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r►[[APr[ICABLE INFO MI i BE COMPLET�a FOR ArrLICATIOty 1113 BE ACCEPTED uate: _f- Permit liurnouj: Building Permit Application Planning ana u��lot,menr Services Building ana coax Reyulnrion aivisro.. z3uv virgins-R;.,.ue,Forr tierce tr s;qy2fz Phone:(i rz)452-1553 Fax:('/z)462-1578 CAi nmercial Re3lClci itial X PERIDII I APPCILATION FUR: Mechanical PRUPOSE1711v1PKUVEMENT[UCA I ION: Address: 9 1 Z�.2 e��, V a rT regal Description. ke Property i ax ID#: Site Pan Nome: Lot no. Black Mo. Setbacxs R ont. Ba..R: _mIgnt aide: [en Side: 13ETAIELD DESCRIP I IUN OF WORK: Replacing mC, Bract change out, RD dact worR with Ckff R 1e_1Z 5 (k A- S 5 tkf 1 33 �a �, 9� FZW P �-r It- Cc L4 364 CO IQ�I Rug rION INFORMA i Ioly: ��ona wor toGas orme un er t is perms -e ec a a PP Y� HvFiC ianx ❑Gas ri in P 6 _ahuue.., ❑vvinCv.s/Doors 11 EletTrlc Plumbing ' Sprinklers GeneratorCj Total Sq. Pt of C.on.,truction: Roos S . Ft.of First Floor: Cost of ion,t,uction: _ Utflities: aewer 175eptic rsoildins 8 Hef ht: UwI�ERJ[E5skE: coNTRAtr I uR: Rome Rame: LaceR,Donnis Address: LAj,{] ()Z Company: American Resillentiaj Services City i Address: 2800 US Hwy , clp Lobe: l sax: City: Vero Beacfl rnone No. r 3} Jtate:RC E-Mail: Lip Code: 3z530 Fax: rrr 794-9783 Phone,vo. t r2 794-722. Fill In fee simple Title Holder on next page(If dlne.ant E-Mail: 6aerby@ars.com from Ina Owner listed aCovc) Mate v. County License: CMC1 249r da Ir va,ue-r eonstruction Is$zAU or more,a KlCt) aE)Notice of Commenccrnem is requlrea. SUPPEEMENTAL w175TRUCT101y LIEN IAw IRFURMA,1u1Q: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: x Nut Appllcablu Name: MOR o GAGE COMPrrNy: x i mdilrzss: Name: vot Applicable Lily: Address: Zi State: City:p� Pno�e: y' State: Zip: Phr7ne: Name: FEE SIMPLE r i TlE HOLDr:R: Not Hppl;cable BONDING ITIrANY: x Address: Name: —Not Applicable City: Addres . Zip: Ph e: City. 'P: Phone: I certiry that no worK or i,.stalladon Ras eer„mencell prig,to the issuance or o,ermlL. st.Lucie Count makes no representation that is granans a permit will oethorize Lne pc,m;t holder to Buil7 the sub'em Structure wllicn P.in condirr cairn a„t a plicafflle nerve Owners Hssoc,otion rules,Ryla„or and covenant.,that may restrict or prohion sacra structure.Prose consult wire your Home I7wnc,.,Association anti rcalew your seed ror any restrictio„�which may I in cons+llerador.of the granting of this requeszeo,,crmi,,I do nere6 y o rR in acco.0-rice With Lne ap,,ro:ed plans,the r-io,Ida Building Coves and 3LeeucietC en+.y�rtrriensmets p`��rm she worn +Re following bur+eing pc,miL applicatlan,ore exempt rrom undergoing a cell concurrency re:ery;room aReitio.,, accessory structures,swlmminS pools,fences -on�,si6ns,scree„,dams and acces,o,, uses Lo anotner„on-reslRentr„l use WAnMIn+G TO OWRIER:Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result iirmprovernents tC your property.A NOL'ICe or CC Y t in your paying twice i*Irriencement most be recordad and posted y nghe jobfsrt- before the first inspection. If you intend to obtain financing_ consult With lender-,r an a«vrney before commencing..ark or recording our 4,4odcu of Commend,—,ent. aignatu,e of Ow r/[essec/Asem �`''� % I STA TE Or FCpRIDA Signature of Cont or/[;ecnse Holder ' COUNTY OF sL Loci. MATE OF FLUmDA COONIYOF atLu* one torsoing instr „ an was acRno:htl6 efore me me tarsolns Inst rncnt was acRnoae7sed before me tnls� aay of �o br this 3 l ooy of z'u L7 6 Don.b—k y I. (N-m a person acknowledging eennrsZ&Wk llJ (game o erson acxnawlz@gins {Sir nature or R-ta,—y ru lc-bi-te of Florida ��rgR tare of Rotary Fa61ic-State of Fiori a� rersonall,Known` OR Producetl lucntificadon Pcrsonall Know., x I ype of Identincot;on Producell y vR rrotleced Identincativ„ y ygCf q e of l8entificad7n rra8eced Commission Mo. FFeeesae� 477c,7 � p ,n �e,,,,,.ission Ro. FF!2093a ARYPUBLIC f Carte FF,264 sT TE OF FCijruLffv �r@$ hF7[o►94 Revised 07/1a/zi]19 � W moires' lzEvitWS FK0NT 10NING SOa'rRvISOR rr-NI9.) LOUR r ER REVIEvv REVIEW VEuc r,y i ION St:H r urt i LE Mmiv5ROVE aH i E REVIEW REVIEW REVIEvv COICIPLt i E REVIEW INITIALS t=t.Start unto ; " iln$s+7llati0►1 WOriC Va tl Ezt Completion Daze _ l i iz) 587 3 E00 Zorporate i_.eeterwep 2800 US Highway 1,Vero Beash,FE 32960 Relations .nrclrcTn Resrdeeli:l Spain-e-f Flold.,,Ire.Lia•n_•N CLIC Q49M3,CACe..—,,CPe (8661803-0879 ea—nlen EMAIL ..nLL SUP ..ODRES: c EI2rP 6 ' FrL 3Y9.r HOMEPHON_ CRXFnvnL WORKPHONE DESIGNYOUR HVAC SYSTEM OPTION OPTION 2 OPTION I TYPE T SIDE TYPE C qrl,>JJ SIZE_ TYPE. EFFICIENCY G. �' I EFFICIEN,,Y EFFICIEN"Y - �., $ �/ $ X $_ $. $ $ $ Ti _ $ $ _ SUBTOTAL 5t!(6TZAL SUBTOTAL $ MONIHLY51' $ a U MC,NTHLY e3T.' Ml7RTHLY E51.' $, CU5Tui91ER INITIALS CUSTOMER INITIAL CLIWOMER INITIAL W-PP-4y, P_rI_ _ Labor W gorily G Parts or Warranty: fU_ P-rt= Labcrr 'I'll Mrnppee-p Rw-t Exeh-rigar �Comprtasor Heat Exchange Compressor—Real Exeh- -r Rafriger-a recovered and disposed of as requireC by law Complete cl■e,=p i.'eleding e=e c Oor a_�.ra to pmtoogoer horns and removal of existing equipment.All worn completed r deem.m awmardi."eo-th_izt;ng cD5aea.�,d permus. .7 egiil�ed. •I W&J ■ 3ELELiE VUPTI019: 01 02 ©vve..therproer ❑Connect to Swing ❑©acironic Air Cleaner SUBTOTAL $ Oi�rinaei Electrical 0 Media Filter `Q Lifetime equipment Stab IQe-Plywood Doak p PCG $ 195.and laolotion Pads Qgeconnect Brain Line ❑OV Light 5 . G Ligmia I Ito Lepldeit 0 C=di.b 5..:cr Kit ❑Humidifier , ❑Start Kit (Pan&Floe,) InDertum:difiep TOTAL $ 0 Refriger-1 CC Dryer -algi in Drain 5-f_ty S-Itch 13 OelBeer Dmd Pad ❑Refrigerant Pipe sal Nary Connections 13 Ru-Venarg G Ike- *'umminc t G 5epport Altim Equipment 55 Ductwork Connpr,.lion9 ❑llASt 1 ❑URECK# _ afngerant Pipe Cover ❑z5upply Eenum IM Fe=1 Piping 0 Ex n ten V.vv 0 New econnect pa ❑Elao:iltialWinng GCREDRLARDiLAal4#fal 'R T stat-Type ❑Raiom Planom __Home Service Flan-❑New econnect 1 Term'364 da sr Y EXP rsPPRvVmE OUR GUARANTEES nomfort Guarantee --Home Ppotectloe Ue°eemt=e ❑FINANCING" t;&u4•Hcer Sarrico Gaaramtce 1�d.1 DD%Uncondivanal Monay-Back Guarantee 'P-ym--,mp:ie,.a o alabla ih vppruved credit mot✓ S-Avz- /Lme �k 3 Z;q •Z�rtR 1�crn=-ledge th-I my right to a-maul h,.,,Boom c;;ph.ined to rite o,.,Ily..rid in wriling,and Winhou:i rai ing my right to cancel,I authorize th perform—.ce of the—rk,aebjuc;t.,all iarrn.a,a cvnariona sai forth on the reverse side hereof,plus,any taxes upon completion. Boyar's Right to Cancel:This Is a home solicitation sal@,and if you de not want the goods or services,you may cancel this agreamaal by presiding written n■Ree In if -oiler in person,by telegram,or by mail.This notice most indicate that yam do net want the goods or services and must he AaMred or postmafRllE before midnight of th third he_imm:any.ft.r you:Ig.-.thi:agreement If yea mm.1 al;agviamumL the 3illnr may not keep:If•r part of any cash down payment.See the reverse side herer tar an expatiation of this right. Naha in Elf:(a,Bo not sign uas hams Improvement coMM in=It you one entitled to-ow A the contract at the fin yea sipm Keep 9 to protect your legal riga(m this Dome fmprarmnaet r N I may emllain a INW of aumlvree create a Ron on your pfRM u waft be forec ued an if you do not pay.Be saw-.n understand all prodshim of the embact bfee you sign. _ 'Z 1 Cep—m[R_,lori., '— DATE 9][M AN AnME CUSTOMER SIGN.]URE 0161! DATE 93 2DI6 Aawtaw RusidanlW Servese LLC..All iiaM:mm-ved. ARS..- we-.7-M Michelle Frnklirl, CFA—Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser—All riuhts reserved. ProrC117 Iftntifiratiun n�:t�AdZIM53:8705 DELANLi AVE r-Faci 1!): 1s01-609-0060-09M SectTown/Range:Ozmyar7,F Account#:2312 mmr 1u: 1sr0Lb use Type."uiv"u Zoning:RS4 J Sm'n;Lecic County OwnersRip Wuitney m uribe 8706 Deianu AVE Foil Picrec,FL 34951-1346 — [egal GescripLion LAKEWOOD PARK-UNIT B_-A-t3LK 5 E 5 r r OF CO i IS ANu ALE LOT 16(MAPIs1015)(UK sy.X:l43s) Current Values r eSUMarKet v aiuc: a86,L 00 - Assessed Vulic: 1.11,89J exemptions: $46,899 113ial Areas I vular: aib,000 rinisllctVUnuer air LSr): 1,416 Taxes for this Parcel: nLC ax Coilectors 7jrnce© G, A;.w(5t•): .5,0.35 ue-:lv_Z1 11um 1e.-tn:.,parcec Do-aeaa rDr u Land Size nacres): 0.27 i—11 51—e(Jr): l i,rw i i is inrbnnation is Mjievctl to oe correct at this time out it is suoject to change and is not warranted. C Copyrignt iv i 1 saint E,ucie Zounty rroperty appraiser.ah rignts reserve'u. tr own r C t i f I AHRI Certified Rrtrence Nambur: -v3z;ar=1a Date: 4/30/2017 ProOuet:split system:Air-Cooled Condensing Unit, Coil with Blower Outtioor DMz Model Number: 24ACC436A"030* Inaoor unit mouel Aumoer: FB4CNF036L Manufacturer: CARRIER Aim CUivDI l I WRU Trade/Brand name: CARRIER Legion: aouineast anti Forth tAL_AR, DC, DE, FL,GA, HI, KY, LA, MD, Ma. AC, UK.sC, 1 fv, I A, VA AK,CO; CT, ID, IL, IA, IN, KS, MA, ME, MI, MR, AIG, M l, MU ivE, RM. Ri, NY,OH, OR, PA. RI- aD, O 1; v I,VVA_ vvv. M,WY, U.S.Territories) Region Note: Central air conditioners manutactureff poor to Janua.—y 1,2016,are eligible to be InsLaiieU In all regions until.lone 30,2016. Beginning July 1,2016,central air connitioners ca..only be Installed in reaion(s)for which they meet the regional errichnay requirement. aeries name: CUMFOK 1 14 AC Manuracturer reaponoinle for the rating of this system combination Is CHRRIEN AIR CURDITIONING Rated as foilows in accoMance w:dl AHRI Standard 2101240-2008 for Unitary mir-Conffltlonlrlg anti Ai,Source Roar Pump Equipment and subject to verification of raring accuracy By ARKI-sponsored, inder,endent,third parry testing. Cooling Capacity tBiulii: 33000 EER Rating (Cooling): IZ.O'u SEER Rating(Cooling): IEER Rari..y tCoolingl: t 'Ra.,—aa:vdenou By an aaWslt j"1 indicate a voluntary reratd of previousl,AWlohed d=t..,aeleso..—mp,.m*d„I;h a WIC, wr;� innll5k—an involuntary rerate. sl-,CSrIRICR AHRI doves wet�nd.ne tee il—ooci(.1 listed on this Certificate and makes no representas-,-awantioo.r gaarenr—s io,.no asomes no responsibility for, the product(s)Iiet.d=R thlN C.rtlflcato.AHRI a-preaa.y..rscw...s all 1I..Way i.r damages of any kind arising at■f th■tie■or,.,.rlorrn.n.o of zh.praooc.(.1,.r Me o,..uth+.rrzeu alteration of data listed on this C■rtlfl=.ts.C.rtifled r�.tings.re.lid only for moacts un.,configurations listed in the dir=ory ai x.—.uhriclrec1.ory urtj. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This ecrtl„cn,c on.lis contents are proprietary products of AHRI.This Ce.tlfl■.t■zhau enly be man for Incivion.l,personal and r_aftd.etl.l rafzrtn�e parpoace, c con:cni3.,i leis cmuticate may not,in whole or In part,b.rapoda..d;..,:led;di„,emL-,v.ca: entered Into a computer dat-ba_■;■r eth.—tee etlll.ed,In-Fly form or nl,.nncr.r.y.ny me.ns,except for the user's Individa..l, persen.l.nd zonfidential reference. V CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION i c ii;a' r ivi Ir.TITUTE o inrorm.hvn for the model cited on this ce_tifiwt_ear,be-epitied.l - zrrg,chcR or."%crify Certlfica e"link K„.;;,,kr l"fi•ix rn•r"'.nd enter the AHRI Ccriilica Rcrc.cnu-Rumber and the date on which the certificate-tie ia.ed, Y which 1=fl=ted-belt,.ad the Ccrrlficarc No.,nel-fl is liwao.t vottom right. r T%dU14 AIr-Conditionins,Heating,and Refrigeration Institute CERTIFICATE NO.: 131ZZIMUZZ1a31IM IO