HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval F-IL-E C(. . JUL 2A' 2411 MIAMI-DAM PERFV1 FF ori;.iu WAXI—DADS MUNTY St. Lucie Com iv, FL PRODUCT CONTROL SECTION 11805.SW 26 Street,Room 208 DEPARTIY.IENT OF REGULATORY AND ECONODCC RESOURCES�AER) lvfiami,Florida 331'75)474 BBOARD AND CODE ADIYIfl`OTRA17ON DIVISION ,T.(786)315-2590 F(786)3-15-2599 NOTICE CE Off`ACCEPTANCE(NOA) tiYww.miamidade.s-oy/economy DAD Door'Company,Inc. 17195 NW 98eiAveii�e Hialeah Gardens,FL 33018 SCOPE: This NOA is being issued under the applicable rules and regulations governing the use of const ucticn materials.The documentation submitted has been reviewed and accepted by Miami Dade County RER Product Control Section to be used itibliami Dade County and other areas where allowed by the Authority Having Jurisdiction(AHI). This NOA shall not be valid after the expiration date stated below.The Miami Dade County Product Control Section(in Miami Dade County)and/or the AHJ(in areas other than Miami Dade County)reserve the right to have this product or material tested for quality assurance purposes.If this product or material fails to perform is the accepted mariner,the ma-aufadurer will incur the expense of such testing and the AHJ may immediately revoke,modify,or suspend the use of such product or material within their jurisdiction. RER reserves the right to revoke this acceptance, if it determined by lvfiami-Dade County product Control Section that this product or material fails to meet the requirements of the applicable building code. This product is approved.as described herein,• and has been designed to comply with the Florida Building Code, includi$g the High Velocity Hmricane Zone. DESCRIPTION:Hurricane Master Model 821/811 Steel Sectional Garage Door up to 9.'-4"Wide w/ Window Lite Option (DP+50.0,-60.0 PST) AFPROVALDOCUY=:DrawingNo.01-09,titled"Sectional Garage Door",sheets 1 through 5 of 5, dated 02/01/2001,with last revisiou.K dated 03/21/2016,prepared by Al Farooq Corporation,si'Pad and sealed by Javad Ahmad,P.E_,bearing the Miami-Dade County Product Control renewal stamp with the Notice of Acceptance number and expiration date by the Miami Dade County Product Control Section. ATISSILE SACT RATING.-Large and Small Missile Impact Resistant i LABELING:A permanent label with the manufacturer's name or logo,manufacturing address,model number,the positive and negative design pressure rating,indicate impact rated if applicable,installation instruction drawing reference number,approval number(NOA),the applicable test standards, and the statement reading`Miami Dade County Product Control Approved'is to be located on the door's sidetrack, bottom angle,or inner surface of a panel_ RENEWAL of this NOA shall be considered after a renewal application has been filed and there has been no change in the applicable building code negatively affecting the performance of this product _ CATION of this NOA will occur after the expiration date or if there has been a revision or change in the materials,use,and/or manufacture of the product or process.Misuse ofthis NOA as an endorsement of any product,for sales,advertising or any other purposes shall automatically terminate this NOA.Failure to comply with any-section of this NOA shall be cause for termination andremoval of NOA. A.DVERTISEIYMNT: The NOA number preceded by the words Miami Dade County,Florida,and followed by the expiration date may be displayed in advertising.literature. if any portion of the NOA is displayed,then it shall be done in its entirety. INSPECTION:A copy of this entire NOA shag be provided to the user by the manufacturer or its distributors and shall be available for inspection at the job site at the request:of the Building Official ! This NOA renews NOA#15-0317.02 and consists of this page 1 and evidence pages E-1 and E-2, as well as approval documentmentioried above. 'file submitted documentation was reviewed by Carios M.Utrera,PX..Iff ! NOA No.16-0330.02 MIAMI DARE COUNTY Expiration Date:August 9,2021 Approval Date:June 23,2016 �1. Page 1 - i i . DAB Door-Company,Iu�. 1 NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE 8 IVHT'TED A: DRA-WIfiGS I. DrawingNo.-0I-09,title -'Sectional Garage Door",sheets 1 through 5:of 6, dated 02/01/2001,witb last revision K dated 03/21/2016,prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation, signed and sealed by-Jawad Ahmad,P.E. B. TESTS "Sub7nitied.zmderNO.4#09-0128.04" 1, Test reports on 1)Uniform Static Air Pressure Test,Loading per FBG TAS 202-94 2)Large Missile Impact'Test per FB C,TAS 201-94 3).Cyclic Wind Pies sure Loading per FB Q; TAS 203-94 4)Forced Entry Test,pet FBC 24113.2.1,TAS 202-94 alongwith marked-up.drawings and installation diagram of a DAB 824 24 GA Sectional Garage Door with Fixed Windows,prepared by Hurricane Engitreeriug& Testing,Inc,Test Reports No..HETI-08 2149AB,dated 06/27/2008, signed and sealed by Candido F.Font;P.E. "Submitted under NDA #09-0128.04" 2. Test report of Tensile Test per ASTM E 8, Report N6.II]ETI,08-T 182,prepared by Hmaicane .Engineering & Testing, Inc., dated 12/23/2008, signed and sealed by . Candido F.Font,P.E. "Submitted u7zder NOA ## 01-OSI 6.03 3. Test report of large missile impact test per PA 201 and cyclic wind pressure test per PA 203 on"Sectional Residential Garage Door',prepared by Hurricane Engineering &Testing,Inc.,Report No.HETI 01-974A, dated`Ol/29/2001, signed and sealed by Hector M.Medina,P.E. 4. Test report of Unifohm Static Air Pressure Test per PA 202 and Force Entry Resistance Test on"Sectional Residential Garage Door",prepared by Hurricane Engineering&Testing,Inc.,Report No.HETI 01-969, dated 01/18/2001, signed and sealed by Hector M.Medina,P.E. ! S. Tent report on Salt Spray(Corrosion)Test per ASTM B 117 of apainted G-40 steel 1 panels,prepared by Celotex Corporation,Test ReportNo.258592, dated 08/17/1998, signed by W.A. Jackson,RE, Carlos M Utrera,P.E Product Control Examin-er NOA No.16-0330.02 Expiration Date:Augast 9,2021 l Appro-YO Date:Sane 23,2016 E-1 t E DAB Door Company,Inc. - NOTICE OF ACCEPTANCE: EVIDENCE- SUBMITTED C. -CALCULATIONS 'W-ubynilYed under NOA#14-0814.-OV" 1. Anchor verification.calculations prepared byAl Farooq Corporation, dated 09/22/2014 and 07/24/2014,signed and sealed by Javad Ahmad;P.E. "Szzbm&ed zinderNOA#09-0128.04" 2. Anchor verification calculations prepared by Al-Farooq Corporation,complying with F.B.0' 2007, dated 12/19/2008,algaed and sealed by Humayoun F'arooq,PR D: QUAMYA.SSURANCE 1. Miami Dade Department of Regulatory and.Economic Resources(RER) E. MAT RIAL CERTIFICATIONS . I. Notice of AcceptanceNo. 15-0915.08,issued to SABIC Innovative Plastics,for their Lexau Polycarbonate Sheet Products,approved on 12/10/2015 and expiring on`07/17/2018. 2- Notice of Acceptance No.14-0311.08,issued to lusulfoam;LLC,for their Insulfoam Expanded Polystyrene Insulation,approved on 08/14/2014 and expiring on 11/29/2017. 3. Notice of Acceptance No.11-0926.07,issued to Dyplast Products,LLC,for their Expanded Polystyrene Block Type Insulation,approved on 11/10/2011 and expiring on 01/11/2017. 4. Notice of Acceptance No.11-0926.06,issued to Dyplast Products,LLC;for their Dyplast ISD--Cl Polyisocyanurate Insulation,approved on 11/10/2011 and expiring on 01/11/2017. 5. Notice of Acceptance No.15-1203.04,issued to Cellofoam North America Inc,for their Expanded Polystyrene Mock lnsulatior, approved on 03/17/2016 and expiring on 02/24/2021. "Submitted under NOA#05-0228.02" 6. Test Report on Accelerated Weathering Using Xenon Arc Light Apparatus Test per- ASTM G155 of"PVC Extrusion Material",prepared by Hurricane Engineering& Testing,Inc.,Repo-tt No,HETI 04-A002,dated 09/27/2004,signed and sealed by Rafael E. Droz-Seda,P.E. 7. 'Test Reports on Tensile Test pet ASTM D63 8 of`TVC Extrusion Material",prepared by Hurricane Engineering&Testing Inc.,Report No:HL+TI 04-T251,dated 11/29/2004 signed and sealed by Ghia,P.E. i 8. Test Report on Self-Ignition Temperature Test,Rate of Burn Test and Smoke Density Test of`REHAU non-foam PVC extrusion material",prepared by BTC Laboratories, I ReportNo. 04-761-15019,0,dated 03/06/2004,signed and sealed by J.L.Doldan,P.E. " i F. STATEMENTS 1. Statement letter of code conformance to the 5"edition(2014)FBC and of no financial interest } issued byAl-Farooq Corporation,dated 03/21/2016,signed and sealed byJavad mad,P.E. l Carlos M.Utrera,P.E. - Product ControlExamm-er NOA No.16-0330.02 Expiration Date:August-9,2021 t Approval Date:June 23,2016 ' 3 ' 4 ii 7 i • T'OP FDOURE 5-1/2'•X 2-3/4'X'O.1' 7-1/2'X 3'X 471'GALV.STEEL / ° •' ENO HOLLER HINGE STEEL PLATE VENO ONE 5/1B-19 fd5 W NUT a I W/(6)#14 X 5/8"aMS - 'FASTISIID TO ENO STILE WITH OPTIDNAI.DOOR VIfWFR ®`y \\ (5)J14 Y.3/4'$ELF DRILLING SCREWS LF INSTALLED AT I WITHOLR'DETRON SLEEVE(SID.) '. SDLP . WFTH DELRON SLEEVE(OPTIONAL) 0 q P I CENTER STILE � 0 a R I t {{, C B \� ?yW 1 11\ a 7WGA/L�.STEEL CFl•IIER' • n'CJI e4y�b_F HINGE T (4BSLIS yWITH EXON SLEEVE(OPTIONAL) r m`1 1 ' \\\\ o LOCHM1 --- - w N T 2/ DOOR �f® °°O °FFo I . , 1'W X-15'TW-LATCH S(ANOARD LOCK \ _- _ �— ^Y m 00 SPRING LOADED SLOE BOLT(BOTH SIDES) — - _ _- — = Q \\ FASTENED W/(4)1914 X 1/2•SMS• // — 1 ' to to } s/8'MW.LOCK ENGAGEMENT 3 �CONm TO SECTION 1008 REGARDING GA�AGE'DOORS y - N O xzzy m DOOR HE1GW CONSISTS OF 14 `N 0 ` `}\\ `, ./ L._,._A O fl 6'-B• 2 SECRONS la'2 SECf1GNS 21° 15B DIA GAL.AIRCRAFT TYPE / \ i OPTIONAL.YENT T a' 1 seCiloN fe" 3 SEOIHINS 2t' W 5 P 1�P5 FAIC R I 1 i // OP s"WIDE AT 7"O.C.LIAX_ OPRDLJAL FEUSEI FACE U Z I I I OPENING AREA NOT TO IXCFED WOOD GRA1N DESIGN V) IO Y 4 SECTIONS 3t•- I m I // 120 Sq.IN, COLONIAL DESIGN N m 7'-fi' s SECTIONS 1H'1 6'X 3"%0.1' 71-S' CR NS 16'7 SECTION Zi' STEEL LATE--'V IJ ® i/ \\\ ® //`� bL1X.DOOR 4flbTTi ; 8' 3 SECTIONS 1a'2 DNS 21m WITH (2).J14 X 5/8'-SMS /,, s'.-+ 1 W-3' Z SECRONS 1B'3 SECTIONS 21 \ / `��__�`•'- r--� 5•-6• t 5='CTION 16 4 sEcDams 21• BRACKET BRAS INSIDE ELEVATION 6'-H' 5 SECTIONS 21 STD, LFT DOOR LOW HEADROOM s' 6 S ONS ta"- DOOR OPTION RAISED PANEL EM80S5® DOOR Er�3' S SECTIONS 1 6'1 SECTION 21' -6' 4gORONL 16'2 6TFDONS 21' 7-7/B"X 3-1/8°X.010' - e'-s' 3 sEoaoNs ta'13 sEcno 2Y STtEL PLATE• DAB DOORS INC, o`-€ lo, 2 SECTIONS 16'4 SECTIONS 21 WITH(4)¢t'4 X 31e 805 ® � �'N�' 1 1 to'-3' 1 sETT1oN te" a cnata 21 CA's SLE /T Hlm-1Cane blaster Model 624/811 11 6 SECTIONS zY- 0LITSTD� ¢74 X—.3/4! SELF DRILLING SCREWS MAY BE USED UM 1 MoX.Size 9•-4 X i 6•-O"High 10'-9' 6 SEC[IOtS i3'1 EMM 21' HANDLE ENO STILE IN LEU OF A14 X 5/8'SMS _ With Vindow Isla OpUon a o 11' S SECaolls le 2 SEF5T$21' , 11--3' 4 SECTIONS 1e" SECTIONS 21' DESIGN PRESSURE RATING'[ i 50.0 PSF 11•_6- s SECTIONS e'4 sEctro zt• 'THIS PR00UCT IS RATED FOR LARGE MISSILE IMPACT A v 1ff F5 1'-D' 2 SECTIONS 1H'S SECRaNs 21 - 60,0 PSF' L - I 12 1 SECTIONS 1a• SECTIONS 21 INSTALLED ON°EiNO STILE - o°van 2 , 12'-3• >•SECTIONS zt - o WITH(4)J14 X 5/E'SM5 GENERAL NOTES PRODUCT RENEWED s SECTIONS tH x^^cmxas v Q as mmplYlhs with tha FTorlde 12'x' 6 SECTIONS 1H' oNs 21' JsT X.5W LACK BAR L THIS PRODUCT HAS BEEN'(SM AND TESTED TO COMPLY WITH THE Bu8dfh9 Code t ENGAGES IN TRACK REOUIRBIENT5 OF THE 2014(S1H m1DOH)FLORIDA BUItDwD CODE WCLUDING NO a. iG-0330,02 IH' 4 SECTIONS 18'k SECOONs 21' ON EACH SIDE OF DOOR HIGH VELOCITY HURRICANE ZONE(HYFLZ). \111(11 i2r-3' 3 SELMONS 18' 08/09/2D2j SECOONS 19 6 sOCnONs 21^ 2 ANCHORS sHALL.UE As LISTED, SPACED As SHOWN ON DETAILS. 17'd' 1 SECTION 18' 7 SECaONS 21' OUTSIDE HEYED IpCH(OPTIONALLI ANCHCW EMDET)MENT TO BASE MATERIAL.SHIM1I_BE BEYOND WALL � : �;•'CHtyF•='�/ q � � I r ; I 6,5cCRWIs 21'- LOCK BM LOCKING SHOO DRESSIWG OR STUCC0. m_"Ii- d producif;ith4vl - 'v� 14-3' 6 ScC71ol'S ta' SECTIONS 21' ALTERNATE TO SPRING LOADED SLIDE WILT 3, ALL 6OLT,NUTS AND WASHERS SHALL BE LNC PLATED CARBON STEEL _ _ a u'-s' sttcDots Its 4 sB:DoNs 21 LOCKS SHOWN ABOVE. 4, ANCHORING OR LOADING CONORtONS OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN IN `'Pt: * �T�7- ,`o •3` 14'-Y 5£CUUNS 1St MKS 21 TTIESE DEMLS ARE'NOT HAT OF THIS A-PROWL ts' STLTIorS IH s SECTIONS 21: 5, A WAD DURATON INCRIPSE LS USED M DES GN 9F ANClIORS INTO WOGp ONLY- 0 OF drawing'no. 1 15-t• 15'cCC'ID10N 18' 8 SECTWttS 21^ oCOR TESTED M AL.'COROANCE WITH THE REAUIRFJdINTS OF FLOFJ0.4 ���,`p''.,,ORN� 'G 0'�.-.�9 II 15'-s' S SECTIONS Zl' BIAIOMG CODE,TAS-202•T,LS-201 &TA5-203 FOR FNHZ AND ` f r6' 6 SECTIONS 19'+SECTIONS 21' AsfM EtaB6-o5 J5T3!E1895-Os, - TT1TtLL1P1 Sheet 1 of b i 1 .,.1 24 G¢STEEL PANEL 3/16"d?UM RNM < > = rf FLAPS EfENi'OVER PANEL I- • ..� Lu ri i CL r ' p N 424`STL PANEL 112`PUNCHED BOLES I t)q 0 4"O.C. )� .. .f OUTSIDE OF DO 0 Y�1O . ! 5400 STEELlm TRAM9RAOKET FASTENEDSOLID BRASS DOOR VIEWER I" S TO WOOD°alae 4'Ati!! BY'SCHLAGE SECURITY HARDWARE' s/16"x 1-5/8'LAG SCREW INSTALLED IN 9/16'OIA. HOLES IN CENTER STILE (F1R.L.Y TPEP.t4READED) POSITIONED AT EYE C.EYEL Tr ONE BRACYET � ENO STILE 00 OPTIONAL STOP MOULDING ANCITORS A �'�cR'gger'�. o n I FOR comicanON 9F w9OD BUOX BY DOOR INSTALLER X},bra"Tu pews-s�T Rv°PCwFRa W TO MASONRY SEE lWTi 9N SH..ET 4 2 MIN.04BEO two cONCP,E7E #14 X 518'Sib 1-7f8"IV.EDGE DtSfANCE ¢ Z _7 i 6 PER HINGE a/a"x 2')(C2-1/2"X 18 GA STEEL ENO STILE, ANNEr:T TO PANW WITH 8)1&DIA HIT'S;Fit fW.ti x C7 z F-Z d. SOUTHERN PINE 1/2'X 7-3/4°X.059'FT:P.HEO STEEL FLAPS ANT 3/16°ALUM RNErS 1-11r MIN.ENBEB INTO CONCRETE-OR FILLED BLOCK J �� CLUED TO PANEL ATN SECURED TO SEE Dk7NL A13OVE (� p 1 0.55.S.G.a 1,5/8"MIN,EDGE OfSTplICE!!f1'0 CONCRETE !L' 0-" D END sDLE 511Th alis'POP R1vos M A2"o.c. d"MIN.EDGE DISTANCE INTO FILLED 6LOCK O O 3- i Cf z L -• 4 ' °' ° f-7/8"x 2-5/8'X.045`SAEEI. CONCRETE fc- W Cf n . CENTER 570.E GLUED AND ANETEO EDGE 3DO0 OC t1'. By v { . A , ° ° OISW4GE� C-SO GROUT FILLED 6LOCK I'm=2000 P51 MIN. pT ; T 79 PANE1.wf(3)�3f1@'}llvETS' , PDI'RUM ' 1 1/2"MM. 1 4/HINGES S.ALS. t•-3j7G j �,F� i I 6 Sri�i jfJ C} 1 avCH9R TYPE A DR B 1 ! I 1.9•X 218"X 3J"X 102" (L -,1LPER BRACKET o S .102- STEEL T3 FOR SPACING TS s'te SHEET 3 FOR 9RACKLT SPACING SEE SHEET 3 FOR SPACING .. i22m t A r 1/4--20 sS eou¢,Dur o a P y 7-1/2'x.071"GATX STEEL . CENTER H1rtGE 7-f jz 7/16'PUSHt UT SF0_9N B-13 END HOLLER HINGE INSTALLED ON ROLLER SHAFT '15 I TATr f MERZOR HILiL' 1E2•DIA x,W STEEL ROLLERS(STD.) PR*13 IT"T REND-WED •q=A�rryr 14(;.TRACK 1.02 DIA•X,50"N14ON ROLLER6 4PT j&) as Id-121ying%m ith the,PItrrIH-a. 13 GA.x 2-•1ja°x 1"(srANOAlm} s.7s°oIa x 1W STEEL NoLrFRs�OPTICNALj 19wlaAog(aa. c FAS�'TOS 78KX FLOES'(OPROtU1} � 275°DIA X 50`NYLON ROLLERS(OP110NAL) NOA-No, 16-X1330.02 7�}.jr~ *,,. � wj 7ji-20 X 5/8•TRUSS NO, - 'WITH 6'STEM ExpFAaBop 08/0912029 SLO cO M.w& ODY NUT - 'drawing no. • .M 7-Da PTCdnct Ganlrol yrs mOb STS° V.f} 01-09 r AN sheet 2 Of 5 � I 2 X 2 X 1/8"HOP,IZ.ANGLE fn I i PCP FaVET5 Sff6''X 1.'-5/8"{AG 5CREIYS INTO WOOB OR•. HORIZ.TRACK SUPPORT SPOT Wr7.OED'70 HOfat TRACK 3'X JOV 6/[1�6°SLEEVE rPLATES CENTER SUPPORT REQO.ON DOORS WTIH TWO WELDS AT 1-1/2'APART m 1 GALV.511].. WITH 1-1/4'alSED INTO EOIMEEDING 8 FT.IN NEIG FIRST AT 3'ox. I TDP HOLLER BRACKET ON EACH SIDE ,3 PkR q--.� REST 14 x 5/6'S.M.S. CONNECTED TD FLAG SPACKET.44GLE ° _ ' i 090 TMC GALV.STEEL ADJUSTABLE - W/3/e-16 X 3/4'BOLT a NUT .TIDE FASTENm TO BRACKET' 2-1/2"X 4-1/4'X 13 OA STE _ MRJ TO SPRING SHAFT LT WINi Z W/5/16-18 X 3/4"HEX HEAD - WELDED TO 1-1/2'X 1-1/2"X 14 A-.- (2) 1/4-2a X 5/B'HOLT&HUT - y� M.SCREPJS&NUTS.' FASTENED -TOP•BRACKT:TWITH'(4)1/4-20 SS. BOL -- NORiL TRACK LENGTH OPENING M IGITi PLUS(SYANDAP-D) TOP BRACKET(OPTIONAL) A )c I"AL TRACKLOW HEAOR=I DOOR 14 GA.GALV.STEEL TRACK2I/8'x I'X.Daw HORIZONTAL R.Ex4TURCEMErrT 1/2^X t , STEEL 2 x s-1/2^x_1D+'WGLUM TOAELPNTO GA.LV_5ffiEl VEFOICAL SDLESWITHFASTF74ED WL(4)y'r f 4 X 5/e'S-MS.(2)3/1s'POP RNETS 0 ROLLER BRACKET FORr SEC110N HEIGHTS BRACKET PlACf3JENT5 LOW NEADROaN DOOR OPTIONDOOR GT. HowzoNEAL REINFORI'E1.1ENT HETG1iT 1ST 2N0 3H0 4TH 5TH B1 82 'B3 B4 05 B6 B7 B8 '• .I . 6'-a' 18"18' 18'1b"N/A 1"TO 2"11-3{' 23° 34" , 45' se- GLUED 67' 1/z"x 1-3/4`x.ass'FORLIED s1EEL ' TO PANEL AND FASTENED TO - 6'-6' 21"16' }8°21"N/Ai1"TO 2'11-3/4" 23° 34" 45" 56" 67' ''�US�� T-0' 21"21"21°21"N/Alt'TO 2'11-3 4" 23" J4' 45" 56' 67' 5 (2)3/16'F'OP flIVfTS T-6' 45' S6' .67" 7&-1/4" 5/16'MEETING RIB r 8'-0' 21"16" 18"1B"21"11"TO 2"11-3/4" 23° 34' 4b^' 56" 57" 78-1/4' k-SECRONS ARE NUMBERED STARTING AT THE BOTTOM _ 1.82'DI.-X.50"ROLLERS c" FOR DOORS MORE THAM 8 FT, HICK USE AOOTRONAL TRACK BRACKETS AT 10"D.C. � � 1 W7'".44 DN.X 4-1/4'STEM i o a n a . �GI 1�I UIM ; OPnONAL INSULATIONS: U' DY'OYPLacr PR0DUC5 L9' Lei o y ..LL G L EPS-VPANOFD POLYSTYRENE o n m 1.9"X 219'X 3.3'X.090" 4 En". DENSITY=1.05 PCF STEEL TRACK BRACK TTS C0 Z m L .2-3 16"HIGH J a0 W N.OA a11-0926.07 / ' ' OR CONNECTED TO TRACK WITH - ¢ U)W I `v 160-25 POLY-M=ANURATE 4) 1/4"BOLTS k NUTS. - -O O 3 ! . DENSDY-2.0 PCF O Z ; d H.Oa.X11-0926.06 } OR 'rn I nmAlA NORDL AMERICA' In GO OETSfT/-1.03 PCF - m Q H.DA$15-1203.04 �- OR f1'!'INsULFOAN LLC +m DENSITY-092 PCF N.OA P14-0311.08 �+ B 0 1 s J 14 GA GALV.STEEL RDLLER HINGES FASTENED m I S W/(4)4414 x 5/8'SMS m A9N..024'ROLL FORMED STEEL PANELDRAWING I s P , UALIW C-40 MJN 0 STRENGTH 34 99 TRACK C01 EFIGLIRATT01! O WITH PTBMER AHD BAKETJ-ON POLYSFER PANTO TOP COATa E APPUM TO SM SIDES OF SIM 1 f N I , VEFMCAL LIFT HIGH LIFT STA„Rb Lf Fi _LDV/HEADRooA{ 1112-1 a a o ry i o .. DOUBLE TRACK -B m AVAILABLE TR4CX OPTIONS '" .1 12 9A.CAM STEEL .. �\11 fu Irr, W/�'>F�5A s15CKET ED PRL3ilUGY RENEYlg0 i + 1 • ;eomplyfng with the Florida o T f BTRTdiltg Code O BOTTOM SEAL OPTIONS MOA-Pio. 164330.02' SEE SHEEP 4 Ekpi.flon 01110912B2.1 •,�: * 77 ! J O aF to - drawing n0_ 9y % �zOMQp, off` 01--09 6A1amT-Iia Pro�at Dontml ' �'vS� � .` E 1 SECTION A-A. /jrj���3�` sheet 3 of 5 I '1 i . 3}" REINFORCEMENT / IN. {B X 1" FORMED 9TFle \ OE msT SELF DRILLING 1-1/2" AP. 3/16"'RNEKSLSELF ORWNG SCREWS' 4SNm oT I g i .Q� E DIST- N ! m MUL7IGRIP W/DOME HFAII OR- 3/15'`RNEX'STEEL RNETS o m m o AT 48'O.C. n g LIULDGRIP.W/DOME HEAD y o j n 3 REINFORCEMENTx A0 AT 48"D.C. FOX.STEEL Ow0 f/4"DIA,IAO SCREWS �y t/4°Du inG SCREWS O 2BYAT 6"FROM ENDS WOOD BIUUJ���yyy,,, AT S'FROM ENDS Q u I WOOD BU 1 I AND 18'O.G MAX. / I AND 19'O.C.MAX. :3 y 1 1 / 1 W'SFRIP ADAPTER 09 � STEELQ a ALUMINUM � P ADAPTER 0.a,a c i ' STEEL O C`H RUBBER V!'STRIPPING 0'� . -RUBBER YYSTFDPF24G w w*Z N ,DSD ll,z�-ro .534 4 Goa wo. • 1 QOM 663 OPj)Os OPTION 'A' OPTION 'B' 1 00000 BUCK CONNECTION TO WOOD SU65TRAT£ (WOOD sPECIFIC GRAVITY sG=0.55 WN.) ) ' 0 THE INSDUANON METHODS SHOWN ABOVE SHOWS 2XB SYP WOOD BUCK ATlAGHMENT O M 1 To WOOD STRUCNRES_IF THESE METHODS ARE FOLLOWED NO ADDRpPIAL CALGULAMN5/DESIGN W ' WILL BE REQUIREOf FOR DESIGN OF GARAGE 00011 ANCHORAGE FOR DOOR REPLACEMENT APPLICATIONS WITH NO ENGINEER OF RECORD,INSTALLATION MAY BE ANCHORSPACING `�$` VEdFIED AND APPROVED BY THE BUILDING OFFICIAL UPON INSPECTION. ANCHORS STRUCRTRE EMBED SP ING EDGE 1ST. (j Z f"!D • -3/3- C SLEEVE BY HI GONG_ 1-1/47 8° 1-5 B Q ' 31W HLC SLEEVE BY YULIY LLED BLOCK 1-1 4" 8° 4- ¢ I 3 e'OYNABOLT 'TRV' CCNG. 1-1 2" H° 2° O OC O.yr• e , 3 8"DYNA13CLY BY'RW' FVIa BLOCK 1-1 2- B' 2-1 4 ' SIM STRUCNRE BY OTHERS � O z 8/16'X'15/8" MUST SUPPORT THE LOADS IMPOSE) 58- 8'PO ER-BoV BY POWER COPIC. 2' e' t-7 U p ,^ } 1 LAG.SCRE1Ys BY DOOR SYSTEM SLEEVE-ALL BY'S1MP50NS' CONC. 1-1,f2- 8' T-4 B' Lo E n I AT 12'D.C. CONCRETE V.-3000 PSI MIN. CQq ¢ 5/1 n CIA_BOLTS C-90 GROUT FU1.ED"BLOCK fm=2000 PSI� WOOD BUCK OONN£OiIOpW TO h1ASONRY iD: fff AT 1 WASHER MAXNUT �. I AT 12'D.c. AR ED4E DIST. PRESSURE TREATED 2XS 5yp WOOD JAMBS BE ED TO I' +II i GROUTED ReNFORD sONRi BLOCK WALL OR COMr-COLUMN WITH 1 E I 8 Q 1/4"ULTRACON BY'ELCO'WRH SPACING OF A% GROUP FILM BLOCK WALL,WITH 2-1/4'i1W.DIBEO e $ N i 16"OL_URO 3000 PSI CONCRETE.WITH 1-3/4'W .EMOED 7-1/4'X 2-1/2'X 14 GA I 2-1/Y MIN.ED S DISTANCE 1'-t/2' I-1/z' - cONt.STEEL AtZulE f . 1/4'TAPPER BY'POWEAs'WRH SPACING OF / 5 14"0.G INTO GRaUr FILLED BLOCK WALL_WITH 1 MIN.EMBED t2 El GALV�STEEL 16"O.C-ORO 3000 PSI CONCRETE,11TM 1-3/4'MIN_EMSED 1/16"X 2-1/2 FIAT BRACAEIS#3'LONG LVET'X t'-X 14 GA e i ! MIN.EDGE DISTANCE -FILET WELDS AT IY O.C.1N b00R OPNC, SIM TRACK °' r o i - AT 12'O.C_MNL A7 16"O.G_ABOVE DOOR OPNG, FASTENED TO TRACK PLATES I + . 7/e'Or BY'ELCO'OR LORMECiFD TO COPQ.ANGLE W 2)1/i-20X5/8'TRUSS;HO, R ]/8'LD7 or'RAY WITH SPACING OF W/(3)SPOT WELIIS AT EACH SIDE S. to LOCK NUT j ) 2f 0.C•IITO 3000 PSI CONCRETE,vINPt 2-1/2'RAN.EMBED 2"MIN..EDGE DISTANCE CON7IN000S ANGLE TRAr'Y REVERSE TICK C.d/NRN000S ANGLE TRACK m o-R R j HlL'SLEEVE 8Y'F{ILlI'WI1H SPACING OF 7�W000 BUCK L TO CONCR,,FTT'Ano fl`I Fn Rl OCK 8`O.C.INTO GROUT FILLED BLOCK WALL,WRH 1-1/4"MIN_EMBED,4'LEN.EDGE DIST. L 1 16'D. M30xRET O PSI CONCRETE,WIM 1-1/4.MIN-EMBED AND C 2-1/2MGN_EDGE DISAME N TERIJA TRACK INST I I.ATTON ♦11111),, ! ! PREPARATjON"OF'JAM98 9Y MERS' .♦�( Ari o 3 1 FOR NEW LDN5IRUGRON ENGWEER OF RECORD OR ARCHITECT 70 VERIFY IRAODUCT RENEWED I ) R S ADEQUACY OF Sl1PPIXi71NG IAUCTURE W SUPPORT'LOADS 0.1POSED as torilp ot4'11f1 t80 flol'Itfa 8n11rBng Gvo.a � •BY DOOR STS W. MOA-No. 164)330.02 FOR DOOR REFLACEMEHF PI REIROFW BUILDINGS WTTH NO ENG04EER OF 'SY• '� _ v m •I + REGCRD,DOOR INSTALIATtON MAY BE REVIEWED AND APPROVED BY EScplratlon 08(09YLD29 -'4P (iy, a c 1 I BUILDING OFACIAL UPON WSPECIION, Q t• aF aydraWiT13 no.TREQ b3h l PJAXRdUM F%TERIOR(+)LOAD PER JAMB=(9.33'%50 PSF)I2=231.3 Lbs per Ft h73ami-Da Froduei Camtrol �! '•^O '.:•T?�� V 1—o'J MMMUM MIM R*-)LOAD PER JAMB=(939'X 60 PSF)/2=2794 Lbs per FL - �T�AOQ�it��♦♦. - . nn11u1 Eh t 4"-f5 I i I . f7.5 PEASTIC COMPtJFS WITH 11`5" � oCHAPTER 26 OP.E'BODooR PNIEL SEE EVIDENCE PAGE 24 M(.024)SIE'k?.M4V. �MA1. : N7/15"DIA.WASHER 4x.c21 3/r iL ®afe/FFRoM Blas it7}W t7N4t SMS MAY- k----eoo a'Od1 1 407 O.0;ice. x EXTERIOR FRAME * IMERIOR FRAMn a,• 1 I . 1s s/s" PJG10'FVC ONE PIECE IWECTM RIGID FVC"ONE PIECE Mdl`OFI ��1 1 (4)@a X J/4`5M5 <x MAY. _eie1—sfa FRaM ENDS eo p.1 0. I 1 A w.J C f"�,' 1�,•` , l 175 X.062 DEEP - 1.- { , l CdiaOf t / 9 IIyI - CO t i 0 rlll ED ED 1 O N? i ilii 1f4"POLYCMUWA1E LEXAN' - 1 M: i'i B('SA61C iNP1GVATIM FIAVM' IIII ROA J15-•0915.46 L' • til' - � �NNZ a flit 0 +� LIJ ift = o 2 X ¢ m o pZ�m 2 c W Ipl W o IIIIfill m 11 ' Of .. O I;I' IIII ED i il I I 175 X.15132 DEEP E l l I;1; GROOVE 1 111 t—^� lNSIDE EEEVATION� fi! f (a)AS X 3/4'stls RAISED PANEL EMBOSSED DOOR YMN OPTIONAL WINDOWS @1-3/a FROM Ems zw�$l f AND s-4I2"o.3.MAY. INDOVI UTES CAN BE IN ANY LOCA11ON IN DOOR SECTION I i 1 8 X 3/4"5N5 . 3/8"FROM ENDS �../ cRatvE i75 X.O6$PEEP » r e AND 4-1 f2"O.c.MAY I t 30 i 1 a 3/a"FROM'ENDS C_ - - / i t117i d ' AND V O.C.MAX. _ 1 /� 1 PRODUCT RENEW �� �• o ! I �_--- --=- ---- •as paar iyio9 w1t1t the'Fio:ida Y.r' ..�� '' � � - - 1 7/14'DIA_WASHER - ---- .,•,,_ BODdWCode 16r0330Jfl2 DOOR PMIELfDMRIOR txpiraYlanD 08f09/2D;21 _� fa'..rblrr;g�� a 'g' n f 24 GA(.024)STM U111 1gf,e'MIN. � ' DcxR PANFL D.L DPG, 13Y -Gti OF y droWiny no, 24 GA{.024)STEEL IAN. GLAZING ME Guam Psnded Lanfimt .._..�Ca�: 0 I-�09 1 VOID4w MOTH f • rrlrsll��ttyt sheet 5 of 5