HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit Application ALL APPLICA LE I TO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO BE ACCEPTED Date: 01 Permit Number: ! / � • RECEIVED Building Permit Application JUL 2'7 2017 Planning and Development Services Building and Code Regulation Division 2300 Virginia Avenue,Fon:Pierce FL 34982 Phone:(772)462-1553 Fax:(772)462-1578 Commercial Residential PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: To Select from dropbox, click arrow at the end of line PROPOSED liV P;A0'V£Mf= O NTLI: C}A N Address: Lz c GLAI Legal Description: jr'r4A S JP L UIJ i T I Q U( , Li) Property Tax ID#: Lot No. Site Plan Name: SG tj `fd i ,Pe Block No. Project Name: S C'0 +�V Y Setbacks Front Back: Right Side: Left Side: DETAICEDfDES�I�iPTL��,® nT�O�=. Y��; � ! �.� .�. 1 a iX9,F.?R 4 a ...s '� sy �i 4.�ca''„�1 z'i � Y ay S '�.•> . . CQNSTRtJ[t`T! NNC�?E3 TIONS ?f`...� .., &du ir�w ,�e�0201Aa itiona wor o e e or a under this perms -check a appy: IJHVAC Gas Tank ❑Gas Piping _Shutters 't�Vindows/Doors Electric F]Plumbing Sprinklers F Generator, Roof Total Sq.,Ft of Construction: 1- 3 1' S .Ft.of First Floor: Cost of Construction:$ utilities:H Sewer Septic Building Height: OWNERjLESSEE ,SCO"NTAS Q [T€j � Eana�.°fie t'. f1g S+ Name C v 'i Ao 41 Name: Peter A Catsro ill Address: 9 lour e- C Company: Lawes Home Centers, LLC City:_ L'g tYW 4 U IS lug tate:_V( Address: F'.O Box 7$1993 Zip Code: Fax _ City: Orlando iState:FL Phone No. z�`L - �(a " i Zip Code: 32878-11993 Fax: E-Mail: Phone No. Fill In fee simple Title Holder on next page(If different E-Mail: from the Owner listed above) State or County License: CGC1508417 If value construction is$2500 or more,a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required. r.A��e � w� 3)_ —6� 3 Sly'PPI.EMNTAL�CQ `�$�jrCO(y-�{j/,'. NtA�S 1 �p "�ipq` DESIGNERAN INEER: Not�App icable MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: Stater City: State: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: . Not"Applicable BONDING COMPANY: _Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit. St.Lucie Countv makes no representation that is granting a permit will authorize the permit holder to build the subject structure which is in conflict with any applicable Home Owners Association rules,bylaws or and covenants that may restrict or prohibit such structure.Please consult with your Home Owners Association and review your deed fogy any restrictions which may apply. In consideration of the granting of this requested permit,I do hereby agree that I will,in all respects,perform the work in accordance with the approved plans,the Florida Building Codes and St.Lucie County.Amendme S. The following building,permit applications are exempt from undergoing a full concurrency revi :r om additions, accessory structures,swimming pools,fences,walls,signs,screen rooms and accessory,uses o an er non-residential use WARNINGTO O ER:Your ur to Record a Notice of Commencement ma result your pa in g twice for improvements f r prop .A otice of Commencement must be rec rded a d post o the jobsite before the first' p ion. you in end to obtain financing,consul with ender o an a me before commend wa rec din o Notice of Commencement. y V , : V s _Signature of ner/Lessee/Agent Signature of C tractor/License H der STATE OF FL IDA STATE OF F . RIDA COUNTY OFR m COUNTY O o-NGE _ The r ing i me s c n wledg fore me TheIII in it strument was a:k owledg d ore me this day 20 by thisa f_ l! .201 1by PETER A CAFARO III ( ►► PETER.A CAF O III Vof person ackno dgingj (Name of person acknowiedgl )tu of otary Public-State bf,Fl rida j i gnature o otary;Public-State of FI rids Personally Known x OR Produced Identification Personally Known ,x OR Produced Identification ,Type of Identification Produced Type of Identification Produced Commission No. FF 981"7 Commission No. FF 96M N bf Stall of t totida !11 1111111111 Pu aSta Of Fb Ida . Keri M ftwbord Karl M Rimboni erw Exphu .,...,. '91arrdr EiplrasftU=26 Revised 07/15/2014 REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEA TURTLE MANGROVE COUNTER REVIEW. REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW DATE COMPLETE INITIALS z +, k x t t CONTRACT St s} Ft t3 JDA$ERViCEs StsL J 1`IL1NS IWT—A.CED=S!#LES;CONITRAC7 n n �toNl'Mnur}raRQFt}aEPRE'SM/ktivG'" .Nuua�Ft . S t StN7;WpRE,SS .._. - STORE,NaX.. �:ADCkE53.. i <GTY CITY STATE ' _• TELEPfII`S}dE _ ^DATE V e � GCkRnACTOR LJCEfiSE NU1.ffiEf't: C1.ry--_" -„rte :� fit a Tin mem m�ucnmidtea and mii,ira ylntad taipw'chis Loe+cn»s an>r6To N•rT��'peYr �Piyvwt*IQ entti'e:dgroeq*M"4V rr+i s�wi3A�ty nrm�dmd pa�+s orCur. doMvmeei{,eeTams and Cartfti Mtdwod*fth OW40gsmd4odiInY l;dtyj a4dmda,,d r,","ba ratbrtads3 two in Cts ihii`C.Net. ' PGE"�k',•W_AO ML TEAJAS AND WNOfttW�S'ON ME FOAMSE SIDE OF INS PAre AND FMWWM PAGES RVM CISNING, ' xnlrxurtETA �a • NOTICE TO CU5TOMER,w PRi E"C LCULAT pNs !n onlar,to pro partarm'tho i aitaUon of Gallein Goods,Ito Can ct Prue mayrsciude mole GOtisis n'itctI;*will lits installed erased an the lrtaasiirad square tootagtr of the Protect-Aree As a tasirtl the partioS agmo,that the lump-sum Pico` stated rn,ihts Conttact is cakxliI a,tipan both the tue of usUmated Gaotts retluited to f�lfill 6 Cantraof(I dud wasta),.which may)rrcceod t#rl3 acitkr! tY� square faolage of Lha ProfoctAiga,and the tabor witirJT'inrry ba estimated based; the amouh ajGoods Tequirod to fdifill tha.Contract(Includif waste).? By igning ihis.CaritraCt hobw;Custornor•admovJtedges"roCeipt t a agrees an nde" a, l,the Ptitm inrJo hese cesta whlch_may.." not bo refunded once ihe>Installation Serirrcrrs arn'por#amtad:` �S NOTICE TO,CUSTOMER:,Fodaral law re quiros l owd's to provide u Wtith the pamptdet Renovate Rtght Bystgning this Caitt .ci;Customer.acknowledges Ot7traC(TOta( 4 heving received a copy of;this pamphlat bofore'work began Informing Customer of the poltntiatrisk of the laid hard exposure trdin renovation nattvlty to `gppliCabiE t3XCS inC(UtteB performed In Customer's dweliiriunit NOTE:U ratted wood Is discovered du ng Instal attan additiana ,t harges wilt apply.You wilt bo given a quote and a ehangworde.r must bo ctltnpplotad and`Ili"wind by the customer br,any addlUonat charged` ` _ �:�.Customer tniiiflnitlal. Mau or'material rwl r f�'ts not included ini9comma:Any cb os of ndditons wilt 6o t-uh 0drtfttoniU Cha o tar'tha"mn1041 and latiot. .NOTICE TO OWNER; ACCDRDiNG TO'FLORIDA'S.•CONSTRUCTION.LIEN!LAW (SECTIONS 713.001-71337,:FLORIDA STATUTES2,THOSEWHO`WORK ON YOUR PROPERTY.0R.PROVIDE MATERIALS AND SERVICES'AND ARE NOT PAID IN FULL'HAV WRIGHT TO'E+1F_ORCE THEIR"CLAIM FOR PAYMENT AGAINSTYOUR'PROPERTY.THIS`CLAiM IS KNOWN ASA CONSTRUCTION:.LIEN "'IF YOUR ,CONTRACTOR 'OR A SUBCONTRACTOR FAILS- TO -PAY SUBCONTRACTORS-, SUB-SUBCONTRACTORS;,OR MATERIAL.SUPPLIERS;THOSE,PEOPLE WHO ARE OWED MONEY MAY LOOK"TO YOUR PROPERTY FDR PAYMENT,EVEN IF YOU HAVE ALREADY,PAIDYOUR CONTRACTOR IN FULL.IF YOU FAILXPAY YOUR .. CONTRACTOR;YOUR CONTRACTOR MAY ALSO HAVE:A LIEN ON YOUR PROPERTY.THIS MEANS IFA LIEN IS FILEDYOUR PROPERTY COULD BE SOLD AGAINST YOUR W1LL.TO PAYFOR LABOR,MATERIALS;OROTHER,SERVICES THATY.OUR. 'CONTRACTOR—OR A SUBCONTRACTOR MAY NAVE.FAILED TO`PAY.TO:PROTECT YOURSELF;.YOU SHOULD'STIPULATE� IN THIS CCtNTRACT.7HAf BEFORE'ANY PAYMENT IS MADE„YOUR TRACTOR IS REQUIRED.TO.PROVIDEYOU WiTHA - WRITTEN"RELEASE OF LIEN,FROM ANY.PERSON OR COMPANY.THAT HAS PROVIDED TO.;YOUA'"NOTICE°TO OWNER" FLORIDA'S CONSTRUGTION LIEN LAW lS C,OMPL'EX;AND iT;IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU CONSULT AN ATTORNEY.:, PHOTO RELEASE;Custwnet granas to Lowe's and!awe's ompioyoos and lndapchdant agniraciota the dghttto take photagrapis of the Premises wrtieta instaHanon Si{ivieos wit!ixr.pettarmati end altviar)i par(anso;f at Elie Premises iela#ad to this Contract andlirmvoc6bly nt •to:Cowi+`s till r iii,t t�eand� interest rn and to Ura phatogtaphs liar asp in all mart ots elid`nirxfla wnddwida Iii parpetuily.Customer autnoi¢es Lgwa s to copyrigtll use and'gubtish Ulo phot raphsln print andtafzriatlrorsica{{y nrsd tigie shot l owes may use such hisio9raphs for An}t IaWiui purpose Intliuiing bonnet kmded fq;rnaitselir . adVrrri mg."pulsfiGty.ituatraCton trzt[rll ig and web oantant,8y�nttat ng I*i Customer eamas til t#m fwegning (Cuitomor W inttlalto.ttia iaft}: Werk is to coirimenw"upon raasonabio avaiialaility of Contractor an' or any spacial order cr.eustamer,mado.Good(s)which is anticlpatoif to:ba .,,, (ill to data] Estimated aompiellon i 661's .. (tithin`dato]. Said esurrialed substantial,compieUon_date is not of the essence.A statement Of any`contingencies that would materially change said estimated substantial coinptatIan date is;as follows:` ff hµpticable,lbseri a statement or such�ntingenciies); This,Contract ptovidos that ad claims by Customer or Lowe a wiihbo#osotvo'-by`BtN0i 40'i461fkATION,Custcmarand Lowo's Glvi uo."TttE RIGHT TO TO COURT to enforco,tlils Contract(EXCEPT,for matters thug may betaken to sMALt::Ct,A1M5 COURT),'Loare's and Customdes rights".will bo determined lay a NEUTRAL'Af 60ATOR-and`,NOT"a;judge"or Jury.,Lowo's and_Cus omerare;entiUed to,a MIR-HEARING._But the,asbitrition procodurei'aro timpLE11At3D'MORE`UMITED*THAN RULES APPLICABLE IN COURT.Arbilralordecisions oro,as enforceable as any court order and ore subject to VERY tIMiTED•RE'VIEW BY A COURT,FOR MORE DETAILS Raviow,ttio section 6tled`ARtdfTRATtON AGREENCENT,WAiVEr;,OF JURY TRIAL AND WOER OF CIA ION ADJIUDICAT{t)N foundln thoTarms`and.Condltlans pt-this"Contract: "*' DO NOTSiGN THIS CONTRACT;UNTiL COMPLETE AND YdU.HAVE;READ TNE'Ti AND.CONblilONS CONTAINED,ON ALL PAGkS Ol°TtHI5'COMTRACT.`dY.SIGNING,boiL `YQU.ARE'ACttNOWI EbG)NG TFIA'T"`IOU HAVE'READ UN6ERSTAND; ANC!AGREE 70'THE°TERMS ANC>:CON[littONS.SET FORTH.Oh.ALL,PAGES'OF THIS CQNTRAQT.1'OU:ARE ENTITLED TO A COPY OF TtltS OONTRACT AT'iNE TIME,;OF StisNATURE. - v1iTNESS tTUFt NAND(S};NiD.StAl.(S)BELOW THIS QDAY OF Lgwe's`Hoine'.Centers, Owner ;fj_ ' ." • "Lei Lo"'s Authorized Ropreaantativa Co owner or Maass: - Customoracirnewtodgos rocolp't of a true copy,oft his contract whioh`was compictaty filled In prior 16Z;tOmor'g,exoc'ution bereof:You;thri buyer,may cancel this fanS3Ctlon atony time priorto-midnight of.iho',third buslnoss,day after,tho'data'ot:this'transacUon,Soo the attached notice'of:cancellation form for an ezplgnatlon,of this n'll