HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval Florida Building Code Online Page 1 of 6 RECEIVED �-A..",'r 0 Z 20117 Business - fessional Regulation SCIS Home I Lop In I User Registration I Hot Topics ' Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts I Publications I FBC Staff I SCIS Site Map I Unks Search Y Product Approval iUSER:Public User Product AoorovalMm> >9pgllatIll Ws l>Application Detall FL# FL20461-RO FcAE i Application Type New Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Q Product Manufacturer Therma-Tru Corporation Address/Phone/Email 118 Industrial Drive Edgerton,OH 43517 (419)298-1740 rickw@rwbidgconsultants.com Authorized Signature Vivian Wright rickw@rwbldgconsultants.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Swinging Exterior Door Assemblies Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer ❑ Evaluation Report-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed the Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. Evaluation Report Florida License PE-43409 Quality Assurance Entity National Accreditation&Management Institute Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2018 Validated By Ryan J.IQng,P.E. ® Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL20461 RO COI RTIFIQM OF INDEPENDENCE xx odf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard y= 101/I.S.2 1997 ASTM E330 2002 ASTM E331 2000 TAS 202 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr_app_dtl.aspx?param=w(!EVXOWtDasJ9a49YAgX.TkT4f)iiTTrrni;thoTSFT Gr 1/211MAI'7 Florida Building Code Online Page 2 of 6 Date Sgbmitted 05/12/2016 Date Validated 10/21/2016 Date Pending FBC Approval 10/25/2016 Date Approved 12/14/2016 Date Revised 12/20/2016 Summary of Products Go to Page �- —1 m 0 Pagel/20 0 FL# Model,Number or Name Description 20461.1 a,Therma-Tru Fiber-Classic and Nominal 6'8"Non-Impact"Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Smooth-Star Single Door(Inswing/Outswing;X configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use "VHZ:No F120461RQ I) IN ��461.1 pdf Approved for uoutside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Lyndon F.Schmidt,F.E.43409 impact Res is t.No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes t Design Pres u .N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INS 20461.1 f9qr Design Pressure Ratings,any additional use 11Itations,15tallation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars.(For Fri er-Cla§s c and Smooth-Star doors,this product approval r it the use of"J"part numbers for these doors,which have been stained or painted within six months of installation.) 20461.2 b.Therma-Tru Flber-Classic and Nominal 6'8"Non-Impact"Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Smooth-Star Single Door with Sidelite(s)(Inswing/Outswing;XO,OX or OXO configurations) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL20461 RP II INST 20461.2.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure,N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 20461.2 for Design Pressure Ratings,any F�,7�Q41z�R0 AE�Q461.2 EVAL,Ddf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars.(For Fiber-Classic and Smooth-Star doors,this product approval requires the use of"J"part numbers for these doors,which have been stained or painted within six months of Installation.) 20461.3 c.Therma-Tru Fiber-Classic and Nominal 6'8"Non-Impact"Opaque Fiberglass Composite Edge Smooth-Star Double Door with or without Sidelites(Inswing/Outswing;XX or OXXO configurations) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:No FL20461 RQ 11 INST 220461.3.Ddf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 20461.3 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL20461 RQ AE 2Q461.3 EVAL.odf additional use limitations,Installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars.(For Fiber-Classic and Smooth-Star doors,this product approval requires the use of"J"part numbers for these doors,which have been stained or painted within six months of Installation.) 20461.4 d.Therma-Tru Fiber-Classic and Nominal 7'0"Non-Impact"Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Smooth-Star Single Door(Inswing/Outswing;X configuration) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:No FL.20461 ap II INST 20461.4.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 20461.4 for Design Pressure Ratings,any F,L20461 R0 AE 20461.4 EVAL,pdf additional use limitations,Installation Instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars.(For Fiber-Classic and Smooth-Star doors,this product approval requires the use of"J"part numbers for these doors,which have been stained or painted within six months of installation.) 20461.5 e.Therrna-Tru Fiber-Classic and Nominal 7'0"Non-Impact"Opaque Composite Edge Fiberglass Smooth-Star Single Door with Sidelite(s)(Inswing/Outswing;XO,OX or OXO configurations) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FLS, 1(1 RO II INST 20461.5.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 20461.5 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL2041 R0}SE 204E 1,5 EVAj„pdf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes http://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_dtl.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDgsJ9a49YAPXJkHOuUrra6tbLJiFT.()r.. 1/11/9017 `tgtl 11 Ilp!!! f" THERMANTRU DOORS om JJ .. . '�• \\ O 4i tT Fiber Classic. & Smooth-Star® >: P-1x0en6\Thera Tru PERMANENT\,A-Ftodda Product Approvals\FL•20461 Structural TT S5\C-Drawings\FL 20461(2014AFL-20461.1.8.dwg,Zl 79.25'MAX.DOOR PANEL HEIGHT O ].Ti` o N� O �a Z O v. X law 92 2$ a- r- -^� {--—5.5' Q I S 79.2E MAX.DOOR PANEL HEIGHT N N z E5 be LZ3 X raw how G� 13 79.08 MA)L DOOR PANEL HEIGHT ' fs N O �O ® '^ 1.71.;• F--� m ® ® ® p --! (---5.5' o OAT IA O.8r T\A � ::r' rs ya�y '••fir• Vs o s z r— z TN ,` I T �7Oo 000 3E f AO g tis, ::•�° ,:c. ±+'%, � �� o` m \1111111 f f/ �--4—Ob2' 0.&9" ' N0.43409 P PRODUCT: DoouxMntr rpond 1tYr rrr 6VKMOF 'MERMA—TRU Lyndon F. !I '` Sah9m1,M P.E. No. 4340 I FIBERGLASS DOOR rir fifth rA1I1OI.F\�O 1� � BUILDING CONSULTANTS• � o D$VP.O. Box 230.YatrtoFL 33595 DOOR PANEL DETAILS 0Phone No.: 813.859.9187 ATE Y R t5juNS F'`3PE C.A. Na. 9813 021 INC. MClients%Therma Tru PERMANENTN-Florida Product ApprovalffL-20461 Structural TT SS\C-Drawings\FL 2046L(2014)IFL-2046L1.8.dwg,3.1 Aa bs Al ' A N A i7s V•+ d V N -DIB k N�. V WM 13 A� V A 0 P(D P Aw 0 aw o �O aw L T ° n ° y m3 � o O �a ° T oFL ° O 5 i > — ° �►: mN m mm m w 'LO O O O O VYfir.: z� z z C: n m m 2m2 am7me m N N Q! O L ``♦♦ v,•Na43409••,` /0•zr!y rs Q PRODUCT: Doaum.nb It' Iv F cn W tBy ��,� ••' SM OF —TRU THERMA PPENoF4340flFIBERGLASS DOOR ,t• �� ����'��N� ♦♦ 0 2 N ��tt1.1 Illltt PARTPART 0 _ASSEMBLY; BUILDING CONSULTANTS,1NG. I.. -• P.O. Bou 230, velrico, FL 33595 O DATE I BY ELEVATIONS Phone No.: 813.859.9187 EVI IONS FBPE CA No. 8813 0 201 6 R.W.BUILDING CONBUI.T—B INC. R,1Clients\Therma Tru PERMANENT\A-Florida Product Approvals\FL-20461 Structural TT SS\C-Drawings\FL 20461(2014)\FL-204611-B.dwg,4.1 s r m �3 O Z '.p m n 'd O Z m n mf o c r• N •O 0n � y 3 g a 06 z O z n m Z A r�r N PCn w A O � n v 09• � P Z 22 v � I0 0 y SAB.(M.) �1 u= aw n O 0 P". Py .c v m . z / L / No.43408 NPRODUCT: Doc-t.PnPai�d X15 �� OF .• `� rr THERMA—TRU Lyndon F. Schmidt FIBERGLASS DOOR P.E. No. 43409 + Q1 PART OR ASSEMBLY: GD BUILDING CONSULTANTS �1N)(tLtt, I� z )n O BY HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL CWP,O. Box 230, Valrloo, FL 33696 NO DATE EVIS ONS CROSS SECTIONS (2X BUCK) Phone No.: 673.069.8497 FBPE CA No. 0613 O 57016 R.W.BUILa1Na CONBULTANTa INa. FL1COents\Therma Tru PERMANENAA.Florida Product Approvals\Fl.-Mli1 Structural TT SS\C•Drawings\FL 20461(2014)\FL-2D461.1-8.dwg,5.1 m Z � ` m d w N a 0 a m m n A o ti 70 D• 7q fC'1 S 9 K 0 Ir D tr W N O S c n a m +r_ J. No.43409 PRODUCT: Doo snt.Pnvond ey: wr CF F� f+ THERMA—TRU Landon F. Schmidt �j AXORVD .• j P.E. No. 43408 / "•••••••.• �\ 10 N FIBERGLASS p00R "T, 710 ,ol A`' r— y PARI OR,ASSEMBLY: C+� EIUILDINC CONSULTANTS, fAv y rn HORIZONTAL & VERTICAL td lip.G• gox 230,valrico, Fl.33593 0 OAT BY CROSS SECTIONS (IX BUCK) Phone No.: 813.558.8197 ISION FSP GP No. 8873 0 20 16 R.W.BUILDINB CONSULTANTO INC. `Illlllllf//// is E E MAX MAX. ♦r • \\ j O f0 O V;.6 �... lCJ 1 =•��. a p� 40 41 420M 40 41 42 M 91CL `z G� EXTERIOR NNIMR EXTERIOR INTERIOR �rC 4 VERRCAL CROSS SECTION cc 1 VERflCALCROSSSECTION a d Shcrrrn D tact to Mag d 511own Otrect M �$ o �onyw/4-9/16 Jamb Outswingorryw/6-9a%lid Jamb 1r0 DIRECT �- DIRECT TO MASONRY MAX.DESIGN PRESSURE: LL w/STANDARD STRIKE=±55 PSF �a w/SECURITY STRIKE_ ±65 PSF N" g w C C 1 1 C � m k E WTERIOR r^: 3 40 41 42 m INTERIOR O N V � III 21 rr N 40 41 42 N g M o4 MM EMB.)1YP.) m E v EXTERIOR z v E MIOR E 17 z 1-1/4"MIN. 1-1/4"MIN. M 1-1/4'MIN. CAM 4126116 °z z EMB.(TYP.) EMB.(fYP.} EtriB.(TYP.) scnrc N.T.S. 5 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION d HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION dx 2 2 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION �HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION d shown D'uect to Masan Doc er: I f5 d Shown Direct to Moso d Shown Direct to Masonry OuI=ng only wJ 6_9/9116 jamb a,,m „o,; € Outswing onty w/4-9/t166 jamb d Oulsswir Direct w/49116'iamb Outswtng on)y wl b 9tl d Jamb } FL-20461.1 m a s� s � t 1 0 \tSS t u lllgtr Notes: A. .•'- I.SI Item#'s 17,18,32;34,35,36,37.38&39 are attached to Jambs w/(3)#8 X 21/2"pth screws at each end. S01 Item#'s 16&33 are attached to jambs w/(2)#8 X 2-1/2•pth screws at each end. at• w Sill Item#15 Is attached totombs uffWng(4)#10X 1-i/2"pph screws at each end, mr, INTERIOR EXTERIOR INTERIORft EXTERIOR tttllU . zzp o w o oz \, 40 41 42 g 40 41 42 9 V 1 0 5 6 a CL m �o Z 32 38 39 33 34 35 36 37 . SEE NOTE 1E SEE NOTE T ILE r 4�t i Q Inp T �QO O= CM g�En 1 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 7 Iruv+u�g S2 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION a 3 7 truvAng SIH m S K EXTERIOR /7, INTERIOR EXTERIOR - INTERIOR 7 16 17 18 z 40 41 42 40 41 42 0 10 � 'k 15 E a SEE NOTE 1 E SEE NOTE 1 a o a E b g •. n e m • a• • n•• wL 5126116 i N.T.S. ° 3 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION owc ar: JK M 7 Outswmg SRI 4 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION € ] Pub9cAccess S➢! aa.or.. LFS $ @RAWW NO.: e • fZ,-20467.1 � S"M 7 OF i t d R.ADients\Therma Tru PERMANENT\A-Florida Product Appmvals\FL-20461 Structural TT SS\C-Drawings\FL 20461(2014AFL-2046L1-B.dwg,81 4-Z n � O Z � 47 16•MAX, a°fn P•)— i O.C.(tYP.) k Os � O n i _Q P. _ O t 3°MAX. a•)rrP.) O.C.)TYP.) In A M n 3a z 3 rNN- O Z5 o �1 OO 1 O CMAX (TYP.) i 6-gyp.)—moi ham— m x �y ^Z 43408 g PRODUCT: Doeurnents ar /Preped_ _ By *OF � THERMA—TRU Lyndon F. Sahrnidt 4� •• .,•ft�owOIVAL •••r' Ico N F78ERGLASS DOOR P.E. No. 43409 ••., Oi T L PART OR ASSEMBLY: BUILDING CONSULTANTS. �N�ttttt O1 NO TE Y BUCK & FRAME ANCHORING p•0. Box 230. Vairtea• FL 33596 Phone No.: 813.658.9197 REVISIONS FSPE CA No. 9813 3C1 B R.W.6111LDrND CONeIILTANTB INC. fill.msG oad ti id 'o=gym v0• • oz O. , .: _z om m� 28 � tt. >> 2X BUCK S SEE HINGEp p �►I IILtt In In m= TX BUCK G DETAIL(TYP.) _ a n•; DIRECT TO M 26 E m i S o MASONRY m a a 2X BU25 CK 4 1XBUCK G —� O SEEMNGUE pp� ' O °o STRIKE DETAIL =• 2X BUCK � S 3d DIRECTTO M 27. �C, y ) IXBUC+ G MASONRY "�O n m F; LATCH 6 DEADBOLTDETAIL ' F4 m �' _ DIRECTTO M O K . a Kwlktet �� MASONRY 31 o 0 ly SEELAT H TONGUE STRIKE DEwL 3 2XBUCK DETAIL SEE LATCH U 1m y O IX BUCK G 8 3 DETAIL LT C1 .. t� o DIRECTTO M MASONRY SUB STRIKE la PLATE 8 a a A d 2B 2X BUCK L N IX BUCK G k 22' STRIKEJAMB HINGEJAMB STRIKEJAMB DIRECTTO M 2 2X BUCK 2$ Latch and Deadbolt Muftq)dnt Lock MASONRY N z 1XBUCK G 270 DIRECTTO_M 0:MASONRY L 2X BUCK LATCH i DEADBOLT DETAIL e 49 porn LATCH a MDBOLTDETAIL 8B G 1X BUCK Schlage M DIRECTTO MULTIPOINT LOCK STRIKE DETAILS g LATCH&DEADBOLT STRIKE DETAILS MAsoNRY < F ' DIRECTTO o (Standard Deadbolt Strike Plate} M MASONRY 24 23IT g o 0 FL n i DATE 5126116 i DEADBOLT STRIKE DETAILS HINGEDETAIL scn� N.T.S. ° (Security Deadbolt Strike Plate) JK m cwc.W. LFS 3 € mWm NO.: FL-20461.1 0 n -SHE 9 or 11 ro v [L1ClientsVTherma TN PERMANENIIA-Florida Product APPMOISVL-20461 Structural TC SS1C-DrawingsVI.20461(2014jVL-2046L1-&dwg.10.1 �,.29" Tt. g r m s so 1.3• �1.5' v WS ` . 3i 0.082" f` A r° `" M �i 0.45`i� y 0.91* 1.2S N Co V O• � �--}-0.7S' SC..... No.43409 "a2i it D—um.M.Ptsparb 6y. i •L PRODUCT: THERMA^TRU P P.E. No F.43405 tdt ! OIaP ,`�•p`` FIBERGLASS 0008 `rllOiIVAL o Ia N 2 N BUILDING CONSULTANTS,7l�lGjjjll O.. PART OR ASSEMBLY: XCW -°" 'r• r :'1 O1 P.O. Box 230. Valr(oo. F(.33395 y x 1A Phone No: 813.659.9197 m' NO DATE BY COMPONENTS PE C.A. No. 9813 REVISIONS 0 2016 R.W.9UI1.01N0 omN6ULTANT'a INC.