HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoof Inspection Affidavit May. 15, 2017 3:22PM AC Moore Store #108 No. 0311 P. 1 Planning&Development Services 9 Building&Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue Fort Pierce,FL 34582. 77Z-462-2165 or 772.462=2172 Fax:772-462-6443 ROOF INSPECTION AFPIDAV_IT Re: Permlt#6' _1170v_ ffo Qf - J ,licensed as a(n)Contractor*/Engineer/Architect (Please-print-name&-circle license type). - - -- *FWS-Building Inspector *Generot Sending,Residential or Roofing Contractor or ohy individual cued ander 468 FS.to make such an lrupection. ��y 1 �/` On or about � I did personally inspect the roof deck nailing - h(Date) work at: (Job site address) Based u n that examination I have determined the installation was done according to the current .edition 'Florida-Existi. Building Code Section-Gil orthe-product approval submitted (whichever is- -- st stri ). . 5i nature an4 al Ucense# . l STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF .9T 1_U eJ. SwVnsubscribed b�fare f�e this r��-d3 r.of � �U�' • by ��JT N Who' ersonally{mown to m r who has produced as identifica;o (Votary Public,State of Florida Signature of Notary: Commission Number. (seal) En e1/19/2= Noluy PUVIC State of Florida f$lln4ne My Commissim FF Bai mi �n�+ E�Iros 05It8V2020 .