HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationALLAPPLI ■ i NFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPUCATION TO BE ACCEPTED Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division Permit Nu be 2300 Virginia Avenue, Fort Pierce FL 34982 phone: (772) 462-1553 Fax: (772) 462%m1578 Commerc*lalResid�ntiai Property Tax ID #11ok 1� Z� — ��l Site Plan Name: Lot No. Block No* ProJect Na eV Setbacks Front Back: RI S'I'd 3 '�M i *t. a # ** * •# *. ' t#+ ,y ■ f +° i' �r�■F�' r a*�; �Ti * # +ii * *�i l.*� t■si�,��T=ti� ; a ii�4* � i *# + �T4' 1. ■�. r � 1 # 0.0P ff s � f►f■� 4; i�a rr 4itii, ■ ti s ..#� '�.r�r1 �r i ��I".'.**�.yr'M�Ti �� F_t�,4 i*�a+s � . +" +iri�lr`■ ■r fa�F+■1¢� 'i�to :�� y4r L't Ip �tt*�#3i� ��#s1'�i4F� �Y"i�v■ #r �!�Y' t��*'■,i�k"■��y■ ' ,t �#* fF■�i*� .F+ij� * .a;■t*i ■ a�r *+ * i . 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Ut'lities, State: 1::?, Faxlp 2. lf� L 56 1 of First Floo Sewer i Name., Company: Address City: ndows/Doors r: Septic Building Height: Roof pitch *r i # i` 1+ * r*, *mit * ■ �r ■ �■ ■r ■ + i *s g ■ m IL t Ii*1 * 4a tir�M+� be ! i i' i4 f F *+ ., • �■ 4 * k� # ��* ■ iy 1 �. �I i'ti . �#iy ! �F ! ■ r# - -.7 i■ ■ f*t # • ■ • ''yi * * ■ F ; f a Fk ■ f ..if i ��#3:2n Y t�rs� ■� ** ��* +**��I *i atm �� r■�# _ ra -W: r� %r . tnrytellp,r<k, g Zip Code: Phone No,,11� Fill infee simple title Holder o.n nett page if different E�Mallob from the Owner listed above] State or County License Fax: WWI St a t e:'F=L. Z-�tp1 � �1Z.2 ff value of construction is $2500 or more, a RECORDED IUotice oP Cornrr�encem�nt is required. 1 certify that no work or installation has commenced p epresentation that is granting a permit will authorize the. ermit holder to build the subject structure ict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules, bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure. Please consult with your Homek.wners Association and review your deed for any rior to the issuance of a permit, St. Lucie Count which is in conrl makes no r restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit.? I do hereby agree that I will., in all respects, perform the work in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Building Codes and St., Lucie County Amendments. The following building permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, accessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your paying twice for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must be recorded and posted on the jobs.'mte before the f*irstinspeciont. If you intend to obtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before commencing work or recordingUr Notice of Commencement. nature of Owner/Lessee/Contractor as Agent for Owner STATE O..F FLORIDA COUNTY OF The forgoingiinstr this. day of _ M ument was acknowledged before me 2 0 Ll.. -by (Name of person acknowledg-Ing) ignature of Notary Public- State of Flo rida ) Personally Knowrl OR Produced Identification MMMqM----- ------ Type of Identification "P'�' SUSANMONTENEGRO Commission Noll � ��i�`�*�§ MY coN��►� � GG 089099 *' *6:;i EXPIRES; ApN 2. 202! ,0;*6 ,;, gentled Thru M04 Pvtk Uf4wwt%m-0MMMP Revised 07/15/2014 L'q 11111 JP F - 07 JIMPOIlIll1lorp S sWature of Contractor/License Holder STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF The forgoing instr this Zr day of _ ument was acknowledged before me 20 A by (Name of person acknowledging) S'I'gnature of Notary Public- State of Florida Personally Known OR Produced Identification Type of Identifica on Produced Commission No. SUSNEGROAN %`41 � �E MY CoNiNjISSION # GG 489099 'r A 2.2021 ,Bonded Thru Notary Pubk Ur4e�miIm This cvt'nbination qualifies for a Federal Energy Effid'iency Tex Credit when placed in service between Feb 17,2009 and Dee 31, 2016" AHRI Certified Reference Number: 7932227 Date: 7l21/2017 Product,*, Split System: Air -Cooled Condensing Unit, Coil with Blower Outdoor Unit Model Number: 4TTR4025LI Manufacturer: TRANE Indoor Unit Model Number: TMMSA01324M21SAA Manufacturer: TRANE fig r L 0 L' M-11gMoN, �� �� AMLT,,, �4fR A►� XAHNM fit) G�' �]C,�E F�., GA. Hi, 1D, I�., fA, IN, I�S, , i.�t, N1A, MD, ME,Re � �� NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, Rte, Rt, S , SD:, TN. TX, UT, VA, VT., WA, WV, illi, (, U.S. Territories) Regi on Note: Central air conditi+vners manufactured prior to January 13 2015., are eligible to be installed 'In all rians until June 30., 2016. Beginning July 1, e20'16, central air conditioners can c�r�ly be installed in region(s) for v�hich they meet the" regional �f��ie�c� �rec�u�rr�m�nt. series 'name: XR1 4 Ma hufacturer responsible for the rating of this system combination is TRANE Rated.as follows. in accc�rdance iwith .�t�iF� Standard 21012404��� for Unitary A116rpConditioning and. AirmSource Heat Pump Equipment and subject to- verificaflon of rating accuracy by AHRIwsponsored, independent, third party testing* Cooling Capacity (Btuh).- EER Rating (Cooling): SEER Rating (Cooling)., IEER Rating (cooling): 11111WREA =#1 I. 1-3.00 16.00 Ratings followed t ri k*rindicate a voluntary to of r WAS, which 1"nidicates an Involuntary rests, DISCLAIMER AFRI does not endorse theproduct(s) listed on this Cerffcate and makes no representations, Warrant'iles or guarantees as toy and assurnesno, responsibility for., the o I Isted o n th -is, Ce rtffi cate. AH R1 expressly d i Sc I al M%II 11"abi lity for damages of any kind arisi n Out of the use or petrfor ice of the pr r o r t unauthorized alteration data listedo thisCertificate. et ratings are valid only r models and configuration Isted 'in the directory, at vvwwah rldltectory.o r, . TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Ceftificate andits contents are, proprietary product,5T, This Certificatell only be used for Individual, pemonal confidential reference purposes. The intents of this Certificate may not, in whole or in part, be reproduced; copied disseminated; entered into a computer database; r otherwise utilized, In any form or manner or by .any means, except for tie useirs individual, personal and confidential reference. & REFRIGERATION INSTITUTE CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION The Informa6lon for the model cited on this certificate verified at w. a r� di r y. r, click on "Verifyri ate link let�I.Tu and enter the AHRI Gertified RefemnceNumber and the date. on which the cortifiwasl"Ssued, which is listed above, and the Certfficate No.,., which i's 11sted at bottom right. C320:14 AVIIIIIIICondltloningf, Heating, and Refrigerationinstitute