HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of CommencementJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4309737 OR BOOK 3997 PAGE 1640, Recorded 05/17/2017 04:17:28 PM Prepared By: The dome Depof 674 S, Military Tre It Deerfield Beach FL 93442 Permit Ilio. NOTICE. OF COMMEN(M MENT Pro pot ty Identification No. 3y1 -St1S-oDC9Z-�oO 't THE C?tDER3IGNED hereby gives notice that improvements svi1I ba made to certain real p;,operty, end in accordance with Section 713.13 of the Florida Statutes, the following information is provided in the NOTICE. OF COMMENCEMENT. 1, Description of property (tegut desc�r,r,�� a) Street Address: 7190 'Sc.)I"f r 2. Genera] description ofirnporovetnects 13`6 3. Owner Information {} a) ;lame and address: btefkS MAr-10 7'JV 6W Airo5o,01vd- Pr-ri' S11kcr'-e Ft, 3 etj'$3' b) ?dame and address of tee simple titleholder (if other than owner) 30D c) ;merest in pmpez1" - - 4. Comr3wor Information a) Nante and address: The H--nep't - 874 3-:J1Nq Tia*! :ae:fted Beath. Flaraa 334 12 b) Telephone No.: 961-37i•tsn0 Fax No. (Opt.) S. Surety Information a) Name anti address: WA, b) Amount of Bond: _ c) Telephone'.Nn.: Fax No, (Opt-) 6. Lender -a) Name and address' wF 7, Identity of person within the State of Fler:da designated by owner upon whom notices or of .rT- docu:nen3 may be servec; a) Name and address. +VA b) Teicphone No.: —Fax No. (Opt.).___._.. B. In addition to himself, owner desiarates the following person to receive a copy of the Limar's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1) (b), Florida Statutes: a) Name and address: W ., b) Telephone No.: _ Fax No. (Opt.) 9. Expiration date of Nouce, of Commencement (the expitation date is one year from the data: of recording unless a diE'erent dates is spci ped): i, WARNING TO OWNER: ANY PAYMENTS MADE BY THE OWNER AFTER TIIE E-'PIR9.TION OF THE NOTICE OF CONIM ENCEM. Wl' ARF CONSIDERED LN1 2P tOPER PAYMENTS UNDER CHAPTER 713, PART 13., SECTION 713,13, FLORIDA STATUTES AND CAR RESULT LIN YOUR PAYING TWICE FOR IPROYEMENIS TO YOUR PROPERTY. A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BIC RECORDED AND POSTED ON rff-t 30113 SITE BEFORE THE FIRST INSPECTION. IF YOU MEND TO OBTAIN FINANCLN G, CONSULT YOUR LENCER OR AN ATTORNR.'Y' BEFORE COMMENCING. . WORK OR RECORDING YOU NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT. 5"i'ATE OF FLOR3DA' coli.`SCY OF .5T- 4L4"c 14 S'grsns F SKCC Of �N'tT� 's Auihcrixc.! G�cc7Ji}i;CrtorrrurreriNuanngxr G{t5,}•GI �krrZy Print Name The foregoing iastrtuncnt wzs aclJtawledgcd before me this 1 �^ 6av of htdc s/- 29 by i' c'r ��S ✓ � Z z� LS te}cnidr-e-" (type of autherity, e.g. otTrccr, tiust.=, attorney in fact) for (mane of party on beh0f o'. who sh-ament was ex=euGedl Po monalif Y-rw wn OR Produced Idouti5eation l Notary Signature `t .mom _ Type of Identification Produced 1'-<. D-1 r x, "r Name (pr;n:) Verification ptimeatt to Section 92.525, Florida Statutes. Under penalties ofperj , I declare that I have recd the fo regoing and aha' the facts stated in halt true to the Lxst of my knowledec axu! belies' 1✓ iaRt•ssmrtsc.nxc:ncr /� " __... _ .._. .�a,aare or Pe an S,p�ng Akrre ' PAUL EUGENE STAHL _ 1AY CCMMlS5t0N 4FF0 ��4 E"?IFFS .tune 11, 2 `� a��r I aTiOta-tyr✓sNit:e.oatn