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s s tee_ t BUS Home;Log In I:User,Registration HdkYopics SubmiESurcfiarSlats Facts Publictions'; FBC all' Jnks searctV. Fio78'. lProduct Approval USER:Public User j y >'Application Detail 1-7 FAL#.ication Type ---__ Revision r: Pp yP 7� 'Code Version H2Q14 Application Status Approved Comments Archived €j' Product Manufacturer s1Cll EUiltP9aferfals'Gfoup—Lt� Address/Phone/Email PO Box 70. I Rutherford,,NJ 47070, (800),51&1485 davld.ruiz@trlbuikrng com Authorized Signature: David Ruiz daVld.ruiz@trlbu1ltrng.com ,ry Technical Representative David Ruiz Add[ess/Phorie/Email 250 haute 17 North. East Rutherford',NJ 07073 (201)842-2449 david.ru.ii@tribuiltmatOrIal.sgroup.coM Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email. Category Roofing Subcategory Underlayments Compliance Method Evaluation Report from;a Florida Registered Architect or,a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer E7, Evaluation Report Hardcopy Received i Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developedRobert Neminen the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-59166 Quality Assurance.Entity UL LLC Quality Assurance.Contract.Expiration Date 10/16/2017- Validated 0/16/2017Validated.By John W;Knezevich,PE 21 Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence _r l t;.8 'R4 COT of coy P:iFMl;h'en.PA". I Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) :Standard' Year ASTM A1970 �.� 2004 ASTM G155 2005. FRSA/TRT April 2012'(04-12) ,2012' TAS.103 1995 Equ(valenceiof ProducGStandards Certified By Sections from.the;Code. i i 'Product Approval.Method Method i Option D Date Submitted 10/06/2016 Date Validated A/17/2016 Date Pending.FBC,Appro4al 10/19/2016 Date Approved 12/13%2016 li SummiirV of Products FL#. Model,;Number oridame Description 16048.1 TkI7BUILT Roof Underlayments Self-adhering,,modified bitumen roof underlayments Limits of Use Installation Instructions. Approved Por use in HVHZ:No FI :() =6 1 _itiAl ER i L Approved for use outside,HVHZ:.Yes Impact Resistant:N/AVerified By.Robert Nieminen OET59166 Design Pressures-+N/A/-61.5 Created by Independent Third.'Party:Yes' Other:1.)The design pressure not*ed herein pertains to use` Evaluation Reports of foam-on tile systems overtop the self-adheringEJ 1617145 P.4 AE 2 I 'underlayment for one particular application,See.ER Section €,U I 1 ti l i tY 9 NT5_L:2�i!4$ 9 Fti€ 5.6.41or details."2.)Refer to ER'Section 5 for other Limits of Created'by:Independent Third`Party:Yes Back Nezt, ' Contact Us;:360YBIair SWne Road.Tallahassee F02399.phone:850-487-1824 The State ofFloridaas:an AA/EEO empioyer..QMri6ht'2007-2013 State of Florida.; Privacy'Statement;:Accessibility Statement;:Refund statement Under Florida law'email addresses are:public records.If you do not Wan your e-mail;address'released iq.response to a public-records request,da,not:send-electronic mail to this entity.instead,contact the.office by phone or by traditiooal'�inail.Ifyou.have any.questions,please contact,850;487.1395.I•PursuanttoSection.455.275 (1),Florida Statutes,effective,October 1,2012,licensees Iicensedunder Chapter 455,ES.must provide the Department with an email address if they have one.The. email.proyiaed,may be usedfor,offldai communication with the,licensee:However email addresses are public record,If you ao notscish tosupplya personal address, Pl... provide the Department with'an emai,address which.Can.oe made available'to the public.To determine if area licensee under Chapter 455 F.S.;please click here.. - - Product Approval Accepts:: 5 Lr^w-^�( its^ Credit Card Sale EXTERIOR RESEARCH 8a DESIGN,LLC. A' Certificate of Authorization#9503 353 CHRLSTIAN STREET,UNIT#13 ERD OXFORD,CT 06478 PHONE:(203)262-9245 FAX:(203).262=9243 EVAWATION REPORT Allied Building"Products Corp. Evaluation Repot A42960.10.12-R4 dha:TRI-BUILT Roofing,Products FL16048-114 9050 Louisiana'Street Date of Issuances 10125/2012 Merrillville,IN,46410 Revision 4: 10/06/2016 SCOPE: This-Evaluation'Report:is issued under Rule 61620-3 and the applicable rules and regulations governing the:use of construction materials imthe State of Florida.The documentation:submitted has been reviewed by Robert Nieminen, P11. for. use. of:thee product under the Florida Building Code and Florida :Building Code,-Residential; .Volume. The products described."herein have been evaluated for compliance with the 5th Edition (2014) Florida Building Code sections noted herein. DESCRIPTION:'TRI-BUILT Roof'Underlayments 1ABELING: Label+ng shall be in accordance With they requirements'th'e, Accredited Quality;Assurance Agency noted, herein. CONTINUED",COMPLIANCE:`This Evaluation Reporfi is valid untilsuch time as the narned'product(s)chagges,the referenced. Quality Assurance documentatiori changes,br,provisions of the Code that relate to the product change: Acceptance of this Evaluation-Report by the named client constitutes agreement to notify.Robert Nieminen, ''P:E. if the product changes or the referenced(Quality Assurance documentation changes. Trinity ERD'requires.a complete.review of this Evaluation,Reportrelative;to update6COde requirements with:each Code Cycle. ADVERTISEMENT:The Evaluation Report.number preceded by'the words 'Trinity J ERD Evaluated" rhay be displayed.in advertising literature. If any:portion of the Evaluation Report is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INsPEcTtow Upon request,a'copy of this entire Evaluation:Report shall be provided;'to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be:available,for inspection at the job site at the,request of the Building Official. This Evaluation Report consists of pages] through S. Prepared by: Jtd��tiii[H '1f y, . Robert JA.Niem nen,P.E. i�9 r$n 4' r The facsimile seal appear"ngwas authodzedbyRobert Mieminen, _ P.Eon.10/06/2016.Pli does noi serve assn elecironicall"igned 9 Product ApprovalAdrini^,trator dthavebee�arcfienttedtothe Florida Registration No.59266,Florida_DCA ANE1983 document Signed,sealed harCwp d to the named:dtent CERTIFICATION•oFINDEPENDENCE: '1. Trin.ityiERD does not;have, nor'does it intend to acquire or will it acquire, a financial interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products it.evaluates. 2. Trinityl ERD is not owned,operated;or controlled by any company manufacturing or distributing produ4s'it evaluates. 3' Robert,Nieminen,P.E:does not have nor will acquire;a flnanc,ial.interest in any company manufacturing or distributing products for which the evaluation reports are being issued. 4. Robert Nierninen,P.E.does not have,nor will acquire,,a;financial interest in any other entity involved.in'the,approval process of-the .product: 5. This is a building code evaluation. Neither?rinityl ERD nor Robert Nieminen, P1.are; in anyway,the Designer of Record for any project on which this Evaluatlon,Report or previous'versions;thereof,is/was used for permitting or design guidance unless;retained specifically,for that:purpose. ' N, $ ".ERD ROOFING COMRONENT'EVALUAT.iow 1'. SCOPE:: Produce Category: Roofing Sub-Ctegory. Underla.yment compliance Statement: TRI-BUILT Roof:Underlayments;;as produced:by TRI-BUILT,have; ated'compliance p demon str With the'following sections,of'the Florida Building Code through-testing in accordance with the following Standards: Compliance1s-suiijecttothe:Installation Requirements and Urnitations/.Conditions of Use'set forth herein. 2. STANDARDS: Section. Property Standard ; Year 1507:2,4;-1507:2:8;.1507.2,9.2, Physical Properties ASTM D1970 '2009 1507-4,511,1507.5.3,1507.7..3 1504.6; Accelerated.Weathering ASTM G1S5 2005 1507:3'.3 lnstallation,Practice FIR SA/TRI April 2012,(04-12) ,2012 1523: Physical Properties. TAS 103 ,1995 3. REFERENCES: Enti Examination Reference I Date. EMITS!76049) Physical•Properties 540540:02:13=1 02/19/2013, ERD(TST6049), Physical'.Properties 540540.,11.13 11%1.9/2013' ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties S40540.03:14 03/26/,2014 ERD;(TST,6049) Physical;Properties 544870:04.14-2 04J02J2014; ERD.(TST6049) Physical:Properties 544870.04:14-304/02/2014 ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties 544870.04.14-1 04/10/2014 ERD(TST6049), Physical.Properties 544870:04:14-4 '04/10/2014 ERD(TST6049) Phys)caVftoperties $43530:02.141-R1 9 05/14/2014. ERD(TST6049) Physical Properties 543530.'05.14 05/28/2014 ERD(TST6049)' Physical Properties S40546.16.14 10/31/2014 ERD.(TST6049) Physical Properties SC7645M.15 ,:02/13/2015 ERD{T576049) Accelerated'Weathering SC8520:04.15 05/27/2015 y UL,LLC.(QWA9625) Qualit .Control Multiple-Listing R16814, 09/04/2015„ MAX,(QUA9625.) QuafityControl :Service Confirmation Exp.10/1612017 4. PRODUCT-DESCRIPTION: 4.1 Self-Adhering Underlaymbrits: ! 4.1.1. Tri-Built Sand'-R SA:Shingle underlayment'is•'a self-adhering; glass-mat reinforced;sand-surfaced, SBS ,modified bitumen roof underlayment,with a;36=inch sheet width. i. 4.1.2 Tri=Built S/A,HT TU-Underlayment;is a self4d,hedh&non=woven polyester fabric surfaced,SBS modified bitumen roof underlayment 4';1:3 Tri=Built Smooth AT S/A Underlayrrient_ is a. •self-adhering; glass=mat reinforced; film-surfaced;. SBS .modified bitumen roof underlayment: 5. lIMITATIOINk. 5.1. This is a building code evaluation. Neither Trinity[ERD nor Robert Niemine'n; P.E. are,:in,any way, the Designer of Record'for any project:on which this fvaluation,'Report, or previous versions thereof,:is/was used for permitting ot.design guidance unless retained specifically for'that purpose, 5.2 This Evaluation Report is not.for`use in the HVHZ. 5.3 fire Classification is not part of this Evaluation .Report;:refer to current Approved• Roofing, Materials Directory.for fire ratings of this product, Exterior Research and Design,U.C. EvaluationReport A42960.10.12-R4. Cerdricate ofAuihadiation#9503 FOC NON-HOZ EVALUATION' F1.16048-114 .Revision 4.10/002016 Page 2 of 5 i "TRI NITY",ERD 5.4 TRI-BUILT Roof Underlayments may be used with any prepared roof cover .where the product is specifically referenced within FBC approval documents. If not,listed;a'request may bemade:to the Alit-for approval based on this;evaluation combined:with:supporting data for the prepared roof covering. 5.5 Allowable roofcovers applied atop the underlayments are as follows: .. TABLET: R0OFCOVER0PTl0NS Fhalt Natl=On Tile foam-On Metal : 'Wood Sh ake s SlateUnderla mei Shingles &Shingles ti -- t S ,KSA ~ Yes. No No N Tri-Built and-R'SAShingfe' 1. ment o Yes' Yes 'Underlay Tri-Built S/A HT TU 1 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Underlayment See 5.5.1 Tri Built Smooth HT S/A Yes IVo No Yes Yes Yes I Underlayment 5.5.1 "Foam-On Tile" is limited to use of the following Approved tile adhesives unless tensile-adhesion/long: term aging data from an accredited testing laboratory:is provided'. ,> Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlayment`with 3M'11 2-Component Roof Tile Ad6esive'A14460(FL6332) or DowTileBondi RoofTile.Adhesive(FL-717) 5.6, Allowable substrates are noted below- 5.6.1 Direct-Bond'to Deck: Tri-Built Sand.-R,SA;Shingle Underlayment,Tri-Built S/A HT TU:Underlayrnent,or Tri-Built Smooth HT S/A Underlayment applied to: Plywood,ASTM:D41 primed plywood;OSB;ASTM:D41 primed OSB; Southern Yellow Pine;ASTM D41 primed Southern Yellow Pine;ASW'D41 primed structural concrete. While not required over plywood; OSB, or Southern Yellow :Pine substrates, TRI BUILT recommends primingthe deck if the final roof cover is not'slated for installation within;24 hours, Note:TRI-BUILT requires tongue-and:groove,board decking be covered-with plywood or OSB,prior to installation of the self-adhering:underlayment. 5.6.2. Bond-to-Insulation: Trl-Built Sand=R SA Shingle:Underlayment;Tri-Built.SfA'HT'TU<Underlaymerif or Tri-Built'Srnooth HT$/A Underlayment applied to: Dens Deck Prime;SECUROCK Gypsum-FiberRoof Board, For installation.under mechanically attached ;prepared roof coverings, insula#ion shalt be:attached per minimum requirements of1he prepared roof covering.manufacturer's,Product Approval. For installations :under foam-on tile systems (Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlayment only); insulation attachment shall :be designed by a qualified'design professional and installed based on testing of the insulation/undeel.ayment system..in accordance with FM.4474,Appendix:'D'orTA5114;Appendix]. i ' 5.613 Bond to Mechanically Attached Base Laver: Tri-Built Sand-R SA Shingle:Underlayment,Tri-Built.S/A HT TU:Underlayment'or Tei-Built Smooth HT S/A Underlayment applied to: i ASTIVI D226,Type dor ll felt. For installations under mechanically attached.prepared roof coverings, base layer shall. be.attached per minimum codified.requirements. For installations under foam-on the systems (Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlayment only),base layer shall be attached per minimumrequirements of FRSA/TRI April 2012(04- 12):. Eiiterior Research:and,0e'sign;LLC. Evaluation Report A42960.10.12-R4 ' L16048-R4 Cert cate.o/Authorization'#9503' FBC NON-HVHZ.EVALOA'hON F Revision4:10/06/2016 Page 3 of 5 i I 5.6.4 Wind Resistance for Underlayment Systems in Foam=On Tile Applications: PRSA/TRl April 2012(04-12) does not address wind upliftresistance cfall underlayment systems beneath foam-on tilesysterns;Where -t.he underlayment.forms part ofthe load=path; The following Wind uplift limitations applyto direct-deck; Underlayment systems that are'not addressed in FRSA/TR.I.April 2012(04-12).-arid are used;in foam-on tile applications. Maximum Design Pressure is the result of testing for wind:`load resistance based: on allowable wind loads, and reflectsthe ultimate,passing pressure,divided by,2:,.(the 2 to 1 margin of safety per FBC 1504.9 has already'been applied).. Refer to.FBC 1609.for determination pf,design wind pressures. 5:6.4:1 Maximum.Desisn Pressure=-45.6,psf. Deck: Min.15/32 inch°plywood to rt*iet project;requirements'tosa'tisfaction of AH1. Primer: (Optional)ASTM D41, Underlayment: Tri-Built-SIA HTTU Underlayment,self=adhered. 5..6.4.2 Maximum=Design Pressure= 67.5 psf., Deck: Structural.Concrete to meetjroect re.uirements to satisfaction of'AH1. p q Primer; 'Soprerria Elastocol 600c Underlayment: Trt-Built:S(A HT TUUnderlayment,self=adhered. 5..6.4.3 Maxim um:Design:Pressure=`-60.0=osf., Deck: ;Min 19/32'-inch'plywood to meet project nE Aui.rements to safisfactiorrof AHJ; Base Sheet: Suprema Sopra=G or Modified Sopra-G mechanically attaches!with,'1nails(FSC 1517.5.1) and tin cap's(f6C 15175.2)spaced 67inch a,c.at the 4-inch.laps and 6=inch o.c.in three,. equally spaced rows in the center%of the,,sheet. Underlayment; Tri-Built S/A HTTU Underlayment,self-adhered. 5.7 Exposure'Limitations: B y VA Underlayment shall not be left 5.7:1 Tri-Bu'itt Sand-R.Sti Shin le Underla mens or Tri-Built Smooth HT exposed for,longerthan 30-days after installation 5:7:2 Tri-Built S/A HT TU Underlayment�shall not be left exposed for longer'than 180 days after•installation. 6. INSTALtATIOW 61 TRI=BUILT'Roof' Undeflayments shall be installed 'in accordance with TRI=BUILT published installation requirementsysubject.to the L.imitati.o.nsset forth in Section 5 herein and the specifics noted below: 6;2 Re-fasten any loose.decking panels,,and tf eck.for protruding nail heads. Sweep the substrate thoroughly to'remove any dust and debris pr{pr to application,and prime:the substrate(1f;applicable). 6.3 Tri=Built Sand-R SA`Shinele Underlayment Tri-Built S/A HTTU Underlayment'or Tri-Built Smooth HT S/A Underlayment: 6.3:1 ,Shall be installed in compliance With the requirements for ASTM D1970 underlayment in:fBC:Sections 1507 for the:type of prepared roof covering to,be installed; 6.3.2, Non rile apolications: 'While priming is optional,TRI-BUILT.recommends priming-the deck if the final,roof cover is not slated for installation,within 24 hours. Appft oflrelease f{Im.ilef to the roof edge. Roll out approximately 10 ft.of membrane and' back the first.3 peel. p g pp y Adhere the exposed part to the substrate and. unrofl the(Iremaining membrane'as Paras possible: Once the entire length of membrane is in place, peel-off the release film diagonally while:holding the mernbranetight. Firmly roll;broom or hand-press theembrane into place to achieve a bond. Horizontal seams should be minimum 3-inches,.contig red to shed:Water. :Vertical;seams should'be 6- inches and staggered not less than 2-ft frgm vert! !a s in,the course belpW,:sealed in accordance with TRI-BUILT requirements: 'Exterior Research and Design,I.I.C. Evaluation Report A42460.10.18-R4 ee0frcate:QJAigthariration;99503' FaCLNON-HVHZ<EVALUATiON FL1604&R4 d Revision 4 10/602016 Page 4 of 5 i X l" ',_11 ` '. : - When installing Atsiopes above 8:12;TRI-BUILT recommends back-nalling'in the overlap area at the top of the sheet at 12-inch o.c. For Valleys:and Ridges: Cut underlaymentinto 4 to 6-foot lengths.Peel the release paper and'center sheet over valley:or,ridge. Drape and press sheet into place, working from the center of the valley orfidge in - ,each Forvalleys,:apply.thesheet starting-attthe lowest point and work upward. 6:3:3 Tile;Applications(Tri-Built SA HT TU Underlavment.onlvl: Reference is made to FRSA/TRI April 2012 (04-12) installation Manual and Table:i1 herein, using the, instructions'noted above as,a.guideline. For foam-on the applications;reference is rnadeto Section 5.6.4 herein for wind resistance limitations that fall outside the scope of FRSA/TRI April 20n(04-12).. Tile shall: be loaded- and staged' in ,a manner that prevents the slippage and/or damage to the underlayrnent. 'i 7, BUILDING PERmiT REQUIREMENTS: As required by the Building.Official or Authority Naving,Jtirisdietion in.:o.rder to properly.evaluate the installation of this product., 8. MANUFACTURING PLANTS: Contact the•noted QA agency.for information on product locations covered for F.A.C.Rule'9N-3 QA:reguirements. 9. QUALITY'ASsuRANCE ENTITY: .UL,LLC—QL1A9625;(314)5:78-3406;k;chartcellor@us.ul.com MD OF EVALUATIONAEPORT- f, , I � f ! J Exterior Research.arid Design,U.C. EUalu.ation'Report.A42460.10.12-R4 Certificate of Authorization#9503 FBC N.oN-HVH2 EVALUATION FL1604$-114. Revision 4:10/06/3016 Page 5 of 5: �i .I 03/27/2017 15:07 Gary Marzo, Inc. 7724658829 N0.671„ #003 Solatube Daylighting System Thermal Performance Characteristics ,''�'�'� �i?irtbvfltiAHiri(Jr3y11Qttsh)g. ' OWN SOlabe�lb0 D$(10 i`nt25o mm)add 290Vuso ell--^ o e1 j1 erari yL2� y�, art#3zt32r 1o;�ln9ulallaGnL �111Pg' 1 tubllenih&dual;gta;egdrffuser. QSa,14 m/350;n1m' +==n.s ..::---"" '! "`tic t±. �..�,1„ii r _�,:I.. •`�`^'N,.. Soliitubc 160 DS(10 10”insulation(p oening,30"tube length&dual glazed diffuset'-� In/250 mm)and 290 VuBiOnTM 0.61 1.64 0.29 Cert 9:3762 with uuoftening Effect Lens: DS 14 M1350 mm Solatube 100 DS(10 In/2511 mm)and 29D OptlVlewe 0.61 1.64 0.27 Cert.9 3762 10"Insulation @ telling,301 tube length&dual glazed dilfaetf.r DS 14 4050 mm Solatube 100 DS(10 In/250 mm)and 290 JuatFrostw 0.60 1.67 0.27 Cert n 3762 10"Insulation 9 telling,30"lube length&dual glazed diffuser. DS 14 in/350 mm Solatube 160 DSe(10 in/250 mm)and 290 VusionTM 0.46 2.117 0.20 Cera.#6030 10"insulation®ceiling,30"tube length&dual glazed diffuser. DSe(14 inl350 mm) Solalube Smart LED JustRbstw 0.52 1,92 0,16 Curt,#9020 10"insulation @ coiling,36"tube length&dual glazed diffuser. Solalube 330 DS-C 10'Insulation Q telling,30•tube length,single glazed dome,and (21 in/530 mm) Prismatic 0.51 1.96 0.34 Cert.#5006 dual glazed lrarmiliun bux Suspended Ceilin $ i530 mm) ODtfView� 0:51 1.96 0.32 Cert.#5D116 0'•e 330 DS•C (21 in/530 1Insulation 0 Ceiling,30 tube length,single glazed dome,and (21 Suspended Ceiling dual glazed transition box S s 759 DS-0 (21 in/530 mm) Prismatic 0.51 1.06 0.23 CeR#50oe 10"insulation @ ceiling,30"tube length,single glazed dome,and (21 in Suspended Ceilinq dual glazed transition box Srtat 750 D$.0 in/ (21 in/530 mm) pphUevu® 0.51 1,9G 0,22 CCR#5006 10"Insulation @ ceiling,30`'tube length,single glazed dome,and Suspended Ceiling dual glazed transition box' Soletube 750 DS-C (21 In/530 mm) Prismaticob 0.51 1.96 0.21 Certs 5005 111"Insulation 0 ceiling,30"tube lerlgilt,dual glazed dome,and Suspended Calling dual glazed transition box with Inner Dome Solatube 7511 PS-0 (21 in/530 mm) Ophl/ievr® R.51 1.96 0.19 Cert#5006 10"insulation @ Ceiling,311"tube length,ducal glazed dome,and Suspended Ceiling dual glazed transition box with Inner Dome Part Numper;900195 V1,0 Copyright 2013 Solatube International,Inc. All rights reserved. ,i ,li Florida Building Code Online http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVX... ° a B r'' BCLSHome !Login i User Registration ", Hot Tbplcs Submit Surcharge i Stats®Facts ! Pubicatl— FBCStafr i SCISSite Map ;Unks { Search F rda p Product Approval r USER:PubOt User ' Pmnuct Approval Menu>Protluct or Aopication Search>Application List>Application D�tag FL# FL11480-R9 Application Type Revision Code Version ,2014` Application Status Approved a Comments .a Archived i Product Manufacturer Solatube Intemational,.Inc Address/Phone/Email 2210 Oak Ridge Way Vista,CA 92081 (760)597-4427 tanderson@solatube.com Authorized Signature Todd Anderson tanderson@solatube.com Technical Representative Todd Anderson Address/Phone/Emall 2210 Oak Ridge Way Vista,CA 92081 (760)597-4427 tanderson@solatube.com Quallty Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email .I Category Sky Lights Subcategory Skylight i Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer I Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Robert I.Amoruso,P.E. Evaluation Report Florida License PE-49752 Quality Assurance Entity Keystone Certifications,Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 05/30/2018 Validated By Steven M.Urich,PE Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL11480 R9 COI CI 2396 RevO 415-0316 M74 DS Curb Mount Open Ceiling ss.odf FL11480 R9 COI CI 2397 RevO 415-0316 M74 DS C_trb Mount with Amollfier ss.odf FL11480 R9 COI CI 2399 RevO Solatube 160 290 DS7DD ss.odf F1,11480 R9 COI CI 2400 RevO Solatube 330 750 DS^TDD ss.cdf FL11480 R9 COI Cofl 1971 Rev3 415-0316"SOLA0004 ss.odf FL11480 R9 COI Coft 1973 Rev2 415-0316 SOLA0005 ss.odf FL11480 R9 COI CofI 2167 Rev2 415-0316 SOLA0008 ss.odf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 2011 ASTM E1886 2005 ASTM E1996 i' 2012 ASTM E283 2004 ASTM E330 2002 ASTM E331-00(09) 2000 TAS 201 1994 TAS 202 "�� 1994 TAS 203 1994 i I 1 of 4 1/10/2017 3:52 PM Florida Building Code Online http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVX... Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL11480 R9 Equiv EER 1971 Rev3 415-0316 SOLA0004 ss.odf FL11480 R9 Equiv EER 1973 Rev2 415.0316 SOLA0005 ss odf FL11480 R9 Eouiv EER 2167 Rev2 415-0316 SOLA0008 ss.odf FL11480 R9 Equiv EER 2396 RevO 415-0316 M74 DS Curb Mount Open Ceiling ss.odf FL11480 R9 Equiv PER 2397 RevO 415-0316 M74 DS Curb Mount with Amplifier ss.pdf i FL11480 R9 Equiv PER 2399 RevO Solatube 160 290 DS TDD ss odf FL11480 R9 Equiv PER 2400 RevO Solatube 330 750 D5 TDD ss.pdf Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 10/27/2015 Date Validated 11/02/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 11/02/2015 Date Approved 12/15/2015 I Summary of Products FL tt Model,Number or Name Description 11480..1 160 DS TDD Impact 160 DS(10')Tubular Daylight Device-HVHZ Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:Yes FL11480 R9 II SOLA0004 Rev D.ss,pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Robert J.Amoruso,D. FL License No.49752 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+70/-70 Evaluation Reports Other: FL11480 R9 AE PER 1971 ReV3 415-0316 SOLA0004.ss.ndf Created by Independent Third Party':Yes " 11480.2 160 DS TDD Non-Impact 160 DS(10')Tubular Daylight Device-Non-HVHZ Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:No FL11480 R9 II Model 160 DS TDD-Product Drawing Package.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Robert J.Amoruso,PE FL PE No.49752 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design'Pressure:+70/-70 Evaluation Reports Other: FL11480 R9 AE PER 2399 RevO'Solatube 160 290 DS TDD ss.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 11480.3 290 DS TDD Non-Impact 290 DS(14')Tubular Daylight Device-Non-HVHZ Limps of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:No FL11480 R9 II Model 290 DS TDD-Product Drawing Packane.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Robert J.Amoruso,PE FL PE No.49752 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+70/-70 Evaluation Reports .Other: FL11480 R9 AE PER 2399 RevO Solatube 160 290 DS TDD ss odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 11480.4 290 DS TDD Impact 290 DS(14'0 Tubular Daylight Device-HVHZ Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL11480 R9 II SOLA0004 Rev D ss.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Robert J.Amoruso,P.E.FL License No.49752 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+70/-70 Evaluation Reports Other: FL11480 R9 AE PER 1971 1163 415-0316 SOLAOOO, ss.odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 11480.5 330 DS TDD Non-Impact 330 DS(21')Tubular Daylight Device-Non-HVHZ Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:No FL11480 R9 II Model 330 DS TDD-Product Drawing Package odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Robert J.Amoruso,PE FL PE No.49752 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+70/-70 Evaluation Reports Other: FL11480 R9 AE PER 2400 ReVO�Solatube 330 750 DS TDD ss.odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 11480.6 750 DS TDD Non-Impact 750 DS(21'j Tubular Daylight Device-Non-HVHZ Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:No FL11480 R9 II Model 750 DS TDD-Product Drawing Package.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Robert J.Amoruso,PE FL PE No.49752 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+70/-70 Evaluation Reports Other. FL11480 R9 AE PER 2400 RevO Solatube 330 750 DS TDD ss odf i 2 of 4 . 1/10/2017 3:52 PM Florida Building Code Online http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVX... Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 11480.7 750 DS TDD Impact 750 DS(21')Tubular Daylight Device-HVHZ Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:Yes FL11480 R9 II SOLA0005 Rev C ss.13d Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By,Robert J.Amoruso,RE;:FL License No.49752. Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure+70/-70 Evaluation Reports Other: FL11480 R9 AE PER 1973 Rev2"415-0316 SO1A0005 ss.odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 11480.8 Smart LED Smart LED 10"Tubular Daylight Device-HVHZ Limits of Use. Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:Yes FL11480 R9 II SOLA0008 RevB ss. df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Robert J.Amoruso,P.E.,49752 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+70/-70 Evaluation Reports Other: FL11480 R9 AE PER 2167 Rev2 415-0316 SOLA0008 ss.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party,:Yes 11480.9 Solatube M74 DS Curb Mount Open Ceiling Solatube M74 DS Curb Mount Open Ceiling TDD-Dual Glazed-HVHZ TDD Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:Yes FL11480 R9 fI M74 DS-0-DPP-FCiB-L2-REG FBC-PER2396 ss.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Robert J.Amoruso,RE.,FL License No.49752 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+80/-80 Evaluation Reports ' Other: FL11480 R9 AE PER 2396 Rev O 415-0316 M74 DS Curb Mount Open Ceiling ss.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 11480.10 Solatube M74 DS Curb Mount Open Ceiling Solatube M74 DS Curb Mount Open Ceiling TDD-Single Glazed-HVHZ TDD Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:Yes FL11480 R9 I1 M74 DS-0-DP-FC-B-L2-REG FBC-PER2396 ss.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Robert J.Amoruso,P.E.FL License No.49752 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+80/-80 Evaluation Reports ,I Other: FL11480 R9 AE PER 2396 RevO 415-0316 M74 DS Curb Mount Ogen Ceiling ss.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes N 11480.11 Solatube M74 DS Curb Mount Open Ceiling Solatube M74 DS Curb Mount Open Ceiling TDD with Amplifier-Dual TDD with Amplifier Glazed-HVHZ Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL11480 R9 II M74 DS-0-DPP-FC-A-L2-REG FBC-PER2397 ss.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Robert J.Amoruso,P.E.FL PE No.49752 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+80/-80 Evaluation Reports , ,I Other: FL11480 R9 AE PER 2397 Revo 415-0316 M74 DS Curb Mount with Amplifier ss.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 11480.12 Solatube M74 DS Curb Mount Open.Ceiling Solatube M74 DS Curb Mount Open Ceiling TDD with Amplifier-Single TDD with AmplifierGlazed-HVHZ Limits of Use InstallationInstructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL11480 Rg II M74 DS-0-DP-FC-A-L2-REG FBC-PER2397 ss.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Robert J.Amoruso,P.E.FL PE No.49752 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:+80/-80 Evaluation Reports Other: FL11480 R9 AE PER 2397 Rev0,415-0316 M74 DS Curb Mount with Amplifier ss.Ddf ' Created by Independent Third Party:Yes i F-7- next I Contact Us::7601 Flair Stone Road.Tallahassee FL 32399phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer.Convdmht 2007-7013 State of Florida.::privacy Statement:;ACcesslolav Statement::Refund statement Under Florida law,emal addmsses are public records.If you do not want your a-mall address released In response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mall to this entity.Instead, contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395•*Pursuant to Section 455275(1)„Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,kensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address If they have one.The emalls provided maybe used for official communication with the licensee.However emai addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an emai address which can be made available to the public.To determine 6you are a licensee under Chapter 455,FS.,please click here Product Approval Ampts: I �i 3 of 4 1/10/2017 3:52 PM u i Product Evaluation Report Date: June 24,2015 PTC Report No.: 1971 Report Revision No.: 3 PTC Project No.: 415-0316 Product Mfg.: Solatube International, Inc. 2210-Oak Ridge Way Vista,CA 92081 Product.Name Impact 160 DS(10")and 290 DS(14")Tubular Daylight Device-HVHZ Product Category:. Sky Lights Product Sub-Category: Skylight ,I Compliance Method: . Product Approval Rule 61G20-3.005(1)(d)—Product Evaluation Report.by a Licensed Professional Engineer Prepared By: Robert J.Amo.ruso, P.E. Florida P.E. License Number 49752 PTC Product Design Group, LLC FBPE Certification of Authorization No.25935 SlkMCERTIFICATE OF INDEPENDENCE �.���kQ�•�CEEiUS1040,i� Digitally signed by RobertJ. � .•�. F G • ,. No 49752 .O Arnoruso PTC Product Design Group,LLC and Robert J.Amoruso; ,f• :*• DN:cn=RobertJ:.Amoruso,o, P.E.do not have,nor will,acquire,any financial interest .n z ou=PTC Product Design Group, ¢: email robert@ptc-corp.com, in the company manufacturing or distributing: STA E OF itu products)covered by this Product Evaluation Report. ''i�c�`-Al< O R�p ,.` Date.2015.06.3018:33:54-04'00' PTC;Product Design Group,LLC and Robert.J.Amoruso, ���o;;S/pNA4-E �`�, P.E.do not have,nor will acquire any financial interest ���'��•��►���`` in any other entity involved in the approval process or Evaluated by: testing of the products) covered by this Product Robert J.Amo'ruso, P.E. Evaluation Report. Florida P.E.License Number 49752 PTC Product Design Group, LLC Project No.415-0316 ; Page ( 1 PO Box 520775 Report No. 1971; Rev.3 Longwood,.FL 32752-0775 Phone:321-690-1788 Fax:.321-690-1789 FBPE Certification of Authorization No.25935 I Project Scope Evaluate Solatube Impact 160 DS(10")and.290 DS(14")Tubular Daylight Device for conformance to the 5th Edition(2014) Florida Building Code—Building and Residential Volumes including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone(HVHZ).Prepare the following: • Product Installation Details/Drawings(Reference 1) • Installation Anchorage Evaluation.(Reference 3) • Product Evaluation Report(this report) Description of Product — Installation Requirements See Reference 1.for a description of the product, its installation and other pertinent data related to its approved use. Limitations and Conditions of Use y This product evaluation report contains or makes reference to specifications,technical details and installation details-and/or methods that pertain.to the proper use and/or installation of the product specified herein. Specific limitations-and conditions of its use including but not limited to the following are contained in Reference 1 and are the subject of Product Approval in accordance with the State of Florida Product Approval Rule'61G20- 3. • Desigh Pressure Rating(psf) • Installation restrictions. • Installation substrate requirements. • Product description. •' Installation anchor requirements. • Product components. :Applications/Installations outside the limitations and Conditions of Use of this Product's Approval Rule 61G20-3.005(1)(e)states"Rational engineering analysis cannot be used in lieu of a'standard test required by the Code for approval of products within the scope of the standard,except that project specific approval by the local authorities having jurisdiction in accordance with alternate methods and materials authorized in the Code.". Any modification to this product as evaluated in this report and approved by the FloridaBuilding Commission is outside the scope of this evaluation and will be the responsibility of others.As allowed in Rule 61G20.3.005(1)(e), a project specific approval by the local authorities having jurisdiction may be used given an appropriate rational analysis is.conducted and deemed acceptable to the local authorities having jurisdiction. PTC Product Design Group,LLC Project No.415-0316 Page 2 PO`Box.520775 Report No. 1971, Rev.3 Longwood, FL 32752-0775 Phane:321-690-1788 Fax:321-690-1789 FBPE Certification of Authorization No.25935 Quality Assurance This product is manufactured under a quality assurance program audited by an approved Certification and Quality Assurance Entity.Keystone Certifications Inc.(KCI)as required in Rule 61G20-3.005(3).See FBC Organization No. CER1523 and QUA1824 for approval under Rule 61G20-3. Code Conformance — Air, Water and Structural Performance, Impact & Cyclic loading Reference 2.a conducted testing to the following standard(s).See Reference 3.b for Code Conformance Evaluation to the 5th Edition(2014) FBC for these testing standards. 1) TAS 201-94-'Impact Test Procedures :7) TAS 202-94-Criteria for Testing Impact& Nonimpact Resistant Building Envelope Components Using Uniform Static Air Pressure 3) TAS 203-94-Criteriafor Testing Products Subject to Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading ,I DESIGN PRESSURE LIMITATIONS • From Reference 2.a o Uniform Load Structural Test Pressures where+210/-140 psf.. ,I o Water Test Pressure of+10.5 psf. o Cyclic Wind Loading Pressure of+/-.70 psf. • Apply the following factors to arrive at Design Pressure. o A Safety Factor of 2 applied to the Uniform Load Structural Test Pressures to arrive at Design Pressures of+105/-70 psf. o A factor of 1/0.15=6.67 applied to the Water Test Pressure arrive at Design Pressures of+70 psf. • Overall Design Pressure is+/-70 psf. "I PTC Product Design Group,.LLC Project No.415-0316 Page 3 PO Box 520775 Report No. 1971, Rev.3 Longwood, FL 32752-0775. Phone:321-690-1788 Fax:321-690-1789 FBPE Certification of Authorization No.25935 .Y Code Conformance — Plastics The 5th(Edition (2014) Florida Building Code,Sections 2606.4&2614.2 define requirements for Approved Plastics.The following table summarizes plastics testing for applicable components.See Reference 3.b.for Code Conformance Evaluation to the 5th Edition(2014) FBC for the testing standards mentioned below. BOM Item. No.in parenthesis O. OUTER DOME(1),DOME RING(3),TOP TUBE CLIP(7)AND INNER DOME(26)testing for High Impact Acrylic PMMA.(Poly(methyl methacrylate)) Attribute" Report ASTM----.,. Result Acceptance Code Section S,. - 9 , t.Refe`r'ence kM � �. . _®rifer -- Outdoor 2.b.i ASTM G155-05a 9.25% +/-10% 2614.2 Exposure and D638-03 difference in tensile strength Rate of Burning 2:b.ii. ASTM D635-06 CC2 CCI or CC22606.4,2614.2 Self-Ignition 2.b.iii ASTM D1929-96 982°F >650°F Temperature Smoke Density lb.iv ASTM E84-06 400 <450' Conclusion:ACCEPTABLE OUTER DOME(1),DOME RING(3),TOP TUBE CLIP(7)AND INNER DOME(26)testing for High Impact Acrylic PMMA(Poly(methyl methacrylate)) Attribute Report ASTM Result Acceptance Code Section Reference Criteria Outdoor 2.6 ASTM G155- 3.3% +/-10% 2614.2 Exposure 00ae1 and difference in D638-03 tensile strength Rate of Burning 2.c.ii ASTM D635-06 CCI CCI or CC2 2606.4,2614.2 Self,lgnition 2.c.iii ASTM D1929- 930°F >650°F Temperature 96(2001)e1 Smoke Density 2.c.iv ASTM D2843-99 5.8 <75 Conclusion:ACCEPTABLE EFFECT LENS(17)testing for PET-GAG(PET-Polyethylene Terephthalate,High Frequency Welding Grade- GAG) Attribute Report ASTM Result Acceptance Code Section Reference Criteria Rate of Burning 2.d.ii ASTM D635-06 CCI CC1 or CC2 2606.4,2614.2 Self-Ignition 2.d.iii ASTM D1929- 765°F >6501I.F Temperature 96(2001)e1 Smoke Density 2.d.iv ASTM E84-09a 95 <450 Conclusion:ACCEPTABLE PTC Product Design Group, LLC Project No.415-0316 Page 14 PO Box 520775 Report No. 1971, Rev.3 Longwood, FL 32752-0775 Phone:321-690-1788 Fax:32.1-690-1789 FBPE Certification of Authorization No.25935 i CEILING RING(16)AND DRESS RING(19)testing for Medium Impact Acrylic PMMA(Poly(methyl methacrylate)) Attribute Report ASTM Result Acceptance Code Section Reference Criteria Outdoor. 2.e.1v ASTM G155-05a 9.25% +/-109/. 2614.2 Exposure and D638-03 difference in tensile strength Rate of Burning 2.e.1 ASTM D635-06 CC2 CC1 or CC2 2606.4;2614.2 Self-ignition 2.e.ii ASTM D1929-96 982°F >6500F Temperature Smoke Density 2.e.iii ASTM E84-06 400 <450 Conclusion:ACCEPTABLE CEILING RING(16)AND DRESS RING(19)testing for Medium Impact Acrylic PMMA.(Poly(methyl methacrylate)) Attribute Report ICC-ES Report Result Acceptance Code Section Reference Criteria Rate of Burning 2.f.1&2.f.ii ICC-ES ER-1084 CC2 CCI or CC2 IBC-2606.4:has Self-Ignition 2.f.i&2.f.ii and ESR-1653 Conformance >6507F same Temperature per ICC-ES ER- 11requirements as Smoke Density 2.f.i&2.f.ii 1084 and ESR- <456- 5th Edition 1653 (2014)FBC 2606.412614 2 Conclusion:ACCEPTABLE DIFFUSER PANEL(18)testing for Medium Impact Acrylic PMMA(Poly(methyl methacrylate)) Attribute Report ASTM Result Acceptance Code Section Reference Criteria Rate of Burning 2.g.i ASTM D635-06 CC2 CCI or.CC2 N 2606.4,2614.2 Self-lgnition 2.g.ii ASTM D1929-96 9920F >650°F Temperature Smoke Density 2.g.iii ASTM E84-06 350 <450 Conclusion:ACCEPTABLE DIFFUSER PANEL(18)testing for Polycarbonate Sheet Attribute Report ASTM Result Acceptance Code Section Reference Criteria Rate of Burning 2.h.i ASTM D635-74 CC2 CCI or CC2 2606.4;2614.2 Self-Ignition 2.h.ii ASTM D1929- 896°F >6500F Temperature 68(1975) Smoke Density 2.h.iii ASTM D2843-93 38 <75, Conclusion:ACCEPTABLE PTC Product Design Group,LLC Project No.415-0316 Page 5 PO Box 520775. Report No. 1971, Rev.3 Longwood, FL 32752-0775 .Phone:3,21-690-1788 Fax:321-6904789 FBPE Certification of Authorization No.25935 Performance and Testing Standards Reference 2.a conducted air,water and structural testing including impact and cyclic loading to the following standard(s). 1) TAS 201-94-Impact Test Procedures 2) TAS 202-94-Criteria for Testing Impact& Nonimpact Resistant Building Envelope Components Using Uniform Static Air Pressure 1) TAS 203-94-Criteria for Testing Products Subject to Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading Reference 2.b,2.c,2.d,2.e,2.g and 2.h conducted plastics testing to the following standard(s). 1) 'ASTM G15.5-05a,Standard Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Non Metallic Materials 2) .ASTM G155-00nl,Standard Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light Apparatus for Exposure of Non Metallic Materials 3) .ASTM D638-03,Standard Test Method for Tensile Properties of Plastics 4) ASTM 1)635-06,Standard Test Method for Rate of Burning and/or Extent and Time of Burning of Plastics in a Horizontal Position. 5) ASTM D635-74,Standard Test Method for Rate.of Burning and/or Extent and Time of Burning of Plastics in a Horizontal Position. - 6) ASTM D.1929-96(2001)e1,Standard Test Method for Determining Ignition Temperature of Plastics. 7) ASTM D1929-96,Standard Test Method forDetermining Ignition Temperature of Plastics. 8) ASTM D1929-68(1975),Standard Test Method for Determining Ignition Temperature.of Plastics: 9) ASTM E84-06,Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials 10)ASTM E84-09a,Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics.of Building Materials 11)ASTM D 2843-9%Standard Test Method for Density of Smoke from the Burning;or Decomposition of Plastics. 12) ASTM D 2843-93,Standard Test Method for Density of Smoke from the Burning;or Decomposition of Plastics. Reference 2.f recorded ICC/FBC conforming plastics testing in the following evaluation-,reports. 1)_ ICC-ES Report No.ER-1084 2) ICC-ES Report No. ESR-1635 References and Supporting Documents 1) Drawings. a. .SOLA0004,Rev. D,dated 5/11/15,signed and sealed by Robert J.Amoruso,PE,Solatube Impact 160 DS(10")and 290 DS(14")Tubular Daylight Device—Installation Anchorage Details. PTC Product.Design Group, LLC Project No.415-0316 Page 6 PO Box 520775 Report.No. 1971, Rev.3 Longwood, FL 32752-0775 Phone:321-690-1788 Fax:321-690-1789 FBPE Certification of Authorization No.25935 2) Testing(note that References 2.b thru 2.h have the BOM Item.description and (Item No.)shown. a. Architectural Testing:Inc.Test Report No.85320.01-30.1-18,dated 9/08/08,Solatube Impact 160 DS(10")and 290 DS(14")Tubular Daylight Device testing to TAS 201, TAS 202 and TAS 203, signed and sealed by Joshua M.Royce, P.E. b. OUTER DOME(1),DOME RING (3),TOP TUBE CLIP(7)AND INNER DOME.(26)testing for High Impact Acrylic PMMA(Poly(methyl methacrylate)) L Intertek Test Report No.3143957-004,dated 9/24/08,testing to ASTM G155-05a and D638-08 in accordance with ASTM D2565-99. ii. SGS Test Report No.. 177:013002-01-Ri,dated 6/10/08,testing,to ASTM D635-06. iii. SGS Test Report No..177:013002-02-111, dated 6/10/08,testing to ASTM D1929-96. iv. SWRI Test Report No.01.12693.01.139,dated 4/5/07,testing to ASTM E84-06.. c. OUTER DOME(1),DOME RING(3),TOP TUBE CLIP(7)AND INNER DOME(26)testingfor High Impact Acrylic PMMA(Poly(methyl methacrylate)) L Architectural Testing Inc.Test Report No.58735.01-106-18,dated 1/4/07,testing to ASTM G155-00ae1 and D638-03. ii. SGS Test Report No. 177:0026.66-03,dated 1/2/07,testing to ASTM D635-06. iii. SGS Test Report No.177:002666-01,dated 1/13/07,testing to,ASTM D1929-96(2001)e1. iv. SGS Test Report No. 177:002666-02,dated 1/2/07,testing to ASTM D2843-99. d.. EFFECT LENS(17), PET-GAG(PET—Polyethylene Terephthalate, High Frequency Welding Grade- GAG)testing i. SGS Test Report No. 2138368-1,dated 8/27/10,testing to ASTM D635-06. ii. SGS Test Report No.2138368-3,dated 2/2/10,testing to ASTM ID1929-96(2001)e1. iii. SGS Test Report No.2138368-2,dated 8/31/10,testing to ASTM E84-b9a. e. CEILING RING (16)AND DRESS RING (19)testingfor Medium Impact Acrylic.PMMA(Poly(methyl methacrylate)) L SGS Test Report No. 177:013002-01-R1,dated 6/10/08,testing to ASTM D635-06. ii. SGS Test Report No. 177:013002-02-R1,dated 6/10/08,testing,to ASTM D1929-96. iii.. SWRI Test Report No.01:12693.01.139,dated 4/5/07,testing to ASTM E84-06. iv. Intertek Test Report No.3143957-004,dated 9/24/08,testing to ASTM G155-05a and D638-08 in accordance with ASTM D2565-99. f. CEILING RING (16)AND DRESS RING(19)testing for Medium Impact Acrylic PMMA(Poly(methyl methacrylate)) i. ICC-ES Report No. ER-1084 demonstrates compliance to I-Codes for use in skylight applications. Report No. ER-1084 and 5th Edition(2014).FBC requirements same based on review of documented results. -ii. ICC-ES Report No. ESR-1635 demonstrates compliance to I-Codes-for use in skylight . applications. Report No. ESR-163:5 and 5th,Edition(2014)FBC requirements same based on review of documented results. PTC Product Design Group,LLC Project No.415-0316 Page 7 PO Box 520775 Report No. 1971, Rev.3 Longwood, FL 32752-0775 Phone:3.21-6904788 Fax:321-690-1789 FBPE Certification of Authorization No.'25935 1i g. DIFFUSER PANEL(18)testing for Medium Impact Acrylic PMMA(Poly(methyl methacry.late)) i. SGS Test Report No. 177:013002-03-111,dated 6/10/08,testing.to ASTM D635-06. ii. SGS Test Report No. 177:013002-04-R1,dated 6/10/08,testing to ASTM D1929-96. iii. SWRI Test Report No.01.13536.01.060,dated 1/30/08,testing'to ASTM E84-06. h. DIFFUSER PANEL(18)testing for Polycarbonate J. SGS Test Report No. 153367-2,dated 4/2/01,testing to ASTM D635-74. ii. SGS Test Report No. 153367-1,dated 4/2/01,testing to ASTM D,1929-68(1975.). iii. SGS Test Report No. 153367-3,dated 4/2/01,testing to ASTM D2843-93. I ' 3) Reports a. PTC Report No. 1970, Rev.1,Solatube Impact 160 DS(10"),290 DS(14")and 750 DS(21") Tubular Daylight Device-Anchorage Engineering,Dated 4/14/14,signed and sealed by Robert J. Amoruso,P.E. b. PTC Report No.1971-EER,:Rev.3,Solatube Impact 160 DS(10")and 290 DS(14")Tubular Daylight Device—Code Compliance Evaluation to the 5th Edition(2014)FBC,Dated 6/24/15, signed and sealed by Robert J.Amoruso, P.E. 4) 5th Edition(2014) Florida Building Code&5th Edition(2014) Florida Residential Code; a. Testing and Labeling Requirements I. Section 1626—Impact Tests(HVHZ—WBDR) ii. Section 1626.2—Large Missile Impact Tests Iii. Section 1710.6—Skylights and Sloped Glazing iv. Section 2405—Sloped Glazing and Skylights v. Section 2410.4—Product Approval Required vi. Section 2610—Light-Transmitting Plastic Skylight Glazing vii. Section 2610.2—Light-Transmitting Plastic Skylight Glazing, Mounting viii. Section R308.6—Skylights and Sloped Glazing b. Glazing Requirements . i. Section 2405.1—Sloped Glazing and Skylights-Scope ii. Section 2405.2—Allowable Glazing Materials and Limitations iii. Section R308.6—Skylights and Sloped Glazing c. Plastics Requirements i. Section 2606.4—Specifications, Light-transmitting plastics ii. Section 2614.2—Definitions,Approved Plastics PTC Product Design Group, LLC Project No.415-0316 Page 1.8 PO Box 520775 Report No. 1971, Rev.3 Longwood; FL 32752-0775 Phone:321-690-1788 Fax: 321-690-1789 FBPE Certification-of Authorization No.25935 SOLATUBE INTERNATIONAL IMPACT 160 DS (1011) & 290 DS (1411) TUBULAR DAYLIGHT DEN INSTALLATION ANCHORAGE DETAILS GENERAL NOTES: INSTALLATION NOTES: 1. THE PRODUCT ANCHORAGE SHOWN HEREIN IS DESIGNED-TO COMPLY-WITH THE=CURRENT EDITION-- 1.ONE(1)-INSTALLATION ANCHOR IS REQUIREDwAT EACH ANCHOR.LOCATION-SHOWN ON SHEETS 2 AND 3. OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE(FBC)REQUIREMENTS,INCLUDING HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE(HVHZ)AT THE DESIGN PRESSURES STATED HEREIN. 2.THE NUMBER OF INSTALLATION ANCHORS DEPICTED IS THE MINIMUM NUMBER OF ANCHORS TO BE USED FOR PROC - - -- - - - INSTALLATION.ALL UNITS REQUIRE EIGHT_(8)ANCHORS MINIMUM LOCATED AT ALL CORNERS.ANCHOR ENGINEERINi - - - - 2. THE PRODUCT DETAILS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE BASED UPON SIGNED AND SEALED TEST REPORT -ENGAGEMENT INTO ROOF SHEATHING AND NOT 2X ROOF FRAMING. - = ATI85320.01-301-18 AND ASSOCIATED LABORATORY STAMPED DRAWINGS. 2.1. INSTALLATION SHALL BE INTO 7/16"MINIMUM THICKNESS ROOF SHEATHING(SEE NOTE 6 BELOW). 3. THE PRODUCT HAS BEEN TESTED TO TAS 201,TAS 202 AND TAS203(ATI TEST REPORT ATI 2.2. IF TDD INSTALLATION LOCATION REQUIRES ANCHORS TO ENGAGE INTO 2X FRAMING,THAT IS ACCEPTABLE. 85320.01-301-18)AND FOUND TO BE IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE FLORIDA 3.ANCHOR REQUIREMENTS; BUILDING CODE(FBC)INCLUDING HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE.THE DESIGN PRESSURES 3.1. FOR INSTALLATION INTO 7/18"MINIMUM THICKNESS ROOF SHEATHING(SEE NOTE 6 BELOW),USE A#10 TYPE AE SHOWN IN DESIGN PRESSURE RATING TABLE ON SHEET 1 OF THIS DRAWING ARE BASED ON THE ROUND HEAD OR TRUSS HEAD TAPPING SCREWS MEETING ASME/ANSI B18.6.4 OF SUFFICIENT LENGTH TO ENSI RESULTS OF TEST REPORT NO.All B5320.01-301-1 B DIVIDED BY A FACTOR OF SAFETY OF 2 WHERE PROTRUDING SCREW THREADS AT LEAST 1/2"BEYOND THE INTERIOR SURFACE OF ROOF SHEATHING.EDGE DI APPLICABLE. CENTERLINE OF SCREW TO EDGE OF SHEATHING SHALL BE AT LEAST 3/4 INCH. 3.2. FOR INSTALLATION THROUGH ROOF SHEATHING INTO 2X WOOD ROOF FRAMING(SEE NOTE 6 BELOW),USE A#1 4. PLASTIC COMPONENTS OF THE SOLATUBE TUBULAR DAYLIGHT DEVICE HAVE BEEN EVALUATED TO HEAD,ROUND HEAD OR TRUSS HEAD TAPPING SCREWS MEETING ASME/ANSI B18.6.4 OF THE SAME LENGTH AS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE INCLUDING THE NOTE 3.1 ABOVE.EDGE DISTANCE FROM CENTERLINE OF SCREW TO EDGE OF SHEATHING SHALL BE AT LEAST: HIGH VELOCITY ZONE AND ARE IN COMPLIANCE AS DOCUMENTED IN PRODUCT EVALUATION REPORT NO.1971,BY ROBERT J.AMORUSO,P.E. 4.MINIMUM EMBEDMENT AND EDGE DISTANCE EXCLUDE ROOF FINISHES. 5. ADEQUACY OF THE EXISTING STRUCTURAL ROOF SHEATHING AND SUPPORTING 2X FRAMING ASA 5.INSTALLATION ANCHORS MUST BE MADE OF CORROSION RESISTANT MATERIAL OR HAVE A CORROSION RESISTANT MAIN WIND FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM CAPABLE OF WITHSTANDING AND TRANSFERRING APPLIED PRODUCT LOADS TO THE FOUNDATION IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT OF 6. INSTALLATION ANCHOR CAPACITIES FOR PRODUCTS HEREIN ARE BASED ON SUBSTRATE MATERIALS WITH THE FOL RECORD FOR THE PROJECT OF INSTALLATION. PROPERTIES.ROOF SHEATHING THICKNESS,GROUP OR GRADE MAY BE MANDATED BY JURISDICATION REQUIREME THEREFORE THICKNESS AND GROUP/GRADE SHOWN BELOW WILL BE CONSIDERED MINIMUM. 6. THE INSTALLATION DETAILS DESCRIBED HEREIN ARE GENERIC AND MAY NOT REFLECT ACTUAL 6.1. 7/16"THICK PLYWOOD-SPECIES GROUP 1 OR 2(APA VOLUNTARY PRODUCT STANDARD PSI)MINIMUM. CONDITIONS FOR A SPECIFIC SITE. IF SITE CONDITIONS CAUSE INSTALLATION TO DEVIATE FROM 6.2. 7/16"OSB-SHEATHING GRADE (APA VOLUNTARY PRODUCT STANDARD-PS 2)MINIMUM. THE REQUIREMENTS DETAILED HEREIN,A LICENSED ENGINEER OR ARCHITECT SHALL PREPARE SITE SPECIFIC DOCUMENTS FOR USE WITH THIS DOCUMENT. 7.INSTALLATIONIMOUNTING CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS OF USE AS REQUIRED BY THE FOLLOWING SECTIONS OF TI EDITION OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE(FBC)AND FLORIDA RESIDENTIAL CODE(FRC)SHALL BE MET. 7. THIS PRODUCT EVALUATION DOCUMENT ADDRESSES THE STRUCTURAL ATTACHMENT OF THE 7.1. FBC CHAPTER 24,SLOPED GLAZING AND SKYLIGHTS SKYLIGHT/TUBULAR DAYLIGHT DEVICE TO THE ROOF SHEATHING ONLY.PREPARATION OF THE ROOF 7,2, FBC CHAPTER 26,LIGHT TRANSMITTING PLASTIC SKYLIGHT GLAZING SHEATHING AND ROOF COVERING(S)TO RECEIVE THE SKYLIGHT/TUBULAR DAYLIGHT DEVICE SHALL BE 7.3. FRC CHAPTER 3,SKYLIGHTS AND SLOPED GLAZING PER THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND COMPLIANT WITH CHAPTER 15 OF THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE FLORIDA BUILDING CODE AND CHAPTER 9 OF THE CURRENT EDITION OF THE FLORIDA 8.A CURB CONSTRUCTED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION CLASSIFICAI RESIDENTIAL CODE. LEAST 4 INCHES ABOVE THE PLANE OF THE ROOF BY OTHERS IS ALLOWED.ADDITIONAL INSTALLATION DETAILING A B. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE CURRENT EDITION FBC DISSIMILAR METALS INCLUDING FASTENERS THAT ENGINEERED INSTALLATION EVALUATION BY A LICENSED DESIGN PROFESSIONAL WILL BE REQUIRED FOR SUBMITT, MAY COME INTO CONTACT WITH ALUMINUM SKYLIGHT FRAMING SHALL HAVE BEEN PROTECTED. TO THIS PRODUCT EVALUATION DOCUMENT. TABLE OF CONTENTS SHEET DESCRIPTION 1 GENERAL AND INSTALLATION NOTES 2 ELEVATIONS, ANCHORING, SECTIONS, DETAILS AND B.O.M. 3 290 DS (14') FLASHING OPTIONS 4 160 DS (10') FLASHING OPTIONS 5 INSTALLATION DETAILS AND SECTIONS 6 OPTIONAL DIFFUSER DETAILS DESIGN PRESSURE RATING(PSF) IMPACT RATING UNIT WHERE WATER INFILTRATION WHERE WATER INFILTRATION TEST IS REQUIRED TEST IS NOT REQUIRED LARGE MISSLE A 16 15 14 21 NOTES: _ 4)#8 SMS 25 2q 1� STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS(PLYWOOD,RAF ' �ASTENERS BY OTHERS 6 SHOWN FOR REFERENCE( 23 I 7 1 1 1 2. ALL TUBE JOINTS 3 SEAMS TAPED WITH 7' 8 �\ 77 3. SEEPAGE 6 FOR ALTERNATE DIFFUSER CO r 4�ITEM#22;RECTANGULAR FOAM OR SEAL ' FLASHING SHOWN-WITH-OPTIONAL, 2"-48"TALL TURRET EXTENSION - - A - - - 17 18 20 19 22 Q 10 18.0 q DETAIL B 013.6 TUBE �P 1 11 2 2.0 12 26 LAP 41.1 3 28 • 13 27 7 4 1 6 5 SECTION A-A B REM I NO. OTY. PART NO. DESCRIPTION MATERIAL _ 1 1 410020 DOME 790 OS PMMA 8 2 1 410830'UGHTTRACKER RELECLOR 280 DS"—-- ALUMINUM. i 3 1 410860___ DOME RING 290 D8 PMMA 4 1 600010 FOAM SEAL RECTANGULAR 1/@'X9/78' FOAM(VARIOUS) 5 4 700240 SCREW NO X7'BMS STEEL 6 4 410730 DOME RING SPACER POLYAMIDE 7 3 410750 TOP TUBE CLP PMMA 6 1 VARIES' FLASHING STEEL 8 1 1 70028017OWW SEALANT URETHANE 10 B 469 SCREW MO XZ'SMS STEEL 1 307240 TOP TUBE DO ALUMINUM LAMINATE , 12 1 3018DUM1830 EM.TUBE 16Y24'DO DS ALUMINUM LAMINATE 13 1 302120 BOTTOM TUBE 260 DS ALUMIAIMLAMNATE -14 4_ 410710 CLAMP _ _P_OLYAWU- / 15 4 700150 SCREW&8a 1.51SMS STFH 16 1 410415 CEILING RING 2900.5 PMMA ) �' 17 1 421345 .290 DS NATURAL EFFECT LENS PET 16 , 410.530,420,080 280 DS DIFFUSER PANEL PMMA,PC /r 9 10 18 I 1 1 41620 DRESS RING 211005 PMMA 20 , 660290 FESS gFFUSER DEAL E—FOAM EPOM FOAM DETAIL C 21 1 600445 D9FJLL HOLLOW 22 1 600620 FOAM SEAL RECTANGULAR37116'X,7Y C1ASE0 CELL FOAM 1 ALTERNATE IPf10VIDED BY USER) OC SFALARTLVARIOUSi _ O.^17QtAL COlBY7NENT5 NO. OTY. 'PART... DESORPTION ,AATEROLL 23 1 2 1 420260 290 DS INSULATION PANEL(NOT6MOWN0 PMMA 24 8 420270 INSULATION PANEL CLIP 10—SHOWN) PMMA 25 1 VARIES" TURRETEMENSION STEEL 20 1 410010 78D DS DOME SHOCK INNER I PMMA 27 1 1 1 570002 29D OS DAYLIGHT DIMMER 290 DS (14") FLASHING OPTIONS 015.9 TOP OF FLASHING 015.9 23.3 6 1 TOP OF FLASHING 8.7 6.1 18.0 9.2 - 6.0 18.0 23.3 8.7 PITCHED FLAT 6" 8X FLASHING FASTENERS FLASHING FASTENER SPAC FLAT C FLAT V&PITCHI TOP OF Q115.9 FLASHING 015.9 TOP OF FLASHING 8X FLASHING FASTENERS, 6.1 2X FASTENERS PER SIDE 6.2 _ _ _ 2.0 4.0 18.0 18.0 4.0 FLAT 4' CURB 160-DS (10") FLASHING OPTIONS 011.9 TOP OF FLASHING 011.9 TOP OF FLASHING 5.0 5.0 6.0 8X FLASHING FA 7.4 1'6.6 - - -= o - - e - - - -- - - - - FLAT 6" PITCHED G 20.0 8.1 O 0 FLASHING FASTENER SPACIN< FLAT 4",FLAT 6"&PITCHED -011.9----"- TOP OF FLASHING 011.9 TOP OF FLASHING 5.0 4.0 2.0 4.0 14.8 16.6 8X FLASHING FASTENERS, FLAT 4" 2X FASTENERS PER SIDE CURB FLASHING 22"TYP. 20" ROOF COVERING BY OTHERS INSTALLATION SCREW • /• 10 (a TOTAL) ROOF SHEATHING SEALANT -- 7" ,. 22"TYP. 20TYP. - _ - - - --- --- - - - - - - - ---- - — ----- -- --- IEMBEDMEN BUILT-UP =_-____- -___ 'TIERFIXTURE ASSEMBLY FIXTURE ASSEMBLY DECORATIVE OP DECORATIVE 160 DS 1011 AND 290 DS 1 i DECORATIVE FIXTURE OPTIO 'JUST FROST' DECORATIVE FIXTURE ASSEMBLY 3 2 q 1 3 2 TIER DROP DIFFUSER ASSEMBLY COMPONENTS DPTMEV DIFFUSER ASSEMBLY COIUONENIS _ f1EM N0. QTY. I D6CRWRON I lNi1RUL BEI N0. M. OlSIYtIPNON AfATER1AL 1 I GLASS LENS TELMP�C1ASS 1 1 GLASS iRRI PJNG TEIMPERED C(ASS 2 1 CLASS iPoM RING TFLPERED GLASS 2 1 DIFFUSER PANEL OPTIVIEW PC J 1 C1A55 iRIN PoNL' iF]IPERED GLASS 3 3 LENS FASTENER SIAWLESS STEEL < J 1 LENS FASIFNER I SDUNLESS STEEL 'QUADRA FROST' DECORATIVE 'AURORA GLO' DECORATIVE 1 2 FIXTURE ASSEMBLY FIXTURE ASSEMBLY JUST FROST DIFFUSER ASSEMBLY cOMPoNENTs REM W. W. I DFSCRWRON I MAHM / 7 JGLASS LEAS l7amm CL 2 3 ILENS FASTFTJFR ISTAWLESS S 290 DS (14") DECORATIVE 3 FIXTURE OPTIONS 2 2 v AURORA CLD DIFFUSER ASSEMBLY COMPONENTS JUST FROSST DIFFUSER ASSEMBLY COMPONEWS REM NO. Ott. DESCPoPRON -GLASS ITEM NO. MY. DESCRIPTTON WTERIAL 1 1 C(ASS LENS SPUN CLASS f 1 CLASS LENS TEIIPERID GLASS 2 4 METAL TRIP RMSTEEL 77 t aCIS Home i Loq In UserReglstratjop HotTap(cs Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts. Publications E FEC Staff I SCIS Sde Map R Links ( Seardk O } }Product Approval USER:Pubilc User c�rsr.'F>�.ri c�,Lq„;;t=,r=.r>;Application Detail Application Type Editorial Change. Code Version' Application Status Approved *Approved"by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR;shali.be reviewed:and ratified by the PAC and/or the Commission if necessary. i. Comments Archived +P - Product Manufacturer —7AMKO:Build(rtg_Product_s,7r u Address/P.hone/Emall PO Box 1404 Joplin,MO 64802 I (4.17)624=6644 Ext 2305 kerri_eden @tamkb:com .I Authorized:Signature Ker0_Eden kerri_eden@tamko.com Technical Representative Kerri Eden Address/Phone/Email PO Boit 1404 Joplin,zMO 64802 (417).624-664.4 .Ext 2305 kerrLeden@tainko.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Roofing Subcategory Asphalt Shingles Compliance Method Certification Mark or'Listing Certification Agency UL LLC Validated By Robert:].•.M:Nieminen,;PE 1.„1 Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received I Referenced-Standard and Year(of Standard' near ASTM D3161 2009 ASTM D3462 2009 ASTM D7158 200$ Equivalence of Product.Standards' Certified By Product.Approval Method Method.i Option A Date;Submitted 09$17%2015 'I Date.Validated 10/06/2015 'Date Pending FB.C:Approval i 1 Date,Approved 10/09/.2015 Summar of Products FL-# Model,Number Description or-Name 1955.1 Elite Glass-Seal A:three tab asphaltshingle. Limits of.Use Certification Agency Certificate Apprtiveii'for use in Figl° t Lta56 3 CaC_i In4o Sery Con'f FL 19 ZJl> ci HVHZ:No cenifcGtori 1O 1 2,1?Af Approved:for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018 Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions Design.Pressure:N/A El.. "c3S6 R;2 II 41a .�' .ika t lass � x1aZ.in 3.1 Other:Asphalt shingles Verified By:Robert Nieminen 59166 shallbe:used only on roof Created byIndependent Third Party:No slopes of 2:12'or,greater. Evaluation Reports Nails-must be Used as the: Created by-Independent'Third.Party: method of attachment, 1.956.2 Glass-Seal A,three.tab asphalt'shingle. Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in s I. .6tt ? .: {L195e R ' x CIL,' !aEnko S ry G;rti 4,e1,u3 _? I HVHZ:No Approved for use.outside Quality Assurance'iContract Expiration`Date HVHZ:Yes09/17/2018 Impact Resistant:'N/A Installation Instructions Design Pressure.N/A I L1�6_._D12_i GF :�..}_' ' . to C'iassw caL_ p1_J•sk,rtd Other:Asphalt shingles Verified By:Robert.Nieminen PE 59166 shall be Used.only on roof Created by IndependenE Third Party:No slopes of 2:12 or greater. Evaluation Reports Nails must be used as the Created byIndependent Third Party: method of attachment: , - a 19563 Heritage A dimensionalAsphaltshingle. i Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate t Approved for-use in HVHZ:No Y.L7 Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Go6tract Expiration Date - HVHZ:Yes 09/17/20.18 i Impact Resistant:N/A Installation:Instructtions i Design'Pressure:N/A` ;,r i f u, _'?_ Il_ i,,rit{ f? c 1 P Arlo enc"_l' Other:Asphalt shingles F11956 P112apl� I ;r.r�f shall;be:used only on roof ;:L: zc-ri.;_aa -T a.�o n S.i Slf. i slopes of 2:12 or,gCeater. Verified'By:Robert J.•M.Nieminen.FL 59166 Nails must be;used as the Created by jndependent Third Party:No method of attachment: Evaluation:Reports; Created by IndependentThlyd'Party: 1456:4 Heritage 3U A dimensional asphalt shingle. Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Ap"proved;for'Lsa'in E)a1a.._� '�5 t ACV 7,S i }? GK .n.j t'aaerv_C0f HVHZ:No FLl 5 g:L Cr C.._tf1. « ti`-I(AM0n 10-in 12;Mr Approved:foruse•outside ''QualityAssurance'Contract Expiration Date HVHZ:Yes :09/17/2018 Impact Resistant:NIA. Installation Instructions Design Pressure:N/A, E.tE1r _i? lri 3Q 10-14d Other:Asphalt.shingles shall be Used only mroof Verified By:Robert'Nieminen PE 59166 slopes of 2:12:6r greater. Created by Independent Third Party>No Neils..must be used as the. EvaluationiReports method of attachment.. Created by Jndepend,6nt Third Party' 1956.5 Heritage 5if A dimensional asphalt shingle.. Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate 'Approved for use:.in 81.11 •'..... e C. Tam.ko S ry r'�ii EL-1956_d416:_Aft.. HVHZ:No Fr;l ' R12. C L r, 't�� 4 r:feo io7 -11 ?,odf Approved for use outside Quality Assurance Contract'Expiration,Date HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018 Impact Resistant:N/A Installation:Instructions Design Pressure:N/A xl 25r2 (?12 r ..,�ne 5n .=.03� t a^J' x Itsf Other:Asphalt shingles ti;,o z#W F.,.: t _`,.. t 19 J�12t� �5Lf rii shall be uI sed only on:roof Verified By: Robert';Nieminen PE 59166' slopes;of 2:12 or'greater: Created:by In Third Party:No Nails must be used as the. Evaluation,Reports method of'attachinent. Created.by Independent Third Party:: 1956.6 Heritage Premium A dimenslonal asphaWshingle. Limits of Use Certification AgeocyCertificate APProved for use in I' i at r21} C r.0 ll4ar F21 f �i� 7'm s S�ry i a_,1 'L:956 201x:+gf HVHZ:No ELI9>a tl2 L C G t3i_Le?€€ca.ic31 10-11 '2.ftd Approved for;use:outside ,quality'Assurance Zontract Expiration Date HVHZs Yes: '09/17/2018 Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions Design Pressure;N/A 1 SCiR12 1I rIa �e5I Other:Asphalt Shingles .4_z p1 I F exit ge>re!7i'r It t r.....a Q.1,151 r shall berusedonly°on`roof Fh; >a Rf`3 r FeriCane slopes of 2:12 or greater. Verified By:Robert Nieminen 59166 Nails must.be used as the Created by Independent Third Party: No method bf attachment. Evaluation.Reports Created byIndependent Third.Party: 1956.7 Heritage Vintage A heavy weight dimensional asphalt shingle. Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for-use in 'a'.?�5�a_R' tr `GAJ' 1I r CAt Ta!n cn_5 r� _c itr' 1?5fi 7 €15, t€ HVHZ:No "il, e t atr x,nd Approved forAise.outside ,Quality Assurance Contract Expiration.Date HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018 Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions Design Pressure:N/A i"::. 9'6 R:'�2 II FiL vita C��r rs 9�apy,int ecl Other:Asphalt shingles Verified By.Robert J.M:Nierriinen PE 59166 shall be used only on.roof Created by Independent Third Party:No slopes of 2:12.or greater. Evaluation Reports Nails must be Used as the Created bylndependentThird'Party; method of attachment. 1956.8 Heritage Vintage Hip and,ridge shingles. 12 X:12 Hip and Ridge. Limits'&Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No -<2 . CAC' !.L sh nc na r k..:.:. m' Approved`for:use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date HVHZs Yes 09/17/2018 Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions Design Pressures:N/Afil.$ C ata II , ��_ � .fieri g _': x�I?.. iL�SL ,oCii ar3U rr, irt, r?m_>l:atl` Other:-Asphalt shingles Verified By:R"obertJ.M.Nieminen PE 59166, shall be used only on`roof Created by IndependentThird Party: No slopes of 2:12;or greater. Evaluation:Reports Nails must be:used:as the Created by Independent Third Party: method of attachment. 1956.9 Heritage Woodgate A dimensional aspoalt,shingle. Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved.for use in (_1j,f. RigC F e5 i Ft t C_x ! T.r��kc r sv E'or€r c: r i HVHZ:No !,Q;-),G R12 t` Approved-:for use outside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration:Date HVHZ:Yes 09/17/20.18 Impact Resistant:N/A Installation Instructions Design Pressure:.N/A Other.Asphalt shingles. . I i6 R12 tI FI [Yrg Fi uuuc}��� a a il4t.pyl shall,be used.only on roof Verified By. RobertNieminen 59166. slopes of 2:52 or.greater. Created by Independent Third Party: No Nails must beused.as the Evaluation:Reports method of attachment. Created by Independent Third:Party,. 1956.10 Heritage:XL A dimensional asphalt shingle; Limits of Use Certification Agency.Certificate Approved for use in -,CAC ri-1956 PM _f?_ Tarr 4c_.•„� rv_Q _1956 v� f OYMM.No; "i„_S rife 2 2 c,C UL cer 0cat on1Q-.1 L i2,_{2�i.`.. Approved for use outside :Quality Assurance Contract Expiration'Date HVHZ:Yes 09/17/20.16 impact Resistant:N/A Installation.In"structions Design Pressure:N/A. .4 T tr.__2�_tI h?-;itaoe ( app f St.d::ao i,._1€).p Other:Asphalt shingles, L?91 �t;i�; mI h rP x(.;p+ €'.st r.a4ri 0 o:,'f shaliFbe used only on roof Verified By: Robert N eminen PE 59166 slopes of 2:12 or.greater. Created,by Independent,Third Party:No 'Nails:must be.used;as the Evaluation.Reports method of attachment: Created.by IndependehtThird Party:: 1956.11 Hip,and Ridge Hip and ridge shingles: Shingles Limits of Use Certification.Agency,Certificate .Approved for use ink z�R.1?_C 4 t..u._ i `f..R. y. �1mkg ery Cahn Fl.!955 2015.rdf HVHZ:No: f t?'1:s_C I i Approved far use autside Quality Assurance Contract Expiration.Date HVHZ:Yes 09/17/2018 Impact Resi[Oant:;NIA installation'Instructions DesignPressuree N/A 41 ?? trriia_1s?g Other:Hip and Ridge j�7 fy � tt 12 2 til'; RI 3WPt7p€ir ly c€ n, tI V is u if shingles shall be used Only t9 t �} itk-t a4? }t on roof slopes of 2:12 or greater;Nails fnust.be usedVerifled'By:Robert NibibihelT 59166 as the.mettiod of Created by:Independent third Party: No I attachment.: Evaluation;Reports:, Created by-Independent Third Party: sac[c t�ezt li contact Its t:Lgj Slair stone Road,`TalEahas«r.FL 32a99 phone•850.487-1824 The StateofFloride is an;AAIEEo employer.coavtiaht 2007'200113 State er Florida.f::PNJacv tat m nt::Accessibility Statement,::Sefund Stakement i -Under Florida law,email addresses are public.records.If you do not want'your e-mail address-released in response to.a public-records,repuest,do not send'electrantc t elite till's entity. Instead;contact the office`by phage o?bp`tradlttgnat mail.If you have any questions,,please contort 85.tt.487.1345.+Pursuant to Section 455:215 ! 111,Florid Stakytes,effective Oototier 1,�201,2oahse o nse"du,dehchapter,455;r.F.B.musbprodide the DepartmanE:with an emal6addraxs if they have one.The;smarts provided may be usedEar of@ciai'communitatTon with the itcenseq,However emaila6dre�ses are'pvbtic record.:if'ybil do oat-wish ta.supply a personal address;,_ j. please provtde::the.Department.with`an email-address which can.be,mdde_avaflable to.ftje public:To,,deferrnlne;if ypu area licensee under•giapter 455,FS.-,please �. didr hk2. .. I Product Approval Accepts: I Credit.Card Safe ' I �I I ,l II l I d Applicad ft Instruchens169 FORMERLY HERITAGE`S 30 jTA:1M!ft HERITAG O UIV®0NG PRODUCTS LAMINATED ASPHALT,• SHINCUS Dallas;TX,o Frederick;MD: Joplin; MQ m Phillipsburg, KS THESE ARE THE MANUFACTURER'S APPLICATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE ROOFINGCON DITIONS.'DESCRIBED. TAMKO BUILDING PRODUCTSi INC.;ASSUMES NO RESPONiSI131LITY FOR LEAKS OR OTHER ROOFING DEFECTS RESULTING FROM; FAILURE TO FOLLOW THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS.FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE INSTRUCTIONS WILL ADVERSELY AFFECT COVERAGE UNDER THE LIMITED WARRANTY.SEETHE LIMITED WARRANTY FOR DETAILS. THIS PRODUCTiS COVERED BY A LIMITED WARRANTY,THE TERMS OF WHICH ARE PRINTED ON.THE WRAPPER. IN COLD WEATHER(BELOW 40°F),CARE MUST BE TAKEN TO,AVOID DAMAGE TO THEEDGES AND CORNERS OF THE SHINGLES. IMPORT6NL.1t is not necessary to.remove the plastic,strip from the back of the shingles. R.R.®®F BAH 3.FASTENERS These shinglesare for applicationaoroof decks bonsistingof"plywood 1 IiYD__CAVI[ON-Extreme wind velocities can damage these orsheathing boards capable of receiving and'retaining-fasteners,and shingles after application when proper sealing of the shingles does to inclines of not.less than 2 in,per foot.For roofs having:pitches 2 in. not occur.This can especially be a problem if the shingles areappiied per foot to less than 4 in.per foot,refer to special instructions titled in cooler months or in areas on the roof that do not receive direct' "Low Slope Application".For roofs'having pitches greater than2l:in. sunlight.These conditions may impede the sealing of.the•adhesive per foot,refer to special;•instructions.titled"Mansard Roof orSteep strips on the shingles.The inabilityto seal down may. compounded . Slope RooP`;Shingles must be applied properly.TAMKO assumesno by prolonged, weather conditions and/or blowing dust.In these responsibiliityfor leaks or defects resulting from improper application, situations,hand sealing of the sh'snglesis required.To insure quicker i sealing,apply 4 quarter-sized dabs of TAM-PRO@ SBS Flashing orfaiiure to,properiy prepare the surface to be roofed over. Cement,TAMKO or TAM-PROD°Plastic Roof Cement,or TAMKO NEW ROOF DECK MMURLIGTION:.Roof deck must be smooth, Tam-Seal.Adhesive,meeting ASTM D 4586,Type 1,on the back of dry and.free from warped surfaces:It is recommended that metal the shingle 1 in..(25mm).and 13 in.(330rTim),in from each side and drip edges tie:Installed at eaves•and rakes. 1 in.(25mm)up.from the bottom of.the shingle.Press shingle'firrrily into the adhesive.For maximum wind resistance along rakes,install ; PLYWOOD—Ail plywood shall:be exterior:grade as define.d by any TAMKO starter shingle including sealant•or cement shinglesto APA-The Engineered Wood Association. Plywood shall be a the underlayment"and each otherin a 4 in.(102mm)width of TAM- minimum of'3/8'in.thickness:and applied'in accordance with the TAM- OR SBS Flashing Cement,TAM KO or TAM-PROD,Plastic Roof recommendations of APA-The Engineered Wood Association. Cement,orTAMKO Tam-Seal Adhesive.Caution;Apply ONLY a thin SHEATHING BOARD% Boards shall be Well-seasoned tongue- uniform layer of adhesive less than 1/8 in.(3mm)thick.Excessive and-groove-boards and hot over'6 in.nominal width.,Boards shall amounts can cause blistering of the shingles and may soften the be a 1 in.nominal minimum thickness. Boards shall'be properly asphalt in:certain underlayments'resulting,in theasphalt flowing, spa ced and nailed;. dripping and'staining.Shingles must also be fastened according'to the fastening instructions described below. 2.m9fillifflon Correct placement of the fastener's is Critical.to the performance of the shingle:If the fasteners are not placed,as shown in the diagram Inadequate.ventilation of actio spaces can,cause.accumulation of and described below,.this will result in the termination of TAMKO's moisture in winter months and.&build up•of:heat in the summer. iiiabilities under the Limited Warranty.TAMKO Will not be responsible These conditions can lead to; for-damage to shingles caused by winds in excess of'the applicable 1,VaporCondensation mph as stated in the Limited Warranty:See Limited Warranty on the 2.Buckling of'shingles due to"deck.movement. wrapper or tamkn com for details;. 3.Rotting of wood members. FASTENING PATTERNS:Fasteners must be placed 6-1/8 in,from 4.Premature failure of roof.' the bottom edge of the shingle,penetrating through the common bond,and located:horizontally as follows: :. To insure adequate ventilation and circulation'of air,the ventilation t)Standard Fastening Pattern (For use on decks with slopes:2 system must include inlets and outlets.This maybe accomplished:with; in.per foot to 21 in.per foot.)One fastener 1 in.from each end and a combination.of ridge.and soffit vents or by using gable end vents. one,13-1/2 in.from each end of the shingle fora:total of 4 fasteners_ FHA minimum property standards require onesquare foot of net free (See.Standard"Fastening Pattern illustrated below). ventilation:area.to each 1.50 square feet of space to be vented.This may reduced to one square foot of ventilation area per 300 square STANDARD FASTENING PATTERN feet if at least 40%and not more.than 50%of venting,is provided FASTENERS NAM aNE not more than 3 feet below the ridge or'ifa Classf or ii vapor barrier _ aorto is installed on warm in winter side of the ceiling in climate zones ' 6,7,and 8 as-recorrirriended by the 2012 International Residential' 6_y/g Code.For more information consult your design professional.If the SURES-5(6" n V�, �] ventilation openings are screened,the total area should be doubled: 14 f a—:12=1/2"—►f F-12-3(8"—►}0—12-1/2"—� �—V IT IS PARTICULARLY IMPORTANT TO PROVfDE ADEQUATEVENTILATI0_N_ (Continuer,) Central District 220 West 4th St., Joplin,MO 64801 800-641-4691, o2nstt�• Visit Our Web Site at Northeast District. 4500Tamko Dr.; Frederick,MD 21701 800-368-2055 Southeast District 2300 35th St.; Tuscaloosa,AL 35401 800-228-2656 tarn o.com, Southwest District 7910 S.Central Exp:,_ Dallas,TX 75216 800-443-1834 Western'District. 5300 East-43rd Ave., Denver,CO-80216 800-530-8868 i Mile (CONTINUED from page 1) FORMERLY HERITAGEn 30. KO E lTAG UUILDIND PRODUCTS LANtINATS®ASPIIAI.T SHINGLES QcjIla.S,TX P,Frederick, MD Q Joplin;:MO . Phillipsburg, KS 2),Mansard,Fasten!.ng`Pattern.(For use on=decks With slopes be a minimum of 1-1/4 in.for new construction and 1-1/2 in,for f int thus.61low m deck penetration of 3/4 in.The greater than 21 in per foot.)One fastener 1 in.from each end and reroofing thus allay ing a minima eriv one fastener;8 1/2ao::from each end and one fastener 16':in.from Improperly Driven each end fora total,of 6 fasteners per shingle.(See=Mansard and dn*mr men a2uiftert crooked s,x. High Wind.Fastening Pattern illustrated below.) A-Phot MANSARD AND,HIGH WIND WARRANTY FASTENING PATTERN ' FASTERERS .. rJNL.ZONE _ ._ Decking. . COMMON •r5 m:r,. - SOND EXFos"S 5-SB ecrown of the staple must be parallel to the length sof the shingle. The.sfaple crown should be driven flush With.the shingle surface: Te-ol 1172+ o-i=t2 ajr 7 ys�►L r-iii (. -vz° lo--i� `Staples thatare Crooked,underdriven or overdriven are considered 3)High Wind Warranty Fastening,Pa4terns(For High Wind Warranty improperly applied. Application requiremerits)'One fastener f in. from each end.One CAUTION:.ALL FASTENERSP(MUST BE DRIVEN INTO THE fastener 8-112 in.from each end and one fastener 16.in.from each NAIL.ZONECOMMON BOND AS SHOWN IN THE FASTENING end'for a total of six.(6)fasteners per shingle. In add ition'to this PATTERN DIAGRAMS.: shingle•fastening patern requirement for High Wind Application, TAMKO.also requires the use'of TAMKO starter shingles including 4.D441Dffi�Ll� `d" sealant strip at eaves and rakes.AlternatiGelyi along rakes,cement erlayment and.each other in a 4 in:(f 02 min) 14NDERLAYMENT:.An underlayment must be applied over the shingles to the und width of TAM-PROO.SBS Fiashing Cement,TAMKO orTAM-PRO@ entire deck before the installation of,TAMKO shhe shingles hi add noEdcovayrnept ered by. AMKO's Limited erlre failure of Elie shinglesiuhich is: atbi Plastic Roof Gement;orTAMKO.Tam-Sea}Adhesive,Caution:Apply Warranty ONLY'athin uniformlayer of'adhesiveiessthan 1/8 in.(3mm)thick. Excessive,amounts can cause blistering of the shingles'and may Products which are.acceptabie for use as underlayment are: soften the asphalt in certain underlayments resulting in the asphalt Asphalt Saturated Felt'Underla menu: a flowing;dripping'andstaining. • SuperX.30TM Underiayment , High Wind Application is offered;on new construction or complete o TAMKQ No.15 Asphalt'Saturated Organic Felt tear-off applications only;It is opt offered for recover applications. o Any TAMKQ non-perforated asphalfsaturated organic felt If High Wind Application requirements`are not followed,the High o A non-perforated asphalt saturated organic felt:+uhich meets Wind Application Warranty MPH,as stated on Table I in the Limited ASTM:D226,Type, ype I-br91 orASTM A4869 Warranty,reverts to'theStandard Application Wind:Warranty MPH limit. (See Mansard and High:Wind Fastening Pattern illustrated Specialty Underlayments: above,) o Tam-Shield,",Synthetic;Underlaynient or SyntheticShield NAILS:TAMKO recommends the use ofod hails referred methUnderfaymeat P.. o TAMKQ TWMetaCand Tile,Underlayment;TW Underlayment , of application..:Standard type roofing nails should be used. Nail and Moisture Guard Pius®(additional ventilation may be shanks should be made;ofminimum 12 gauge wire;and a;minimum required._Contact TAMKO's Technical:Services Department head'diameter of 3/8 in.Nails;should befong.enough to.penetrate for more information.) $14 in.into the roof,deck.,Where the deck i.less than 314 in:thick," a A self-adhesive underiayment designed for,use with asphalt the nails should,be long enough to penetrate completely through shingles which meets ASTMD1970 plywood decking and extend at least 1/8 in.through the.roof deck: Drive nail head fiush with the shinglesurf,ace. F9>gsphait Saturated Felt Underayments: Apply the felt when the deck is dry.On roof decks with slopes Piopatp Orivt,l ImpropndyDriven 4 in.per-'foct and greater apply the felt parallel to,the Laves a.3yg..inin 6a,neter ontlerdrivon over3�iven emo#etl .. . Q tapping each course of the felt overthe.aower course atleast L ASpW .2 in.Where.ends join,lap the.felt 4 in.if left exposed,the.felt Shingles may be adversely:affected by moisture and weathering.Laying of the felt and:the.shingle application must be done to9ether,. atraigAt,good P«lnl+otlnn, ,cnaa�m,am tcna :au lavi quota For All OtherSoecleity Underlaygillents:. aodpushwith ahfngte sudneo {+enMrotton. :Into shingle a„eno�� On roof decks with slopes 4 in. per foot and greater apply the uncle STAPLES:If'sta les are used 1n;the`attachin With, nder) fnent written to the eaves in accordance p g process,follow, y nerit P n application instructions. The above.instructions for placement.All staples must be driven with underlaymentshouid not be left exposed for a longerpenod of pneumatic staplers.The staple must meet the.following minimum time than:is specified in the underlayments written application dimensional requirements.Staples must be made from a minimum instructions.The:final roof,covering must be installed before 15 gauge,galvanized:wire.Crown-width must be at least'15/16.in. thestructureis exposed to,adverse weather conditions,such (staple crown'width,is measured outside the legs).Leglength should as wind'driven;rain,high wind,hail,ice storms,etc; {Continued) Central District 220 West 4th'St., Joplin,MO 64801 800-641-4691 osliet? Visit'Our.:Web Site at Northeast District: 4500 Tamko:Dr., Frederick;MD: 21701 800-368-2055 Southeast:Dlstrid 2300 35th St., Tuscaloosa,AL 35401 800-228-2656 $aiinkt).COY'9'4 Southwest District 7910 S.Central ap., Dallas,TX 75216 800-443-1834 Western District 5300 East 43rd Ave., Denver,CO 80216 800-530-8868 ' ,. .,.,:..ec°+s�::.�i::n,,.�_•____ _.b, w.�....— _.w.�,. ......x.. ...ti...,:_. t ....,.._._,.., a s,., .s:' -`"r -., ";i. a. {CONTINUED from page',2)•. FORMERLY HERITAGE"30, TANK®- HERITAGW BUILDING-PRODUCTS, 1. WINATO ASPDAT'SHINGLES Dallas,TX® Frederick, MD a Joplin,-MO© Phillipsburg,:KS In areas where ice builds up:along the eaves or a back-up of water of:shingle to start the fourth course and use the remaining.1073%8 from frozen or clogged gutters is m potential problem,TAMKO's in:piece to begin the fifth course.Continue up the rake in,as many Moisture Guard plus°,TW Metal and Tile Underlaymentor TW rows.as necessary,using the same formula as outlined above. Underlayment(or'any specialty eaves:flashing product) may be The butt of the shingle should be alignedlwith the top edge,of the applied to eaves,rakes,ridges,.valleys;around chimneys,skylights sawtooth of.the underiying shingle•for a 5-5/&in..exposure(see .or'dormers'to help prevent water damage, Cantact TAMKO's shingle application drawing'illustrated on chis panel):`When you Technical Services Departmentfor more information. make your final cutatthe roof's edge,flip any pieces that are.8 in.or Substitute products as;shingle underlayment:should,not;be used. longer back ontothe roof.These pieces can be worked in anywhere Without creating,zippers or color variations. S.AP1yLIG�'1 1®R_'INS7`t#UI:TEQdiiS NOTE-,Do not-align-joints of shingle courses when working in cut STARTEROURSE:A'startercoursemaycognsist.ofTAMI<QShingle pieces, io nts�should be no closer than 4 in.from,one;another. Starter,TAMK01b-inchStarter.orself-sealin 3-tab,shin les.Ifself- sealing 3-tabshingles are used,remove the exposed fab portion and install with the factory applied adhesive adjacent to the eaves.Attach ; h x;s. w.111W 2r,� 70'V the startercourse with appro"ved fasteners along:a-fine:parallel to .and 1.6 in.td 3 in:above tfieeaves edge.T'ne starter:course should ' :�• i tD�" -=��*:- ' overhang both the eaves,and rake edges 1/4 in.;fp 31&ln..if drip edge flashing is:not=used along the eaves.orrakes,ifdnp edge flashing is present;instalPshingles even with;the:drip .edge Fm rna5hiran M'�.'1I(+srSTdtxa ams raCos,atsGts aY.y_ -- -• •..- 'I R^ TAtditOataMr:Nr*�n7�UCay ea)!uM«acnrncrlengka. '- •. - ,. � ��. i IauM.9nayi GU Mdaacl,N7�ru,ai•(A2m YA-Nol 7AN.-DRpY•:SES Paskimj Cemhnt,7M:.XO c:t.r-JkPRD FlYViC Raul CemanCuCTAMXOT»rn•3eN.k,M51rD: IlnieneY'«n'� �+-• _ Ea+n emhngar _7/ a'At+aS saauYcd le3C r`n�► _ 2l3epa,apaarscrn WM 0.0 W.VA snsgla_ '. adgD ......... ......... .c' 6Thnntayly 29'.23"163m 410 10:W I M you cut sae throe shitielos 611 t-Nis �tiako�� \• _ marco eve coures Fw•te ars ,\ 'iDza1LN 1 172'lU,'- - _ g^Drib ruerorkusj yaurttayaa0 'tne roo/.P1mn"pN rayte your ryom rete Aige.,. .�� _ �_����, S1 e7.'IUia!•.ut atihv>mdY.edc.IGV aR/(iiCceR Umlarc 8'skL'Y!""r •..."r - ba A;.siira ten rent Thaw kxs an CeaadlW nznyrdg7e .nUUl f �' 11 � c.esGn;xr(iD=rsw coke'r.riatrn^,.., . _ / \ •' NOTE:Oo naaggnlolnts of ehirrgla tours s ssM1aO arMtng in S1.vl prststrip Yn9ell2FML.g;B SYfittprglrip50VDflV9.1j 6e7i-�eacng :Faso, FY.aerwfs WIP�' .cut Rl�•ro!nts aboiikllre mdocOr lbDn4•ironr ono onalhor. r.,..d,Ihm lb3Wv ai.917wt'. euros and rakas Fcr vD kNatb%J i _ `+aiD5h 0.'<(104115CltYiift;l7(0 Ur 1.32 Uro d,;o dg PC 'ter!='� 1-'1.:143' Ta5l alxrrg�cUrae. Ca5hua wDruNnf;mm. .efurq euros trmnbasa edgo I oCgs raahng preceur; a.ra5o 45..LOW S16OPE APPLICATION diP ose SHINGLE•APPUCCATION:Start the first course with afulisizeshingle On pitches-2 in,per foot to 4 in.per foot cover the deck:with two and overhang the rake edge'174 in:if drip edge'is riot present.If layers-of underlayment: Begin byapplying the underlayment in a drip edge•is present„align shingle edge with drip edge flashing.Cut 1/2-sheet width along the cave's and overhanging the drip.edge 10-3/8-in.from"a°fuli'shingle to form a shingle 291m long:Use this by.i/4 to 3/4 in.Place a full-sheet width'over the'1!2-sheet width to'start the second course:(see diagram below}.Out a 23 in.long starter piecd bornpletely overlapping it.All succeeding courses will shingle to startthe third course.Use the remairing 16-3/8 in.piece 6e positioned to.overlap the pre*eding course by 1/2-sheet width: if winter temperatures average 2SeF or'less,thoroughly cement 1t1:9t8” the laps of the.enfire underlayment to each other,with TAM-PRO c } or TAMKO Plastic Roof Cement from eaves and-rakes to a;polnt of a least 24 in.inside the interior wail line of the building.As an cCurwi alternative TAM,KOs Moisture:Guard Plus;TW Meta and:Tile 2s may.be used in lieu of thee emented felts 6=37d .1self=adhering;underlayment �_ '�..i _� 7.ISii�R�,ROOlr i��t sT :�OPE ROOF lays If the slope exceeds 2l in.per foot(60) cash shingle must be sealed SM course with TAM-PROS SBS Flashing Cement;TAMKO or TAM-P.ROO ?3 tc3ls° 'Plastic Roof.Cement,,or TAMKO`Tam-Seat Adhesive immediately °d"°°s° lsata upon'installation.Quarter sized dabs of cement or adhesive;must. o be applied to shingles with a 5-5/8 in..exposure,use'6 fasteners per 2nd course ze �. p shingle.:See.Sechon 3;for the Mansard Fastening:Pattem., larcaq ' z� 1048, —have (Contln..d) Central District 220 West 4th St.,:Joplin,:MQ-'64801 80D-641 4691 0�179/t� Visit our Web'Site at Northeast.District 4500Tamka(Dr., Frederick;MD :2:1701 800-368-2055 Southeast District 2300 35th St., Tuscaloosa,AL 35401 800-228-2656 taP!'koxiilm Southwest District M&S.Central Exp:, Dallas,TX 75216 800 443-1834 Western District. 5300 East43rd Ave:, Denver,CO 80216 800-530=8868 .2r�4Ls' i I 6 (CONTINUEDfrom page 3). FORMERLY HERITAGE°30: ITANK01 HERM. Sir RUM DING:PRODUCTS LAMINATED ASPHALT S®IND03 Dallas;TX Frederick,MD e Joplin, MO Phillipsburg,'KS 8.BE-ROOff O 9.VA16LET APPLICATION, Beforere-roofing,be certain to inspect the roof decks.Ail plywood shall. Over the-shingle un..derlaymenf,center aminimum 38 in.wide sheet of meet the requirem66ts'lisied in'Section 1: Moisture Guard Plus©;TW Metal&Tile Underl,yvment,or a:minimum Itis not recommended to install'laminatedasphalt;shinglesdirecdy 50 Ib.roll roofing in the valley.Nail the underlayment:only where over existing laminated.shingles.due to the unevenness of the existing necessary to hold it in place and then only nail-the outside edges., multi layered shingles:The Performance of the ssalan#feature may be IMPORTANT;'PRIOR,TO INSTAL'CATION WARM SHINGLES To comp'roinised,preventing the shirigles.fromsealing;properly:Itis PREVENT DAMAGE WHICH CAN OCCUR W141LiE BENDING acceptable to install laminated shingles over existing.three-tab strip SHINGLES TO FORM VALLEY' shingles which are.fiatand essentiallyintact.Nail clown orremove curled, or broken shingles from'the existing roof.Replace all missing•shingles Aftervalley flashing is in place: with new ones to.provide a smooth base.Shin fes that are buckled ° Intersecting roof-planes an ngles along the eaves,'of'oneof the usually iodieatew deckin 'or rotrudin nails.Hammerdownall Apply theffrst course of shd across the valley. arotrudin mails or emo a ttie and refasten n a new location:Remove Note:Foy ro er flow of water overth ll drip edgemetaland re-placewlth.new. p p ietrimmed`'shingle;always If re-roofing.over an existing roof where new flashing-is:required to start applying the shingles on the roof;planethat hasthe lower protect against ICe dams(freeze/thawcycle of water andlorthe backup slope orless height. of water in frozen orciogged gutter§),rernove.the old roofing to a point ° Extend the end shingle at'least 12'in,onto the adjoining roof: at Ieast 24 in:beyond the IritedorwalI fine and appfy TAMKOIs MoistureApplysucceedingcourses i'the same man.ner,eztendingthem Guard Plus°,TW Metal.and Tile Underlayment,or TW Undedayment. across.the..41' ;and onto tk a adjoining-roof. ContactTAMKO's Technical Services.Department formore information.. 'Measurements will vary when nesting over an-ezisting 5'in;exposure ° 'Pressthe.shingles tightly into the valley., single roof:Call TAMKO Technical Services for further information. a Use normal shingle fastening methods. The:nesting:procedure:described below is the preferred method for Note:No<fastenershould be within 61n.of the valley centerline;: reroofing over existing,metric size shingles with-,a 6-5/8 in exposure: and two fasteners should belplaced'at the end of each shingle See description below; crossing the.:valley. Starter Course;Remove_the tabs and an;addi1.tional the head of a full size shingle so thaf its height is equal to the exposureof To the adjoining roof plane apply one row ofshingles vertically the.existing shingles.Position.the resulting;strip over the existing rooffacing the valley and 2 in;,back from.the vageycenterline. edge(with'thezfactory-applied adhesive strip along.the eaves):,Cut Note: Fora neater installation, snap a chalkline:over the approximately 6 in:from the.rake end and apply the remaining portion at shingles for guidance. the eaves.Continuethe.starter stri"y applying full length shinglestrips ° cut to height at above,evenly along the;existing roof at the eaves.The To complete the valley, apply shingles on the adjoining roof existing roof shoutd overhang the eaves far enough to carry- water pians by positioning the tip of the first shingle of each row of the 2 in.point from the centerline where the 096 of the vertical off.into the gutter.If this is not the.case,cut and applyt the starter shingle hasbeen applied,covering the vertical shingle: strip so that It wift:provide sufficient overhang for Ordper drainage. mi imum 36'wide aheei Valley canted!ne. 5 Y8 of p MetVre:Guatd Plus. I c7 2 E�dra nail in Tile irsoor501b:or erd a1 sha+!s: ;` ,; �, ry, a lreavierroltroWmg II y� �-� ,�,r ,Si •.s , DREnd end sfiingle: orti aaa Q�f' ♦ ,c� ./ ss'� ealtey.eent©dme X93 Underl Tnent :Notasienerstinlhin 0-y� ,w of centedine t First Course:Remove an arrountfrom the butt edge:of afull-size stiingle i so that thexeinaining:portion,of the shingle f tts between the butts of.the i \� I existing third:course.This course mustafso pe applied evenlyalong the eaves edge of the'new starter strip. PIa a ifxt VertichQ o1 stuns+p an its edge or: al shinglo,2166hes back i SeconcLand SUc_0ecftnWCou s;Remove 10-3%8.in-from the rake trom wylev.ce kMine,ar d covedrrg. I end of the first shingle lathe second,course,and continue with full' the vedkal sningla. width shinglesforthe remainder of the course,.plecing the top edgerof each new sfiirigle.against the btittedge.of'heoldshinglein3hecourse FOR:ALTERNATE VALLEY APPLICATION ME_,1HODS;::PLEASE above.This inethod'should createanexposure of5=518in;afterthe first CONTACT TAMKO'S TECHNICAL SERVICES DEPARTMENT AT course.When beginning the succeeding,courses continue to follow the " 800641-4.691. Heritage.application°instructions.(See�section 5). (continued) Central District 220 West 4th,-St., Joplin,MO•'64801 800-641-4691 09119114. Visit Our,Wely Site at Northeast District 4500 Tamko Dr Frederick,MD 21701 800-368=2055. Southeast District 2300 35th St., Tuscaloosa,_AL. 35401 800-228-2656 #alYtkO.ComSouthwest District 7910 S.Central Exp., Dallas,TX 752.16 800-443-1834 Western District 5300 East 43rd Ave., Denver C0 80216 800-5304868 <. C,i '"�`�¢�Y s'i ;.t� ..M.�...�.-.»._..?,�.: � -' x..- �w.:."i'��,�,..,��.....�..�.m.�` `�� .:'. �"t�a�� •',:._.-...,-..._.-.� _.....,xa.... ? (CONTINUED from page 4): FORMERLY HERITAGE0 30. MIUM601HR'PRODUCTS Dallas,.TX® Frederick, MD o Joplin, MO, Phillipsburg;,KS Apply the shingles with a!5-1/8 in.exposure begins ngat the bottom of the hip.or from the;end ofthe ridge opposite the direction of the `prevailingwiinds.Secure each shingle with one fasteneron each side; 5-51B in:back from the exposed end and fln.up from the edge.. TAMKO recommends theuse of TAMKO Hip&,Ridge'shingle; products.:Where matching coibrs-awavailable,if-is acceptable to, use TAMKO'.s Elite Glass-Seal:shingles cut down to 12 in=Pieces. Fastenersshould be 1I4 in,4onger than the one:used for shingles IMPORTANT: PRIOR TO INSTALLATION, CARE NEEDS TO RE TAKEN TCI'PREVENT DAMAGE WHICH CAN OCCUR.WHILE BENDING SHINGLE=IN COLD WEATHER: Directiohi bf prevailing wind ,Start 5=1/81 exposure ere a. t., FIs. astener i Start .here 5-1/8,exposure: THESE ARE THE MANOACTURER'S APPLICATION It11;STRUCTIOi�S FOR THE..ROOFIN'G CONDfTtOPdS DESCRiBEO.TTAMI(d BUILDING PRODUCTS,.INC.ASSUMES ' NO RES ONSIBILITY FOR LEAKS'OR OTHER ROOFING DEFECTS RESULTING FROM,FAILURE T. O.FOLLOW THE MA14UFACTURER'S:INSTRUCTIONS:FAILURE TO FOLLOW THESE IN$TRUCTiONS MALI,-ADVERSELY AFFECT COVERAGE CINDER THE LtMI*ED.WARRANTY. SEE THE LIMITED WARRANTY FORDETAILS'.IF'-YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING THESE.APPL(CATION IN$TRUCtIlONS1 PLEASE CONTACT TAiMKO'S TECHNICAL SERVICESDEPARTMENT AT 800=64'1-4691: ' " ,1 Infcmation included<in Mesa apptucatiortanstructions_was current a'time;'of'printng.To " obtain a copy of the nibst 66"rit versido of these appiicaiibn ins+suctions,Visit us online attamko.com,oraali us atH00-641.4691 TAMKO®;iU dlstureGuard Plus®,Tam-Shieldb,TAWPRGb and.Hetitageo are'registeied trademarks and SupWZO is a trademark:of TAMK4 Building Products,Int:. i I Central District 220 West 4th.St., Joplin,MO.64801800-6.41-4691 09r19/1 Visit Our Web Site at Northeast'District 45067emko:Dr., Frederick,MD 21701. 800-368 -2055 Southeast District, 2300 85th Sty, Tuscaloosa,AL 3540i 800-228-2656 tcamko COQ Southwest District 7910 S.Central Exp.,: Dallas,TX 75216 800-443-1834 Westerir District, 5300 East 48-rd Ave.„ Denver,CO 80216 800-530-8868 g -ig 77 77,771 " ap69a�s Understanding Thermallei On Gtass Performance Solar Heat Gain Coefficient'(SHGC. measures how much hea(from=the sdws blocked, y, ---- A The'lower"the SHGC,the more the skytight;is blocking heat:entering the living space. 01-Factor 0>SHGC>1 y ` measures howwett. our �'' ,, ti tawer,is better -� skylight pcevents'heat`from escaping;a Living space. 0.15:>U factor>1.20 lower"isbettur ' Visible Th3nsmiittance WT): . Uttraviolat'Lighk(VV.). measures how much tightcomes considered[he energy that accounts through the skylight. for the maio ity of fading of.Materials :. and furnishings. --- -- 0,>VT>100%. . . Personat Preference 0>UV'>1 lower is better insulated Gtass Thermal Properties Comparison GIaSS U.-Factor SHGC -VT UV` Single Pane,Clear 104 86 9,0% 73 . _ Tinted/ClMernp wu on 8'. . .: -..,, 63,.... 61% ..:.i:. ..32 . Low e/CUTemp w/Argon 30 72 76% 50 .....; LoE2 240/ClrTem _w/Ar on 26' 25 39% 16 LoE3 366/ClrTemp w/Argon 24 .27 _ 65% .05 LoE3 340/ClrTempw/Argon .24, '.S 39% .02 R .. Condensation in your home is caused by excess humidity or invisible water in the air.,The warm air`n_your home can:hold ta(ge amounts of'this watervapor(much more than cold air).When Che moisture-laden warm air comes in contact.with a cool surface,,thevapor:condenses.to form actual water droplets,This is the cause of the condensation you see"on the inside.of your skytights.or windows.The lower the U-.Factor.&SHGC tt ermal.numbers the better result�reducing condensation. -800- -5854 1 334 ti V p) ,{ gggy L S _ g 7�7 9 A', f w i a Gloss Skylights from:Suri-Tek L®E3-340 over Clear Tempered(std) 4 , Laminated&.Impact Available , Al i amount of heat to your home ain VVi e keeps.the most heat'in: wxg youch,ome ofany availtle glass on = } ,the market Qs� :!Ie „ _\ K 17 — "L7H. 2 vm L u I f, SJ.?= EM MIAM-ODADE MIAM-D"E COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AM ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION Miapm,Florida 33175-2474 T(786)'315-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE MA) w*w.miamidRdg1ov/economy Sun-Tek- Manufacturing,Inc. 10303 General Drive Orlando,FL 32824 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER- Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ). Jf This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County),reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes.If this product or material fails to perform in the.accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing-and the AM may immediately revoke,modify,or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction.;RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section'that this product or material.fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. DEscRiiPTion ftl§_F�6SkyH�jW§ys Sys APPROVAL DOCUMENT: Drawing No. STI-00000298,titled"ISFC-?',sheet 1 &2 of 2,prepared by Sun-Tek Manufacturing,Inc., dated August 07,2007,last revision RA dated May 04,2015, signed and seated by James D. Wells, Jr., RE., on May. 04, 2015, bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control Revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and the expiration date*by the Miami-Dade County Prod.uct Control Section. ARSSIOLE IMPACT RATING- Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING: Each unit shall bear a-permanent label with the manufacturer's name! o, r logo, city, .state, model/series and the folio-wing statement: "Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved", unless.otherwise noted herein. RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been Med and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product.I TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been,'a revision or change in the materials, use, and/or manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA,as an endorsement of any product, for.sales, advertising or any other purpose's shall automatically terminate this NOA. Failure to comply with-a-aysection of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall :be done in its entirety. INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This NOA revises NOA 913-1028.05 and consists of this page 1, evidence submitted pages E-1,E-2, &E-3,as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Helmy A.Makar,F.E.,US WMIAMMADE COUNTY dN�1!M0:jAJN:0._15-05I3-1W EX0Expiration kation life. 16a /2018—=5P ApprovailDate- 09/03/2015 Page 1 Sun-Telt Manufacturing,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE:EVIDENCE SUBM[TTED 1, EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL#07-0425.04 A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. STI-00000298-SRTIISBT2, titled "ISFG". sheet I & 2 of 2,prepared by Sun-Tek Manufacturing, Inc, dated 06104107 with last revision: dated 08107107, signed and sealed by James D. Wells,Jr.,P.E. B. TESTS(submitted under NOA#02-0618.06) 1. Test Report on Large Missile Impact Test per PA 201, Cyclic,Wind Pressure Test per PA 203 and Uniform Static Air Pressure Test per PA 202 of"Insulated Glass Skylight with Polycarbonate Inner Liner" prepared by National Certified Testing Laboratories, Report No. 210-2760-1, 2 &3, dated 01122102, signed and sealed by B. Portnoy,P.E. C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor Calculations for attachment.of skylight to curbing and curbing to decking, dated 08113107, signed and sealed by James D. Wells, Jr., .P-E. D. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS (submitted under NOA#02-0618.06) 1. Test report on Rate ofAurningper ASTMD635 of Geon 87416 White 141 Exterior, 0.137 inch,prepared by Commercial Testing Company, ReportMo. 01- 11293, dated 11129101, signed by J Jackson. 2., Test report on&6F)gnition Temperature per ASTMD1929 of, Geon 87416 White 141 Exterior,prepared by Commercial Testing Company, Report No. 01-11292, dated 11129101, signed by J Jackson. E. STATEMENTS(submitted under NOA#02-0618.06) 1. Code compliance letter issued by Product Technology Corporation.,on 0912 7102, signed and sealed by R J Quiroga P.E. F. OTHER 1. NOA renewal request letter issued by Sun-Tek Manufacturing, Inc., dated 08116107, James Feudner. 2. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED-UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL 11-0601.02 A. DRAWINGS I. Drawing No. STI-00000298-SBTIISHT2, titled "ISFG". sheet I &2 of Z prepared by Sun-Tek Manufacturing, Inc, dated August 07, 2007, ,.last revision -#A dated October 14, 2011, signed andsealed by James D. Wells, Jr., P.E. 4eelmy A.Makar,P.E.,M.S. Product CdAirol Section Supervisor NOA No.15-0513.10 Expiration Date: 10/3112018 Approval Date: 09/03)2015 i Sun-Tek Manufacturing,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED B. TESTS 1. Test Addendum for Test Report NCTL 210-2760-11 prepared by national Certified Testing Laboratories, dated October 17, 2011, cert6ing thie interlayer thickness, signed by Mark Bennett, Manager of Testing Services. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE -1. By Miami-Dade County Department of Permitting, .Environment, and Regulatory Affairs(PERA). E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. 3. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL#12-1011.15 A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. STI-00000298, titled "ISFG", sheet I & 2 of'2, prepared by Sun-Tek Manufacturing Inc, dated August 07, 2007, last revision #A dated May 03, 2012, signed and sealed by James D. Wells, Jr., P.E. B. TESTS 1. None. C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. By Miami-Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources. E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. None. i F. OTHERS 1. A compliance letter,prepared by.J&L Wells Consulting LLC, dated April 25, 2012, certify compliance with FBC 2010 edition, sign&sealed by.Iames'D. Wells, Jr.,P.E. 2. Verification testing to be performed per letter from Nationali Certified Testing Laboratories, dated September 18, 2012, signed by Christopher Be'nnea.. Helmy A.Makar,P.E.,M.S. Product Control Section Supervisor NOA No.15-0513.10 Expiration Date: 10/31/2018 Approval Date: 09/03/2015 E-2 i Sun-Tek Manufacturing,Inc. NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE:EVIDENCE SUBMITTED 4. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED UNDER PREVIOUS APPROVAL#13-1028.05 A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. STI-00000298, titled "ISFG", sheet 1 &'2 of 2, prepared by Sun-Tek Manufacturing, Inc., dated August 07, 2007, last revision #A,dated August 15, 2013, signed and sealed by James D. Wells, Jr., P.E., on February 07, 2014. B. TESTS 1. Test Report on Large Missile Impact Test per PA 201, Cyclic,Wind Pressure Test per PA 203 and Uniform Static Air Pressure Test per PA 202 of"Insulated Glass Skylight with Polycarbonate Inner Liner" prepared by National Certifted Testing Laboratories, Report No. 210-3915-01, dated 08127/2013,1,signed and sealed by Gerard Ferrara, P.E. C. CALCULATIONS 1. Anchor Calculations for attachment of skylight Model ISFG to Decking, dated 1010312013, signed and sealed by James D. Wells, Jr.,P.E. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. By Miami-Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources. E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS 1. Bill of Material and Components Die Drawings. 5. NEW EVIDENCE SUBMITTED A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No. STI-00000298, titled "ISFG", sheet I & 2 of-?, prepared by Sun-Tek Manufacturing, Inc., dated August 07, 2007, last revision #A dated May 04, 2015,. signed and sealed by James D. Wells, Jr., P.E., on May 04, 2015. B. TESTS 1. None, C. CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. By Miami-Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources. E. MATERIAL CERTIFICATIONS . I. None. eluly A.Makar,P.E:,NLS. Product Control Section Supervisor NOA No.15-0513.10 Expiration Date: 10/31/2018 Approval Date: 09/03/2015 E-3 i PART NAME: ISFG SKYLIGHT ASSEMBLY FILE NAME: Z:\DWG\DWGXACAD-2000 DRAWINGS\DADE COUNTY ISFG STI-00000298 STI-215.DEC4 COVER 0.075 6063 T6 ALUM . 17/32" GLASS BITE 1I8" OUTBOARD DSB TEMPERED SILICONE BEDDING (CONTINUOUS) 1/8" INBOARD GLASS DSB TEMPERED STI-6 GLASS GASKET EPDM ' (CONTINUOUS) r INSULATED AIR SPACE to ARGON GAS FILLED STI-401 WOOD LINER 1.16x0.935" (CONTINUOUS) SWIGGLE SPACER(0. 5) #8-32 PHILLIPS PAN HD SCREW AND HEX NUT 7 PER LONG SIDE 7 PER SHORT SIDE .177 POLYCARBONATE SHEET PALRAM PALSUN LL a BUTYL 3 RINGS OF SEALANT STI-300 PVC LINER 0 :3 BENEATH FLANGE (CONTINUOUS) GEON 87416 WHITE w O AROUND PERIMETER OF FLANGE 141 EXTERIOR = w (CONTINUOUS) AND ON TOP OF EACH Z v FLANGE SCREW Q AIR SPACE OR re DADE COUNTY APPROVED ;I. cn SHINGLES EXPANDED POLYSTYRENE INSULATION (SEE NOTE 1) - - - - - _ - ROOF OECKtniri a" -thick - DESIGN PRESSURE RATING+/-80 PSF. LARGE MISSILE IMPACT RESISTANCE Engineer of Record James D. Wells, Jr.,P.E. Professional Engineer No.,53616 NOTE: * (1)ALL ROOFING DETAILS SHALL COMPLY WITH nuAr -rrM sc nE7-ruc 171 noinA 01 111 P [Mr-1 (InnC 7l)4A nrli+ar PART NAME: ISFG SKYLIGHT PLAN VIEW FILE NAME: Z:\DWG\DWG\ACAD 2000 DRAWINGS\DADE COUNTY ISFG STI-00000298 54.55 STI-214 DECO R tip to tip 0 4,0004.000 0 5.8125 0 SILICONE BEE 5.8 25' 5. 5.8125 4 STI-6 GLA: 125 STI-205 CMG FRAME 0.06( 5.8125 h WELDED CORNER #8-32 X AND HEX N I f I ti FASTENERS SKYLIGHT AND BOTT TO DECK#8 X V' (9) PER SIDE STI-20- AP' LL Oo. J I ISFG 4949 I I It 0 3 R11 O W BENEAI I —� — ti z Q AROUN SYME RICAL o w (CONTINUO I,- L =) o SH: �(SE C 9' #8 X 1"PHILPS PA FASTENERS SUB-FRAME TO FRAME ~ SCREW(9)PER '�-min.protr - - - - ROOF DEQ -- TF h6 4"MININUM UP o ROOF SURFA( t- o DESIGN PRESSURE RATING+1-80 PSF.� a LARGE MISSILE IMPACT RESISTANCE ni Engineer of Record NOTE: James D. Wells, Jr.,P,E. * (1)ALL ROOFING DETAILS SHALL COMPLY WITH Professional Engineer No. 53616 r+uno-rCo 4R nC Tuc Gi name ar 111 Minh, rrnnr= ')01A otirtinn PRODUCT REVISED Florida Building Code Online http:/Avww.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app dtl.aspx?pmam=wGEVX... Art! ftirluw!epaivlee l BM Home Log In User Registration i Hot Topics j Submd sumlarge i Stats&Facts + Pubfrations i Fac staff 1, BcLS site Map i Links i Search ! `Busines �' l _ Product Approval {y 1 rofesslg USER:Pubk User Regulation Product Approval Menu>Product or ApRASatlon Seamh>Aopkatfan LLSt>AppRatfon DeW FL# FL2847-R7 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved *Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be'reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission If necessary. Comments Archivedr Product Manufacturer Lomanco,Inc Address/Phone/Email 2101 West Main Jacksonville,AR 72076 (501)982-6511 acarter@lomanco.com Authorized Signature Andrew Carter acarter@lomanco.com Technical Representative Andrew Carter Address/Phone/Email 2101 West Main Street Jacksonville,AR 72076 (501)982-6511 Ext 361 acarter@lomanco.cem Quality Assurance Representative Andrew Carter Address/Phone/Emall 2101 West Main Street Jacksonville,AR 72078 (501)9S2-6511 Ext 361 acarter@lomanco.com Category Roofing Subcategory Roofing Accessories that are an Integral Part of the Roofing System Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Product Evaluation Entity Evaluation Entity Miami-Dade BCCO-EVL Quality Assurance Entity Mlaml-Dade BCCO'-QUA Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 08/16/2016 Validated By Miami-Dade BCCO-VAL Certificate of Independence Referenced Standard and Year(or standard) standard Yoar Miami-Dade TAS 100(A) I 1995 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By of 2 10/1/2015 2:06 PM Florida Building Code Online nttp://WWW.tiOruiabtuiumg.Org/pvpr app_ari.aspx-tparam=wt hvA-.. Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option C Date Submitted 06/29/2015 Date Validated 07/02/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval Date Approved 07/09/2015 Summary of Products FL* YY Model,Number or Name Description 2847.1 Lo-OmniRidge LOR9-4 Gun Nallable.4'Ridge Vent for 9"Cap Shingles Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL2847 R7 II LOg9-4 13070110.odf Approved for.use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Miami-Dade BCCO-EVC Impact Resistant:N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other: 1.Refer to applicable building codes for required FL2847 R7 AE LOR9,4 13070110.Ddf ventilation.2.Omni Roll Ridge Vent shall not be installed on roof hips.3.Omni Roll Ridge Vent shall not be connected at ridge intersection,nor within 12"of any side wall or roof protrusion,with a ventilation slot clearance of 12"from such i obstructions.5.Omni Roll Ridge Vent shall not be installed on roof mean heights greater than 33 feet. 2847.2. - Lo-OmniRoll LOR-30 130'Gun Nallable Shingle Over,Ridge Vent Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL2847 R7 II LOR-30 13070111.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Miaml-Dade BCCO-EVL Impact Resistant:N/A Created by Independent Third Party: Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other: 1.Refer to applicable building codes for required FL2847 R7 AE LOR-30 13070111.odf ventilation.2.OmnlRidge Vent shall not be installed on roof mean heights greater than 33 feet. 2847.3 I OmniRidge OR-4 14'Shingle Over Ridge Vent Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL2847 R7 II Lomanco OE(-,4-NOA 11-0602.03.E)df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Miami-Dade BCCO-EVL Impact Resistant:N/A Created by Independent Third Party. Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other: 1.Refer to applicable building codes for required FL2847 R7 AE Loma nco OR-4-NOA.11-0602.03.ndf ventilation.2.OmpiRldge Vent shall not be installed on roof mean heights greater than 33 Feet. iaadt next . Contact Its::.loch North mgnma street.Tallahassee FL 32309 phone-RSn-m-4824 The State of Florida i5 an AA/EEO employer.`copyright 2007-201-1 State of Florida.::PrtoaQe Statement;;Acc-n-nbilihr Statement;;Refund Statement Under Florida law,4mail addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public-records request,do not send electronic - mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone,or by traditional mail.If.you have any questions,please contact 850.4a7.1395.*Putsuant to Section 455.275(3),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an eman address Fthey have one.The emails provided may be used for official communEatmn with the licensee.However emall addresses are pub4c record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an emall address which can be made available to the pubic.To determine N you are a licensee under Chapter ' .. 455,F.S.,please click here Product Approval Accepts: MEsec^slritvur.rnscr M, of 2 10/1/2015 2:06 PM ' I p I MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MIAMI•M4Df: PRODiJCT°CO_�VTRUL SECTION 11805 SW 26 Street,Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) I Miami,Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NDA) www.miamidade.eovIeconomy . Lomanco,Inc. " 2101 West main Street Jacksonville,AR 72076 . SCOPE: o This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER-Product dontroi Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having,Jurisdiction(AHJ). f v This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below. The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section (In Miami Dade County) and/or the AHJ (in areas other than Miami Dade County) nese 7 e the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes. If this product or material fails to perform in the accepted manner,-the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke,modify,or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements.of the applicable building code. This product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code including the High Velocity Hurricane Zone of the Florida Building Code. l DESCRIPTION: Lomanco Lo-Omni Roll LOR 30 Ridge Vent LABELING: Each unit shall bear a permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo; city, state and following statement: "Miami- Dade County Product Control Approved",unless otherwise noted,herein., RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been-no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TERMINATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a:revision or change in the materials, use, and/or-manufacture of the product or process. Misuse of this NOA as an endorsement of any product, for sales,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA.Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal of NOA. " • i p ADVERTISEMENT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County, Florida, and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall.be done in its entirety. { u INSPECTION: A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. i This NOA renews and revises NOA No.08-0611.05 consists of pages 1 through 4. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Juan E.Collao,R.A. NOA No.: 13-0701.11 iN MADE C UWrY Expiration Date: 09/09/18 Approval Date: 09/12/13 Page 1 of 5 r ROOFING COMPONENT APPROVAL Category: . Roofing Sub-Category: Ventilation Materials: PIastic Minimum Slope: 3:12 TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED OR LABELED BY APPLICANT: Test Product Product Dimensions Specification 'Description LOR-30. 60"x 14 %z"x 5/8" TAS 110 Ridge ventilation system 0.625"thick TRADE NAMES OF PRODUCTS MANUFACTURED BY OTHERS: Test Product Product Dimensions Specification Description Manufacturer. Roofing Nails Min. 12 ga. TAS 114 Appendix E Corrosion resistant annular ring Generic shank nails Roofing Nails Min: 12 ga., TAS 114 Appendix E Corrosion resistant smooth shank Generic 1 Y49' nails MANUFACTURING LOCATION 1. Jacksonville,AR EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: .Test Agency/Identifier Name Report Date Celotex Corporation Testing Service ASTM D1929 MTS 520172 07/21/99 ASTM D635 'Celotex Corporation Testing Service ASTM 13638 MTS 520172 10/22/99. Celotex Corporation Testing Service ASTM D638 MTS 520656 07/14/2000 PR1 Asphalt Technologies,Inc. TAS 100 LOM-003-02-01 01/15/03 PRI Asphalt Technologies,Inc. TAS 100(A)-95 LOM-028-02-01 08/28/13 PRI Asphalt Technologies,Inc. ASTM D635 LOM-030-02=01 07/23/13 PRI Asphalt Technologies,Inc. ASTM D638 LOM-025-02-01 05/30/13 PRI Asphalt Technologies,Inc. ASTM D1929 LOM-031-02-01 07/23/13 PRI Asphalt Technologies,.Inc. . ASTM G155 LOM-025-02-01 05/30/13 NOA No.: 13-0701.11 rwar+�Eurmr Expiration Date: 09/04/18 Approval Date: 09/12/13 Page 2 of 5 APPROVED APPLICATIONS Tradename: Lo-Omni Roll(LOR-30)Ridge Vent System Type: Mechanical attachment of ridge vent system over composition shingles. Slot: Truss Construction: Cut shall be 1-`/4"wide and 6" shorter at,each end than the total length of the ridge vent to be installed. Ridge Pole Construction: Cut shall be 2-3/4"" wide and 6' shorter of each end than the total length of the ridge vent to be installed. Insiallation: Mark proper alignment and end line for vents with chalk; snap a chalk line down both sides of the ridge at a distance of 7"down from.the peak as shown in the manufacturer's installation instructions. Center the length of vent along the ridge.Start nailing with minimum 1 %4"roofing nails placed 6"on center at manufacturer pre-marked.locations. Use nails of sufficient length to penetrate through the sheathing a minimum of 3/f6"or at least I"into wood plank decking thicker than I". Cut lines are provided if more,than one vent is being used(See manufacturer installation manual). Additional pieces shall run in the same direction as they unroll out of the carton. Ridge Shingle: Using nail lines provided on top of vent,install the cap shingles directly to the vent,in compliance with the shingle manufacturer's Notice of Acceptance(NOA)and installation instructions,using roofing nails of sufficient length to penetrate through the sheathing a minimum of 3/16"or at least 1"into wood-plank decking thicker than 1 Ventilation Calculations: Refer to manufacturer's published literature. j NOA No.:13-0701.11 FDAD COU,n 'Expiration Date: 09/04/18 Approval Date: 09/12/13 Page 3 of 5 LIMITATIONS: 1. Refer to applicable Building Code for required ventilation. 2. Ridge Vent shall comply with applicable Building Code. 3. Omni Roll Ridge Vent shall not be installed in conjunction with Gable vents. 4. Omni Roll Ridge Vent shall not be installed on roof hips. S. Omni Roll Ridge Vent shall not be connected at ridge intersection,or within 12"of any side wall or roof protrusion,with a ventilation slot clearance of 12"from such obstructions. b. Omni Roll Ridge Vent shall not be installed on roof mean heights greater than 33 ft. 7. For application over laminated shingles,apply a bead of silicone caulking or roof cement to the underside of the outer baffle and at exposed edges. 8. All pioducts-listed herein shall have a quality assurance audit in accordance with the Florida Building Code and Rule 9N-3 of the Florida Administrative Code. 1 NOA No.:13-0701.11 MIAMIDADE COLiNTY E4iration Date: 09/04/18 Approval Date: 09/12/13 Page 4 of 5 t ,p \/ t � . � � � , ■�! , ) , ] 2 � ! 60" - ƒ . � r . � h • ; +: \ � | � \ . . yy . . ( [ E 4 !� �| 14,5" 6250 to0mIROLL RiDGEVENT LOR3 . . END OF THIS ACCEPTANCE \ N01 N:1-07111 Expiration Date: mm4Z18 . § Approval Date: 09%21z3 Page s«5