HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlot Plans/Surveys ;".:SFN�Ito�i Rd �• x"0M, EP Riverview Drive x yo (35' Right-of-way) 18' Pavement x°p b EP SI TE /-■—■—■—■—f—■ �. 30.22' ti POST k RAIL FENCE(7 N) 4Q ' _ FlR(2'N) �' N)6 '02'00-E.,m 124.0 �A' (ME-URED) FOUND NAI 109 Rivervl¢w Di _ _ S&DISK POST d:RAIL z QP (BOBie of,Bear ) CONCRETE FENCE(6.51N) a x�' DRIVEWAY i i PATIO STONE NoHep F5'9 ' k ROCK i 0� (Nott TTo o Basle) F5'9 I°t DRIVEWAY 1,5' i COVERED I g 1 PORCH _ µ 727' _---- 32.7' 073 I tfis' LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ---_- ------ - ---------- LOTS 22 and 23, TOP OF WALTON SUBDIVISION, according to the map or 0 plot thereof,-as recorded In Plat Book 7, at Page 1, of the Public Records of z LOT � COVERED , LOT 23 z St. Dale county, Florida. 0 PORCH 1 50 N IT LOT 24 LOT AREA: 13,120 Sq. Ft.; 0.30 Acres* Ln M0", XI ' N N TWO—STORY w (AS SHOWN) LOT 21 END STEPS 5.0' RESIDENCE 01 ,,—(1.4'W) _ �� �Oe STREET ADDRESS: 109 Riverview Drive, Jensen Beach, Florida 34957. (TYPICAL) x SURVEYORS' NOTES: (OCCUPIED) I ep be,� ryp 1. Bearings shown hereon are based on the North line of subject property as x �. --71 3:------ 32,7' -� pqi platted and bears N 67'02'00" E. ------------------- -------------- C 1 7.7' 2500' t 200+--- 2. Written dimensions take precedence over scaled dimensions and distances are ONE—STORY j y5.0D �° Ln not to be scaled for construction and/or design purposes. :o STRUCTURE I a DECK] ra f4 3. All distances and bearings are as field measured and are coincident with 62C i / P N p "PLAT" and description data unless otherwise noted. ___________________ 4. This drawing Is not valid without the signature and original raised seal of a 10.1 G A Florldo licensed Surveyor do Mapper. 20.93' yip 15. This survey Is based upon a description furnished by the client, there has PATIO o been no search of the public records done by this office. STONEm aw 6. Property Iles In Flood Zone "X" as stated from the Notional Flood Insurance M _-----'_ -- m0 i 3 0, Program Rate Map, Community Panel Number 12171CO292 J, with an effective Z ---------------------- x I+ i� o I data February 16, 2012. DRIVE 7. Thisis survey Is not covered by professional liability Insurance. i,-70.1 I 1� � •De 0^ 8. City water & sewer are not available In this Brea. w IQ IPx� c Q� 9. No underground utilities or Improvements were located unless otherwise shown. Mph -- c WELL v ryp �- N 10. Elevations shown hereon are based upon an assumed datum. xa�' xa 11. This plan Information to be verified by contractor prior to construction. END 6' WF S66.57'13"W 124.00' PROPOSED (2.2'N,1.4-W) ADDITION I BENCHMARK Limits I CERTIFIED T0: of Plat Walton Landing (MATCH EXISTING FFE) I (ASSUMED) FRANK P. CUSHMAN and Plat Book 3, Page 41 NAIL tk DISK 'LB 6016• ONE CONSTRUCTION (VACANT) LEGEND Date of Lost field work:12/03/2015 - ®_ = SANITARY CLEANOUT CONC= CONCRETE Botm"ry " s"'a Pen Survey CL = CENTERLINE RIGHT OF WAY A/C = AIR CONDITIONER PAD0e n n ett EP EDGE OF PAVEMENT WF = WOOD FENCE Prepared on the oder o: FIRC = FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD DUE = DRAINAGE do UTILITY EASEMENT One Construction & CAP UNNUMBERED) H2o = WATER TREATMENT PAD Bennett Surveying, Inc. DECEMBER 6, 2015 FCM - FOUND 4 X4" CONCRETE -OHE-= OVERHEAD UTILITY LINES 107 Augusto Court Date of Signature WILLIAM 8. BENNETT MONUMENT(UNNUMBERED) 0 =•WOOD POWER POLE Field: LM 8B Job No.: 15-1120 Professional Surveyor&Mapper FIR = FOUND 5/8" IRON ROD :I: = PLUS OR MINUS '�a ■ florido � Drawn: WEI I Dote:12/06 2015 Florida Certificate No. 6353 a (UNNUMBERED) IK = LIGHT POLE ' 772.336.4933 hoo.com Scale: 1'=20' Sheet: 1 of 1 LB No. 7608 #oo = SPOT ELEVATION FFE = FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION email: tel:bennettsunroyingeya