HomeMy WebLinkAboutBUILDING PERMITALL APPLICABLE II\,IFCI MIJST BE coMPLETED FoR APPLICATIoN To BE AccEPTED pds. 511117 Permit Number: Building Permit Application P I o n n i ng a nd Deve l' o pnt e nt Se rv i ce s Building and Code l?ec.tulation Division 2j00 Virqinia Avenue, [:ort Pierce FL j4982 Phone: (772) 462-ts53 Fax: (7721462-1.578 Commercial Residential x PERMITAPPLICAI"ION FOR: Mechanical PROPOSED lM PROVEM ENT LOCATION : Address: 550'l EACILE DRIVE Lega I Descriptio n ; Property Tax lD #: Site Plan Name: 1 3'l 2-500-0054-000-9 Lot No. Block No. Project Name: Setbacl<s Front LIKE FOR LIKE (]HANGEOUT 2.5 TON 16 SEER BKW CONSTRUCTIOI{ I 1{ FORMATION : Id it i o r arwo rl{To bEry rfo am ed -u n d e r th ia p e rrnrt - cli e ck a I l-lhiqeb plt--- llHvnc | ,-.l co, runt l-lcas niping I lrnr,,",,nl Windows/Doors Roof t --l Roof pitch r-r r--1 - f-1L-l rlectric LJ erumbinc LJ sprinr<rers | | cenerator TotalSq. Ft of Construction: Scr Ft nf Firsr FtanSq. Ft. of First Floor:n I-r;: LJSewer I lseptic Building Height:Cost of Construcrion: g 42 Utilities: [l ru*ur. I t"* OWN ER/LESSEE::CONTRACTOR: N3ms DEMEfRtoUS BRANCA Name: CHRIS LANGEL Address: 8'15 VONCILE AVE Companv: SEA COAST tuC City: -TALLAIASSE E State: FL Address: 3108 INDUSTRIAL 31st STREE'I Zip Code: !?9q3 City: Fl PIERCE State: FL p hone 11s. 352-239-4458 ZiP Code: ]4946 772-466-3053 phone y1s. 772-466-2400 Fill in fee simple Title l'lolder on next page ( if different i f -Vait, DANISEACOASTAIR@AOL.COM from the Owner listed above)State or Countv License: CMC03S421 tf value of ;;;trfti;l; $--rs00 oi."i", r nrcbTot-o-rrr.ti.. "rt"r;;"*.""t i, *qr1.d. DETAILED DESC,RIPTION OF WORI(: DESIGNER/ENGil\IEER: _ Not Appt|GEE Name: Ad d ress: City:Sta te: zip:Phone: MORTGAGE COMPANY: _ Not Applicable Name: Ad d ress: City:State: zip:Phone FEE SIMPLE TITLII HOLDER: _- Not Applicable Name: Ad d ress: City: zip:Phone: BONDING COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: Add ress: City: zip:Phone: I certify that no worl< or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit, St.. Lucie.County makes no representation that is granting a permit will a,uthorize the permit holder to build the subiect structurewhich is in conflict with any dpplicable Iome owhers AsSociation rutes, byii-wf ;i;;d;ovli;r;;i;ii.,;i 6;y"r;;tr'"i?l'p"r6iiii,]f ,r:nstructure. Please consult with your Home owners Association ind ievi6w'voijideed foi;ni ieiiriit,onr wnrcn may appry. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, ldo hereby agree that lwill, in all respects, perform the workin accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and lt. Lucie Countv Amendmenrs. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms ano accessorv uses to another non-residential use : Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice forproperty, A Notice of Commencement must be recoided and posted bnlne jobsite ion, lf.you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney beforecommenctng worK or recordi ur Notice of Commencement. Revised 07l15l2CtI4 COUNTY OF srLUcrE ehRts rnltorr Signature of Owner Contractor STATE OF FLORIDA (Name of person acknowledging ) Type of ldentification Proouceo commission No. FFs6145e of Notary Public- State of Florida ) l(nown x _ OR Produced ldentification STATE OF FLORIDA Signature of Contractor Personally Known x OR Produced ldentification TVpe of ldentification Produced (Name of person acknowledging ) ignature of Notary Public- State of Florida ) i.= oo* "-",S""iunruarv 16, z ;g:s EXtstnu".. ..*,o"***4 ffit Al:ffh[Ji"Tf:I#1?, REVIEW SU PERVISOR REVIEW Vtr\]E IPLANS REVIEW