HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval _--, _ uR �..�,�,...,.�,... �,,y,...._..�.,.._..�n_.�,..a..a,�.,.,,,p...r„.�'.��.� .. ,�.�y�.�.p.,_,.<.�...�,.��>,.. �✓,��,"r�`=��- �N.,.K..,....w„��.,.�,.m..�.�e,_.,...,�.�.e..., 4w °y;,_, i, i +, �,� ,. {1 _ .� �„ ��!;� ___ 4/1112017 Florida Building Code Online Sag Home I Log in j User Registration i Hot lbpics Submit Surcharge i Stats&Fads Publications FBC S[arf I BCLs Site Map Links search aProduct Approval USER:Public User G 1 _ Product Approval Menu>Product or Application Search>Application List>Application Detail 4 0 8 FL# FL14911-R7 (( tea'• Application Type Revision , Code Version 2014 Application Status Approved i Comments Archived Product Manufacturer Silverline Building Products Corp. Address/Phone/Email One Silveriine Drive North Brunswick,NJ 08902 (800)234-4228 Ext 4644 Jonberrian@sibp.com Authorized Signature Vivian Wright rickw@rwbldgconsultants.com Technical Representative .ion bernan Address/Phone/Email One Siiverline Drive North Brunswick,NJ 08902 (732)435-1000 jonberrian@sibp.com j Quality Assurance Representative Address/Phone/Email Category winaows Subcategory Single Hung Compliance Method Evaluation Report from a Florida Registered Architect or a Licensed Florida Professional Engineer ij Evaluation Report-HardcopI Received Florida Engineer or Architect Name who developed Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E. the Evaluation Report �j Florida License PE-43409 Quality Assurance Entity Window and Door Manufacturers Association-QA Quality Assurance Contract Expiration Date 08/03/2021 !� Validated By Ryan J. King,P.E. ' Validation Checklist-Hardc.py Received Certificate of Independence FL14911 R7 COI Certificate OfIIlndeaen ence(2_)edf I Referenced Standard and Year(of Standard) Standard Year AAMA/WDMA/CSA/101/I.S.2/A440 2008 AAMA/WDMA/CSA/101/I.S.2/A440 2011 ASTM D1929 f 1996 ASTM D2843 1993 ASTM D635 1996 ASTM D638 I 1996 ASTM E1886 I 2005 ASTM E1996 2009 ASTM G26 1995 I httnsJ/www.floddabuildinq.orq/prlpr app dU.aspx?param=wGEVXQwtDquZRj59%2fDrx2lbtdSCx8gX0219DxVh92zF13pRUgDdjAA°/aid°/p3d 1f5 411117 Florida Building Code Online TAS 201,202 and 203 1994 Equivalence of Product Standards Certified By Florida Licensed Professional EnglnJer or Architect FL14911 R7 Equiv Equivalency Of,Standards,12df II Sections from the Code Product Approval Method Method 1 Option D Date Submitted 04/02/2015 Date Validated 04/1312015 Date Pending FBC Approval 04/16/2015 Date Approved 06/23/2015 Summary of Products Go to Page 0 0 40 Page 1/20 0 FL# Model,Number or Name Description ji 14911.1 a.S 2900/4900-M 2901/4901 Single Hung Extruded Vinyl Window with Nailing Fin Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ-No FL14911 R7 11 Inst i4911.1.od Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F_Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independen't Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other.See INST 14911.1 for Design Pressure tracings,any r4149ii R7 AE Ev.; additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.2 b.S 2900/4900-M 2901/4901 "Oriel"Extruded Vinyl"Single Hung Window with Nailing Fin Limits of Use Installation Instrucillons Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 Ir Inst I I 4911.2.ro) f Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon R!jSchmjdt,P.E.43409 boazt. ­v r—=t-a,1 by Yndamp-ndit nt Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.2 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.2.Ddf additional use limitations,Installation instructions and product Created by Indeperiddrit Third Party:Yes particulars. C c.Series 2900/4900 Models Single Hung Extruded;Vlnyl Window with Nailing Fin -Series 901 14911.3 --T2901/4901"Weather Stopper" Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ-.No VIL14911 K/ it insr1i114V11.s.0U1 Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.1 Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure-,N/A Evaluation Reports;j Other:See INST 14911.3 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.3.r)df additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars.(Note-See 14911.24 for Wind Zone 4 and HVHZ Impact Product) 14911.4 (d.S 2900/4900 M ZSIUZ/491.12 1w -Z�ijlyie 6U1114 C411U11UVU:,•1;C0%; I.j Mn==, . . ! Window With Nailing Fon Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 11 InstiI4911.4.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent ent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.4 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14211.4.od additional use limitations.installation Instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.5 7e.S 2900/4900-M 2903/4903 Triple-Single Hung I Continuous Head and Sill Extruded Vinyl Window with Nailing Fn Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 11 Iasi 14911.5.r)df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon.F. Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes hftps:/Iwww.floridabuilding.orgipr/pr_app_00.aspx?param--wGEVXQwtDquZRj59%2fDr<2lbtdSCx8gXO219DxVh92zFl3pRUgDdiAA%3d%3d 215 4/11120114 Florida Building Goae uniine Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.5 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.5.12df additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independeni,Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.6 f.S 2900/4900-M 2901/4901 Single Hung Extruded Vi nlyl Window-Flange with Strap Anchor on Sill I-Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 11 Inst 14,911.6j)df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by IndependeA Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports '1 Other:See INST 14911.6 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval i4911.6.Ddf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.7 g.S 2900/4900-M 2902/4902 I Twin-Single Hung Continuous Head and Sill Extruded Vinyl Window-Flange with Str"ap Anchor on Sill I Limits of Use Installation Instructip' ns Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 11 INST 14911.7.i3df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent t Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports 11 Other.This Product Is No Longer Offered by Silverline FL14911 R7 AE EVAL 14911.7.Ddf cu-,------- ___,— t , -1 n Col- �'e=?te.i[.%i Tnr[Aznpnrip t-Third Party:Yes ouiiumy riuuu��, .P.—.—%­�­­ - version for Historical Documents regarding this Wprov`,-I) 14911.8 h.S 2900/4900-M 2903/4903 Triple-Single Hung Continuous Head and Sill Extruded Vinyl Window.-Flange with St6p Anchor on Sill Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 11 INSTIt 4911.13.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon Etchmidt,P.E.43409 Irmnact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports !I Other:This Product Is No Longer Offered by Silverline FL14911 R7 AE EVAIII 14911.8.odf Building Products,Corporation(See 14911.8-2010 FBC Created by IndependeinI:Third Party:Yes version for Historical Documents regarding this Approval) 14911.9 1.Series 2900/4900 Models Extruded Vinyl Single Hung Window 1 2901/4901"Weather Stopper" I. Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approveo for use in nvnr-;Nu r!7 11 in—y A011 0-If Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon R!jSchmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:Yes Created by Independlnt Third Party:Yes Design Pressure-N/A Evaluation Reports iI Other:See INST 14911.9 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval.14911.9.pdf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independiint Third Party:Yes particulars.(Note-See 14911.25 for Wind Zone 4 and HVHZ Impact Product) it 1-+tFj_.L..LU a­A.tf Virty!Si-Cl-,kiinn Winrinw Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 11 Inst h4911.10.ndf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports) Other:See INST 14911.10 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE EvA 14911.10.13d additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independ"nt Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.11 k.Series 21000 Model 2002 Extruded Vinyl Twin Sjngle Hung Window(Continuous Head and Sill with Integral,Mullion} Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 II Instl14911.11.r)df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F. Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports n_ther:See!NST!4911 11 &W nocinn OrPqqi irp Ratings.env I FL14911 R7 AE Ey additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.12 1.Series 2000/Model 2003 Extruded Vinyl Triple:Single Single Hung Window(Continuous Head and Sill with Integral;! — Mullion) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ-.No F1_14911 R7 11 Inst 14911.12.r)d Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By:Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 hftps:/Iwww.fladdabuilding.org/priprl_app_fiU.aspx?param--wGEVXQwtDquZRj59*/`2fDrx2ibtdSCx8gXO219uxvnuzzt-i;jpKugDdjAA%3d`/`3d 315 Florida Building Code unnne Impact Resistant:No Created by Independe4'IThird Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.12 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.12.gd additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent,Third Party:Yes particulars. 114911.13 m.Series 2100 Model 2111 —FExtruded Vinyl Single Hung Window-Flange Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 11 Inst 14911.13.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.S�.chmldt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independen 1�Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.13 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 114911.13.pdf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.14 n.Series 2200/2300-Model Extruded Vinyl Single Hung Window-Nailing Fin 2201/2301 Limits of Use Installation Instructio'ns Approved for use In HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 II Inst 4911.14.r)df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reportsil Other:See INST 14911.14 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval I Ddf ae6iLionai ubte Ymdd i r'� ted ty T-dan-mrIP4 Third Partv:Yes particulars. 14911.15 0.Series 220012300-Model Extruded Vinyl Twin Si"rigle Hung Window-Nailing Fin 2302 (Continuous Head and,S, ill with Integral Mullion) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 It Inst 14911.15.odf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.'ISchmidt,P.E.43409 Tmn=e*Ra.gixtant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.15 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval:�14911.15.Ddf additional use limitations,Installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.16 p.Series 220012300-Model Extruded,Vinyl Triple Single Ingle Hung Window-Nailing Fin 12203/2303 (Continuous Head ands Sill with Integral Mullion) Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved tor use in nvn=i,4o a7 T, Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon RSchmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports'I Other:See INST 14911.16 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.16.pd additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.17 q.Series 2907 Model 2907 Single Hung Extruded Vinyl Window with Nailing Fin Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use In HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 11 I_nst1114911.17.r)df Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F,.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independent Third Party:Yes Design Pressure,N/A Evaluation ReportsiI Other:See INST 14911.17 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval14911.17.od additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.18 r.Series 2907 Model 290717W Twin-Continuous Heaa&5in bingie mung txEruded'%Fii jyi Window with Nailing in Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 11 inst�14911.18.pd Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon t.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by In epen nt Third Party:Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.18 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 Ar- Eval 14911.18.odf !n!te!!?1:inn(Mctrlwtinnc And nmriuct Created by Independent Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.19 s.Series 2907 Model 2907TR Triple-Continuous Head&Sill Single Hung Extruded Vinyl Window With Nailing'Fin Limits of Use Installation Instructions Approved for use in HVHZ:No FL14911 R7 11 Inst 14911.19odf Approved for use outside HVHZ.-Yes Verified By: Lyndon IF.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Indeperi I dent Third Party:Yes hUps://www.floridabuilding.org/pr/prapp_flfl.aspx?param--wGEVXQwtDquZRj59`/*2fDrx21btdSCx8gX0219DxV692zFl3pRUgDdjAA`�/�3d`/�3d 4/6 J 4/17!2017 Florida Building Gode unline Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports Other:See INST 14911.19 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval li"1911.19xcif additional use limitations,Installation instructions and product Created by Independen(Third Party:Yes particulars. 14911.20 i t Series 70 Model 2127 Extruded Vinyl Single Hung Window-Nailing Fin Installation instructions L Approved for use in HVHZ:Yes FL14911 R7 11 Inst I4911._20.pdf Approved for use outside HVHZ:Yes Verified By: Lyndon F.Schmidt,P.E.43409 Impact Resistant:No Created by Independedi Third Party-Yes Design Pressure:N/A Evaluation Reports �1 Other:See INST 14911.20 for Design Pressure Ratings,any FL14911 R7 AE Eval 14911.20.Ddf additional use limitations,installation instructions and product Created by Independe6t Third Party:Yes particulars. Go to Page Pagel/20 0 Contact Us*:2601 Blair Stone Road.Tallahassee FL 32399 Phone:850487-1824 The State of Florida Is an AA/EEO employer.Copyright 2007-2013 state of Florida,::Privacy Statement::1(4rcessibility Statement::Refund Statement Under Florida law,email addresses are public records.If you do not want your e-mail address released In responsto a public-records request,do not send electronic mall to this entity.Instead,contact the office by phone or by traditional mail.If you have any questions,pi e contact 850.487.1395.-Pursuant to Section 455.275(1),Florida Statutes,effective October 1,2012,licensees licensed under Chapter 455,F.S.must provlde:�the Department with an email address If they have one.The emalls provided may be used for official communication with the licensee.However email addresses are public record.If you do not wish to supply a personal address,please provide the Department with an email address which can be made available to the public.To det&mIne if you are a licensee under Chapter 4S5,RS, please dick ha-(L. Product Approval Accepts: 198— eCh^iM Credit Card Safe https:/Iwww.floridabuilding.org/prlpr�_app 00.aspx?param--wGEVXQwtDquZRj59�/o2fDrx2lbtdSCx8gXO219DXVfi92zFl3pRUgDdiAA"/�3d`/�3d 6/5 Silver Line' 41, =xeyPodersen ` a=- h WINDOWS -PDOORS 53.25"Ml XOVERALL FLANGE WIDTH ''',tttrtt rrr n P� V.,d,�z 5220 1AX,OVERALL FRAME WIDTH `` a x z°d II �� �1 1� n nn Jj� QQ9moa - - -sERiE�7'D-_M ODEL-�_7! - - = \ M ,w m a a .EXTRUDED VINYL SINGLE HUNG WINDOW Y - __ ,,y - -_� E wj or w/out FLANGOE 0 3 AlON-IMPAGr W !Il za GENERAL NOTES " x 1. This product has been evaluated and is in compliance with the 5%Edition(2014)Florida Buildinc Code(HBC)structural requirements in:lading the"High Velocity Huiacane Zone"(HVHZ). O o 2. Product anchors shall be as listed anc spaced as shown on details.Anchor embedment to base material shall be beyond wail dressin<i or stucco. — -- - _ X >� 3. When used in the"HVHT'this product Is required to be protected x ith'an Impact resistant - covering that complies with Section 1626 of the FBC. 4. When used in areas outside of the"H`rHt'requiring wind bome del ris protection this product is required to be protected with an#mK act resistant covering that ccmpifes with Section 1609.1.2 u of the FERC. Ci/ o s 5. For 2x stud framing construction,one 7odng of these units shall be t le some as that shown for 2x o buck masonry construction. e 6. Site conditions that deviate from the details of this drawing require further engineering analysis c by a licensed engineer or registered architect. g 7. This product meets water infiltration r,quirements for"HVHT'. m� 4YERA EN MDESTA ALE OF CONTENTS SHEET# DESCR(f7fOt t ,.DfiVIFNSfON,, i;,DfD1EVStON, POlTfVE NEGAT1Vt �+^Z v 1 Typical elevation,dE sign pressures&genera r otes 53.25"x 6 3.58" 52.00"x 62.50" 47.0"x 28.25" +62.8 -65.0 uAm srm10 1.0112 2 Horizontal&vertical:ross sections G1`G2oft s 53.25"x 74.08" 52.00"x 73.00" 47...9"x 33.50" +45.0 -60.0 CM� JK � 3 Horizontal&vertical--ross sections anc sr US 3 4 Buck and frame anchoring DPAMB rms 5 Bili of materials,glazilg details&components FL-14911.21 r E sever-L OF 5 4 NONE: 24 a< 'Z• ?t p• 1.LOCATE OPERATING SASH LOCK;7,5" 4 =V m F TOM EACH END OF THE ACTIVE / A IEETING RAIL,FASTEN WITH(2)#B x 3/4" /J SELF TAPPING SCREWS, �� 25 23' �ri�y ''••......••• '��J� a>°�m f 2 LDCATE SASH KEEPER 6.6'FROM E ND OF THE MEETING RAIL,FASTE N EACH 26 ''� 1y�t1� `� z omz 1 Q WITH(2)#6 x 3/4"SCREWS. E =z and � / EXTERIOR G1 G2 INTERIOR SEE 32 x 31 11 NOTE 2 10 NOTE T a @1 14 -+ x 2 2 3 �193 23 ABOVE THE MEETINGR/JL ABOVETHI'MEETINGRAIL 23 1s 27 ! o 24 0 16 ! a p N s 26 INTERIOR 26 `;� p o 0 nn ci En ° b •" 34► 33 36 34 G2 G1 7 15 7 " " 20 Q 19 0 0 Lu r '' �.✓ o0 15 a� z 26 loft ° U E n(24 9 9 2d • /� p° °° _ a°" rAm tP/40/12 = 25 1 EXTERIOR t 1 25 C 9 ° " • 27 sGUE N.T.S. M.BY.- BE t JK c S7 BELOW TH?MEETING RAIZ BELOW THE MEETING F AIL 37 EMB'TYP. CW.irf. LFS u 1-114"MIN. 2 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION MWI+G EMB.TYP. 1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTION 2 Shown w/2X buck FL-•14911.21 2 Shown w/2X buck stm 2 OF—5 W- in 24 ABOVE THE MEEIING RAIL ABOVE THE,AEERNG RAIL 24 -�' n ac a' ° SB�z�� 27 27) 4z to INTEROOI' ° '� '•.. ....• ����� >> m J O L C7 26 17 2d ° o. °.° (24 '�� 24 ,��j�rrrr,jil�►�����`, o°M}m z° U lV•t a ° 34 33 3d 26 34 G2 GI 7 C6 ° ° it J " z "z o Em Z2 S a: m 14 < �� °Inln7ra EXTERICR G1 / INTERIOR ' a- ° 9 4 SEE 32 N EXTERIOR 31 11 NOTI:2 10 SEE zz } 22 d"MIN ( NOTE T Eo 1 22 1 T-1/ . l r 14 cR } R v� EMB.TYP. 38 BEL DW THE MEETING RAIL BELOW THE MEETF4G RAIL 38 EMB`TYP• (pyo 1 HORIZONTAL CROSS SECTIONd� NOTE: 3 Shown-/IN.buck � I.LOCATE OPE 2ATING SASH LOCKS 7.5' [iMaMESHOWNw/OPTIJNAL 12FROM EACH END OF THE ACTIVEGE(TYP.THIS SH':ET) Q a� MEETING RA L,FASTEN WITH(2)#B x 314' H SELF TAPPING 4 18 2.LOCATE SAS i KEEPER 6,5"FROM EACH l\ END OF THE MEETING RAIL.FASTEN WITH(2)A6::3/4"SCREWS. /Id y a 1 V ( Nd N 19 u9 n U 19 V 20 27 20 20 I J ((II d a 2 CU 15d 2 Z 15 LINN oc� 2d CD ��D 2d 26 a !2!2 E 7 _ 29 N°< 39N Z u - aa .o'• .c .`.°` .. a e a. tr aQ y•..Q. ° ° aRE-10130112 j Q a• ,. :• sMa N.T.S. ro vaq r» JKir a3 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION 4 VEt1TICAL CROSS SECTION 3 Opftonoi maz<snry s0! 3 Opf iotrol mosomY s 11 2 VERTICAL CROSS SECTION DPAWM tia c 3 Shown-/SXbue:k FL_44911,24 c 58W 3 OF-!- ° o 6 b J;_o s „ ...........• ' '.`` a g p q^ "� (�� 6"MAX. j 5 a s TYF.24 _ a 2X BUCto K 23 is 2X BUCK IX BUCK 24 Q 2X BUCK TYP, �'., _ 2X BUCK 23 � ry 1XBUCK 24 to FRAME _ 2X BUCK TYP, FRAME MASONRY MASONRY MASONRY z , OPENING OPENING 'X BUCK 37 OPENING z_ j IX BUCK 38 2X BUCK 37 1 TYP. 1 e. �' 1X BUCK 38 to & TYP. 0 43 BUCKANCHORING N z FRAME ANCHORING FRAME ANCHORIf+fG MASONRY 52"X 73"MAX. 42"X 58"MAX. z CONCRETEANCNORNOTES: o R Qa � 1,Concrete anchor locations of the comer maybe adjusted to matntal i the min. z edge distance to mortar joints. N 2.Concrete anchor locations noted as"MAX.O.C.(iYP.j"must be adjusted to maintain the min,edge distance to mort w1aints,additional concrete.inchors o _ may be reclufred to ensure the"MAX.Ox..(TYP.)"citmenslons are not a cceeded, Ra 3.Concrete anchor table N m " 6 ANCWI>R NCHOR MIN h11N CLEARANCE MTN CLEARANCE: TYPE SIDE E1418E[3MENT TO tv1dSOWRY TOA?JtTGENT>: t - ' ITW z a aura it) 3D i2 Z TAPCON° 1/4" 1-1/4' 2" 4 + N.T.5, am4" a m 3 Uan JK LTRAC014 1/4" 1•T/4" 1ELCO " aa.an LFS WOOD SCREW INSTALLATION NOTES: oRq"Hai ¢ T.Maintain o minimum 3/8"edge distance,Vend distance,&t"a,c.spacing of FL-14911.2T wood screws to prevent the splitting of c vood. e sHEer_J_of 5 Ic, q a' ' O BILL OF MATERIALS `����;t01, ----- - ITEM DESCRIPTION MATERIAL Ste'OVERALL Q.•'' •'•'j'� m 1 EXTRUDED PVC MAIN FRAME#52-..611' f'VC THK.GLASS 2 EXTRLDED PVC SILL#52-2673* PVC 8{l ; •� �i '��+0 3 EXTRLDED PVC SASH INTERLOCK C LAZING BEAD#1257• 1'VC �� r, l/B°ANNEALED 4 EXTRL DED PVC MEETING RAIL#52.2907° i'VC Q �w r 5 EXTRL DED PVC TOP LIFT RAIL#52-5.949' I'VC �4 ............. 6 EXTRUDED PVC BOTTOM RAIL#52-2905` I'VC a "--- AIRSPACE 'j'ijjjlLL� 7 EXTRUDED PVC STILE#52-2905" Vvc 1/8-ANNEALED 9 EXTRUDED PVC GLAZING BEAD(VERT.&HORT.)#52-1227` PVC 22 o z m z v 10 OPERABLE SASH LOCK#12-2241 Z 11 SASH KEEPER'#1'2=2240- -- — - --_ _ v :TEEL 7/1 a SS '� �r rG i m d a 12 FIXEC MEETING RAIL REINFORCEMENT#50.2608 P wM - - — - — - - `� Q 78' t„�1 GLAIING DETAIL- -- -_cs--- So 14 LOCI:RAIL REINFORCEMENT#50-5609 f LUM. 5/6'OVERALL THK.G --- -,_ - � — - --- -- 15 BOTTOM LIFT RAIL&SASH REINFORCEMENT#50-2967 /1UM. GLASS S a d 16 WINDOW SCREEN 17 1 WEN•HERSTRIP PILE W/FIN.187x.270,LOCK RAIL&SASH(U FAB) �� 36 I/8"ANNEALED .� z 1$ WEN 11ERSTRIP PILE W/FIN.187 x 23p,FIXED MEETING RAIL(ULTRAFAB GLAZING BEAD a 3 sash Interlock 3 a 19 1 WEN'HERSTRIP PILE W/FIN.187 x.1 50,SILL(ULTRAFAB) ry^ 20 1 WENiHERSTRIP VINYL BULB.187'x.375"0(AMESBURY) AIRSPACE 22 1 GLA:INGCOMPOUND(Dow#11991 SILICONE �- 1/8"ANNEALED op,gq^ z c4i d 23 #10:(2"PPH SMS ;TEEL 22 24 1 114"'<2-3/4"PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW ;TEEL 7ttbe1GLASS 25 2X BUCKSG>=0.55 WOOD 26 11d MAX.SHIM SPACE O.W. MASONRY-3,000 PSI MIN.CONC RETE CONFORMING TO ACI G2 LAZING DET IL o{ 27 301 OR HOLLOW BLOCK CONFORMING TO ASTM C90 CONCRETE C 4 G ZING BEAD a 29 IX BJCK WOOD l Y, 30 INTERCEPT SPACER STEEL 0.82'-)--* _ 881, 3T SASH KEEPER#12-5550-030 STEEL A Q 0.3.732 OPERABLESASH LOCK#12-SKOl-'00 STEELz33 TILT LATCH#07-76625 STEEL -34 #8}1"PPHSMS STEEL T 0.116, 35 SUPERSPACER BUTYL S F � 36 TiLT!ATCH(HP-I MFG.BYASHLAIID) STEEL 40 0.45r J 37 #10 X 3"PPH SMS STEEL LOC RAIL TOA ;OCK MEE7U{G RAIL 807FOM 11FT RAIL 8 SASH 2 38 114"X 4"PFH ELCO OR ITW CONCRETE SCREW STEEL Relntorcement T4 Wnrorcement TS Raintarcemant •THE APPROVED WHITE RIGID PVC EXTEUIOR EXTRUSIONS FOR WINDO'+VS ARE TO BE PRODUCED c BY EXTRUD?RS LICENSEES IN"HAMA CERTIFICATION PROGRAMS FOR R GID PVC EXTRUSIONS". 2.69" -- p 1.16" N o C7O � MCV o I-»—� � F DOA55' - oao� N�Z LO.0d5' o i 7 � 10 30 12O.OdS" _ � _ }.OSS A __ G]D[� o C�G� �L ` N.T.S. � „ on.BY. arc m �---�-1.16" I o a Q.91 -Optional Flange - Optional Flar ge 3 VC MAIN FRAME PVC SILL oR�w No n titEXTRUDEDPVCBOTTOMRAIL 4 E UD.DPVCMEETIV�C AfAtL 7 E RUDEt3PVt Std 5 EXTRUDFDPVCTttPtlFtRAtt t ` �j T � 2 FL-14811.21 �