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A M Perm *lt NU bere, y r' i1h i VIC Pllannt'lnga, nd f Buildingand Code Aeb to UU Virgin Phone,: (772 462a-1553 Fax. 772) 462m*1578 Commerc'ial Resident'i' al PERMIT APPLICAT104r%141 FOR * To Se� ec. ro. r. ro ox, C ick arrow a d b I P t the endine R * + R ■ 5 144 rt # # r � t ! pit * � "�,.f �, f r.f * + E } � tF ;r #.. i* - , * i # i ■ F; �� {�* t�si ��1�iF'' 3r!-■• 1 ■ �. �p �7 -R i i + , * ` r # ft ■F+ r #r } 4 ■.fr �M f ri! �■� Yr■� �■ * i�y r�r4 i +� + i} # f +q� * + i N !F + r #! 4 f' + + - .�• * - f . + M y7 ■i{�F '•'■1'Ii }'�' �' r t ■ •r ��� *d + �* # + �+ 4 }�!M f i M * f�3 R # r � • # a �� + ■ jLdi ++y r* a #� •r + tr a r .i, . ip jJ �► M r t ■ �} .. ! *• f- r 7 ,* � � 4 ; 'Y mod..... . ;.. }, '1 + '� �.. -+4 # r6 M i - * # !fir` * w•r + '+ '+ , i e• 'F + + loll .;i ► �► its * t + �+ f F '� g , �*+� ■ �� +�, ai iE' , '' i -s ■ *�' �5 } s r * ,f �r r .,a + , t R rt . * f y *# i� ! #1 # # i� '� * 1 is N # �i * ++1' + r + ,r +� +.. r ,r * F r j + +� ■ �• * *rf ■ ` .. ■: r _ �` y Ali * * } +4 ai' + 1 1&.+* trr1 �, r� �„ it r �� t i '� r * a +� i #■ -X'� i r#lwa� * ii 4 � a 1 i t rt'f * ■ # # i ,fit # .. ■ it; } r ,r * --�fY, F JL; � #. ! { '} 5r r { �7.. bar *#�+ �4 } # 6 41'ate' •�* ■r ; n'# ! * ; **■, ;�'{ i•r is Ir it` 'R�* i Address, 2 Descri ion . ___M , . 0 a Property Lot INOR Sote ew MINE Block Project Na e . setbacks lig I Left S 'I'de .v r# !}#'i�L ■ �' i�• ■ ;. #+ ►�` #•, t 'f'}J,# °4 ;+� ++}! � # ■�•.��+ "iy} ri * sib■-■ * 'r!•r r.� { a • *� r � + � Fir ■ F t 'tf ■� �r}R� . # t�+ • � � ,F#� w tf�` • t ; {r*' *' t*�} r t� * �+ + _ F ■ } r } r .�. ■■ ■ i b #• .� '# ■,if # �4, t + ice- + �e y � .#,�. ■ } `So ib rs . w, rr *`:: " ''" #+�� s "� �. ■�'' �y y ■ # y •� k ■�.� ■ �� * # ■. ••,. i } �Li' + (M ad ,4f t%tr ■�' + Rai it ■ 7 s s; 1� t; �f F F _, #� '� �' � .i �f_y +. �!l# y ■ c r.; # * - r `� .+'.f 'i�i i *'' .` • * s■+:■.` ` R! ;I.- . ;�` � a ■, # ,r r - ■ k i ■ 5 } - # a ri piR r4 +� * ■. s r i. # i� F •R " + + --' +r ram* * t ■w,� s� aT+k+� i f � r• ; �■� *„ +� ■ . } �� r�#�► ��• ��1 s ,�r * * ; + + a .+ + l� �+�_ F . ,• } # } # t wl i r # '!° F 't� # '4 ya{ � .i #i• f i + # t a ■ ■ 4F Ff ; _ - ;+ F + "* i a ■ i • i' } i� • ; �!. i L F M #` �. ! }- ► ##; f. 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Construction ., $ Utt• itieso� ild " Helaght :, i n u 1 9 44 4 i•# - a iiii J Itoom. *m VAN_ f * 4 Il } # � * Ei� �+t .� ' }* 1 ♦ * y' + i SKs + R s ; ■ i ■ 1 #t } { • j ,■ F� i f - f i�id� , j * # y� ■Ir f-�, ■ *R •■ �, yy icy # + t �• ii +' Fhi .� + r F ' iw r*iF ■ ■ +` ter + o i Pi 'ro.L dii _ ###''' '� iR +4 �k F T r' i '*i ■ i• !} *# + i r e; i' i ; # •+ #- r *'Fa ■'.,i '.� } ■. * i '.. _F � 7 � ti yr * t • _ r a a M i ■s . ; ri t FP TT €� ■ + 4` *�+ + ��� *■ riff* ; F 4 W Nainmie elm-e Nat, w { Address.., . 2.'l 4:� AOL^ &a &M Compan + _ 141. * Cow 141111111111101111 C(6* ■ 4 or State ,: F-L Ad res S o pod '9. Z'I'p Code. C ty ... .... Stateii r'%hone No. PiZi Code* PhoneNo. a t F1*11 *In fee t si Tiftle Holder i I )r 4",����J, r + ro the Owner 1stabove) y we nse .I Vai f ue of construction is $2500 more,, RECORDED Notice 01.1 At D ESIGNER/ENGINEER : . Not Applicable MORTGAGE COMPANY.,Name : . � Not Applicable Address '. Name : City: Address : State : Ctt ziP y: State = Phone ' Zip : Phone : FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER : Not Applicable BONDING COMPANY: Name : Not Applicable Address : Name : City : Address , city: zip *% Phone ,• Zip : Phone : I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance o a permit. St. I Count t an representation l me a Owners Associatfonn i rwill lesabylanze the dp ermit holder n at build prQruc t Ure � h structure . Please consult with your Home Owners Association and re' view ,your deed for any restrictions which ma y apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments . The following bu i l ding perm it appl icat i ons are exempt accessory structures from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, , swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER : Your failure to Record a Notice o Commencement may result *n your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jabsite before the first inspection . If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencingwork or recordin our Notice of Commencement . OWL ature of own er/Lessee/Con tra ctor as Agent for Owner SiP ure of Contractor/License Holder S STATE COUNTY OFLORIDA FLORIDA p� BOUNTY The forgoing instrument was ackno wledged before me The forgoing It was acknowledged before me this , day of 20 �by this 2o* dMoway of 20 � by (Name of person acknowledging ) { Name of person acknowledging ) (Signature of Notary Pu- blic- State of Florida ) (Signature of Notary Public- State of Flori'da -_) , Personally Known OR Produced Identification Personally Known �t'1 Type of IdentificatOR Produced Identification ' Type of Identificatio' � CHRlSTINE PPR ,�•��:?:� ��i CNRISTINE CUIPEPPERCommission No . Commission No. ?'� 4' s _Dr4%AV@ Al-%Amik JLS VIl ...............=iJt .L • COMMISa� GG 061780 . . MY COMMI�S�1 � GG MV80 `oP r EXAIRES: January 11 , 2021 % ; Q,o,= EXPIRES: January 11 , 2021 %;oF F;�. BorMed 7Mu Notary PubAC U� Revised 07/ 15/2014 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SLIPERVIS OR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW lo!ll DATE COMPLETE INITIALS MEO 9 This combination qualifies for a Federal Energy . IR Efficiency Tax Credit when placed in service between Feb IT, 2009 and Doc 31 , 20160 ro d. 1111 U c AHRICerfified Reference Number: 9IL98299 Date*,. 51'-11 /2017 Product: Spht System'. AirjwCooled Condensing Unit, Coll with Blower Outdoor Unit Model Number: CA16NA024*Q**A* Indoor Unit Model Number F'�4Cf�F0aIndoor Manufacturer: CARRIER AIR CONDITIONING Trade/Brand name: CARRIER Alfa CONDITIONING Region; Southeast and North (AL., AR, DC, DE, FL, GA, H1, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA AKI CO, CT� 10, ILj IAI IN, KS-1 MA, ME, Mi., MN, MO, MT., ND., NE, NHy NJ, NY, OK OR, PAx R1. SD,, UT, VT. WX VW-, W1, WY, U.S. Temftorlzes) Region N� t Central air c4nditoners manufac#ured arior to Jaruar 1 20' 5 aye etigivle ta be installedin all regions an# 1 June 30, 2016. Beginning July ' , 20l6, central air condikianers can only be installed iLn region(s) for which they meet the regional efficiency requirement. Series name . 16 SEER AC Manufacturer responsible for the rating of this system combination is CARRIER AIR CONDITIONING Rated as follows in accordance with AHRI Standard 210/240,w2008 for Unitary AirmConditioning and AirsZource Heat Rump Equipment and subject to verification of raking accuracy by AHRIwsponsored, independent, third party testing: Cooling Capacity (Btuh )-., 24400 EER Rafi'ng (Coofing): 1150 SEER Rating (Coaling); 16-.00 JEER Rating (Cooling); " Ratings fbitoq,%:ed by an asie6sk (") indicate a voluntary rerate of previously published data, unless accompanied with a 'FuAS, whir.h indicates an involuntary rerate, DISCLAIMER AHR1 does not endorse the product(s) listed on this Certificate and makes no represenfiations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for,, the product(s) listed on this Certificate. AHRl expressly disclaims an 1iabiEity for darnages at any kind arising out of the use or performance of the procluct(s), or the unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings are valid only for models and configurations listed In the direc#racy �t wws��.ahridirectary.or;. 'TERMS AND CQN#3lTlt1NS � This Certificate and its GontBnbi are #3k'Clj]CieCa1'y ]3rtlduc'CS 0f AHRI. This Certificate shalt only be used for Individual, personal and confidefltial reference purposes. The contents of thEs Certificate may not, in whale or ist part, be reproduced; copied: disseminated; entered Into a computer database; or otherwise utilized, in any form or manner or by any means, except for tote user's indlv�duai� � ism-, personal and conf�den#jai reference. Aft-Cc��idiT���f�NG. H�T1iV�, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION & REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE The information for the model cived an this certificate can be verified at v+rww,ahriciirectory.org, click on "Verify Certfficate° link ea k,e lit. and enter the AHRI Certified Reference .Number and the date on which the certificate was issued, W'hiGh is fisted above, and the Ge1'tIficc'it$ No., WhIGh iS listed at bottom I'{g�3t,2k Air-Condillonin& andRefrigeration in5titute CERTIFICATE NO . : � �� �$� �oss�z��� �� s