HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval yrfi�e — d r FLCO10A,004;~00 o • • A ® m p BCIS Home Log In User Registration Hot Topics I Submit Surcharge Stats&Facts Publications I FBC Staff i BCIS Site Map!I Links I Search Florida {�� 1 Product Approval .,I Y USER: Public User Product ADDroval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail FL# FL16660-R6 Application Type Revision Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Haas Door Company Address/Phone/Email 320 Sycamore St. Wauseon, OH 43567 (419) 337-9900 Ext 243 mschweitzer@haasdoor.com Authorized Signature Mark Schweitzer mschweitzer@haasdoor.com Technical Representative Address/Phone/Email Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category Exterior Doors Subcategory Sectional Exterior Door Assemblies i Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer i Evaluation Report- Hardcopy'Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed John E. Scates the Evaluation Report Florida License PE-51737 Quality Assurance Entity Architectural Testing, Inc. Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 12/31/2018 Validated By Kurt Dietrich PE _J Validation Checklist- Hardcopy Received i Certificate of Independence FL16660 R6 COI Cert of Ind Scates s.pdf Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year ANSI/DASMA 108 2012 ANSI/DASMA 115 ;2012 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D ' I Date Submitted 08/11/2016 Date Validated 08/22/2016 Date Pending FBC Approval 08/23/2016 Date Approved 10/13/2016 Summary of Producrtss, Go to Page Page 2/13'0 0 FL# Model,Number or Name Description 16660.21 21. HT 600, 700, 2000, 800, &900 HT Series sectional sandwich type garage door 18'2"wide Series Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16660 R6 II WL-0600-0218-08-20-23L-RevD s.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: John E. Scates 51737 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +20.4/-22.7 Evaluation Reports Other: Glazing is an available option for the 600, 700, 2000, FL16660 R6 AE EvalReot r6a s.odf 800 &900 Series product only but it does not meet the Created by Independent Third Party: Yes impact resistant requirement for windborne debris regions. 16660.22 22. PAN C2011, C2015, C2410, PAN Series sectional pan type garage door 9'2" wide R2410, C2411, C2415, C2460, R2460, C2461, R2461, C2471, R2471, C2472, R2472, C2480, R2480, C2481, R2481, C2482, R2482, C2511, R2560, R2561, R2571, R2572, R2580, R2581, R2582 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16660 R6 II WL-2000-0110-08-21-241--Rev D s.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: John E. Scates 51737 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +21.3/-24.1 Evaluation Reports Other:Glazing is an available option for all the Pan Series FL16660 R6 AE EvalRept r6a s.pdf product listed but it does not meet the impact resistant Created by Independent Third Party: Yes requirement for windborne debris regions. 16660.23 23. PAN C2011, C2015, C2410, PAN Series sectional pan type garage door 97" wide R2410, C2411, C2415, C2460, R2460, C2461, R2461, C2471, R2471, C2472, R2472, C2480, R2480, C2481, R2481, C2482, R2482, C2511, R2560, R2561, R2571, R2572, R2580, R2581, R2582 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16660 R6 II WL-2000-0110-08-35-39-RevC s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: John E. Scates 51737 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +35.0/-39.0 Evaluation Reports Other: FL16660 R6 AE EvalReot r6a s.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 16660.24 24. PAN C2011, C2015, C2410, PAN Series sectional pan type garage door 167"wide R2410, C2411, C2415, C2460, R2460, C2461, R2461, C2471, R2471, C2472, R2472, C2480, R2480, C2481, R2481, C2482, R2482, C2511, R2560, R2561, R2571, R2572, R2580, R2581, R2582 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16660 R6 II WL-2000-0194-08-20-23L-RevD s.o'df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: John E. Scates 51737 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +20.4/-22.7 Evaluation Reports Other:Glazingjs_arLavailable option for all the Pan Series FL16660 R6 AE EvalReot r6a s.odf pr oducrlisted but it does dot meet the impact resistant Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 90 urrement for windborrje�,debris regions. Ny 16660.25 25 PAN C2011, C2015, C2410, PAN Series sectional pan type garage door 16'2"wide R2 10, C2411, C2415, C2460, , 460, C2461, R2461, C2471, R2471, C2472, R2472, C2480, R2480, C2481, R2481, C2482, R2482, C2511, R2560, R2561, R2571, R2572, R2580, R2581, R2582 Limits of Use t Installation Instructions Approved for use4rK HVHZ: No FL16660 R6 II WL-2000-0194-08�RevC---s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: John E. Scates 51737 r=- ImpactResistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design"Pressure: +31.3/-34.9 Evaluation Reports ,Other: FL16660 R6 AE EvalReot r6a s.odf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes R2410, C2411, C2415, C2460, R2460, C2461, R2461, C2470,�� � p n type garage door 182"wide -�~-- -�-- -26.PAN`CZ011,_C2015,_C2410, P�9N_5e '1'6-66026 'raes.;sRfional- a R2470, C2471, R2471, C2472, R2472, C2480, R2480, C2481, R2481, C2482, R2482, C2511, R2560, R2561, R2570, R2571, R2572, R2580, R2581, R2582 . Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16660 R6 II WL-2000-0218-08-20-23L-RevD s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: John E. Scates 51737 Impact Resistant: No Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +20.4/-22.7 Evaluation Reports Other:Glazing is an available option for all the Pan Series FL16660 R6 AE EvalReot r6a s.Ddf product listed but it does not meet the impact resistant Created by Independent Third Party: Yes requirement for windborne debris regions. 16660.27 27, PAN PAN C2011, C2015, C2410, PAN Series sectional pan type garage door 18'2" wide R2410, C2411, C2415, C2460, R2460, C2461, R2461, C2471, R2471,C2472, R2472, C2480, R2480, C2481, R2481, C2482, R2482, C2511, R2560, R2561, R2571, R2572, R2580, R2581, R2582 Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16660 R6 II WL-2000-0218-08-30-33-RevC s.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: John E. Scates 51737 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +30.0/-33.1 Evaluation Reports „ Other: FL16660 R6 AE EvalReot r6a s.pdf Created by Independent Third Party: Yes 16660.28 28. HT 5000 Series HT Series sectional Aluminum sandwich type garage door 9'2" wide Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16660 R6 II WL-5000-0110-08-40-45L-RevD s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: John E. Scates 51737 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +40.0/-45.0 Evaluation Reports Other: Glazing is an available option for the 5000 Series FL16660 R6 AE EvalReot r6a s.pdf product. It does meet the impact resistant requirement for Created by Independent Third Party: Yes windborne debris regions. 16660.29 29. HT 5000 Series HT Series sectional Aluminum sandwich type garage door 16'2" wide Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16660 R6 II WL-5000-0194-08-31-35L-RevD s.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: John E. Scates 51737 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +31.3/-34.9 Evaluation Reports i Other: Glazing is an available option for the 5000 Series FL16660 R6 AE EvalReot r6a s.pdf product. It does meet the impact resistant requirement for Created by Independent Third Party: Yes windborne debris regions. 16660.30 30. HT 5000 Series HT Series sectional Aluminum sandwich type garage door 18'2" wide Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16660 R6 II WL-5000-0218-08-30-34L-RevA s.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: John.E. Scates 51737 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party: Yes Design Pressure: +30.0/-33.9 Evaluation Reports Other:Glazing is an available option for the 5000 Series FL16660 R6 AE EvalReot r6a s.odf product. It does meet the impact resistant requirement for Created by Independent Third Party: Yes windborne debris regions. 16660.31 31. HT 600, 700, 2000, 800, &900 HT Series sectional sandwich type garage door 167"wide Series Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ: No FL16660 R6 II WL-0600-0194-08-22-24-RevA s.odf -- ---1 --- 2 3 4 5 6- 7 8 Door Width 16'-2"Shown NOTE: Track configuration above --— - -- ------- - - _ __ _ the door opening does not affect F See chart below for other the wind load rating of the door. Top Bracket door widths DETAIL A(sheet 2 of 3) Flag Bracket . •• -•..... -•••1 DetaIIH(sheet2of3) GO I E t 1 /—Jamb Bracket Detail F(sheet 2 of 3) Slide Lock or Lock Bars 8'-0"Shown Detail G(sheet 2 of 3) Door Height Manual door locks are See chart - - __e equired unless an automatic t a operator is installed. below for other 662"+l-3" '- door heights 542" 3„ D • 35.2„+/-3„ I [ ,. - 222n+1-3" 6 Bottom Brecket End Hinges Z Strut&Strut Attachment Intermediate Hinge 4"+/-3" Detail C(sheet 2 of 3) Detail B(sheet 2 of 3) Detail E(sheet 2 of 3) Detail D(sheet 2 of 3) 101"+/_3.. C This product has been evaluated per ANSI/DASMA 108-05 (and -12) for static air pressure. Jarmo bracket quantities shown are for use with grade 2 or better southern pine This product has been evaluated per ANSI/DASMA 115-05 fond -12) for longe missile impact and cyclic Supporting structural elements ore to be designed by a registered professional \\ ��,.•--•. r�// wind pressure. engineer for specific wind loads. \\\ �GENa�'.•.� Model Number Door Total#of Total#Jamb Brkts NOTICE: �0,y Height Sections of Struts or These drawings are o supplement PAN C2i60A 82460 SF131® g to the installation instructions for _� NO.51737 PAN C2410&R2410SERES PAN C2461&R2461 SERIES 61-0" 3 `5 5 a standard inst door Oin Only COVefS t I*w PAN C2480 A R2480 SERIES PAN C2471&R2471 SERIES 7'-3' 4 6 6 those procedures that vory from r*• & PAN C24816 R2481 SERIES PAN C2472&R2472 SERIES PAN C2011 SERIES 7'-6" 4 6 6 standard door installation. If i'0�, STATE OF /, ` these specific procedures are not %� PAN C2482&R2482 SERFS PAN 82560 SERI FS PAN C2015 SERIES T-9" 4 6 6 followed, the door may not ��0� _R1��%'•\2\\ PAN 82580 SERIES PAN 82561 SERIFS PAN C2411 SERIES 8'-0° 4 6 6 perform as designed. '///�SS•- - B PAN R2581 SERIES PAN R2571 SERIES PAN C2415 SERIES Maximum section height is 24 in. /// /ONA� PAN 82582 SERIES PAN R2572 SERIES PAN C2511 SERIES ///III 1110 Maximum door height is 16 ft. Digitally signed by.-John E Scutes,P.E Door Widths Desl n Pressures Center Center Center Impact John E Sautes, P.E. End Stile All doors, even those above the tested Date:2016.08.04 T3.47:14-05'00' Up To + s - Stiles Hin es Stiles Hinges Stiles Hln es Resistant height, ore available with jamb brackets 3121 F'airgate Drive 10'-2" 49.7 -55.5 Double 4 2 3 5 2 NO or commercial full angle. The maximum Carrollton, Texas 75007 12'-2' 41.5 -46.3 Double 5 2 5 5 2 NO spacing of the lamb brackets/track clips IMPACT RESISTANT Florida P.E. // 51737 14'-2' 35.7 -39.8 Double 6 3 5 7 3 NOshould be maintained. 16'-2" 31.3 . Double 7 3 7 7 3 YES FL#16660.25 Professional Engineer seal provided only for 18'-2' 24.7 27.6 Double 7 3 7 7 3 NO verification of wind load construction details, 20'-2' 20.1 -22.4 Double 9 5 9 11 5 NO a/. DESCRIPTION34.9 Double 4 2 3 5 2 YES tee°e Ax 2000smIESWINDLOAD SECTIONAL DOOR A12'-2' 31.3 -34.9 Double 5 2 5 5 2 YES B S A DE SIGN PRESSURE+2131-s4.9PSF14'-2' 31.3 -34.9 Double 6 3 5 7 3 YES DRAINND t0.wL.2060-0194-08-31.11 DIM..1 OF a REV. c This product is designed and sold by PSF. The AHJ or Engineer of Record is responsible for determining the DALE Dtk 6/11/14 IDPAWNIkY. MVS PSF required for an given site. ®C.Am�n q Y 9� na MODEL(S): See Shat 3 - - ---1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 PUSH NUT 24rr TEK SCREW STILES 7/16" i/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer Head 16_Go Galvanized Steal See DETAIL K for push nut END HINGE - - --- --- ----- Self Drilling (3 per Bottom & 2 per O O placement. Adjustable Inner Bottom Brackets) F o o PUSH NUT � o l4 Go Galvanized Steel , BOTTOM BRACKET' 7/16" TEK SCREW o®o o r� 13 Go Galvanized Steel See DETAIL K for push nut � t/4" X 3/a" Hex Washer Head TEK SCREW placement. Self Drilling (2 per Bracket) 1/4" x 3/4" Hex Washer Head ® ADJUSTABLE INNER ADJUSTABLE TOP FIXTURE 0 0 0 o Self Drilling (4 per Hinge) BOTTOM BRACKET °O a 12 Go LOW HEADROOM TOP ---- PUSH NUT 7/16" TEK SCREW BRACKET O p PUSH NUT See DETAIL K for push nut "" 1 4X 3 4Hex Washer Head 7/16 placement. / / See DETAIL K for push nut Self Drilling (4 per Bracket) placement. BOTTOM SEAL DETAIL A _ pow HEADROOM DETAIL B P DETAIL C E TOP BRACKET - ) 23" 3 1/2" x 4" E STRUT 4 INTERMEDIATE STILE 18 Go 50 KSI Minimum 16 Go Galvanized Steel Galvanized Steel JAMB BRACKET 12 Ca Galvanized Steel o0o00 SLIDE LOCK or LOCK BARS o®° —INTERMEDIATE HINGE O 1 a o (not required with operator) 18 or 14 Go Galvanized Steel 32 a o ° TEK SCREW :i a0° 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer TEI< SCREW BOLT Rc NUT Head Self Drilling4 per 1/4" X 3/4" Hex Washer Head 1 4-20 X 5/8" Carriage ( P t Self Drilling4 per Hine TEK SCREW / / a Slide Lock) ( P 9 ) 1/4" X 3/A"' Hex Washer Bolt & 1/4-20 Hex Washer DETAIL D DETAIL E Endd&Slnterrmletlate Stiles) DETAIL F (, per Jamb Bracket) DETAIL G NOTE: Details on some views omitted for clarity. Double end stiles and end hardware may be C ° required on wider or heavier doors. ° ��1111111111//��/ o a a a a 114 — FLAG BRACKET `\\ �0•�.\GNaFT /i COMMERCIAL HEAVY DUTY COMMERCIALHEAVYDUN DETAIL K oo 000 = r No.51737 For Standard, High & For Low Headroom With There should be a BOLT Vertical Lift With 3" Track 3" Track and Double space of 1/4" between ° 5/16 X 1 5/8" Lag Bolt k; • i and Double End Stiles End Stiles the roller hub and the (4 per Flag Bracket). :r.-0;1 STATE OF :l��j` ALTERNATE BOTTOM BRACKETS outside edge of the e O,� pP•�?\� roller holder which is � BOLT & NUT �CORti,.•' NOTE: The bottom bracket configuration tested (shown in DETAILC) Is the lightest avoilool.. set by the push nut. 1/4-20 X 5/8" Track BolllCs�`•--� �O\\\ B & 1/4-20 Hex Washer Nut /// S/ INAL� \` t _ Min. (2 for Horizontal & 2 for Min. DOOR SKIN John E Scates• P.E. of 1" DOORMinimal 25 Go Galvanized Painted Steal of 1" Vertical Track) 3121 Fairgate Drive Carrollton, Texas 75007 Irl IMPACT RESISTANT Florida P.E. # 51737 Professional Engineer seal provided only for ROLLER FL#16660.25 verification of wind load construction details. BOLT&WASHER VERTICAL TRACK – 2"Nominal WOOD JAMB 5/16"x 1 5/8'Log Bolt& 2"O.D. VERTICAL Galvanized steel tested. 2" Diameter Nominal Eleven v_ DESCRIPTION: x 7/16"I.D. Flat Washer The vertical wood jamb Ball Nylon w/Hardened "i " 16'2"PAN 2D00 SERIES wGHD[AAD NOTE: Jamb bracket must be in 3" ra d!ol 13 Gu is also fasteners may be counter sunk DETAIL H /{ approved oe on alternate. to provide a flat mounting Shaft Or Ten 8011 Steel SECTIONAL I1aaR direct contact with the 2x6(No surface. Saa lamb attachment 8 e e DESIGN PRESSURE+ PSF drywall allowed), 1 w/Hardened Shaft with a NOTE:The flat washer is not required details on sheet 3 far at Minimum Workable Shaft DRAWING ND:WL-2000.0194-°s-71-75 SHEET:2 OF 3 REV. C for angle mount. jamhs to the structure. Length Shown. Mgt.—. DATEDNNHNT:: (✓11114 DRAWIMVS g oawiriR t2 44MODEL($): SceShcet3 2 3 4 5 6 7 g - F - - - MODEL NUMBERS FASTENER TO CONTINUE MODEL NUMBERS AVAILABLE PASTHEADER PAN C2011 SERIES PAN C2015 SERIES PAN C2411 SERIES PAN C2415 SERIES o PAN C2511 SERIES- E PAN C2410&R2410 SERIES I PAN C2460&R2460 SERIES ° PAN C2461&R2461 SERIES PAN C2471&R2471 SERIES ° PAN C2472&R2472 SERIES PAN C2480&R2480 SERIES OPENING 2 X 6 GRADE 2 OR BETTER SOUTHERN HEIGHT PINEJAMBS. ° PAN C2481&R2481 SERIES D SEE CHART FOR WOOD JAMB ATTACHMENT PAN C2482&R2482 SERIES TO BUILDING STRUCTURE. PAN R2560 SERIES I --- PAN R2561 SERIES MAXIMUM ON CENTER SPACING PAN R2571 SERIES PAN R2572 SERIES PAN R2580 SERIES FIRST FASTENER 4"tD 10" ABovETHEFLooR PAN R2581 SERIES OPENING PAN R2582 SERIES WIDTH c `\N�a `�� �o.��a�NaF•,�4o WOOD JAMB ATTACHMENT ` .1 79ECfI0N9 18ECTIONS BEEC31ON8 aSEC110N9 7SECr10N6 .�. No.51737 / Building MlnEnum Mln4num MIOPoum Macmrm Towohh _ r FasfenerT a 1311M a Spaol°n9r oSpecYgr TLoeE° Structure YP Emha°mom r,p STATE OF 1 MIa250DPSlm Tepwri ffPLl1S STRUT CONFIGURATION 400D PSI Concrete 1W wl 1.OD Washer 2• 2.50• s.00' 24" s51 ip0, %?\ B - Spruce PlnePine Ftr 1 1/8"DO washer 1 50• 1.60" 1.50' 24° 482 ,', /�Salow- 1 1/6 OD washer John E Scutes. P.E. NOTE:2X6 mounted to the wall must be Soulhem Pine Grade 2 orbettec 3121 Foirgate Drive Carrollton. Texas 75007 IMPACT RESISTANT Florida P.E. # 51737 FL#16660.25 Professional Engineer seal provided only for verification of wind load construction details. DESCRIPTION: 1@2°PANCTI NALD WIND fAAD A � / a PR-E SECTIONAL DGOR DESIGN PRESSURE+31J/-34.9 PSF / OREWINO m_WL•3aD0.0191-08-31.31 ENEET:3 OF 3 1 REV. C ME mm DATE BEN: 6/11/14 OM91N 1Y: MVS �e:rrr'Irnmri MODEL(S): See Sheet 3 i 3121 Fairgatel Dr. Carrollton U 75007 John E. Scates, Professional Engineer office(972)492-9500 I fax(972)492-0077 August 22,2016 Haas Door Mark Schweitzer 320 Sycamore St. Wauseon, OH 43567 Re: Evaluation for Florida FL-16660 To Whom It May Concern: At the request of Haas Door, I have reviewed the drawings and tests listed below. These tests were conducted at Haas Door Company Test Lab according to ANSI/DASMA 108 and ANSI/DASMA 115 test procedures. The pressures listed on the drawings are direct results of these tests or conservative engineering rational analysis from the actual tests, except that no extrapolation of impact pressures were used. I have concluded that the construction shown on these drawings comply with the structural,requirements of the 5th edition (2014) of the Florida Building Code. 1. certify that I meet the requirements of"independence" as detailed in Florida!Statutes. Drawings These products were tested to DASMA 108(static WL-0600-0110-08-21-24L RevD HT 600 Series 9'-2"wide,+21.3/-24.1 PSF WL-0600-0110-08-25-28L RevE HT 600 Series 9'-2"wide,+24.8/-28.0 PSF WL-0600-0122-08-21-24L1 Rev- HT 600 Series 10'-2"wide,+213/-24.1 PSF WL-0600-0194-08-22-24 RevA HT 600 Series 16'-2"wide,+21;8/-24.3 PSF WL-0600-0194-08-22-24L RevA HT 600 Series 16'-2"wide,+21:8/-24.3 PSF WL-0600-0194-08-22-24L1 Rev- HT 600 Series 16'-2"wide,+21:8/-24.3 PSF WL-0600-0194-08-24-27L RevE HT 600-Series 16'-2"wide,+23':9/-26.7 PSF WL-0600-0218-08-20-23L RevD HT 600 Series 18'-2"wide,+20:4/-22.7 PSF WL-0600-0218-08-20-23L1 Rev- HT 600 Series 18'-2"wide,+2014/-22.7 PSF WL-0600-0218-08-24-27L RevF HT 600 Series 18'-2"wide,+23.9/-26.7 PSF WL-2000-0110-08-21-24L RevD PAN 2000 Series 9'-2"wide,+21.3/-24.1 PSF WL-2000-0110-25-28L RevE PAN 2000 Series 9'-2"wide,+24.8/-28.0 PSF WL-2000-0110-35-39 RevD PAN 2000 Series 9'-2"wide,+35.0%39.0 PSF WL-2000-0122-08-21-24 Rev- PAN 2000 Series 10'-2"wide,+24.3/-24.1 PSF WL-2000-0122-08-21-24L Rev- PAN 2000 Series 10'-2"wide,+24.3/-24.1 PSF WL-2000-0194-08-18-20 RevA PAN 2000 Series 16'-2"wide,+18.3/-20.4 PSF WL-2000-0194-08-18-20L RevA PAN 2000 Series 16'-2"wide,+18.3/-20.4 PSF Evaluation for Florida FL-16660 WL-2000-0194-18-20L RevA PAN 2000 Series 16'-2"wide,+18.3/-20.4 PSF WL-2000-0194-08-20-23L RevD PAN 2000 Series 16'-2"wide,+20.4/-22.7 PSF WL-2000-0194-24-27L RevE PAN 2000 Series 16'-2"wide,+23.9/-26.7 PSF WL-2000-0194-08-24-27L Rev- PAN 2000 Series 16'-2"wide,+23.9/-26.7 PSF WL-2000-0218-08-20-23L RevD PAN 2000 Series 18'-2"wide,+20.4/-22.7 PSF WL-2000-0218-24-27L RevF PAN 2000 Series 18'-2"wide,+23.9/-26.7 PSF WL-C300-0122-08-21-24 Rev- 300CA Series 10'-2"wide,+21.3/-24.1PSF WL-C300-0194-08-22-24 Rev- 300CA Series 16'-2"wide,+21.8/-24.3 PSF WL-C300-0218-08-20-23 Rev- 300CA Series 18'-2"wide,+20.4/-22.7 PSF These products were tested to DASMA 108(static)and DASMA 115(impact): WL-0600-0110-08-41-46 RevC HT 600 Series 9'-2"wide,+41.1/-46.4 PSF WL-0600-0110-08-41-46L RevE HT 600 Series 9'-2"wide,+41.1/-46.4 PSF WL-0600-0122-08-48-52 Rev- HT 600 Series 10'-2"wide,+48.0/-52.0 PSF WL-0600-0194-08-31-35 RevC HT 600 Series 16'-2"wide,+31.3/-34.9 PSF WL-0600-0194-08-31-35L RevE HT 600 Series 16-2"wide,+31.3/-34.9 PSF WL-0600-0194-08-37-42 RevC HT 600 Series 16-2"wide,+37.4/-41.7 PSF WL-0600-0218-08-30-34 RevD HT 600 Series 18'-2"wide,+30.0%33.9 PSF WL-0600-0218-08-30-34L RevA HT 600 Series 18'-2"wide,+30.0/-33.9 PSF WL-2000-0110-08-35-39 RevC PAN 2000 Series 9'-2"wide,+35.0%39.0 PSF WL-2000-0110-41-46 RevC PAN 2000 Series 9'-2"wide,+41.1/-46.4 PSF WL-2000-0194-08-31-35 RevC PAN 2000 Series 16'-2"wide, +31.3%34.9 PSF WL-2000-0194-31-35 RevD PAN 2000 Series 16-2"wide, +31.3%-34.9 PSF WL-2000-0194-37-42 RevC PAN 2000 Series 16'-2"wide,+37.4/-41.7 PSF WL-2000-0194-08-37-41 Rev- PAN 2000 Series 16'-2"wide,+37.4/-41.7 PSF WL-2000-0218-08-30-33 RevC PAN 2000 Series 18'-2"wide, +30.%33.1 PSF WL-5000-0110-08-40-45 RevE HT 5000 Series 9'-2"wide,+40.0/-45.0 PSF WL-5000-0110-08-40-45L RevD HT 5000 Series' 9'-2"wide,+40.0/-45.0 PSF WL-5000-0122-08-48-52 Rev- HT 5000 Series 10'-2"wide,+48.0/-52.0 PSF WL-5000-0194-08-31-35 RevE HT 5000 Series 16'-2"wide,+31.3/ 34.9 PSF WL-5000-0194-08-31-35L RevD HT 5000 Series 16'-2"wide,+31.3/=1 34.9 PSF WL-5000-0218-08-30-34 RevD HT 5000 Series 18'-2" wide,+30.0/-33.9 PSF WL-5000-0218-08-30-341_ RevA HT 5000 Series 18'-2"wide,+30.0/-33.9 PSF i Note: The drawing titles above are simply descriptive, and do not represent any limitation on the sizes and pressures. Each drawing contains a table with the full sizes vs. psf ratings. 2 Evaluation for Florida FL-16660 Test Reports Tests were conducted at Haas Door Company Test Lab in Wauseon, OH. This facility was independently accredited per ISO/IEC 17025:2005 by Laboratory Accreditation Bureau (Certificate L2378)to perform these test procedures at the time of testing. I personally witnessed the testing. Static pressure testing was conducted in accordance with ANSI/DASMA 108-2005 (and-2012). Large Missile impact and cycling tests were conducted in accordance with ANSI/DASMA 115-05 (and -2012). Drawing HAAS Report# WL-0600-0110-08-21-24L Test 052714006(DASMA 108) WL-0600-0110-08-25-28L Test 070615014(DASMA 108) Test 070615015(DASMA 108) Test 020314001 (DASMA 108) WL-0600-0110-08-41-46 Test 033114001 (DASMA 108) 033114002(DASMA 115) WL-0600-0110-08-41-46L Test 033114003 (DASMA 108) 033114004(DASMA 115) WL-0600-0122-08-21-24L1 Test 061316015 (DASMA 108) WL-0600-0122-08-48-52 Test 061316009 (DASMA 108) 061316010(DASMA 115) WL-0600-0194-08-22-24 Test 070615019(DASMA 108) WL-0600-0194-08-22-24L Test 070615011(DASMA 108) Test 070615013 (DASMA 108) WL-0600-0194-08-22-24L1 Test 061316007 (DASMA 108) WL-0600-0194-08-24-27L Test 020314008 (DASMA 108) WL-0600-0194-08-31-35 Test 033114009 (DASMA 108) 033114010(DASMA 115) WL-0600-0194-08-31-35L Test 033114011 (DASMA 108) 03311,4012(DASMA 115) WL-0600-0194-08-37-42 Test 052714014(DASMA 108) 052714015 (DASMA 115) WL-0600-0218-08-20-23L Test 070615002(DASMA 108) Test 070615003 (DASMA 108) WL-0600-0218-08-20-23L1 Test 061316001(DASMA 108) WL-0600-0218-08-24-27L Test 020314009 (DASMA 108) WL-0600-0218-08-30-34 Test 020314011 (DASMA 108) 020314018(DASMA 115) WL-0600-0218-08-30-34L Test 020314011 (DASMA 108) 020314018(DASMA 115) Test 070615004(DASMA 108) 040615005(DASMA 115) Test 070615006(DASMA 108) 040615007(DASMA 115) WL-2000-0110-08-21-24L- Test 052714003 (DASMA 108) WL-2000-0110-08-35-39 Test 070615016(DASMA 108) 070615017(DASMA 115) WL-2000-0110-25-28L Test 020314004(DASMA 108) WL-2000-0110-35-39 Test 020314003 (DASMA 108) 3 Evaluation for Florida FL-16660 I I WL-2000-0110741-46 Test 033114005 (DASMA 108) 033114006(DASMA 115); WL-2000-0122-08-21-24 Test 061316019 (DASMA 108) WL-2000-0122-08-21-24L Test 061316020 (DASMA 108) WL-2000-0194-18-20L Test 070615008 (DASMA 108) WL-2000-0194-24-27L Test 020314005 (DASMA 108) WL-2000-0194-31-35 Test 020314006 (DASMA 108) 020314015 (DASMA 115) WL-2000-0194-37-42 Test 033114007 (DASMA 108) 033114008(DASMA 115) WL-2000-0194-08-18-20 Test 070615010(DASMA 108) WL-2000-0194-08-18-20L Test 070615009 (DASMA 108) WL-2000-0194-08-20-23L Test 052714011 (DASMA 108) WL-2000-0194-08-24-27L Test 061316006 (DASMA 108) WL-2000-0194-08-31-35 Test 052714009 (DASMA 108) 052714,0106(DASMA 115) WL-2000-0194-08-37-41 Test 061316004(DASMA 108) 061316005 (DASMA 115) WL-2000-0218-08-20723L Test 070615001(DASMA 108) WL-2000-0218-08-30-33 Test 052714016(DASMA 108) 052714017(DASMA 115) WL-2000-0218-24-27L Test 020314012 (DASMA 108) WL-5000-0110-08-40-45 Test 020314002 (DASMA 108) 020314013 (DASMA 115) WL-5000-0110-08-40-45L Test 052714004(DASMA 108) 052714005(DASMA 115) .WL-5000-0122-08-48-52 Test 061316011 (DASMA 108) 061316012(DASMA 115) WL-5000-0194-08-31-35 Test 020314007 (DASMA 108) 020$14016(DASMA 115) WL-5000-0194-08-31-35L Test 052714012(DASMA 108) 052714013 (DASMA 115) WL-5000-0218-08-30-34 Test 020314010(DASMA 108) 020314017(DASMA 115) WL-5000-0218-08-30-34L Test 070615004 (DASMA 108) 040615005(DASMA 115) Test 070615006 (DASMA 108) 040615007(DASMA 115) WL-C300-0122-08-21-24 Test 061316016 (DASMA 108) WL-C300-0194-08-22-24 Test 061316008 (DASMA 108) WL-C300-0218-08-20-23 Test 061316003(DASMA 108) Installation Anchorage Requirements: The door drawings include means to attach the doors to the building structure as detailed on Sheet 3 of each drawing using an added 2x6 to the face of the garage wall. The direct mounting of door track on top of drywall or other non,structural material is outside of the scope of this wind load evaluation. This Evaluation Report does not address design of the wall/jamb's themselves. These attachment drawings only illustrate common means to attach the jambs to the wall. Walls and Jambs should be designed (by others)to withstand the loads imposed by door onto the building. 4 Evaluation for Florida FL-16660 Model Description In each family of doors,the weakest or thinnest skin product was tested to prove the entire family line. Thus, all of these door model variations are approved for each family of the drawings: The HT 600 HT 700 HT 900,HT 2000,HT 800 family are steel polyurethane sandwich doors These variations are included in this approval: 1-3/8"overall thickness: 610,612,614,616,632,633,660(tested),661,663,664, 670,671,672,673,674,680(tested),681,682,690. 9xx American Tradition Series(exterior overlays)(tested) 1-3/4"overall thickness: 710,712,714,716,732,733,760,761,763,764, 770,771,772,773,774,780,781,782,790. 9xx American Tradition Series(exterior overlays) 2"overall thickness: 2010,2012,2014,2016,2032,2033,2060,2061,2063,2064, 2070,2071,2072,2073,2074,2080,2081, 2082,2090 3"overall thickness: 810,812,814,816(tested),832,833,860,861,'863,864, 870,871,872,873,874,880,881,882,890 The HT 5000 family are aluminum faced polyurethane sandwich doors The various model numbers listed on the drawings are included in this approval: 1-3/8"overall thickness: 5610,5612,5614,5616,5660(tested),5670,5680(tested) 1-3/4"overall thickness: 5710,5712,5714,5716,5760,5770,5780(tested) 2"overall thickness: 5210,5212,5214,5216,5260,5270,5280 3"overall thickness: 5810,5812,5814,5816,5860,5870,5880 The PAN 2000 family of doors are Pan doors These variations are included in this approval: 25 gage: C2511,R2560(tested), R2561,R2570, R2571,R2572, R2580, 112581,112582 24 gage: C2410, R2410,C2411,C2415,C2460,R2460,C2461, R2461,C2470,R2470, C2471,R2471,C2472,R2472,C2480, R2480,C2481, R2481,C2482,R2482 20 gage: C2011,C2015 The 300 family of doors are Aluminum"Full View"doors These variations are included in this approval: 1-3/4"overall Thickness: CA 320,RA360 5 Evaluation for Florida FL-16660 Limitations The drawings cited above are an explicit part of this evaluation report. The text of this report does not attempt to address all design details, but relies upon the illustrations and text of these drawings and instructions as well. Each door should be chosen based on the "psf" requirement determined for a specific installation or locale. The maximum door width approved with this report is listed on each drawing. The maximum door height approved with this report is 16' nominal. The horizontal track may be reinforced with an angle as needed to support the door weight. The construction of the horizontal track, including the track thickness, is determined by Haas Door and does not affect this windload evaluation. The rated pressures may not be achieved unless the door is held closed during the wind event. Both tracks must be engaged with a lock (right and left side), or alternately an electric operator attached to the door prior to the wind event. Some of these doors have been tested to Large Missile Impact requirements per ANSI/DASMA 115. However,they have not been fully evaluated for use in the Florida High Velocity Hurricane Zone(HVHZ). $S "AP GENSF rF0/X No.51737 iZ Digitally signed by John E.Scates, P.E. * ' ` .0 STATE OF `z Date:2016.08.22 09:11:08-05'00' 0•.•� ;?w �CORIQ.% John E.Scates, P.E. FL PE#51737 11 I I 1 6