HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMITOWNER/ CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT: Apptication is hereby I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to t 5t. Lucie County makes no representation that is srantins a oerwhich is in conflict with any dpplicable Home Owiers Asiociaticstructure. Please consult with your Home Owners Association a In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building The following building permit applications are exempt from und accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, sc WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Noticeimprovements to your property. A Notice of Commer before the first inspection. lf you intend to obtain fin commencins work or reco ur Notice of Comm Revised 0711512014 to obtain a permit to do the work and installation as indicated issuance of a oermit. t wil permit holder to build the subiect structurerule d covenants that mav restrict cir orohibit such I rev for any restrictions r,rihich may a$ply. agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work and St. Lucie County Amendments. a full concurrency review: room additions, rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use Commencement may result in your paying twice for rment must be recorded and posted on the jobsite ing, consult with lender or an attorney before DESIGNER/ENGINEER: X wot Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY: Name:K ruot Applicable 7ip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOIDER: {_ Not Appticabte BONDING COMPANY: X l,,tot Applicable ,-;J C llam"t Signature of Owner/ Agent/ Lessee STATE OF FLORIDA couNry oF 5f . LeCt E The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before methisZg av or Merc|'. ,zoiQlbv ature of Notary Public- Sta.tdlof Florida ) Personally Known XXXX OR Produced ldentification Type of ldentification Produced Signature of Contractor/License Holder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY Qf sr rucie The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before merhis@dayot M*rck ,zol|Tlbv Lo,l:6 ()crmez, Personally Known xxxxx OR Produced ldentification Type of ldentification Produced (Signature of Notary Public- tY rift . ' 'roN I FF 2z?U2 Bonded.lh:.. , PNblic Urdrfilb.t EXPriti:S: May S,2019 Bondod Thru Nqny fttlc lhdcmrtn SUPERVISOR REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW AHRf Certified Refenence Number: 5g24411 Product: Split Systern: Heat Pump with Remote Outdoor Unit Model Number: SS2140421A- lndoor Unit Model Number: AVPTC48D144. CONDITIONING AND HEATING; ENERGT AtR: Series name: SSZ14 Rated as follows in accordance with AHRI StandardHeat Pump Equipment and subject to verification ofparty testing: Manufacturer: GOODMAN MANUFACTURTNG CO.. Trade/Brand name: GOODMAN: JANITROL: Manufacturer respons;ible for the rating of this s Cooling Capacity (Btuh): 41500 EER Rating (Cooling): 12.50 SEER Rating (Cooling): 15.00 Heating Capacity(Btuh) @ a7 F: 40000 Region lV HS}PF Rating (Heating): 9.00 Heating Capilcity(Btuh) @ 17 F: 23000 ' Ratings followed by an asterisk (-) indicate a voluntary rerate of previously published DISCLAIMER AHRI does not endorse the product(s) listed on this Certificate and makes nothe product(s) listed on this Certificate. AHRI expressly disclaims all liability forunauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certitied ratinAs are v drrectory at www.ahridlrectory.org. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and its contents are proprietary products of AHRI. Thisconfidential referehce purposes. Tlre contents ofthis Certificate may not, in wh(entered into a computer database; or otherwise utilized, in any lorm or mannerpersonal and confidential reference. CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION The information for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at www.and enter the AHRI Certified Reference Number and the date on which thewhich is listed above, and the Certificate No., which is listed at bottom riAht. @201,4 Air-Conditioning, 1{eating, and Refrigeration I This combination qualifies for a Federal Energy Efficiency Tax Credit when placed in service between Feb 17, 2009 and Dec 31. 2016. g m 2101240-2008 for Unitary Air-Conditioning and Air-Source rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, independent, third Date:312812017 r Unit-Air-Source DISTINCTIONS; EVERREST; ONE HOUR AtR LIN combination is GOODMAN MANUFACTURTNG CO.. Lp. unless accompanied wilh a WAS, which indicates an involuntarv rerate rons, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for,of any kind arising out of the use or performance of the product(s). or the only for models and configurations listed in the shall only be used for individual, personal and or in part, be reproduced; copied; disseminated; by any means, except for the user's individual, click on "verify Celtlficate" linK was issued, CERTIFICATE NO.:1 31 351 7591 34620290 Sile Addrcss: Parccl lD: Accounl #: Map lD: Usc Typc: Zoning: C;fylCouory: Ownership Bobby L DixdrDknc S Diron ll0lArcT Forr Picrcc. FL J4947 Legal Description SI]\RIS[ PARK NO I BLK : LOTS 2 ANDs (0 :]4 A(]) ((]R 67G:]69) Current Values JusYN4uket Valuel IxcDlplions: Tuahle Value: Taxcs fi)r this pdrccl: SLC Tax collcclor,s ollicc A Download TRIM fot this parcel: Downtoad pDF A Total Areas Finishcdrundcr Air (SF): Cross Are (SF): Land Size (acrcs): Llnd Sizc (SF): Michelle Franklin, CFA- Saint Lucie Property Appraiser - All rights reserved. I dentification I l0l A\ cnue T 2405-50 I - 002 7- m( ! 2 l8l9.l 24i05N lqt) RS-4 Sainr Lucie CrMN s t27.700 st t9.985 s25.000 s94,93_s 1.560 4.010 034 14,8t04 Ihis infonnation is beliā‚¬ved to be cotrect atO Copyright 2017 Sainr Lucic nme hut ir is suhjdt to chrngc rn(l is n,x wutrilnlcJy Hrolerty Apprrrscr. All ritshrs rcscrvcil 03/28/20L7 7:32 AM FAX tlrtbby 1.,, & Diane Dixon Subject: Bobtjy L. & Diane Dixon From: BLS Reserved Account McCusker Date: 3lZ7l?.0I7 8:18 pM @ oootzooor an@bellsouth.net> .com>, Rick sg@ pro magen ergygrou Fr. co m > new unit 'ltnom us.De'talIs aro as follows: your nunnen to stay and wonk wlth hlm. To: "jjoh nboy323@aol.com', <jjoh n boy 3Zg@ <ricks@promagenergygrou p. coil), Lou is <lo Bohby L. & Diane Dixon 3L03 Averrue TFort Pience, FL. tfiAZ(772) e71-8505 Mr. & Mns. Dixon have optcd to purchase 3.5 ton Goodman Ain Handlen anct Condensetl_g1leywffl*TfTtrl-tlrortFt 5t-and-. 5t2 -flnat-srv*tch Ri-Lter. +adc- l'fu,nni<ane {FEstryV 11 7 /8 .x:Low -5'Q-'r"'c>'^' loct{rrsaps 'r.6Rw-F-eatSanitize. ductwonk LO/ LO warrarrty Daniel to begin tean out at g: fO nd. ffo Paid $5, a06 by Synchnony Sont fnom my ipad L "-. Vgvrrl..v4v_ r-_.. s-qzl 4n4?1 -! 509139973 06554692 A 1 P".r.-e eLl\ {'5o( ^o021^ooa-2 'rlaor.lnrt? ^<...