Meeting Held On
January 18, 2017
Convened at 3:00 p.m. Adjourned at 3:50 p.m.
This meeting of the Fort Pierce Harbor Advisory Committee (FPHAC) was held Wednesday
January 18, 2017 at 3:00 p.m. in the 3rd Floor Conference Room in the Administration Building,
2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce, Florida.
Roll call was taken. Quorum was present. Minutes from the October 19, 2016 meeting were
Members Present: Bill Thiess, St. Lucie Village, Chairman
Bradley J. Currie, Atlantic Design Group, Vice Chair
Mayor Linda Hudson, City of Fort Pierce
Bobby Hopkins
George Jones, Alternate for Warren Falls
Mary Chapman
Don Pipes
Members Absent: Councilman John Carvelli, City of PSL
Richard Ross, Longshoreman Association
Warren Falls, Managing Director of ORCA
Also Present: Katherine Barbieri, Assistant County Attorney
Mark Satterlee, Deputy County Administrator
Leslie Olsen, Planning & Development Services Director
Stan Payne, Port Director
Kyle Croce, Port Engineer
Bonnie Landry, Planning Manager
Linda Pendarvis, Planning Coordinator
Rebecca Grohall, City of Fort Pierce, Planner
Don Macintosh
Dennis Murphy
Gwen Morris
Jim Dragseth
OLD BUSINESS: Updates on the 2nd Street Improvement Project and Fisherman’s Wharf, were
given by Kyle Croce. Kyle said substantial completion of the 2nd Street Project should be April
2017. All of the presentations are on the St Lucie County website, under the Port.
Stan Payne spoke with members concerning the RFQ for Harbor Pointe, a handout of the RFQ
was given to the Committee Members. Stan shared with the Members that he is looking for a
partnership with access for funding with flexibility, and hopes to have this in place by the
summer with jobs being introduced at a fair wage. Jim Dragseth questioned what this County
considers a fair wage. Leslie Olsen said $17.60 without benefits. Discussion on wages in St. Lucie
Vice-Chair Brad Currie suggested that a Committee Member from the Port Advisory Committee
be part of the RFQ’s selection committee. Member’s discussed job creation and a Ferry Boat as
possibilities. Stan told Members he wants to make Fisherman’s Wharf special after the
Engineering is completed.
Vice-Chair Currie made a motion that a Member of the Port Advisory Committee be considered
for the Selection Committee for the Port RFQ, Mayor Linda Hudson 2nd the motion. The
Committee asked the Chair to sit on this selection committee, he accepted. Brad Currie made
a motion for Chair Bill Thiess to sit on the selection committee, Mayor Linda Hudson 2nd the
motion. Vote was unanimous in favor. Chair Thiess asked Mark Satterlee to include him as part
of the selection committee.
Chair Thiess ask Kyle for an update on the Terminal property, Kyle shared with the Committee
that it is still doing maintenance and rehabilitation on large boats, not many changes. Property
is on lease with option to buy,
NEW BUSINESS: Nomination for the Chair and Vice Chair were opened, Mayor Linda Hudson
nominated Bill Thiess as the Chair Mary Chapman 2nd, and all were in favor. Mayor Hudson
nominated Brad Currie as Vice Chair, Bobby Hopkins 2nd, all were in favor.
STAFF COMMENTS: Katherine reminded members of the Sunshine Law policy, and if they
have any questions to please contact her in the Attorney’s office.
COMMITTEE COMMENTS: Mayor Hudson informed Committee Members the old PAL (Police
Athletic League) has been purchased by a Cosmetic’s Company that will be doing exports.
Approximately 50 to 100 local jobs.
At 3:50 p.m., the meeting adjourned. The next scheduled meeting is Wednesday April 19, at
3:00 pm, in the in the Third Floor Conference Room.