HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationALL APPLICABLE INFO MIJST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date. 5/30/'17 Permit Number: Buillding Permit APP|ication Plonning and Development Services Buitding hnd Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 Phone: (172\ 462-1553 Fax (772) 462:'1578 Commercial Residentia I PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Mechiani<;al PROPOSED IM PROVEMENT LOCA]'ION : Address: 7081 TORREY PINES CIRCLE LegalDescriPtion: 3322-504-0054-000-8 Lot No Property Tax lD #: Block No. Site Plan Name: Project Name: Setback:; Front Back: ---- Right Side:Left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WOR}'T: LIKE FOR LIKE CHANGEOUT 3.5 TON 14 SEER 8 KW ormed u Ihis permlt - cl l]em riping l=l sprint<ters a pprv:tr tr_ Vr HVAC E lectric Gas Tank tlll S h utte rs Ge nerator Windows/Doors Roof E Roof pitcnf] ptu'oine Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Cost of Construction: $ 5510'00 Building Height: OWNER/LESSEE:CONTRACTOR: Name: CHRIS LANGEL ComPanY: SEA COAST AJC Address:31081NW CitY: FT PIERCE State: FL ZiP Code: 34946 Fax:772-466-3053 p hone 11s. 77 2-466-2400 E-Mait: DANISEACOASTAIR@AOL'COM State or County License: cMCo3542'1 rt u"tu. of construction is $2500 or more, ,*rgcoRDED Notice of commencement is required' CONSTRUCTION I NI FORMATION : N3ms CYNTHIA GILLEN Address: 8321 BELFRY PLACE City: PtIRT ST LUCIE State: FL Zip Cocle: 34986 - Fax: phone gs. 301 -537-72{l! Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next p'age ( if different from tlre Owner listedl above) I certifv that no work or installation has comrnenced prior to the issuance of a permit' iirutture. Please consult with yourilnr..fii::1:H{,l["qtlFii:"#fj'fffiE;!ffih.*i[?,1]3i,"i,ifr#iili',,1#lH{ffi3$fl?t$}?!",',Tli3ftfli,i!f'j*F"liJ{inlitl I fi I : lilL : 3 [ t h iY ffl]iltt'ii, i.l t i i,"'. 6'r' ii' I i i'i t' :d for anV restrictions whicn may apply' H?l$lf.R?yilil[I!['"1iil:f i""iliE ;r e";mencement ;;;i b; ;;;o?oea and bosted bnlhe jobsite before the first inspection. lf you inteno .Jo6#n iininilng, .onirit *itt', lende'or an attorney before'oTpJl""?n't,[,liJr"J;,T,ii?i,T;?,.'Jin'li;"";;.,"i;?;;;;;;;;;;;it *iirr-renoe or an attornev berore ln consideration of the grarrting of this requested.permit, I do hereby agree that I will' in all respects' perform the work in accordance with the tpi't"uEipitns, itr'e rioriUS eriiJing Codes and lt' Lucie countv Amendments' The following building perrnit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions' accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen roomS and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNINGTooWNER:YourfailuretoRecordaNoticegfCommenc:I1"j::1Yj:'^"l.jlHxlxj'Jl'.1.:'ffJ3i commencing work or r!!-qlq!ur Nrctice of Comqe199n9q! Revised 0711512014, iUPPTEIVIENTAL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: MORTGAGE COMPANY:Not Applicable Ad d ress: DESIGNE Name:- tttot APPlicable Phone: COMPANY: -Not APPlicable \ip: Phone: BONDING Name:FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: - Not APP|icable Address: Signature of Contractor STATE OF FLORIDA (t,trr. of person acknowledging ) of Notary Public- State of Florida ) PersonallV Known x OR Produced ldentification Type of ldentification Produced Commission [\q. FFe6145e STATE OF FLORIDA (trtame of person acknowledging ) e of ttotary PuLrlic- State of Florida ) Personally Known x - OR Produced ldenti Type of ldentification Produced Commission l\9. FFe61 ffi::s,tl SEA TURTLE REVIEW VEGETATION REVIEW ZONING REVIEW FRONT COUNTER