HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval (2) BUILDING DROPS FL#: FL17472 A Perfect Solution in Every Drop Date: 02/27/15 Certificate of Authorization:29578 Report No: 3285 i Installation: 1. Approved anchor types and substrates areas follows: I A. For two by(2X)wood frame substrate, use#14 Wood,Screw type wood frame anchors of sufficient length to achieve minimum embedment of 1.50"into wood framing. B. For concrete or masonry substrate where one by(1X)I,non-structural,wood bucking is employed,.use 1/4"diameter ITW Tapcon type concrete screw anchors of sufficient length to achieve minimum embedment of 1.25"into concrete or masonry.. C. For concrete or masonry substrate where wood bucking is NOT employed, use 1/4" diameter ITW Tapcon type concrete screw anchors of sufficient length to achieve minimum embedment of 1.25"into concrete or masonry. i D. For metal stud substrate,use 1/4"Grade 5 self-drilling screw type metal frame anchors of sufficient length to achieve a minimum three threads penetration beyond metal structure. I ' Refer to Installation Instructions(PA-0003)for anchor locations,design load tables,and further details of-the installation requirements. Design Pressure: See drawing PA-0003 for mullion desing pressure tables,mullion profiles,and installation details. i I ' i I Hermes F. Norero,P.E. Florida No.73778 Page 4 of 4 II i I , Florida Building Code Online Page.I of 11115 : I Win Eli N 4 , ,} r`i SCIS ttor }tng In }.User Registration I 'tot Topics g Submit5urchargp I StatS!Y Facts.l Pubittati0[ FBC Staff,.l SCIS Sitevt4ap:} Links Search �Buslnes ProdilictApproval oeal USM Public Ur Regina-idon Produ- aooraval Menu>Product:or Aoollcedog Search o.Application Ust• Searca,Criterta Refine Search Code Version 2014 FL# Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance Entity ALL Quality Assurance.Entity Contract Expired .ALL .Product Model,Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL App!'oved for use In HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside,HVHZ ALL Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALC Cather ALL I Search Res its-Applications voe F1 r {actuter Valid ted By Status. FL26177-R1 :Revision Custom Window Systems,Inc. Steven M Urich,P.6 Approved History FUh FL16177.1 ,(717)932-8.500 Ngdei:'SH-8100 PVC Single Hung Description:SH-8100 PVC Single Hung Impact Resistant window. Category:.Windows Subcategory:Single Hung .'Approved by D80%Approvals.by DBP,R shall be reviewedand ratified bythePoc andfor jhe Commission it necessary; 1 .Contact-Us::1940-N12rth Monroe Shagt,Tallahassee FC 32394 ane:850-487-1— The State of Florida is an AA/CEO emptoyei•Cdovriaht 2007-2013 State of Florin.::Privacy State.1 ent::Access€bility StaMment::Refund�Staterrt Under Florida.law,;email addresses are public records.It you do.not want your e-mail address releasetl in response.tea public-records request;do.not send -electronic matt to this entity.Instead,.contact the office by.phone or by.traditionatmail.2f you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.-Pursuant"to Section 4,55 276(1),Florida Statutes,effectiveOccober f-,2012,Iicansees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provide"the Department with an.emall"address if they have,one.The emalls provided.may be used fpr offciai communication withthe licensee.-However;emait addresses,are pubitc'record.if you do not'wish to supply a personal address,please_pmvid§BZDepartment with an email address which can be made available to the public.To determine it you are a.licensee under Chapter 455,F.S.,please click b&rg;. Product�Apprrorral Accepts* N sectirityunzsctr5 e R i i �l. I WINE I h4://www.f]oridabuilding.org/pr/pr app_lst,aspx 5/17/2016 I , Florida Building Code:Online Page 1 of 2 i tifRsA BCiS'ltoma _i og In User Registration Hot Topics ! SubaASurrharge l stats&facts:l Pubjk4tl irxs FaC staPP{ at�s site Map ( Unks' 'Sedt'cb BllSIt1£S �'ti , Prof�SSI � Product Use rDval i 1 USER:PubRc'User Re gultion Produ Aooinva_6Menu>'FMdua or Auoiicatlon Searek.>.Apoiiratto_n ti t>Application Detail , J FL# F06177-R1 I Appilcation Type revision Cade Version 2014 Application Status. Approved i Comments j Archived. ,i I ' i Product:Manufacturer Custom Window Systems Inc. AddressjP.hone/Eniail. 1900 SW 44th Avenue Ocala,FL 34474 (352)'368-6922 Ext 255 sbrooks@cws.cc Authorized Signature Stephen Brooks sbrooks@cws.cc Technical Representative Erin Koss ! Address/Phone/Email .1900 SW 44th Ave. Ocala,FL 34474 (352).368-6922 Ext-291 i ekoss@cws_cc i Quality Assurance Representative Jay Lathrop i Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Ave, Ocala,FL 34474 (352)368-6922 .Ext 291 r ylathrop@cws.cc ' I Category: Windows i Subcategory Single Hung Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect ora Licensed Florida Professional Engineer i R Evaluation Report:-Hardcopy Received Florida Engineer orArchitect Name who developed Lucas A.Turner the Evaluation Report Florida License PE758201 ! Quality Assurance Entity Keystone'Certificanons,Inc. Quality,A,ssurance Contract Expiration Date, 07/21/2020 Validated By Steven M.Urich,PE W Validation.Checkiist-Hardcopy Received Certificate of Independence FL16177 Ri COI EvaIReD CWS-8126 fSH-8100 TMP NoSillAnchl'pdf i Referenced-Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year AAMA/NIDMA/GSA/101/I.S.2/A440-08 2008 ASTM E1300-04 2004. ASTM E1886-05 2005 ASTM E19916-019 I 2009, PA TAS 201/202/203, 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By lel http,://wwwv floridabuUding.orgtpr/pr�app�dtl.aspx?parann=wGE-VXQADgvyf4ngAXhlOy,.. 5/17/2016. l Flar idajuildinjz Code Onfinie Page 2 of 2 Sections from the Code Product Approval method Method I Option D Date Submitted :04114/2015 Date Validated 04/2t/2015 Bate'Pending FSC Approval 04/25/2015 Date. 06/22/2015 Summa ry of Products "FL.# Model,Number or Name Desc ription- W ingle:Huhbr, 0�'�C.' as Q Sinq� Hung �star t-,yyn ow. Limits o'f Use Installation InstructionsApproVed for use in'HVHZ:Yes, FL16117 Rl: 11 CWS-8126(5H-81001 IMP,NoSillAnCh).vdif Approved1or use outsilide HVHZ:Yes Verified,By.Lucas'X Turner 58201 Impact Resistaft:Yes Created by indep�ndent Thlrd.Party:Yes Design Pressure:+70/-70 Evaluation Re Other:SH-0100"Ok imp -FL16177 1_,pot -'0129 27.pd Impact,no sill anchors required, AE Pont PVB NOA:13 S6fety glazing required ion outer lite above.30 fE.in HVHZ. FL16177 R1 AE EvalReo CWS-8128.(SH-8100.IMP., Glass compiles to ASTM E1300.-04. NoSll1Anch).Qd FL16177 R1 AE Civanex(MilkironINCA 12-1017 02.pdf Created by Independent Third,Party.Yes Fo;ctc ri—R Contact us 1240'Nqrth Monroe Street e:850-487-1624 The State of Ronda is an AA/WO—employer.copyright 200-7--2013;State of Florida.::Privacy Statement::Accusslibulty5tateme :.,Ref und Statemen Virider Ff"Ida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want Our e-mail address released in response,to:a pubfic-recordsxequest do not send electronic rpmc mall to this entity.Insilead,contact the office by phone or by traditional'mail.If you have any ciumUons,pj6ase contact;850.487.A395,-Pursuant to Section 455.275(l),FWida Statutes,iifectliie October 1,2012ilicensees licensed under chapter 455,F.S.must provide the bepeniment with an email address it they have one.The erriails pnovided'miy be used fofficialco r official mmiunlration with the licensee.However email addres'sk'are public iecohl.If you do not wish to supply a personal address;please provide the pepartment with an em.all address which can be made available to the Out;R6 To determine ifyou are allcensee under Chapter455.F.S;,pkeas6 act ere Product Apbroval Accepts: it hiap,'//wv,r.w.fi.pridabuil.ding..org/pr/pr app dtl.aspx?pararn=wGEVXQwtDqvyf4ngAXhlOy... 5/17/2016 I I i I I ( I 1 SINGLE HUNG-LARGE MISSILE IMPACT GRAI NOTES, � Q�l1B'tC2 1.THE PRODUCT SHOWN 11151,0 LS DES{GNED AND AIANUFAGTURE'D WLPFL'6LA!.S1;TaTEMS TOCOMPLY W RH THE FLORIDA BUILOING.CODE(FBCJ,CURRENT EDITION WCUOIN" HE HMVELOCITYHURRU EZONE(HVH4AND Ix183W 447Ti AYE. IS.RATEDFORWWD ZONE"'SSILEL.EVEL O IURACT USE AS DEFINED OCALA FLORIDA y4A?4 IN ASTM E 19%PER THE M. W W W.CWS.CC 2.GLAZING OPTIONS:ISEE SHEET2j 53 U8'MAX OVERALL FLAXGE W DTH. I. .;Bl()()PVC 3.CG11F7trRATxxu: x. st r%•;wz uOrm:sm SINGLE HUNG arititsDusspur. 4.DESIGN IV E EStGNLOADS: .IMPACT fi1E0AriYECESiGN LOA038ASEDON.'lESTEO PAE55!lAE;AN(} GLASSTABLE.S ASTM E•i30PDi.. � 1 A POSITNE.0.LOADS BASED ON,TESTED PRESWRE.WATERS INFILTRATION TEST PRESSURE AND GLASS TAsLE3 r 1 T—�•----- - ASTM Ed30"4. • _ _ _ -!- S.ANCHORAGE;THE 33 im STRESS.INGREASE HA$NOT SEEN USED uAK. --y1-- IN THE DESIGN OF THIS PRODUCT.SEE SHEETS FOR ANCHOR -Os/ERALL I -�` I ( DETAILS.WINDLOADDURATION'FACTORCd.1.6.USED,FDR.WOOD w m 'H 6M- ANCHOR CALCULATIONS: ,z ,B a t- "8J71tB' .B.PRODLP•TAPPA O FOR IMPACTS ESISTANCE_SHUTTERS ARE 1 GLASS � NOT REOU'RED C, t 1 r.ALL FRAMES AND VENTS FULLY WELDED.WALLJOINTSEAM SEALANT wp0¢. 61 2w i i .USEDATMEDNEETINGRAILAND,JAMEL UHEGWT - B.SERIESIMDDELOESIGNAMON SH-I100 < c E py 9:THE DEVGNATION X AND O STAND FOR THE FOLLOWING: a a t i .X-OPERABL.ESASH.O'.FIXED SASH m¢O J�9R8' t 1 10.SECTION CALLOUTS APPLY TO ALL ELEVATIONS IN A SIMILAR. ' 2 TSAASH. t GLA g IODATION. I - " HGGHT ( X DLO 3. *B � 11,EXTERNAL WEEP SLOT.114'%1,.1l4"LOCATkb a•fROM BOTH ENDS SOQ-s��OENgF 6 Ne 5601 �9 r LUC2S A. =p'S STATE OF -- — Turner - -- - 2015.04-11 .fi�4oa+q,:p.,' A 15:15-04:00 ?rs�l3ttiA4N�3 WHIN. MASS OLD ` ,� • 4231, 1 4111=15 A1A7C SASH WmTH; LUCAS A.TURNER..P.E. FLPE-B&9201 I 1239JABARAAVE, NORTH PORT;04FL342885 391-38 74. i lloN: GENERAL NOTES AND TABLEOFCONITENTS ELEVATIONS, I GENERALNOTES&ELEVAT(ONS...1 - GLAZING DWiE(avs . ZEDES-IG<FN3APRESSURE + wBAT 461&112 s IMPACT AT EXTRuS£Ohs3&QkL .i .. �.._ _ CWS-812 S ANCHOR SCHEDULE&NO-ES: .a `�X51.7f9;aii(6,1�3/?�;1 1:�70IP"SIx�N&ROEIMi5SiLE!16'IERCTIt 1 IG:.,,,,, —' SHEET INSTALLATION OETAttS:._:�...:..,8 �t:i5 1 DPS I I • I I I i • 1 E iI i I ! I i r , i ...—_. W�YSi'EAfS� i 1906SW 44TH AVE. OCALA.FLORIDA SA414 tYwAY,LRV&CO ! B100:PVG siNGLE HUNG IMPACT c iRu; 7/8'OVERALL INSULATED GLASS 7.®'OVERALLMSULATED LUSS C m- ft8'ANNE7lt.E(I ORTEtdP<fl3 xg 'A21 EALEJ OR TEMPERED N 7118'A16SPACE 1116 AIRSPAOE m O Q v Still'LAMINATEDOLASS '8;i6'USsutASEOGiASS, z .w ANNEALED 1'9'AN"ED .*W PYSINSERLAVEROYOUPONT I .WP.PV6 INTSRLAYER W DUPONT .4 M W ANNFALEO N8'ANNEALED K' Ul 6if7ii DURASEALBYTAUSEAI OURASEAL BY TRUSEAL i PUiiFEOTG1g{%ApLE%y52 P{&iFECT,GEAZE'MOB SI%AftEX5S2 mazl --T qum4xN t Glc t 1 BITE14 :a'Gt SS 877;r �t Y�P„`dOREbY T x� VACENgF-Ah T 6 'OF STATEx � `nBtpATAl,tiNr.+a i 1xu�iuot�` yx. FI)ti:U UTE ,SASH 417E r 41112015 ` LUCAS A T VANER,P.E. r FL PER$0201 1239JABARAAVE, i i NORTH PORT Fi 342M - PH,94133tlr1574 tT a[sc'a�vrAu: I GLAZING DETAILS ! N Y: ( BAT 06t1bn2 4e. CWS-612 B SHEET 2OF6 i i i r r � I ! i I I , I Gaon INTFAtOR ISMSV1441HAVE. OCAIA:FLORIDA 344'/4 WYYIY.CW$'CC \ ` 8100 PVC ® I SINGLE HUNG IMPACT 45 N' I Y:fQ- 14 1a 1 - 4ird m *3, SECTION&S I a I D NOTE:LEFT SIDE:SHOWS FRED SECTION VIEW, ! f.. ' RICHTsIDE5ROW5SAsH SECTION VIEW. £atZ> ll Q Z INTERIOR µ1 mugrj+ N. 5mal � to ,S4i�y�ni nt�r{• 4/712016 1 LUCAS A.TURNER,P.I- c -,FL PE 9,55201 2 - 1239JASAAAAVE. NORTH PORT,FL 34288. PH.941-38D-1574 RD :IDN: I ' SECTION VIEWS SECTIONA-A ♦t61: c: RAT 06+16112 Vn3 a: -a- CWS-812 B .NOTB:ITeals ROT stwwN txidcualiV:: aHa's: SHEET 20;25-M35-37,44,61-52.5548:64,67-63 1:2 3.OF 6 1 I I'I I i I I I I i t FRAMECORRER ITEM PARTp IDEKIPWN- .. .VENDOR MATERFAL aHr-- CONSTROCTtON 1 -8831 Main'-„9"”wFlg.PVC eaO, —Rik— Vlm/l- f I � TII g- 2 Hb83 M4P1 FF.SH,.WF4. G B,a m SYSTEM Mi—, V 1 - ! t fs,rd• � zwxs 1two6W 44TH AYE- 3 H-6031 Main R, H,wmg.,PVG'L..b, n Vi i -z I OCALA,FLORIDA 344Ta 4 H-=l Main Fr:,SH,xdFl.,PVC;R:1b. 'krdn V' 8 5-1877 !Hook Ke7mak Akan 4 F9 ( a WWW.CWS.CC 8 lf6D27 SasR eef Rail[VG Mikron 'n I ?txry8' ' t6'8' tsa' ' `r 9 1{-1497 Sash lst6et AIVm' t/16' tiffs �_ � CCREiEfl WELD ay�PVC m H•8028 S25RBott6mW.PVC ikmn vukl EAu810E6i SINGLE HUNG 12" 1-8044..SzahStOWT tt.Ra11 Mikron. V` i. 19. 13 1498' A S.8.R/S.S.R - .. IMPA T 14 &8884: .Tltl.,7/8" 'Mhrdt VI PVCFT1A41EEEANGCGWt PVC SASH BTK PML40e PVC�BASH TCP RNI.•6OIi 18 4AH R2m• Vbyl3 195-6EI 1 a Mihm vinyl '- 28 Sash Slop7FAW,PVC,VOW 'Mlkron 23 =H-16M 2P19 - 4 owar4o - - 641 25" P-3854 Sash Gam,PYC :8 Plastic m.m 25 P.•3048'Take Clip -8S SS i 5+41 2 to ilio, Fix-r9 etEETPEGfiPL N 27 P-3783;Lock,RaW PVG Im tris tnc I St7+EW®WT ETH�RWAN m O 28 PeOs9'Keeper Yn L PVC tm 7al6et 11—'x- f:e LLQ m RE1PF.,GPACT HOEK-1112 v ttt .30 P•3215,We (:merw f � .- PMStIc ( � Z 32 P-3929. Wort:,R270z:i87 ick. aah C—y .Uit PVC SASH SIDE FWL-,54W FLYEOAAL-1838 1 �spx 37 P:4838 R8 x 212 R Mad, mss, ypM A.TE 2 astern -Sleet E y I A "788EBztL628 hPH - Hub tP' 9leef iute-+ f 39 P•405E aex}:29J P11.PH TEK WM. ttulx Steet t2 x•m•ry .Srre� x it8' ,e 40 P-4284W F8 x 3!4 PH PH tyles H6Wd Cdy: mel 44 P-•3342 SPaiRSee$0 M•.4U'4= &Me- 45 P•3 CaP Pkg,-1!2'fto14' SM Ion .'.(._ I••—tris• 5' tH4" m¢ .47. P•3938 P cf:que'H .S' tl vie 48. P3358 Set,80-:,88 E)ur..J/8'z. 8'x2'Lg:" F.L— Rubber pvc sn5Fi STOP.5626 +�t�DEREW�/r'+ PlKI BDAEEti CATCH-60th P1'C R%ED pA1tpDVER•6'063 PVC ECRE£N BUPPENiT- 14 ypl t•4 51 P-3ee1 L1N.(NMA - 5• 4tGENSF VIZ• 52 P-3813 tWS LDL 80pa Pm tabs! . 'S3 '*W" SEESHEET2,' GLASS � 3/4';»---t .54' Flxet4 SEE'SHEETZ GLASS. �' t C f' S 7V 56 -3781 Pacer" L'hcraseal 18116• tits 9 zg• v S+p .` +r BZ P•3218 SCM@n Frain&H - .Aurnefei Aum 6• .� 1L Vic -t- Z'�C1 STATE'OR �14r 63. P33! Sct86n Fram6,mat.or— klletel Aim R9W..BTMSAI4699 R_8¢- 1497, PVGG1AZMBEAO.-W ~�+`,}'•L OR1b?� RE1NF:5.FLR+SS7L-ta98 64. P3321 ScM6n Frarn6 Carrier KeY AImIe1Rf Plastic. �hS70NAb��s�� 68. r.358l Deft—M, Fineflya45 - M'Urr TNt 55. P.';22Q Sween 5i*m:155 Dia.83L U - V 1 z . 87' P.'i028"Screen P �aA� Summa Abrin 47112015 6B P3D33 Samen Spring S FL Sarson ,SS , 70 P.-3113 Screw/ Afar RVa, ,.Plastica Ian LUCAS A.TURNER,P.E. 7x' H-1836 Atrxit F6e6 Rab AIM R,PE 059201 1239JABARAAVE. 72 5�1.Corer,F1xed Rall MAW Vm14 fb Y1d' ��— NORTH PORT.FL 34288 73 8-1112 ReiN'a(eemanL lnpact Haak K .Alum PH'941-380-1574 74 'P-354 t8X 1:2', antiea0,TEK FWD" Steer t/2• - 16 LINE D: _ S _- E 0n8• •1^,-3',_.—;.y WM ANLL EXTRUS[ONS 4,9,fi,1117%T.x; 50,55,57.61;887,'e` in8- •r— I. -- r SCREW SINsP(TET3Yt3 ' IMPACTHOOK 8AT 06'{8112 5-1577 �6WAE - ' i CW5.512 6. NOTE.-ALL EXTRUSIONS ARE ALUMINUM 6063-TS UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. is , SHEET 12 4.Or,6 E ! 1 I I I 1 � I I f i •mm.mv.}----r--j- truAXO.C.(rYP.) Wl m&H t IWO RW 44TH'AVE. 4'MAX,(T1?.) OCALA.FLORIDA 94474 V.AYW.CVJS.CC 6EEt10TE2 81UQ.PVC Ivy-OC. r , SINGLE HUNG IMPACT -WTALLkTICNCNi I cQa of __.(k'4ro rta, i Sia!m Z { o I T-- 10 ur mPr. {{ I I l.f Sk �a o 4'TR) I'I IIS1Uor Jho 4•'RYP.} lRtANG*14F9 RE0WRED V4Sttt�� $° DREW Iii EtYgF 4iq, ANCHOR LAYOUT-1F1 ANG Na 58:"01,tar„'s. *.. I-C NOTES I fig'. STATE,OF s{". I WSTA[LONE ANCFiORATEACH Pl5TALIATIONLOCATLtltd NOANCHQRS flEOUiRFD IN SILL, yO�fi�4 ORkgQ�+``` 2.SHIR4AS DEO AT,EACHlN6TALlATIgN ANCliOA USING LOAD tLEARINSHIMS.MA1t:AUQWAetE SHIM STACK TO Be I/4"USE SHIMS WHERE SPACE GREATER THAN UtS'IS PRESENT,LOAD BEARM SHIMS SHALL BE ti ijpNA4 1O CQNSTRUCTEOOF F6GTi DENSITY PLASTIC OR BE'T7ER.WOIX}SHIMSAW NOT Ati.O`WED. 1 ANCHOR TYPE,SIZE..SPACWG.AND EMSEDMENT SHALL BE AS.SPECIFIED IN THESE DRAWINGS..SEE TABLE I;SHEET 6. I 411 M D15 .4.AlL:NSTAUIATION ANCHORS MUST BE MADE OF OR PROTECTED WITH A COR;3CGION-RESISTANT1VATERIAL OR COATING.DISSIMILAR METALSORMATERIALS INCONTACT WITH PRESSURETREATMWOOD MUST ; LUCAS A TURNER.1':E BE PROTECTED TO PREVENT REACTION. FL PE A 65201 1239JABARAAVE., 5.INSTALLATION ANCHORS SHALL.BE IN ACCORDANCE WIMANCHOR MANUFACTURERS INSTAUATICN INSTRUCTIONS.AND ANCHORS SHALL NOT BE USED IN SUBSTRATES WIH,STRENGTHS LESSTHANTHE MINIMUM NORTH PORT.FL34296 SPECIFIED IN TABLE 1.SHE£T6. Pit 9413B0-IS74 6.ANCHOR EMBWMEJTTO SUBSTRATE SHALL BE BEYOND WALL DRESSING OR STUCCO.FOI4CONCRETElCMUOP.ENINGS,EMBEDMENT,SHALL BE BEYOND WOOD BUCKS,IF,USED,INTO SUBSTRATE. s+Te�O=scan. a INSIALLATIONS TO SOU%CDNCRETE OR GAgIiT¢ILtED CMU MAY INCLUDE BLIT.DO NOT REOUIRE IX WOOD BUCKS BETWEEN THEPRODUCTAND THE SUBSTRATE. ANCHOR SCHEDULE AND INSTALLATIONS TO fLOtLOW CMU REOUIRETHE USE 4F iX'SUCKS BETWEEN THE PRODUCT AND SUBSTRATE, i NOTES 7AMUMUTACENTER-TO-GENTER SPACING8HALL BE MAINTAINED SETWEENALL FASTENERS.3'FOR MASONRY.i•FOR WOOD AND WTAL 1� 0 �- - 59TC-- &WOOD OR MASDNI4YOPENINGSi BUCKS ANDBUCKFASTENERSSHALL BE PROPERLYDESIGNED BY THE ARCHITECT-ORENGWEER OF RECORD AND.INSTALLEDTOTRANSFERWIND LOADS TO THE STRUCTURE, - ; D£i18f12 SUBSSRATESSHALt}4EETTHE MINSMUM STRENGTHREiAiE7EAAENTSAS SHOWNIN TABtEt,SHEET&CONGR,ETE A4TD:A'ASONRYSUBSTRATEB MAY NOT BE CRACKED.. ° '' .. CWS•812 8 9.SBAUNO AND FLASHINO STRATEGIES FOR OVERAlLWATER RESISTANCE OF.MSTALLATIDN BFIALL BE DON69YOTN5iiS FOLLOV/4NG THECURRENT VERSION OF YHEAEFERENCE;DOCUMENTS: s 51'LEET "'FMA+AAMA IOU{F(NWINDOW6j,FMAIAAMA2fA(FI.RT4GE WINDOWS);F.wJWOtfA 250{SOX WINDOWS},FMA+AAM.tMfDMA300{EXTERIOR DOOAB} T15 SOPS i i .r i _� I I , i TYPICALMEADANCHIMBE [( NUJ.ELI EBLEDI[EMT Nm LBN.EIXiEOIST.- SEEmin TAE/ SU3STRNTE SEE TABLE 1 BYCTt{ETL3: OCALA1900SFLORIDA I ir4•vA%.SFiM 'SEETABLEI OCAtJ.FLOID+\34414. SLMTAATE BY F14 LNWLY.CWB.CC SEL TABLE 1 MIN.ELIBEDIIIENT PHtRiElERSEAIf¢tT $CFTABLE1 ! Mrs.EDGE DIST.• $1 PVC A ( sEETABLE,INSUZSINGLE-HUNG NDOW IIJBTALLATION AMCNOH siN4fBEfew $EcTABLET i IMPACT FLANGE BY INSTALLER 1N"MAX.6H7L1 M; ;M PERI'ASTER SEALANT DYINSTALLER CI`c .INSTALLATION ANCHOR. INSRtEANDCUT W rn•� SEETABLE I —�—SEALANT BEMHIT IiiI TI.AAwHivYBLSTALLT31 ! 1111 o, Lo HDRRONTAL SECTION ' 0O:vm USDC BEYl6*89ROGO TYPICAL JAtxB ANCFgRADE, Q PE Y.ETERATALLINIMCATEDPOINTS 33 BETWEEN PRANE AND BUCK BY INSTALLEL LL's VC t.LOL SWM 6EALA9T8SJ,= ..li FLANGE BY ISTAL_t£R '.PEflSAETER DEMANT if:;L EItBEOxENT IIt1NrYt,111• BY INSTALLER SEE TABLET i 1>T10FfNw"A's' IN$IDElINOOUT 5 -�L ;cENyF,N.LSUBSTRATE BYCTHERS I.. `f: Nrr'SB2DT+`s°pL :SUBSTRATE UM EDGE OW. ¢ 1a SEE TaBLEr VERTICALSECTIOM iS'y STATE OF TYP(MSALANCHORADE_ S ONA G1rw` X� 4111/2015 "TABLET:APPRDYEDTNSiALLAt1QN FASTENERS LUCAS ATURN6"t,P.E. SIA. TRATETYPE ANCHDRTYPE MIN.FSLEEE)3IEN[WN.EDGE DIST. Fl.PE 0 5=1 CONCRETE KBi MIN) &Ili DV/TAPCON 1•TYl' I-Ilff ER SEALANT j. 1239 JABAFA AVE. LOW OR �FALED CMD{117 PCF MLN.} 160YY.TAPCON 1" 2 INSIDEANDOUT LLSR' NO PH.9RTHP411.38,'J75Fl.� CONCFffi7E¢SS,KSIMW). 0f16ELCOULTRACON 1" 11- 6�. HOlOTONTAL SECTgN ;`sRETo=_srJuv BOX Fi AUE INSTALLATION ROUT-FLLLEO CMU(A:.TM C-00) &76 ELCA LtCTRACON 1.114"- $112" 1 HEAD AND SIU:S'LUILAA FOR BO%64STALLAPON I! . MW,.SCUTHERNPU'ZE(G-0.851 S"18't INSTALLATIONDETAILS FJ 1.918' ;7e`8" .• . OR .CO ULTFfACON FLANGE REMOVAL NOTE:PARTIAL LY OR FULLV REMOVINGTHE FLANGE, MH SOUTHFW PRE fG,ASS) 0TDWOODSCREW S38" Zr UP TO AND 411OWDINOABOX++AME APPLICATION IS ACCEPTABLE_PROVIDED: nre 160AlIGE(O.OSDy MNi:STEE(.STUD 91618 Hd7I KYJIKFIEKOR)IY! FULLiHREAO - I BAT d8{tS!12 P3 KSCYELD ta, TEKS SE{F•DR)f.CC TB•SCAfiW StfRU0.Q60• 7118` •L1LN.IJC FILLET OF CONSTRUCTIO[.FORADE ADHESIVE CAULK IS APPLIED a. _ INSIDE AND OUT;FULL.PERWErER,f3Y INSTALLER 1/8'AUJM.(6063•TE MIN,)OR 010 GRADE 5SELF-TAKFQ FULLTHREAD. -PRODUCT ANCHORAGE IS IN ACCORDANCE REQUIREMENTS AS CWS-812 i(lfi STEEL KSl MU1) CRILUN^u SCREW 71iRU9:j2.s 7116' -- SHOWN FOR FLANGE WINDOWS. SHEET i 1� SDFB Ii I ii I MIA@vdl Q?AtJE AHANJ-DADE COUNTI! 6 PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION { 1805 3w 26 Street;Room 208 DEI'ARTRIENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOb11C RESOURCES(.M) Miami,Florida 33175-2474 130ARID AND CODE ADMINISTRATION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE (NM vvstitiv.nglamiciade.aovleconoinY E1 L DuPont DeNemours&Co.,Inc. DuPont P&1P­Chestnut Run Plaza;7121161,T.G.BiDx 80712 Wilmington,DE 19880 $COBE: This MOA is being issued under the.applicable rules and regulations'governing the,use of construction materials. The documentation submitted has. been reviewed and accepted by Miami-lade County.RER- Product.Control Section to lie"used-in Miami Dade County and other areas,�vher6 allowed by the Authority fraying Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration,date:stated below.The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section(In Miami Dade:County)"and/or the AHJ(in areas other than Miatni Dade County),reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposesI If this,product of.material fails"to perform in the accepted manner,the.manufacturer w!il incur the expense of such testing and,the AHJ may immediately revoke,modify, or suspend the use of"sueh.product_or.material within then:jurisdiction. RER reserves, the right to revoke this acceptance, if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this.product or material fails to sheet the requirements ofthe4piicable building code. This product is.approved as described.herein,and Lias lieco designed to comply,with the Florida Building Code,includng;the High Velocity_Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION:DuPont Butacite@ PVB,Interlayer APPROVAL DOCUMENT;Drawing No.13-0129.2-7,titled"DuPont'Butacite&PVD Interlayer",Sheet 1. and 2 of2;dated.01/1512013,.:prepatied byE,I.DuPont Ba Nemours`&Co:.,Inc,signed and scaledby Allan. A.Kozicb,P.E.,bearing the Mia tni-Dade County Product Corntrol.revision stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and..expiration date by thc,Miami Dade County Product Control Section. MSSILE IMPACT RATING:None LABELING:Laminated lites.wider this Product Approval.shall be permanently marked in.a corner of the glass with:,"MI)CA-ButacitcO PVB",standing for"Miami-Dade.County Approved—Butacite@-PVB",and the:latnhratoes identification mark. These marks shall ba applied by 161ndividilal laminator producing the finished laminated glass product containing the ButaciteS PVB.interlayer. NEI WAL of this NOA shalt be considered after a renewal applicatlon has'been filed and there has:beeii;no change in the applicable wilding code.negatively affecting the perforrnance of this product. TERMINATION of tTtis 2>IOA".vile occur,after the expiration date or if thea has been s revision or change"in th matmials,use,and./or mauufaeture of product or process.Misuse:of.this NOA as an endorsement of any product,for sales;,advertising or any other purposes shalt automatically teen nate'this NIDA.Failumto comply with any section of this NOA:shall be cause for termination and removal nfNOA- :ADVERTISEMENT,.The NOA r utnber preceded by the words Miami-Dade County,Florida,and fnlloived by the expiration date maybe displayed in advertising literature. If any portion of the NOA is.displayed,then-it shall be done 'ttl its entirety. INSPECTIO&A copy of this entire NCA shall be provided to the riser bythe manufacturer,or.its distributors and shall be.available.for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official. This'N©A revises NOA#11.-1118.03 and'consists of this page I and evidence!page E-1,as well:as approval. documentmentioned above. i The submitted documentation was,reviewed by Carlos M.Utrera,P.E. Pi NOA No.13-0129i27 t�tnr�t rutQE UNTY ',•} Expiradlon Date:December 11,201E Approval'IAate:Api il.i1,2013 t , y�sti Pagel I E:I.DaPoitt De Neniours&Co..Inc. I NOTICE OFACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED', A. DRAWINGS 1. Dirawing No.134129.27,titled"D.uPont Butacite©PVB Interlayer",,Sheet 1 and 2 of 21dated 01/1,5/2013,prepared by E.1. DuPont De.Nemouis 8c'Co.,hw,sighed end sealed by AllanA.Kozich,P.E. B. TESTS.1'Subisufted furrier NOA#/11-06.24 01" Test re3port, Standaard Date I Sipnatur e L A2280.01-10-18 ASTM[D1929 03/29/11 ''Joseph A.Reed,P.E. 2. A2280.01-10-18 ASTM D 635 03/29/11 Joseph A.Reed;P.E. 3: A2280.01-1.0.18 ASTM D 2843 03/29/1.1 Joseph A.Reed,P.E. 4. A2280:0146-18 ASTM G 155 03/29/11 'Joseph A.Reed,P.E. 5. A2280.01-10-18 .ASTiV o 158 03/29/11 Joseph A.Reed;P.E. C CALCULATIONS 1. None. D. QUALITY ASSURANCE 1, Miami-Dade Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources(RER) I . MATERIEL CERTIFICATIONS 1.. None. F. STATEMENTS "Subinitted under NOA#H-.1118.03" � 1. Statement.letter of'code conformance to 2010'FBC issued by .Allan.A. Kozich Assibeiates,.dated'03/01/20 S2,signed.and sealed by Allan A.,Kozich,P.E. 111submitted under NOA#11-0624:01„ 2. Statement letter of code.conformance to 2007 FBC;'and no financial interest issued by Allan A. Kozich &..'.Associates, dated 08109/2011, signetk and sealed:by Allan .A. Kozich,P:E.. ' I t r Carlos:A Utrera,P.E. Product.Coutrot Examiner NOA No..13-0129.27 Expiintiou Date;.DeceMber al;2016 ;Approval Date-,April 11,2013 P-1 DUPONT BUTACITE4 P-VB INTERLAYER' &OCtUCTDESCPTIQ MANUFACTURED BY 61 DUPONT DE NEMOURS&CO--i-INC. A PLASTIC INTERLAYER MATERIAL FORt AMENATION SrVITH GLASS ON BOTH SIDES: A TYPICAL GLAZING IS MADE�OF 7HB FOLLOWING COMPONENT,& A B. C A 118" 3.0 mm Annealed Glass SE CTiQN 8< - 0.030":(0.76 mm DuPont Butaclts@ PV81Inteda :'r, G 1/8 3.0 mm Annealed Glass MATERIAL CHARACTERISTICS Butaclte PVB Interlayer {Char} E]esi nation Test Pro ectfes Butaciteo PVB Interia er Clear- -Self ignitionrempeepture ASTM D1929 788 T 420�C Flash Ignition.T4m tura ASTM D1929- 788°F:420°C ;Av ;Smoke Denslt ."Ratf i ASTM D2843, 7.2: Burifihd Rate ASTM 0635 0 mnVm1n. Xenon.Weathering(4500 hrs) ASTM 0168-02 lttteatt ering'F1eXurat Strength Method:A ASTM 0158-02 Myth©d A Before After 2940 i 31,89 `i I *Wi ATEIEMO PER SECTION 2612 OF THE PI.0111DABUILDING CODE I i rus is:A CQNIPousm APPRovAL AHa C Es NOT iI1 por=Am EVALUATtQN QF.STRUCTURAL.P"-E iFOOWANOE OF THIS COMPONENT: SYSTSMS`.ENCORPORATiNG THIS COMPOWNT SHALL APPLY,FOR A PRODUCT APPFZOV. TO a Oi` ICIK AND SHAT L SUBM#T TEST EiEi'Oi;TS ANDOTHER RiCORED DOCUMENTS SHOW1EdG,TNAT TFia aYST�t4t.U5fNG TFii5 COMPONENT WILL:RESIST THE LOAM-ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 16 OF THE~FLORIDA BUILQiN a-CCIOE. duPdnt de Plemcsu�s&Co., Inc. as`�ti'o►�!tE'h+� `"��' •" ,DE�F?�nt P&!F.- ,,,a/ °w Chestnut Run Plaza Bldg 712h61 I F 0.56x..80712 tia 10044 Wilmington 1 E1 19880-0712 Phone: 342494125 Rev ;te l -otig Z7 Sheet 1of2 }� STA- ri OF p� Drawing Date. ,41115/13 .��k p,»=� o Allan A.,Kozich,;P " �t`5•�,Q�Q A 3a;%�+►x G'�t .N6. Og!5 Re 0alion#`!1 6864 dr�irf�ue��aiip ! � I I n t ' I DUPONT BUTACITEO PVB INTERLAYER ittMaWtat Characteristics ; Butacite ?PVB Interlayer (Colors) Dssignp on. E 'fest Rruperties' I Self:I nifion Temperaturs,(11 ASTM Di 929 .. 788'F{42{3?' ) { S.elf.Ighlitibn Tern04rature z .: ASTM Di:929 788`F(420 a) Self Ignitian Temperature:131 ASTM:Di 929 780'F(4Z(1`C) Se#f Ignition Temperature 141 ASTM 0'1:929 7887(420 r,) Self IghlOon Tem erature Lq ASTM Di 929 708'F(420 r,) F#ash.lgnillab.Temperature(11 ASTM.D1929 788 F(420 t) lash lgnrtion Temperature:(2j ASTM 1311929 77,3F 410 t) :Flash Ignition Temperature 31 ASTM 1)1929 7713 F 410` } 'Flasfi`i9nifion Temperature(4] ASTM D1.929 788'F(426 L) ' .Flash 1 iWoriTemperature; AST- M Di 929 7887,L4.20 ) Avg;6moke Denstty.Rat#rig[11 ASTM D2843'_ I ' 7.2 ":SmokeZmoke Derislty:Ralir g 21 ASTM D2843 9A Avg` 'moke Densi .;haling(s1" ASTM 82893 Avg,3moke Densi y.Rating(41 ASTM D2843 it3.1 Avg smoke gensityRaft(51 ASTM.D2843 Buminq Rate. 11.,. ASTM D635- ;,'0 mm/rrlin. Butning RM6121 ASTM,D635 ; 0 mnftin: sumingAawjm ASTM D635 -1_4 mmhr la. Burro 2g R41e.(41. " ASTM D635. fl mrrvrliln.. ' Burning Rate[51. ASTM D635 0 MmIrrdri. �airi/tyl�rirltswtli,e�arisia (ij,Clear°Butadte0 PVB lnteriayer tdl�c�ocde A.Ct►areoaG Grey ButaciteOPVB Interlayer tl►oct�teroe tNo •47 9 :2-7 (31'Blue-Green SutaciteO PVB Interlayer i (41 Azure.Blua Butadte@ PVB Interlayer ?. (51 Solar.Bronze 8utaeite@,,PVB.Interlayeri. > THIS•lS A COMPOWN.T APPROVAL AND.DOES NOT INCLUDE AN EVALUATION OF STRUCTURAL PERFORMAMCE OF THIS &OMPONENt SYSTEMS ikcdAPofkATING"'t'Hl$ COMPONE14T:8HALL APPLY FOR A PRODUGT{AP,PROVAL TO THIS oFEICE AND'SHALL.SURNIn"TEST'REPOtTfS AND oTHER REOVIRSD.40CUMENTs SHOWING THAT THE SYSTEfl1 USING TkWCOMPONENT WILL$&STAT THE LOADS ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 16 OF THS FLORIbA HU'"Wb code. • . is 'DuPont Butacite6 PVB trit+erlaver ��NF 'W)#,: ,�� E.I.duPont•de Neihaurs&-Co.,Inc. : .����. � i9�► si►®A� DuPont P&iP GLS. + .* �S 4 `• Chestnut Run Plaza Bldg 712!161 P.O.BOX!sa712 Wilmingt6n.DE19880-0712 Phone- 3b2-999-2'12'S :. pgft. of � - NN file 4I3 b1211t?Sheet 2of z `�►'art Y+Qr ►'� DraWrng Date;. 01/15113, i *•,,,+ ',•'j�6a`+� C�4-f o �i 3 Allan A.Kozich,FE CA lud, C G a Registration 18864 i TT TG 1.239 Jabara,Ave. �✓"R1 ,T ER North Port,FL 34288 ENGINEERING& !'Ph.941-380-1;574 CONSULTING,INC. FBPE C.O.A.#29779 i Evaluation-Report 812B" April 1&,.201:5. Product Description .Series 810.O.PVC Single Hung,large Missile Impact,51 7/87"x.61 3'%4"unit size, +/40 PSF;no anchors in sill i Manufacturer: Custom Window Systems;Inc. 1900-SW 44`h Ave;Ocala,PL 34474 Statenient,of Compliance: This report evaluates the above listed,product�'per the requirements of EAC Product Approval Rule Chapter 61620-3.005_(4). This. product.conplies with the requirements,ofthe S`h Edition(2014)Florida Building Code including the High Velocity.Htirricane Zone. The product testing standards performed are:outlined.bel'ow. Technical.Do P��P Pnu Y � I:;North P l This re o, re.tired li"" ,Lucas A.Turner;.P.E.,at. Jabara.Ave, art,FI 2). Approval drawing CWS-81213,signed and sealed by Lucas A.Turner,P.E. 3) `test Report'NCTL-210-3815-1 A,-2,and-2A;by National Certified Testingjiaboratories; Orlando;FL,,,signed and sealed by Gerard J,Ferrara,with testing performed-I TAS.20 V 2/203- 94,ASTM E 18$6-02/04/05, 1996-02/04/06/09,and AAMA/WDiv A/CSA VO1/I.&VA440-08 4) Supplemental Calculations to support CWS-81.213,signed and sealed by Lucas.A.Turner,P.E. Installation-. Units.must'be installe4a6cordingto approval document.CWS-81213.:! (imitations of Use: Thisproduct: • May be used in.O/X configuration in sizes and with max.glass DLO heights as shown in C.WS- 812B 0 Is'Impaet resistant:and does,not require the use of shutters a May.be used in the High.Veloc4 Hurricane Zone m Requires-7/8".Insulating,Glass consisting of 1/8 Annealed;or Tempered outboard lite(Tempered requireii above 30 ft ikHVHZ) —Air—5/16 Laminated.(1/8Arin-090PVB=1/8Ann)inboard lite e Requires_Dupont PVB:Interlayer per Miami-Dade N O:A. 13-0129.271 e Requires Quanex(Mikron)white rigid PVC framing per'Miami-Dade N.O°A. 12-IO17,02r i l have evaluated`the interlayer and framing materials in these Dupont.and.Quanex NbAs and"find that they comply with the requirements:ofthe.S''Ed.(2014)Florida Building Cade foP use in this product: i ' Certification:of iudepeudene.e: I:do tiot:have,;nor-do I intend to acquire;nor will I.acquire,,a,financial interest in Custom.Wirido*Systems or in any:company manufacturing or distributing products.for which this report is being issued. I do not_have,nor do I intend to acquire„nor will I acg4ire,a financial interest in any,other entity involved in the testing or approval process ofthi's product. �0sp�Y��etrrr# .: 2REI No .582431 s — 4/1.8/2415 ;Lucas A.Turner P.E. St '# , } FL PE#58201 r % • 1r Lucas A, Turner 201.5-04-38 c 22.20-04:00 MIAM _OADE MIAW-DADR COUNTY PROD CT CONTROL SECTION i I1805-SW 26 Street,Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC R3ESOURCE&(R1 R). �, Miar6i,Florida.33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADMINISTRATIONDIVISION T(786)315-25,90 .F{786 315:2599 NOTnCE OF ACCEPTANCEA(K9 VnM.miamidade ov/economy Quanex Building.Productsi Ince, 1034 Sixth Avenue:North Kent,-WA 98032 ! SCOPE! This NOA is,being issued .under the'applicable rules and.regulations!governing the use.of construction materials. The documentation submitted has been reviewed and.accepted.by Miami-Dade County RER .Product`Control..Section to be used itA Miami Dade County and other areas where;allowed,by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHJ), This NOA shall not be valid,after the expiration date stated;below.The Miami Dade County Product:Control Section(In Miami Dade County)and/or the AHJ(in areas other than Miami Dade Country)reserve the right to have.this product or material..tested for.quality assurance purposes. If this p tiduct,or material fails to perforin_in the-accepted manner the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke,;modify,or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. R'ER: reserves the right to revoke'this acceptance; if it is determined by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this'product.or material.fails to meet the requirements`of thelapplicable'building aide: This product is approved as described,herein,and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code,including the High Velocity Hurricane,lone. f i i j1 DESCI2 11014-The approved White Rigid PVC Exterior Extrusions.£or Windows and Doors are to be produced by-Extruders Licensees in"AAMA Certification Programs for rigid PVC Extrusions".The extrusions(shall meet ASTM D 4726,classification(ASTM D 4216)1-10154-33;:0040,1-2013.1-13-6000 or 14013143 and the following properties. i Description Test ; ,a Properties Rate of Burning ASTM D-635 Class C1 Self,Ignition temperature ASTM,D-1929 925°F>650 Average Smioke Density Rating ASTM D-2843 43%9<75 Flame-Spread Index ASTM E-84 I 26Z<75 T-pgsite Strength:(Difference:-*Exposed&Unexposed) ASTM 13;638 J 4.98%<_10 *Exposed-per Section 2605.2 of The Florida Building Code. MISSILE EWPACT RATING:None This NOA revises NOA#11-0830.89 and..consists of pages I and 2,asl well as evidence page E71. The submitted documentation was.reviewed:by Carlos.M:Utrera,P. k : NUANo»12=1017.02. ��ota+rrr � O f01 I ;Expiration Date December 26.,'2016. MAPPr`ovatDate:.February 7,2013 Page I. i i MIAM, FDADE ' MIAMI-DARE COUNTY PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION I1805 SW 26.Strcet,Room 208 DEPARTMENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONOMIC RESOURCES(RER) Miami,Florida 33175-2474 BOARD-ANID,CODEADMINISTRATION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786)315-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE(NOA) "v.fifiamidade:eovleconomv i Quanex Building Products,Inc. 103.4 Sixth Avenue North Kent,WA 98032 LEMUAT'IOM This approval does not include an evaluation of structural perforfnance'of this component. Test-reports and other required documents shall.be submitted to Dade County Product Control;showing that the systems using.this PVC Extrusion,will resist the.loads accordiog..to Chapter 16 of the F.B.C.,in:order to i issue a specific product approval for the system. LABELING:Each carton containing certified,extrusions shall be.labeled with:the AAMA PVC Extrusion Certification Label with the exttuder name,city,state:and"MDCA".In addition,,(a)each Certified Extrusion shall be labeled every 4 ft or less owthe underside.with the Extruder Code and""l MCA"or(b) each finished product assembly shall be Iabeled with,a permanent label and/or stamp with the Extruder Cods and,"M.DCA". i RENEWAL of this.NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed':and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the perfoiimance of this product. i rTE)IMINA.TION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if,there has been.a revision or change in the material,$:use;and/or manufacture of the product or.process.Misuse of this,NOA gas an endorsement of any product,for sales,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA.Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination-and removal of NOA. i ADVJERTISEiVIENT:The NQA.number preceded by the words Miami-Dade.C`ounty,Florida,.and displayedbtheneitshall be done nits entirety. advertisin literature. If any,portioii f the NOA is Y F Y displayed, g INSPEC2IUI4T:.A copy of this entire NOA shall be provided.to;the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official'. • dI��13 NOA No:12-1017.02 tA/ EGOUNPY Ezpiratfon.Date:December26;2016 APPROVED Approval Date:February 7,2013 Page 2 i ` i Ir ! -Qnanex..Buildig Products,Inc. i , F NOTICE-OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE PAGE A. DRAWINGS. 1. Alone. TESTS:"Submitter under.AAM4.Master Fife#48.0#36'" D. � is Test'report on Rate of Burning,Ignition Temperatuure;Density of Smoke,Surface Burning Characteristics,Accelerated Weathering and Tensile,Propeities Test of"PVC' Extrusions from 5`different manufacturer"seleded'by AAMA",prepared by.ETC. Laboratories,report#ETC 97-264-40910,dated 04/21/199$;signed and sealed by J. L.Roldan,P.E. I � C. CALCULATION 1. None D. QUALITY.ASSURANCE 1. Miami-Dade Department;of Regulatory and Economic Resources(RER) E. 'MATERIAL CERTIk'ICATION `Submitted tuider.AA�9A Master°File#I2=.103.7" -1. Procedural Guide for the AAMA Fenestration.Exterior Thertnoplastic Profile Certification Program(AAMA.109-11). i I Voluntary Specification for Rigid Polyvinyl Chloride(PVC)`Exter or Profiles (AAAMA303-08). 3. Current list of AAMA Fenestration Exterior PVC Profile Certified Licensees. F. STATEMENTS "Submided.under AAM4 Master Fate#12.403, 1. Statement letter of code conformance to 2010 FBC issued by`T'umer Engineering& C6nsulti4g,Inc.,dated 04/25-/2012,signed and signed by Lucas A.,Turner,P.E. 2. Standards' equivalency report issued,byTurner Engineering*Consulting,Inc.,dated 04/25/20:12,,signed and signed by Lucas A.Turner,P.E. 3. No financial interest issued by Turner Engineering&Consulting,Inc.,dated 04/2512012;signed and signed by Lucas A.Turner,P.E. ; I, G. OTHERS, 1. Letter,stating th4t Mikron:lndustdes;Inc.is<a wholly owned subsidiary of Quanex Building Products,Inc.,dated 10/10/2012 and signer by David C.;Gadd:: 6°.SubrnWed under NOA#06=X220.01 2. Member acknowledgement letter issuedby Mikron Industries,Inc. -Spectus.Systems, on 08/03/2001.and signed by Douglas W.A:llene ! 3. Component.Release Letter issued by American Architectural Man ufac rs Association:on 09/07I200I and signed by Dean Lewis. RT#tern, I Product Control Examiner NOA No l--1017.02 Expiration Date:D*ipber 26,2016 Approval D' ate.February 7,2013 E-1 ii I f ,Flonda.Building Code Online Page l of 1 t 1 I i un IN BCIS.Home tog In User ReglSbadon r.Hat Topics Submit 5o"frie Stats&Fans Publications FSC staff f SCIS Site Map j t:entes I Search une FnJrV'r/'yS Product.Approval 3 i.. ,I USER:Public User Ati Product Aooroval Menu Product nr Aooikatton Search y Application list Search Criteria Refine Sear Code Version, 2014 FL# 343010=1 Application Type ALL Product Manufacturer ALL Category ALL Subcategory ALL Application Status ALL Compliance Method ALL Quality Assurance:Entity ALL Quality Assurance Entity Contract.Expire'd ALL' Product.Model,Number or Name ALL Product Description ALL Approved.far,use in HVHZ ALL Approved for use outside HVHZ ( ALL- Impact Resistant ALL Design Pressure ALL Other ALL. Search.Res uIts-Apolications F _ Tylae fflinufacturer Validated By Status 1`1_1301024' Revision Custom Window.Systerris Ino: Steven M.Ur€enc PE Approved IN FL#:`FL13010:1 N€ tory (717)932-8500 Model PW1 8150 PVC Fixed Window Description:PW-8156 PVC FIg/Fin Fixed Window Category:;Windows Subcategory:Fixed *Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR$hall be reviewed and ratified by the Poc and/or the Commission if necessary., i Contaet us::is4h t Orth Monro Stre=i UIahac a 323 Pti.!5�0-4874824 i I TheState.or Floridals an AAIEEO em,toyer.,Cont"aht 1007 2013 State of F7ortda ;:.Privacy Statement::err ustti3itty Statement::$afund statement ' Under Florida taw,email addresses are.publle records,If you do not want your a-mail address released in response toa publfe-records request,.do not send electronic mall.to this entity.instead,contact tate office by phone or by traditional mail,It you have any questions,please contact 850.487.1395.'Pursuant to Section4s5.275(1),Florida Statutes;effecbveoddber 1,2012,licensees licensedunder chapter 455,r.s.must provide the Department with an email address if they-have one,The emalls provided maybe used for official communication With thadkensee.Howevei email addresses are public record.,If you do not wish to supply a personal address please provide:the Department with an email address which can be rradeavailable to,the public:To determine If you area Licensee under Chapter 455,.F.S.,please-cllik hmp_. I Product Approval Adepts: � t llETa.ir'� , I I i I 1 , i http://www.floridabuilding.'org/pr/pr_appjstiaspx E 4/27/2016 i ' F10644Building Coale Online Page 1 of 3 j I f Q:Rgnes {User RegrStraGoo Iiot TaRf6 Submit sum:arpe.j stats&Facts f9ibGcationsBProduct1ApprovaM ssl l USER:P bllc User egulatii r ProdeuY'Aooroval'Menti 7-Product er Aonl[catido Search>Aool[cation�lst>pppn�ott.Detail , �0 FL13010-R4 I t � Application Type Revision CodeVersion 2014 Application.Status Approved *Approved by DBPR.Approvals by DBPR shall be reviewed and ratified by the POC andlor the Corrimission if necessary: i Comments Archived i Pmduct,Manufacturer Custom Window Systems Inc. Address/Phone/Email 1900 SW 44th Avenue Ocala,FL.34474 (352)368-6922 ekoss@cksXc I Authorized,Slgnatyre Koss Erin ekoss@cws.cc Technical Representative_ Erin Koss Address/Phone/Entail 1900 SW 44th Ave. Ocala,FL 34474: i (352)3.68-6922 Ext 29.1 ekoss@cws.cc I i Quality.Assurance Representative' lay Lathrop Address/Rhone/Email 1900 SW.44th Ave. Ocala,FL34474 (352).368-6922 Ext-2911 jlathrop@cws:cc Category Windows Subcategory Fixed. i Compliance Method Certification Mark or Listing Certification Agency Keystone Certifications,InC: Validated By Steven.M.Urichi,PE Validation Checklist-Hardcopy Received i Referenced Standard and Year'(of Standard) Standard j Year AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/l.S.2/A440-05' 2005 AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S;2/A440-0S' 2008 ASTM E1360-04 2004 ASTM E1886-05 2005 ASTM E1996.05 2005 PA TAS 201/202/203: 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified 8y i stip:/lwwvv.floriciabuiiding.org/pr/pr_app dtl.aspx?paTwn=wGEVXQ,�rOgvQEb8FEH60... 4/27%2016