HomeMy WebLinkAboutEngineering i This document has been etectronically signed using a Digital Signature.Printed copies without an original signature must be verified using the original electronic version. Alpine, an ITW Company ' '" . 2400 Lake Orange Drive Suite 150 Orlando FL 32837 H. Florida Engineering Certificate of Authorization Number:0 2 /`..+•" j�r•�r�•��^ Florida Certificate of Product Approval#F 999 ��+ \C SE: %s Page 1 of 1 Document ID:1VZR408-Z1107090759 a ' Na.7p86'! Truss Fabricator: ACCu-Spall Truss Company Job Identification: REPAIR/13831-BRODOCK RES LO(REPAIR/13831-B-) STATS OF Truss Count: 2 Model Code: Florida Building Code 5th Edition(2014) Q•'•.•��Q��Q +�+ ► Truss Criteria: TPI-2007(STD) �!� •''"►'••"'" Engineering Software: Alpine Software,Version 16.01. s`s�aNAL�' Structural Engineer ofRecord: The identity of the structural EOR did not exist as of - Address: the seal date per section 61G15-31.003(5a)of the FAC Minimum Design Loads: Roof -N/A Floor-65.0 PSF @ 1.00 Duration Wind -No Wind Notes: 04/07/2017 1. Determination as to the suitability of these truss components for the William H.Krick structure is the responsibility of the building designer/engineer of -Truss Design Engineer- record, as defined in ANSI/TPI 1 2. The drawing date shown on this index sheet must match the date shown 2400 Lake Orange Dr,Suite 150 on the individual truss component drawing. Orlando FL,32837 3. As shown on attached drawings;the drawing number is preceded by: HCUSR408 Details:STRBRIBR-DEFLCAMB- # Ref Description Drawin # Date 1 08572--FL4-RIGHT SIDE 17097110 04/07/17E[Iff7 ru) 2 08572--FL4-LEFT SIDE 17097111 04/07/17 d APR THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT(LOADS 8 DIMENSIONS)SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (REPAIR/13831-BRODOCK RES LO-FL3,FI-4-RIGHT SIDE) TRUSS REPAIRED TO SHIFT THE RIGHT END VERITICAL 1.5"TO THE (G1)3/4"X(CUT TO FIT AS SHOWN)APA RATED 48/24 SHEATHING LEFT AS SHOWN. (PLYWOOD OR OSB)GUSSETS.ATTACH ONE GUSSET TO EACH FACE OF TRUSS WITH(0.131"X3.0")GUN NAILS @ REPAIR(S)MUST COMPLY WITH ALPINE DESIGNS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2"O.C.STAGGERED THROUGHOUT ALL WEBS AND CHORDS, WITHOUT SPLITTING LUMBER.MINIMUM NAILING PER GUSSET NOTE:PRIOR TO AND DURING THE REPAIR OPERATION,THIS AS SHOWN BY CIRCLED NUMBERS. TRUSS AND ANY SUPPORTED SPANS MUST BE TEMPORARILY BRACED AND SHORED.THE DESIGN AND POSITIONING OF THIS BRACING AND SHORING TO BE DESIGNED BY OTHERS. THIS REPAIR IS VALID FOR ALL TRUSSES LISTED BELOW FOR WHICH A SIMILAR CONDITION EXISTS: DRAWING#: TRUSS LABEL: HCUSR408 17086827 "FL4" HCUSR408 17086794 "FL3" • (1)NEW 4X2 SP#2-1313(OR BETTER)MEMBERS, CUT TO FIT AS SHOWN WITH HATCHED MEMBER BELOW. (+)REMOVE EXISTING MEMBER AND REPLACE WITH•. ++REMAINING SECTION OF PLATE MUST BE INTACT AND FULLY EMBEDDED. 16" I� 12-8-12 10-7-12 30� I 20X3 3/4"(G 1) 10 10 0-3-o s 0-3-0 0-3-12 1-8-12 s 16 10 ++ 2-7-8 9-1-8 12-5-4 3-7-8 6-8-4 4-5-2 9-5-6 24-8-10 Over 2 Supports >I R=1602 W=3.125" R=1605 W=3.25" µ�nu�rowDµ�f� PLT TYP.20'Gauge HS,18 Gauge HS, Design Crit: FBC2014Res/TPI-2007(STD) Wave FT/RT=12% 0%/0 0 16 1 QTY:O FV-/4/-/E/-/- Scale =.3125"/Ft. TRUSS REPAIR �rw % TC LL 40.0 PSF REF R408--8572 DAMAGED TRUSSES MUST BE CAREFULLY EVALUATED TO DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF DAMAGE g Q 08 1 TC DL 20.0 PSF DATE 04/07/17 AND THE FEASIBILITY OF REPAIR,IN SOME CASES THE PRUDENT SOLUTION IS TO SCRAP d THE DAMAGED TRUSSES AND REBUILD. INTERNAL WOOD FIBER DAMAGE AND EXCESSIVE * BC DL 5.0 PSF DRW HCUSR40817097110 CON NECTORSTRESSFROMBENDINGORSHOCKCANNOTBER—A -DETECTED.THEREFORE, • C IT IS VITAL THAT THE TRUSS FABRICATOR AND BUILDING CONTRACTOR CONSIDER THE t SAT O 4 BC LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG GAMIHK CAUSE OF THE DAMAGE IN THEIR DECISION WHETHER TO REPAIR OR REBUILD. y ti �• AN ITw COMPANY yy� ••..• TOT.LD. 65.0 PSF SEAN- 16782 REV REPAIR WORK SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING APPLIES ONLY TO THOSE SECTIONS OF THE TRUSS �C [+ A��` ,Stitn 150 REPORTED BY THE TRUSS MANUFACTURER TO HAVE BEEN DAMAGED.A QUALIFIED THIRD PARTY S'S/ � 4�` DUR.FAC. 1.00 FROM RC 2400 LakeOrange$. INSPECTOR SHALL CHECK TRUSSES TO DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF ANY FURTHER DAMAGE,IF ANY, GnTM" OrLmd.,FL 32837 AND VERIFY THAT REPAIRS HAVE BEEN PERFORMED AS INDICATED ON THIS DRAWING. PACING 24.0" JREF-1VZR408_Z11 FLCOA#0278 i11iam H.Krick Lie.Number 70 61S 04/07/2017 THIS DWG PREPARED FROM COMPUTER INPUT(LOADS 8 DIMENSIONS)SUBMITTED BY TRUSS MFR. (REPAIR/13831-BRODOCK RES LO-FI-3,FI-4-LEFT SIDE) TRUSS REPAIRED TO SHIFT THE LEFT END VERTICAL 1.5"TO THE (G1)3/4"X(CUT TO FIT AS SHOWN)APA RATED 48/24 SHEATHING RIGHT AS SHOWN. (PLYWOOD OR OSB)GUSSETS.ATTACH ONE GUSSET TO EACH FACE OF TRUSS WITH(0.131"X3.0")GUN NAILS @ REPAIR(S)MUST COMPLY WITH ALPINE DESIGNS AND SPECIFICATIONS. 2"O.C.STAGGERED THROUGHOUT ALL WEBS AND CHORDS, WITHOUT SPLITTING LUMBER.MINIMUM NAILING PER GUSSET NOTE:PRIOR TO AND DURING THE REPAIR OPERATION,THIS AS SHOWN BY CIRCLED NUMBERS. TRUSS AND ANY SUPPORTED SPANS MUST BE TEMPORARILY BRACED AND SHORED.THE DESIGN AND POSITIONING OF THIS BRACING AND SHORING TO BE DESIGNED BY OTHERS. THIS REPAIR IS VALID FOR ALL TRUSSES LISTED BELOW FOR WHICH A SIMILAR CONDITION EXISTS: DRAWING#: TRUSS LABEL: HCUSR408 17086827 "FL4" HCUSR408 17086794 "FL3" ' (1)NEW 4X2 SP#2-1313(OR BETTER)MEMBERS, CUT TO FIT AS SHOWN WITH HATCHED MEMBER BELOW. (+)REMOVE EXISTING MEMBER AND REPLACE WITH*. ++REMAINING SECTION OF PLATE MUST BE INTACT AND FULLY EMBEDDED. 0-4-10 28.5" 16" 9-10-4 10-9-0 3030�l 10 0-3-0 10 a 0-3-0 0-3-12 6 1-8-12 - ++ 16 10 20X(32X31 "(131) 1 C5 2-6-0 9-1-8 12-6-12 3-6-0 6-8-4 4-5-2 9-6-14 24-8-8 Over 2 Supports R=1603 W=3.125" R=1602 W=3.125" �µpTnutnnarrugrr PLT TYP.20 Gauge HS,18 Gauge HS, Design Crit: FBC2014Res/TPI-2007(STD) Wave FT/RT=12°/D 0°/D /0 0 16 QTY:O FV-/4/-/E/-/- Scale =.3125"/Ft. TRUSS REPAIR �r' F •: ` TC LL 40.0 PSF REF R408--8572 DAMAGED TRUSSES MUST BE CAREFULLY EVALUATED TO DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF DAMAGE TC DL 20.0 PSF DATE 04/07/17 AND THE FEASIBILITY OF REPAIR.IN SOME CASES THE PRUDENT SOLUTION IS TO SCRAP _ THE DAMAGED TRUSSES AND REBUILD. INTERNAL WOOD FIBER DAMAGE AND EXCESSIVE * BC DL 5.0 PSF DRW HCUSR408 17097111 � F CONNECTOR STRESS FROM BENDING OR SHOCK CANNOT BE READILY DETECTED.THEREFORE, A • •Q Q O IT IS VITAL THAT THETRUSS FABRICATOR AND BUILDING CONTRACTOR CONSIDER THE . SAT O F BC LL 0.0 PSF HC-ENG GAM/HK CAUSE OF THE DAMAGE IN THEIR DECISION WHETHER TO REPAIR OR REBUILD. Z• AN ITW COMPANY 01 REPAIR WORK SHOWN ON THIS DRAWING APPLIES ONLY TO THOSE SECTIONS OF THE TRUSS4(y+�• ,•.'•1- TOT.LD. 65.0 PSF SEQN- 16785 REV REPORTED BY THE TRUSS MANUFACTURER TO HAVE BEEN DAMAGED.A QUALIFIED THIRD PARTY S/ ••" �� DUR.FAC. 1.00 FROM RC • 2400 Lake Omgc Dr.,Suite 150 INSPECTOR SHALL CHECK TRUSSES TO DETERMINE THE EXTENT OF ANY FURTHER DAMAGE,IF ANY, �L� .c `�. Orl('OA4028oFL 7 AND VERIFY THAT REPAIRS HAVE BEEN PERFORMED AS INDICATED ON THIS DRAWING. IIIIBmH.KIICICI.IC.NumUeT7O G�PACING 24.0" JREF-1VZR408_Z11 04/07/2017 STRONGBACK BRIDGING REC❑MMENDATI❑NS No-All scab-on blocks shall be a minimum 2x4 BUTT STRONGBACK °stress graded lumber.' BRIDGING TOGETHER 0-AU strongback bridging and bracing shall be a minimum 2x6 'stress graded lumber.' q Do-The purpose of strongback bridging is to -pa ATTACH SCAB WITH IOd BOX/GUN develop load sharing between individual trusses, 4' —0' 2x6 (0.126'x3.0') NAILS IN 2 ROWS AT resulting in an overall increase in the SCAB 6' O.C. NOTE: IN LIEU OF SPLICING AS SHOWN, 5 iffness of the floor system, 2X6 LAP STRONGBAC< BRIDGING MEMBERS s rongback bridging, positioned as, shown in FOR AT LEAST 3NE TRUSS SPACING STRONGBACK BRIDGING SPLICE DETAIL details, is recommended at 10' —0' o,c, (max.) NOTE: Details 1 and 2 are the preferred attachment methods ►The terms 'bridging' and 'bracing' are sometimes ATTACH STRONGBACK TO mistakenly used interchangeably, 'Bracing..' is an WEB W/ (3) lOd COMMONO imoortant structural requirement of any floor (0.146'x3') NAILS OR O (4) lOd BOX/GUN or roof system, Refer to the Truss Design 1 26'x3.0') NAILS Drawing (TDD) for the bracing requirements for each individual truss component, 'Bridging,' a° particularly "strongback bridging' is a a recommendation for a truss system to help ° control vibration. In addition to aiding in the distribution of point loads between adjacent truss, strongback bridging serves to reduce ° STRnNI;RA(:K ARTT)GTNG °bounce" or residual vibration resulting from SPACING REQUIREMENTS moving point loads, such as footsteps. Up to l0'None required 10•to 20'1 raw(at center of span) The performance of all floor systems are (2) Iod COMMON (0.148'x3.0') OR 20'to 30 2 rows(I at each 1/3 points) enhanced by the installation of strongback BOX/GUN (0.128'x3.0') NAILS AT 2x6 (MINIMUM) STRONGBACK, 30'to 4013 rows(I at each I/4 ints) TOP AND BOTTOM OF 2x4 RESTRAINED AT EACH END, over 40' ISpace rows at 10'o.c, points) bridging and therefore is strongly recommended SCAB—ON BLOCK, ATTACH by Alpine, STRONGBACK T BLOCK W/ (3) R COMMON /GUN x3.0') NAILS For additional Information regarding strongback OR (4>lOd BOX/GUN (0.128'x3.0') �.--� q- g g g NAILS. 1, j ) bridging, refer to BCSI (Building Component Safety Information), o° n 0 o I o° �AIIACH SIRUNGBACK TO BOTTOM CHORD WI �ppxmnnnFrp�F (2) 010 — 3' SCR STRONGBACK BRIDGING ATTACHMENT ALTERNATIVES ••••••••�• �jy'2, w•VARNINGI•w READ AND FOLLOV ALL NOTES ON THIS BRAVING. ••• t'' TC LL PSF REF STRONGBACK --IMPORTANT--FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING THE INSTALLERS. Trusses require ewtreme care In fabricating,handling,shipping,installing and bracing. Refer to ►• 10�01�14 fellow the latest edition of BCSI(3ulltling Conparent Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA>far afeL 0.70$ 'y TC DL PSF DATE Practices prior to performing these functions. Installers sholl provide te+iporory bracing Per BCSI. Unless noted otherwise,top chord shah have properly attached structural sheathing and bottom h BC DL PSF DRWG STRBRIBR1014 shall have properly attached .gid ceiling. Locations shown For pernanert lateral restraint f we I /7���1� fll� shall have bracing Installed per BCS.sections H3.H7 r H10,as applicable. Apply prates to each fnc L S Q : 13C LL PSF //'/"'1�1 lul�\\V II III f�� f It ha nd si tion a hoar above and on the Joint Details,unless noted otherwise. Ti .7 �J Refer to drawings 160A-2 for st°ntl°rtl plate positions. •• .� �8 Alpine, division of ITV Bunoing Components Group Inc.shall not be responsible for any deviation fro AN n COMPANY this drawing, y failure to build the truss in conformance with aNSI/TPI 1,or for hondbrg,shipping, Oda•�•�� , •• TOT. LD. PSF Instnitntlon 6 bracing of trusses, •••n.••• `'.� i A seal on this tlrawimg or over page listing this drawing,Indicates acceptance of professional /T 13723RNerpodDrive nglneerIno responsibility solely For the design shown. The suitability and use of this drawing ONpL_ ,1 DUR. FAC. 1,00 J SUlte 200 far any strut{ure Is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.2. r 11 Maryland hls,M063043 For more information a this Job's general notes page and these web sites. PACING IY 9 ALPINE,r..olp1ne1tw.co,l TPI see SBCA-w x.sbclndustry.orgi ICO www.Iccsafe.org .� 04/07/2017 Commentary; Def lection and Camber Camber May be built into trusses to compensate L = Span of Truss (inches) for the vertical deflection, that results from the D = Depth of Truss at Deflection Point (inches) application of loads, Providing camber has the ------------------------------------------------------------------------- following advantages) Recommended Truss Deflection Limits • Helps to ensure level ceilings and floors after dead loads are applied. Truss Type L/D Deflection Limits • Facilitates drainage to avoid ponding on flat or Live Load Total Load Low slope roofs, Pitched Roof Trusses 24 L/240 (vertical) L/180 (vertical) • Compensates for different deflection Floor of Room-In-Attic 24 L/360 (vertical) L/240 (vertical) characteristics between adjacent trusses. Trusses • Improves appearance of garage door headers Flat or Shallow Pitched 24 L/360 (vertical) L/240 (vertical) and other tong spans that can appear to sag." Roof Trusses • Avoids "dips" in roof ridgelines at the transition Residential Floor Trusses 24 L/360 (vertical) L/240 (vertical) from the gable to adjacent clear span trusses, In accordance with ANSI/TPI 1 the Building Designer, Commercial Floor Trusses 20 L/480 (vertical) L/240 (vertical) through the Construction Documents, shall provide the Scissors Trusses 24 0,75" (horizontal) 1.25" (horizontal) Location, direction, and magnitude of all loads attributable to ponding that may occur due to the design of the roof ----------------------------------------------------------------------- drainage system. The Building Designer shall also specify Truss Type Recommended Camber any dead load, live load, and in-service creep deflection Pitched Trusses 1.00 x Deflection from Actual Dead Load criteria for flat or low-slope roofs subject to ponding .oads, Sloping Parallel 1.5 x Vertical Deflection from The amount of camber is dependent on the truss type, Chord Trusses Actual Dead Load span, loading, application, etceteras, Floor Trusses (0,25 x Deflection from Live Load) + More restrictive limits for allowable deflection and Actual Dead Load slenderness ratio (L/D) may be required to help control vibration. Flat Roof Trusses (0,25 x Deflection from Live Load) + (1.5 x Design Dead Load Deflection) The following tables are provided as guidelines for Limiting deflection and estimating camber. Conditions or Note: The actual dead load may be considerably less than codes may exist that require exceeding these the design dead load, recommendations, or past experience may warrant using more stringent limitations. f Yrrr wwVARNINGww READ AND Fm1DV ALL NOTES ON THIS DRAWING rrrG q0 wD(P wORTANTa FURNISH THIS DRAWING TO ALL CONTRACTORS INCLUDING REF DEFLEC/(AMB THE INSTALLERS. g.'� wwww •t."`8 Trusses require wtrene c re in fabricating,handling,shipping,Installing and bracing. Refer to otl'H : 9 DATE 10/01/14 follow the latest edition of BCSI(Building Component Safety Information,by TPI and SBCA)for saf y : D practices prior to performing these functions. Installers shall provide temporary bracing per BC SQ Q,7�8 Z unless noted otherwise,top chord shall have property attached structural sheathing and bottom orcl DRWG DEFLCAMB1014 shall have a properly attached rigid ceiting. Locations shown for permanent lateral restralnt of i shall truss and position installed per BCSI sections the J r BSO,as applicable.no Apply plates to each f o w U//`/iLlll O IiLlli�\\VVl li or truss nd position a shown n6ove and n the Jaint Details,unless noted otherwise. O r Refer to draw 16CA-Z for standard plate positions. AN TTw COMPANY Alpine, division of ITV Building Components Group Inc.shall of be responsible for y deviation w this:drawing,any failure to bultd the truss In conformance with ANSI/TPI 1,or for handling,shipping, Ips installation 6 bracing f trusses. yw...... ' ww A seal thls drawing or cover page listing this drawing,Indicates acceptance of professiorwl „www•w ` ((( 13723 Riverport Drive engdneering responsibility solely for the design hown The sultabBity and of this drawing ww Suite 200 for any structure Is the responsibility of the Building Designer per ANSI/TPI 1 Sec.Z Maryland Heights,MO 63043 Far more Information see this,job's general notes page and these web sites. 1 ✓,: ALPINE,w w.alpineitr.com:TPI wwr.tpinst.orgj SBCA:a w.sbcindustryorg,ICG www.iccsofe.org t 04/07/2017