HomeMy WebLinkAboutChange of Contractor To: Deanna St Lucie County Page 2 of 3 2017-08-04 20:19:53(GMT) 12293294104 From:Todd RHyne BUMPING&ZONI G DIVISION . 2306- V'TRRC TNt.A AVE FORT FIE'RCE,FL 34982 77 4621553 F '462=157:8 �O ( , ) G CHANCE'®F CONTRACTOR,SUBCONTRACTOR OR CANCELLATION OF PERMT ��o PLEAS1r.,-SE1.Yff ONE OF THE FaT I_0Zr1NG: T.I aCTOIt-..Chalige-..f Contractor is to be signed.and-notaari .e..d by;the:grogeriy owner; at3ti the xtew'carttractorof record for ills current'permzt t1 mew.permit application.must.also be.completed with new. butrat tc r'infilrmation dnd si6.iature .A.new.'Nct6*of!Conant nc�megtpatist:be filed in the.3iew� contractor':s name. dor job: aluss:;greater than,$2,,5 0 .($7x5.0!1. if.�ti/C Change-out). A recorded ropy rrcilsc be sulimittec prier to:commencin�;.:atty woxk:.'Tlaere. s:a$501.00 fee'forthe.cbAnge d contractor.. CHANGF,OF'S.UUCOl -TRA(.-.T..OR—SubconE�actar ehanges•are to be signed.by-the-general contiactor oni y The new subcontractor must fill.out.a Subcontractor Agreement Form wl'trch is-signeil by'both the contractor and subcontractor,.There-is.a:$50.00-fee for:the_:CharigeWSub.:Ontractor.. CANC LLATION OF PERMIT—The Gancellatign.of a:permit is.acceptable only if-no work has bein.dolle, ..... Cancellation.ofPermif.is'to be signed.and:notari ,y permit q 4 ual.ar:ofrecord.47f'laere is 7ao:fee.,or .eanceH400U:of tlae Permit. �Rtd: l 4 ber � -F !y�-f' 11 ? .' i'e>rtaeitl�U>laa �� � tE — %te.l�dda ss• , ll 7Qwy 4 1 State.License ^SLC.License Or al G.C;su4contractor or ow.ner/builder .. ................ . State, icense —SLC:License New:GC,subcontractor or ownerlbuilder. Reason for Cancellaiiva__,__,., _ -- `l7Ke.-'lmdersigrxed does_hereby agree io indetnttify and;#toltl;:ltarmless-St Lucie County,its Uf ce.�,agents:and.empl4Yees frQm.atl i osts fees or:damages.arising from.any and`a l claims of acnan for any zeason,whickt-tn,a}ante as a result of this:change of torts con for of canvellatiou of I A:hermit cannot. led if w as a perf4rtned, 44, ENER.AI:.CQNTRA.:TC)R nGC,as:apJible `rr y /�� ItINxNAME - 1 PI A -..^^^_--` Slate otT.Larida,;.Couniy.nf St LucieQ.sunry ;Slate r�c'filoada•Couaty of:St. �:c c.County. 7he.f01,4�vingins �mentwas.acknouecigedhefoce:ruetYiis. "aet��owtnginti ctts�2sacknowlbctgcd'6elon.uiethi �r�?," is '. "Who icr=atnolynme o s l 'to Put-, ': ,, aMte�s personally kncnn'to '".. F,. ���o has produced .7. C Fps ,. ;n , w1io has and r ,_—as lA_ h 7 ' 5' `#!moi. _5,,v _ Date. i5" t' e4f4btgry ' . vis�cX 05J18%201i .y v; „ T.ClALYNN:HENDERSQ\' MT t�Glz[y?tlN.iC.,:518(f.otf!Cooa _ . � �' la'+TfI!I`+r"Ofi yti3�:r.`3i�.. t t-` M1".y.Comm.Cxpires1u12Q,'2021 "�OP`:i•' B'"C'd MiLkb Walbf INakf'•''sY:.