HomeMy WebLinkAbout6734 Picante CircleALL APPLICABLE INFO MUST BE COMPLETED FOR APPLICATION TO Darc. 7131117 BE ACCEPTED Permit Number: Planning ond Development Services Building ond Code Requlation Division 2300 Virginio Avenue, Fort Pierce FL j4982 Phone: (7721462-1.553 Fax: (172\ 462.L578 Building Permit Application Commercial Residentia I x PERMIT APPLICATION FOR: Mechanical PROPOSED IM PROVEM ENT LOCATION : Address: 6734 PICANTE CIRCIE Legal Description: Property Tax lD Site Plan Name: Project Name: 4' 1306-500-0206-000-1 Lot No. Blocl< No. Setbacks Front Back;Right Side:Left Side: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF WORI(: LIKE FOR LIKE CHANGEOUT 3.5 TON 15 SEER 5 KW CONSTRUCTION INFORMATION: VI Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Cost of Construction: $ 5689'00 o u n de rTFis pE rmlT {hGek- a I a oolv: Ieas eiping l-] sprint<ters Windows/Doors Roof t--_l Roor pitch Sq. Ft. of First Floor: Utilities: |-lr"*", It-oo. *rt,r, *** ----- TT OWN ER/LESSEE:corvinAcion, N6ms JOHN/ILEEN IIUGHES Name: CHRIS LANGEL Address; 6734 PICANTE CIRCLE Company: SEA COAST A/C cif'. FT PIERCE-'.r._State: FL Address: 3108 INDUSTRIAL 31st STREET- ZiP Code: 34951 cirr,. FT PIERCE -'r I . _State: FL p h one y1o. 7 7 2-67 2-4808 ZiP Code: 34946 p2*. 772-466-3053 phone Ns. 772-466-2400 Fill in fee simple Title Holder on next from the Owner listed above) page ( if different E-Mail: DANISEACOASTAIR@AOL.COM State or County License: CMC035421 lf value of construction is S25oo or more, a RECORDED Notice of Commencement is required, HVAC Electric Gas Tanl< Plumbingtr tltl S h utte rs Ge nerato r I certify that no work or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a st.. Lucie countv makes no repre,sentation that is grantlng a permit wiil authorizwhich is in conflict wirh any.-a'ppricab,fe Horiie orirhers /{ssocrarron.rures, byrawsstructure. Please consult with'lour Home owneis Assocraron and revrew your l: ::Tiq::ltl"i :lll.r" sranting of this requested permit, I do hereby agree thaIn accoroance wrth the approved plans, the Florida Building codes and lt. Lucie The following building permit apprications are exempt from undergoing a furr ccaccessory structures, swimming pools, fences, walls, signs,,aruan ioo,nr rno ua WARNING TO OWNER: your failure to Record a Notice of Commencimprovements to Vour propertv. A Notice .r C;-menrcLi.,-eni'r,, financing, con mmencement. Revised 0711512014 SUPPLEMENI-AL CONSTRUCTION LIEN LAW INFORMATION: ^-;^:: l:::-:_--r:1-r I ---- DESIGN ER/ENGINEER:_- Not Applicable Zip: phone: Ad d ress: E COMPANY: -- Not Applicable State: FEE SIMPLE TTTLE HOLDER: _ Not Applicable Name: Ad d ress: BONDI Name: COMPANY: _Not Applicable I will, in all respects, perform the work nty Amendments. currency review: room addition:;, uses to another non-residential use the permit holder to build the subiect structurer ano covenants that may restrict or prohibit such:eo Ior any restrictions which may apply. rent may result in your paying twice for be recorded and posted on the iobsitewith lender or an attornev before Signa f owne/l STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF srLUCIE Personally Known x OR produced ldentifi Type of ldentification produced commission No. FFe6145e of person acknowledging ) ture of Notary Public- State of flori STATE OF COUNTY The ing this day s acknowledged before me acknowledging ) ary Public- State of Florida-) srru rnent LANGEL REVIEWS FRONT COUNTER ZONING REVIEW SUPERVISOR REVIEW GETATION REVIEW SEA TURTLE REVIEW MANGROVE REVIEW COMPLETE IN ITIALS