HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4300591 OR BOOK 3987 PAGE 1794, Recorded 04/24/2017 02 :38:33 PM AMR RBOpRDM-RRn)PX I.O: I E R E C E I D APR ro u 7017 PERMITNUMBER: NOTICE OF COIVMMCEMENT The undersigned hereby given notion#W impmva wnt veli be mOe to cern' real property,apd in=uvdmce with Chapter 713, Florida statutes the following information is provided In the Notice of commencement. 1.DESCREMON OF PROPERTY(Leat dCXdpd=and street addrrss)TAX FOLIO NUMBER SVok-SIL.,Md -60-Z i SUBDIV Aw"oN ekCkr BLOCK 2_TRACT - IAT LA BLDC. UNff 2.GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENTr S I 3.OWNER INFORMATION- a.w---- b. emb.M®ling Address in preperty�' d.Nemo and address of fen*Via ddelmldir other thea owneq AY • _ 4.CONTRACTOR'S NAM ADDRESS AND MONK NI1MBEIL S.SURETY'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT., 6.LENDER'S NAME,ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: " 7.Pcrsvns wid&the Stab of Florid$destgnsjod by Owed•upon wham notices orotlrer documents maybe served as provided by Section 713.13(1)(a)7..Florida Stadrtes NAME,ADDRM AND PHONE MMMER A - - s.in addition to himselfor herself,Owner deslpairsithe followinglo,receive a Copy of the Lianoes Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1KbL Florida Statutes:. . NARMADDELSSAND PHOMENUMBER: 9.Expiration date of notice of commencement(the aviradon date is 1 gearfmm fire dale ofrecardiag unless a drflererrt date is specified) .20 WATLNING TO OWNERr An PAYMEM MADE BY=¢t1V=AF TR THE ERPIRAMM OF THE NOTICE OF gpmmENCEMENT ARE CONSUMED IIVIPttOPEtt PAYMHNt'S1INDER 4TiA 7r: aetz r'I CRI'rr['SAi 713,13-E9=A STATUMS 6N0 CAN RMMT T IN M DMnt MFAM r_yola PROPERTY.A N07K E OF e30WA ULCEh Mt'MUST BE RECOR M AND T LENDER Olt AN ATUORNL'YpaMECOMMaXMWOMQRRfi=RMYOURNQ=OFCMDEHQMMM Aad � 1 ,�/t1AAd.S er or Print Name of Owner or Owner's Aufhorkod Offita 6�Zlfo;- Orwrer•'s Authorized OffiaerMireetorlParluerffibm er and Provide Sigambry's Titletofflee State of Florida County of SwtAycte, �7 The foregoing' amt was acknowledged before the oris �day of t 21) Br. ,1ty ,�_ .as �1a1yL� (Prietod of ) crypt of aoibority...e.g.Owner. car.uustM attamey in fact) For \C tt,,,� (Alamo party on behalf o wh instrument was executed) Personally Knowe___o the following type of ID: �7 WAYNE LARSEN MY COMMWION#FF984673 EXPIRES June 05,2020 (Printed a of NotaryPrrbltC) (Si ofNotary Pon 4 t 0e otos F10MHN°W mvroa.00m Under penalties of perjury,I declare that I have read the foregoing and that the facts in it are true to the best of my knowledge and i beflef(secdoin 92525.Florida Stabiles). AT-OF FLORIDA SIZU2tmrc(a)ofOwner(s)or Orrner(s)'Aulkorked 0 � �(1Manogtr °alEp"d above; � THI TO ER IEE HAT PY OF HE o � pec u E � not 13y (Sigrr>itrue) J Uwe( a� By: NCIH CEJ apt e Date: