HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application To: Page 3 of 4 2017-07-07 20:31:45(GMT) 17726733383 From: Maritza Ramirez-Carpenter Dte'r. : 1� ... i�ermifi Number-.., { e RECEI , jUL Q x017 R. BuIldingPethAt Application Plgrtning apa OeVelopmenr Services Building cnd:Code Regufarjfln DiVisrgn 2300 Virglaiq Aue.nue,:Aort Pierce FL 34,482 Phone-.(772-1-4(i.2-1553- Fax;{772}:4s2-1.578 CUmme.rda{. _ Res:ideht ai V. �:rr 1 'aaz.:.: �.zr. d 'i-�a, .�£ s r w:� � ,ff• -k:. J,-. E;egel Description.s a 1„6(2 Ij UTA ..T� Jh.�::,`n /k,, _vt: tc.__ _ '.Site:l�lan l�lal�e:.. ,� E3iock:lrlo.�� S%backs T=ram _ - -- Back:_might Side; Leif Side; ry.a{r it ?s fS,j a! µbCU .fir +a x fs'*'''-"5 s�'�,�rn #54w 2a :i;���Y,r w .�.._..r—mg', X{g�Ell �(�. �1 �1� f'� � F 4 y �k..: FF k'.{y. V 4 L i...I� ^�4� '✓ .i` £,",:t"�..t....:.,$� .,:��"3'+�. :� -^�:a'�t:;,:>w :',.,:47- �v �u.i,u.a�'t�.i�''S�`ttr ����3-°v �',311'�'" ����'�i3��'"���Y'�"_`'��`e"�c�?��1+ �c,�23s�'-1��e t'�•y, a :.>sww� �.3�., -y��-' v3:,�` s '.:�1+� {�'.� �'�,�M�Y �i,�'F�J '�1�'�^'y+F'��a��• � �9t },"'vY�,r.�;�Y+��B�'�`�jF�'4 's � 3�" �,�� �y Ci (�C?.��!�iNCIY.' G. �'.�,. CITs'FI�. ESrI.�r .!S`��r'�11IL'"•`I• .�...L:.';a,-_{.}�'�:��3I}�':'.. . . . mechanical _ Gas7o.. s —Gas Piping �S�lutt�r=. �_WihdoWs/Doors E:ledric —Plumbing: �Sprinklers. �Generator —R-06' otai;5a.-Ft bftongruction; - ---- SOJI.:of-.Fjr-st:Flaor: Cost of-construction:,$ 9:2110, utilities.: ^Sewe'r _Septic Building HeVg it: tMpMvie i , a'. z.. _ +P..w <y -yaf:ai c�.. f; !'Narn.e 4 Y ' l F f Name; Ad d res; ,0 City,�� �"��> �x�l� - State: Address ltK�������' Iv' r! se xi.ew a Zp bode: It -Ax; l'hn.e EUc� � Zip Code _ y Fax_ E- Aii... r" s G r xA Fill in lee siraple'I`itle Holder-on next page{!f different from the'' wrier lased. above"). �'State or County License_ if li,e 6f eopsi[ruc-kion is 2500 Wi' i re,:a RECORDED Notice aP t:crmmeiwemr nt i;iTequired*. To: Page 4 of 4 2017-07-07 20:31:45(GMT) 17726733383 From: Maritza Ramirez-Carpenter .�.�S`i i o-;�.=,fig ;.t :?:a.__.� _ s».` :,�•>:.,. t �-Vis, ,.-€.��.q'�'.`^�w��t^�o-g:- fti a x�'I�' t.,�.�s$3pti:�F., x�,:���r�? .L -:.'�* ��'�'1 DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Not_Ap.pllcable ; MORTGAGE CO PA.- ltlotAp.pllcabie. 'Marne.: Address; � Adti.ress:: cifiy: State: City.:. State: io:_ Phone Zip. _._._ Phone: rFEE.STMOLt WLEHOLDER'.- ._:Nat:Applicable, BONDING COMPANY' Not.Aoplicabl.e Mame: Name_ Address:_ f Address: pity;. Ctty.;. _ Zip: Phone: Zip: _ �Phones tFWNER CONTRA rOR—AFFI 3i IT.Application is hereby made.to obtain,a:Permit to do:the wqo k.and installation'a,s-indicated. €certify that.00 work or installation has.commempd.pdor to the issuanc'e.of a.permit- St.i ucie'Caunty is�.atses rcQ rc�p.r-es'entatinn 2hac ts:grant'ing W}permit Zvi!!.authorize peftnit'-older t4 build the subject structure . which is in con iiet with.any applicable l lame£twrsers Assoclation wles,'bylaws or and.revenants that may restrict or prcaht it sucF structure l?iease conal it'with'.yoLirkkbmtl Owners.Associatjoii and'review your.deedl for'any restrictionswhich may:apply; in consideration raft e.grantingaf'this'reauested prrrnit,i do hereby agree thaU will,.in all respects,:perYorrn the wo'c. in.azcordarrce'yvlth-the approved'plars,tho Florida 8uilding.0odes.and St:Lv6e.CottntyAmend mer)ts.. The"following,building.permit',+ppticatEons'are�exe"rrEpi,�r©m�riadergq(ng:.a full cQraciarrency ceuievd;.rr,oril additiions3. accessorys ruetures,sw..imr»ina pools,f6nces,ovalis,:signs,Screen-room's and accessory'uses tp anathe' non-residerit'rai use W;;q KWG TO OWNEM.Your failure to Recisrcl..a N6tice of C()mmneracerniont may,resuft n:y9pr.pay!"'g twice for improvementsto your ropeirty.A Ic tice of°Ct�rnrnehcefn .ifi'rnust:be recorded,and`PoAs d on:the jobsite befoee the first inspec torr Ify'Qu.:inte6d1O obtain financing,corlsil3t with lender car an attgrne�!before commenccn .work or recd dln our-Notice or commencement a" '` 5ignature_ofi3nerJ Aen*/1SteJcsRtractar 5igitii e of: ntractor kens aleleSir r u: STAT-50F FLORIDA T STATE-OFPl_l�RIDAUNTY OF ,_�.- . The f cog ixfstrurnerfi..v+as'a:citnowledged befarie tree � Tile fc , ping instrurnerrt was acicnowIedged before rrss th s tay of .�,4 0 t try this.+ cSay r t '" 20 i-7 by l!3aene:of person ,no rtedgif. ) (Name of person:acf€npwleo ng. (Signature of-Notary Public-'.tato of F.iorida:}` {S''sgnatsFre,pf Notary:3�.0 icnState of Florida} Personally Known #di4ei -� Personally.KrsoiamR Produced tdentiftcation. R Typ •of tdentificati ? '' � i $ E Type of tdenti Produced a m-COMMISSic1"d.afl`230.848 :. PrOd.uced a ����A�l» �i �4F A �' :9Z ` .�X �R1 S Ittay.i4,2fli '; rwr� KIIOON 8:FF210B36: •;?' $4�N' -1 P.GMiFv' .4.utY Lgn1'li%iS51ar1 i�C "'{e G:(izi2S May , l ! . ('.C}iY1i41iSSCOri:IUO. �iA�.e ,..� REMt7'l. tflfS FRONT `7t�.i�lthfta St1PFRl1I t 12 PLANS Vl=.GETATION 1 SEXTURTLE''H I ANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW' til REVIEW REVIEW. � [SATE' �_ REtENED- j DATE { ( i { toMPCETED_ _ { 9-0777=r_ 1.