HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationALLAPPL|CABLEINFoMUsTBEcoMPLETEDFoRAPPL|cAT|oNToBEACCEPTED DaIe. 0512212017 Permit Number: Building Permit APPlication Plonning ond Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (ll2) 462-1553 Fax: \772) 462-L578 Commercial Residentia I PERMITAPPLICATION FOR: Mechanical Lega I DescriPtio n: 3404-71 0-0036-000"0 Lot No. PropertY Tax lD #: Blor:k No. Site Plan Name: Project Name: Setbacks Front Back: _- Right Side:Left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORK: LIKE FOR LIKE CHANGE OUT 3.5 TON, 14 SEER, CARRIER 8 KW CONSTRUCTION I.NFORMATION: under this Permlt - cl l--le as Piping apptv:ntr ton VI HVAC Electric T Gas Tanl< Plumbing l--] sprint<ters tr Shutters Generator Windows/Doors Roof t-l RoorPitch Total Sq. Ft of Construction:Sq. Ft. of First-[.!qor:t----1 | | Utilities: I lS"*"t I lseptic Building Height: Cost of Construction: $ 5273'00 Name: CHRIS LANGEL ComPanY: SEA COAST AJC Address:31W City: FT IlEn9E State: FL ZiP Code: 34946 F ax:772-466-3053 p hone 11s. 77 2-466-2400 r r\/rrir. DANISEACOASTAIR@AOL COM State or County License: cMCS5z121 PRoPOSED lM PROVEM ENT L44Il9N' Address: 230'1 GRAND OAK DRIVE ilu,ru"ot."n,tru.ti*i's25ooormore'aREcoRDEDNoticeofCommencementisrequired' CONTRACTOR:OWN ER/LESSEE: 113mg PAUL GOO9XEI Address: 2301 9x4xP lAK 4YE CitY: AlExsE ZiP Code: 34982 phone 11e. 772-460-891 1 E-Mail: Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next page ( if different from the Owner listed above) I certify that no worK or tnstallation has commenced prior to the issuance ot a permlt' st. Lucie county makes no representation that is granting a permit will a,uthorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which is in conrrct *,rn. r-nvTpdtiii6rei Hoqe owfib?s nsEoiiaiion -ruies, byi;i;f 9#U;bviihlnti ttrii m-av restrict <ir prohibit such structure. please consurt wittr riour Home owners xsibfntion and review'yoijioeeo for any restrictions which may appty' ln consideration of the granting of this requested.permit, I do hereby agree that I will, in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the rpp;;;:ipi.nt, it'" rlorid5 euildine Codes and St' Lucie county Amendments' The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions' accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING To owNER: your failure to Record a Notice of commencement may result in your paying twice.for improvements to your property, A Noti.ce oi commencement m;;i be recoi'ded and iosted on the- jobsite before the first inspection. tf you intend t"";;.tl;i;{qll::lirit *itt"' lender or an attornev before co m menci ng we4 !-tl-$odl!Notice of Commencement' COMPANY: -_ Not APPlicableE-NGlNtEEk- - Not APPlica CouPnruV: -Not APPlicable FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: - Not APP|icable Ad d ress: \ip: Phone: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY Qf sr ructe (Name of Person acknowledging ) rY Fublic- ftate of Florida ) Personally Known I- OR Produced ldentification Type of ldentification Commission [\6' FFe4 Signature of Owner ractor as Agent Owner STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY Qf sr LuctE (frlanre of person acknowledging ) ure of NotarY PersonallY Known x Type of ldentification commission frle' FFeal VEGETATION REVIEW Revised 0711512014 .l..tCNML HOPKilS{ONNEIY MY CoMMt$sEr $FF 941411 e fr$$cmts r*dum€ at&rx AHRI Certified Reference Number: 9194415 Dale:512212017 Product:SplitSystem:Air-Coo]edCondensingt'|nit,coiIwithBlower Outdoor Unit Model Number: CA14NA042*0**A* lndoor Unit Model Number: FB4CNF042L Manufacturer: CARRIER AIR CONDITIONING Trade/Brand name: CARRIER AIR CONDITIONING Reqion: Southeast and North (4-L,-48, -g9, DE, F L' GA' !11-t {Yr. LA' MD' MS' NC' OK' SC' TN' TX' VA iREtj: Ei;i'D, Ii; ili;iil;-id; i;['ue.. tvtt'.ruru"vto' wtt' t'to' NE' NH' NJ' fiy: 6il: 6niFA,-irl dD;iri;Vi' wA, {vv,'wr' wY' u's' rerritories) Reqion Note: Gentral air conditioners-manufactured prior to January 1,2015, are eligible to be inslalled in all region"';"iii'i;;; i-0, zoio' a"s-'ilnin[ 't'tv t'.2olo' 6entral air conditioners can only be instaileii""il,ll'i.nill i;; ;hi;h ttre"y meei the regional'efficiencv requirement' Series name: 14 SEER AC Manufacturer responsible for the rating of this systern com'bination is GARRIER AIR CONDITIoNING Rated as follows in accordance wiil_r AHRI stand ard 210t.240'2008 for Unita.ry. Air'Gonditioning and Air-source Heat pump Equipment and subject to veiiti"ati.in oi iating """i?"!'uv'AHHI-sponsored' ind6pendent' third party testing: Cooling CaPacitY (Btuh): EER Rating (Cooling): SEER Rating (Cooling): IEER Rating (Cooling)' 39500 11.50 14.00 -Ratingsfo||owedbyanaSteriSk(-)indicateaVoIuntaryrerateofprevious|ypUb|isheddata,UnIessaccompaniedwithaWAS,whichindicatesaninvo|Untaryrerate theproduct(s)|istedonthiscertificateandmakes|]orepreseguara|lteesasto,andassumesnoresponsibiIityfor' thisQeftif|cate'AHR|expresslydisclaimsa|lIia|riIityfordamaoutoftheuseorpelformanceoftheproduct(s),orihe of data listed on this cedificate, certitied-iitings are valid on gurations listed in the directory at www'ahlldlrectoJy'org' ffl ts are proprietarv 1199":t'ii l]lll-tliL!."111|lill.'131'."ll1oii'"0 tor individuar' personar and conf ".. ilJ;;;i";i;;ithis certiflcate m"v ".t, i" *n.i" or in part, be-renroduced; copied; disseminatedi ente "",;;;,-;il;;i'" uiiii'.u' in any rorm or manner or by any means, except for the user's individua'' oersonal and confidential reference' fff,ll5ifi:l:"tt:llfi"fJi3'T,,", on this certiricate.'"1!^: i:]'l:1^3ly:-1;1,l,1illiillit.1l5; o''u on "velrrv celtrrrcate"rink and enter the AHRI certified n"i"iJ"t" H"u:1 11d 111.111"^-"1i,1'*"1:irt"u'ticate was issued' ,' - -- A!R-CSllptrl0l{ll{G, ll)isl:Ns. rk ssplll0E,tAll*ti lfisT[Tt.]?iai r,,e r:rait lilc bllter"' ;,il;iIi,;[i?;;;;,;;;il; a;ii''ricaie No', whrch is risted at bottom risht' L, J -.-, h^4-ira,-ri^h rnctitrrtc i Cgnf lf ICATE NO': @ IIOL A|r-Conditionin$, Heatin$, and Ref ri$eration Institute 13139942478747 1090