HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationALt APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLI Darc.2-9-2017 Building Per Plonning ond Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2j00 Virginio Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1.553 Fax: (772\ 462-1.518 Com Address: '16 Lake Vista Trail Building 16, Unit #106 Legal Description: Vista St. Lucie, Bldg #16, Unit #106 (or 737 Sec/Town/Ra nge 2213631 40E Map lD#34-22N Propertv Tax lD X' 3422-500-0216-000-7 Site Plan Name: Project Name: !"^rW Setbacks Front Back:Right Side Replacement AC condensing unit like for like 2 to Ruud Condensor M#RA1 424AJ1NA Serial #W511 ldttz! ronal work to rmed under s permrt - HVAC Electric Gas Tank Plumbing l-lom PipingISprin klers Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Cost of Construction. 5 3690.00 utt lf value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED Notice TION TO BE ACCEPTED Permit Number: it Application ercial Residential x 46:1145-2249) Lot No. lllock No. Left Side: 14 SEER v: Sh utters Generator l-l *,noows/DoorsTl--..| nooi Sq. Ft. of First Floor: s, I lsewer I lseptic Building Height: Commencement is required. PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Mechanical PROPOSED IM PROVEM ENT LOCATION : DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: CONSTRUCTION I N FORMATION : OWN ER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: 52 pg Audrey G Zicardy Address:16 Lake Vista Trail Bldg #'16, Unit #106 City: Pt'St' Lucie State: FL ZiP Code: 34952 phone ryo.917-426-5970 E-Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) Company: Promag Energy GrouP Ad d ress: 4205 1 12 Metzger Road air\/. Fort Pierce State: FL ZiP Code: 34947 p"*. 772-252-4831 phone No.772-467-3227 E_Ma i | : sindeew@promagenergygroup.com State or County License: CMCA48033 I ti1 !L1l r 7l l4 E, !Edl4:l I t.lSF E'::T I r_tl'l=i DES NCI .-_ Not Applicable Name: Address: FEE SIMPTE TITLE HOLDER:Not ApplicableName: AddreG City:Zip: --Tffi St. lucie.County.makes n that Iwhich iijn-condiii witi'. ,1. o*F!?iti!F":.8?istructure. Please consult Owners Association ; owNER/ CoNTRAcToR A I cenify that no work or installation has commenced prior to t ]: ::l^rlqg?Jion,of the srantins of this requested permit, I doIn accordance with the approved plans, the rtoiiai BuilJi;ta, The following buiJding perrnit applications are exernpt from unaccessory s$uctures, swimmlng pools, fences, walls, signs, scre WARNING TO OWNER: your fallure to Record a Notirnrprovements to vour property. A Notice of comme- l^"3:^,1 :-Tst i n spe ct io n.''r i y.i, i n tli.' j t o o bta i n f i ncomrnencinR work or recordin r Notice of Com Signature of Owner/Lessee/Contractor ai ngentTdb;;; STATE OF FL COUNW OF ( Na me of pe rson-i[n6Tt r eo gi (Signaty're of t'rotary-Fi-biic_ S of Florida ) Persghalty Known ,_- OR Produced ldentifi cationType of tdentificatlon Produced Cornmission No, REVTEWS j rnOr,rr COUNTER ru.;'L ,f-A The folgoing instrument was acknowledged before methis 1 dav of Ft-brufi.-tl .;J2 ;; ffiiluintt"te or Frorida *ri""s[lEglJtFF04sssl MORTGAGE COMPANY: Name:-- Not Appticable Address: City:State;zip:Phone: BONDING COMPANY:_Not Applicable Name: Add ress: City: Zip: phone: t will authorize the permit |glggl to build the subject structure,llgi;,1{ liyl .g: 3f F^go_u-9n 9t tp ! ! a i m;tl ;;t-'. iA o r p r o h i b i r s u c h made t0 obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated.e issuance of a Dermit. review yo u r deed f o r a ny resl}r dt-i o- l, i' ljtiiin''ri,!-i, fp ii' reDy gqree that I will, in alt respects, perform the work:s and St. Lucie County Amendment.s. ergOing a fuil Concurrency revrew: roorn additions,n rooms and accessory uses to another non_residential use of Commencement may result in your paying twice for :.^:n:"lly: l.!",1p qo ided a n d p osted b n-t r,. lo n, it "ncing, consutt with tender or ;;;ti;;;y beforelncernent. <l 9ttztvt^-+l Signature of Contra STATE OF FLOR]DA coUNTy oe --5t- L..*r_ t f-( . Personally Known , . -OR produced ldentificationrype of tdentificatlon The forgoing instrument was acknowledgecl betore methls 1 day of f<lorv*r+_ . ; 2;?";y Produced Commission No. MANGROVE R EVIEW (Name of Florida Notary P,u_blic State of Ftorida Jennie t0@t)?o'F'^C F o458sl-ott\e 7 zoNlNG I suee nvrsonREVIEW I nrvlrw PTANS REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW R ECT IVED COMPLETED