HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of CommencementJOSEPH E. SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRCUIT COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4313531 OR BOOK 4001 PAGE 1743, Recorded 05/30/2017 08:52:51 AM AFtER RWORDING-RI.rrURN TO: PmmIT•ulfma "+'ri�'� +teh. w.,.�.•.n�il1r=�K:-i!ip:: inra NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT The undersigned hereby given notice that improvement will be made to certain real property, and in accordance with Chapter 713, Florida statutes the following I n1'ormation is provided in the Notice of commencement. 1. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY (Legal description and strect address) TAX FOLIO NUMBER: 3! l02locko),-L e0w Z I►''1t4 $vvt4z - SUBDIVISION BLOCK Ll1 TRACT I.OT S BLDG UNIT y 610 4uv-e-e-r $c. O D -FOV--t- 'fit V R -G6 2. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF IMPROVEMENT: 9-f?UAC(% Z' �oatG S �+-'1ty' 11- - GT. St L -e -v- 3. OWNER y-3.OWNER INFORMATION: a. Name 'rA 0£NtJ tF'Ti {L5%i-a~ b. Address W l* `iu w%CT 450417 FOV-1- "r E f2,GE c. interest in property --e w >✓ t2 d. Name and address of fee simpic titleholder (if other than owner) F-tL I a. CONTRACTOR'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER:t '&144 '�w t-I-bJh sT 90 Li .Ywcorj :L 5. SURETY'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PRONE NUMBER AND BOND AMOUNT: 6. LENDER'S NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER 7. Persons within the State of Florida designated by Owner upon whom notices or other ducumems may be served ns provided by Section 713.13 (I)(a) 7., Florida Statutes: NAME. ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER: N �Y 8. In addition to himself or herself. Owner designates the following to receive a copy of the Lienor's Notior as provide in Section 713.13 (1)(b), Florida Statutes: NAME, ADDRESS AND PHONE. NUMBER: 9. Expiration date of notice of commencement (the expiration (late is I year fmmn the date of recording unless a different date is specified) _20 I I - - _ 'Tawas Awry Signature of Owner or Print Name and Provide Sign Owner's Authorized Of icer/Director/Paener/19anager State of Florida County of 6P w6 t Ilia fort.go'ng instrument was acknowledged before. me this ._ I&__(Iay of By &I . as "IN -W (Name of person) (Type of authority...e.g. Owner, oftic For (Name of party on behalf of whom instrument was executed) Personally Known- r or produced tht PQ tAnAw afy M-5 M) (Printed Name of Notary Public) (Signnture ol'Notary Public) Ai,'�Adtlt•• 407 3WO153 Under penalties of perjury, I declare that I have read the foregoing- tend that the facts in it are true to d ltedief (section 92.5° Florida Statutes). STATE OF FLO4IDA l to s) of Owner(s)711:;4 d IJ tOXR&ON"rtner/Manager I $ I T CERTIFY THAT THIS IS UE AND RECT COPY OF By_ ---- --- O UE -- Re,., 3001ntRM-11,101 O E. WITH. CLERI Title/Office 20_q—. tnistee. attorney in fact) following type of ID: IATTHEW BIRKINS COMMISSION #FF033205 EXPIRES Juiy 2.2017 best of my knowledge and signed above: E