HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Applicationi 4 L, i L,..1 ..1 :i Jl.l::iF'E iT Ir-rl t'=; AII APPLICABLE INFO COMPLETED FOR APPLI Bu ild i Plonning ond Development Services Buildinq ond Code Regutotion Divrsion 23O0 Vrrglnia Avenue, Fort plerce FL 349g2 Phone: 1772} 462-1553 Fax (t /2) 462_L578 CO Address .tDl / { /h rlc CRttK Lnp e Legal Descriptron. i:35 Z1 NLU_Vot- rlrutT I v te99 Cftrva[l R0 R +J-49 AS tN) property Tax rD H: L3o 3- 4l - OOZ-S - *D.-.{ site Plan Name: - CAIA@^ PofiAS m&r_ [)rolect Name: Setbacks Front 8a ck:Right sid rlronalwork to be perioiorETTiET ts permtt - c [fvlechanical _ Gas lank - Electric _ plumbing Total Sq Ft of Construction: _ Gas Pipin _ Sprinkle u rilitC.o.st of consrrucrior) $ _5@g_ Name Ad d ress:eL :;. -"","EPhoneruo-elTZ--!65 m,1I?_IkE zt"4- E-Mail: fill in fee simple Title t'tolder on next page ( if different frorn the Owner listed above) lf vah.re of constructlon L ZSO-O *,"o.e, a RECORDED Notlce J /ln"r l\ TION TO BE ACCEPTED Perrnit Number: g Permit Application mercial Reside ntial Pi €Act Ll,, -Uttns ir a,i.5' 4 ,4uc,.rt r'/r+ux L2? tElz' (??, oz nq bA bb n/4_ €. Shutters _ Generator of First Floor: cirv: Ft. Pi€Ac€- encement is required. Lot No Elock No S rKtctt af Lcd!4 Left Side: t at apply. _ Windows/Doors Roof pitch Sq. Ft es:Sewer _ Septic Lluilding Height: Name: Compan Address: Zip code: 3q9L+7 Phone No llZ-q irrd"I E-Mail 1- 3Lz1 PERMIT APPLICATION FO R: I0,'' 1[,'i:E11E, I5: *]E 7l:4 b 2 E,.1,-1,:l :l|.r.:r I N:lF Ei_iT I t_tl.l5 F*L-jE U:,,' U : DESIGN Name: NGINEER:Not Applicable Address: state:phone FEE SIMPTE TITLE HOLDER: Name: Not Applicable Address: City:Zip: -p-honu. l: ::l:ld,:r3ion of rhe grantins oi this requested permit, I doin accordance with the approved plans, the r.f"iiaJ-eriijire-i The followirrg building perrnit applications are exernpt frorn udccessorV structures, swi mmlng pools, fences, walls, signs, scr WARNING TO OWNER: your fallure to Record a Irmprovements to Vour DroDertv. A Notice of Co, int"niiJo&""in'n your Notice of Com Signature of ewne STATE OF FLORIDAaouriw'dF-.E:ie Lvc'tt -t+.,.LrLy. zip: oWNER/ coNTRAcToR AFFTDVII ;ri;ffi h.*b I cefiify that no work or installation has commenced prior to t 5t.. Lucie Countv makes n that is granilng a p(wnrch is in conflict wtth a ,iiibwn"rs Assocralstructure. please consult Owners Association The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before metnrs z. I day of februn.f-y . 2ol1 by (Name of person acknowi {Signatf re of ruotJry-T6tic_ si of Florida ) Persoialty Known ,/ oa Type of ldentificailon Produ ced Cornmission No REVTEWS i rnorur Produced ldentrfi cation COUNTER DATE COMPLETED MORTCAGE COMPANY: Name: Not Applicable Address: State: Phone: BONDlNG COMPANY: Name: Not Applicable Address; City: zip:Pho ne: made to obtain a perrnit to do the w and installation as indicatedissuance of a oermit. es and 5t. Lucie County Amendment-s. ergOing a fUll COncurrencv revtew: rss|..n artrtirinnc to anothe esuft in y red and p teirrurrg, Lunsut{ wtrn lender or an attorrrey beforeencernent. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF h.I,uc The forgoing instrument was act(n this Zr) day of Febru *fv (S i grt'tu-re of t r otary-FibIIc-te o{ Florida ) Personally Known y' OR Type of ; 6e n1;1;.s1[[-[-l.t. Produced Commission No. Prod{ced ldentification MANGROVE REVIEW Sigrrat u re of Contractor/License Jennie t{pigl1( My comrfl$bH FF Mso5t Exoires 08/15/2017 CommRErn ffF (XS851 rres 08ff92U17 ZONING R€vlEW SUPERVISOR REVIEw VEGETATION REVIEW RECEIVED Michelle Franklin, CFA_ Sarnt Lucie Pcrshing Mohrtc Honrc Satcs Inc l'onrPlNAeaeh.fL-I0(9 Letal Description ii''j'lilll,lkil''A'"'i,l'{,}fi'Isiff.!i.r,?i,iN?,k.,!)[,,,_,i;ii.'If,i,,i,iAL,i},j!1^Not,uNrrr Sirc Addrcss: Parccl lD: Account #l Map ID: Usc Type: ZoDing: CrY/Couno: Ownership Current Values JustMrrkeL Vuluc: L\ciltl)!ons: larahle Valuc: Taxcs lil this parcel: sLC Trx G)ilcctor,s ()t.t.jcc A Downlord TRIM for rhis parcel Do\ntodd pDF A Total Areas Fiilishcd/Undcr Air (SF) (iross Arca (SF): Land Sizc (aclrs): Land Sizc (SF): s9 580,9il) s9,530.08 | 50 s9,530 031 9 523 t4 :101 99 0) 4.|llil: I}|is infot mation is helieved to be oo[cei ar[: Copyrighl 20 | ? Saint Lueic C Property Appraiser - All righrs reserved I dentification IUX)I W ANCLE RD :10:-2t I_([25_0(m-5 t284J 2lt)lN 2N(N) RMil_5 Srint Lucie Couno, Ine hut it ir rubJNl tr\ ch:rrg< antl rs n.,l wrlrnntcdrruferty A|prrrscr. All nghts rcscrred 5th Edition (2014 Florida Building Cocl ition Cha Out F ing SystemAir Condi Resideniial X Commercial Single Package Unit: X Split System Any Duct Replacement: Refrigerant Line Replacement: Yes X N" Yes ts No /a-*n*Rooftop A.C. Stand lnstallation : _yes y*Smoke Detector Installation (over 2000 cfm) :*Commercial Permits Only One lbnn recluifed tbr each se lc .,\/C s EW LA SETIR/EER Iq t1 o Yes No stalicd T System Components nuf'acturer stcnr i ND R Unit Model No Size ip_l_C, f v@ HACR Breaker/F use size:?> Min. $t Max. lo-4zvaA Wire si Refrigerant pip Refrigerant typ l-ocation: \^g-[ Existine NewConfiguration: Horizontal Vertical ER/EER I lons S S H CR Breaker/Fuse size: Max. piping sizes (Liq) (Suc) type frigerant frigerant atlon: atlon: _--Existing :Y Ground New Roof top SEER/EER if known Size tons Heat Strip _KVA/KW-^.r .--Existing FIACR Breaker/Fur. .,r", ExistingWire size Refri geranr piping sizes (Liq)_ (Suc) OLD EXISTING ystem Components nufacturcr i1'known R/EER if known (A.w.c.)trng Wire size SE Si: Ex Ex Re (A.w.G.) Refiigerant type ngerant plprng sizes (Liq) ngerant type (Suc)-.- CertifWith the authorization of the installing Contractor. I cerrepresents the system(s) installed. tion on this form accurately Signature of applicant rty that the information entered Revised -ll2 1/ 1 2 02/ 25 / 20L7 FAX @ ooozzoooz FE fot I Fedoral Encrgy when placod in seruico 2009 and Doc 31, 2016. ACT,IJRING CO., LP. and:;Air;Source no rlrpoltrlblllty fo( el lhc pr6.luct(r), or thc Alll-c0 N Dtr(Qilliro, r.iliArtN0, & FITFRICF-RATION INSTITUT6- 1,ll ttN['f lil(. l'!ltllI '' 1 31325038453130255 This combination Efficiency Tax ct RattnqsGertificate of Frod AHRI Certifled Reference Number= 7428126 Product: Single-Package Air.Conditioner, Model Numbor: GPCl448H41 E' Manufacturer: GOODMAN MANUFACTURING CO., Trado/Brand name: GOODMAN; JANITROL: AMANA CONDITIONING AND HEATING; ENERGI AIR; F Reglon: All(AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, OE, F M|,-MN. MO, Ms, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ. NM, NV, I UT, VA, VT, WA,l N, Wl, Vlff. U.S. Territorles) Rogion N air conditioinstalled s until Juna can only in rogion(s) Sories name: GPC14 :,:,::'..:,':i.,..:,,:'::;:.:: M a n ura_sturc l rde porist tile fo r t}rc r, *i ii g: of: tliis: sy gre j"1u6 as,ifotlows ln,accordtnce iwlth AHRI Standqiii Hest Pump Equlpment and subjoct to'verlflcation of partlr toeting: 46000 1+.00 ' Rotirtoo fttLxEd lry a4 ,llorlDt (') lnrr|.ltd o votunt5ry rorllr ol pEviou8ly publirhcd DlSCLAIMER AHRI 0oor not endoro the pmduct(r) llrtad od lhtr CrrUftc.tc and m!k6r no lho producl(D) llrtsC cn thl$ Ccfllflcple. AHRt ErpiGrdy dtrctot.nr !tt t|!b[lly lor unaulhoilrod nltorilflon of dtrln llrtod on thb Cqitlftdito, CErUflEd riilngt i.c dltcotory nt v/ww, 011(ldlroct0 ry.ord, TERMg anD COXoTTTOtrS Thl. Cortltl€oto ond ltr ecntontr aro ptcaftcldry Fredv€lr ot AHRI. Thtr colrtl.tcilltl /rt6ronco purpotol, Tho oofltcntr of thlr CcrtlflcatD moy not, In ontorod lnlo r cpmDulqt drlrbDE; Or olh"awlrE uilllrrat. llt ahy l6?m ot monnc,porronol ond contldontlol rsfolonco, c ER?l FtcArE vE Rr Flcart or{ Thc Inlurmrrlun fur llt! nrud.l oltra, ort l,lrla orr/(no{to ontr bo votlflo(t nt wtvblid cntl/ tho AHRI C6^lnod R6loroncc Numbo? ond thc dctc cn whlch thc $/hlch lr llrtod lDovo, and tho corililc.|to No., whlch lD llrtod ilt boilom rl{lrt O2014 Air.Condltlonlng, Heatlng, and Rcfrlgcratlon Dale:212512017 ; EVERREST; ONE GA, HI, ID, IL, IA, IN, KS. KY, LA, , oH, oK, oR, PA. Rl, sc, sD, TN, rlor to January 1, 2015, arc July 1, 2016, central air co the regional efficicncy requ rtr{rail llC0(6lF.ol6r, wlth n WAii, whtEh indtcllri an wnilontlor ot Cun?lnt€Gr !! lo. rnd ot anv klnd orldn! out qt tho qre c? otrly lor ilodoh and conlltlurduonc ltEtcd In tho rholl only bo urod for Indlvlduol. porlonol ond cf In pnrt, bo rcprcduccd; coplcd; dlgdrr tnstcd; by any rnonns. oxcopt lor tho uror'r Indlvlduol. d{ | or J. otd?, cllck on'VcrlCt Ct o r,tlflcnt*" llnk wet lrouod. : J CERTIFICATE NO