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ALL APPLICABLE IIQFO mUST BE CQmrEETEa tOR APPLICA.Iuty 1313, ACCEPTED �-.C3CINTT Permit Mummer: Building Permit Application rraR..:,,y a,,.d Devempment.).F , aul it;..y ,.,,d Code rreyurariorr, c10 v;, y;,,;a Avenue, Torr rL 34982 rnone: (/72)462-1553 Fax: (//Z)462-1578 PERMI I APPEICATIUM FUR: PROPusE❑ IMPROVEMEM i Cu 1-1- : Address: 6501 G.s Commercial Res;aential x .—r "e '.ZZ -F 7 - [.,Sal Description: i-_crL w y� f t3 fir wr 1 Property Tax ID #: Lot No. /x_ site roan Name: !� Project iQome: 4, �O.j i'�r► �` L��, w r� _ Block No, — SetbacRs Front nark: Right viae: Len zi;ae: —� DE I AILED DESCRip I Iuly 8F WORK: EAdct change out CO>QS I RUCTION INFORMIAi I IUN: HvNL LJ Gas Manx ElecTric Q Plumbing Total Sq. Ft of Construction: Cost of Const, uction: 5�] UWNER/LB5Et: I9.me permit - cMerk aIi appy: Gas riping _ Shutters Sprinklers Generator b. Ft. of FirsL floor: _ Drilities:11Sewer ElSeptic Address: 111, City:—G- ' 1! °_f p - State: F[ clp Coo,: L'!5 _ Fay: NIA i Flip, -,e No. E -Mail: Rrm Fill In fee simple 1 itle Holder on next pare (if different from rifle owner listed abovel LURTRACTOR: /:�yc_N�0S6L QWindowsMoors Roof 11uhaing Reirht: Dame: ZaceR, uenniz Company: r+mericvvi Residential service3 Address: ZOO US H,vy 1 CILy: voro Beach FE State: cip Cade: 32960 Fax: 7rc r5z;-y/tfi PRone No. r rc r�i4-r121 E -Mail: e.L e State or County Llcens if value ni coe�traction Is $c300 or ,.,vre, a R=EumDrD Nome of Commencement i; required. SuPPLERIElq iAC CuIg5I RuL] ItJM CI> Iq Mvv imFuRMAI IGN: DESIGNER/ENGINEER: Not Applicable MORsI GAGE COI011'1 RY: mame: Name: Address: Ad ess: City: Mate: Ity: Lip: PRone: Lip: Pnone: _ Mot Applicable FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: _ Not Ap able BONDING COMPANY: Not Applicably Name: Iaame: Address: mddress: City., City: Zip: Phone: Zip: Phone: I certify tR-r no -o. R or inar..11otion R,.a eomrneneea prior [v the ImMurlec or o permit. St. Lucie Count makes no representakion ghat is srandns a NermiL will au,horize she ermiL holder �o build she subject structure wRicR is in conflict witR an, applicaale Rome C-ners Association ralez, oyla-s or omdd ee...-.onr in.1 m.., re3trict or promi6it OCR structure. Please consult with your Rome Owners Rssociation and review your deed for any restrictions whicn may apply. In consideration of she gran,ing of his reyuesked permit, I do hereby agree �haL I will, in all resper�s, perform the work in accordance witR the approve'u plans, tRe Rlori'ua Quilling Codes anti at. Eucie County r,mendmenis. Re rollowing Quilaing permit applications are exempt rrom undergoing a rull concurrency review: room additions, accessor9 souctures, swimming pools, fences, vralls, sisns, screen rooms and accessory uses to another non-residential use WARNING TO OWNER: Tour failure to Record a Notice of r`ommencement may result in your paying %wlce for improvements to your property. A Notice of Commencement must bx rGc-sled and pu5tud —wn the;%b3itz before the first inspetTion. If you intend Lo obtain financing_ consult with lender or an attorney before cvmmEncing v„urk rir recurdinE vour Notice of Commencement. 5 Signature of Owner/Lessee/Contractor as Agent for Owner signature or Con ctor/[::cense Roller STATE OF FLORIDA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF St LUCIE COON I Y OF ST Vl g The or oing instru en was acknowledgeFl4efore me TR pins instra ent as .cknowleds betore nye this; day of 20 by this day of Zr Ey DENNIS ZAG IL DENNIS ZACE (Name f er ac no— bi. Is I ame or rson acRnow led i g J f {Signat ire of Notary Public- State of F arida } {bi5aat r vy6ot... , POOR.- state or 1710635 } Personally Known xxx OR Produced Identification Type of Identification Produced . Ap$ $4y7"/GJ Commission No • N �0y 4 N O Peronallr Rnorin xxx OR Produced Identification Hype or loentirication Produced FF I PIOU]t)Aa��A6th Nt] i ru :y F-UMEr _.. Aevised 0ii V34% EXP&212U REvIEvvS rRONT cvlvlRIG vEIPERvl3'vR FMR3 vEGM11ola arm MRiEC IOlmR5R0vE COUI9TER REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW REVIEW VAIE COMPLETE IMI I DAIS l [ Heasi.-.g • RIan,6iAif fH ! ��,�_ �_�,, ? Est. Start Date�,� TI1zyftI7cIr YYVJ K �iFflC! E-1. UampiohmR Dote (772) 567-3100 Curper..ie Cosiurn i 21300 US High -..y 1, Vere Bc,.ch, FL 32960 Relclren: Amrim— Residan;zlr Sani.ee of Florida Ino Linen= f CMC124975Z CAC045ffM CFC.+«= (866) 803.0679 CUSTOMEREMAIL errQ :e� _ie v E2 :,f - nQQRL'a3 0 `- 1,RT, iS�c YOUR HVAC SYSTEM DESIGN OPTION I ■•OPTION 9 SIZE t ] TYPE r SIZE_ TYPI SIsE _Ls�TYP EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY EFFICIENCY $ �$ 5 $ SUBTOTAL $ s-� SUBTOTAL $ SUBTOTAL $ _ 4�ys_ MONTHLY EST.' � � MONTHLY ST.' $ MONTHLY E . • $ o CUST-3MER INITIALS ._ GUST ER INITIALS CUSTO INITIALS Warranty. / Parts _ ! _ _ Labor W oZ t% _ Parts ____� Labor rrnly: Waty: _ l C Parts � Labor _i&,!zCompbeeor lz�H_n Exchanger Compressvr,,::::::n•leal ExchangerCompressor_GHeat Exchanger Refrigerant recovered and disposed of as equired by law. Complete clean up inclu3ing - of flump aa:ere Iv prleet yump home c.,d remo-al of=ni:tiRg egPi;;m.Rt. All -erk eeRrpteted is ds;;e.R aewerdanee-dh u-icting a duE and purmit7, w pegerred. SPECIFICS OF - INSTALLATIONSELECTED OPTION: ❑ ❑ ❑ E3 vvaatherpceef ldGalrrreel to Eml—g ,arlectrenie Air Cle-er SUBTOTAL $ Diuvol nett Elor.trical ❑ Mod:.. F.her _. PFLifetime Equipment 'slab IG N@W Plywood Deck ❑ PCO T. a-Swe. A Ice _ti�ri Pcdo RNuooF7; Burt Drain Li -.v 0 U7 tight ❑ Liquid Tile Condai: ❑ Ca'lin Salvor Kit q g D Humidifier o Start Kit{ an & Float) D Dehumrla f er TOTAL $ Wl'Rafrigerant LL Dryor _ ,.,�,,}1M-'- Dmin 5-6ty, 5 -iter ❑ Oetdeer Un t P -d PI -1 7 `� RrRefrigerant Pipe �eal New Cu, muctions ❑ Floe Vef Jing G Now OlReconn_Ct © SePpert Attin Equip ❑ DQClrrork Cormrr.[ion D CASH D CHECK# 76efrigzran: Pipe Cover d3Sapp'y Pl-.Qm G Fuet Piping - 0 apansion Valve ❑ Raw fdReconnect G Eleclr cal Wiring ❑ CREDIT CARD (LAST 4#a) jrI-atut-Type SFieterR Plenern ZHeme Sew ew PIaR - E3N.—_�Rcee.�Reet 1 Tann (364 daya) EXP APPROVAL • GUARANTEES �fINANCING�G�..v XCia—iort Guarantee ;hHome Proter_tlon Guarantee O24 -Hour 5ervice Gmaparl__ Am 00,i. Urwenditi-Ral Money -Beek Go—low •P..ymcn; op; cans e-labla -!h approved rmc:: NOTES Ar- • W�dlen ee�to�,er oelheneotien - be obt- ped befum bcginn;ng any a .forc3co., Rd:tional or ortanded r. ark • ANY CLAIMS FOR CONSTRUCTION DEFECTS ARE b0B1ECT TO THE NOTICE AND CURE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER -6, FLORIDA 51ATUTES, • BUYER'S RIGHT TO CANCEL: ThI3 b a hams 3oliclmid.,n sale, and if you do not wani the goods or services, you may cancel zhf3 agreement by providing written notice to the seller in person, by telegram, or by mall. This notice must Indicate that you do not want the goods or services and must Be melivered or postmarked before mianight of the third business tray aftep you sign this agreement If you cancel this agreemen% the seller may not keep all op p_rt sf a..y ....:h de -e p..yrnont. Svc the reverse side hereof for an e-Oaevd■R of this righL • I a--kne-ledge th..t my tight Ic .-nam, ham bee_ u�pla ncd to me orally -nd R writing, and withea; -carving my right .o cancel, I cwhcrize .hv perform -mac of the -erk, mebjcct Io all te,,,.� _rid cenditio„a aa: foreh on the rovaraa eido hor-f, pla3 cmy toes opo„ vamptolivri. Notim To Owner Dosign + • h=m_ iRrpr"Turnent c.aMreet i., blank. Y e or entitled to a oupy of the oeRlnaet of the time you sign. v Kee it to rretee I rrgh : h�...e irpretme t .0-Ireet may aunt -IR ... rtg.-go e. vlh .1-a ._a Ia u lien o., year property th c Id be ler IeY 4V1 if yo4 0 net pay. Be core you a..dcral»rd -11 pra::aio„s of Iho cv t,t be you sign CU. TOMERSrG ATURE �. .- eeiR.,.n•RC� ml. ��7 4 QU3 GP.R3413M,4QRE QRic DATE C 2017 Amariran Rveideniiri Sconce. L.L.C. All riahl■ mserv, d F; T.( 1 Certificate of Product Ratings AHRI Certified Reference Number: 9543716 Date: 7/31/2017 Product: 3pllt system: mirzi-,00leo Coneensing Uniz, Coil witP Slower Outlloor Unix Motlel Auml7er: 64ACC43t1A=O3U= Indoor Unit Model Number. FB4CNF036L Manufacturer: CAKRItR AIK CUNDI 1101UN G Trade/Brand name: CARRIER Kwgio..: aontne..at an0 NoRli (AC, AR, DC, uE, FC, GA, HI, KY, LA, MD, MS; NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA AK, CO, CT, ID, IL, IA, IN, KS, MA, ME, MI, MN, MO, MT, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, SD, UT, VT, WA, WV, WI, vv r, 0.s. I errltories) Region Not.: Central air conditioners manufactured prior to January 1, 2015, are eligible to be Installed in all regions until June 30, 2016. Beginning July 1, 2016, central air conditioners can only Be Installed in regionis) for which iRey meet ille regional emciency requirement. Series name: COMFORT 14 AC 141....nr..otarar. . esponai6le Tor tn. rotiny of this system combination is CARRIER AIR CONDITIONING Rated as follows in accoraance will mMRI standar c,0icz;'u-wv6 for Unitary Air-CondMoning ano Alr;zource rleat Pump equipment and sudject to verification oT rating-wourao, By AHKI-spon4.orea, independent; third party testini: Cooling Cat acity (Btuh); 33000 LeER Rating -k%oolingy Ic.00 SEER Rating (Cooling)_ 14.00 IEER Rating (ooling). ' R .rings t.;owev sy a.. redsR (") moigie a volaniory r.rah yr preawOsly paDliaR� aaw aniess accompan ed with a WAS, which indicates an involuntary rerate. !lf�6�1'sRllR AHRI d■ee n_t eed■r■. the j;mdsct(,) IL -tad on thl= Cartlfisote and Pm -k- n. r.prex..t ;len„-pRwRtles or ga.mmivas as .a, .ed ossernes � u r,-pon3MIlty :or, the productts) listed on this Certificate. AHRI expressly disclaims all liability for damages of any kind arising out of the u=e ■r perf=rrw-rr-= of the pn:drret(e), or th_ an..o:h.ri-d ..I;.r..d.n of ..;.. Ila;.. o.. ;itis 0orduca;o. eoranoo ratings aro vuiru only rur mouels pnu 4urrngarativns Ilsicu In itic db■ct■q _t - =.ahrldb==t.r-.■reg, TERMS AND CONDITIONS This Certificate and Its contents are proprietary p_oducts Of AHRI. This Certlfkeat_ -hall =nl; b■ aoeq for indldd�.l, perw.._f and coa n0.nd.l re�rence porp.3os: -a contono orchis e.rd-nata may nut, in wwwtivlo ur in pure, D0 reproduced; copied; disseminated; ■nt_md i. -.t■ a nrw'=ter d -t -bo-; or ■th.rrd3. atlll_ed, in o,-,; ferny or rn..nner or b,- -my rn.ans, ...eep; for ;he -sorb Indlada.i, personal and confidential reference. AIR-CONDITIONING, MATING, CERTIFICATE VERIFICATION oslllPR:vl11..: all III,......! . �.e b.rurmud.n for the model cited on this certificate can be verified at www.ahridirectery.org, click on 'Verify Cartlfleate' link -c -_-eke I fe beiter -rid en -..7h. AHRI CoNfl.d R.loronca Number , rid ;hu d,.:e an which th..crrlfl..Z. W. 1330.0, which Is listed above, and the Certificate No., which is listed at bottom right, 131459889163052616 vcuiZ+ m1rwonOltioning, neaung, anti nerrlgeradon institute CERTIFICATE NO.: @Ilc!"Ielle PranRlln. CPk— saint Eucle County Property„ ppralser — All rights reservea. zk n_Mls �cl ;t! •,cceAnl Map IA: ow -YPm Gley. Ci.-,, C—, Ownership -,a; V 1lam11:1 6SOI paw RnAtes RVV) .ole rime. re,.+a I Legal Description --i . vea MR111- 14 r Re.. ;1 n ev; I, I :I..r 1,x..1 R tvR Current Values lUsTY:11artel Tame ssscsaeo Ta;ec. Zrcmpl ora �axa�,c ,,aloe .Toxo rorhis parzcl ..Le .as Cdlecmrs amre� .,on Gf.a•.. wR; kr as paled. 190111M. 71970 Tut -1 APv.•s Finished111nderAir (SF): Gross Arca (SF). Land Size (acres): = Sim (3i) Properly Identification 13e1-11+3-1—�5 x71a BMIN 111M R.S 4 Sain• Lecrc Cueal, y Thio i..f Illl aee M bel—d :e be..W..: M :him :ire. bel is is meb,..: M.hann��.. ped r_ eo: W a :_need. t' Cr.,,,..ger: 2917 Saler. La. etrm--7 Pr-rm ..rr._rser ..It siglr-..._c-r.ed.