini-grant to send up to ten elementary school Physical Education teachers to a two-day training In the Florida Traffic and Bicycle Safety program curriculum. This training will be held in FI. Lauderdale in the beginning of 2003. It will walk the teachers through the curriculum with Bike Florida Trainers and therefore allow them to implement the curriculum in their own classes. Due to budgetary constraints, the School District will not allow for substitute tl:lacher pay for a training! workshop. In addition there is no travel money for the teachers to stay overnight. If awarded a grant by the FBA, the monies will be used to cover these travel expenses. FUNDS AVAILABLE: N1A PREVIOUS ACTION: N1A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval to submit FY 2002103 grant application to the Florida Bicycling Association. Douglas M. Anderson County Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: ITJ APPROVED 0 DENIED D OTHER 14-0) Barnes Absent County Allorney Originating Dept.: Finance: Coordination! :-¥res ,I!,.., Mgt. & Budget· ffl/fIo¡ Other: Purchasing: Other: · í \r' J Commission Review: June 18,2002 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Administration MEMORANDUM TO: County Commission FROM: Community Development Director DATE: June 10, 2002 SUBJECT: Authorization for submittal of FY 2002103 grant application to the Florida Bicycling Association The Florida Bicycling Association is a not-for-profit organization uniting all types of cyclists, Including cyclists who ride on-road, off-road and those who prefer shared-use paths or rail-trail riding. The Florida Bicycling Association's purpose is the following: · To educate both bicyclists and motorists about safety issues · To voice the needs of bicyclists to state and local govemments · To foster citizen advocacy · To encourage the creation of great on-road and off-road places to ride · To provide a statewide communications network for bicyclists The Florida Bicycling Association has established mini-grants through the 'Share the Road" specialty license plate campaign. Through the monies raised they have established a mini-grant program to provide funds to programs that create motorists and bicyclist awareness of proper, legal roadway sharing. The Community Development department would like to submit for a mini-grant to send up to ten elementary school Physical Education teachers to a two-day training in the Florida Traffic and Bicycle Safety program curriculum. This training will be held in Ft. Lauderdale in the beginning of 2003. It will walk the teachers through the curriculum with Bike Florida Trainers and therefore allow them to implement the curriculum in their own classes. Due to budgetary constraints, the School District will not allow for substitute teacher pay for a training! workshop. In addition there is no travel money for the teachers to stay ovemight. If awarded a grant by the FBA, the monies will be used to cover these travel expenses. Staff recommends authorization for submittal of FY 2002103 grant application to the Florida Bicycling Association DJM' cc: County Administrator County Attorney Planning Manager OMB Director Finance Director .. '-" ~ FLORIDA BICYCLE #bc#>~ ASSOCIATION J 'Share the Road' MINI-GRANTS Through the sale of 'Share the Road' specialty license plates, Florida Bicycle Association has established mini-grants to provide funds for programs that focus on motorist and bicycle edücation and awareness of proper, legal roadway sharing. This grant program will not fund helmet purchase and distribution programs, brochure printing or promotional items (i.e. t-shirts, slap bracelets or reflective items) since other funding sources are available for these programs. Preference will be given to efforts that the mini-grant review committee determines will garner significant media coverage. Provocative approaches are encouraged. Organizations interested in applying for a mini-grant should understand and be willing to meet the following criteria: TERMS OF MINI-GRANT AWARD The applying organization understands and accepts the conditions set forth by Florida Bicycle Association: 1. Applicant may apply for grants from $500 to $5,000 per year. There Is no assurance that the exact amount specified in the grant proposal will be awarded to the applicant. 2. Deadlines for application are September 1, 2002 and March 1, 2003. Grants will be awarded twice a year. 3. A match of equivalent or more dollars and/or in-kind contributions is required to receive grant funds. A detailed proposal of the funding sources for the match and expenditures shall be provided. 4. Applicant will use the funds only as specified in the application. 5. Applicant agrees to help publicize and recognize the 'Share the Road' specialty license plate and Florida Bicycle Association for their support of the grantee's program. 6. Applicant agrees to provide a program progress report within three months from the receipt of the grant funds and a final report at the conclusion of the project. QUESTIONS? PLEASE SEND APPLICATIONS TO: Laura Hallam, Executive Director Florida Bicycle Association P.O. Box 1547 Orlando FL 32802 Phone: (407) 327-3941 E-mail: laura@f1oridabicvcle.orQ .. '-'" 'SHARE THE ROAD' Mini-Grant Application ...I Organization: Contact Person: Title: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone Number: FAX: Application Date: E-Mail: Requested 'Share the Road' Mini-Grant: $ Matching Funds Amount (Include In-Kind) $ Source(s): Describe how this grant will benefit bicycle safety in Florida now, and in the future. Describe how your organization will utilize these funds and attach a detailed budget: How many individuals will be affected by this grant? What demographic group will this grant benefit? Describe how your organization could help promote the 'Share the Road' campaign in your area. PLEASE SEND APPLICATIONS TO: Laura Hallam, Executive Director Florida Bicycle Association P.O. Box 1547 Orlando FL 32802 Phone: (407) 327-3941; Fax: (407) 327-7007 E-mail: laura@foridabicvcle.orQ ~ "'" 51. Lucie County INTERNATIONAL AIR'" 'õñ'fìõilâa~¡prr~ü(ê''Cõåst,'6,? AGENDA RQUEST ,.J ITEM NO, C-6-A DATE: June 18,2002 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ X ] PRESENTED BY: Paul Phillips TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Airport SUBJECT: Approve the Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement (JP A) v.ith the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and Resolution 02-169 to allow for the Environmental Resource Permit JPA funds to be used to reimburse the Sheriff Department ($32,309.41) and the Airport ($38,070) for funds spent through May I2, 2002, and allow for the balance to be used for part time security coverage as outlined in the letter to Rebecca Rivett, FDOT, until September 30,2002. This JP A provides $72,000 of FDOT funds and $18,000 of Airport funds for a total of $90,000. BACKGROUND: The St. Lucie County Sheriffs Department provided sheriff deputy patrols 24 hours per day /7 days per week from the terrorist attack on September 11th through November 13, 2001. On November 13th, the Sheriff reduced the patrols to 8 hours per day. Between September 11th and November 10th the Sheriffpaid $32,309.41 in overtime pay. From November 11 th through May 12,2002, the Airport has paid $38,070. To date, $70,379.41 has been spent for enhanced security at the Airport. On November 16th, the Governor signed legislation that authorizes the FDOT to amend existing JP A's to provide funds for security. Up to 100 percent of capital and operating costs for security at Airports are now eligible under this new program for reimbursement. Previously, no reimbursement for operating costs were eligible. As a result, this new legislation can provide up to 80% reimbursement from FDOT for any security costs incurred or security costs budgeted for the next two years. Please see backup for FDOT letter and flexible funding guidelines. FUNDS AVAILABLE IN ACCT#: Funds of $90,000 are available in the Airport other than buildings account (140403-4220-563005-400) PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMEND A TION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement (JP A) with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and resolution 02-169 to allow for the Environmental Resource Permit JP A funds to be used to reimburse the Sheriff Department ($32,309.41) and the Airport ($38,070) for funds spent through May 12, 2002, and allow for the balance to be used for part time security coverage as outlined in the letter to Rebecca Rivett, FDOT, until September 30, 2002. This JP A provides $72,000 ofFDOT funds and $18,000 of Airport funds for a total of $90,000. COMMISSION ACTION: f(]APPROVED [ ]DENIED []OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Arsent Reviews & Approvals ~ ..-l County Attorney:' IlbUB Originating Dept: .} Other: Finance: (Check onl , if applicable) Purchasing Other: "'" "-" RESOLUTION NO. 02-169 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT (FIN. PROJ. NO. 403270-1-84-01) FOR SHERIF DEPARTMENT SECURITY COVERAGE AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRPERSON TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY ATTORNEY TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT BY APPROVING IT AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners ofSt. Lucie County, Florida, has made the following determinations: 1. The Florida Department of Transportation has awarded the County funding for Sheriff Department Security Coverage (Fin. Proj. No. 403270-1-84-01). 2. The Board should authorize and approve execution of the Public Transportation Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement with the State of Florida Department of Public Transportation for the above-referenced project. 3. The funds for security will be expended for Sheriff deputy patrols at St. Lucie County International Airport as outlined in the letter to Rebecca Rivett, FDOT Aviation Coordinator. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida: 1, The Board hereby accepts and approves the Public Transportation Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement with the State of Florida (Fin. Proj. No. 403270-1-84-01) to provide funding for Sheriff Department Security Coverage.. 2. The Board hereby authorizes the Chairperson to execute the above-referenced agreement and further authorizes the County Attorney to execute the agreement by approving it as to form and correctness. 1 ""' ..., After motion and second, the vote on this resolution was as follows: Chairman Doug Coward Vice-Chairman Cliff Barnes Commissioner Frannie Hutchinson Commissioner Paula A. Lewis Commissioner John D. Bruhn PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 18th day of June, 2002. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: DEPUTY CLERK CHAIRPERSON APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY 2 "" """ FORM 72~30-07 PU8L1C TRANSP ADMIN OGC - 08/99 Page' of 4 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBUC TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT Fund: OS Function: 637 FLAIR Approp: 088719 Federal No: FLAIR Obj.: 750004 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Org. Code: 55042010428 Number: Vendor No.: VF596000835030 FM No: 403270-1-84-01 Job No: Contract No: AF821 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this _ day of by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. an agency of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the Department. and St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners hereinafter referred to as Agency. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Department and the Agency heretofore on the 9th of June entered into a Joint Participation Agreement; and 1998 WHEREAS. the Agency desires to accomplish certain project items as outlined in the Attachment "An appended hereto; and WHEREAS, the Department desires to participate in all eligible items for this project as outlined in Attachment "A" for a total Department Share of $ $72.000.00 NOW, THEREFORE THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: that for and in consideration of the mutual benefits to lIowfrom each to the other, the parties hereto agree that the above described Joint Participation Agreement is to be amended and supplemented as follows: 1.0 Project Description: The project description is amended for Sheriff Department Security Coverage. ~ .J FORM 72S-03Q.{)7 PUBLIC TRANSP ADMIN OGC - 08/99 Page2of4 2.00 Project Cost: Paragraph 3.00 of said Agreement is increaned/decreased by $ N/A of the project to $ 90.000.00 bringing the revised total cost Paragraph 4.00 of said Agreement is increased/decreased by $ N/A share in the project to $ 72.000.00 bringing the Department's revised 3.00 Amended Exhibits: Exhibit(s) B of said Agreement is (are) amended by Attachment "A". 4.00 Contract Time: Paragraph 18.00 of said Agreement is amended December 31. 2002 ~ ..J FORM 725-O3l}.(17 PUBLIC TRANSP ADMIN OGe - 08199 Page 3 01 4 FM No. 403270-1-94-01 Contract No. AF821 Supp. Agreement Date Except as hereby modified, amended or changed, all other tellTls of said Agreement dated June 9.1998 and any subsequent supplements shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents be executed, the day and year first above written. AGENCY st. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM, LEGALITY FOOT . COMPTROLLER FUNDING APPROVAL DATE: ATTORNEY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT SECRETARY OR DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & PROGRAMS ATTEST: TITLE: (SEAL) "'" """ FORM 725-030-07 PUBLIC TRANS? ADMIN aGe - 08199 Page 4 of 4 FM No. 403270-1-94-01 _Contract No. AF821 Supp. Agreement Date ATTACHMENT "A" SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT This Attachment forms an integral part of that certain Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement between the State of Florida, Department of Transportation and St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners dated DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLEMENT (Include justification for cost change): Project amended to allow for reimbursement and future payment for security coverage by the Sheriffs Department. Additional Runway Pavements: I. PROJECT COST: II. PARTICIPATION: Approved Amended Department" 80_0% 80.0% FAA Local 20.0% 20.0% III. TOTAL PROJECT COST: 100.0% 100.0% Approved Net Change Amended $90,000 $0 $90,000 Approved NetChange Am ended $72.000 $0 $72,000 $0 $0 $0 $18,000 $0 $18.000 $90,000 $0 $90,000 .... Funding limits and activities are provided in accordance with Senate Bill 48-B (attached). RECYCLED PAPER "" """ FL LEGIS 2001-349 2001 Fla. Sess. Law Serv. Ch. 2001-349 (S.B. 48-B) (WEST) Page 3 FLORIDA 2001 SESSION LAW SERVICE Seventeenth ugblaturc, SPCdlll 'B' Scssion Copr. © W~ Group 2001. All rights reserved. Additions are indicated by «+ Text +»; deletions by <<- T e:-.1 -». Changes in tables are made but not highlighted. Chapter 2001-349 S.B. No. 48-B AIRPORTS AND LANDING FIELDS-NOISE AND NOISE POLLUTION-ECONOlvfiC ASSISTANCE An act relating to airports, amending s. 332.007, F.S.; providing economic assistance to airports; pro\ìding for noise nútigation for certain airports; requiring certain notice to the Legislature; providing an effective date. Be It Enac~~ by the Legislature of the State of Florida: Section I. Subsection (8) is added to section 332.007, Florida Statutes, to read: «FL ST § 332.007 » 332.007. Adnùnistration and fmancing of aviation and airport programs and projects; state plan «+(8) Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary, the department is authorized to provide operational and maintenance assistance to publicly OV.l1ed public-use airports. Such assistance sba1l be to comply \\ìth enhanced federal security r~uirements or to address related economic impacts from the events of September II, 2001. For projects in the current adopted work program, or projects added using the available budget of the department, airports may request the department change ·the project purpose in accordance with this provision notwithstanding the provisions of s. 339.135(7). For purposes of this subsection, the d.:partment may fund up to 100 pe:œnt of eligible project costs that are not funded by the federal government Prior to releasing any funds under this section, the department shall review and approve the e.xpenditure plans submitted by !he airport. The department shall inform the Legislature of any change that it approves under this subsection. This subsection shall e:\.-pire on June 30, 2003_+» «FL ST § 332.13» Section 2. [FNI] «+AJ:J.y multicounty airport authority created as an independent special district which is subject to a development-of-regional- impact development order and which has conducted a noise study in accordance v.ìth 14 C.F.R Part ISO shall, in liscal year 2002, establish a noise- mitigation-project fund in an amount of$7.5 million, which shall be increased by another $2.5 million in fiscal ycar 2004. The moneys in the project 1imd shall be segregated and expended by the airport authority by December 31, 2006, to the extent neccss3I)- to comply wi!h development-order colIlIIlÍtments to acquire property from or otherwise mitigate property owners adv=ly affected by !he development of regional impact If moneys are not c:.xpended for such purposes by December 31, 2006, the airport au!hority shall not thereafter amend its development-of-regional-impact development order or commence development of airport infrastructure improvements authorized by such development order until such 1imds Me fully expended for such purposes. +» [FNl] Tent:1tÌvc assignmcrrt as § 332.13 Section 3. This act shall take effect upon becoming a law. Approved by !he GovemorNovember 16,2001. Copr. C West 2002 No Claim to Orig. U.S. Govt Works "" J BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT PAUL A. PHILLIPS, A.A.E. Director Ms. Rebecca L. Rivett Aviation Coordinator Office of Modal Development 3400 west Commercial Boulevard Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33309-3421 Subj ect: Fin. Project No.: Description: Re: 403270-1-84-01 Environmental Resource Permits Conversion of JP A to Security Patrols As per the Flexible Airport Funding Guidelines Dear Ms. Rivett: As you know, the terrorist attack on 9-11 has brought national attention to security deficiencies at our nation's airports. Although national standards have not been developed by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for general aviation (GA) airports, a review of the security measures at St. Lucie County International Airport reveal significant deficiencies, The St. Lucie County Sheriff's Department provided deputy patrols 24 hours per day / 7 days per week from the terrorist attack on September 11 th through November 13, 2001. On November 13th, the Sheriff, upon consultation and concurrence with the Airport, reduced the deputy patrols to 8 hours per day from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am. Since the Sheriffis also providing heightened security in many areas ofthe County, this patrol has become a significant financial and resource burden on the Sheriff and Airport's budget. As a result, between September II th and November 10th the Sheriff paid $32,309.41 in overtime pay. From November 11th through May 12,2002, the Airport has paid for the heightened security patrols at a cost of $200 per day for a total cost of $38,070. To date, $70,379.41 has been spent for enhanced security at the Airport. Additionally, on November 16th, the Governor signed Iegislation that authorizes the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to amend Joint Participation Agreements (JPA) to provide funds for security, Up to 100 percent of capital and operating costs for security at Airports are now eligible under this new program for reimbursement. Previously, no reimbursement for operating costs were eligible_ As a result, this new legislation can provide up to 100% reimbursement from FDOT for any security costs incurred or security costs budgeted for the next two years, One of the biggest security deficiencies that currently exist at the Airport is the lack of fencing. Although, the Airport has developed extensively, the installation of fencing has been deficient and access onto the Airport and airfield have remained uncontrolled. The Airport is scheduling a six phase security fencing project. Phase one is close to complete and includes the securing of Curtis JOHN 0, OI'.UHN. Oisrrier No, 1 . DOUG COWAI'.O. Disrric' No, 2 . PAULA A, LEWIS. Oistric, No.:) . FRANNIE HUTCHINSON. Oistric, No.4· CUFF OAI'.NES, DiSHier No 5 Counry AdminiSTrator - Doug10s M. Anderson 2.300 Virginia Avenue · Fort Pierce, FL .34982-5652 · Phone (772) 462-17.32 · TDD (772) 462-1428 FAX (772) 462-1718 ~ ....I King Blvd. Phases two through six will include fencing of the balance ofthe airfield. Since the security fencing project is in various stages of design and construction, it is the Airport staffs recommendation that the part time security currently being provided by the Sheriffs department be continued through September 30, 2002. This would require a financial contribution by the Airport of an additional $28,200 for a total cost of$98,574.4l from September 11,2001 to September 30, 2002. Since the legislature has allowed for flexible funding of security, it is the Airport's recommendation that FDOT approve the amendment ofthe Environmental Resource PermitJoint Participation Agreement (JPA) with the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to allow these funds to be used to reimburse the Sheriff Department ($32,309.41) and the Airport ($38,070) for funds spent to date, and allow for the balance to be used for part time security coverage until September 30, 2002. This JP A provides $72,000 ofFDOT funds and $18,000 of Airport funds for a total of$90,000. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me. aul A. Phillip Airport Director ,~ Paul Phillies - Airport Flexible FU~ Guidelines.doc Page 1 I ...J Guidelines for Implementation of Flexible Airport Funding (Senate Bill 48-B) Revised November 20, 2001 Background On Friday, November 16, 2001, the Governor signed legislation that authorizes the airport flexible funding program. The law went into effect immediately, so the airports can now request funding under the new flexible guidelines and the district offices can issue or amend grants under this program. The Governor and the Legislature intend that the Department allow maximum flexibility with aviation program funds to assist airports though near term-financial difficulties. The goal is to ensure that Florida's airports can fulfill their role in the recovery of Florida's economy. The objectives are to encourage better security at Florida's airports, assure that the airports function efficiently and encourage air passenger confidence. Discussion September 11th dealt a critical blow to our nations airports. Florida airports are no exception. In the first few weeks after the tragedy, airport operational costs jumped dramatically and airport revenue declined just as dramatically. Increased costs are due, primarily, to increased security personnel. Decreased revenue is due to reduced traffic. In the days after airports resumed operation, traffic was 20 percent to 30 percent of normal. Two months after the tragedy, passenger traffic at Florida's airports is still 23 percent below the comparable time last year. A few days after the tragedy, offices under the Governor conducted teleconferences with the directors of each large and medium hub airport to assess issues and determine how the state could help. This is when the concept of temporary assistance to cover lost revenue and increased operational costs was developed. The Florida Airport Managers Association Board of Directors met with the Governor and discussed the details of necessary legislation. Both the Legislature and the Govemor are aware of the critical role that aviation plays in the Florida economy. It is the intent of both the Legislature and the Governor to do what is necessary to return airports to a firm financial footing and assure travelers that air transportation is safe. This requires a flexible funding program and maximum Department cooperation with airport management. Guidelines 1. Up to 100 percent of capital and operating (operating and maintenance) costs for security and reduced revenue subsequent to September 11th are eligible under this program. Operational and capital costs do not have to be directly related to security to be eligible. 2. Two fiscal years are included in the legislation, the current fiscal year, FY 2001-02, and next fiscal year, FY 2002-03. It is not legislative intent to obligate funds beyond FY 2002-03 so that . ¡ Paul Phi!_I_i~s_ ~ Airport Flexible F¥9 Guideli~es.doc .. . Pélge21 , .4 - they would be included in flexible funding, e.g. through pre-qualified JPAs, etc. However, all state funds currently available for airport use are eligible for the program even if they were appropriated in a prior fiscal year. 3. Both commercial service and general aviation airports are eligible. 4. All capital and operating expenses subsequent to September 11th are eligible even if the expenses were incurred prior to the signing of the legislation and prior to Department approvàl of an expense plan. 5. In the interest of equity for the airports, the Department cannot shift program funds from one airport to another without full agreement of the airport that would lose funds. Each airport has a right to flexible use of the funds that are currently programmed for that airport. 6. Airport requests for funding for eligible projects must be supported by an expenditure plan. The Department must approve the plan prior to approving the projects and providing funds. Expenditure plans submitted to the Department for approval must be authorized by the airport owner (city commission, county commission, authority). Expenditure plans do not need to be lengthy or complex and should be taken at face value. They should simply explain the reason for the need and describe any support documentation that could be provided to the Department, if requested. 7. Salary increases for existing staff, staff bonuses and similar expenses are not eligible items. 8. Prior year grants that have unexpended funds can be amended to allow capital and operating costs and up to 100 percent funding for this program. 9. If an airport wants to expend airport funds according to these guidelines and credit the expenditures against outstanding aviation program loans, this is eligible under this program as long as an expenditure plan is approved by the Department. 10. District office staff must clearly explain to each applicant that this program does not include additional state funding for airports. Any state funds used for operating costs under this program will not be available for previously programmed capital projects. The deferred capital projects can be reprogrammed further out in the work program out years if funding is available. 11. Under this legislation, work program phases can be changed to reflect operating costs and new work program items can be added by the district offices. Merely make the changes in the work program. No further approval is required as long as the changes accommodate projects that qualify under the legislation. Quick work program changes and JPA processing are the objective for these projects. District office work program questions can be directed to Pollie Howell. 12. Copies of expenditure plans that are approved by the districts for Department funding, the related work program item numbers and the amounts shall be forwarded to the State Aviation Manager so that reports can be prepared for Legislature. "!I" \-/ "'" .~ St. Lucie County INTERNATIONAL A" ô,lF/ôn a AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-6-B DATE. 06/18/02 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ X ] PRESENTED BY: TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Airport Paul A. Phillips SUBJECT: Accept the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Joint Participation Agreement (JPA), and authorize the Chairman to execute the SupplementaI JPA and resolution 02-168 authorizing the Chairman to sign the agreement, for the rehabilitation of airfield lighting at St. Lucie County International Airport. This JPA provides an additional $301,000 of FDOT funds and requires a local match of$75,250 towards the $562,500 necessary for phase 1 ofthe project. This is a 80% matching fund JPA with the Florida Department of Transportation. BACKGROUND: Late last year, the Airport completed the installation of airfieId signage using a $500,000 FederaI Aviation Administration (FAA.) grant. After the signage was installed, an increased electrical load was placed on the existing airfield lighting. It became immediately apparent that the existing runway and taxiway electrical circuits could not sustain the new Ioads. As a result, the existing electrical circuits have become very unreliable. The Airport has spent over $12,000 on subcontractors and weeks of Airport Technician time to provide temporary solutions to the electrical circuit problems. Since the existing runway and ta"'Òway lighting is 20 years old, the engineers have recommended that the existing direct burial airfield lighting circuits be replaced with electrical cabling in conduit. Since this is an unbudgeted item and is a safety related item, the Airport recommends that matching funds of $75,250 be made available from unallocated Airport Project Reserve. FUNDS AVAILABLE IN ACCT#: Matching funds of$75,250 are available in the Airport Project Reserve Account (140-9910-599330-800). PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board accept the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Joint Participation Agreement (JP A), and authorize the Chairman to execute the supplemental JP A and resolution 02-168 authorizing the Chairman to sign the agreement, for the rehabilitation of airfield lighting at St. Lucie County International Airport. This supplemental JP A provides an additional $301,000 ofFDOT funds and requires a local match of$75,250 towards the $562,500 necessary for phase 1 of the project. This is a 80% matching fund JP A with the Florida Department of Transportation. COMMISSION ACTION: t]APPROVED [ ]DENIED []OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent Reviews & Approvals ~ County Attorney~. OMB Purchasing Originating Dept· Other: Other: Finance:(Check py nly, if applicable) .. "" ~ RESOLUTION NO. 02-168 A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT (FIN. PROJ. NO. 411315-1- 94-01) FOR REHABILITATION OF AIRFIELD LIGHTING AT THE ST. LUCIE COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AND AUTHORIZING THE CHAIRPERSON TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY ATTORNEY TO EXECUTE THE AGREEMENT BY APPROVING IT AS TO FORi'1 AND CORRECTNESS WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of S1. Lucie County, Florida" has made the following determinations: 1. The Florida Department of Transportation has awarded the County funding for the Rehabilitation of Airfield Lighting at the St. Lucie County International Airport (Fin. Proj. No. 411315-1-94-01). 2. The Board should authorize and approve execution of the Public Transportation Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement with the State of Florida Department of Public Transportation for the above-referenced project. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of County Commissioners ofS1. Lucie County, Florida: 1. The Board hereby accepts and approves the Public Transportation Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement with the State of Florida (Fin. Proj. No. 411315-1-94-01) to provide funding for the Rehabilitation of Airfield Lighting at the 81. Lucie County International Airport. 2. The Board hereby authorizes the Chairperson to execute the above-referenced agreement and further authorizes the County Attorney to execute the agreement by approving it as to form and correctness. After motion and second, the vote on this resolution was as follows: Chairman Doug Coward Vice-Chairman CliffBames Commissioner Frannie Hutchinson Commissioner Paula A. Lewis Commissioner John D. Bruhn 1 · """ ....J PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED this 18th day ofJune, 2002. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: DEPUTY CLERK CHAIRPERSON APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY 2 "'" '''-tIÎ " FORM 725-030-07 PUBLIC TRANSP ADMIN OGC - 08/99 Page1of4 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENT AL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT Fund: OS Function: 637 FLAIR Approp: 088719 Federal No: FLAIR Obj.: 750004 Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Org. Code: 55042010428 Number: Vendor No.: VF596000835030 FM No: 411315-1-94-01 WPINo: Job No: Contract No: THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this _ day of by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, an agency of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the Department, and S1. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners hereinafter referred to as Agency. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Department and the Agency heretofore on the 4th entered into a Joint Participation Agreement; and of June . 2002 WHEREAS, the Agency desires to accomplish certain project items as outlined in the Attachment "A" appended hereto; and WHEREAS, the Department desires to participate in all eligible items for this project as outlined in Attachment "A" for a total Department Share of $ 450.000.00 NOW, THEREFORE THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: that for and in consideration of1he mutual benefits to flow from each to the other, the parties hereto agree that the above descnbed Joint Participation Agreement is to be amended and supplemented as follows: 1.00 Project Description: The project description is amended N/A """', .....J FORM 72!;-O30-07 PUBLIC TRANSP ADMIN OGC - 08199 Page 2 of 4 2.00 Project Cost: Paragraph 3.00 of said Agreement is increasedtdoGre30ed by $ 376250.00 cost of the project to $ 562 500.00 bringing the revised total Paragraph 4.00 of said Agreement is increased/deGFe3Sed by $ 301.000.00 revised share in the project to $ 450 000.00 bringing the Department's 3.00 Amended exhibits: Exl1ibit(s) 8 of said Agreement is (are) amended by Attachment "An. 4.00 Contract Time: Paragraph 18.00 of said Agreement is amended N/A " ....¡ FORM 725-030-07 PUBLIC lRANSP ADMIN OGC - OBlll9 Page3014 FM No. 411315-1-94-01 Contract No, Supp. Agreement Date Except as hereby modified, amended or changed. all other terms of said Agreement dated June 4. 2002 and any subsequent supplements shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents be executed, the day and year first above written. AGENCY st. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners BY: TITLE: ATTEST: TITLE: (SEAL) APPROVED AS TO FORM, LEGALITY FOOT COMPTROLLER FUNDING APPROVAL DATE: ATTORNEY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT SECRETARY OR DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & PROGRAMS ATTEST: TITLE: (SEAL) "" .., FORM ~7 PUBLIC TRANS? ADMIN OGC - 08199 Page ~ of 4 FM No. 411315-1-94-01 Contract No. Supp. Agreement Date ATTACHMENT "An SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT This Attachment forms an integral part of that certain Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement between the State of Florida, Department of Transportation and St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners dated DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLEMENT (Include justification for cost change): To provide for additional airfield lighting rehabilitation. I. PROJECT COST: Approved Net Change Amended $186,250 $376,250 $562,500 II. PARTICIPATION: Approved Amended Approved Net Change Amended Department 80.0% 80.0% $149,000 $301,000 $450,000 FAA $0 $0 $0 Local 20.0% 20.0% $37,250 $75,250 $112,500 \II. TOTAL PROJECT COST: 100.0% 100.0% $186,250 $376,250 $562,500 RECYCLED rAJ'ER y/ "'" ..",., St. Lucie County INTERNATIONAL A o/OWFìêff]a§"ìSiffl!â'ŠtJré'- ' AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C - 6 - C DATE: June 18,2002 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ X ] PRESENTED BY: TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY: Airport Paul A. Phillips SUBJECT: Approve the First Amendment to the scope of work with Hoyle, Tanner & Associates (HTA) for a fee of $3,800 to complete the master planning process for the Airport Master Plan Update at St. Lucie County International Airport. BACKGROUND: On February 13, 2001, the Board approved the scope ofwork with HT A for a fee of$120,000 to complete the master planning process. The original scope of work outlined the public process and required meetings. In February 2002, the Airport Master Plan Study Group requested an additional public information meeting to more accurately gauge public support for the document. Additionally, the Board, at its May meeting requested an additional public hearing to provide for additional public comment. This amendment provides for additional fees that were incurred by the consultant as result of guaranteeing adequate public meetings. FUNDS AVAILABLE IN ACCT#: As the original Joint Participation Agreement (JPA) from the Florida Department of Transportation provided funds up to $125,000, funds of$5,000 are available in the Airport Project Reserve account (140-9910-599330-800). PREVIOUS ACTION: On February 13, 2001, the Board approved the scope of work with HTA. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the First Amendment to the scope of work with Hoyle, Tanner & Associates (HT A) for a fee of$3,800 to complete the master planning process for the Airport Master Plan Update at St. Lucie County International Airport. Absent COMMISSION ACTION: ~]APPROVED [ ]DENIED Reviews & Approvals County Attorney: Originating Dept: Finance:(Check fi r Purchasing Other: ~ '''WttI .' ST, LUCIE COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ADDENDUM NO.1 TO THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT BETWEEN COUNTY AND CONSULTANT FOR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES THIS ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT for Professional Services made and entered into this _ day of 2002, by and between ST. LUCIE COUNTY, a political subdivision of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the COUNTY and Hoyle, Tanner & Associates, Inc., hereinafter referred to as the CONSULTANT. A. The COUNTY and the CONSULTANT have entered into an Agreement for Professional Services (the AGREEMENT), dated June 23, 1998, whereby the CONSULTANT would provide services for one or more projects. B. The AGREEMENT contemplated that the exact nature of the services and compensation therefore would be set forth in one or more amendments to the AGREEMENT. C. The COUNTY and the CONSULTANT have entered into THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT dated September 27, 2000, whereby the CONSULTANT would provide services for the Airport Master Plan. D. The COUNTY and the CONSULTANT desire to amend THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT to add the services described below, and to set forth the professional fees for such additional services. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenants set forth herein, in the AGREEMENT and in THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT, the parties hereto agree as follows: 1. The scope of work for this ADDENDUM NO.1 is hereby described as the additional professional services to develop documentation, coordinate and administrate one (1) additional meeting for the Airport Master Plan project, as requested by the Master Plan Study Group. Scope also includes revisions to planning aItematives as requested by the BOCC. Costs incurred include necessary preparation time, travel time, travel expenses, and additionaI document printing costs. ST. LUCIE COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ADDENDUM NO.1 TO FIRST AMENDMENT F:\853 7\02\53 702070.doc ~ . ~ ....... ..¡ 2. Compensation for this work will be as set forth on Attachment A, attached hereto and made a part hereof. 3. All remaining terms and conditions of the AGREEMENT and THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT not specifically amended herein shall remain in full force and effect. IN WITNESS THEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this ADDENDUM NO. 1 TO THE FIRST AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT as of the date first set forth above. ST. LUCIE COUNTY. FLORIDA APPROVED AS TO FORM: & CORRECTNESS: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA Douglas Anderson, County Administrator Dan McIntyre, County Attorney HOYLE. TANNER & ASSOCIATES. INC. ATTEST HOYLE, TANNER & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~~~ t€~ Edward F, Bossert, P.E. Senior Vice President Robert E. Barnhart Aviation Planning Director ST. LUCIE COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ADDENDUM NO.1 TO FIRST AMENDMENT F:\853 7\02\53 702070.doc - . '-' '...; I' ATTACHMENT A COMPENSATION For the professional services described in this Addendum No. 1 to the First Amendment, the CONSULTANT shall be compensated as follows: Lump Slim Fee of Three Thollsand Eight HlIndred and 00/100 Dollars ($3,800.00). ST. LUCIE COUNTY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ADDENDUM NO.1 TO FIRST AMENDMENT F:\853 7\02\53 702070.doc ~...--- ......... AGENDA REQUEST ...", ITEM NO. ~ 7 cL. DATE: June 18, 2002 SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] PRESENTED BY: ß.~~~-<.Ñ.QA - (Donald B. weft, P.E. County Engineer TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Professional Engineering Services Dredging BACKGROUND: On June 27, 2000, the Board approved consultant agreements with BCI Engineers & Scientists, Inc., and Taylor Engineering to perform Dredging on a continuing basis for a period of two years with an optional one year extension. FUNDS AVAIL.: n/a PREVIOUS ACTION: June 27, 2000 - Board approved the shortlist and authorized the Chairman to sign agreements as prepared by the County Attorney. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the one year extension to the consultant agreements for Dredging with BCI Engineers & Scientists, Inc., and Taylor Engineering and authorize the Chairman to sign. [ ~ APPROVED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) [ ] DENIED Barnes Absent COMMISSION ACTION: Do sAnderson County Administrator Coord ination/S iQ natures (x]County Attorney ~ [x]Originating Depl. Public Works /1<-./ dredge renewal.ag []Mgt. & Budget [x]Co. Eng -Àr~' ( [x]Revenue Coord, BP¡.~ [ lather ~ ~ ..." FIRST AMENDMENT TO JUNE 27, 2000 AGREEMENT BETWEEN ST. LUCIE COUNTY AND BCI ENGINEERS & SCIENTIST, INC. THIS FIRST AMENDMENT made and entered into this _ day of ,2002, by and between ST. LUCIE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the "County', and BCI ENGINEERS & SCIENTIST, INC., a Florida corporation, or its successors, executors, administrators, and assigns hereinafter called the "Engineer": WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Agreement dated June 27, 2000 (Agreement) whereby the Engineer agreed to provide professional engineering services for dredging related projects to the County; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the Agreement to establish a one year extension of the Contract at the same terms and conditions_ NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Paragraph 3A of the Agreement is amended in its entirety as follows: 3. TERM OF AGREEMENT; WORK AUTHORIZATIONS. The term of this Contract shall be from June 27, 2000 through June 26, 2003. The parties reserve the right to extend the term of the Agreement for one additional term of one year on the same terms and conditions except that the parties may negotiate the amount of the Engineer's fee. 2. Except as amended herein, the remaining terms and conditions of the June 27, 2000 Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. -1- f '( '-" ..."., IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County has hereunto subscribed and the Engineer has affixed his, its or their names, or name. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUC1E COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: DEPUTY CLERK CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY ATTEST: SECRETARY BCI ENGINEERS & SCIENTISTS, INC. tJa··~ BY: I. li.lr¡r.r¿j u Printname WA-/,rçn. re... KedvN'Øl1- G:IA TIY\AGREEMNTI I AMENDI I A-BCI. wpd -2 - i , "'" "'" FIRST AMENDMENT TO JUNE 27,2000 AGREEMENT BETWEEN ST. LUCIE COUNTY AND TAYLOR ENGINEERING, INC. THIS FIRST AMENDMENT made and entered into this _ day of ,2002, by and between ST. LUCIE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the "County', and TAYLOR ENGINEERIN G, INC., a Florida corporation, or its successors, executors, administrators, and assigns hereinafter called the "Engineer": WITNESS ETH: WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Agreement dated June 27, 2000 (Agreement) whereby the Engineer agreed to provide professional engineering services for dredging projects to the County; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the Agreement to establish a one year extension of the Contract at the same terms and conditions. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Paragraph 3A of the Agreement is amended in its entirety as follows: 3. TERM OF AGREEMENT: WORK AUTHORIZATIONS. The term of this Contract shall be from June 27,2000 through June 26, 2003. 2. Except as amended herein, the remaining terms and conditions of the June 27, 2000 Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. -1- "'-"' ..., IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County has hereunto subscribed and the Engineer has affixed his, its or their names, or name. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: DEPUTY CLERK CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY ATTEST: rtE~=~ Printname R. Bruce Taylor, Ph.D., P.E. President C:\TEMPIIA-TA YLOR ENGINEERlNG.wpd -2- ....., AGENDA REQUEST J ITEM NO. C_-7/';' DATE: June 18, 2002 SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] PRESENTED BY: ~~~~.cN~ (Donald B. wJst, P.E. County Engineer TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Professional Engineering Services Stormwater Management BACKGROUND: On June 13, 2000, the Board approved consultant agreements with BCI Engineers & Scientists, Inc., Hazen and Sawyer, P.C. and PBS&J, to perform stormwater management on a continuing basis for a period of two years with an optional one year extension. FUNDS AVAIL.: n/a PREVIOUS ACTION: December 14, 1999 - Board approved advertising for RFP's. June 13, 2000 - Board approved the shortlist and authorized the Chairman to sign agreements as prepared by the County Attorney. ---- RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the one year extension to the consultant agreements for stormwater management with BCI Engineers & Scientists, Inc., Hazen and Sawyer, P.C. and PBS&J, and authorize the Chairman to sign. COMMISSION ACTION: fC] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent Dou a Anderson County Administrator Coordination/S ill natures [xlCounty Attorney '\'ß. [x]Originating Depl. Public Works I.- tv. / stormwater mgt renewal.ag [x]Revenue Coord.....6..&:. \1 []Other [JMgl. & Budget [x]Co. Eng h..f~ . r '-' >'WJ1 FIRST AMENDMENT TO JUNE 13,2000 AGREEMENT BETWEEN ST. LUCIE COUNTY AND BCI ENGINEERS & SCIENTISTS, INC. THIS FIRST AMENDMENT made and entered into this _ day of ,2002, by and between ST. LUCIE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the "County', and BCI ENGINEERS & SCIENTISTS, INC., a Florida corporation, or its successors, executors, administrators, and assigns hereinafter called the "Engineer": WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Agreement dated June 13, 2000 (Agreement) whereby the Engineer agreed to provide professional engineering services for stormwater management projects to the County; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the Agreement to establish a one year extension of the Contract at the same terms and conditions. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Paragraph 3A of the Agreement is amended in its entirety as follows: 3. TERM OF AGREEMENT; WORK AUTHORIZATIONS. The term of this Contract shall be from June 13, 2000 through June 12,2003. 2. Except as amended herein, the remaining terms and conditions of the June 13,2000 Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. -1- .. ......" "'wfII IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County has hereunto subscribed and the Engineer has affixed his, its or their names, or name. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: CHAIRMAN DEPUTY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY ATTEST: SECRETARY BCI ENGINEERS & SCIENTISTS, INC. BY,á)tÆ~( Printname ~l.reJ1.- /. klðr/..Jt7L- G:\A ITY\AGREEMN1ìI AMEND\IA-PBS&J.wpd -2- ~. , '-' . "'" FIRST AMENDMENT TO JUNE 13, 2000 AGREEMENT BETWEEN ST. LUCIE COUNTY AND HAZEN AND-SAWYER, P.C. THIS FIRST AMENDMENT made and entered into this _ day of ,2002, by and between ST. LUCIE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the "County', and HAZEN AND SAWYER, P.c., a Florida corporation, or its successors, executors, administrators, and assigns hereinafter called the "Engineer": WITNE SSE TH: WHEREAS, the parties entered into a Agreement dated June 13, 2000 (Agreement) whereby the Engineer agreed to provide professional engineering services for stormwater management projects to the County; and WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the Agreement to establish a one year extension of the Contract at the same terms and conditions. NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the promises contained herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. Paragraph 3A of the Agreement is amended in its entirety as follows: 3. TERM OF AGREEMENT: WORK AUTHORIZATIONS. The term of this Contract shall be from June 13,2000 through June 12,2003. 2. Except as amended herein, the remaining terms and conditions of the June 13,2000 Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. -1- ) ~ '-wi IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County has hereunto subscribed and the Engineer has affixed his, its or their names, or name. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: CHAIRMAN DEPUTY CLERK APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY ATTEST: HAZEN AND SAWYER, P.C. ~~,~ SECRETARY ce esident BY: ...-'/,// L/ Print name: Albert Muniz. P.E. Print name Gary W. Bors. P.E. G:\A1TY\AGREEMNT\IAMENDlIA-Hazen & Sawyer.wpd -2- ~ AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. c.-? G~ DATE: June 18,2002 REGULAR [ l PUBLIC HEARING [ l CONSENT [xl TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 SUBJECT: Burger King and Merritt Ditch Emergency Culvert Replacement - Change Order No. 1 BACKGROUND: Severe erosion due to culvert failure at the entrance of Burger King Restaurant and Town South Shopping Plaza north of Midway Road required immediate action to avoid complete failure of the roadway and blockage of the Merritt Ditch stormwater outfall system.. Construction activities revealed that a section ofthe existing pipe to be removed was encased in concrete west of the manhole structure located in the southbound, right turn lane to the shopping plaza. This section of existing pipe requires removal prior to completion of proposed pipe installation activities. FUNDS AVAIL.: Funds will be made available in 316001-41131-563000-43031 Transportation Capital/Local Option- Culvert Replacements. PREVIOUS ACTION: n/a March 26, 2002 - Board approved the emergency culvert replacement at Burger King and Merritt Ditch, waived the formal bidding process, and awarded the construction contract to Shenandoah General Construction in the amount of $182,460. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the approval of Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $9,500 for the Burger King and Merritt Ditch Emergency Culvert Replacement. COMMISSION ACTION: [~ APPROVED [ l DENIED [ l OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent E: Dou I Anderson Coun y Administrator ..1Y [x]Counly Attorney p.. ~ [x]Originaling Dept. Public Works . V burger King & merritt culvert co 1.ag Coordi nation/Sicmatures [x]Mgl. & B~dgel $,(f) 1111(!Ç¡ [X]Co.Eng~ [x]Revenue coord..JìfL~ [ ]Purchasing 1\ ~ --.." CHANGE ORDER ST. LUCIE COUNTY PROJECT: MERRITT DITCH @ BK CULVERT REPLACEMENT (name, address) CHANGE ORDER NUMBER: No.1 INITIATION DATE: 5/14/02 TO (Contractor): CONSULTANTS PROJECT NO.: N/A Shenandoah General Construction 1BBB N.W. 220d St. Pompano Beach, FL 33069 ST. LUCIE COUNTY CONTRACT NO: C02-03-321 CONTRACT DATE: 3/26/02 You are directed to make the following changes in this Contract: (Additional sheet attached as Exhibit A - Yes) SEE ATTACHED The original (Contract Sum) was .............................................................. $182,460.00 Net change by previous authorized Change orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $-0- The (Contract Sum) prior to this Change Order was ............................................... $182,460.00 The (Contract Sum) will be (increased) by this Change Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $9,500.00 The new (Contract Sum) including this Change Order will be ....................................... $191,960.00 The Contract Time will be unchanged by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (0) Days T~e Date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order therefore is: 6/14/02 Funds Available: Account Number: 316001-41131-563000-43031 The adjustment in Contract Price and/or Contract Time stated in this Change Order shall comprise the total price and/or time adjustment due or owed the Contractor for the work or changes defined in this Change Order. By executing this Change Order, the Contractor acknowledges and agrees that the stipulated price and/or time adjustments include the costs and delays for all work contained in the Change Order. including costs and delays associated with the interruption of schedules, extended overheads, delay, and cumulative impacts or ripple effect on all other non- affected work under this Contract. Signing of the Change Order constitutes full and mutual accord and satisfaction for the adjustment in contract price or time as a result of increases or decreases in costs and time of performance caused directly and indirectly from the Change Order, subject to the current scope of the entire work as set forth in the Contract Documents. Acceptance of this waiver constitutes an agreement between the County and Contractor that the Change Order represents an equitable adjustment to the Contract, and that Contractor will waive all rights to file a claim on this Change Order after it is properly executed. All work performed under this Change Order shall be performed in accordance with the contract specifications. Approved: SI. Lucie County. Public W0rks Department SI. Lucie County Department 2300 Vir - ia Ave. Ft. Pierce FL 34982 Addre Date Date Pierce, FL 34982 Shenandoah General Construction Contractor By: Oo,.,n,/ iJ.'/Jh.,,, Djte S716/0 2. Date -~.,< '-""" AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-7d ......, DATE: June 18, 2002 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [x] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION 4115 PRESENTED BY: ~~1~~ County Engineer SUBJECT: Work Authorization NO.4 with BCI Engineers & Scientists, Inc. for Taylor Creek Restoration Dredging Project Detailed Seagrass Survey of Taylor Creek Mouth Reach 1 BACKGROUND: On May 1, 2001, the Board approved Work Authorization NO.1 with BCI Engineers, Inc., for the design and permitting of Taylor CreeklC25 Restoration Dredging Project. On February 2, 2002, the Board approved Work Authorization No.2 with BCI Engineers, Inc., in the amount of $33,050 forthe Taylor CreeklC25 Restoration Dredging Project Shoreline Stabilization and Improvements Reach 2. On March 5, 2002, the Board approved Work Authorization NO.3 with BCI Engineers, Inc., in the amount of $17,500 for funding assistance. The attached proposal from BCI Engineers, Inc., in the amount of $8,900 is for a detailed seagrass survey of Taylor Creek mouth reach 1. This detailed survey is required for the FDEP Environmental Resource Permit and must be conducted during the summer period. FUNDS AVAIL.: Funds will be reimbursed from the $700,000 grant provided by SFWMD. Funds are available in 140800-4315-563000-4657 (Taylor Creek Restoration, SLC Port Dev.) PREVIOUS ACTION: 5/1/01 -Approval of Work Authorization #1 with BCI in the amount of $137,000 for design and permitting ofTaylor Creek Project. 8/14/01 - Approval of grant application submittal to FSTED in the amount of $700,000 for Taylor CreeklC25 Dredging and Restoration Project. 2/5/02 - Approval of Work Authorization #2 with BCI in the amount of $33,050 for the Taylor Creek/C25 Dredging Project Shoreline Stabilization and Improvements Reach 2. 3/5/02 - Approval of Work Authorization #3 with BCI in the amount of $17,500 for grant application preparation and submittal to FIND and SJRWMD/NEP for funding assistance. RECOMMENDATION: Engineering Staff recommends Board approve Work Authorization NO.4 with BCI Engineers, Inc., in the amount of $8,900 for the Taylor Creek Restoration Dredging Project Detailed Seagrass S ey of Taylor Creek Mouth (Reach 1) and signature by the Chairman. COMMISSION ACTION: [~ APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent [x]County Attorney [x]Originating Dept. Public Works V. / taylorshorelinedredgebciwa4.ag \J ¡tJY' Dougl Anderson County Administrator Coordination/Si natu [x]Mgt. & Budget [x]Co. Eng ...Kf~· ( [ ]Revenue Coord_ [lOther ;I ~ "'-"" WORK AUTHORIZATION NO.4 Engineering Services Related to Dredging COO-06-550 for Taylor CreeklC25 Dredging and Restoration Project Detailed Seagrass Survey of Taylor Creek Mouth Reach 1 Pursuant to that certain Agreement Between County and Engineer for Engineering Services (the "Agreement") between St. Lucie County (the "County") and BCI Engineers & Scientists, Inc.(the "Engineer") dated June 13, 2000, the Engineer agrees to provide the Scope of Services described in Exhibit "A" and for the Compensation described in Exhibit "B". All services provided under this Work Authorization shall be completed according to the schedule described in Exhibit "C". IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the County has hereunto subscribed and the Engineer has affixed his, its, or their names, or name, on the dates below. ATTEST: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: CHAIRMAN Date: APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: COUNTY ATTORNEY WITNESSES: ~ ÜJ;$",~ #JrfJz ENGINEER BY: (//~ t 1<f¿-{A /' Print Name: Câl..l..IN ~ t:... IV"(¡:~ Bel Engineers & Scientists, Inc. Date: Of ~ 0;- CT"2-/ ;i ,~ p.2 Jun 06 02 ]2:191" ~CI ENG SCI 904 253 1767 EXHIBIT "A" SCOPE OF SERVICES BCI PROJECT NO. 19-10801.6 ST. LUCIE COlINTY PROJECT NO. COO-06-550 TAYLOR CREEK RESTORATIO~ DREDGING PROJECT: DETAILED SEAGRI\.SS SURVEY OF TAYLOR CREEK MOUTH (REACH 1) 1. Detailed Seagrass Survey Fieldwork - Summer 2002 Bel semI biologists wjJ! perfonll a detailed seagrass survey consisting in a ] 000 ft maius from the mouc:, of Taylor Creek (Reach 1). This includes survey past the Intracoastal Waterway. This detaiJe¿ su:-vey is required for the FDEP Environmental Reso:m.:e Permit (ERP), as discussed in our earlier meeting on September 2I, 2001 with FDEP and County staff Both FDEP and llSACOE ha'o'': been consulted regarding appropriate methodologies. Ber \.\111 use methods approved by both FDEP (~1r. Jeff Beal an:! '-,Cr. Tim Rach) and USACOE (Ms. Tod Agramonte). This survey must be conducted duri:1g sprin!;:summer (April-August) period of maximum seagr3~ abundance. A boat and scuba equipment will be utilized in ac--eas of deep water. A GPS (Global Positio::ing Unit) will also be utilized :md will aid in the mapping. 2. Se((grass Survey Reporting A detaik:d report will be provided and be incorporated into the Taylor Creek Restoration Dredgicg ERr. This report will include methodology, result~, ar:d co:1clusions, in addition to a GIS generated seagrass mapping of the area. ~"i1. Jun OS 02 12:20p~ BC! ENG se! 904 253 t767 ~ 1".3 EXHIBIT "B" FEE BCl PROJECT VO. 19-10801.6 ST. LUCIE COUNTY l'ROJECT NO. COO-06-550 TAYLOR CREEK RESTORA nON DREDGING PROJECT: DETAILED SEAGR<\SS SURVEY OF TAYLOR CREEK MOUTH (RFACH 1) Bel Engineers & Scientists, Inc. (Bel) wiii accomplish the services outlined i:1 \Vork Order 4 for this project (Detailed Se~<Tass Survey of Tay10r Creek Mouth) for a lump sum fee of 58,900 inclusive of expenses. The fee breakdown is sho\'<11 belov\'. lask Descrimion Fee Detailed Seagrass Survey Fieldwork $ 6,02." 2 Seagrass Survey Reperling S 2.8ì5 TOTAL FEE $ 8.900 " 12:20p ~CI .Jun 06 02 -5 " 0 " .i'. ... u u ü .2 ~-, f- Õ 6' :. " (j, ~ "" ú v: 'U .~ ',~ ü Cl ti " '§ "- ell " '00 ~ c:: ,§ i ;; .9 ~ 11 ¡ ~ '" "" ~ "- <> In ~ ,¿ õ v. -é u Vi " '" - c 0 9 0 ~ ;;;; '=' '=' ;;:, ;¡ ~ ¿., c {: ¡;; ~ <..: :.; -.0 ~ ~ ;, ~ c: ::: e: -: Ü -I <r. "" ~.¥, .¥-.ct M ~ È J:~':£~¡] J ~ 'õ' - á:: ~ ir;ð¿;1i6Q -l:' ~ .-ü cz: o.c '" " t g ,¿ "Q. ,z CIj Ie¿ ~ i ª ; ~ e, ~ J 1"'=1 lor. 2. ~ "? ~ ð clj! ,..¡ ENG 904 253 seI 1767 ,"""'" p.'" ~. ~ ITEM NO. C7E DATE: June 18. 2002 AGENDA REQUEST SUBMITTED BY (DEPT): Public Works-Blda & Zonina REGULAR: ( ) PUBLIC HEARING: ( ) CONSENT: (X ) PRESENTED BY: (f;lÞW..h- Dennis M. Grim Code Compliance Manager TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Request the Board of County Commissioners approve the purchase of a networked Color Laser Printer Model # HP 4550N for Code Enforcement at the cost of $2364.95. BACKGROUND: The current color printer is an Officejet, model # G55XI, which is not for business use and is having a difficult time keeping up with the demand. Code Enforcement has a huge volume of pictures that need to be printed and the machine will jam or print at a very slow pace. FUNDS AVAILABLE: Funds available in this account due to the savings from vehicles. Acct. # 491-2415-564000-200 Machinery & Equipment PREVIOUS ACTION: N/A RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends purchase of color laser printer at the cost of $2364.95. Equipment Request #EQ02-226. COMMISSION ACTION: OCAPPROVED 0 DENIED o OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent b6u;as Anderson County Administrator Review and Approvals o Other: I T fH) //hfWO~ V I/l..!1..!..9L 0 purChasing:). o County Attorney: o Originating Dept: (Pub. WkS.)f!4..... o Other: o Finance: Check for copy only, if applicable: C/J a: L1JC'\/ Zo 00 _C'\/ C/J~ C/Jo -0 :!EC'\/ :!Ea: 0« OLIJ » ......J z« :::)0 OC/J OJ:¡: u..a: 00 cu.. a:.... «C/J oLIJ m:::) >0 ....LIJ za: :::).... OZ OLIJ L1J:!E _c. 0- :::):::) ..JO LIJ ~ C/J ~ ~ a :>- co I- :::> Q.. ~ ö w C Z w :æ :æ o o w a: ö w > o a: f1. f1. <C ~ cx: ~ (,) :::¡ ~ Q.. ~ <: 2 "'ð (.!) a ...J co .:: z w :æ Ž Ii: 0 <C ëñ f1. :> ~ õ ~ ~ '<t cx: ~ ~ cx: Q.. ffi CJ) =:s cx: a ...J a (,) ~ C') ~ --" "0 Q) ~ -.§-e '5~"O .~ co C) ~ - .~ '6 ä3 i:: Cll E ~ ~ ~ ~ 'S Q ~ ~ Gj .§. .!:!! Q) Q) :t:= "0 :5 ~8"O Cll Q) ~ (J) :6 ~ ~ ... o .c:Cll C/) "" lß"O~ .c:: ~ :s. ~ ·ê .Q Cl.. 1:: ... Q) C) Q .Q E .... .8 1::: o "0 Cll c: Q) 5} Q) Q) .... ~ c: ~ ..:c êii :s C/) :6 ~ C/) .S ... ~ ....:ïï Q :::¡ "0 t5 ·ê .- Cl.. ~ Cl..... c: 'õ .Q .l!! (J) {) ·s E C/):::¡ ~ "- --- c: .c: ~ 0 .tl (J) (J) ~ !;J):6 i! .!!l "ti ~ Cll.!!l ~ 1.0 gj ¡:: ~ rr. ~ ;:;t.c:_ ~ .". <lS '" - c: tl (J) ~ ~ a ~ E !2 :s: - ~~.S!~ .!!1., Gj C/) 'tJ C) ~ ä3 .~ ~ ~ E :t:: 0 Cll E 0(,).... 0 c: Cll tl Cll "ti ... ~ .!!l ~ ·ê C/) ~ E ~ ~ .c: ~ 0 "0 c: E c: Cl.. Q) Cll Cll '-. £ "-. <I) ..Q..c:;=::Q) o ."!:::: '§ E tl s: Q) ö:: ~§-~'õ " 01 tl 3! Ö ·s Ë §- Q)5} 0 ,c: Q) Q) tl ~ ..l( :6 Cll <.0 &l ~ fa * o w a: ~ z w :¡¡: f1. :5 o w c c ~ g c ;2; LQ Lt) .... ~ , .... 0) '<t a: w m :¡¡: :J Z ~ Z :J o o ~ z o ~ o ii: ¡::: (f) :J .., ~ ðøunq¡ Inform.lion Technola . .'''.''''.''''.''''''''''':'':;1:'''. ···'·"Yi,'C,"·::,<':::;:'h:'«; ...,.,,; IT QUOTE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY 2300 VIRGINIA AVE FT. PIERCE, FL 34982 DATE ESTIMATE -~~.I 6/6/2002 2254 NAME/ADDRESS PW- CODE COMPLIANCE #15719 I Attn: Charlotte LaChance I I I I "----- I P.O. NO. TERMS i QUOTE VALID UNTIL Net 30 I 7/5/2002 ~ DESCRIPTION QTY COST TOTAL I HP 4550n Printer 2,289.95 2,289.95 SHIPPING 75.00 75.00 VENDOR INFORMATION: MieroWarehouse 1720 Oak Street P.O. Box 3014 Lakewood, NJ 08701-5926 I I r....:~c.."'~' !lR1~_©fÆnWfÆ@ " r '---~ D I t JUN 7 20;1 ~ ~ i :~..j;é"rîl·;"WÆ'i~:~s-J ~ ."I.LJC;:.; COUNTY. FL . '..~~""'~;'.'=,:,,,,,- . } ---.- ., I ! L TOTAL $2,364.951 The goods and/or services as quoted hereon have been requested in the quantity and quality stated. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE '-- - AGENDA REQUEST ..".,.,., ITEM NO. "...- C-7 r- '--' TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS DATE: June 18, 2002 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [XX] PRESENTED BY: Ill:!: wf.~fflPf2VJ County Engineer SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): ENGINEERING DIVISION SUBJECT: Sunland Gardens MSBU - (Potable Water - FPUA) Interlocal Agreement with Fort Pierce Utilities Authority and the City of Fort Pierce to Provide Potable Water. BACKGROUND: See Attached Memorandum FUNDS AVAIL. N/A PREVIOUS ACTION: April 16, 2002 - Board created the Sunland Gardens MSBU and authorized the County Engineer to proceed with Engineering and design of the project. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that the Board approve the Interlocal Agreement with Fort Pierce Utilities Authority and the City of Fort Pierce to provide potable water to Sunland Gardens and authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement. pq APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent ENCE: COMMISSION ACTION: ouglas M. Anderson County Administrator [X] Public Works Dir: ).,,/ i,~" 7Þ Coord ination/Sianatures [X] County Attorney: [] Finance Dir: [] Mgmt & Budget: [X]Co Eng: MVP/f)8µ! [X]MSBU coordinator:~ [] Purchasing: ~ ......, COMMISSION REVIEW: June 18, 2002 ENGINEERING MEMORANDUM NO. 02- 179 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Board of County Commissioners County Engineer ¡.I¡VP /ÞI3W ~' June 11, 2002 Sunland Gardens MSBU (Potable Water - FPUA) Interlocal Agreement with Fort Pierce Utilities Authority and the City of Fort Pierce to Provide Potable Water. BACKGROUND Attached is a copy of an Interlocal Agreement with Fort Pierce Utilities Authority (FPUA) and the City of Fort Pierce related to the Sunland Gardens MSBU. Under the Agreement, the County will create the Sun land Gardens MSBU to levy a special non-ad valorem assessment to pay for the project to provide potable water service to Sunland Gardens. FPUA will design and install the system necessary to provide the water service, and the County will pay FPUA for the cost of the design and installation of the system out of bonds issued to finance the project. These bonds will payoff the assessment levied by the Sunland Gardens MSBU. RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the Board approve the Interlocal Agreement with Fort Pierce Utilities Authority and the City of Fort Pierce to provide potable water to Sunland Gardens and authorize the Chairman to sign the Agreement. BP Attach ment (1 ) cc: Staff Concurring Property Appraiser Tax Collector g\wp\msbu\sunland\aga-int-fpua.wpd ~ ---' INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT SUNLAND GARDENS MSBU THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this day of , 20__, by and between St. Lucie County, a political subdivision of the State of Florida (the "County"), the Fort Pierce utilities Authority, an authority created and established by the City Commission of the City of Fort Pierce, Florida, ("FPUA") and the City of Fort Pierce, a municipality organized under the laws of the State of Florida (the "City"). WHEREAS, FPUA is the governing body authorized to enter into agreements relating to providing service from the potable water supply of the City; and, WHEREAS, the County intends to create the Sunland Gardens municipal services benefit unit (the "Sunland Gardens MSBU") to fund the cost of providing potable water to the Sunland Gardens MSBU in unincorporated St. Lucie County. A description of the boundaries of the real property within the proposed MSBU is attached hereto and made a part hereof as Exhibit ~A"; and, WHEREAS, the parties believe that it is in their mutual best interest to cooperate in providing potable water to the Sunland Gardens MSBU. -1- '-'-" .-J NOW, THEREFORE, FPUA, the City, and the County hereby agree and covenant on the terms and conditions hereinafter stated: 1. GENERAL. This Agreement is entered into pursuant to Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, the Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act. This Agreement embodies the whole understanding of the parties. There are no promises, terms, conditions, or obligations other than those contained therein, and this Agreement shall supersede all previous telecommunications, representations, or agreements, either verbal or written, between the parties hereto. 2 . FPUA RESPONSIBILITIES. this Agreement are as follows: FPUA's responsibilities under A. FPUA shall design and install or cause to be designed and installed a system including all pipes, services, mains and appurtenances thereto (the "System") necessary to provide potable water to the Sunland Gardens MSBU. The design and installation of the System shall be done in accordance with all applicable, standard FPUA policies and procedures. The County reserves the right to review and approve the utilities plans and bid documents before inclusion in the bid package. B. If easements are required, FPUA shall attempt to obtain all necessary easements for installation and maintenance of the System. FPUA shall not be required, however, to condemn any such easements or expend funds for acquisition of same. If appropriate easements satisfactory to FPUA are not obtained, FPUA shall have no further obligation under this Agreement. C. FPUA shall administer a proj ect to install the System to include but not limited to awarding the contract for design, construction, inspection during construction, shop drawing approvals, change order approvals, project certification, and production of record drawings. D. Upon completion of the System and acceptance of ownership of the System by FPUA, FPUA shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance of the System. E. Prior to the second public hearing to be held by the St. Lucie County Board of County Commissioners pursuant to Section 1-13.5-7 of the St. Lucie County Code of Ordinance to adopt a preliminary assessment roll for the Sunland Gardens MSBU, FPUA -2- ~ ~ shall provide an itemized final estimated cost (the "Final Estimated Cost") for the installation of the System to the County. The Final Estimated Cost shall include the cost of testing, permits, surveying, legal, design, construction, contingencies allowance, construction administration, certification, record drawings, and acquisition of easements for the installation of the System and shall be subject to the approval of the County. Any unexpected costs incurred during the construction and installation of the System beyond the Final Estimated Cost shall be the responsibility of FPUA. F. If the County does not levy a special non-ad valorem assessment as described below, FPUA shall be responsible for the cost of all design or other work done by FPUA related to the System. The County shall use its best efforts to notify FPUA as soon as possible of any decision not to levy an assessment. 3. COUNTY RESPONSIBILITIES. In the event the County determines at a public hearing to create a MSBU and to levy a non- ad valorem special assessment, the County's responsibilities under this Agreement are as follows: A. The Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida shall act as the governing body of the Sunland Gardens MSBU and shall levy a non-ad valorem special assessment (the "Assessment") on the landowners within the limits of the MSBU to fund the cost of the installation of the System as required for connection to the FPUA water system. B. The County shall pay to FPUA an amount not to exceed the Final Estimated Cost for the installation of the System and the cost of the landowners capital improvement charge. All other applicable fees and charges for connection to the FPUA water system will be the responsibility of the landowners. The amount of the capital improvement charge shall be the current FPUA charge for capital improvements on the date of the submission of the Final Estimated Cost to the County. Payment by the County to FPUA shall be within 30 working days after the County has obtained funds from the issuance of bonds to finance the project and after the approval of the costs by the St. Lucie County Director of Engineering or his designee. C. Upon the request of FPUA, the County I s Property Acquisition Division shall provide staff assistance to FPUA for the acquisition of easements necessary for the installation and maintenance of the System. 4. TERMINATION. Unless terminated by the mutual written agreement of all parties, this agreement shall remain in full force and effect until all of its terms and conditions have been met. -3- ~ '--' 5. NOTICE OF CITY ANNEXATION REOUIREMENT. notice is required by the City and should not be way as an endorsement of the City's annexation County. The following construed in any policies by the As a condition precedent for connection to the FPUA water system, FPUA requires all users to sign an annexation agreement whereby the user consents to and requests that his or her property be annexed into the city limits of Fort pierce whenever such annexation may legally occur and that the FPUA will refuse to allow connection to its water system unless and until the referenced annexation agreement is signed. This annexation agreement shall be in the form utilized by FPUA, shall be irrevocable and shall be binding on the heirs, successors and assigns of all such users. 6 . CONSENT TO COUNTY MSBU UPON ANNEXATION. The par tie s acknowledge that if the Sunland Gardens MSBU is annexed into the City this will result in the existence of a St. Lucie County Municipal Services Benefit Unit within the jurisdictional boundary of the City. Accordingly, the City agrees that if it intends to annex the Sunland Gardens MSBU into the City, it will include within the appropriate annexation ordinance a statement that the City consents to the existence of the Sunland Gardens Municipal Services Benefit Unit within the boundaries of the City pursuant to the provisions of Section 125.01(q), Florida Statutes or other applicable law. 7. VALIDATION OF BOND AND ASSESSMENT ROLL. A condition precedent to the effectiveness of this Agreement is the entry of a Final Judgment (and the expiration of the appropriate appeal period) by a court of competent jurisdiction validating the issuance of bonds to finance the System along with the assessment roll adopted by the Board (the "Bond Validation Proceeding"). In the event that either a Final Judgment validating the bonds and assessment roll is not entered or an appellate court reverses the Final Judgment, the Agreement shall automatically terminate and the parties shall have no further responsibilities under the Agreement including but not limited to any payments due to FPUA by the County. Notwithstanding the foregoing, if either a Final Judgment validating the bonds and assessment roll is not entered or an appellate court reverses the Final Judgment, the County reserves the right to be reimbursed by FPUA for all outside counsel legal fees and costs incurred by the County in the Bond Validation Proceeding as well as in any related appeal. The County agrees to consult with FPUA concerning the expenditure of money for outside bond counsel services related to the Bond Validation Proceeding and further agrees that such expenditure shall not exceed five thousand and nO/100 dollars ($5000.00) without the express written consent of FPUA. The County's right to reimbursement shall survive the termination of this Agreement as described in this paragraph. -4- ~ ...,." 8. NOTICE. All notices or other communications hereunder shall be in writing and shall be deemed duly given if delivered in person or sent by certified mail return receipt requested and addressed as follows: If to County: With a copy to: St. Lucie County Administrator 2300 Virginia Avenue, Annex Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 St. Lucie County Attorney 2300 Virginia Avenue, Annex Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 With a copy to: St. Lucie County Public Works Director 2300 Virginia Avenue, Annex Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 If to FPUA: With a copy to: Director of Utilities Fort Pierce Utilities Authority P.O. Box 3191 Fort Pierce, Florida 34948 FPUA Attorney P. O. Box 3191 Fort Pierce, Florida 34948 If to the City: City Manager City of Fort Pierce 100 North U.S. One Fort Pierce, Florida 34950 With a copy to: Fort pierce City Attorney P. O. Box 3779 Fort Pierce, Florida 33448 9. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof and supersedes all prior verbal or written agreement between the parties with respect hereto. This Agreement may only be amended by a written document, properly authorized, executed and delivered by the parties hereto. This Agreement shall be interpreted as a whole unit. All interpretations shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. 10. FILING. This Agreement and any subsequent amendments thereto shall be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of St. Lucie County pursuant to Section 163.01(11), Florida Statutes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused the execution by their duly authorized officials. -5- '--" THE FOLLOWING PAGE IS THE SIGNATURE PAGE -6- ......" ......... ATTEST: Deputy Clerk ATTEST: 'vtd"i/M/ ø, ~ ATTEST: ~~~ CITY CLERK ...,." BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ST. LUCIE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY: CHAIRMAN APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: County Attorney FORT PIERCE UTILITIES AUTHORITY By,ILl£. Jfk 1'>-1"-4 , Titlé: Chairman BY: if!-~,- ~~ ~ Ti t1. Se6ètary I' APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: ~A.. ~ Fort Pierce Utilities Authority Attorney BY: MAYOR City Attorney -7- '~ ..".,." EXHIBIT "A" MAP OF MSBU SUNLAND GARDENS MSBU SEE SHEET 2-l/0SN jUlÞ-I' r-:l:~4~-;I-I-:1 :i--I--:'~ þ~~p~r::1111 '~~~p::~I~ æ=-~~~I ,I.I:~ ,b.b, b!.,:f f:' . :Ë~F~~: ~ L .. ""~tS HISC: tI ·U "IJ " ':1."'-" ø .. ·.s~rr·r:r:r:!_, ·.¡.~"·ø:-Øþ·:41....; . I . ;.. ,., ~ .. ... H .. .., ,..... ..,.. _, i.e .. .. _ ... .. ..... ,:...... d ..:.. ~4'f I....., .... _ M M . so- _____ ¡-_ ~ __ oJIfL- __ 'ij-- -f!- ___ ,,'-.-. --IJ.J- --'.....-I--P!"!'l-¡"- !7':"I¡J·r"""~"" "}':'ll.!" "II" ..c-%S~ ~tft..· ...,Lld, ., sl'fLT.. .:0- I,Z' "1:1 I.." _¡: A.. ø j-:'PL" S --...' ,¡ ..,. of !,rl... :r! I,i ~ ~~ :;f = I_I.. .J I.. .... ,.. ..io.... 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BACKGROUND: The Board is in the process of establishing MSBU assessments for several areas in St. Lucie County. Income eligible homeowners could be assisted with State Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) funds for eligible projects with the assessment. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 185003-5420-549600-500 PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval of an assistance program using funding from the SHIP allocation for at least the next three State Fiscal Years of at least $275,000 per year to assist eligible homeowners with 50% of the MSBU assessment for SHIP eligible projects. [Xl APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent u as M. Anderson nty Administrator COMMISSION ACTION: County Attorney: XX ,9r' Coordination/Si na ures Management & Budget: ~.urChaSing: , , Public Works: Other: Originating Dept: Finance: (Check for Copy only, if applicable) XX ,. '--' ....." . COMMUNITY SERVICES MEMORANDUM # 02-54 TO: Board of County Commissioners FROM: Judy Mattera, Housing Coordinat~ VIA: Beth Ryder, Director~ SUBJECT: Using SHIP Funds for Assistance with MSBU Assessments DATE: May 30, 2002 Funds are allocated to St. Lucie County annually for housing activities through the State Housing Initiative Partnership (SHIP) program. These funds are being used in St. Lucie County for down payment assistance to income eligible households and repairs for income eligible owner occupied homes. There are provisions within the repair program to assist with the installation and connection of potable water/fire protection and/or wastewater service to individual owner occupied homes. Funds can be set aside to assist income eligible homeowners with 50% of a MSBU assessment and connection charges for projects that are eligible under the SHIP rules. The balance of the 50% MSBU assessment would be included in the normal MSBU process and would be amortized over the term of the MSBU. The homeowner would pay the assessment annually on the property tax bill as a non-ad valorem tax. This assistance will result in a 50% reduction in the annual assessment. At this time, the exact number of homeowners who are income eligible is not known. Funds are limited and will be approved on a first come first serve basis. Staff proposes to set aside at least $275,000 per State fiscal year allocation for this program. RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends Board approval of an assistance program using funding from the SHIP Allocation for at least the next three State Fiscal Years of at least $275,000 per year to assist eligible homeowners with 50% of the MSBU assessment for SHIP eligible projects. AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. c...~ ,/ .......... DATE: June 18, 2002 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [ X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): Administration Doug Anderson County Administrator SUBJECT: Grant Application Submittal to Florida Seaport Transportation and Economic Development (FSTED) Council for the Purchase of 67 acres of Port of Fort Pierce Property from Destin Beach, Inc in the amount of $6,000,000.00. BACKGROUND: On May 14, 2002, the Board of County Commissioners authorized a formal offer to Destin Beach, Inc. in the amount of $11,745,000.00 for 67 acres located at the Port of Fort Pierce. St. Lucie County is requesting emergency action by FSTED to make funds available for this acquisition. FUNDS WILL BE AVAILABLE: Issuance of Bonds, not to exceed $15,000,000.00. FSTED funds Revenue from future tenants PREVIOUS ACTION: On May 14, 2002, the Board of County Commissioners authorized staff to proceed with Bond Validation proceedings in the amount of $15,000,000.00. RECOMMENDATION: Staff requests authorization for submittal of the grant application to FSTED in the amount of $6,000,000.00 for the Purchase of 67 acres at the Port of Fort Pierce. [X] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent COMMISSION ACTION: \ County Attorney; Originating Dept. '--"" Review and Approvals Management ~ Budget Other; Finance; (Check for Copy only, if applicable) ...", Purchasing; Other; Eff. 5/96 '-' '-' FLORIDA SEAPORT TRANSPORTATION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM PROJECT APPLICATION PART A APPLICANT PORT: PORT OF FORT PIERCE (ST. LUCIE COUNTY) AUTHORlZED REPRESENTATIVE: NAME: Mr. Douglas M. Anderson TELEPHONE: (772) 462-1450 TITLE: Countv Administrator FAX: (772) 462-1648 ADDRESS: 2300 Virginia A venue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 E-MAIL: DOUGAtQJSTLUCIECO.GOV PROJECT NAME: PORT PROJECT NUMBER: FSTED PROGRAM FUNDING REQUEST: 2002 - ( ) PHASED $ 6.000.000 for FY2002/2003 . Has project been previously approved by the FSTED Council? YES X NO - (If yes, please indicate previous project number(s) belo\.....) Project Number(s): 1996 Bond Prot!l"am: $8.000.000_00 Has project been modified since last submitted for FSTED Council review and approval? YES X NO If yes, please identify the nature of modification below, Provide details on additional sheets, if necessary. You may wish to highlight those parts of this application which ha\'e been revised due to the modification. _ Project Name _ Project Phasing _ Increase in Funding Request _ Change in Scope _ Transportation Impact _ Economic Impact -L Other (please describe.) PREVIOUS PROJECT WAS WITHDRAWN * If this project has been previously approyed and not modified, please ensure that all information included in this application is current. FSTEDFORMS _FORM_FSTED-l fnjl 5/22/01 G:\ADMIN\FSTED Grant Applications Port Property 5·1-02.doc 1 of 7 '-' .."J PORT: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: FDOT DISTRICT: FSTED PROGRAM PROJECT APPLICATION FORT PIERCE 2002- ACOUISITlON OF 67 ACRES OF PORT PROPERTY DISTRICT FOUR COUNTY: ST. LUCIE COUNTY PART B - PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND MEANS OF FINANCING PLEASE PROVIDE DRAWINGS OR MAPS THAT SHOW THE RELATION OF THE PROJECT TO THE PORT AND THE LOCAL COMMUNITY. PLEASE IDENTIFY CLEARLY THE PORT PROJECT LOCATION. (Note additional map requirements in Part CollA and Part E - lA, lB and IF.) PROJECT DESCRIPTION IN DETAIL: PURCHASE OF 67 ACRES OF PORT OF FORT PIERCE PROPERTY FROM PRIVATE OWNER TO BE DEVELOPED FOR MIXED USE AT BERTH 1 AND MEGA YACHT FACILITIES ON REMAINDER OF PROPERTY, THIS PROJECT IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PORT MASTER PLAN AND IS INTENDED TO EXPAND AND DEVELOP ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT IN THE PORT AREA. * PART B-l- NOT PHASED PROJECTS ONLY (DO NOT COMPLETE PART B-1 FOR PHASED PROJECT REOUESTS - USE PART B-2) Estimated Total Cost of Project: 12,000,000 Amount of Funds Requested from FSTED Program for FYO 1/02: 6,000,000 Amount of Port Matching Funds: 6,000,000 's) of Port Matching Funds: BORROWED FIDH)S TO BE FUNDED BY " rating revenues, capital funds, borrowed funds, etc.) OPERATING REVENUES If Applicable, Source(s) and Amount(s) of Other Matching Funds: Source(s): (i.e., ACOE, other federal funds, private sector, etc.) Amount(s): * PART B-2 - PHASED PROJECTS ONLY (COMPLETE PART B-2 FOR PHASED PROJECn Reminder: A new project application will be required annually for subsequent phases for which the port is requesting funding. Estimated Number of Years for Project Completion from Start to Finish: ...-1- years Phase or Year of this Request: 2002 year 20f7 FSTED FORMS - FORM - FSTED - I fnil 5/22/0 I G:\ADMIN\FSTED Grant Applications Port Property 5-1-02.doc '-' ..J PORT: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: FOOT DISTRICT: FSTED PROGRAM PROJECT APPLlCATlOl'i FORT PIERCE 2002- ACQUISITION OF 67 ACRES OF PORT PROPERTY DISTRICT FOUR COUNTY: ST. LUCIE COUNTY DESCRIPTION OF WORK TO BE DONE IN THIS PHASE: PURCHASE 67 ACRES Estimated Total Cost Project from Start Finish: Estimated Total Cost of 12,000,000 this Phase: Amount of Funds Requested from FSTED Program: Amount of Port Matching Funds: Source(s) of Port Matching Funds: (i.e, operating revenues, capital funds, borrowed funds, etc.) If Applicable, Describe Other Funding by Source(s), FY, and Amount(s): (i.e., ACOE, other federal funds, rivate sector, etc.) Source(s): FY: Amount(s): If Applicable, Estimate Total Amount of Matching Funds from Other Source(s): TOTAL: 12,000,000 * PART B-3 ATTACH A COPY OF PORT 5-YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM - 200212003 - 2006/2007. 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan Attached: YES NO X (Please point out proposed project on 5-Year CIP. If comments are applicable, please describe on additional sheet.) 30f7 FSTEDFORMS-FORM-FSTED·I ¡ojl 5!220J G:\ADMIN\FSTED Grant Applications Port Property 5-1-02.doc '-" ..J PORT: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: FDOT DISTRICT: FSTED PROGRAM PROJECT APPLICA nON FORT PIERCE 2002- ACOUISITION OF 67 ACRES OF PORT PROPERTY DISTRICT FOUR COUNTY: ST. LUCIE COUNTY PART C - PLAN INFORMATION Department of Community Affairs The Department of Community Affairs (DCA) will be reviewing each project for consistency, to the maximum extent feasible, with the applicable Port Master Plan and Local Government Comprehensive Plan (LGCP). The following infonnation must be provided for each project for DCA's review. I. ST A TEMENT OF PROJECT CONSISTENCY WITH PORT MASTER PLAN AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: Attach documentation indicating that both the Department of Community Affairs and the FSTED Council have current updated Port Master Plan. If an update to your port master plan has resulted in a local government comprehensive plan amendment within the past twelve (12) months, you do not need to answer Questions B or D in Palt I, nor Question A in Part II. A. Explain why the project is consistent with your most recent Port Master Plan? B. Indicate when the Port Master Plan was incorporated into the applicable LGCP? If not yet incorporated, when do you expect it to be adopted into the LGCP? C. If applicable, give the LGCP amendment number which includes this port project. D. Please list all amendments made to the LGCP as a result of a Port Master Plan Update, a port land acquisition, or a port project. E. Please list due dates for the applicable local government Evaluation and Appraisal Report (EAR) and the EAR- based amendments, including any amendments to the Port Master Plan or transportation elements as a result of the EAR review. F. Ifa project involves a development of regional impact (DRI), please give the name and number ofthe DRI. II. CONSISTENCY EV ALUA nON CRITERIA: A. Provide a map of the existing and future land uses of the port project and abutting properties. (If not shown on map included in Part B.) B. Identify the land use of the parcel as currently designated on the LGCP and the proposed designation necessary in order to proceed with the project. Demonstrate the compatibility of the proposed projects with the adjacent land uses. C. Provide a description of the availability of public facilities, including sanitary sewer, solid waste, transportation, drainage, potable water, and recreation, as appropriate, and identify the demand that the project will place on each of these facilities and their level of service D. Provide infonnation about the impact of the proposed project on natural resources, including wetlands, beaches and dunes, submerged lands, flood plains, wildlife habitat, living marine resources, and water quality. E. Provide infonnation about the impact of the project on public access and historic resources. F. Show how the proposed project is consistent, to the maximum extent feasible, with the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of your Port Master Plan and the LGCP. 40f7 FSTEDFORMS -FORM- FSTED -I tnjl 5/22101 G:IADMIN\FSTED Grant Applications Port Property 5-1-02.doc \w ....", PORT: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: FDOT DISTRICT: FSTED PROGRAM PROJECT APPLICA nON FORT PIERCE 2002- ACQUISITION OF 67 ACRES OF PORT PROPERTY DISTRICT FOUR COUNTY: ST. LUCIE COUNTY PART D - ECONOMIC BENEFIT ANALYSIS Governor's Office of Tourism. Trade and Economic Development The Governor's Office of Tourism, Trade and Economic Development will be reviewing each project in terms of its economic benefit and consistency with the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program to be included in the Florida Seaport Mission Plan. Each port is encouraged to provide detailed economic impact analysis information. The following information must be prmided for each project for this review. I. HOW THE PROJECT IS CONSISTENT WITH FLORIDA SEAPORT MISSION PLAN. Explain how this project is consistent with the Florida Seaport Mission Plan. Cite specific goals and objectives in the Plan, and indicate how the project fits into the Plan's five-year capital improvement program. II. HOW THE PROJECT WILL SUPPORT INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE. INCREASE OR I\IArIT AIN CARGO FLOW THROUGH THE PORT OR IMPROVE CRUISE PASSENGER SERVICE. A. On what projections of additional service or capacity is the project based or how is it needed to maintain existing service or capacity? TO FULLY DEVELOP THE PORT OF FORT PIERCE B. Compare present activity (cargo or passenger) at the port with anticipated increases in activity resulting from completion of the project. ESTIMATED ANNUAL ECONOMIC IMPACT WILLGO FOR MINIMAL TO 100,000,000/YEAR. EST. PROVIDED BY POTENTIAL USERS. C. What is the expected life of the project? 99 YEARS D. What type of employment project will be created by the project? Why is it needed to support existing employment? 300 NEW JOBS. Provide estimated project employment and wages: 1. Estimated total number of new, full-time jobs created by the project: 300 2. Estimated total number of temporary jobs created during construction: 100 3. Estimated annualized average wage (not including benefits) of the new jobs created by the project: $ 11.78 (ST. LUCIE COUNTY'S CURRENT AVERAGE WAGE) E. What port revenue estimates are associated with the project or will result from the project? 25,000,000 OVER 20YEARS. F. How will the port project affect and enhance the local, regional, and state economies? ESTIMATED 100,000,000 G. Indicate whether the project is located in or directly adjacent to any of the following officially designated areas. If so, which? Please check all that are applicable and list the name of the officially designated area(s)_ 1._ State Enterprise Zone 2._ Brownfield Area 3._ Rural Area of Critical Economic Concern 4._ Tax Increment Financing District 5._ Federal Enterprise Community 6._ Economic Development District (US EDA) 8. Urban Infill Area 9.-L Community Redevelopment Area 10._ Front Porch Florida Community 11._ Federal Empowerment Zone 12.--1- Community Development Block Grant Eligible Area 50f7 FSTED FORMS - FORM . FSTED - I tnjl SI22JOI G:\ADMIN\FSTED Grant Applications Port Property 5-t-02.doc '-' ..." PORT: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: FDOT DISTRICT: FSTED PROGRAM PROJECT APPLICATION FORT PIERCE 2002- ACOUlSITION OF 67 ACRES OF PORT PROPERTY DISTRICT FOUR COill'alY: ST. LUCIE COUNTY 7._ HUB (Historically Under Utilized Business) Zone 13._ Other: Name of Officially Designated Area(s): III, STATEMENT OF ELIGIBILITY, OPERATING REVENUES, AND ECONOMIC BENEFITS. (ports with annual operating revenues of S5 million or less may elect to propose for funding projects as defmed in s. 315.02, Florida Statutes, and, therefore, must comply with the provisions of s.3l1.07(3)(b)(10), Florida Statutes, by providing the following documentation.) Section 311.07(3)(b)(1O), Florida Statutes, provides that projects eligible for funding include the following: "Construction or rehabilitation of port facilities as defined in s. 315.02, excluding any park or recreational facilities, in ports listed in s. 311.09(1) with operating revenues of $5 million or less, provided that slIch projects create economic development opponunities, capital improvements, and positivefinancíal returns to such ports. " If applicable, please provide information below and attach additional documentation attesting to the port's operating revenues for FY99/00 to satisfy this requirement. A. FY 99/00 PORT OPERATING REVENUES of$ o were $5 million or less. B. Please describe how this project is eligible under s. 315.02, Florida Statutes. C. Please explain specifically how this project creates economic development opportunities, capital improvements, and positive financial returns to your port.. Use additional sheets, if necessary. 60f7 FSTED FORMS - FORM - FSTED - 1 lojl 5/22/01 G:\ADMIN\FSTED Grant Applications Pori Property 5-I-02.doc '-' ....", PORT: PROJECT NUMBER: PROJECT NAME: FDOT DISTRICT: FSTED PROGRAM PROJECT APPLICA TlO:'{ FORT PIERCE 2002- ACOUISITION OF 67 ACRES OF PORT PROPERTY DISTRICT FOUR COUNTY: ST. LUCIE COUNTY PART E - TRANSPORTATION IMPACT IN FORI\fA TlON Department of Transportation The Department of Transportation will be reviewing each project in tenus of its consistency with the Florida Transportation Plan and its adopted work program. The following information must be provided for each project for this review. I. STATEMENT OF TRANSPORTATION IMPACT CRITERIA: A. If not provided in Part B, provide a map indicating existing highway and proposed roadway access/connections to the port and the proposed port project (planned and programmed per existing Port Master Plan - include city, county, state, and/or federal highway numbers where applicable), and note whether the roadways are part of the Florida Intrastate Highway System (FillS), National Highway System (NHS), and/or a designated national Highway System Connector. B. If not provided in Part B, provide a map of existing and proposed railroad access/connections to the port and proposed port project (planned and programmed per existing Port Master Plan - include common carrier name by location or indicate if owned/operated by the port). C. Provide a traffic impact analysis sufficient to identify existing and projected level of service impacts on off-port roadway arterials identified in Question A resulting from implementation of the proposed project. D. Describe public and private passenger transportation services existing or required to serve the project location. If the proposed project is related to cruise operations, a detailed answer is required E. Provide an estimate ofthe increase in number of vehicles per day resulting from implementation of the proposed project, if any. N/A F. Provide an estimate of the increase in number of railcars and/or TEUs per day resulting from implementation of the proposed project, if any; and include a map if not provided in Part B indicating the impacted raillhighway grade crossings resulting from the implementation of the proposed project, ifany. N/A G. Provide an estimate of the maximum length of vehicles expected to be utilizing the facility as a result of the proposed project. N/A H. Please attach a statement from the appropriate local government(s) or governmental agency concerning impacts related to the adopted level of service standards of the highway facilities impacted. 70f7 FSTED FORMS - FORM - FSTED - I ¡ojl 5/2110 I G:IADMIN\FSTED Grant Applications Port Property 5-I-02.doc \.... ... _______ Z ~~.~N_O~œ~Q~~~~_m -~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ : ~ OZo~~rw~~W~~~Z Z 0 m ~ " 0 mo"UO;UO!;;"UZll(¡J~O"l !:1 :I> X 9 ~ -I CDzm::oO(').....Oo~-,.......;O:= 0< ;;a ~ ..., ~ ~ ~~~i~~~~~~g]§~;ll C3 ~ ~ ~ :; ~ ~¡~~~~~~~~~£~~ ~ g ~ ~ ~ ~ c;::l:l>g¡m28'~ z~Hl"Un ~ ~:l: " ~ " c mor m-=>Z .; :;¡r;;:::o-t -I m c ~ zm"'O;o:tJC)0 _or.n ~ m a c: ~1;í~;¡¡m~f) ~ri\ z 0 VI 3 ~ m~zU)~ëo :;u;D o;g Ol en x'" <" c: 0::;1 m 0 -I ~m m-<ëñ ~» c.... ~ zen U>"'IJ::¡ ::8 ~ ~ .8õ ~c: ëil C/) ãlZ ';00 3 "'::; Õ z N ¡" '" '" "... '" '" tv....teCO W wo~ ?P_""""~ .eft ....OCIJ (IOOO 0 bo-"""" j88808088::: '" '" o~ -o~ 00 00 "'N ~liì "'0 mm ",m '" .... ~ ... ô '" 'l: '" "'.... m "'''' Ü1 ·00 .... 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J '-" I BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS May 80, 2002 Destin Beach, Inc. , c/o Lloyd F.Bell, Jr. President and Registered Agent c/o Ann Bell Destin Towers, l·e 1008 US 98 E Destin, FL 3~541-0000 RE: 67 acres +/- within Port of Fort .Pierce Project Dear Mr. Bell: ...., COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR DOUGLAS M. ANDERSON S('hÐ\D~QÇ , wJ-tó \t\Þ~ On March 12, 2002, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County passed a resolution adopting the Goals, Objectives and Policies for the Port of Fort Pierce Master Plan (the "Plan") that contemplates significant public investment in order to create a viable port in St. Lucie County. A copy of the Plan is included for your reference. The County is in the process of reviewing several development proposals for the port, but the ranking and selection of a specific proposal is still in review; conseqUently, detailed construction plans have not yet been completed. Ke..-ertheless, the Plan is specific enough for the County to have determined that public acquisition of the waterfront land" will be necessary in order to process the required permits and to justify the signiñcant public capital expenditures necessary to construct the bulkheads and other improvements. Accordingly, on May 14, 2002, the Board of County Commissioners of St. Lucie County, Florida, acting in its legislative capacity; determined That the Plan requires the acquisition of all sixty-seven (67) acres, more or less, owned by Destin Beach, Inc., within the boundaries of the Port of Fort Pierce as described in the Plan. As you know, having been present at this public hearing, the Board also authorized its adminiEitrative staff to proceed with a bond validation proceeding for $15,000,000 in order to provide for the funds necessary to acquire Destin Beach, Inc,'s property and to proceed with the permitting and construction of the necessary port' infrastructure. Copies of the Board's resolution authorizing the bonds, the Complaint for Revenue Bond Validation and the Order to Show Cause which seek to adjudicate the issue of the " ,',ßC:V J:JH~ D. ORUHN, DiSifici NO.1. DO'J~ CO·;,:;"~D. Distri;.:r No.2· P;"".::.A A. LEWIS. Disrrict No. J . FRANNIE HUTC:-::~ON. OJsrr ~'hN l!1". iff';' Q.5 (0..1'"\:-,' J...:~¡:"\lsrroror - Douglas M. Anderson l:{ i !; 2JOO Virginia Avenwe . FaIT Pierce. FL J4952-5652 . Phone (772) 462-1 LSD . T ,!' (/'MM' 4a2~14ßß2 U FAX (772) 462-1645 . emoil: dougo@co.sr-lucie_fLus web s;¡e: www.co.st-Iucie.fl.us CO. ADMIN. OFFICE \.,ø -.J public purpose and necessity for the acquisition of your property through purchase or condemnation are also enclosed for your consideration. Pursuant to the Board's authorization and direction of May i4th, St. L~cie County hereby offers to purchase from Destin Beach, Inc., unencumbered fee simple absolute title to the sixty· seven (67) acres, more or less, described in the attached legal description for the amount of $11,745,000, which is the higher of the two appraisàls that the County has had prepared to estimate the fair market value of the property_ This offer ,vill remain open for a period of SL'\ty (60) days from today and will utilize the County's standard real estate purchase contract and terms contained therein (available to you upon request) . You have previously been provided with copies of both appraisals, one prepared by Florida Pl'operty Consultants Group and the other by FullerA.rmfield-Wagner Appraisal & Research, Inc. If you need additional copies of the appraisals, please advise and they will be provided to you within 15 days of your request, as w~ any construction plans once they have been prepared. The County is committed to negotiating a purchase of the property, as evidenced by the fact that it is putting its best offer forward at the outset, even though a much lower appraisal also resulted from the County's revie,v of your property ($9,500,000), Florida law requires that certain notices must be prO'\ided to the owner of property_ In particular, the County is required to notify you that it is required to make Destin Beach, Inc., a purchase offer (this letter), to negotiate in. good faith, and to advise that in the event negotiations are unsuccessful and the Board determines to condemn the property (and within certain limitations) the County is required to pay the reasonable costs and attorney's fees of the property owner in accordance with sections 73_015, 73.0511,73.091 and 73.092, Florida Statutes (2001), copies of which are provided for your reference. Furthermore, section 73.015 allows for mediation to facilitate negotiations and the County offers that course of action to Destin Beach, Inc., if you so desire. :;\otwithstanding the requirements of Florida law, the County's preference is to negotiate a purchase of the property that is acceptable to both parties. Please give us your response as soon as possible. DSM/caf Enclosures Copy to: Board of County Commissioners County Attorney '-" ...." 1*'Þ. Ma~ 09 02 04:41p JOHN LaCAPRA :8059950820 p.l p.Ø2 M~Y-e~-e2 02:17 PM DOUC ANDERSON Sb-.14&2:'6G.8 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSJONE:RS May 9, 2002 COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR DOC~W M. ANDEI'ISON Mr. John LaCapra, Presidenl Florida Paris Council Bank of A":'lerica Plaza 315 Calhoun Street, Suite 712 Tallahassee, FL., 32302 Oèer-Mr. LaCapra: F'ieaiSe find att~hed copies of memorandums \'mtte."'1 by Dan Mclnt¡re, Ccunty Attomey, and myself, discussIng the ì8SuanC? of a pu~hase c,'íe~ t:l Mr. Uoyd Ben to acquire 67 acres of PM property at the Port of Fort Pielce b)' the County ~r:'¿ 1he financing eilerna!ives of said acquiSition. We plan on presenting this item to the Board cl C¢l.:~{y Co¡,nrr'ilssro~.ers at thetr next schi::dulad meeting. May 14, 2002. Providing it Is 2pp;oV~ to proceed. I plan on appearing before the Florida Se<lport Transpo¡t¿rtion and Ecor.-cCi'.lc DeYelopme:¡~ Co¡:ncil (FSTED) on June 27, :2002, to request emergencyactìcn to me~e avaJ!ab~ fùods for t~sls acquisition. Prior to June 27,2002, Dan McIntyre and myself plan 0:1 meeting with c;fficlals from 1he affected Slale aQencies to èiS<;U5S the County's plan. We apprecfat€ the assis~nœ arlÒ guidance tha1 Y0'-l h2'..e provided us ~r".d look fOlWard to sLlccessfully completlng this project DMAlab 02-50 c: Board of County Commissioners Robart Br¡¡dahaw, Assistant County Admil'list:alor Dan Mclntyre, Cow nty Attorney Attachmenls w.# ~ 0'1:";/';,"1. C::~,.'r:~r N;). 1 , t'Ol~ '(j"'A~. Þbl~tr N-:. 'i .. PA,IJl)l. A. L.EWI~, OIsJ:kf~. ~ . p.)...,--,,:::; ~1!CHS~O~. c..)rLØ P't-:." .. CUlT DAlliHO. D'.5ll1cr ttó. ~ CeI"''''"" À~[J",,=,or .þQ1J:I~~'" ~:x:." 2:x.-3 Vlrg!lllo Avr;,.'">Je . Forr PI..r"". H. ~Qð2-5652 . Fhcr~ (ïï2; 462-1~50 . Ti):) (772) 462-1428 FAA (772) 402,1645 . ~moll: dO"9~O..s:.!l1d"'.fJ.us web sIre; WWW.co.sr-I.-~eJi.l.s ~ "wt1 Na~ 0:: 02 O"r:41p JOHN LaCAPRA 3059350820 MA~-e9-D2 e2~17 PH DOUG Ä~DERSON , :st5146:Z:1.$~t-:: INTER-OFFIce MEMOl<ANùVN. ST. LUcrE COUNiY, Fl.-DRIDA TO: Board of CQ\.Ilrty COlTVnissioners FROM~ Daniel S. McIntyre, County Attorn"-y c./-.. NO. 02·673 DATE; May 7, 2002 SUBJECT: Port of Fart Pierce - [)e$tin Beech, Inc. Property - " PurchClSe Offer . ;::=~:~=~==:~~="~~=======:=~~~:~:==:~===~=~==~:=~::===:==~~~::====:== . .' BACF:GROUND: . '.' The. CO\.lnty is the port c:Jthority for the. Pert of Fort PjlU"ce, The Cou;,ty 4;urr<:ntly owns 20 acreS known as Harbor P.:·;r.te within the þort plc-M¡1lS '"reo.. Tht. 67 acreS itnme"diAtely adjacent to the County's property is O'Nned by Destih Beach, Ine. 'The CQUnty recently cdopted a ti'.o.ster pk.r, for the Port of fort Pierce. The lTIoster pk1l1 identified Cl nlJtJìber of pro?¢Sed useS ineluding uses re~ted to. the me911 yÇlcht indust!)'. for the County-cw:.e.d þroperty and the property owned by bestin SeClch, Inc. On Mo:ch 17, 2002. the County cdv~rtise.d a RequeSt tor QUQ,!ificotions/Proþoscls ~icH-¡ns responses from rims interested in ¡xlrtn;u-jng with the. Cour.ty to ¿~velop the port in a 1'i'.~Mer consistent with the master plan. In ·respor.se to the. RFQ/RFP, on ¡.,lI1Y 1, 2002., the COUhty reciived 4 proþosals. ãr;e County is currently eV;3~uating the 4 :1ropo.sals. 8-ased on the port ma!lter plM and on a prelil'~Ù.c..Ï ~veluotion of 'the. 4 proposaLs, County staff believes 1h(lt it Is In 1he. best illterest of the County OM its citizens Tor the County to attempt to ac.quir~ I::y negotlo.ted sale the 67 acre:: owned by Destin Beach, Inc. In this reE:lrò. the County had opprdsals comple:red by Florida Pl'o.þerty ConsultCl1lts anó F~lIer Armfield WaSner. A SUI':\1'nary of the results of the two (2) apprcisc;s foHows: F·2 p~a:z: ~ M~~ OS 02 041~lp JOHN LaCAPRA 3059350920 NAy-ø9-a2 B2:1S PH DOUG ANP~~$ON 5=-141$21649 Vc¡!ue Florida Property Consultan1s fulrer Armfield Wagner $1i.745,OOO.OO $ 9,500,000.00 Since it is' very mucn in th~ Col.:r'~T·s best interest to acquire the property through nes¡otio.tian, S1aTf r~o::,.r.:er.ds Thet the Board off~r Destin !leeth. Inc. the hishest of the two v:dues or $11,745,000.00 to .acquire 011 interests in the property. Ir. ~~d¡tio,', staff believes the hiaher valye is justified to avoid the cost cd ris\.; of !itr9o.tion in the event he:9.otiations or¿ utlSuccessful. Althcush it is ¿ifficult to predict with any occurccy .the cost of fitI9~tion, the Cou~tfs exposure f¡¡r costs Clnd fees ossutnitÍ9 Cl trial and on appeal, cdd be 01\6 millian and 0/100 ($l,OOO.oOO.OO)·dollo.r.s even in c. best .:::se. $ce71'lrio. In a worst (1$e scenario, the Courity's ëxposure ¡;;oufd be two to tnree times the beSt co.se scenario. Puhòþs'mare impDrtCl1ltly, th~ t¡r.:$ enò risk involved in litigation cOIJld hove Ql'I adverse irnpod on negotictic-.s y;¡th prospective tenantS. . ,. " County:;tc.tf proposes to fund tÌ1¡; P~oFosed purchase price with grani funds and re.venueS from the prospective t;!''l~ts oS set forth In 'the memorandum doted May 7, 2002 from Îh~ Cc:.mty Administrator, (l copy of whi¡;h is attadll~d. Bteaus~ of timing. it :-'1!1lõ'I~S1 likely be l'1eeessary for the County to borrow the funds needed for t:,e þ'Jrcnose. rn this regard; the County's btJrld çc;¡uhsel has drafted the o?.:r~?r¡G~e resolution aurhøri21ng the issuance of not exc.eeding $ in b¡.ds arid further o.uthorizin,g the tommenceh1ent of pro.:eedìn9s to. \lcli:icte the bonds. Further official action of the Soard will be required fo~ 'the 50:e of the bonds. RECOMMENDAT.rON/cpNCLVSION ~ staff recommends tr.Qt the Board: 1. t)irect stoff to 51.lomit Ci writte.r. offer in the omount of $11.745,000.00 to purchase the property o;;¡,,~ by Destin aeach, Inc. free aM dMr of all liens and enctItnbrances ¡r;cb:!ir.g the: lease with AEs. ...., ,0.3 p~e~ ~ ..I Na~ 09 02 04:41p JOHN LaCAPRA 3059850920 MAV-~$-e2 e~~~s PN Doue ~NDERSOH :5514621.64e 2. CClUns111. Adopt Resolution No. 02~126 OS prepared by the Co~nty'$ Bond t)S}i.hof AttödHl1ent.s " .' , ;0.4 ,0.95 '-" ...,; Ma8 09 02 04,4~F JOHN LaCAPRA 3058350920 F·5 p.a6 MAV-Ø9-Ø2 Ð2~1B PM nOUG AN~~RSOH 56:l4E.21'ÔtlS COUNTY ADMINISTRATION TO: FROM: DATÈ; RE: .. Board of Count)' commb!/~ Qouglas M. Anderson,~:rt}' Aò;nin;stf¡¡lor May 7. 2002 .Financing of Acquls1tion c! PC1 Property It y.¡j/l be recomm~ricled that 8 propose::! ~u·:1":a...~ ojer in the amount of $11,745,000 be made to Mr. Lloyd Betl to acquire s7 a:ras c~ Poi Pf'lperty. Onca the purchase offer Is accepted by Mr. Bell, ire County woul::! =.btÙ a bridge loan for the fUll amount. On June 27, 2002, the County w1li a.:J;Jaa, be~o;e ~he Florida ~porf TlëlOSporte.tion and Economic Development COI.I nci! (FSTEO) rô;~\.;=:s~ns 50% re1:mbursement of the açquisltlon cost once the property is acquired. . Outlined below aTe two financing sce:lsrio. to r~'Jir<: ~-re propetl)': 1. FSTED Aooroves ~ ae!miwrs"..~'! Sub/ee' to FS 311 The above mentioned bridge loan wo~ld w·:.a1n in affect untll Wfl: receive the 50% re!mbursementfrom FSTED, $5,672.500. A(f.1a:f:ms, 'lÌ1'> countywol.lld obtaln long term flnanclng for the remainIng 50%. S5,8ï2.5CO. payable ovsr 30 years. The es~imated Annual Debt Service including run-:l~d ßSej\':S \'Io:!1d be $510,000. If we are successful in leasing thIs property 10 a tenanl. th:: 2:;";:-'';",\ orthe lease would co'lerour Debt Service. If we Weren't successful In leasing this p'cpêrt¡', the Ar.nuel Debt SeMce Wò\lld b9 covered by the County's General Fund. 2. FSTED D09S Npl Aoom'J<'l 50% R~~·7¿!.J.~menr The CQUnty would enter into long term (3D y~a;) t1nancins fOl'the full $11.745,000. The estimated maximum Annual Debt S;¡iœ 't':O~~Ò be $000,179, If the County were succaasful in leasIng this property to a te¡"o;r.t, ¡;t leasl50¢,(, of the Debt Service would be covered by the lease. The remainlr,g ;.0* cf tJ-.e Annual Debl Service, $460.SQO, would cOme from thE! County's General Fun:. '-" ~ Mð~ 09 02 04:42p JOHN LaCAPP.~ 3059350920 p.s N~y-~9-Ð2 07.<19 PN ~OU~ ANDERSOH 5614621E-4S p...e-r Page 2 May 2, 2002 ¡:-Mnclr:g of Acquisftlo.n of Port P¡o.oel1y If the County Is not succe~sful in teasing the prop:>rty, the total Annual Debl SerVice, $9ßO.779, would be paid from the County's Geoorel Fund. lnfraslruclure 'm/:)i"Ovement~ Thf;l secorn:l phase of this project would be the development of the infrastructure improyements~ The County WQlIld seal< FSTED fundir.g for 50% of any Improvements made.by.1he County, Before any Ì1ifrestructure lmprovêrr:en!s were made or eorr'Imitted to, the financlallesponslbllities would bewòrked cut and approlled by both the tenant and the 'eoard of County Commissioners. ," .DMNab c: Robert Bradshaw, AssIstant" County Adminislr$!.or Den McIntyre, Cpunty Attorney' Marìe (¡cum, MMsgemenl & BUdget Director , I '-" AGENDA REQUEST ITEM NO. C-';'t DATE: June 18¡ 2002 REGULAR [ ] PUBLIC HEARING [ ] CONSENT [X ] TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENTED BY: SUBMITTED BY(DEPT): Administration Doug Anderson County Administrator SUBJECT: Contractor's Licensing Board / Board of Adjustment BACKGROUND: See attached letter from Mr. Davis requesting reappointment. FUNDS AVAILABLE: NjA PREVIOUS ACTION: None RECOMMENDATION: Consider staff recommendation to reappoint Doug Davis to the Contractor's Licensing Board and the Board of Adjustment. [x] APPROVED [ ] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Banres Absent COMMISSION ACTION: Review and Approvals Cour.ty Attorney: tv:anagement & Budge:____~_ __ Purchasing: Originating Dept. Other: Other: Finance: (Check :or Copy only, if applicable) Eff. 5/96 _06/10/2002 23:52 ~tI 15614657665 -. RK DAVIS CONSTRrCTION fill 001/ 001 "'" CC¡ (:013084. 1'.0. ROX lalS' FT, "IERe E. F'L.r;>RJC,," 3.<9$4 June 11,2002 St. Lucie County Board of Commissioners 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce, Florida 34982 Re: St. Lucie County Contractors Licensing Board and Adjustment and Appeals Board Attention: Dot Dixon Dear Commissioners, I appreciate the faith you have placed in me to serve on the Contractors Lit:ensing Boðrd and the Adjustment and Appeals Board, I have enjoyed my first term (f service ll!:1d request that you consider me for an additional term. Sincerely, ~~~ Douglas Davis MARTIN . ST. LtJclC! !J&t....t61·8S'aiS "I\'IO'AN AI~A 5&1·77-8·8188. FAX 5&1·4.S-'75.5 "WWW.RJ<DAVJ'Þ.COM _ ~ _Jun 11 02 10:13a A&G CONCRETE POOLS 561 -467 -11;24 p. 1 '-" """ CONCRETE POOLS, INC. FAX # DATE TO: ,/ # OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER) CONFIDENTIALITY NOTE: THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FACSIMILE MESSACE IS LEGALL Y PRIVILEDGED AND CONfIDENTIAL, INTENDED ON.. Y FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY NAMED ABOVE. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS TELECOPY IN ERROR, PLEASE NOTIFY US lMvtEDIA TEL Y BY PHONE AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US BY MAIL. THAN~wf PLEASE CONTACT THIS OFFICE IF MY TRANSMISSION IS ILL! GIBLE OR NOT RECEIVE.D PROPERL Y. COMMENTS -"-"'-"-"-' 410 Saeger Avenue' Fort Pierce. FL34982' (561)878-7752' (.561) 770-008~' Fax (561) 467-1624 ~Jun. 11 02 10:14a A~G CONCRETE POOLS , . 561-467-11;24 '" ...", C.2 CONCRETE POOLS, INC. Jtme 11,2002 St. Lucie County Contractor Licensing Board Att: Dot Dixon Please accept this letter as my request for the renewal of my position on the St Lucie County Licensing Board. I would like to remain on the toard for another term. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions or problems. Please notify me if you need anything else; Sincerely, ~f#/ Arthur H. Allen President A & G Concrete Pools, Inc. ~ 410 Saeger Avenue· Fort Pierce. FL34982· (56]) 878-7752. (561) 770-0088· F1X (561) 467-1624 ~ "WI AGENDA REQUEST Item No. C. /0 Date: June 18.2002 REGULAR: ( ) PUBLIC HEARING: ( ) CONSENT: (xx) SUBMITTED BY (Dept.) Central Services PRESENTED BY: G>~t...~ Roger A. Sbinn Central Services Director TO: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS SUBJECT: Reallocation of Funds for Sheriffs Administration AlC Replacemeuts BACKGROUND: In budget year 2001-02, money had been allocated to replace the AlC inlet veins at the Courthouse Annex. We have been able to have that work done through our Performance Contract with TECO BGA. There has been bad vibrations at the Sheriffs Administration in their AlC system. The vibrations are very noisy making it difficult to work in the offices around the area. We need to have some engineering and work to be done to eliminate the noise in the system and would like to use the money allocated for the AlC inlet vein replacement at the Courthouse Annex to complete the work at the Sherifrs Administration on Midway Road. FUNDS AVAILABLE: 316-1931-546200-1531 (Courthouse Annex Maint. Projects - $18,000.) PREVIOUS ACTION: RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the reallocation of $18,000. (budgeted for the AlC inlet veins at the Courthouse Annex)to be used for the engineering and work on the AlC equipment at the Sherifrs Administration (316-1931-546200-100). MISSION ACTION: ~] APPROVED [] DENIED [ ] OTHER: (4-0) Barnes Absent County Administrator County Atty: O. It~ Purchasing: 0 ~ CONCURRENCE: Review and APprOVf¡ti)1n ~ Management & B t: () . m Origin. Dept: ()~ Other: () Eff. 6/3/96