HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) RECEIVED MAR ? 0 7.0117 I L. s #s` Ods Home 'Log to tr.User tegistrAtion Not Topics! SuSmit Surcharge Stats&Facts Pubucatians F.Bc staff I Bcis$ite:trap 'Unks i .Search Product Approval < USER::Public.User '_.._—>=----'-;>Application Detail a ? L7L16 448 -4 - Application Type Revision Code Version 1014 Application Status. Approved Cbmaients Archived P mdtie°Manufacturer. Taj Built Materiais,6loup L dress/Phone/Email �"PO.OB.X ` Rutherford,N)07070 (800)516-1485 david.ruiz@tribuiitmg.eom Authorized.Signature David Ruiz davi'd.ruiz dtribuiltnYg.com Technical Representative David Ruiz Addcess/Pbone/EhnAll 250 Route,17 North L ast Rutherford;N]0.7075, (201)'842=2449 davld.rulz@tribuiltmoWrialsgroup.corn Quality Assurance Representative dd.dressiphprretEmaii CategoryRaQfn-9 Subcategory Urfderlayments Compliance:Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect ora Licensed Florida Professional,Engineer 0. Evaluation Report-Hardcopy RecelVed Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Robert Nieminen the Evaluation Report Florida License PEr5916:6 Quality.Assurance:Entity UL.LLC Quality Assurance.Cohttact.Expiration Date 10/16/2017 Validated By John W;knezevich,PE uaildation Check list-Hardcopy Received. Certificate of Independence LisaG ? r D 'MroliDgq Referenced Standard and Year(bfStandard) :Standard. Year ASTM D1970 2009' ASTM G155 2005 FRSA/TkI April-2012(04-12) 2012 TAS 163 1995: EciOlvalence:of ProductStandards Certified By Sections.frvm the;Code 'Product Approval Method Method i Option D Date Submitted 10/06/2016 Date Validated 10117/2016 Date:Pending.FBC Approval 10/19/2016 bate Approved 12/13/2016 SUMmaltv of pfoducts FL 4. Modely.Nurnber or Name Description 16048,1 TRT-BUILT Roof Underloyments Self adheeing,modified bitvrt)en roof u0derlayrlients Limits of Use Installation Instructions: Approved for use in HVHZ:No �;1 1.W. _i 2c�7 Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes '�IuT_ 'a�'. rn._k�r•EST_ ;Grt;S_R ;or{P Ympact Resistant:'N/A Verified By.Robert Nleminerl P&59166 .Design;Pressure +N1 61.5 Created byTndependent.Thfrd.Party::Yes Other:1.)The design pressure.noted Betels pertains to use EvaruatCon Reports. Of rbdni-dn the systemsovertop the.self-adhering. -:I�iSF_, I;a > ,Q_Fd 4,l _ 71-g_ underiaymerit for one:particular application.See.ER Section F1J;L=UPJ 7 51. °:_LTS 5.6.4 for=detalls.2.)Refer to ER Section-5 for other Urrilts.of; Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Use, Baklt Nezt Contact Us;:9601 Blair Stone Roed 7eliaha_o Fg!.32259 Phone:850-4874824„ The$tate`of Fiortda Is an AAIEEO.empioyer.:Coovri6ht2007-2013 State of FlaAda.;s Privacy Sfata hent::.Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Karida lawi email addresses am.public Mcords:lf you do not want yourz-inall addressreleased in respgddb to.a pubfic-records.raquedt,do not sendelectronic mail to this enbty.Instead,.contact the.offlce by phpne or:by_fraditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact.850:48.7.13IS.+pursuan@oto section 455,275 (i),Florida Statutes,effettivepctober.l,2812,Ikensees Ifcensed under Chapter 455,,F.S.must prpvide'the Department Ith-an email address if they have one.The. ernails provided inay be used foeoffidal mmmnisatfon with the Ircensee.-.However email addmSSi6'are piiblicrecord;If you do not-Wish tasupply a personaladdress, ptease provke the aepartm nt with an errali:address which cart be made available'to the publlIc.+To determineM you are a.licensee under Chapter.455,F:S.,please clicWhem. Product-Approval Acctepptts-.: NEU C.re=dt Card .Safe Ill EXTERIOR APSEAACH&DESiGN,LLC. Certificate of uthorization#9503 KRN STREET,VNIT#13 TRI! ISTIA 353 C ITY TRD OXFORD,CT Q6478 PHONE-(2031262"92.45 FAX:-(-203)262-9243 EVALUATION REPORT MOW Building.Products Corp:. Evaluation Report A42960.10.12-A4 dba TRI-BUILTRoofing.Products FL160484 4 9050 Louisiana Street Date of ftsuahce!10125/2012 Merrillville,'N.46410 RevIs4on4.- 10/06/2016 SCOPE: Ihis•Evaluation_'Report is issued under Rule 61620-3 and the applicable rules and regulations.governing fhe!:use of construction materials-in the-state of Florida,The documentation-,submitted.has been.reviewed-by Robert NIL-Mihen P;8.. for. Use of the product under the Florida. Building Code and Florida Building Code, Residential Volume. The products described'herein'have been evaluated for compliance with.the sth Edition-(2014) Florida i3pilding Code sections noted*herein. 'Mscalp,Tiow*TRI-BUILT RoofUnderlayments 1ABEEING1 Labeling shall be in accordance With the.tqqUirefn6nts'the Accredited Assurance Agency noted. herein. CONTINUED COMPLIANCE: This EValUation Report Mvalfd.until such time as the named product(§):chan_9eSj the referenced Qoa. 11tyAssuraoce d6cijmen..t.9t.i6h.ch;§.6get,cirprpvislons of the Code that relate to the.product change: Acceptance of . this Evaluation.Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify Robert Nierninen, P.E. -if the product changes or the referenced Quality Assurzicedoddhientation changes Tt inityl ERI)req Tires a complete.review of this Evaluation-Report relative.-to Opdatedt Code requirements with each.Code Cycle. AwEEmSEMEW.,The Evaluation Report.number preceded byllie'Woeds '"Vinity I ERD EvalUated" may be.ditplayed:in advertising literature. If anyportiI on Of the Evaluation Report' is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION:U*06h request,at-opy-of this.entire Evaluatio.n:Report shall:be provided to the user by the Ampufacturer or its distributors and shall be available.for inspection at the job site at thereclMest of the.BuildingOfficial This EvAuationReport consists of pages thrq ugf S. 01repared.by: 2 Theiacsimueseal appearf.g.was authorized by Robert Wminen, Robert.I.M.Wenilinen,PE Florida Registration Ato.59166,Floridd,DCA ANE1983 document.S[Viedi sea!ed hardtoples havebeehtranspwedtothe. CkTiFich-nohi OF'IMbRiNDENCE: F3roduc�ApprpvalrAdministmtor and:to they named:dient 1. Triniftyl ERD does not,have, nor does it intend to acquire or will it acquire,.a financial interest In any:tornpany manufacturing or distributing products it.evaluates. 2. Trinityl M)is not-owned.,operated or controlled by Any company manufacturing or distributing products It.evalu.stesi 3: Robert Nierninenj P.E.*.does not have nor will acquire;a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for whkkihe evaluation reports'em.being issued. 4. Robeit Nfernineh,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,a:11inAnciai interest-in any otherentity involved frithe,approval-process:of the product; 54. This is a-bililding.6ode evaluation. Neither Trinityl ERD-nor Robert Nierninerij.P'.5-ar%.in any.way,.the Designee of ketord-for any P. ..rt project on which this Evaluation Report,or previous versi.ons,thereof,14/was'used for permitting.or'design guidance unless retained specifically f0jr-that purpose. RINIT'(,'5RD ROOFING COMPONENT-EVALUATIOW. 1. SrZPE:. Otoduct Category: Roofing 'SubmCategorV Undlerl ayment Compliance Statement. TRI-BUILTftoofVnderlayrnents,,as:pr.Qdpced:byTRI=BUILT.,have.demonstraied.compliance with the following sections of the:Florfda Building Code through testing in accordance with the.following Standards. Compliance Is-subj.ect to the Installation Requirements and Limitations/Conditions of Use set-forth herein. 2. :STANDARDS:. Section. Property Standard Year 1507.2-.4,.1507:22:8;1507:2.9:2, Physical Properties ASTM D1970 2009 .1507.4:5.x;,1507:5.3,1507.7.3 1504.6 Accelerated Weatherin.g ASTM G15S 2005 150713.3 Installa4pri.Practice F.JISA/T 611 Al ApHI-2 :(04-12) 2012 -15.2 . ji6_5,2j Physitai Properties TAS 103 iggs 3: REFERENCES: 99W Examination Reference. Date ERD(TST6.049) Physical Properties 540540:61.13;.I. 02110/1013 .ERD'(TST604'9. phyticalProperties 540540:11.13 1111912013 ERD(TST6049) �.4ysl Ltf'Pr'opertIqs soS0;03.14 03/2612614 JER.lj.(TST604_q) Physical Cal Propettles 544870.04.142 04/02/2014 ERD(TST6045) Physical Properties. .5*44870.04.14-3 04/02/2014 Mv�(Tsm4q) Physical Properties, 5448.70.04.14-1 ..04110/2014 ERD(TST6049): Physical Properties 544870.0414-4 '04110/2014 ERD(T5T6045) Physical Pro-prerties -S43530.02.14-177111. '05/14/2014. ERD(,TST6049) Physical Properties 543530;05,14 .051-28/2014 ERI).(T$T,0049)° Physical Properties $0546.10,14. 16/31/2614 ERD ITST6044) Physical Properties 567645:02.15 02/13/2015 ERV(TST6049)- Accelerated Weathering SC8 520.04,1,S. -65/27/2015 UL,LLC_(QUA9625) -quality Control Multlple=Ustlrig 816814 .09/04/2015 UL,LLC,(MA962.5) Quality Control Service Confirmation Exp.101161ZO17, 4. :PRODUCTOESCRIPTiON: 4.1 Lellf-Adheringr UnderllaVrrients: 4.1,1 Tri-Built Sana R SA Shingle Underlayment is a self adhering, glass-mat reinforced,*sand-surfaced,SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment,with.a 36-inch sheet width. 4.1.2 Yri-aulit 5JA HT'VUUnderlaVirie . .. At,*is a self-adhetingi nonatwpYon polyester fabric surfaced,SBS modified bitumen r6of.U.hderIziyrn.iPnt 4,13 TrI.SuIlt Smooth HT S/A Undeirlayment is a self-adhering, gfass=rhat reinforced. film-sjurfa.cedj. SBS .modified bitumen roof underlayment UmAnoust;. 5.1 this is 'a building code-evaluation. iorr. Neither Tdhity'TERD:nor Robert Njerninenj'P.E; are in,anyway, the Designer of;Record for any p ro)ect.o'n whith this Evaluation:Report, or previous-versions thereof,is/was used for permittiiag or design guidance unless retained specifically for that purpose, 5.2 Thls­:EVA'Uatlbn Report is not for use in the HVHZ. 5.3 Fire Classification• is not part of this Evaluation Report; refer to current Approved Roofing Materials Viredt.ory for fire ratings of this product, Eftrior Research and Design,LiC, Evaluation Report A42960.10.12:R4 Cerdficate of Auffioriiation#9503 FOICNON.HM.EVA.LUAT.ION FIL1I504-R4 Revision 4;10/06/2016 Page 2 Of 5 IN JT�(ERD 5.4 TRI=BUJLT Roof Underlayments, may be used' with -any prepared roof: cover- .where the product Is specifically referenced within FBC approval documents. If nofllsted:,a request mlay. bemade to the Al-Iffor approval'based:on-this..evaluation.corribined with s.up porting,data for the prepared roof covering. .515 Allowable roof coversapplied atop the undetlaymerits are as Nlows: Usml: RooFCOVER 0P110t;M Asphalt Wood Shakes Underlayment Nail�On'Tile. Foam-On rile, Metal Slate Shingles &Shingles Ti*03.uilt Sarid-K SAShin I Yes No No No Yes, Yes Tri-Bu1ltS/AHTTU Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes. Yes Tri-Quilt Smooth HT SIA Uhderlagment. yes No No Yes Yes Yes 5.5-1 'TQam-0n 'rile" is limited to use ofthe following Approved file adhesives unless:tensileoadhesion long. term aging data from an-accredited testing laboratoryis provided. Tri-901t S/A HT TU Undorlaymentwith 3W 2-Component Roof''ile Adhesive AH-160 DowTilegond-Roofirile Adhesive(FL717) 5.6 AllowabI4 substotes4fe noted below: 5.6.1 Direct-Bond to De& T. H.-Poilt Sand-R-SA.S 10gle:Underla ment,Trl-Bullt$/A HT TU Underla. a C r Tr . .. . . � h . I y yrn n a i�Bullt Smooth HTS/A Uncterlayment applied to: > 'Plywood;ASTM D41 primed plywood;OSB;ASTUD41 primed OSB;$ouffietn PW Me STY011 PI ,ASTM D41 . . primed Southern yollow.Plne;ASTM D41 primed.structural-concrete. While not required over plywood; OSS, or Southern Yellow Pine substrates; TRI-BUILT -recommends prii-ning the deck .if the'final roof cover is not'slated'for installation within 24 hours. Note:TRI-BUILT' requires torigue-and-groove,board. decking be covered with plywood or OSB prior to installation of the self-adhering tinderlpyment. 5,6.2 Bond-to-insulation: Trl-Bqllt Sand-R SA.Shingle U.riderlayment,TrIaBdilt.S/A.'FIT-TU-UAderlaymont or Tri-Built srdddth HT S/A Uriderlayment applied to: S- Deck Deck Prime;.SECU ROCK Gypsum-Fiber Roof Board 'For inste(I loticrn.,Und er mechanipily attached prepared roof coverings; Insulation shall be attached per .minknum requirements'of the prepared roof cover-ing,martutcture*r'sProduttApproval. For installations Wider fdam=on. tile,Systems (Tri-Built:$/A HT TU Underlayment only), insulation attachment shall ;ire designed by a-qualified design professional and'installed:based on testing of the insulation%uriderlaymant syste m.in accordance with FM44-74,AppendIx.'DorTAS 114,Appendix 1. 9 ond;.to Mechanically Attached Base Laver: Tri-Built SonO-R.SAShingle Urider*meiii,Vi.;Biuilt.SIAHTTUUhderl aymentorTet-Bullt-S 00th.HTS/A UnderlaymeO applied t6., '' ASTM D.226,Type I or 1.1-felt. For installations under rhechanialyarttached prepared roof coverings; base layer shallbe attached per minimum cod'ifikdrequitemeh -on tile:systems Far installations under:foam stems `(TH-Buitt $/A, 14T TU Unde.rWiftht only),:base layer,shall be attached per minimum.requirements.of"FRSAITRI,April 2012(64- 12), Eictedof Resoareh and0edgh,LLC_ Evatuation.ReportA42960.10.12-R4 CertUkate of4thad0tion#9503 FOC NON-HVEZ WAWMION FL16048=R4 Rdv1sion,4-10106/2016 Pao 3 of 5 TKINIT Y, PO 5.6.4 Wind Resistance for,Undertayment Systems in Paam,-On Tile Applications: FRSA/TRi April 2037 (0442) does-not addressWind uplift resistance'of all uridefiziymerit systems beneath foam7on:tile-systernsi where, -the underlayment forms part of the load-path; 'The f6q.lowing Wind uplift limitations;apply to direct-deck undetfagmentsygterntheit.a:ren'btadd'ressLt�d�Pli'i PAS . A/TRIApril2OjZ-(P4t42)and are used:in foa+m-on tile applications. Maximum Design Pressure $ the rexaft of testing for. Wind load resistance based on allowable wind loads,arid reflects the Will frfiate passing pressure divided by.2.(the2. to I margin of safety per FBC 1504�9 has already,been.ap liedl., Refer to FBC 1609 for determin- . . already . . .0 - ation:of.design wind pressures. 5..644.1 'Maximum Design Pressure=-45.6 Deck: Min'.15/32--Inc, plywobd to meet project:requirements to satisfaction ofAHJ. NIM6r; (Pptioaal ASTM D41 Liriderlayrnerit: Tri-Built'S/A HT TUQviderJaymerit,solf-adhered. sAu maxiMurn-Desim Pressure=-57.S gsf, NO: Structural:c..ohtrdteto meet project.requirements to satisfaction of A141. Primer: -S&�.p eema.Elaistocol 600c ViridedaYmetit: TT*rmBullt VA HT TU'Undeflayment,self-adhered. 5.648. Maximum Design Pressure -60A Psf., Deck: Min.i9/A24hch plywood to meet,prpjett-re4ul.remeh ts to satisfaction of.AHJ. Base Sheet: Sopharna Sopr#=G or Mbdiffod$6 ta.G mechanically attached wiffi.raitsz(FRC 1517.5.10 and tin caps(FBG 1517,5.2)spaced 64rich o.c,at the 47inch laps and 6=hch o.c.in three, 'equally spaced rows 1*0 the center of the sheet. -Uhdolayrnerit TrI7.8 Wi[tS/A.HTTUUnderiayrnentself-adhered. si.7 Exposure xposur Limitations: 5.7a Tri-suili. SandwK SA Shingle Underlaymiarit or Tri-Built Smooth HT:SIA Underlayment shall not be left exposed for 16n 'than an 30-days after installation 532 Trit-Built S/A HT TU UnderlAyrnent,shall not be left eXpmed for longer than 180-days:affer-instalizition. 8. JNSTAUATION: 66:1 TRI-;BUILT. Roof,Undeda mgAts shall be installed is accordance with TRI=BVILT published installation requirements subject to the Limitations set forth in Section 5 herein and.the specifics noted below-. 6.2 Re-fasten any looseAecking.pariels,and:check for prot(4djng pail-heads. $wqoo the substrate thoroughly to remove any. :dust arid debris prior to;applIcai.lop,and prifing the substrate(if applicabife). 6.3 Tri-Bi lit SandmRSA Shingle:Undetlaymepit,Tri--Builtt/A Ht TU LifiderlaVirient or Tri-Built Smooth HT SI Underlayment: .8.9A Shall be.installed'in comp-liante:With the requirements-for ASTM D1970 underlayment in.At.Sections 1507 for the type ofordpared roof covering to be lnstallod: 6,12. Non Tile a2iJlications-. While priming,is opfional, t-Rt-BUILY.reccittmends-priming the,deck,if the finalroof cover,!aT not slated for installation within 24:hours. Apply sheet parallel to the roof edge, Roll:out approximately.10 ft of membrane and peel back the first..I ft of release film. ,Adhere the exposed-part to the substrate and unroll the emaining membrane as far as possible.. -Orice the entire length of membrane is,in place, peel-off the release--film diagonally whil6'holdirig the m.embrah.641tht..Fir"llyroll,broom orhand-press the membrane into place to achieve a bond. Horizontal seams should be minimum 34n.ches,configured to shed.-water;. Vertical:seams should'be6- inches and staggered not,less than 2-ft frorn vertica[searns.in the course below,-sealed in accordance with T91-BUILT requirements; Eiterldr Research and Design,LM EvalUation Report A42960,10.12-R4 Cert(fl-teof AudibriOtIon#503 FOC NOWHVHZ EVALUATION FLI6M-k4 Revision 4-io/06/2016 Page 4 of 5 WI ;'ER,D FUN When installing at:slopes.above 9-12 TRI-QUILT recommends:back-nailing in,the overlap area at the top of .0 , :above ? �, the.**eet at 12-incho.c. 'For Valleysand Ridges: -Cturidert.ayment-!'nto4,to6foot lengths.Peel the relL-asie paper and.center'sheet over valley:or ridge. Drape and press:sheet into place, working from the,center-of the valley or ridge in each direction. For valleys,..apply,thd%sheet starting at loWest point and.Work upward. q.3.3 Tile,Applitatiotis.(Tri-Built SIA, HT TU Underlayment:only.): Reference is made to FRWT- Rl April 2012 J04.1'2) Installation Manual' and, Table.1 herein, using the instnictionsooted above.asa.guideline. :(or foam-on file ap,plicatibn.T,reference is made,to Section 5.6.4 herein for wind resistance lithitations that fall outside the-scope of ORSA/TkI Acrd 2012:(0442).. Tile, shall: be loaded- and stagedin a: manner that prevents the slippage and/or damage to the underlayment. 7. BUILDING PERMIT REQUIREMENTS" As required by.the Buiidlng Official or Authority.-RZ!VIOgJUriNdie lon in order to properly evaluate the installation of this product.. 8. MANUFACTURING PLANTS; .Cdtitactthetnoted QAagericy-for informationNw- QA requirements. .oa product locations.covered for PAC Rule 9 3 Ri QUAWY-AssuRANCE ENTffy: UL,LLC=QVA9625,(314)'578-34%,k..charTcello.r@us.ul.com END-OF EVALQATION:REPORT- WOW RoJearikerid Di&lpt LLC.. fv;44mion Report A42960.10.12-R4 cerW-re qfAPthorrzu#oahv03 FBCT4dW'HVHZ EVAtUATION FL16049-R4 RevW6n4:1O/O$j2O16 Page 5 of.