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Zoning Compliance Home Use
r , PERMIT# RECEIPT# � �� �� •" Planning &Development Services Department �F7 Building& Code Regulations JUL• 2300 Virginia Ave 2017 Fort Pierce,F134982 772-462-1553 St. Lucis t;ountl, .=L APPLICATION FOR ZONING COMPLIANCE—HOME OCCUPATION Date: 1201f 1 Business Name: Business Address: 3"79�7 Description of Type of Business: PHONE AND OFFICE USE ONLYfor l S� +�f�Yl der 7—F Ay I J �z Property Tax ID#: (a� -1 I 1 Q©021 ©00 3 Applicant's Name: 66" 1/ M-,A)Q re &y Phone: Applicant's Address: to _l / �J�-t1j/c I J City: 7~ plc f', State: Zip: 3 I HEREBY ACKNOWLEDGE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO CONFORM TO THE ST.LUCIE COUNTY ZONING AND BUILDING CODE. ANY VIOLATION OF SECTION 8.01.00 "HOME OCCUPATION"WILL BE PURSUED THROUGH ST.LUCIE CODE ENFORCEMENT. Applicant's Signature OFFICE USE ONLY Date: �' Initials: Subdivision: Block: Lot: Section: 13 Township: Range: Map#: Zoning: KVL I Land Use: .Ty 01 Certificate of Competency Required: No Yes Number Type of Certification: SLCPDSD Revised 5/1/2014 8.01.00 HOME OCCUPATIONS JUL DE��ryJ11!Ti 1hfG 8.01.01 PURPOSE St. Lucie County, FL The purpose of this section is to protect and maintain the character of residential neighborhoods while recognizing that particular professional and limited business activities are traditionally and inoffensively carried on.in the home. 8.01.02 AUTHORIZATION The following home occupations shall be permitted in any residential dwelling unit,including mobile homes, provided that the home occupation complies with the lot size,bulk,and parking requirements of the zoning district in which the home occupation is located. A. Homebound employment of a physically,mentally,or emotionally handicapped person who is unable to work away from home by reason of his disability; B. Office facilities provided that no retail or wholesale sales are made or transacted on the premises;and, C. Studios or laboratories. 8.01.03 USE LIMITATIONS FOR HOME OCCUPATIONS In addition to meeting the requirements of the zoning district in which it is located,every home occupation shall comply with the following restrictions: A. No person other than members of the family residing on the premises shall be engaged in the conduct or support of such occupation. B. No stock in trade shall be displayed or sold on the premises. C. Only sales incidental to the home occupation shall be permitted. D. The home occupation shall be conducted entirely within the principal dwelling unit,and in no event shall such use be visible from any other residential structure or a public way. E. The use of the dwelling unit for the home occupation shall be incidental and subordinate to its use for residential purposes,and no more than twenty-five(25%)percent of the building floor area shall be used in the conduct of the home occupation. F. There shall be no outdoor storage of equipment or materials used in the home occupation. G. No more than one(1)vehicle shall be used in the conduct of the home occupation. H. No mechanical,electrical,or other equipment that produces noise,electrical or magnetic interference,vibration, heat,glare,or other nuisance outside the residential structure shall be used. I. No home occupation shall be.permitted that is noxious,offensive or hazardous by reason of vehicular traffic generation or emission of noise,vibration,smoke,dust,or other particulate matter,odorous matter,heat,humidity, glare,refuse,radiation,or other objectionable emissions. J. No traffic shall be generated by such home occupation in greater volume than would normally be expected in a residential neighborhood,and any need for parking generated by the conduct of such home occupation shall be met off the street and other than in a required front yard. XL Applicant's Signature V Oate UPDATED 7/19/2010 G' Via. JUL ,21 .1 PER('aIM INN .,COUNTY 5t. Lucie County, FL R I [) i REPAIRMANS-STATEMENT -- EXPLAIN WHAT TYPE OF WORK YOU WILL BE DOING . I will be-tightening-ceiling fans,but not removing fans and.working on them. I will be replacing washers in the hose only,not to faucets,connected to the sink,caulking windows and tubs,removing doors and sanding the bottom of the door only,pressure cleaning driveways,patios and sidewalks,wallpapering, vinyl flooring.I will be installing pre-manufactured,closet shelving units,installing and replacing•:dead bolts and door,knobs,cosmetic drywall,replacinggarbage disposals-that are plugans and repairing jammed disposals. Replacing dishwashers,repairing stoves,microwave ovens,hanging vertical blinds and. draperies. I will be-installing A/C units in ezisting.openings only and are plug ins only;no hard wired units: These units will be no greater than 3.tons or 3600 BTU,which have no ducts and which.have a factoryinstalled cord and.plug. I will not be installing,maintaining or repairing A/C;refrigeration,heating and ventilation in any central A/C and heating systems and will.not be doing any electrical work.. Installing door bells and security peepholes in existing loo s.',I�will be.doing maintenance,service and repair of lawn sprinkler systems by:replacing broken heads,adjusting nozzles;repairing existing broken pipes. Repairing tubs and.shower stalls by fixing chips in tubs and.glazing tubs.,-I will betinting windows. I will be.installing gutter and downspouts on residential buildings only. 1 will be splitter hooking up to an existing cable in homes,cables are already to the hose. No pre-'wiring or new construction work as I will only be putting fittings:on the lines that are existing in the house. I will be weather stripping around windows and doors in residential homes but will not removeahe doorsorwindows to install the stripping. I will install prefabricated wooden shutters.to existing doors.inside residential homes.I will not be tearing any molding off and will not alter the archway. RESTRICTIONS I will not be doing any-commercial work,only residential work.Not doing any electrical work,plumbing work,Carpentry work,or Cabinet Installation.,I will not be installing windows or doors,.or mechanical. electrical security equipment or devices and no alarm systems.. I will uotbe installing,altering.or extending any piping or sprinkler heads for the irrigation of lawns,including the connection to a water.pump and installation bf master controller.for the installed sprinkler systems:_ 1 will.not be doing:any cutting,. assembling or installing any makes or kinds of glass and glass work;panels.sash and door and holding metal frames,ornamental decorations,mirrors or tub and shower enclosures.I will not be doing any, faciasoffntor any other permanently installed items on a building or stricture. I will not lie hanging or finishing drywall in any building or structure. I will not-be replacing hot water heaters.(Disconnecting cut lines loose and reconnecting new heater) X Signature Date