HomeMy WebLinkAboutRoof Inspection Affidavit Jul. 7. 2017 1 :24PM Cardinal Roofing PSL No, 0666 P. 1
Planning.&Development Services
Building&Code Regulation bivision
�. 2300 Virginia Avenue
Fort Pierce, FL 34982 .
772-462-2165 or 172-462-2172
Re: Permit#
I, tft)64.A . . _ licensed as a(n ontractor* Engineer/Architect
_ ....:(please_print.name&.circle license type).. . " • �'F546$Bail mg Inspector
*deneral,6011ding,ResldenUaf or Roofing Contractor or any individual certified under 468 F S ro make such an Inspection.
On or about . I did personally inspect the roof deck.nailins
work at: ' cS A5A�LAC -ml.V c rok-rP& 4
(Job site address)
Based up' n that examination I have determined the installation was done according to the current
editionFlorida EAsti Building Code Section 611 or the product approval submitted.(whichever is
6st stP1Rid.
Si nature an a� License#
couNTY of �Gl CF
sworn to and sub rlbed before me this day;of .' L 2UJ�
by Q ...--_ � •_. Who!
ersona X sown o me r who has produced
as identification,
Notary Public;State of Florida
Signature of Notary: 1. ,
Commission Number: (Seal)
En 01/19/2011
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. iamla J Simone•
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