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)n awk PV 4 Architectural Testing RECEIVED MAY 22 1017 0 FILE MU II-DARE COUNTY PERFORMANCE TEST REPORT Rendered to: TUFF SHED,INC. SERIES/MODEL: Premier and Sundance PRODUCT TYPE: Side-Hinged Wood Shed Door(Ontswing) This report contains in its entirety: Cover Page: I page Report Body: 12 pages. Sketch: 1 page Drawings: 2 pages Report No.: 77:533.01-401-18 Test Dates: 10/20/07 Through: 10/22/07 Report Date: 11/07/07 Expiration Date: 10/22117 Miami-Dade County Notification No.; ATI FL,07022 2250 Massaro Blvd Tampa, FL 33619 phone: 813-628-4300 fax: 813-628-4433 uAmw arrhtatt rnm A Archite'r-tural Testing MIAMI-DADE COUNTY PERFORMANCE TEST REPORT Rendered to: TUFF SHED,INC. 1777 South Harrison Street, Suite 600 Denver, Colorado 80210 Report No.: 775331.01-401-18 Test Dates: 10/20/07 Through: 10/22/07 Report Date: I'1/07/07 Expiration Date: 10/22/17 Miami-Dade County Notification No.: ATT FL 07022 Project Summary: Architectural Testing, Inc. was contracted by Tuff Shed, Inc. to perform testing per Florida Building Code, Test Protocols for High Velocity Hurricane Zone, Protocol TAS 202-94 on three (3) Series/Model Premier and on three (3) Series/Model Sundance side- hinged, wood shed doors (outswing). The samples tested met the performance requirements set forth in the protocols for a +57.6 psf Design Pressure rating (structural lo-ads only). Test specimen description and results are reported herein. The samples were provided by the client. Test Procedures: The test specimens were evaluated in accordance with the.following: TAS 202-94, Criteria for Testing Impact and Non Impact Resistant Building Envelope .Components Using Uniform Static Air Pressure Loading. Drawing Reference: The test -specimen drawings have been reviewed and verified by Architectural Testing and are representative of the samples tested. Test Specimen Description: TestSkcimen#1,#2 and#3: Series,/Model: Premier Produet Type: Side-Hinged Wood Shed Door(Outswing) Overall Size: 4'6-5/,8"wide by 64-3/4" high Panel Size: TH-1/8"wide by 60-1/8"high 2250 Massaro Blvd Tampa, FL 33619 phone: 813-628-4300 fax: 813-628-4433 wviw;%rrhtR,J rnm A 77533.01-401=18 Architectural Testing Page 2 of 12 Test Specimen Description: (Continued) Test Specimen#1,.#2 and.43: (Continued) Panel Construction: The Premier series doors were constructed with an interior sheet of 1/21f plywood sheathing secured to a 1-1/2" square hollow steel door frame with#8 x I-I&' square drive wood screws located 6" on center and two (2) screws located at each end of every steel tube. Next,a 1 S82"DurateMpTIM plywood exterior sheathing was secured to.the steel frame with #8 x 1-1/2" square drive wood screws located 6" on center and two (2) screws at each end of every steel tube. A 3-1/2" wide by 1/2" thick door trim was added to the exterior of the panel and secured with exterior grade construction adhesive and 7/9"x 0.093" diameter ring shank nails located 6" on center and two(2)nails at each,end of every trim. The panel utilized two (2) hurricane spring bolts secured with four (4) 48 x 2-1/4" square drive wood screws located through the hurricane spring bolt into the wood jambs at 6" from top and bottom of the panel. Test Specimen#4,#5 and#6: Series/Model- Sundance Product Type: Side-Hinged Wood Shed Door(Outsw,ing) Overall Size: 4'6-5/8"wide by 64-3/4"high Panel Size: 3' 11-1/8"wide by 60-1/8"high Panel Construction: The Sundance series doors were constructed with an interior sheet of 7/16" thick OSB sheathing secured to a 1-1/2" square hollow steel door frame with #8 x 1-1/2" square drive wood screws located 6" on center and two (2) screws located at each end of every steel tube. Next, a 3/8" thick.LP SmartSideg exterior sheathing was secured to the-steel frame with-#8 x 1-1/2" square drive wood screws located 6" on center and two (2) screws at each end of every steel tube. A 3-1/2" wide by 1/2" thick door trim, was added to the exterior of the panel and secured with exterior grade:construction adhesive and 740 x 0.093" diameter ring shank nails located 6" on center and two (2) nails at each end of every trim. The panel utilized two (2) hurricane spring bolts secured with four (4) #8. x 2-1/4" square drive wood screws located through the hurricane spring bolt into the wood jambs at 6" from top and bottom of the panel. 77533.01401-1 8 Architectural Testing Page:3 of 12 Test Specimen Description: (Continued) The following descriptions apply to all test specintens. Frame Construction: The frame was constructed of Spruce-Pine.-Fir #2 lumber. The exterior face utilized. a 3-1/2" wide by' i/2" thick door trim secured with exterior grade construction adhesive and 7/8",x 0.093" diameter rina,shank nails located 6" on center and two(2)nails at each end of every,trim. Finish: All exterior wood was primed. Hardware: Description uanti Location Metal handle 1 36"from panel bottom Metal hinges 3 Bottom,top and midspan of panel hinge stile Barrel bolt lock 2 Exterior of door jamb 6"from top and bottom.of panel Reinforcement: No.reinforcement.was utilized. Installation: The.panels were,installed into,a Spruce-Pine-Fir#2 wood buck. The three(3) metal hinges supported the panel and were secured to the wood -buck with four (4) #8 x 2-1/4"square drive wood screws through the hingesinto the frame. 77533.01-401-18 Architectural Testing Page 4 of-12 Test Results: The followingresults have been recorded: Protocol TAS 202-94,Static Air Pressure Tests Test Unit#1 (Premier) Design.Pressures ±57.6 psf Title of Test, Results Indicator Readings(inch) Structural Loads 41 #2 #3 #4 45 506/o of Test Pressure.(+43.2 psf) Maximum Deflection 0.01 0.02 0.01 OJOI 0.01 Permanent Set <0.01 - 0.01 <0.01 0.01 0.01 Design Pressure(+57.6 psi) Maximum Deflection 0.02 0.09 0.02 0.03 0.03 Permanent Set- 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 50%of Test Pressure(43.2 psf) Maximum Deflection 0.06 0.14 0.03 0.04 0.03 Permanent Set <0.0.1 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 Design Pressure(-57.6 psf) Maximum Deflection 0.09 0.1,9 0704 - 0.07 0.05 Permanent Set 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 Test Pressure(+86.4 psf) Maximum Deflection 0.06 0.15 0-04 0.07 0.05 Permanent Set 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 Test Pressure(-86.4 psf) Maximum Deflection 0.21 0.33 0.08 0.14 0.10 Permanent,Set 4 0.02 0.04 0.02 0.01 0.01 Note: See Architectural Testing, Inc. Sketch#I-for indicator locations. 77533.01-401-18 Architectural Testing Page 5 of 12 Test Results: (Continued) Protocol TAS 202-94,Static Air Pressure Tests Test Unit#2(Premier) Design Pressure: ±57.6 psf Title of Test Results Indicator Readings(inch) - Structural Loads #1 92 43 #4 #5 50%of Test Pressure(+43.2 psfl Maximum Deflection 0.05 0.14 0.03 0.04 0.03 Permanent Set 0.03 0:03 0.02 0.01 0.01 Design Pressure(+57.6 psf) Maximum Deflection 0.06 0.17 0.04 0.05 0.04 Permanent-Set 0.02 0:05 0.02 0.02 0.01 50%of Test Pressure(-43.2 psf) Maximum Deflection 0.08 0.13 0.02 0.03 0.03 Permanent Set 0.01 0.01 0:01 0.01 0:01 Design Pressure(-57.6 psf) Maximum Deflection 0.11 0.18 0.03 0.07 0.05 Permanent Set 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 Test Pressure(+MA psf) Maximum Deflection 0.20 0.22 0.05 0.10 0.07 Permanent Set 6.02 0.05 0.02 0.03 0.02 Test Pressure(46.4 pso Maximum Deflection 0.20 0.29 0.07 0.14 0.09 Permanent Set 0.02 0.06 0.03 0.03 0.02 ' Note: See Architectural Testing, Inc. Sketch 91 for indicator locations: 77533.01-401-18 Architectural Testing Page 6 of 12 Test Results: (Continued) Protocol TAS 202-94,Static Air Pressure Tests Test Unit#3 (Prernier) Design Pressure: ±57.6 psf Title of Test Results Structural Loads Indicator Readings (inch) #1 W2 #3 #4. #5 50%of Test Pressure(+43.2_psf) Maximum Deflection 0.12 0.14 0.03 0.04 0.03 Permanent Set 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 Design Pressure(+57.6 psf) Maximum Deflection 0.15 0.11 0.04 0.06 0:04 Permanent Set 0.02 0.05 0.01 0.02 0.01 50%of Test Pressure(-43.2 pso Maximum Deflection 0.09 0.14 0.02 0.04 0.03 Permanent Set 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 Design Pressure(-57.6 psf) Maximum Deflection 0.12 018 0.04 .0.07 0.05 Permanent Set 0.02 0.03 0-01 0.01 0.01 Test Pressure(+86.4 psf) Maxii-num-,Deflection 0.18 0.22 0.05 0.08 0.05 Permanent Set 0.03 0.04 0.02 0.02 4.01 Test Pressure(786.4 psf) Maximum Deflection 0.20 0.30 0.08 0.14 0.10 Permanent Set' 0.02 0.05 0.03 0.02 0.01 Note: See Architectural Testing, Inc. Sketch#1 for indicator,lacations. 77533.01-401-18 Architectural Testing Page 7of12 Test Results: (Continued) Protocol TAS 202-94,Static Air Pressure Tests Test Unit#4 (Sundance) Design Pressure: ±57.6 psf Title of Test Results Indicator Readings(inch) Structural Loads #1 92 #3 #4 #5 50%of Test Pressure(+43.2 psfl Maximum Deflection 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.03 0.02 Permanent Set 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01. Design Pressure(+57.6 psf) Maximum Deflection 0.04 0.06 0.06 0.03 0.62 Permanent Set 0.01 .0:02 0.01 0.01 0.01 '50%0 of Test Pressure(43.2 psf) Maximum Deflection 0.10 0.18 0.18 0.09 0.09 Permanent Set 0.01 0.01 0.01' 0.01 0.01 Design Pressure(-57.6 psf) Maximum Deflection 0':14 0.22 0.20 0.13 0.11 Permanent Set 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.01 Test Pressure(+86.4 psf) Maximum Deflection 0.04 0.06 0.07 0.03 0.03 Permanent Set 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 Test Pressure(-86.4-psf) Maximum Deflection 0.21 0.32 0.27 0.20 0.1.7 Permanent Set 0.02 6.02 0.02. 0.01 0.01 Note: See Architectural Testing, Inc. Sketch Al for indicator locations. 77533.01-401-18 Architectural Testing Page 9 of 12 Test Results: (Continued) Protocol TAS 202-94,Static Air Pressure Tests Test Unit#6 (Sundance) Design Pressure: ±57.6 psf Title of Test Results Indicator Readings(inch) Structural Loads WI #2 #3 #4 #5 50%of Test Pressure(+43.2 pst) Maximum Deflection 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 Permanent Set 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 6.01 Design Pressure(+57.6 psf) Maximum Deflection 0.04 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.02 Permanent Set 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 506/o of Test Pressure(43.2 psf) Maximum Deflection 0-11 0.18 0.0 0.08 6.06 Permanent Set 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 Design Pressure(-57.6-psf) Maximum Deflection 0.13 0.22 0.15 0.12 0.09 Permanent Set 0.01 0-02 0.01 0.01 0.01 Test Pressure(+86.4 psf) Maximum Deflection 0.02 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.02 Permanent Set -0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Test.Pressure,(-86.4 psf) Maximurn.Deflection 0.21 032 0.22 0.17 0.13 Permanent,Set. 0.01 0;02 0.01 0.01 0.02 Note: See Architectural Testing, Inc. Sketch 91 for indicator locations. 77533.01-401-18 Architectural Testing Page 10 of 12 Test Equipment: Pressurization System: Computer controlled centrifugal.blower with electronic pressure measuring device Deflection Measuring Device: Linear transducers and V dial indicators Laboratory Compliance Statements: The following is provided as required by the protocol for the testing reported herein. Upon completion of testing, specimens tested for TAS 202-94 met the requirements of Section 1620 of the Florida Building Code,Building(2004). Tape and film were used to seal against air leakage during structural testing. In our opinion, the tape and film did not influence the results of the test. Testing was conducted at the Architectural Testing laboratory located in Tampa,Florida. List of Official Observers: Name Company Jeff Cunningham Tuff Shed,Inc. Owen Bunker Tuff Shed,Inc. Scott Parker Architectural Testing, Inc. Joseph A. Reed,P.E. Architectural Testing,Inc. Mark A.Hess Architectural Testing,Inc. E 7733.01-401-18 Architectural Testing Page 11 of 12 Detailed drawings; data sheets, representative samples of test specimens, a copy of this report, or other pertinent project documentation will be retained by Architectural Testing for a period of ten years from the original test date. At the end of this retention period, such materials shall be discarded without notice and the service life of this report will expire. Results-obtained are tested values andwere secured by using the designated test methods. This report does not constitute certification of this product nor an opinion or endorsement by this laboratory. It is the exclusive property of the client so named herein and relates only to the specimens tested. This report may not be reproduced, except.in full,without the written approval of Architectural Testing. For ARCHITECTURAL TESTING, INC. upntySignmbr=WkA.�kw 10.Fad Mark A.Hess Joseph A.Reed, P.E. Technician Director-Engineering and Product Testing MAH:cmd Attachments(pages): This report is complete only when all attachments listed are included Appendix-A: Sketch(1) Appendix-B: Drawings(2) } t Architectural DATE: 10�3\\0-1 PROJECT NO. 1533,ati-q0t-lg SHEET. _J_0F I Testing BY: Mares ASS PROJECT NAME: Ty �q 51te 1 s1�' t t - , s , • • , t • 1 , , I , 2 - • •y? i URRICANE SPRING BOLT , ATTACH(1)HURHICANE BOLT 8'r-ROM TOP OF POOR HANDLE AND STRIKE DOOR AND(1)8'FROM BOTTOM OF DOOR. I ATTACH EACH BOLT WITH(4)#8 x 2-1/4'SQUAREa INSTALL DOOR HANDLE PER 10 DRIVE SCREWS MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS,USE S #e x 2-114'SQUARE DRIVE WOOD NYLOC 11 I SINGLE DOOR ASSEMBLY SCREWS.ATTACH STRIKE PLATEW17Ti(2) WASHER O TOP VIEW #8x 2"SQUAREORIVE WOOD SCREWS, PARTIAL INSIDE VIEW PARTIAL ENO VIEW ai ARTIAL OUTSIDE VIEW DETAIL'A' ,.,,r.,•a SCREWS TO BE LOCATED AS SHOWN. , Architectural i'es11 DOLT LATCH ON FIXED DOOR FOR. DOUBLE DOOR Test sample complies with these details. NAIL DOOR JAMB STUDS TO KING ASSEMB�E3: Devlations are noted. STUDS WITH(2)12d p 12'(NOT [teporUl SHOWN) 1. ATTACH ITEM 1(112"PLYWOOD INTERIOR y!� SHEATHING)TO ITEM 2(STEEL DOOR FRAME Pate4.'S'o T`e.- R $Pp' tEW i 1-112'SO.TUBING)WITH ITEM 3(118 x 1=12° 3 O SCREWS)©5'D.C.AND(2)SCREWS AT EACH END OF EVERY STEEL TUBE AS SHOWN IN b �i DETAIL'S'. HURRICANE SPRING BOLT o00R SHEATHING lr.' 2. ATTACH ITEM 5(15132"PLYWOOD DURATEMP ATTACH WITH(4#e x 2-114" EXTERIOR SHEATHING-112'DURATEMP INTERIOR SHEATHING EXTERIOR SHEATHING)TO ITEM 2(STEEL, 1 SQUARE DRIVEWOOD DOOR FRAME Q 112 SQ TUBING)WITH ITEM 3. SCREWS. DOUBLE DOOF`ASSEMBLY (08 x 1-1/2 SCREWS).@ 5 0 C.AND(2)SCREWS AT EACH END TOP VIEW SHOWN IN'DETAIL'B'. I{ 3. ATTACH ITEM B(DOOR TRIM)TO ITEM 5(15132" BOL T LATCH ON FIXED PLYWOOD DURATEMP EXTERIOR SHEATHING) g DOOR FOR DOUBLE DOOR WITH EXTERIOR GRADE CONSTRUCTION �• y' INSTALL EACH BOLT LATCH ADHESIVE AND ITEM 7(718"RING,SHANK NAILS) WITH(2)#8 x 2-1/4'TUFF @ 0-D.C.AND(2)NAILS AT EACH END OF SHED HINGE SCREWS(PN HINGE ATTACHMENT. EVERY TRIM PIECE AS SHOWN. 8 ' TS002)AND(2)1/4'x3.12' CARR(IAAGE BOLLTS W/ (3)TUFF SHED HINGES 4. INSTALL ITEM 8(TUFF SHED"L"HANDLE)TO LOCKWASHERSAND NUTS- P RDOOR,ATTACH 'j ORDER FROM TUFF SHED EACH HINGE WITH(81 THE DOOR ASSEMBLY WITH(2)ITEM 9(N8 x PURCHASING DEPT. #8 x 2-114'TUFF SH- 2-114 SQUARE DRIVE SCREWS).INSTALL ITEM HINGE SCREWS(PN. 10(CAB LATCH)TO THE DOOR ASSEMBLY WITH y 1 TS002) ORDER FROM (4)ITEM 11(#8 x 1-1/4 PAN HEAD SCREWS). PURCHASING DEPT, INSTALL WASHER AND NYLOC ON HANDLE / 2 HINGES TO BE $HAFT SEE DETAIL'A'.ALL ITEMS SHALL eE t DOOR THRESHOLD LOCATED AS SHOWN: INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURER'S 3 INSTRUCTIONS. M. 5 Q ZbDOUBLE DOOR ASSEMBLY O HINGE ASSEMBLY DETAIL ®� r` ' SIDE VIEW FRONT VIEW EXPLODED DOOR ASSEMBLY i ,•. e.0 a°r.r� DETAIL'S' Orden!. PC# THESE DRAWINGS AND THE DRAWINGS BY: TITLE DRAWING No, TUFF SHED OF TUFF SH THE PROPERTY TUFF STi1rD,zi�rC. CGSIDme(: Drawn By:CAD OF TUFF REED W0.THESE XXX•PGEN-01 DRAWINGS ARE FORA SHED DOOR DETAILS I Storage Buildings CS Date: 10124107 BUILDING TO 88 SUPPLIED 3N HOUSE DRAFLTNG DEPARTMENT S g Stto Address, PREMIER SERIES REV.LEVEL 01 TUFF SHED,INC. ET Checked.6: ANDOTHE BUILTRUSE 1 FSHEo. EN ER,COLORADO 8021 Y FORNDOERUYTU DENVER,COLORADO 0210 SHEET Date: FORbIWEN BY TUFF EKED (503)753-TUFF I tal ng I2D:,rorv-w,onl•unon•,n n.uvn INO&THEENGINEER OF Scale: N.T.B. ER CORD• T"TNfi COM TOF T12Gfi DMtN106 Nm TCS WN9TRUCT 0FUE6URCMlSe jr..MfL SHEET 1 OF 1 DOOR HANDLE AND STRIKE I HURRICANE SPRING DOLT PLATE ATTACHMENT 6 ATTACH(i)HURRICANE BOLT 6'FROM 70P OF INSTALL DOOR HANDLE PER O ` 0 DOORAND(1)6'FROM BOTTOM OF DOOR. MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. ATTACH EACH DOLT WITH(4)118 x 2.114'SQUARE USE(4)NII x 2-1/4'SQUARE DRIVE I ORUESCREWS WIG SCREWS.ATTACH STRIKE na PLATE OVER 1S GA.O PLATE WITH(2)SINGLE DOOR ASSEMBLY a8 x 2-v4"SQUARE DRIVE wooD SCREWS.SCREWS TO BE LOCATED ��� v E 1 TOP VIEW I p� PARTIAL END VIEW PARTIAL OUTSIDE VIEW AS SHOWN. L.• ��i'elUt8l�B5 INSTALL BOLT GUIDE WITH(2)3116 0 x.062-.125" BOLT LATCH ON FIXED DOOR FOR Test samplecomplieswiththesedetaGBIPRANGESTEELRIVITS(FASTENALP.N.41121) DOUBLE DOOR DOOR Deviations are.nOted. OR ENGINEERING APPROVEDEQUIVALENT ' NAIL DOOR JAMB STUDS Report#'771_1 I TO KING STUDS WITH(2) 3.c1- 0 i/ 4 5 12d @ 12'(NOT SHOWN) fit. Techs t 3 ASSEMBLY NOTES: 1, ATTACH ITEM 1(7/16'OSB INTERIOR SHEATHING)TO ITEM 2(STEEL DOOR FRAME- �� ! 1,111.'SQ:TUBING WITH ITEM 3 #a x 1-1/2' J DOOR SHEATHING SCREWS)@ 6'O.C.AND(2)SCREWS AT EACH ' HURRICANE SPRING BOLT � / .•�'� ATTACH WITH(4)118x2-1/4' EXTERIOR SHEATHING-318"SMARTSIOE END OF EVERY STEELTUBEASSHOWN,ONLY ' 1 SQUARE DRIVEWOOD INTERIOR SHEATHING-7l16"OSB (3)SCREWS ARE REQUIRED FOR ATTACHING SCREWS: ITEM 4(1-1/2'x-1-112'x 9-1/2 TUBE). /' 4 O DOUBLE DOOR ASSEMBLY 2a TOP VIEW 2. ATTACH REM 5(3/8",SMARTSIDE EXTERIOR 0 t SHEATIIING)70ITEM P(STEEL DOOR FRAME- 1-1/2'SO.TUBING)WITH ITEM 3(96 x 1-1/23 1 BOLT LATCH ON FIXED SCREWS)@ e'O.C.AND(2)SCREWS AT EACH 8 -� DOOR FOR DOUBLE DOOR END OF EVERY STEEL TUBE AS SHOWN. INSTALL EACH BOLT CATCH 3. ATTACH ITEM 6(DOOR TRIM)TO ITEM 5(318' r WITH(H)tib xSCRETUFFSHED SMARTSIDE EXTERIOR SHEATHING)WITH 9 / I TSD02) NGESCREW9(PN HINGE ATTACHMENT .EXTERIOR GRADE CONSTRUCTION ADHESIVE TS002)AND(2 114"x 3-112' - CARRIAGE BOLTS W/. ((3 TUFF SHED HINGES AND ITEM 7(718'RING SHANK NAILS)@ 6'O.C. ORDER FROM SUFE SHEDS" P�R DOORIDOOR AND(2)NAILS AT EACH END OF EVERY TRIM 2 1 PURCHASING DEPT. PANEL,FILL EVERY PIECE AS SHOWN. HOLE IN HINGE WITH if DRIVE WOOD SCREW. 4. INSTALL ITEM 8(PADDLE HANDLE ASSEMBLY) HINGES TO SE WITH ITEM 9(p8 x 1-1/4'.SQ PAN HD SCREWS) t OORTHRESHOLD LOCATED AS SHOWN, PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS. I ' I 2b SDE V EWOOR ASSEMBLY O FRONT VNGE IEW BLYDE7AIL ®EXPLODED DOOR ASSEMBLY ncue,•x•n swu,•u•-cv I TUFF SHE O scorn POI! DESIGNTHESE RETHEPAWINGS ROPEND T DRAWINGS BY: TITLE DRAWING NO. ! DESIGN ARETHEPROPERTY TUFF SHED,INC. I Cuslomcc Drawn 0y.CAD OF TUFF SHED.INC.THESE XXX-SGEN-01 DRAWINGS ARE FOR A SHED DOOR DETAILS Storage Buildings&Garages Site Address: Date: 10124107 BUILDING TO BE SUPPLIED IN HOUSE DRAFTING DEPARTMENT TUFF SHED,INC. AND BUILTBYTUFFSHED. 1777 S.HARRISON STREET SUNDANCE SERIES REV.LEVEL 01 CheckodBy: ANYOTHERUSEIS DENVBR,.COLORADO80210 SHEET OUlld n9 Date: FORBIDDEN ( )BY TUFF SHFO 303 753-TUFF S,LOS.nm-uxsm•,crn.mn.w INC E THF.ENGINEER DF Scala: N.T.S. RECORD. TViF SMlO WC.F:nU.1E9/SL REe00eenngltt fON rH3 mrrtE�rtocsnesEoaawuuµo na; SHEET 1.OF 1 1 cowssnocn "sHeoutmnossramH_fm f . 1 1