HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ALL APPLICABLE I FO rUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: Permit Number: A Building Permit Applicati®n Planning and Development Services IC I I Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772)462-1553 Fax: (772)462-1578 Commercial X Residential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Window/door El PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT LOCATIONg `C. . Address: 10044 S Ocean Dr#307 Legal Description: Sea Winds Condominium Apt 307(OR 1849-854;3455-1776 Property Tax ID#: 4502-804-0023-000-8 Lot No. Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Name: Sherrin-Window replacement Setbacks Front Back Right Side Left Side Replace 2 Windows size for size with Impact Glass CO�NSTR'IJCTION,INFORMATIOIV f zF r ., ... Additional work tonGasTank r orme under this permit—check a appy: OHVAC OGas Piping _Shutters Windows/Doors 0 Electric 0 Plumbing Sprinklers Generator Roof Roof pitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction: S Ft. of First Floor: Cost of Construction:$ 2196 UtilitiesInSewer 0Septic Building Height: I OWNER/LESSEE .. `" MCONI`RACTOR `' ' , Y NameTeri Sherrin Name: Mike Wetzel Address:10044 S Ocean Dr#307 Company: MJ Wetzel Construction if City: Jensen Beach State:FL Address: 441 Mississippi Ave Zip Code: 34957 Fax: City: St Cloud State:FL Phone No.954-373-0497 Zip Code: 34769 Fax: E-Mail: Phone No. 772-408-0200 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page(if different E-Mail: rcodonnell3ll@gmail.com from the Owner listed above) State or County License: CGC1505465 C e r-+ 'ZS s d If value of construction is.$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. SUPPLEMENTAL.CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION.. DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Not A licable pP MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: . Address: City, State: City: State.: Zip: Phone Zip;: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City: Zip Phone: Zip: Phone:. t. I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit: St.Lucie County makes no representation that is;granting,a permit will authorize the permit holder,to build the subject structure which is in.conflict with.any applicable Home Owners Msociation.rules;bylaws or and.covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure.Please`consult with,your Home Owners Association and review your deedfor any restrictions which m.ay;apply. In consideration of the+granting of this requested permit,i do hereby agree that I will,in-all respects,perform the work in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoinga full concurrency reView:.'roort additions, accessory structures,swimming pools,fences,-walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory uses.to:anotherrion-residential use WARNING TO OWNER:Your failure to Record a Notice of:Commencement.may result in your paying twice for; improvements to your property. A Notice of.Commencement must,be recorded and posted on the jobsite before the first inspection: If you intend toobtain financingi consult.with lender or an attorney before commencing work ecordin' our Notice of Commencement. 5 . Si re 06he e/Contractor as Agent for Owner IS r Contra .or/License.Holder STATE OF FLORIDA -S ATE;OF FLORIDA, COUNTY OF COUNTY OF The for QQ,,ii�ng instr ent was acknowledged before me The forgoing�inst merit was,acknowledged before me this s.x2i Aay',of. 0 20 LLby thisday of VA __,20 by YVl lli �4 (Name of personacknowledging) (Name of person.acknowledging ignature otaryPublic- ate. lorida) nature of otary Pub ic- awe, lorida") -Personally:Known.. V OR Produced Identification Personally Known. V OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced Type`of]dehtif cation Produced Commission No_L7hb36b156 (Seal) Commission Nolbb355 (Seal) y Gennyne Hrycyno c� NOTARY PUBLIC c� NOTARY PUBLIC Revised 07/15/20`14 STATE OF FLORIDA o =STATE OF FLORIDA ' Comm*GG038055 ,v w CE 19h Expir �/12���2Q 111VC— Ex ires 10/12/2020 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING �UPr?M?BR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER. REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE COM PL'£TE INITIALS