HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF TETE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE 1 4307846 OR BOOK 3995 PAGE 1708, Recorded 05/11/2017 03:23:20 PM i NOTICE OF COM MENCEIY OT i 132'7 Permit 340.�1 I� �� �� � !'� Property Taz iD3rto: "''10 i " 6 .:pppH State of Flo lda County of St.Lucie The Undersigned hereby gives notice that improvement will he made to certain real property,and in accordance with Chapter 713,Florfds Statutes,-the following Information is provided in this Nonce of Commencement Legal Description of property,and address if available tA.r-Z¢ ' •- V 4T,,.,4- 5' '.]: 4z X0 (ca e co Is General desc.ription or improvements r2yt koyaQ OrvnerAesseer1Eas7ex�Smct3 S*ft 'ctZ� Address ': aocob %�+,. ,ei' Interest'inproperty. 00p6s 'T 00-, Fee Stnmple'Title_hoider(if ether than owner) Address Contractor 41��.t+► c' 1L,r: ti uc G� c 4�, a Phone# -1-1 Address J� H _ ` l. "carso 'tJ _.L40� .�~rt` Fax# m a Surety _:. - Phone#. Address Fax# Amoot[t-of$bpd Lender Phone# + w Address Fax# Persons wlthin the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other documents may be served usrqv ted by Section 713.13(a)7.,Florida Statues: Uj rte. ; Name Mt"rh_r� ses1_ I'hone#t "t'sz tiitsfrs-'took a'ra Address q kV; Mec�.vv x � Pie,e 4[ S.1 Fax# ::j ' in atldltion to himself,owner designates a-LU PhonCD e#' Fax It r q a ra to;recelvep copy ofthe`Lieaor'sNotice as'provided in Section 713.13(1)(b),Florida Statutes:Eaplratlaii date o[-notfce'of. commencecnentis.one year from the date of recordlag unless a different date is specified. WA NING`TO OWNER ANY PAYMENT'S MADE BY THE OWNER.AFTER TFIE g d'"TION Of.THE NOTICE Of COMMENCEMENT ARE CONSIDEREb IMPROPER PAYMENTS-UNDER OV13,13,F.S,,AND CAN RESULT W YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IMPROVEMENTS To YOUR PROPERTY.`A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED AND POSTED On THE.IOB SITE REFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION.IF YOU INTEND TOOBTAW FtNANCIVG..:CONSULT WITH YOUR LENDER OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMENCING WORK OR RkORbL'IG YOUR.NOTICE.OF COMMENCMENT., OsmertLebate,nr t?xner's or Lesset:' Au rile err#Btrcttnrti'artneclManagertS3gnature Signatory's Titfe/O(tfet oe State of Florida,+County of Acknowie _ e me this /-:I ,dity of ,- -- ZO l__�''7 ,by i l NV 16. --4 who I ers unit wn to me or who figs produced as Identification. • ..��, MAYatffN.Y . Signature of ry Type or Print Name ofNot—prey "'' *yy, Sit>�SFfi�p Tule:Notary Public Commission Number ' rX •16WMa> ?Wy3 - i i