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Product Approval
I s � MAWDADE 1l11AlV1I-DAD>;CAIJr1T'Y 4 PRODUCT CONTROL'_.SECTION 11 8055w 26 Street,Room 208 EN DEPARTMT O REGULATORY AND ECONOW11C RESOURCES(RER) Miami,Florida 33175-2474 BOARD AND CODE ADRUIIISTRATION DIVISION T(786)315-2590 F(786)31:5-2599 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCT (IVDA) wmy.miamidade.govleconomy DAD Door Company,Inc. 12195 NW 98v'Avenue Hialeah Gardens,FL 330x8 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of construction materials.The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami-Dade County RER Product Control Section to be used in Miami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authori y Having Jurisdiction(AHJ). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below.The Miami-Dade County Product Control Section(In Miami Dade County)and/or the AHJ(in areas other than Miami Dade County)reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes.If this product or material falls to perforin in the accepted manner, the manufacturer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke,modify,01-suspend tole use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right.to revoke Lois acceptance,If it is determialed by Miami-Dade County Product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. Tlais product is approved as described herein, and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, including the high Velocity Hurricane Zone. DESCRIPTION:Hurricane Master Model 824/811 Steel Sectional Garage Door rap to 18'2"Wide 3v/ Window Lite Option(DP+40.0,44.0 PSS APPROVAL DOCUIY Ei NT:Drawing No.05-0j,titled"Sectional Garage Door",sheets 1 through 5 of 5, dated 05116/2005,with revision H dated 03/21/2016,prepared by Al-Faroo4 Corporation,signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,Pte.,bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control renewal stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami-Dade County Product Control Section. MIISSH.E IIYfiPACT RATING:Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant LABELING:A permanent label with the manufacturer's name or:]ogo,manufacturing address,model number,the positive and negative design pressure eating,indicate impact rated if applicable,installation instruction drawing reference number,approval number(NOA),the applicable test standards,and the statement reading'Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved is to be located on the door's side track, bottom angle,or inner surface of a panel. REN""AL of this NOA,,hall be considered after a renewal application has beertl filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product. TEI{flEXATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or iflthere has been a revision or change in the materials,use,andlor manufacture of tate product or process.Misuse of this NOA as,are endorsement of any product,for sales,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA.Failure to comply with any section of this NOA shall be cause for termination and removal orNOA. ADVE RUSE MENT; The NOA number preceded by the words Miami-Dade County,Florida,and followed by the expiration date may be di-splayed in advertising literature. If any portion lof the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety, i INSPECTION:A copy of this entire:NOA shall be provided to the use I by the maitafacturer or its distn`butors and! shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request of the Building Official.' 77tis MOA renews NOA##15-0317.411 and consists of this page I and cviden page E-I and E-2,as well as approval document mentioned above. The submitted documentation was reviewed by Carlos M.Utrera,j E. MOA No.16-0330.01 o;VED cotrro nr ! Ex iration Date:March 29,2022 AFRt Approval Date:,lune 23,2016 � Page 1 I i ,I DAB Door Com-oany,Inc. i NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMITTED i A. DRAWINGS 1. Drawing No.05-03,titled"Sectional Garage Door" sheets 1 thr'bugla 5 or 5,dated 05/1612005,with revision H dated 03/21/2016,prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation,signed and seated by Javad Ahniad,P.E. H. TESTS "Sttbnulied tntder NOA#09-0128,06" 1. 'fest.reports on 1)Uniform Static Air Pressure Test Loading per'FBC TAS 202-94 2)Large Missile Impact Test per FBC,TAS 201-94 3)Cyclic Wind Pressure Loading per FBC,TAS 203-94 4)Forced Entry Test per FBC,TAS 202-94 along with marked-Bap drawings and installation diagram of a D"824 24 GA Sectional Garage.Door ivith Fixed Windows,prepared by IIur icane En'gineeri ng&Testing,Inc,Test Reports No.1E M-08-2149VB,dated 06/27/2008, cd and calcd by Candido F.Font, P.E. 2. Test report of Tensile Test per ASTIM E 8,Report P4 i08-T182,prepared by Hurricane Enginceruig& Testing, Inc., dated 72/23!2008, signed and sealed by Candido F.. Font,PE. "Sitbintiled tinder NOA#06-0817.07" I I 3. Test report ofUniforan Static Air Pressure and Force Entry Resistance Test,per FBC,TAS 202-94 on"Sectional Residential Garage Doors",prepared by Hurricane Engineering& Testing,Inc.,Report No.BETI05-1445,dated 03/18/2005,signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz Sella,P.E. 4. Test report ofLarge Missile Impact.Test,per FBC,TAS 201-94 and Cyclic Wind Pressure Test per,.per FBC,TAS 203-94 on"Sectional Residential Garaje Doorsr,prepared by Hurricane Engineering&Testing,Inc.,ReportNo.]IE1I05-1446,dated 05/11/2005,signed and sealed by Rafael E.Droz-Sella,P.E. "Submilled tinder NOA#03-0210.04" 5. Test report on Salt Spray(Corrosion)Test per ASTM!B 117 of a painted G-40 steel parcels,; prepared by Celotex Corporation,Test Report No.258392,date 08117/1998,signed by W.A. Jackson,P.L. ;I i C. C.ALCUATiONS "Stthijd ted under NOA 0.14-0814.03" 1. Anchor verification calculations prepared by Al-Farooq Corlioration,dated 09/22/201.4 and 07124/2014,signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.E. "Sttl infited tinder NOA#09-0128.06" 2. Anchor verification calculations prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation,complying with F.B.0 2007,dated 11/21/2008,signed and sealed by Humiyo6 Farooq,P.E. / r lea Curios M.Utrera,P.E. Product Control Examiner NOA No.16-0330.01 Expiration Date:Marek 29,2022 Approval Date:Juane 23,2016 E-1 ,I II i DAIS Door Company,Inc. I ! NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE SUBMIT TI ED D, QUALITY ASSURANCE 1. Miami-Dade Department.of Regulatory and Economic Resources(RER) E. MATERIAL CEI IrI.FiCA7119NS 1. Notice of�lcceprance 1'�Io. 15-(1915.08,issued to ISAB1C innovative Plastics,for their Lexan Polycarbonate Sheet Products,approved on 12/10/2015 and expiring on 07/17/2018. 2. Notice of Acceptance No. 14-0311.08,issued to:lInsulfoainl LLC,for their Insulfoun Expanded Polystyrene Insulation,approved on 08/14/2014 and expiring on 11/29/2017. 3. Notice of Acceptance No. 11-0926.07,issued to,Dyplast PrIoducts,LLC,for their Expanded Polystyrene Block Type Insulation,approved onl 11/10/2011 and expiring on 01/11/2017. 4. Notice of'Acceptance No. 11-0926.06,issued to DyplasfP oducts,LLC,for their Dyplast ISO-C1 Polyisocyanurate Insulation,approved on 111/1012011 and expiring on 01/11}2017. 5. Notice of Acceptance No.1-5-1203.04,issued to Cellofoam North America Inc,for their Expanded Polystyrene Block Insulation,approved on 03/17/2016 and expiring on 02/24/2021. "Submitted ander NOA #05-0228.02„ 6. 'rest Report on Accelerated Weathering Using Xenon Arc Light Apparatus Test per ASTM G155 of"PVC Extrusion Material",prepared by Hurricane Engineering& Testing,Inc.,Report No. HKH 04 A002,dated 09/27/20(}4,signed and sealed by ! Rafael E.Droz-Seda,P.E. 7. Test Reports on Tensile Test per ASTM D638 of"PVC Extrusion Material",prepared by!Hurricane Engineering&Testing Inc.,Report No.I3�TI 04-T251,dated 11/29/2004 signed and sealed by I. Ghia,P.E. 8. Test Report on Self-ignition Temperature Test,Rate of Burn Test and Smoke Density Test of"REHAD non-foam PVC extrusion material",prepared by ETC Laboratories, Report No. 04-761-15019.0,dated 05/06/2x04,smi d and!sealed by J.L.Doldan,P.E. E. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code conforrmance to the 5U'edition(2014)FBC and of no financial interest issued by Al Farooq Corporation,dated 03/21/201'6,signed and sealed by Jawd Ahmad,P.E. arlos M.Utrera,P.E. Product Control Examiner R"OA No.16-0330.01 Expiration Date:Mare 2.9,2022 Approval Date:June 23,2016 E-2 � I I I I I i i I I 7 7-f x z-t/4"x fe tx TOP fWURE 5-t/Y x xa/s-x ar j X /DEH Il,AZ �_'- �,t lelT STEEL PLATE RON EEE s ss n/MUT OPHOW-1 DOOR V23MR!! DAB DOORS Wr- ��V iq N/(4)dt4 S 5/s•St6- ° USiAtD N END STILE WIII 'TO BE VYSWEFD AT HUTA—1JTst UO IbEef 824/Bit ° EAD1wf DaJW"3¢lA:(Ylp) (6)014 Y J/f SRf DRUM SCRERS '��' ' E/mc Stm Is,-2"X 16•-0•Irgh ° 7-1/2•x Y x On GV.V.STEEL �' ® _N'1E6 %%I'll VNRtev Ute Option 2 y; ea W ROUT MAIN sL¢vE(sTW A _ z ,lsH fm„OM Slam(OPwIaI) m•Ev,sIm HIM ° w/(4)#14 x 5/5-SIs a __ -zDR WITH DELE ELMS - _ - 11 C Hap •t �,g IONGE f r fF x.15 trot LOAN -- -' w Rnv (s u SECHON ,x `• + - -----... ---- _ _- —• --- --— - I --- -� 8 �o a4S lie! IDD soE NfEs) x • N - .158 MILL CMAMNlCO- ; o M 5701 CA - _ aE ' - — --• 1171 MH(Q 814 x 5/6 s>6 ll BMI'mT BRADET STD wr DDDR LOWDOOR aProx I Z o - — — XT 1 r W95E aE oL1 IgORA 7-7�6-Y S-t/S'Y AI°- IT$'wBE IT o o.c.MIL �rowu.Ew9t FUE I o Z •� a-s• zmaa,r sssafls Ti 9FfL WRE d,bAm ARU NOF tD arrmCOLO°'''L�''t vow wuDt�sa L sa• 1 sEux«m• J s,alaas zt s nN(4)dt4 x J/C�s 1``r' ,m SO.Is, 1IAx oaDH 1wn, S'7 4�6T1•- 1x'�• Y"A m�9 --4•s SELIITS 18• s-r .slsec6ilr f ssllDl r• CENTER,snc MDE ELEVATION t f sE,Tw,a,e•I ssrses m s WaIDE USED PANEL EMBOSSED DOOR eI-J' .SFLIbID fr ;ZmC:T, IWIDE ENI SIRE as f 1r a:mas as n>!�x a/�4`��iiF uvuxD sLT¢as lur EE USED DE'StQi PRESSURE RATING=+40.0 PSF• 44.0 PSF a s faDuros Te• 5/B' (;£NERAL NlT(ES 5 8 F. P-s•a Q.COt6 Ir S,x,AG r• • M�SNiLLED GUIDES smE Ttffi MODEICF IS RAIM FOR LARGE 11654E WPACF L T1B PRODUCT HAS BBDO DESCI®AND TFS,ED TO COUMT CITH THE S E'-a' saa,Lws tr ssloc Tl ] WOl(4)#14 X 5/B•516 MI5 OF,THE All ON E17O@+1 RamA Mm=—Dm mm 1 lY,x�IP ama T1 IOml MOW HURRC*M ZONE MdRI• ,OJ•t 5EC,9N i£ SEL,a6?t 4 •i[Nf/QS N T wce'� Z ANCHDRS SW1L RE AS LISTED.SPAM AS SIMN ON DETAt ZL 1 B s tSCtm/'n• ON FILM IN I C DDDR ANCHOR FHDEOYCNT TO RAY WTIIOI'SHALL BE WrOIIO WALL -V a 1aTY it,—. CDM Sim ,aWnx[X O tG'i(Yi SIWxn. ,1 a aslms,a':sa,3 s a pU,+a XEYED rxx ax zR sR8 m°YaFiu®I 3 As,NILS,UIS AND RLWM SALOL Y TMC PLATED v+¢vI 51EEL 1-5.1 31'JIO,S Ir Tt -RF E DOOR lmD6 w CDON SIIEAHCHORDIS CaNCMAS OTHER a•-6 J ffLtN9 1, s SEQ,p6 21 ! W e•-f Y L T16E DCaIS ARCNOT�4 M Dt6E SWM W 11'9 CO—,S 5 9AOs TY IDCH EV 9 I.O�@6 SNOAN tv ro if- T I • ,Y S£CD016,6 O SF1�6 T1 All L]EJdLIIE i0 S A IOD WPA7DY HCWSE 6 OSm N mum O(ANUM MIo WOOD a". �v a���' e'4 m tY-fD' ,a•_a•ro is-,r a Dma Trim u ALmrmavDE ESN na mmoRamns aF EtD�A g-$ IY�7 SCSDIB err SDIAMs 21, 191 AfANE�r mOR iE7D6 tD•-,r Ta,SAY s ��e—nor—�O DODE TNS-m3.TAS 10 a AS-�1V1 HBC Alb 1 4 5 tii,O1'S lr]�A"v 21 IASTe n8&4-ps/gym ne6Y-Ds 1 sc`g1s Si➢O6 T, _ 1111 r; •o( tY•:t' acres;r 5!3]06 T, W -v Esrmas r ,T>ms n _ _ u-s',sD.Tu 7 xaus T, PRODUCT RENEWID � �-„. 1 siva sr �_ to'-0•m t>•-1m �, 14•-0•Tn 1s-to• 4'3- IW Y¢mcr wDR IRD716 DooR WOTHS ARO w 1B-O9$Q.07 t Ro7�2 �* § E'� �� ZZ sT—1r a slim¢n ' v-a• SalMts s>im4M T1 _ !a 03121>R022 i 4 .r,• i _ e i iS SmfA6 fr.93TOs TI• iD _ xeina 7 Srtlns 21 _ 6r a d,dWYg no. u•_ I1,r Dors:, PSoe.Yaconaat _ Dar7-03 15'A' STLod6 TY- it-0-TO it-t0• Ts•-,t•To IS,-r D3xOfJ le' Sam,;21 11 DOOR vUNS DOOR WOTHS A ,t,1µ sheet 1a1 5 I ( I I I ' i I I i I I 24 G SREL PANEL 4% Z artF81ED lll[E V TW Q INNS HON MR Iwn •� Q'FACN PAYEI R u *== = FASM"0 EDW 1tr w1Aim I,iM6 1+ • ¢G? u V/NUR J,{;3/C SaF r201IIC 5r11 �' � I _ 'J/1H•EGP mus, aQ 18 fd 12-1/4•x3/CX 2• __18 M 2- 31 31rxr IO e0C. esQ 0 4 4631.WYE Okl;=,;TFth9 E:LLY.Sr[ai II.HAH ROHDgD16 RHS (6)fM 21:SIxfS j a BMW OF PANEL T(BKS f/SIIt )10 FA135(ARCH©TO W01Ltl R'6TJ+¢041E SIE[b (B)1t4E 1H'SIflCS Q j6 , TI/780[14 Y 5/H•SYS.AHO TO ENO Sl YE1Dva DI1rWaDEOL SINES w/1xo 14/Fast f 14 x s/4•air OCE31Y0 sm �I{Y 5/e•SUS ANO TO FnD STIE _ 16 G X 2-1/4'Y s/P x 2' I a/Fina/14 x s/<•Rlf OPELB6 s W.Y.siRL!Uaw 10x00fiQ+G TIB2S E ---� i'x/8 G TNI FAMKM To WONVAL II0FJd1FH1ATE SR6 oPEH MASE 0801 W/m j f4 Y 5/tl•S.YS eta 70 END SRF a'fA01 PN03, W/NIAi//1 Y 3/4•SDf mmtlNG batt + ' m 0 E v 4 fi END SIRE Z 4I..2W, -CT4-SEL PANEL N.ggO I EMRN IST SECTION( EEDAM SECTIONS TOP SE"ON aril a OwR o O M E3'E REINFORCo+C TM755 RE0ITORCBIO Ham REINTORCING TRUSS O i TWO AT 60TEOY 1xR3 ONE AT FAST PAHCL OK AT EACH PANEL I y pPDVww HY DOOR WSIAE1E 114 X 5/8•sm SRLL II ®RDQ FASOCED 6 PER H\TE w q0m.IA50 MH J/4•x Y 911/Rx A/9'STEL S/10'x 1-wr w 5'CREN f/Y Y I-J/P R.058•EQI6®S1Efl. LHO SrIL& F ROM ION RVBL (4)3/1C f1r�`'�MIC IB-W1Y WAS FSEEIA RAM c p 1XX mism IEA TrtE A 00 51 L fYM Ar PDP TO 41 it Dc Poa PoYFa RrSMD SIAM SEC DOOR souniHnRDP1ARE N,S AM PlHorm OAPs m _ 3iiiSTM 1/2•x.wD• I HSP=EN 9118•DEA.HOLES IN OFNTEEE SiOF. g raft wRN mm SEE s16Er 1 D1SA'SE 11.11S)AT EYE LEVEL o P F X I -• ''� pLTD Aro F&=TO I wi u x 5/I'srs (zl she 1.s/tb - I� 1 1 4/Ewa Em faas °r`- .... 12292 ! 1 r.-]/16�I 1 s/8'Pa0QA80LT EIY 7�0.f.F+ 2 i II 111••• i r wNL'01EE9 wID cons o i ¢�� #-211 19•x 2lr x 33•x mC SEE%w 3 EDADO'r SPACRI S TR=BRAfIITS SEE S+m 3 PaR 5 Am4G WIR IOP a E PRpO�COpUyC7 EgRLSNEM '�.,- �, _ 'BrNlame O�•wEm mP QED 7-1 1 ' 55 BOLT wZ + 14 u Y 2-1/8.11• P1/9x111C_� I�mLY'E STEEL�� HaWraDun - f z 2 G x 3i/1T I 1-1/Y tAr LVA.Y-WSTEO.RalIIiS(SED.) •"•+ draei0g rAsanm m IaAlfs o+srAt1ED aE itR1rR Swrr ,a2'DA x 60'xnmE MRS (o rofaE7— °Y e °F° V/I/F-5D x 8/e'Tram HD WTEFUDR ME 2.W M%x ZW SMEL tmtlOtS(WIauL3 wwuPlcorbm -� D5-03� aD+Em ILS a Laa cur LTS'CA x-w Kam F11U.M CwnmAL) /OVAL SE/'fx1N A-11NIM S SIE11 1 11111 1 Shoe!•jP $ i I �I I I I I RACKs/ta'xt-3/a'IIC =ENS ORD WW 02 f10f�.tRACx SUPGOrt1. 9Vr t,Fl>£D io 0®aL IRAIX2' /�� 2-aH•x 8-1/7'x�•Y.101• s/I6•Sly A1i'IpRS CDm3?mppmr Rmm QI DOORS a,rA IND RODS AT 1-t/Y APART IT, �QtA BRACKET M rX,m£ VJN 1-t/4-OEkD ORD t145WRi1' Ott a 1T.H tm9 foo R a•0. W d A-'- I It(3f N B'oa.— Z fASIDRD W/(6)/t4 X 6/8.5115. X FFIi li 1) I ®RTLfFD 10 Tim BRACKET A E w W/3/b-16 X 3f1•B1p Q Mlr IAO lalt MY.SRD.AtA15R8E 2-t/z"X 4-1 4•X 13 CA.S M PLATES -- Alo 10 SP,aNO 514YT ITP.E W:III r2 'J'NC MMIED Ta FAJ{CIOi ,1'1cm To t-l/�I 1-1/Y X 14 C&ANGIL — A—J (2)1/4-20 x 51W Ew 1EX X 3/4' RAO 1ASto®70 7F= 4 SfFC6 a MYfD, nOH(4)1/4-20 SS.Bat a RaIS _ HaRz.TmcK Lomf=wom H=ff PIJS lPI 7aV 6RAQ¢T F�eWWV t3 —(SVM—) is aRAOKR Q: C MpDmpal4T7iivwl TRACK �. 1011 HEAmladt wan 14 a LxY.st+u z-+/B•:,•x.D®' SECTION A-AkDOZOICAL RCI aa i 8 "FCR"SM __ O g CLO1D W PHHLAw PASIIND 10 r X r-r/r X.Ice ¢ rraRrx stag Rm1 (71 3/1a"PW RAmrs FASIv,ED n!E4) u x BDOR ' S TAR SECM"ItE'CMS I WkCMT g.CEUD k ss# ION HEIDROW IXK1R OPluau IN STN BI IR 83 D4 ES 36 W 4B DPCORCDdENT Q�m 11lr R I-g4'x ff$-Rl=l MM 6-0' 18.1S Ia-78" / t-TO 2-111-3/4 Zr 3{• 45' 5r 6Y - a+rm 70 PA\RL ND r 7M ro 6'-6' 21'16'18'21',/ ,•10 2"n-3/4" 23' 3C 4$' sa• 67' vdFttctt s1REs twx _ R)3/16'PaP RNE15 Y-ff 21•21'21' t' Y io 2'1i_3/4' 21' 34• - a/tC M ErNCF70 Y-6' 18'Ia•19'/9'ILY 1•iD 1T-3%a' 23• 34' u' 98• aY 7a-,/4• 6'-0• 21'fa'1a'18'21'1'TD 2 11-3/4• ti 34• 45' SC 67' a-1/4' 1BY DIA X-W ROLLERS •-SECTKM ARE MAMMA)SM4MG AT THE:WTTOM 0 So A4 M DOX 4-1/4.sma FOR ORS MORE,t WW a FT.1904.USE fDCOWAL TRACK DRtQ1-15 AT la•RC fx'Ig1uL 1D1Naa ttJJ 9111rga_ _11r p 4� 0DW1'-1.as Pa CA a„-oR2do, � 112+A°fQ6 1-t s PaLY�'ACfAMFNE aM,1g=TO ERM],RTDt N a o g1 DM Y-ZO KF )I/4"IaTS A:mum NCl 3 it aR 0 1�2 � avuo1 3 -�1cr W _- -lAl P'pCF I N W�•• 015-126104CR RM},4-N1fAB y 14 CA,CW.SIRE 2 ROUO Msi= g WE,X14'ROLL FOOT®SM FANO, y S 1nL.1nD SRdHGIiI-x xF 157�Px�TW my •[RACK CONFlQIRATiI>a1 2 W'LIA APPLIED TO em mm cr SIFII n Q 'd YERM&tj SIE[ smmu RD(11T LOW HEPDRlM3A o a fi DOLNLI mut( 12 m low..ma AMAWLE TRACK OPTIONS � u om/(ij! x spa t1gpl�q,� im" PRODUCTRENEOIEDdm '� SFAI�D0.46 /M►NR. .I l A 2�` PFaptrafloo 1pO3I1972022 y i 3' AyA� -SECTDN A-A LD,mIaY Ittoa:eeoaal --ff-• !W al'WluiO 705-0 sE ua7RUSS - X11 1 rMel3oT 5 . I I I � rA00SSTFWE Ell 119� Iff, Up W �� ala gR� u Ella � t-W K Y ' Nil P 1A� °5S, as � gg —.— - -- - - — - -- -- - -- -- - - - 9K --- FSM - - -- ---- ---- - — — --- - -- - - - - - - -- - g 3 C gm_ -sp. s.j n4 � - Q 9 SECTIONAL GARAGE OCCR AL-RAROOQ CORPORATION a °•k %mn —� aa,a. �" ' ° �6Z DOORS INC. eRaiNEvtsa.vaooucruaveLorntmar -saeosuLOMDA 3173 esxo -- - --- --- --- -- - tr. x mu o caat.,s ®nw s<x xaa 12195 N.W.DE S, AVE. atiAmt.RDRItM sacra (cdx s" ~ OW w oar,.. rq c.•ma.ys am HIALEAH GARDENS.FL JJOTB rcLtaos°IIssat°o t=wcl3os�asxesTe �+. 'tn P ok..b, 'TEL(105)596 a 6324 CPRA-OS-03UA9 I i I I I I I I � • *PLASM CONPL(ES WITH l�wN�J�tj I� oonv Pala,. CHAPTER 26 OF FDC i W 24 a(424)S=M SEE EVIDENCE PAGE Lti ,7a5� 1145 5 7/16'DIA IDCgtR ' � 3k Qw� uJ4 U y gil t0 M 3/C 96 21 3/4'7' 1O J 'rlt1 CP�a MillA176 O '1 iiia I i xn uax Im.. =1 #EICTE(f1OR flNsl,{E #INIERiOR FRAM 9gpO,� I,ill ) 1B Iona MC ONE PALE iiWM PJD OVE FVCE MMIDN d4#p -31r rim Gin To 1 ' ^ Y Jill ,1!1 .175 x J:47 cap lii, CROD2 . n E3 ED 1 I EI li!i In T4 P:AO�VNE Pul 11CLIJ 1�! Na los-misus myrAmmmu uxw a qn z�z. !! !0i e!i ' GGG=o ,111 z a/4•s� —--- INSIDE ELEVATION - lil o I-a/6•JRD,I VYv RAISED PANEL EMBOSSED DOOR WITH OPTLON41.VANDOWS it ii Iva o-l/T•ac Nuc g:g } i C WINDOYI HIES CAN RE W ANY L9fATlON IIN DOOR SECTION /a IDM C. 96 6 1 o s/a 7iNY In z.nal[¢IP - j axD 4-1/2•D. 4vz EftOP1E !a I C' s_ .! _ f I j' nmow 1 IPRMUCr RENEWED ---- - Na r uc we _ ---- +.'®m•Emlfd. ,I„ 1 7/I6•DA.7Al9YA o0rn v4ru E7(fERoOR q v CwhnN f7i .YI?!it7_ o 6 T4 u(m4)atEa NK 24W TJ (M4 IS/I6•IRV. 6L�:. pp / dfOeinO nO. t E4.(n24)51fFL llti +now I mx I 7 n,I, I:Dm1 S 5 1 I I s I i These Tables Are For GARAGE DOORS IN" One and Two Family ®wellings it Garage Doors Installed In Buildings with:a Mean Roof Height of 30'or Less Located in Exposures B!C'�or D Table R3012(4) COMPONENTS AND CLADDING WORST CASE DESIGN PRESSURE [PSF] ❑160 EXPOSURE B 9'x 7' Door =+26.7 -30.2 ❑160 EXPOSURE B 16'x T Door =+25.6 -28.51 I. ❑160 EXPOSURE C 9'x T Door = +32.4 -36.6 0 storyand max 15' ❑160 EXPOSURE C 16'X T Door =+ 31.0 -34.5 mean roof height) ❑160 EXPOSURE C 9'x 7' Door =+37.4 -42.3 (2 story,and max 30' ❑160 EXPOSURE C 16'X T Door =+35.9 -39.6 mean;roof height) ❑160 EXPOSURE D 9'x T Door=+39.3 -44.4 (I story;and max 15' F11 60 EXPOSURE D 16'x 7' Door=+37.7 -412; mean ' height) ❑160 EXPOSURE D 9'x 7' Door=+44.3 -50.2, (2 story and max 30' F11 60 EXPOSURE D 16'x 7' Door=+42.5 -47.4 mean roof height) ❑150 EXPOSURE B 9'x 7' Door =+22.8 -25.8 [5d150 EXPOSURE B 16'x 7' Door =+21.8 -24.3 ❑150 EXPOSURE C 9'x 7' Door=+27.6 -31.3' (1 story and max 15' ❑150 EXPOSURE C 16'x 7' Door=+26.4 -29.5 meanl'roof height ❑150 EXPOSURE C 9'x T Door=+ 32.0 -36.2 (2 story and max 30' n1 50 EXPOSURE C 16'x 7' Door= +30.6 -34.1;1 mean roof height) ❑150 EXPOSURE D 9'x T Door = +33.6 -38.0 (1 story and max 15' ❑150 EXPOSURE D 16' x 7' Door =+32.1 -35.6 mean roof height) 0150 EXPOSURE D 9'x T Door =+37.9 -42.19 (2 story and max 30' ❑150 EXPOSURE D 16'x 7' Door =+36.2 -40.4 mean'roof height) Notes: II Secure existing bucks per the Product Approlval or Design Professional Instructions prior to installing the door. Haveiproduct approvals available at the time ofinspection. ` ■ Glazing in Garage doors must comply with 8301.2.1 .2 (Glazing must be-impact resistant or shuttered) ii ,I' I i