HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Florida Buildirig:Codz:O it rie,. Page: 1 of 2` APR p APR M7 FILE ° SCIS Hone L'ug.ln User Regtstr'atlai;; HOY ToF7+s Subrhlt Surthaf3F i .stats'e,Facts;'+`P�biicapx4 ;FBC Staff 1,BCiS:S t:jjY§ap Llnk5 ;Search Business �"� Prof6ssi6nal IR P� `Approval ed F6# Ft2"418-R9' Application Type Revision code`Ver ion 2i)14 Appilcation,status Appivved *Approved by DBb PR.Approvals ,y DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POCand/or the;Gomrrission If necessary. Comihent5: Archived Product Manufacturer Maxim Industries;Inc. Address/PhoneJEmall 1630 Terre Colony.Court Dallas,TX'7S'212-6221 '(214) 905-2021 infoomaziriskylIghts.com Authorized Si4nature. David Thornton infoO.maAimskylights;com Technical Representative Address/Phone/E ma ii Quality Assd'rance Representative Ad dress/Phone/E mall category Sky Ughts Su6categry: 5kylighf Compliance:Method 'Certification Ma&&Listing CertificationAgency National;Accreditation&.Management Institute:. Validated.;By National Accreditation,&Managementinstitute, Referenced-Standard and Year hof'Standard J' Standard Year TAS-201 1994 TAS 202 1994 TAS:203. 1994 Equivalence of,Pe6duct:Stihdarda Certified By Prod"uct`Approval-Method Method,i option,A Date;Su b miffed 07/10/2015 Date Validated 07/16%2015 Date:Pending FBG Approval Date.Approved 07/25/2015 httip: fv' �%;f7oidaliuilding;:orglpr/pr_app_citl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsliJBZvQ31iu... 7/29/20'15. Florida Buildii g.Cod6 Online: Page.2 &2. e 5uirima of:Products FL yt: Moelel,.Nuu ber•or Name. Rescri,ptiom 2418.1 Dade Curb Mount Skylight' Polycarbonate:Glazed Aluminum Skylight Limits of Use: Certification AgencyCettrftcate: ,_Approved for use iii HVH2:'Yes Fl24 6 .99 C CAC N1061984 I24,odf A..pprovetl for use-outside HVHZ."Yes QualityAssurar!ce,Confract.ExpiratloriDate. Impact Resistant:Yes 12/3i/2017 Design Presstirer+607-:60 Installation.Instructiorfs Other: FL24ti P9 II p6ill .:s.l4i Verified Ely: National Accreditation 6L Management Institute Created Gy IndepeindentThi-rd Party: EValumition Reports FL24418 P.9 AE '.Evaluation Report TBA 15,0715:01.odf Created by.Independent.Thitd Party:,Yes 2418.2 Dade'-Self Flashing Skylight Polycattionate'Glazed Alunilnum Skyllglit Limits of Use Certification.Agency Certificate. Approved for use..in HVHZ:Yes FL18 R9 C.CAC N1009198 R 2`+F4.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ':`Yes Quality'Assurance.Contract Expiratiori`Date Impact Resistant:Yes• , 12/31%2017 Designpres5ure:'+60/-60 'Installation Instructions Other: FL�41&i29.II bSF1507,ndf. VeHfled By,: National Accreditation&ManagernentInstitute Created by Independai iii Third Party:, Evaluation Reports FL2416 R9 AE Evaluation Report TBA 15.0715 42.odf ,Created by TndependentThird Party:Yes. F.ackucKt �,ri a ;:;]aaO lJOrttiMbnr�x Sleet Tellahass�e�L3'�Phone:s5o=387-11�''S The snte,of Florida is an AWEEO employer._Convrlaht 3007-?013.State of Flcnda,;:'privaeV SLatemenC;rAccesdblity SmtemenC:.:Refund Statement Under Florida lacy,,emall,addresses are putoc records,if you do not viangciur e=mall ad ess releasetl In r Aonse'to`d puL4id-re!'ords ceque5>;do�notsend. eteco-a Irniail to tl Is e 6ty.tnswad:contact Bic'of``6,:by pt tv e or bv,7aditlona'•mall.1 you have{an y quesuoi s,:`please gJntact,850483;1395."Pursuant to. sectler 4,5;275(1);Florida Stawtes,,effe tiv2.October 1,2012;Ilcen ees hc>.nsed.�rtlertliapter 455,F.S.must provide th-pepartmentv+lth an en>,ali:add-ess it tlieyhave.one•The emails'.provided may be used:rol'oKirlal tort rnunlGltFon arlLh ttC Ilcens�CC.'However emait.ac1dr05ses 9re pA llc r mid,lf.Yw do not:wish.to ,pply:a personal address,-,please provide the bepartment wid3'gi*email address whlch�carj be�h1ade avdilable tothc•puok.Tadctemtirw IF.you area licensee under. Chapter 455,:F:S.,please cllrk;here .producYApproval Acceptsi 14 L, 54xitireht5diT443i"a. littp://www;£loridaliuilding:org/pr/pr_app Ldtl.as.px?parain=WGEVXQwtDgslUBZY--v.Q3iiu... 7/29/2015 F MAXIM INDUSTRIES, INC. �, o DADE SELF FLASHING SKYLIGHT z N = w � a LL J C=7 ]OH LL cco � QWa o Waf 3'MAX.FROM 12"MAX. Q W A CORNERS TYP. O.C.TYP. ❑ GENERAL NOTES: • • 1.This Product has been designed and tested to conform to the requirements as determined in the 0 Florida Building Code 5th Edition(2014). LLN I I U �z I 1 2.This product is designed for within and outside High Velocity Hurricane Zone. � �C • I I • J N I I 3.The Details and specifications shown herein represent product engineered and tested for water, o air,impact,cyclic and uniform static air pressure testing in conformance with TAS 201,TAS 202, TAS 203. n' O O O • 1 1 • 4.When used in areas requiring wind bome debris protection this product complies with SectionsU o C') > 1 I 1609.1.2 and 1626 of the Florida Building Code 5th Edition(2014)and does not require an impact O W _j� O`a I I resistance covering. n Q 0 aa)i Zoo .o 5.Building structure must be designed by licensed professional engineer to carry the loads applied a m w 0 a • I I • z z from this product. C15 q j ) i o I w J c M 2 Z IW 6.All anchors to surrounding structure to be as listed and spaced as specified in these drawings,any fp y; 7, E d I o substitutions shall be approved by licensed professional Engineer. E U 3 • 1 • ¢ 33 d a 7.Skylight Material Is 6063-T6 Extruded Aluminum.Skylight Inner and Outer Dame Material is Y u7 I I o o Polycarbonate,NOA#12-0605.05. m o rn X U 8.Substrate material:Wood,minimum specific gravity of 0.42. • I I • I I `�,'1s�eitso1��o� • I I • DESIGN PRESURE RATING(PSF) IMPACT RATING fd0 09IIf w' '��'- I I t 60.0 LARGE MISSILE IMPACT g •= • i i • STATE OF 140':r L-------------- THEODORE BERMAN,P.E. • • • • • • • 0981 0]!10/7515 44.50"MAX.O.A. D.L.O.WIDTH DATE: 07/10/15 54"MAX.O.A.FLANGE WIDTH DWG#: DSF1507 ELEVATION AND ANCHOR LAYOUT SCALE: N.T.S. SHEET: 1 of 2 I Minimum#12 X 1.25"fastener by others.Pre-punched installtion holes 4"from each comer,maximum 10.5"on center.Minimum penetration=1". 2 .060"X 1.5"X 1.75"6063-T6 extruded aluminum retaining angle.Aluminum angle mitered and welded @ four corners. F 3 52.5"X 100.375"UV Enhanced outer polycarbonate dome @ 8"height on test sample.(height varies per size) U 4 52.5"X 100.375"UV Enhanced inner polycarbonate dome @ 4"height on test sample.(height varies per size) Z Z OU 5 OSI PR256 urethane sealant.Located between aluminum retaining angle and outer dome&between inner dome and aluminum frame. 2 >„ 6 Sealant tape.I"X.125"located between outer and inner domes. Q F— z 7 6063-T6 extruded aluminum frame.Aluminum frame mitered and welded @ four corners. LL X 0O H 8. #12 X 1.75"fastener.One fastener located equidistant from each comer.Four fasteners per skylight. u_ _j Z)O 9 #10 X.375 18-8 stainless steel fastener.Located 4"from each corner,maximum 11"on center. w Q U Q 10 All units equal to or less than the total square footage or the test specimen,36 square feet,will be accepted under this approval. w U] Z a .a 11 Minimum distance=4"from angle lip to roof surface for shingles or BUR without insulation.For insulation and tile roof add tile height and insulation ❑ 9 thickness to the 4"minimum height. 0¢ M � o 3O Outer Polycarbonate Dome U ® Inner Polycarbonate Dome #12 Stainless Steel Fastener with ® o neoprene gasket.One fastenerv m o0 located equidustant from each ._ v r, comer.(Four fasteners per V u) m m O2 .060"Extruded Aluminum__ Sskylight) O -_ -o Jon o Retaining Angle SeaU) h u- a 00 M #10 X.375"stainless steel fastener @ Q ° : SeTape �_ .o 5 4"from each comer,maximum 11" 9O O ar �— Gutter" �on center. ct3 ¢ C7 m "' o c o cl- .060"Aluminum Frame O E U V --Lo 3 Q tYl N U v h Design Pressure: 60psf+/- q� Minimum#12 X 1.5" 8j1iu¢9i36ajF eq� �pORE.8 '�iof Test Pressure: -120psf & +180psf 11 fastener.Installation w�:�Z;•y�Gl:IV19�92�9�,� holes 3"from each No 09814 comer,maximum 12" 3"Installation Flange on center.Minimum '-0; s penetration=1'. STATE OF4U Z 'ltj�+� . F�dtf1i56f6ii'' THEODORE BERMM'P.E. NO.09814 01/10115 �— Self Flashing Model DATE: 07/10/15 Roof deck and framing by others.All roof details shall comply with all DWG#: DSF1507 sections of the Florida Building Code SCALE: N.T.S. and Florida Residential Code. SHEET: 2 of 2