HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval 4/10/2017 n Florida Building Code Online 'e Business & Professional SCIS Home I Log In User Registration I Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge I Stats&Facts I Publications I FBC Staff I BCIS Site Map Links I Search a ' Product Approval m p At .USER:Public User d,b' r Product Aooroval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application Checklist>Application Detail OFFICE OF THE FL# FL14104-1113 SECRETARY Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved *Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC and/or the Commission if necessary. Comments Archived Product Manufacturer JELD-WEN Address/Phone/Email 3737 Lakeport Blvd Klamath Falls,OR 97601 (800)535-3936 fbci@jeld-wen.com Authorized Signature Kaede McLaughlin fbci@jeld-wen.com Technical Representative JELD-WEN Corporate Customer Service Address/Phone/Email 3737 Lakeport Blvd. Klamath Falls,OR 97601 (800)535-3936 customerserviceagents@jeld-wen.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Windows Subcategory Single Hung Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency American Architectural Manufacturers Association Validated By American Architectural Manufacturers Association Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440 2008 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Product Approval Method Method 1 Option A Date Submitted 10/21/2016 Date Validated 10/28/2016 haps://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app g.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsKhgANvDgZwhRpKSfNlgx1Yu8CKDJRgAfMYk7vRSykwg%3dp/o3d 1/3 4/10/2017 Florida Building Code Online Date Pending.FBC Approval Date Approved 11/02/2016 Summary of Products FL# Model,Number or Name Description 14104.1 Builders Vinyl (V-2500) Tilt Single Hung 48"x 77"Annealed Insulated Glass Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14104 R13 C CAC R-PG50-48x77.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 10/04/2021 Design Pressure:+50/-50 Installation Instructions Other: FL14104 R13 II R-PG50-48x77 Installation Instructions.pdf Verified By:American Architectural Manufacturers Association Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports FL14104 R13 AE PER 3078.odf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 14104.2 Builders Vinyl (V-2500) Two Wide Tilt Single Hung 84"x 57"Annealed Insulated Glass Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14104 R13 C CAC XX R-PG50-84x57.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 08/28/2021 Design Pressure:+50/-50 Installation Instructions Other: FL14104 R13 II R-PG50-84x57 Installation Instructions.odf Verified By:American Architectural Manufacturers Association Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports FL14104 R13 AE PER 3076.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 14104.3 Builders Vinyl (V-2500) Three Wide Tilt Single Hung 108"x 74"Annealed Insulated Glass Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14104 R13 C CAC XXX R-PG50 108x74.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 01/26/2021 Design Pressure: +50/-50 Installation Instructions Other: FL14104 R13 II BV-Triple TSH CHS PG50 108x74 S]W2012-014 Nail Fin 5-2S-16.pdf Verified By:American Architectural Manufacturers Association Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: -7[ 14104.4 Builders Vinyl(V-2500) Three Wide With Center Picture Tilt Single Hung 109"x 74" Annealed Insulated Glass Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14104 R13 C CAC XOX R-PG50-109x74.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 01/29/2022 Design Pressure:+50/-50 Installation Instructions Other: FL14104 R13 II XOX R-PG50- 109x74 Installation Instructions,pdf Verified By:American Architectural Manufacturers Association Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports FL14104 R13 AE PER 3077.pdf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 14104.5 Builders Vinyl(V-2500) Tilt Single Hung 36"x 84"Annealed Insulated Glass Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14104 R13 C CAC R-PG35-36x84.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 12/20/2019 Design Pressure: +35/-35 Installation Instructions Other: FL14104 R13 II R-PG35- 36x84 Nail Fn Installation Instructions.odf Verified By:American Architectural Manufacturers Association Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 14104.6 Builders Vinyl (V-2500) Tilt Single Hung 52 1/8"x 75"Annealed Insulated Glass Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate https://www.floridabuilding.orgipr/pr_app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsKhgANvDgZwhRpKSfNlgxlYuBCKDJRgAfmYk7vRSykwg%3d%3d 2/3 4/10/2017 Florida Building Code Online Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14104 R13 C CAC R-PG50-52.125x75.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant:No 05/13/2022 Design Pressure:+50/-50 Installation Instructions Other: FL14104 R13 II R-PG50- 52.125x75 Installation Instructions.pdf Verified By:American Architectural Manufacturers Association Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports FL14104 R13 AE PER 3079.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes 14104.7 Builders Vinyl(V-2500) Tilt Single Hung 48"x 72"Annealed Insulated Glass Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14104 R13 C CAC R-PG35-48x72 DP-40 Cert.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 06/25/2018 Design Pressure: +35/-40 Installation Instructions Other: FL14104 R13 II R-PG35-48x72 DP- 40 Installation Instructions.pdf Verified By:American Architectural Manufacturers Association Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports Created by Independent Third Party: 14104.8 Builders Vinyl(V-2500) Tilt Single Hung 36"x 72"Annealed Insulated Glass Limits of Use Certification Agency Certificate Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14104 R13 C CAC R-PG50-36x72 DP-55.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date Impact Resistant: No 09/09/2021 Design Pressure:+50/-55 Installation Instructions Other: FL14104 R13 II Bldr Vinyl TSH FBC 36x72 AT 2016-10- 20.pdf FL14104 R13 II Bldr Vinyl TSH FBC 36x72 SS 2016-10- 20TDdf Verified By:American Architectural Manufacturers Association Created by Independent Third Party: Evaluation Reports FL14104 R13 AE PER4544.Ddf Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Back Next Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road.Tallahassee Fl,32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released In response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mail to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.-Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address If they have one.The emails provided may be used for officlal communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S., please clidc here. Product Approval Accepts: Gredlt Card Safie https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsKhgANvDgZwhRpKSfNlgxlYu8CKDJRgAfMYk7vRSykwgg/g3d%3d 3/3 4-MAL MASONRY INSTALLATION FBDY FOR DISTANCE 21/2' Comm. FOR EDGE:2 I/2• ' ' J OMASONRY Bioa wosPua 'n• Ir—MAX fO.C.HRU 2.a E1MB1/aED'MIN. 3 MENT TRI LAMB: b 11/4"MIN. EMBEDMENT '1/4`MAX •v 3• IM"MAX SQA SPACE V ° SHIM SPACE MIN.DISTANCE FRAME SECTION(TYP) FOR EDGE:21/2" a 2 V o VERTICAL SECTION MAX ai"O L °• THRU-JAW o SAM MASONRY BLOCK JAMB SECTION(TYP) HORIZONTAL 5ECTION 1/4•MA% 5HIM SPACE SJ ° a 1 va•MIN. 9a EMBEDMENT BUILDERS VINYL SINGLE HUNG MASONRY Max Frame DP RATING IMPACT wwow WMM(52 1/8-MAL). I e'°a' CK 52 1/8 x.75 +/-50 ,�,�, NO TYPICAL ELEVATION WITH FASTENER SPACING FOR EDGE:21/2• Installation Notes: General Notes:. I. Seal flangelframe to substrate. 1. The product shown herein is designed,tested and manufactured to comply with the wind load criteria 2. Use 3/16°"Tapcon or equivalent fasteners through frame with sufficient length to penetrate a minimum of the adopted International Building Code(IBC),the International Residential Code(IRC),the Florida of 11/4"into concrete or masonry at each location with a 2112"min from edge distance. For concrete Building Code(FBC)and the industry requirement for the stated conditions. (min.=3000psi)or masonry(CMU shall conform to ASTM C90). 2. All glazing shall conform to ASTM E1300. 3. Host structure(wood buck,masonry,steel)to be designed and anchored to property transfer all loads 3. At minimum,glazing shall be single strength annealed insulating glass. to the structure. The host structure is the responsibility of the architect or engineer of record for the 4. Use structural or composite shims where required. project of,installation. 5. installation-methods can be interchanged within the some opening. 6. An impact protective system is required where wind bourne debris protection is mandated,by local This schedule addresses only the fasteners required to anchor the building code. window to achieve the rated design pressure up to the size limitations ������ �1� 7• Maximum sizes are buck sizes and do not include fin or flange. noted. it not intended as a guide to the installation process and does �V ✓ PROJECT ENGINEER: DATE: •..•• •. �� 3250 Lakeport Blvd. not address he sealingconsideration that may arise in different wall nc' r �` -- 07/15/2013 y �� •• •• �� JELI4 Klamath Falls,OR.97601 conditions. For the complete installation procedure,see the instructions S ; �. . O D Vezo scaLE, NTS Phone: (541)882-3451 packaged with the window or go to � CHECKED BY: , TITLE:www:jeld-wen:comlresources/installation. _ * ;^r4 _ J. Kantola -o T T Q: = APPROVED BY: Builders Vinyl Tilt Single Hung DISCLAIMER: This drawing and its contents are confidential and are not to be ���� •'•. P;•' �� PART P o ECr D: Masonry Installation(52 1/8"x 75") reproduced or copied in whole or in part or used or disclosed to others �i� °Q• . a•�O� ��� D6(� 49b except as authorized by JELD-WEN Inc. 999'Lr �te 999 IDENTIFIER No. PLANT NAME AND LOCATION: CAD DWG.No.: REV: SHEET SJW2013-049-F C BldrsVinylTSH �0 30F4 MIN.DISTANCE MASONRY INSTALLATION FOR EDGE.21/2' 6ad'. MASONW.. BLOCK' a•O.C.MAX. FROM 2.a 3 Iva'MIN. EMBEDMENT 7NRU FRAME — �---r CORNERS 11/4"MIN. EMBEDMENT YRI6PAN MRISIAN 11.26'O.C. .25"MAX ,3 .125°'MAX MAX.THRU SHIM SPACE 'SHIM SPACE FRAME MIN.DI5TANCE V FRAME SECTION(TYP) FOR EDGE:21/2" aj VERTICAL SECTION 3 1'O.Q. ABOVE AND . v BE1.01Y YEETDiO d• C�7 RAIL Y MASONRY BLOCK t 7AM6 SEMON'(TYP) HORIZONTAL SECTION 25'MAX SHIM SPACE r WINDOW WIDTH(Be MAX.) TYPICAL ELEVATION WITH FASTENER SPACING d' 2 C .. E1MBE0 EM NT Max Frame DP RATIM ING PACT MASONRY MM DISTANCE 84 x 57 +50/-50 NO BLOCK FOR EDGE:2 1/2' Installation Notes: General Notes: 1. Seal flange/frame tosubstrate. 1. The product shown:herein is designed,tested and manufactured to comply with the wind load criteria 2. Use 3/16"Tapconor equivalent fasteners through frame with sufficient length to penetrate a minimum of the adopted International Building Code(IBC),the International Residential Code(IRC),the Florida of 11/4"into the masonry at each location with a 2'112"min from edge distance(min.=3000psi). Building Code(FBC)and the industry requirement for the stated conditions. 3. Host structure(wood buck,masonry,steel)to be designed and anchored to properly transfer all loads 2. All glazing shall conform to ASTM E1300. to the structure. The host structure is the responsibility of the architect or engineer of record for the 3. At minimum,glazing shall be single strength annealed insulating glass. project of-installation. 4. Use structural or composite shims where required. 5. Maximum sizes are buck sizes and do not include fin or flange. This schedule addresses only the fasteners required to anchor the window to achieve the rated design pressure up to the size limitations noted. It not intended as a guide to the installation process and does �� PROJECT ENGINEER: DATE: .. �� not address thesealing consideration that may arise indifferent wall 3737 Lakeport Blvd �� �c' �` �� -- 07/17/2014 JE1IEN \ .�� Klamath Falls,OR.97601 conditions. For the complete installation procedure;see the instructions Z ; �. DRAWN BY: SCALE;D.Vezo NTS Phone: (541)882-3451 packaged with the window or go to CHECKED BY: TITLE: www.jeld-wen.com/resourceslinstallation. -a T T r a! •` APPROVED BY: Builders Vinyl Tilt Single Hung Two Wide DISCLAIMER: % CCi This drawingand its contents are confidential and are not to be '00 O P te, P RT P O ECT D reproduced or copied in whole or in part or used or disclosed to others ��i� �. parO0. 66��4�0 except as authorized by JELD-WEN Inc, see � r .. 358 IS]W201o. 1 5 FBC E AND LOCATION: CAD DWG.No.: REV: oo SHEET / 30F4 AAMA (Validator/Operations Administrator) CERTIFICATION PROGRAM AUTHORIZATION FOR PRODUCT CERTIFICATION JELD-WEN Windows&Doors P.O.-Box 1329' Klamath Falls,OR 97601 Attn• Jason Kantola This.author¢ation is based on the successful completion of tests,and the reporting to the AAMA Validator of.the results:of the tests by an AAMA Accredited Laboratory.The product information below will be added to the next update of the AAMA Certified Products Directory. SPECIFICATION RECORD OF PRODUCT TESTED AAMAWDMA/CSA 101A.S.2/A440-08 R-PG35'-914x2134(36x84)H COMPANY AND CODE CPD NO. SERIES MODEL A PRODUCT MAXIMUM SIZE TESTED DESCRIPTION BUILDERS VINYL TILT SH FRAME SASH JELD-WEN Windows&Doors (PVC)(0/X)(OG)(I.NS GL) Code: JW 5785 (MODIF)(REINF)(TILT) 914 mm x 2134 mm 865 mm x 1065 mm (ASTM) (3'0"x 7'0") (2'10"x 3'6") This Certification will expire December 20,2019(extended from December 20,2016 per AAMA 10345)and requires validation until then by continued listing in the current AAMA Certified Products Directory. Product Tested and Reported by: National Certified Testing Laboratories Report No.- SJW2010179 Date of Report: January 17,2011 Evaluated for Certification: September 6,2016 4 — 'h' 4aL ocid Laboratories,Inc. Authorized for Certification: September 6,2016 JGS/JTS Dt="— ACP-04 (Rev.6/16) AmedcaVArchitectural Manufacturers Association m AAMA (Validator/Operations Administrator) CERTIFICATION PROORAM AUTHORIZATION FOR PRODUCT CERTIFICATION JELD-WEN Windows&Doors P.O.Box 1329' Klamath Falls,OR 97601 Attn• Jason Kantola The-product described below is hereby approved for listing in the next issue of the AAMA Certified Products Directory. The approval is based on successful completion of tests,and the reporting to the Administrator of the results of tests,accompanied by related drawings, by an AAMA Accredited Laboratory. 1.The listing below will be added to the next published AAMA Certified Products Directory. SPECIFICATION RECORD OF PRODUCT TESTED AAMAIWDMAICSA 1.61/I,S.2IA440-08. R-PG50*2130x1448(84x57)-H COMPANY AND CODE CPD NO. SERIES MODEL&PRODUCT MAXIMUM:SIZE TESTED DESCRIPTION BUILDERS VINYL JELD-WEN Windows&Doors TWIN TILT SH(FIN) FRAME SASH 9567 (PVC)(O/X.O/X)(OG)(INS GL) 2130 mm x 1448 mm 1000 mm x 718 mm Code: JW (MODIF)(REINF)(TILT) (7'0"x 41") (3'3"x 2'47) (ASTM) 2.This Certification.will expire August 28,2021 (extended from August.28,2016 per AAMA 163-15)and requires validation until then by continued listing in the cur'ent.AAMA Certfied Products Directory,. 3.Product Tested and Reported by: National Certified Testing Laboratories Repoit'No.: SJW2012485 Date of Report September 17,2012 Validated for Certification 'h1 4k 4odd Laboratories,Inc. Date: May4,2016 Authorized for Certification Cc: AAMA T JGS ACP-04. (Rev.1/11) Ameri Architectural Manufacturers Association 4/11/2017 Florida Building Code Online � . Business, & Professional Regulation BCIS Home I Log In I User Registration I Hot Topics Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications FBC Staff BCIS Site Map Links I Search Florida Product Approval r USER:Public User Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail • • FL# FL14911-117 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Silverline Building Products Corp. Address/Phone/Email One Silverline Drive North Brunswick, NJ 08902 (800)234-4228 Ext 4644 Jonberrian@slbp.com Authorized Signature Vivian Wright rickw@rwbldgconsultants.com Technical Representative Jon Berrian Address/Phone/Email One Silverline Drive North Brunswick,NJ 08902 (732)435-1000 jonberrian@slbp.com Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Windows Subcategory Single Hung Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer Ov Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-43409 Quality Assurance Entity Window and Door Manufacturers Association-QA Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 08/03/2021 Validated By Ryan J. King, P.E. 6 Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL14911 R7 COI Certificate Of Independence(2).Ddf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year AAMA/WDMA/CSA/101/I.S.2/A440 2008 AAMA/W DMA/CSA/101/I.S.2/A440 2011 ASTM D1929 1996 ASTM D2843 1993 ASTM D635 1996 ASTM D638 1996 ASTM E1886 2005 ASTM E1996 2009 ASTM G26 1995 https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_ U.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquZRj59%2fDrx2lbtdSCx8gX0219DxVhg2zFl3pRUgDdjAAp/o3d%3d 1/5 4/11/2017 Florida Building Code Online TAS 201,202 and 203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensed Professional Engineer or Architect FL14911 R7 Eguiv Equivalency Of Standards.odf Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 04/02/2015 Date Validated 04/13/2015 Date Pending FBC Approval 04/16/2015 Date Approved 06/23/2015 Summary of Products tss Go to Page l (a (D 0 Page 1/2 FL# Model,Number or Name Description 14911.1 a.S 2900/4900-M 2901/4901 Single Hung Extruded Vinyl Window with Nailing Fn Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL14911 R7 II Inst 14911.1.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.1 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.1.odf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.2 b.S 2900/4900-M 2901/4901 "Oriel'Extruded Vinyl Single Hung Window with Nailing Fin Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 II Inst 14911.2.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.2 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.2.odf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.3 c.Series 2900/4900 Models Single Hung Extruded Vinyl Window with Nailing Fin 2901/4901"Weather Stopper" Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL14911 R7 II Inst 14911.3.gdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.3 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eva[ 14911.3.odf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. (Note-See 14911.24 for Wind Zone 4 and HVHZ Impact Product) 14911.4 d.S 2900/4900-M 2902/4902 Twin-Single Hung Continuous Head and Sill Extruded Vinyl Window with Nailing Fin Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 II Inst 14911.4.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F Schmidt, P.E.43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.4 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.4.odf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.5 e.S 2900/4900-M 2903/4903 Triple-Single Hung Continuous Head and Sill Extruded Vinyl Window with Nailing Fin Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 II Inst 14911.5.gdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dU.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquZRj59%2fDrx2lbtdSCx8gX0219DxVh92zFl3pRUgDdjAA%3d%3d 2/5 4111/2017 Florida Building Code Online Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.5 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.5.odf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.6 f.S 2900/4900-M 2901/4901 Single Hung Extruded Vinyl Window-Flange with Strap Anchor on Sill Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL14911 R7 II Inst 14911.6.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F Schmidt, P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.6 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.6.odf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.7 g.S 2900/4900-M 2902/4902 Twin-Single Hung Continuous Head and Sill Extruded Vinyl Window-Flange with Strap Anchor on Sill Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL14911 R7 II INST 14911.7.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E.43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other:This Product is No Longer Offered by Silverline FL14911 R7 AE EVAL 14911.7.pdf Building Products,Corporation(See 14911.7-2010 FBC Created by Independent Third Party:Yes version for Historical Documents regarding this Approval) 14911.8 h.S 2900/4900- M 2903/4903 Triple-Single Hung Continuous Head and Sill Extruded Vinyl Window-Flange with Strap Anchor on Sill Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL14911 R7 II INST 14911.8.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:This Product is No Longer Offered by Silverline FL14911 R7 AE EVAL 14911.8.pdf Building Products,Corporation(See 14911.8-2010 FBC Created by Independent Third Party:Yes version for Historical Documents regarding this Approval) 14911.9 i.Series 2900/4900 Models Extruded Vinyl Single Hung Window 2901/4901"Weather Stopper" Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 II Inst 14911.9.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.9 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.9.pdf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. (Note-See 14911.25 for Wind Zone 4 and HVHZ Impact Product) 14911.10 j.Series 2000/Model 2001 Extruded Vinyl Single Hung Window Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 II Inst 14911.10.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt, P.E.43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.10 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.10.pdf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.11 k.Series 2000/Model 2002 Extruded Vinyl Twin Single Hung Window(Continuous Head and Sill with Integral Mullion) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL14911 R7 II Inst 14911.11.adf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,RE,43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.11 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.11.0f additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.12 I.Series 2000/Model 2003 Extruded Vinyl Triple Single Hung Window(Continuous Head and Sill with Integral Mullion) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL14911 R7 II Inst 14911.12.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt,P.E.43409 hftps://www.floddabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquZRj59°/a2fDrx2lbtdSCx8gX02l9DxVhg2zFl3pRUgDdjAA%3d%3d 3/5 4/11/2017 Florida Building Code Online Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.12 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.12.Ddf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.13 m.Series 2100/Model 2111 Extruded Vinyl Single Hung Window-Flange Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL14911 R7 II Inst 14911.13.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.13 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.13.0f additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.14 n.Series 2200/2300- Model Extruded Vinyl Single Hung Window-Nailing Fin 2201/2301 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 II Inst 14911.14.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation.Reports Other:See INST 14911.14 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.14.Ddf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.15 o.Series 2200/2300-Model Extruded Vinyl Twin Single Hung Window-Nailing Fin 12202/2302 (Continuous Head and Sill with Integral Mullion) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 II Inst 14911.15.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.15 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.15.}2df additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.16 p.Series 2200/2300-Model Extruded Vinyl Triple Single Hung Window-Nailing Fin 2203/2303 (Continuous Head and Sill with Integral Mullion) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 II Inst 14911.16.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.16 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.16.Ddf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.17 q.Series 2907 Model 2907 Single Hung Extruded Vinyl Window with Nailing Fn Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 II Inst 14911.17.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.17 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.17.pdf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.18 r.Series 2907 Model 2907TW Twin-Continuous Head&Sill Single Hung Extruded Vinyl Window with Nailing Fn Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL14911 R7 II Inst 14911.18.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.18 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.18.odf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.19 s.Series 2907 Model 2907TR Triple-Continuous Head&Sill Single Hung Extruded Vinyl Window with Nailing Fin Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 II Inst 14911.19.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes https:/Iwww.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquZRj59%2fDrx21btdSCx8gX0219DxVh92zFi3pRUgDdjAA%3d%3d 4/5 4/11/2017 Florida Building Code Online Design Pressure: N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.19 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.19.Ddf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.20 t.Series 70 Model 2127 Extruded Vinyl Single Hung Window-Nailing Fin Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL14911 R7 11 Inst 14911.20.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.20 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eva[ 14911.20.Ddf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. Go to Page Page 1/2 Back Next Contact Us::2601 Blair Stone Road.Tallahassee Fl-32399 Phone:850-487-1824 The State of Florida is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public-records request,do not send electronic mall to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.'Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide the Department with an email address If they have one.The emails provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine if you are a licensee under Chapter 455,F.S., please dick here. Product Approval Accepts: Credit C&d https://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquZRj59p/g2fDrx21btdSCx8gX0219DxVh92zF13pRUgDdjAA%3d%3d 5/5 .............. SilverLine" �' • _ ° - byAndersen - = WINDOWS • DOORS - 53.25'MAX.OVERALL FLANGE WIDTH --i� "' `;``♦♦ y M° i����r►�i Ps,��. U N,Z 52.00"MAX.OVERALL FRAME WIDTH ♦ E m Z m m SERIES 70 - MODEL 2127FLFFLL m d a 2 EXTRUDED VINYL SINGLE HUNG WINDOW ,ij �' E 9� w/ or w/out FLANGE Ia "NON-IMPACT' 3 Z g GENERAL NOTES ? ¢� i. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 5th Edition(2014)Florida Building v Code(FBC)structural requirements including the"High Velocity Hurricane Zone"(HVHZ). o i y O 2 Product anchors shall be as listed and spaced as shown on details.Anchor embedment to base o material shall be beyond wall dressing or stucco. $ 3. When used in the"HVHT'this product is required to be protected with an impact resistant X covering that complies with Section 1626 of the FBC. a 4. When used in areas outside of the"HVHT'requiring wind borne debris protection this product is i S required to be protected with an impact resistant covering that complies with Section 1609.1.2 N 3 of the FBC. o rn wo • 5. For 2x stud framing construction,anchoring of these units shall be the same as that shown for 2x Z rn buck masonry construction. �ido o Z 6. Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing require further engineering analysis Et by a licensed engineer or registered architect. aa RIM 7. This product meets water infiltration requirements for"HVHT'. OVERALL OVERALL MAX_ GLASS DESIGN PRESSURE(PSF) TABLE OF CONTENTS FLANGE FRAME DL.0 v� SHEET# DESCRIPTION L)LMEN$fON DIMfrNSfON 'DIMENSION,.,, ,�PE POSRIVE, NEGAT♦Vi;: a•-o ° 1 Typical elevation,design pressures&general notes 53.29'x 63.58 52.00"x 62.50" 47.69"x 28.25' +62.8 -65.0 DAM 10130112 Zo s N.T.S. 5 2 Horizontal&vertical Cross sections 53.25 x 74.08" 52.00"x 73.00" 47.69"x33.50" G7 G2 +55.0 -60.0 DY/0 JK m 3 Horizontal&vertical cross sections 4 Buck and frame anchoring °"` W. LFS ; 5 Bill of materials,glazing details&components FL—oR " Fl—144 911.21 n N 0 m 4 NOTE: 24 , ' __`� m _z 1.LOCATE OPERATING SASH LOCKS 7.5' FROM EACH END OF THE ACTIVE %N;S z 'O� / MEETING RAIL,FASTEN WITH(2)#8 x 3/4" %W•• ;� : o n SELF TAPPING SCREWS. 25 23 ��i���'••.,, `��� >>m 2-LOCATE SASH KEEPER 6.5"FROM END OF THE MEETING RAIL,FASTEN EACH ' ///i j p l���``` o n°D i 2 Q v WITH(2)#6x3/4'"SCREWS. 26 Em i o u u e m cw 3 1 g a 9 co �¢ o Taz: / EXTERIOR G1 G2 INTERIOR S X / SEE 32 31 11 NOTE2 10 SEE y a 17 // NOTE 14 � m 9 8 loc i� 2 2 3 4 12 �� ' y _ 3 2 3 3 Q 3 &I N 4 '� 23 ABOVE THE MEETING RAIL ABOVE THE MEETING RAIL 23 8 27 27 d z 16 0 03 N V26 INTERIOR 26 p o z 17 a 19 WZ 2 ° 34 33 36 34 G2 G7 7 15 20 6 o 0aj 0 e 2 0 26 o C3 0 ° �IMMINIM 1 11' 25 N^' 6 °'a d•'' 24 n N m z N'Z 8 24 9 EXTERIOR 9 24 0 v mm.i0 30 12 z 25 1 1 25 ° c a' a 27 sc"- N.T.S. m 1-1/4"MIN, a ° ° am ec JK � 37 BELOW THE MEEING RAIL BELOW THE MEETING RAIL 37B NP ° auc ar LFS 3 1-1/4"MIN. t2 N VERTICAL CROSS SECTION orAxwu NO.: c EMB.TYP. 1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION " 2 Shown w/2X buck 2 Shown w/2X buck FL-1491 T.21 O mm,2_OF—5 a 24 ABOVE THE MEETING RAIL ABOVE THE MEETING RAIL 24 �' a Z; '4, 27 27 z' 4:0- o Q 8„11 Q pow INTERIOR •.a .a. `> 26 26 v .P. '' z 24 29 ''''�rrrr*.s�� «` Z Nmz° 17 Q, 3433 36 34 G2 G1 7 15 •.a 26 9 z ;Z a"v•.ea O O •, w K e um 9�oa maa� o22 `6 pZ pP7 'd v11111 F1 v A 5. EXTERIOR G7 G2 INTERIOR .v- o f ULL SEE 32 3 N 9 EXTERIOR 9 31 11 NOTE2 10 SEE oZ 1 22 , NOTE 10 a 1-114"MIN. 1-114 MIN 17 14 m '� EMB.TYP. 38 BELOW THE MEETING RAIL BELOW THE MEETNG RAIL 38 9 00 1 HORIZONTAL GROSS SECTION NOTE: 3 Shown wllXbuck 12 d 5 01 y o = 1.LOCATE OPERATING SASH LOCKS 7.5 [F�R�AMESHOWN w/OPTIONAL FROM EACH END OF THE ACTIVE GE(TYP.THIS SHEET) Q 3 a a MEETING RAIL,FASTEN WITH(2)#8x314" SELF TAPPING SCREWS. 2.LOCATE SASH KEEPER 6.S'FROM EACH 4 18 END OF THE MEETING RAIL.FASTEN WITH(2)#6 x 3/4"SCREWS. z oa 16 3 O N O z o u 19 g p 19 wZ p 19 p20 a, i� 20 20 6 6 a 6 15 2 0�0 15 .1 y 2 15 26 2 00� 26 26 Z)0 Z a s..' 29 NrnF +• e °°.• a°, a 39 w^z U •'4 • c n.° ° 117E 10130112 z n x•: sruE N.T.S. owa ae JK m 3 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION �1 VERTICAL CROSS SECIION 3•or: LFS 3 3 Optional masonry sill �3 Optional masonry sill VERTICAL CROSS SECTION owanno Ha L9 3 Shown w/1X buck FL-14911.21 MW 3 OF 3 zn 11z 0C oZU J_ ` Z ug 9p`oa J T `o t4 N".� m d a 1 \ TYP.24 I \` Ez° 2X BUCK 23 -� VVv g W 77 o° a 2X BUCK 1 X BUCK 24 - -f- ,� 2X BUCK TYP. MF 2X BUCK 23 3 ry - - 1X BUCK 24 to z m o FRAME _ 2X BUCK m � � FRAME m �_ MASONRYMASONRY MASONRY aOPENING OPENING 2X BUCK 37 OPENING LL IX BUCK 38 rtr 2X BUCK �+ o 1 a °' 1X BUCK 38 R - a I TYP. O o3 BUCK ANCHORING FRAME ANCHORING FRAME ANCHORING N z MASONRY 52"X 73"MAX. 42"X 58"MAX. z g Ln CONCREMANCNOR NOTES: o o e 1.Concrete anchor locations at the comers maybe adjusted to maintain the min. aedge distance to mortar joints. ¢y a 2.Concrete anchor locations noted as MAX.O.C.(TYP)"must be adjusted to a maintain the min.edge distance to mortorjoints,additional concrete anchors uI I3 d°` may be requtred to ensure the'MAX O.C.(TYP.)"dimensions are not exceeded. c 3.Concrete anchor table: „ F o %kNCHdRch-6-* MIN MtIV CLEARANCE MttJ CLEARANCE. N S 70 MASONRY 70 ADJACENT`.;; roN " EMBED)NEtYT Z NI'E f7F ;:. ......... .... ..... .. .....EDGE.:. ...., ANCno, R.i:4>r; z v ITWutim 10130112 = TAPCON® 1/4" 1-1/4" 2" 4" n rn - sy..,r. N.T.S.ELCO - 5 9 ULTRACONo 1/4" 1-1/4" 1" N. ° JK m qIX.eY: L.FS 3 WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES: opo NO., 1.Maintain a minimum 518"edge distance,1"end distance,8.1"o.c.spacing ofN wood screws to prevent the splitting of wood. FL-14911.21 N n SHEET OF 5 a BILL OF MATERIALS * ��ii ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL 518"OVERALL ;0' •. 1 EXTRUDED PVC MAIN FRAME#52-2611• PVC THK.GLASS � O • m .•� ,, 2 EXTRUDED PVC SILL#52-2673' PVC 30 C�'• 0 3 EXTRUDED PVC SASH INTERLOCK GLAZING BEAD#1257• PVC Q� 1/8"ANNEALED N Zc 4V4 EXTRUDED PVC MEETING RAIL 952-2907' PVC5 EXTRUDED PVC TOP LIFr RAIL#52949* PVC y''•. 6 EXTRUDED PVC 7 EXTRUDED PVC STILE#52--290 PVC RAIL#522905' AIR SPACE �%,`"```` 9 EXTRUDED PVC GLAZING BEAD VERT.&HORT. #52-1227' PVC 1/8 ANNEALED l E z m z° 10 OPERABLE SASH LOCK#12-2241 SLAIS ,.0 9 c w 11 SASH KEEPER#12-2240 STEEL 7116BRE '� k '� '° 12 FIXED MEETING RAIL REINFORCEMENT#50-2608 ALUM. o �-�{—0.78' \ ty a ea 14 LOCK RAIL REINFORCEMENT#50-2609 ALUM. G1 G[AZING DETAIL o I I v 5 o z 15 BOTTOM LIFT RAIL&SASH REINFORCEMENT#50.2967 ALUM. 519-OVERALL G LL �'� a 16 WINDOW SCREEN 17 WEATHERSTRIP PILE W/FIN.187 x.270,LOCK RAIL&SASH ULTRAFAB) 35 18 WEATHERSTRIP PILE W/FIN.187 x 230,FIXED MEETING RAIL ULTRAFAB _ 1/8-ANNEALEDr-r GLAZING BEAD $ 19 WEATHERSTRIP PILE W/FIN.187 x..150,SILL ULTRAFAB Sash intertock 3 20 WEATHERSTRIP VINYL BULB.187'x.375"0AMESBURY 01/9'ANNEALED AIR SPACE 22 GLAZING COMPOUND DOW#1199 SILICONE o p��� Z a v n 23 #10 X 2"PPH SMS STEEL I N 24 1/4"X 2-3/4"PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL _ i L o� 25 2X BUCK SG>=0.55 WOOD 7/16"GLASS7� s 26 1/4"MAX.SHIM SPACE BtiE ��pps b_i c y ao 27 MASONRY-3.000 PSI MIN.CONCRETE CONFORMING TO ACI CONCRETE Gy GLAZING DETAIL o `m 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 y GLAZING BEAD n p 29 1 X BUCK WOOD 30 INTERCEPT SPACER STEEL 0.82 N 31 SASH KEEPER#125550-030 STEEL 'I 0 I 32 OPERABLE SASH LOCK#12 SKOi-100 STEELy�} II 0.34" ►{ a 0 33 TILT LATCH#07-76625 STEEL o c� 34 #8 X 1"PPH SMS STEELT 0.125" c N o 35 SUPERSPACER BUTYL T o I I w o 0 36 TILT LATCH HP-1 MFG.BY ASHLAND STEEL o 0 0.455" z rn 37 #10 X 3"PPH SMS STEEL iv 9 38 114'X 4"PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL 12 LOCK IL TOP �1LOCK MEETING RAIL �1 BOTTOM LIFTRAIL R SASH o o p RelnforcemenT Rafnforcement Retnforcemanl 'THE APPROVED WHITE RIGID PVC EXTERIOR EXTRUSIONS FOR WINDOWS ARE TO BE PRODUCED a vw a BY EXTRUDERS LICENSEES IN"AAMA CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS FOR RIGID PVC EXTRUSIONS". 2.69" 269" 0 1.16" aLgio "0.91.. n"ZoTT ZI0.065" of `, "0 `� � F^ ° r S—L_ o � Io� 10 30 123 -0.065" a ��f 0.065' d OODO o SCAM N.T.S. - �� 0 0.91" O tional Flan JK 3 1.16" I o P 8 Optional Flange � Em LFS o r,1 EXTRUDED PVC STILE UDED VC TOP UFT RAIL PVC AIN FRAMEr-.')PVC SILL o�aNO- EXTRUDED PVC BOTTOM RAIL 4 EXTRUDED PVC MEETING RAIL 5 I FL-14911.21 0 o sir 5 ova g