HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E . SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4269860 OR BOOK 3955 PAGE 2124, Recorded D1/24/2017 03:25 :48 PM &"Tif IMM,—F NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned licreby-givcii notice that improvement wif)be made to certain real ptqerty,ind in accordance with Chapter 7131. Florida Statues the foljo\hing im"ormation*is provided in the Notict.ofCoulmencerricill. 1. rMCRIPTION OF PROPER'rV(1,Cgul dcictiptinji 4,.street edilress.If ry3flablc)TAX POLIO NO.: 3"14� "'S-ZI 1-000'-1 SUBDIVISION PkC V, noci(--�L) TUAC-17—LOT BLDGUNITCe —K;�ee;r-1- W.A_-La li!-I 3. OWNPR INFDRMATION: Same� b hdd,.—aan c.Nuric and madras off" than owner) 4. 4ZONTRACrO,RIt?"Mif'A, ;5,kWDT,HONEHLIMRP: 5+- I\D qe7-1141 45A� -7-l'-X-i S. SURM'SNAWIL ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT'. 6. LENDER'S NAIVIL ADDRESS AND PHONE NtIMUER;� 7. Persons within the SiBtc of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as Provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7,,Florida Statutes: NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: 8. In addition to himself or herself,Owtior designates the following to,receive a,copy of the Lienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.)3(1)(b),Florida Statutes-, NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NOMBEM 9. Expirationdateof notice of commencement(the expiration date is I year from the date of recording unless a different date is spccificdy 120L ,)YARNINGTOOWNER' ANY PAYMENTS MADE BYTREOW'2F-PAFI-CR TJ 12 EXPIRATION OF I-HE NOTICE OF Q��.CEfj�NT ARE QQNSIDEREDMPROPGRPAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 1l3 FA 0 7 3.13 1 ORaA STATUTES.AND CAN TZESQUr IN YOUR PAYING VWI F,FOR 11%jPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COME _gMENj�LST I IF. R$CDRDED AND POSTED oh,n4E)Msi,rp BEFORE T14C FIRS[ NCING.CONSULT WMi YOUR LENDEE OR AN ATT RN REF 033F C0MhjSNClNCj AQR (2p SigaattkrcofOwneTor I Print Name and Provide Signatory's Title/Office Owner's Authorhzd Ofricer/DirectorTortner/MunBgtr State of Florida County of Palm Beach The foregoing instrument was acknowicdged before me this 23 d.y_.f Es;m) 2011 By r-2EID as (name of person) (type 01'8LIthOrKy, offi=r,trustcc,attorticy in fact) For U. (name of party on behalf or whom instrument was CXCCUT�d)' LL R U- 0 LL Ptrstinallyknownor—Ziodmedtht following h,pt of ideni ifkation; U Z (j) (�: (Signature ofl\'oiar)-Public)