HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application 05/15/2017 14:01 7724626448 SLC CODE COMP PAGE 02/03 05/7.5/2017 12:60 772461203 STEVE SMITH AC PAGE 02/03 ALL APPLICAB INF MUST BE COMPLi' FOR APjPUCAMW TO BE A=FMI) Date. �r/7 Permit Number,- Building umber.Building permit A►ppikation MAY 1.5 201r Planning and Develapm&ntServjws Building and Code Regulatlan Divisian. i PF_R M I TTi NI G 29DOVirginia Avenue,FottPlermFL,34982 5t. Lucia c Phone:17721462-1533 Fix:(772)4621578 q-din erdal Residential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Ta Select>mni dioPbox,click arrow at the end of line Address•_�„��Q� Legal Dettription: e D ProperlyTax f0#: Lot No.,_� Site Plan Name: Block No. Project Name: Setbacks Front Back._. Right Side: Left side: Additional Work o be perfoftedUnder OCR IV a appy; HVAC Gas Tank II� Pip�nB _Shutters Wir:dows/Doors �El9ctric i.�l Plumbing �5pr9nkl rs Generator ORoof Roofp r Total Sq.Ft of Construction- `1T .Ft.of First Floor;- cast AfCongtructiort: ;Utilities;Sewer ZSeptic Building Height: {Name Name:slevasm>ih Address: Company:Steve Smith Air C:ansii fling City: Address: 8001!Eden Road Zip Code: zm:�� Fax: ,. Fort pi" .PL Phone No,_ fr Zip Code.34flfi1 Fax:772 469�?A86 E-Mail-, Phone No.772 481-1426 MI In fee sirttple Title Holder an next page{if dlffwr nt E-Mail:stavesmilh=4 aol.com from the Owner Bated abovgl State or County Ucense.CAC18VW 4129071 It value of construction Is$ZOO or mons,.a RECDRDEa NoeiCe of Cema+enceru>Qrtt is segWtrd. 05/15/2017 14:01 7724626448 SLC CODE COMP PAGE 03/03 05/15/2817 12:50 772461203E, STEVE SMITH AC PAGE 03103 DESIGNE:P/ENGINEER: Ni Appli le MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Applicable NAme. : — — Name. Address:: Address: City: ., I .State, City-, te, ztp- hone.- P Zip: Phone. FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: 9 Not Applicable SONDING COMPANY: I -�—Nvt Applicable Name,. - Name: Address:: Address: City, Zip: Phone; Zip: Phone: OWNER/,CONTRACTOR AFFIDVIT-Application is hereby made to obtain a permit to do the work and Installation as Indicated. I certify th,6tno work or bisullaucir;has r-ornmenced priorto the issuance of a oermit. St.Lc!eg0=maKIno,repr;sentation that is granting a permit will aut oriza the ennit holder to build the , &ctstructure whichIs init Ictwit anyap Icable Hoe owners AssWotion rules,bvPl covenants that may ct prehiwt such structure.Tease consult with your Home Owners Association and review 1 CIr any restrictlansih PIZ which may apply. In comsideiatior of the granting of this requested permit,I do hereby agree that I will,in ag respects pWarm the Work In accordance with the approved plans,-the Florida SWIding Codes and St Lucie County Amandmants. The following building permit applications are exempt from undfiraoing a full concurrency review:room additions, accessary structures,swimming pools,imces,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory urea to another non-residential use I WARNIN TKA DWNER:Your fallum to Record a Notice cif Commencement may result In Your Paying twice for improvehients to your property.A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted an the jobsite before the first inspection.If you intend to obtain financing,con5tift with lender or an attomey,beApre commeticin amork or recordin-e our Notice of Commencement 51griatu 04nar/Agew Lessee Signature of ebntractoTAlcense Holder STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLOR1_0A COUNTY.OF—NLI.- COUNTVOF L- lite�Minstrumem was acknowlefte dbefore me The fo ,ring instrument Was acknowledged befbire me this this day of 20=bV ge, lName of person acknowledging) (Name of person acknowledging) (Signaturo of WFiry Piifbru�State of Florida) (SlPaWti—0f NotaFV Pu-bllc Stoe of Florida) Personally,Known OR Produced Ideritificr4on Personally xnown_OR Produced Idertfific2tion Type of IdelnMcartion Produced 70e of Identification Carnmiss'llon No. Riff SAB Commisdan No-EE iZJNLa _25. (seal�w DAVI$ �-ARY PITBLIo NOTARYPUBW STATEOFFLORIDA &MR611ATE-017 FLORVA . md Revise4 07/1512014 Cori REVIEWS FRONT 70NING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION T SEATURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW RWEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW -TA—TE ; RECEIVED tDATE COMPLETED