HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT — SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4290253 OR BOOK 3976 PAGE 2022, Recorded 03/24/2017 11 :11 :49 AM pcoo 8' NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT Permit No. Tax Polio F 1 c [+ ] J No, � l State of Florida County of St.Lucie The undersigned hereby gives noticetttat improvement will be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Chapter 713,Florida statutes, the following Information Is provided in thls Notice of Commencement. Legal Destription of Property:(and street address if available): !� VL General des ripdon of improvement; / G, c'1 r;+ Ttr_� u. a r T r� /'+�i• -1 C_,l)9 L••r E 5 Owns informatigQn or Eases information If the Lessee contracted for the Improvement: o Name 1 "IlIn a Address � 3$ "TS-Cc�g,.r� (tir�c�� Siwe4r t`-�r� crcr -l_ Interest in property: Nameand addmss of fee simple titleholder[if different from Owner listed above): w LL. _ // Y N C-ItraotOrf Noma.M Ut Cdie SC._L'-,+,rr) /• [-11e�1A � I�'t_, J'C r-C-//1J(- /~•'L_ LLI J Contractor Address:/.0 S"- e5.01 S ca S;.r ►- Surety p(apphcaWe,a copyof the payment bo d is attached):Amountof bond:$ V Name avid address: Phone number: }_I.- }U Lender Name: Phone Number: 0 LLIX u i Lender's address: .00 W O OL Persons vdNdtt the Stats of Rwlda designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents maybe sewed as provided fry Section 9 V U U w 713.13(2)(817.fioridsStalutK: u`W0 Z' Name: 1Z Phone Number: O V W Address: -7-to ILU=—j 6 In addition tohimself or herself,Owner designates of—� to receive a copy of the rrnu�is=--�0 m O Llennes Notice as provided in Section 71 .13(1)(b),Florida Statutes. Phone number of person or entity dedowted byowrmr. - Expliation date of notice of commencement;(the expiration date may not be before the completion of construction and final payment to the contractor,but will be 1 year from the date of recording unless a differentdate is specified) WARNING TO OWN ER:ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713.PART I,SECTION 713,13,FLORIDA STATUTES,AND CAN RESULTIN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY,A NOTICE OF CCIMMENCEMENT MUST 8E RECORDED AND POSTED ONTHE AS WE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION.IFYOU INTENDTO OBTAIN FINANCING,CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDEi,OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RFCDROINGYOUR NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. Under en Ity of ury,I declare th t I Tea h fo going notice of commencement and that the facts stated therein are true to the best of my a n ellef. {Sign�ature�,of O�wn�er or lessee,a wn Oers or Lessee's Authorized Officer/Director/Partner/Manager x`I 'fit - (Signatotys Title/Office) The Foorreegoitngg Instrument was 1acknowledged before me this s)1 ay dof M I42. . 2QI_7 _1 By SSL Z� t�1�. ��,( I{, as (`Ccs --for - ame ofPerson Type of authority(e.g.officer.trustee) Party on behalf of whom instrument was executed Personally known e<produced Idonti[icatlarx. _, (sivature of Notary Piddle:•State of Floridr) (Print Type,or Stamp Commissioned Name of Notary Public) Type of Identification produced N� GABRIELLE HICKS MY COMMISSION If GG 068047 ,fEXPIRES:Fe Nuary 2,202t