HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4296869 OR BOOK 3983 PAGE 2594, Recorded 04/12/2017 09:40:02 AM I ', �y 6� AITE0.RF:PORDING,•RETIIRK TO: 5!v C - PF.RMITNUMBER_.I��. ) t ) NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby gives notice that imfvovement wl I I be made to certain real property,and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Statutes,the following information isprovided in this Notice or Commencement.. I. OL14CRIMONO PR iERTY,(s$al de pi 4flhe picperty6i street-eddfm ifasnilahle)TAKFOI ONo.: n.fA- SUBOIVISIONBL[,VK �_7'RAC7 WT n1.M: UNIT_Q ?.GF.M1ER'ALUESCRIPitO �OF1a1tROYF ... � .f�'� Y ��<"'-�. Z-7 9�Z _ )—OWN—ER`-I,(NFO�RMAT NOR LESSEE INFORMATION IFTHE LESSEE CONTRACTED FOR THE IMPROVEMENT; �,(� �I a.Namcand addrtsr., � .,��,�/_••A+WA �1_ l.� , +4 _lam W. .– �'4—..L�u���� jIr)O�, c.Vnncard adtrcssof(tc sunplt udchddarfil'diR:rcaf fmmOurYl`smdabu/ccP .._.._�^,},,, ._____ .,, ,,,••,,. ,<, 4..-a.CONTRACTOR'S NAME: LVwlL'S ComroOa'a addr�»a:�:f7 yE'>)C�,�_��.a�,}/T���,•��-�Cf'/. 6.Iiwncmm�her.__� __,_ , S.SURE:TY(ifapplicabic.s copy afthc I ymcm bond k anachedl: a Nam:and addrec h;Plum numb+: _, c Amount of bond:5­ h.a.LENDER'S NAME: La,dcr'>cddm�s: ... h:Pl—v numbs. 7...Persons with in the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served as provided by Section 713.13(I)(a)7.,Florida Statutes; s : s Nvm•ad addmk b.Mx+ncla�nibasofdalanctcdperwos:,,. .... _ - - yV, �::�, 8.a.In addition to himself or herself,Owner designates to receive a copy of the l.ienor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b).Florida Statutes. O fA.r h Phunc nmuha cf(—n err gni N dc,irmt d by O.mm - a 43. _..___�_._—.-_-.-.................. ... err= 9, Expiration date ofnotice ofcommencemenl(the expiration dale will be I year from the date of recording unless a different date is CZ ' specified):_­200 LU ' '✓ }lARNtICfiTAn1Y1�!'_R' ANYVnVMrNTS`.MADE-RYSIIPOW4i_R AFTf R Tt1F..brPIRATIOFTHE•NOTtt F OF,(:OMMLTCEMENT +u» ARCCONSIDEAW IMPROPER PAYMENTS l[NDER CHAPTER 7fi PART I SLSCnuN 7(7;19:Ft OR)DA CTATLITES::AND.CAN' Q(,2' RFSt1LT:INYOUFtPAYtNG A'ICEFORIMPROYEMENTSTOYOURPROPERT'Y,AWTI=E()FCOMMEA�FY�T•MUST'HE tissue" RECOROEDANOPOSTEDON:THEMWSITEBEFORE:THEFIRSTIISPECTj{�: .,)}�YCn:;'1 fyDTQOHTAINFINAhC.INC..CYJ�tStLT ` ITH YOUR LENDER OR'AN'ATTORNEYMPORECOMMENC1NG u'ORK:OR RFCORQINjj_0[j{Z NOTtCF OF C011M.NCIEMt NT,. 1,L Cl)ver t3G r : _ a (S{gearcof Owner or f.essee,or Owner's or Lessee's (Print Norrie and Provide Sfgotifory's TltlefOtTice) Au(hotlzed 0fticer/DirectorlPartneri.Manager) Slate of 'D✓)� County..oC vG s4 T5—; oirig insltumenl was scionown dged beforeme this a 1 day of ,70 b �Nnamer�on) (type ofauih(nty::.,e:g ollicer,.trtutce.attomey in fact) f (name of party on behalf orwhmn instrtirnenl was executed) Personally Known_or Produced Identification X Type of Identification Produced JNME NERNANDEZ JR ( g-tire of Notary Public) a9 Yh�n MYC0MMISSI0N#FF204738 (PrinLTkpSestamp Commissioned Name ofNotary Public) BORES:MAR 01.2019 �n� Bandad mrouph 1cI Stale llptttanee Rec.til-I)•tz .