HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Commencement JOSEPH E . SMITH, CLERK OF THE CIRtUI T COURT - SAINT LUCIE COUNTY FILE # 4329453 OR BOOK 4019 PAGE .2781 , Recorded 07/13/2017 1253:06 PM P,eparEd or The iiorrie Depot JUL 2. 203i' G74 S.Milit;iry Trail P E RM 1 l iNG Deerfield 8?.ach FL 33442 St.Lucie CoUnty) FL NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT THE UNDERSIGNED hereby gives notice that improvements will be made to certain real pxuperly,and in accordance with Section 713-13 ofthe Florida Statutes,the following information Is provided in the NOTICE, Or,COMM INC I T L EMFN f. 1. Description ofpmpvrtV(Iggaldesc tioll:) Oaay,,See�iQn I-flyl a) Street Address:_3100 -Irl, VV+ -est 6o!l 2. General description ofirnpravcments 1. Owner Information a) Name and address: dav— J)ob 61,q btrj� j-P&Bbq F- pe4 ,P -e(.(, b) Name and address offer simple title older(ifother than owner) Er6Z?6nC- c) Interest in property OwirvOy- 4. Contractor Information a) Name and address; T"Horno copot. 674S.MiSlaryTrall D.effWd8mch.F1addn$34-12 b) TelephonuNo.: q643710,-1500 Fax No.(Opt.) 5. Surety Information a) Name and address: NIA b) Amount of Bond:, c) TelepboneNo.: _Fax No.(Opt.) G. Lender a) Name and address: wA 7. Identity of person within the State*of--Florida designated by owner upon whom notices or Dther documents may be served; a) Name and address; N/A b) TrIciphone,No.; Fax No.(Opt,) 8, In addition tD himself,owner designates the following pmort to receive a copy of the Lie-tor's Notice as provided in Section 713.13(1)(b),Florida Statuses; EL) Name and address.* NIA b) Telephone No.: Fax No.(Opt.) 9. Expiration date ofNot;ct:of Commencement(the expiration date is one year from the dat,of recording unless a different date is specified);—. �J!(,,- WARNING TO OWNER:ANY PAYMENTS MAIiZ BY 71119 OWNBR AFTER THE EXPIRATION OF THE NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT'ARE CONSIDERED IMPROPER PAYMENTS LINDER CHAPTER 713,PART 1,SLI CTION 713.13, FLORIDA KIATUTES AND CAN RESULT IN YOUR PAYINGTVNICE FOR IPROVXMENTS TO YOUR PROPERTY.A NOTICE OF COMMENCEMENT MUST BE RECORDED A POSTED ON THE JCB SITE BEFORE THX FIRST tnM� LTfto INSPECTION.IF YOU INTEND TO OBTAIN FX?qAjNC-TNV-, . YOUR L&4D*OR AN ATTORNEY BEFORE COMMBNCING WORK OR RECORDING You.iq6TICE OF COM E M STM OF PLO DA COUNrV OF Zae e Oweror pcr's Print Name The Foregoing irstrutrimt was acknowledged before me this // day of Q-- 20 by ---- as 2�)"—.)le (type of uuth(Xity,e.g.officer,InLfte,altomey In fact (name orparty on behalf of whPeft-1-ninrumeat was oxemded). Personally Known OR Produced IdeatificationNotary Signature Type o0dentification Produced e,,*Y YRS, Naine(print) Verification pursuant to Section 92.525,Florida Statutes.Under In it are true to the best of my knowledge and belier, =011o,P.=0.614ft.of=1.16U. MY Commission GG 101013 Ezore*OW`11*021 orre