HomeMy WebLinkAboutChange of Contractor (2) To: Deanna St Lucie County Page 2 of 3 2017-08-04 20:19:53(GMT) 12293294104 From:Todd RHyne ' 2300-VIR LIMA AVE FORT PEICE,FL 349$2 7125 )462= 5 42=157:8 `o r CHANGE'OI±CONTRACTOR,SUBCONTRA.(TOR OR CANCELLATION OF PERMT PLEASE-913-1,13-9 ONE OF 1TIE10 LO'krfNG: CIIAN.GE OF C NTIdl C C�IZ-.Change.o#Contractor]S to be signed.and.notarize..d by tlJe.pcopell owntrr; .: andl the new-cortfiractor.of record'f:or ttte curxzxJt< er3uit..k new,permit-application.anust.afsa lx co�pieted ith new. bTittdCtUr 1I11'drlllatlaIl s'Ild sigilatllre, :new.Notice.p Con]memertG><�,C_must:l?c fled in:the.new'contractor's laalrle. for job:�a1uEs..gres�ter than $2,,500. .( ?,S.QO. if-A/C Charge-out). A recorded copy Must be stabmitked prior to comme1jcing.:any woxk'.` jie e.Qjg.a$5O,.aO dee forthe:ChAuge-ofContracfor. i2HANCE'IFSUUC®iV't'RAC..TOR-Siubcontractor chapges are to.be signed.by the-general r ontractor only. The ndw subcgntraetor must fill.-out.a Subcontractor Agreement Form wbich is signed by'both the.contractor and sub cgntractor-There.is.a $50.00 fee for.- a Change.of:Sub,,..contractor.. -CANCELLATIOIN OF PERMIT-The cancellation.of aper ulit is-acceptable only if no work has beim.done. ..._ Cancellation.of.permit.is to be signed.alkcl:Iiotariztrcl.by both.- owner.and quali er:ofrecord.4'laere is:na:fee.10r pant e114lion:crf.tbe pernnit,- -� 1 N.mmber-, S>k._.� ?��°i� >,:C}t ite.Addrosg:: .. � ' t : State.License SI;C.License tkig,IWO GC;s44,ixntr?ctor;or owner/builder 'License SL'C:L cense_ New:GCr:subcontractor or owner/builder. Rtason for Cancellation_ `f�te:..pnclersi eed.does.hereby agree Co indernliify and:.#rol<3:Izkirm ss-St I:ucie County;its off..ccer,agGnts:end.emlilQyees from.all costs •fees or.damages arisingfrorn.any andN of actiQn.for an}:reason,which Loa}ance°:as a result of flus:change'of to con tor:or'caacellatiouof. . ,.A,.Perm_cannot iediftivi� as... eMperformed, 'NERora!n cT�b '.# ...'T :...izNERAAT.CotJfRit TUR new GC,asappJible) :P._tID1T;;NAi�?1 '!r!C�"rlr.7i"f ) . lr�al.'./ P..R.IIvT NAME _ State ooridP,.Coantj.:o:St Tuoic Caunty { f�l ;SwSa r�UF..{odLJA County of.-St.f rcc.County. .Cotlykvingins �mentwas.aclmoKlcs]gedbeFdremetiiis; Tnef!1 hec�vn��ns. t�2sacknowlaclgeil6efnc�.koethw r �: �y St. -�r�e-c;a .: •.'who is personzlly*n9wY k10 me �;k.,- rL 4' �e.a�'perscnall` �y.kiw is to vvllo h produced r_ i j��, mCJ, wh. has); as TD / R S' t e o�'NDa#e fu.. .ftp_telly Date F .35d.05/18 2011 :..Nv'" ••, T.n_?CIAWqN.H4!RJC•RSiOV o :mac, NcUry"ru llcr tZteofPodd, 3 jam? M1!y. omm.[xiras Ju!'2R.'2J21 . ••T�nnr-��: Aerwetl ll:roucb h:siicael K;;Izr:'su.