HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationMEL mPrEiLA13LE INFO Mw r BE COMrLETED FOR mPrEiCR I IOW TO BE ACCEP r ED Cvury r r �� r L — n Permit Dumber: Building Permit wppiication Planniny ants uu7ciwp ... ent Services Building anp Coa. x.b-F. tion Division 23M Virginia Kv,..R�, tort Pierce rt.,2w_-3_, Phone: (. rz) zF5z-1553 Fax: (772) r+oz-.Lars Cor„rimer6ai RE50ential x PERMIT APPCICA I JUN FOR: I -n _ L Ci �jir` f G rRUPOSED IrwORUVI:PIENT [OCATIOlq: Address: 6 ft � _F [regal Descr,;ptian: 1'T//14"t k4� nr t 6w T Gc�� Property pax ID ir:o)3l 3 — Lot Ido, She Plan Mame: ProjecL Name: J I.5 A C (1106,04 v U b! Block Ido. Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: — LVft Side: DETAILED oEs-CRIPTION OF WCIKK: Exact c1llange am of IV, UVF 4t ' installed ��cz�e,..� 3 -r"0;0 J 3 4MM IA IV K LJ to stn "j LONSTRU� j'CjJq IIQFUKI7ATI014: Additiona wor io e,p_e o�me un er t is oermr r p� t i� #VAC LJ G... lank Gas rip:ng Ll ahutters WrnaowsTDaors Electric 0 riumolns japrinitier, Generator Roof otal 5y. Ft of Construction: S. F�. of HIM Floor: Cost of Construction: $ Utilldestaewe, USePLIc SuiiDing Height: e UW Koarti33:1 iT t 5'r" City: r 'L°i� rC zip Code: 3 Fax: MIA Phone Ido. - ! Yu —�t3ti E -Mail: NIA Fill in fee simple ale Rana. an ne,R page Or alnercrit from the Owner IlsccB above) CONTRAS I UR: name: =aceK, Danniz Company: Hmu.-:uan Residendal 5ervica. Address: 4800 U5 Hwy City: Vero Beach rC SLaLe: c;p Code: 3z95v Fax: r,c razi-ares Phone No. I 14 194-7221 E-Mail-i��3be state or County License: CFCizizu283 it value of conszrucuo.. 6 $2500 or more, a RECURDED Notice of Commenccnrr..t is required. 1'%J1 ULLMcw [/AL. WiMb l HUGTiOIV. CIEro 4W 1NF—KMA-i 10 - hPe-.w�,..i--.—____—_ - ._.. .. WGIVU111wttm: x Not Applicable Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Phone: FEE SiMPLE TITLE HOLDER: x Not Applicable Name: Address: City: Zip: _ Phone: 'MORTGAGE COMPANY: x Not Applicable Name: Address: City. State: Zip: phone: BONDING COMPANY: x Net Applicable Name: Address: City: Zip: �i Phone: I ecrtiry that no worn or ln„ tall tion has commence8 prior to the issuance at a permit. St. Lucie County M. -Re, no revresentado„ Mut is grandng a per.,,;t Will authorize Erle -permit holder to Auils tR wnicR i. in Contin t wirn ant vpplicable Rome Own., Association rules, Uri - -s or and"covenant, tnat may restrict o� struRure. Pie—e consult wit„ you. Rose Owners mssoclation and review your aero rot any restriction, :Hies may ba `� I ` ibiL such P. oFiibit such in consiCeraiio., or tFie granting Dt MIS reYeested permit, 100 nr --by asree that I will, i., all respe[ts, peRerm tFie work y in accora.n�� with the approves pens, Lhe Plorilla 6uiltli„g Codes ant! X. LUeic CounLy Rnlen;amenm 1 M. roltowIng building permit-Pplicadons are exempt r. am undergoing a ren concurrency revie-: , -am additions, accessory structai;as, swimming pools, antes, walls, signs, sercen rooms an'u acces-o;, eses to anottler npn-,e�;dential use WARfaIIQG 10 OWNER: rout �oiiure to Recore a Notice of Commencement may result In goer paring twice TO. improvements to your Property, ry Moiice of CUmmencement must be recoraed and posted on the subsite before thz first inspeaian. If yuu intend to aotain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work yr recurdin your Nvtire Of CEjMn iPnr=m=n. i Signature of�UerjLesseej�,get STATE OF r['vRiuA C0011ITY OF slLod- M- �insLr ent -, ocknowleCgefberere me lll5f lJJpy 20 Dennie Zaeek of person u^ .- Le, Lure or Roto,, y vablic- State or Personally 1CneWn x Un Prose.ra identification I rpe of Identification Pro7eced --110 K I Y If 1 — Commission Ivo.fieeno {� p�}n�” Agky�v ' ac r �U nc--sed 07/ 15/2'u t Slgnat-rz of Contra r/Eice.,;- Rolder s STATE OF FLDRIDH COUNTY OF si u,d, i K1e rorsoing instru cn[ .as acknowleagea oerore me this Ela, er t l0 E7 by .+vnnis Zacek ilvamr .son acknowleag;ns ) (-')1g....tare of Notary PuClic-state of Florida it rrr-onally Rnown x OR Produces 11lentiiication lypeoria-ntificaLion rronuceE I-Ommi�sion No. M� r 139�g 7 wwb a NO L r&v rue G ,.Tz tom' i=LOt[�un K1!vlEvvs FROM iONING 3CIPtRVISOR PIMIM.) COUNTER REv+Ew REVIEvv REVIEW GNit COMPrEc i r 1191 r iALS w c rF'i[tl��•► ? Exr ; 61212116 VE Dl9 EvIEW sEA TURTLE I MAi9GROVE RviEW nEviEw REvi1=vv lir rTirs llaTilvrr WbtK Or r =t, start 099.9 E-1, Cenrplo:lo., D..o �/.(772) 567-3r %i'v Corporate Cusiamerer�I�,biliU • ir 2840 US High: ay 1, Vere Bv. ch, FL 32960 Rotations Narrlre,• Aroma.rk,.,N1wiml,",,,mims fl—, kl, ImP�scviae.m.V­7,50, 5-tFIFAMuFul4 oro (866) 803.0878 SIZE_ TYPE t�\kJA oIzE TYPE EFFICIENCY -j � _ EFFICIENCY _J SUBTufAL $_ 5,UBTOTAL $ MuNTf4Cf E51,'_L�i MONTHLY .ST, $ . 51ZE -- -__-TYPE it _ _ EFIENCY __— _ - - ----� SUBIvTA 5 MONTH Car =5 INITIALS C05M R INlTIACS p Ca MER INITIALS vYarrimty; _j { ]- -Parte# t_ Labor W_r ty: 10 P-rts _ i 11 r Wa, ron:y_ _ P.ns — Labor 44)_Compresso? Heat Clchanger tQ. Compressor !!(A-H=et Exehaege: Cernpra--er _Ro..t Ex.hongar Rsfrigorarlt rase -orad .,Rd dicpeced of an reqs red by l -. Cemplote cio..n rip 'nclading as. of floor savers to protect your home and rnrrra! of e;z" -ting ogeipreo. X All work oontple:od s dono in a, cord..n..n with existing codes and permits, as required. SPECIFICS OF •UR INSTALLATION SELECTED OPTION: h, ©2 ❑3 Weatherproof t:ifctiEgaip url! St -b sound e Isolation Pads ❑ Ligmd Tite Condor, 05tart Kit ❑ Rofrig.mnt LL Dryer R=frigs. art Pape New oaennr I 0 Refrigerant Pipe Cover ❑ Espamnion VJ;v .Islat-Type be -w %3 �-,onnact to Uisting 1=etria-1 ❑ N.w Plywood D.,k NR=senrlset Drew r, no 00CCC.iling Saxer Kit yPan & Floatr ALM -Irl Dmin S..I„ ty S-.i;ch aaal New Connections Peppo , Attie Equipment ly .pPie um u Npe- R_eerie=et Return Pf num G New Reconnect @ectronm Air i -,leen D Flltvr ❑ PCO ❑ UV ght - 0 umidol;■r Dehom differ atdoor Unit Pad 13 Flue Venting o=tTn=rk i—"m=whwmn 13 heel Piping 1fl nc..l Wiring Home Service Plan T-Tv.pm (364 d--y=f Comfort Guarantue WHorn. Pr.,iccil.,n Gcaranleo '24"Hour Sorvice Guarantee V 100% Unconditional ivi=R_y-B-ok Go --too SUBTOTAL $ I 3 CID TO rAi: s � 0 CASH ❑ CRECK# G CREDIT CARD (L45T 4#s) _ . _ _ P _ _ APPROVAE all 'Payr enl�p:ienw.-.enable-ah ..ppromdcredit tip l�nfa 1 i C- � CtCv `�Gy �SSL�14/� L{f-+ l' -t3 1J� 1 N Ar ,Hi Y 3vl ltEa& • Wrrtterr ezntvllleP oetheneatien witl be abt. nod belarc boginni ng any enfere„eon i. ditiQral or e„tandad v:ork. • ANY CLAIMS FOR CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS ARE SUBJECT TO TRE NOTICE AND CURE PRO�iSIONS OF CRAFTER 5� FLORIDA 5TATUTES. • BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL: This is a home solicitation sale, and if you do not want the goods or services, you may cant this agreement by provluing written notice to the setter In person, By telegram, or by mall. Thin netfes me -It i;;dl�te that y: 'ao not want the goods or services and must Be deli:erbd yr ps=terorked bufe:e midnight of the third buJrie— a;.y Wfte. Y. ofe : thi_ ao =elllvrit If y -e eoer_I thl- -g -umunt, the z-lle. ropy riot keep all or port of ony c ..h dowix payman:. See if rce;amu .ddu h-r.f for an of thio righL • i cknowludgu ih..: my right :o c..ncel has br-=, r explained to me orally and in writing, and without waiving my right to cancel. I authorize t performance of the work, subject to all terms and conditions set forth on the reverse side hereof, plea eery ti --v= epom eerrlploti=rl Notice TP Owns. - D. no; sign thin home i ... provonrent con;, act in blank Tou are entitled to a copy of the contract at the t me you sign. Koep it io proioci your I.gal rights This home rmprovament contract may contain a mortgage or otherwise c;e:te _ lierr em deer property tn�att c{oulQ oe ioreciosed on if you do not pay. Be sure y=u ■Rd-rsl-md -II prFi=iorl= of the no -I set before yet -ign. CUSTOMER SIGNATURE nATE oveR.R- REF'c .111:..,-a i CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE 0 251- /unmium Rueae,.;ml =erns lee .., irelile.n rw.. ..� :;o � ssr►ea Michell. Franklin, GFA — Saint Lucie County Property Appraiser -- All rights reservet7. Propc. y Idcnafic...lvr. Si:a Addmr_: P.wel ID• A.c.�: p. M -p ID: U= T„_. Tyein„ City/C.Me,-• 0-ncr.hlp D—id Da, is Sr (LF FST} 751 -.to,I Pi—.'_.. Legal Description P-RKw„ Y GRSVC LSC..TMV. IT I. ILK 3 -+a FT WF __... --- I w P—. --P ee--Im 1"R I:. 334019611 Current vol__. I[el/Marke[ V_Ir_: 549,300 A :_cd Val.:. $49.100 Iix-=Flip__: $25.onn T:_hl- VA— $2o.1— T2xes roa lh p:_-1: SLCiaa Colleetoes om s Download TRIM ro: lh:x pon-I Do"I"J PDF 0 T■tal A.. Finhh.d(UndeTAi-_ (SF) 130. Gmss Arc: (SF): 1,9Ic land Sim (aarca): Land St7e (SF): ;, so..n 6'81 TARO Sr :313.701.00a54O0-4 11783 23 13S 0101 RS -1 Saml Lacic Comm, c,we anu u nu vearramed. C eopyngot 2.,17 3-im , Envie county Pmperty „ppmi.cr All njIs n:scrved. ■ ■ �o www.ahrldirectory.orgI Cuffiffiudite of Product Ratinp AHRI Certified Reference Number: 7499174 Date: 7/24/2017 Product: Split System: Air-Cooled Condensing Unit, Coif with Blower Outdoor Unit Model Number: RA1436AJ1 Indoor Unit Moael Number: RHIP3617STAN manuracturer: KnEERI sAEft Cu141PAIVT, limC. Trade/Brand name: RHEEM; RUUD Region: zouiReast and r4wRR JAC, AR, DC. Dr-. FL., GA; Ri, Ito, LA; MD; MS, NC; OK; SC, TN; TX, VA AK; CO, CT, ID, IL; IA, IN, KS, MA, ME, Ml, MN, MO, MT, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OR, PA, Rl, SD, UT, VT, WA, WV, rtrl, lrtr r, 0.3. r erritories) Revlon Note: Central air conditioners manufactured prior to January 1, 2015, are eligible to be installed in all regions until June 30, 2016. Beginning July 1, ztl i o, central air contlitioners can only Be installeM in region-sl Tor wnicM tney meet elle regional amaiv..a, rayalrarnent. Series name: Manufacturer responsible for the rating of this system combination is RRECRI 3ACca CC;MF AR T. IRC.. R_tatl -- Tallow. IR -■aorta-Rev -I[I1 ARKI staRB-;-u zi O/z4O-2006 for Unitary Air-Conditioning and Air-Source Heat Pump E,4uipment and subject to verification of rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsoretl, Inuepeneent, girtl party testing: Cooling Capacity (Btuh): 3400 EER Rating (Cooling): 11.50 SRrtm Raiing tLoolingy IZ00 IEER Rating (Cooling): R,.Ongs folly :ad By -m rzta::R-'I : a;vam r v1,,liry rrrb p; pra-:ioaz.y pt, lli4naa a ia. .masa occ.mpan,M n.u, n nns, mli_ indicates an involuntary rerate. DISCLAIMER AHRI d— nut nd-p_. th. pp■dent:o) IL-t=d =n thin C.ptlfl■et■ and n,-k.o ,-,■ r■pr■_.-t-t6m, _MQ «saamas no r�spa—leillly Tor, me prooud(s) ilsced on this Certificate. AHRI expressly disclaims all Ilabillty for damages of any kind arising out of th= ■= ■p p■rf....._w.= =f th. pp.da.t(e), ■p th. commhudzed allaraa.n of d..:_ lia:.d -n :his C-stifl.are. eertif -o r--,Ings «ra :«fi.. only Tor mu..als dna c..nagoratlorts Ils.=a in the directory at w-- ahpldla�etnp).opg. TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and Its contents are proprietary products of AHRI. This Cert10■a. =h_II ■el; b■ ■ .d !■p IwdL-ideal, p■,-w_I -wd coneaantl-1 r■r.ranca parpases. -a wrnums .r7 mis earrincata may n..t, in wrloie or n part, be reproduced; copied; disseminated; �' .nt■r■d int■ - umi;Etn d_t_b__■; ■p ■th■miza ■til :ad, ie --7 (OFF" s-na n ■r ,-:ar ar by -my m, a--p. to, ;Ila aac.'a inaiviwa«I, personal and confidential reference. AIR CONDITIDNING, HEATING CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION I013717TITE ainrarrrr..ion Tortne model cited on this certificate can be verified at www.ahildirectory.org, click on'Veplf, C_rtifl■a link „r indl,- hIe fknc:- --d .wtvp'h. AHRI C.rdflad Rvf.n n.. Nemba. -nd aha &:a a.. - luh th- c.rdaaara was is■aea, which Is listed above, and the Certificate No., which is Lst_d at bottom right. vzU;L4 WrZontfluoning, Readng, anti Retrlgeradon institute CERTIFICATE NO.: 1314531617113342886