HomeMy WebLinkAboutWind Load Calculation Castle Impact Windows P,WNVINP-01 1qPV1 '�qpv"Nrvl FACTORY DIRECT SINCE 1969 --- COMPLETE HURRICANE PROTECTION SOLUTIONS 7089 Hemstreet Place West Palm Beach,FL 33413 800.643.6371 Property Information Building Information Owner: ANDALORO,JOHN Wind Zone: 160 MPH. Address: 8925 FIRST TEE ROAD Exposure Category: C PORT SAINT LUCIE,FL 34986 Minimum Building Dimension: 40 ft. Mean Roof Height: 16 ft. let Risk Category: II Design Pressure Calculations Opening Location Device Device Device Max Positive Max Negative Number Zone Width(in) Height(in) Elevation(ft) Pressure(psf) Pressure(psf) IL1 Int 53 51 7 32.5 -35.4 2 Int 37 100.75 7 31.8 -34.7 3 Int 68.25 130.25 7 29.9 -32.8 4 End 189.75 100.75 7 28.2 -34.0 5 Int 74.25 105.25 7 30.2 -33.1 6 End 37 63.5 7 32.9 -43.3 7 Int 37 63.5 7 32.9 -35.7 8 Int 36.75 63.5 7 32.9 -35.7 9 Int 64.75 136.5 7 29.9 -32.8 10 Int 187 137.75 7 27.6 -30.5 11 Int 111 63.5 7 30.4 -33.3 12 Int 37 63.5 7 32.9 -35.7 13 Int 53 63.5 7 32.1 -34.9 14 Int 26.5 51 7 33.9 -36.8 Prepared in accordance with:ASCE 7-10,Chapter 30. Wind Loads-Components and Cladding.5th Edition(2014)Florida Building Code. Page 1 of 1 Customer: ANDALORO WorkOrder Number: 12092016006 N0301 Unit No. Wall Opening Opening Shutter Shutter Slat Anchor Pressure Width Height Width Height Length Spacing 1 -35.4 53 51 61 52.25 49 9"o.c. 9"o.c. 2 -34.7 37 100.75 48 104.25 101 9"o.c. 9"O.c. 3 -32.8 68.25 130.25 84.25 136.5 133.25 9"o.c. 9"o.c. 4 -34 203.5 100.75 222.625 106.75 103.5 9"o.c. 9"o.c. 5 -33.1 74.25 105.25 92 110.25 107 9"o.c. 9"o.c. 6 -43.3 37 63.5 47.75 68.5 65.25 9"o.c. 9"o.c. 7 -35.7 37 63.5 51.75 68.5 65.25 9"o.c. 9"o.c. 8 -35.7 36.75 63.5 51.75 68.5 65.25 9"o.c. 9"o.c. 9 -32.8 64.75 136.5 78.875 140 136.75 9"o.c. 9"o.c. 10 -30.5 187 137.75 212.75 141.25 138 9"o.c. 9"o.c. 11 -33.3 111 63.5 130.625 68.5 65.25 9"o.c. 9"0.c. 12 -35.7 37 63.5 51.75 68.5 65.25 9"o.c. 9"o.c. 13 -34.9 53 63.5 69 68.5 65.25 9"o.c. 9"o.c. 14 -36.8 26.5 51 40.25 56 52.75 9"o.c.