HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E . SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4299994 OR BOOK 3907 PAGE 60, Recorded 04/21/2017 11 :49: 16 AM G Lizri'i-' i AI?L'R RECORDING-RETt13N'1'0: _ APR 2 7 2@17 PERMI Ir i'iNIG St. Lucie County, FL PGII?•IIT NI!Nd HLR:—_,-,-_ --_ NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby gives nulice that iulprovement will he made to certain real property,and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida Slanncs•the following infurmatiou is pru'vided in this Notice of Commencement. pp r 1. n)'SCRIP I'ION OF PROPERTY(LCg21 dcscriptinn of the propcity R street oddness,is ovailnhle)T'aN IrU1.IO St1.:3_�j.'S a'OIr9 x900�� SUBDIVISION _HLOCIC TRACI• LOT HLDG 1:117 _ Qi Vi f-Qa t t<-L�f'�f1-'�•�1�2 S L9'I-13�t1'de p 'L�a�(b�3l,g�i-�u 5� 1lo�j� �n i►•��l �i'S/as fg/N✓. GENRRAL DESCRIPTION OF❑IPRO VLNIENT: -- QVR- 3. ?. DIPNER INFO RA IIATI ON OR LESSIt It IN TORN I ATI ON IF'I'HN I.1M blot C'ON`I'It ACTE.1)VOR'I'll F,DI PH IVFAI ENT; (, n.N'nmc and nddrexs:,JC5�11'(.tFI �BLQ00}ftw (I��£j Pf 71't^ti �1Y0�0�1y`VA�• `��l ���UJ�t�,l��. l�j��✓L- L•.L.^.lures:in pruucr:y:�I�1N21� y --.. ._ -_- .--_- c.Noon oddness o.`fce sin)ple tin eeholderfife.Weren:from Ovmer listed abave): •s. U.CONTRACTOR'S NA.IIE: ,1 WP 6"e,D2eA— t:nnnactef saddress:65flq,aw IP �d�••(Sf'.g.�1D r (,a,H.(eta (arEt 3a�o1. b.Phnnemmbe,; ?Sy•zZ�r-zD�°__-- i, SURET'Y617appli:nNe,n copy nfthe pa)•rnenibund isaacched): n.Nansc and addr;ss:.._..&)''1- ...-..._- b.Phone nun)bcr. c.Amo;ud of bond:S -- _-- C.a.1.E.ND:R'S NAME: I.ntder'saddress: b.Phone ncmber: 7, Persuns Mthin the Slate of Flurida designated by Owner upon wham notices or nthcr documents maybe Scrvcd as prm•idcd by Section;13.13(1)(it)7.,Florida Statutes: I a.Name and ad&ess: h I'Iwac nmabers of desi!:nued S.a.In addition to himself or herself,(honer designates _ of _-_- u)receive a copy of ilio Lienur's'Notice as provided in Section 7l_. 3(1)(b).Florida Statutes. b.Phone nnmhcr of pusnn nr ostia:desi y++mwl byaw.er: 9, lixpiratimt date o-notice of cnnirncnccnnnt(the expiration date•may not be before the completion of constructio/pIand final Payment to the contractor,but will be I year from the(late of recording unless a different catc is specified):—_1u � f.C_. ,20. NMRNING TO OWN°R: A-NY PAYI`•IL\TS MADE BY TILE OV;NER AFTI.:IZ TI 11{fi\PI1tA'170K OF I'l Ili NO'I'ICIi OF(COVlhIIiVCL'171 K'1' ARI:CONS:DHRED Rvf;ROP]_R PAY\•LENTS 1-INDER CF APTER 713.PART I.SECTION 713.(3,FLORIDA STATUTES,,AND CAN RYSIiLT N YOUR PAYIDIG TRICE FOR 1\913Z ---Es4ENTS TO YOUP PROP=–R.TTN?K TI(:1?CI:C'OA1.`AIiKCl4\iliK'I'AiIiST 3i-: RECORDED AND POSTED ON THE JOB SITE BEFORE THE FIRST IN'SPEC'TION. IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FINANCING,CONSUTA, 19ITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE CO-NjM1I\CIh(i W0RIC0R RL'CCIRDL\(i YOUii NO'fl('1;OF 001,11,11°N(:l:,AiliN']'. I"oder penalty of par-jtlry,I declare that 1 have read the`bregoing notice of cornmcmemenf unci that the facts staled therein are true to the best nl'myhnow1cdge and belief, t (Signature of Owiaer nr Lessee,or Owner's or Lessees (Print Name and Provide Signatory's Title/Office) . Al11)10r•1%ed Officer•!Director/Paruter/Nlanager,) Slate of_-_-fhr. County of 5f t,,;R-- f_ 11 71 The fore gm going imttucnt was acknowledged before me this.._.(ill day'of Aerl ` -2o. I -l___ Ily 3t,"'24A S•e _o���dctvr_ as 6vjvt0r — (nul person) (type of authoriiy....e.g.officer,trustee,attorney in fact) for I� (name of party on behalf of wburr.ntstritmeut was executed) Personally Known. o.Produced Identification._C-- Type ofl iltificclion JOHN S MILLER P. PJIY 66AIISSION i)FF222716 ----------------- (Signature of Nulary Public) ^,, yam ' EXPIRES April 21,2019 (1 ran•'1)pe,or Stamp Commissioned Name ofNutary Pnblic) Rcc.icw:i-li�S.H'M,it Ill 398-0'58 Flondallota. Sorvire.eon,