HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplictionALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date. 5/9/17 Permit Number: Building Permit APPlication Plonning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2j00 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772\ 462-L578 Comnrercial Residential x PERMITAPPLICATION FOR: Mechanical Arlrtress. '1 756 GOLDEN PONDS DRIVE Legal DescriPtion: 2303-21',l-0025-000-5 Lot No Propefty Tax lD #: Block No. Site Plan Name: Project Name: Setbacks Front Back: -_---_ Right Side:Left Side: DETAILED DESCRlPTION OF WORK: LIKE FOR LIKE CHANGEOUT 3 TON 15 SEER 1O KW PACKAGE A/C SYSTEM tnrs permlr - c1 l-lcas niping apply: l-l *'noo*s/DoorsY T HVAC Electric E Gas Tank Plu m bing l_lsprintters tl Sh utte rs Generato r Enoor E Roorpitch Total Sq, Ft of Construction:Sq. Ft, of First Floor: utirities:ESewerEt"*Cost of Construction: $ 4356'00 Building Height: OWNER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: Name: cHnls r4IsA CompanY: SEA COAST A/C Address: 31 08 INDu!rn!A!3 ! s|slnflr LITV: ' ' trl5tare:' * ZiP Code: 34946-Fax:772-466-30s3 phone No.772-re9!a0! E-M ait : DAN lsEACe4gI4l R@19!€9Y State or County License: CMC035421 PROPOSED I M PROVEMENT LOCATION : CONSTRUCTION I N FORMATION : aRECoRDEDNoticerrfCommencementisrequired' Name PERISHING MOBILE HOME SALES Address:901 NW 31st AVE 611y: PoMPANo PE49!State: FL ZiP Code: 33069 Phonertro.(((GER@ Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit' st, Lucie county makes no representation that is granting a permit will a,uthorize the permit holdel to build.the.s^ubject structure which is in conlict with anv dpplicable Horle owribii'XsSoiiaiioniuies,-6viiwfoidn{tovbhbntsthit mav restrict or prohibit such structure. please consurt witi"r|" jiFr'omd o*neir'Xs'dci;t-r,ii;;'d'revi6w'yoiji dedd foi any restrictions which mav apply' In consideration of the granting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in ,i.orOun." with the ipprouEJ pLns, th'e Florida Building Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments' The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions' accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: your failure to Record a Notice of commencement may result in your p?ying fwige,for improvements to your property. A Notice of commencement must be recol'ded and foosted on the jobsite before the first inspection, lf you inteno to outiin iinancing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work or recording vour Notice of comme,ncement. Revised 0711512014 REVIEWS FRONT COUNTER ZONING REVIEW SUPERVISOR REVIEW PLANS REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS MORTGAGE COMPANY: - Not APP|icableDESIGNER/ENGINEER:Not Applicable Add ress: BONOINA COMPANY: -Not APPlicable Name: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: - Not APP|icable Add ress: Zip: Phone: The forgoing instrument was acknowledged before me trris lC uf ot t\Ao , \ , zo 11 bv o (Name of person acknowledging ) Signature of Contractor/Licen STATE OF FLORIDA J|': iK[" :;"|[[fl '..*;' "n""* l"t8"ffJ;'"'" (Name of person acknowledging ) gnature of NotarY Fublid- State of Florida ) Personally Known x OR Produced ldentification Tvpe of ldentification Produced Sienature of Owner/Lessee STATE OF FLORIDA nature of t"totiry Public- State of Florida ) PersonallV Known OR Produced ldentification Type of ldentification Produced MY coMMtsstoN # FF cti;i