HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Permit ApplicationMME APPLICABLE IlarV M13 -NI BE COMPELFrED FOR APPLICATI0ty 10 ISE ACCEPTrG ti.vu[v s:Y�rt�' Permit Ru„,ber: Building Permit Application Hanning—--velo�,menraervic, auiraing a,.a Code Reyulation uivis.', ZZFM Virg.*-.- Ave,.Ue, ForrTierce N. 14.982 Phone: i1/z)462-1553 Fax: i//z)462-1578 PERIGII r APPLICATION FOR: Plambing VKOPOSeb IMF-ROVEMENT�WCA.I IC]111: Address: &/57 ZA �f.r',ct,.r Am- Legai Description: Wummerc;al Ruziaentiai x �w 1- = 3q9-6-7 2 %ZO—r b 7C"e_, do Property i — ID #: 0 j Site Plan IC�me: Lot wo. Project flame: V Setbacks Fro„t 6acK: Ri l!t 3ii?e: g [ori DETAILED DE5CRIP i 1uIQ OF WORK: EAact change out of = (, ` t., 14 ST;rK-- .�?''f/i-CG'03v CONSTRUCTIOJ7 INFORIDIA I lON: Block Iva. /UD (3Tltt+ ___ fi- /6 q C 4J r- 0 D Ct L 4; ' VAL LJ Gas Tank Utas Piping IlEle4tric 0 Plumbing Sprinklers I otos Sy. Ft of Construction: Cost of Construction: $ uWNER/LESSEE: Shutters Winuow,/Doors Generator Roof i=t. of First Floor: _ oril;ties:11Sewer Septic CON I-RACTUR- I3uilainR Height: flame '�' Mc) Zacelt, Gen .i„ roam: Ai78ress: mmeriea„ Residential service; Company: City: (� ���� 5taLe: P� Address: �aBO Q5 H,�y 1 Fax: Zip Code: 3� 9-s- I FaNiA ve, o beach r _ City: FC Phone nro. � 32R6'v E-IGIa il: NIA a tip Caa�: Fax: rc tWI-ai83 Pnone No. 11e 1v4-(221 -Ili In fee simple I hic Holder on next pose I If different E -Mail: MaelTlygows.com `Tom the Ownc. usted above) State or Cow,ty License: GN4G(,'�&[ 9 /,j;3 Fvalue or const.a.tion is $zjgg or more, a RECw-Rvz13 IQotlee of Commencement 13 required. :UPPEEMENTAL•CUN51RQ(—TION LIEN LAW INK RRIATIQN, DESIGNER/ENGINEER: x Not Applicab MORTGAGE COMPANY: Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: State: City: State: Zip: Phone: 10, Zip: Pho FEE SIMPLE TITLE HOLDER: x Not Applicable BONDING COMP - Y: x Not Applicable Name: Name: Address: Address: City: City: Zip: Phone: Zip: P one: I certify that no wtiht.k or installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit.. sr. [ucie County mages no representation tflat is granting a permit will authorize die erm:t MolBer to culla tRe seN.ET strecmi-c which is in conflict wit.h any a plicable Home Owners msociat.ion rules, bylaws or and covenants that may rest.rict or prohibit such A. ecterc. Pleo3c eoM.elt wit�F.wr Horne Ci-Mer3 A530ciat:oM .;-.a I'cYlc; your aeca Tvr oMy rc5t, i.tioM. wnil.fi T.y PPiy• IM eerr:aeraion or IM, granting or tfil. rcNee�tea perrnii, I Bo IiercB, oeree that I -ill, ie all re..pcLT.G, pci'ro. T Inc -orR in accordance with the approved plans, the Florida Buildin6 Codes and St. Lucie County Amendments. ,he following building permit applications are exempt. from undergoing a full concurrency review: room additions, .vc.3o, y 31FMctwrG, ..-IrMrMiMg poei3, reMec„ :,,ii„ 315n„ 3GrceM roOrM3 010 aCecZ o-, =e3 to aMotMcr Mon-.calacMdul e.,c WARNING TO OWNER: Your failure to Record a Notice of Commencement may result in your Aayin6 twice for improvements to your proper�y. H Matice of CommencemenL mast be recorded and posted on the jvbsiLE before the first inspection. If you intend t—u ubtain financing, consult with lender or an attorney before 0o rY. - :� s _ SigM.te.e of 13 e,-/ Cc,.ec/Arent Signat.ure of Contra r/ticense holder a I A I E OF FEDRUJA 31Ai E OF rE—RID COUNTY OF 31L COUNTY OF ",. Me forgoing inst.ru ent was acknowledged before me i Re ro Noing instru ni was ac owieBgea oerore me this day of 20�r this day of 201 by CA a Dennis Zacek ��` """ C9nnis ZaG6R (Mame f person acknowle'oging } (IRame of person acknowledging } (signature or Notary PUBlic- state or Flor as } (z nat.ure of Rot.ary Public- 3t.ate of Floriea } Pcr..Rally KMo: M x UR Nroauccl Iae..ti�.cotioM type or I'aentirication ProBucea y Commission Ror-- FfF i�$9t 9(Seal} I RFJ. PAS H. Dr oaRs`u `Y sWf pi i �r FCs3i�IEiA Revised 071151201'1 �+Cin SKr rF,c�T� Personally Known x On ProBuceB IBentirication Tyke of Idendficadon Produced Fci 2g Commission No.'s -1,1 -7 (seal) NDT y m3a:.1O 51ATE Or rsur'IQrjt e' --#J t—=4' -. MROVE REVIEWS FRONT ZONING SUPERVISOR PLANS VEGETATION SEATUR CUUM i ER REvIEw REvlEw REvlr-w REvIEw REvltw REvIEw DATE COMPLETE irvl i irtiCs Property Caret Page 1 of Michelle FranRlin, UFH -- paint Lucie Counry PropV7Appraiser -- All rights reserved. Property laentification She Address: vi87 SPANISH LAKr-3 of v D Secy I'dwnnRanee: 05 s4S1syE Nhip !D: 13.06N Zoning: I'uD Ownership W; iMa tJI11ind Csrp 2804 .SW 122.,4 AVE Mie::7:, FF, as 186 Legal Description 06Mi .34 .)9 ALL TI IAT PAK7 Cru Nt;CY uF I-yS-LFSS SPAN1sF1 EARL'S FAIRIVAY:t Zrl5 33-3J Ai,4D C@33 I rrAt rAKT MPDAr: MOM SE COR OF SEC 6,'rH N 00 02 21 I! Ac.0 I! EI vF SI!,-- 73vy. i 7 F i .TH N 0:)7 A W ;24 FT TO PUB, I H N 89 57 39 W 253 FT,TH S 00 02 21 W 13 r'T du CURV E CONC Nt, K OF s3 F 1, i H SkC Y ACG AKC 54.98 FrI IH 33957391!11ari i7jCuRYCI.VNCN,KUrs5rl,TliNECYACt, ARC 32.46 I-r'r v Cv><Vr- ivrvC. 31!, K M- yu r r ,TH IvEL z AIYU 5ELY ACC; ARC 60.52 FT.TH N 45 02 21 E 32 36 FT,Tn ry "vv iz zl M 6'v 77 r I [ l7 P03- ANO ChSS AS IN ORS 23'96-10$13,1083:2399-1065: 2427-1079. _446-«115:t431-1040,1Ms 2462-/s0,rss,rs5,7.w 2478-I 153, 1156: «314-1174:=a25-2143 caiz-IM4,708:2»>-1836;135/-IO67:2603-srt. 2630-1743: zv31-2z80• z636-1430: zyyv-1'oa9: jOOa-4.»5: w31wa8: 3063-161-3065-1651 3069-2008:3074-1580:3114-rz37:31z3-z941: 314 9-791 3172-2641 3201-315: 3209-2337.,3215-23M: 3223-2309: 3234- 21 1 E: ,f«65-2$KL: s«72-563 3273-1215'..7283-1$29: 33Q5-2194: 3305-2197 33 i r -«3a r: 3a«a-:386 x348-EOay: »33-1240: 4448-y6a: i.M.z596: 33n0 -7,99:3322-f83 33Grlyrr:3367-1427:3avyiioa:3x74-117.»f+- 2730 J379-21;4:3396-843:3396-846 3399-273:.,411-820: 3Y, r - 150C 2 45:19: x418-2177,. x424-2841: 3427-1513: 3434-371: 3436-1660: j450 --,-,F.): 3471-2507 A 17-zijv-A rs-1983:s48s-5s4:s500-1629: 3321-206«:3538-1033 3aiy-zr4:.3519-a1L's5zU-z830;3624-2928;zY83 3638.3,3652-1251; 3662-2601; 3664-26.,a 3v YJ-�: ri , 3706-1093 ; 31x1- 290. 3729-1715: 7732-1923: 3744-263: 3744-2931: 3767-1756: 3774-1488. s 1$2 -1394:.s794 -s44 -ANL) LESS ADDL 0.30 AC- ANO CESS 3806-2540 3SIli.-«547: 3823-_445: 3440-E2r x837-441: s$4s-2882: s84.7.24$0: s8�y- :874388'v-i8o9,r9i,3:3o92-1:3893-zv4$,c'v3'o:389$-IOlr:asyy-1447 3906-2672,2700. 3914-276,296; 3921-1930: 3927-116: 3949-8z3,'333. 3955- i497 .x964-1498- AND LESS AWL 0.17 AC - AND CRSS ORs 3983- 1a91- AND LESS ADLur, 0.19 AC AND LESS ORS sy91-985 4004- 2y40,--463- 8315.37 AC - 13,137.517 SF) tUR 3oc-y41) Current values JustMarket Value. $20,.,17,800 f►s�ear_t1 vzlae. 41'x,31 /,800 Lxemptions: so axaMle value: 340..) 11,800 1 zr;e for i1m; parerl: SLC Tax Collector's %-/Mce 19 r,-tee1 w. 1.306-111 -OUU I -00M Account#:4031 use type. 1800 Je,!1diciion: Saint Lucie County Total Areas 1- in:ancca! Un[izr A.'r (JF): 2$,779 Gross area (3P): 34,113 t.w.-,a (ucrc4): -115.3 7 Land Size,SF,: 13,737,31 r This information is believed to be correct at this time Out it is susject to cnange anti is net-a-ante8. :t, Copyright Zvi r saint Ducie County rroperty Appraiser. All Fictp::'r�vN"v.p.tslc.orgiRECardl 8/101!01 ", Certificate of Product Ratinas ARRi CeRified Reference Number: v o44'oti Date: a,cfcu I r Ypothaai: Split 5,SXwM: Air-Ceraleb La..ba....iny url:t, Coil —..itn 61a:.r Dattloor Dna MLUcl IvenlaaP: Z4ALa:ZFZ4A" Qs0'° Ineoor Unit IQloge, Iaumber: F 5z=1rticRt' Manufacturer: CARRIER AIR CONDITIONING I ra'aeferana name: CARRIER Region: Southeast and North (AL, AR, DC, DE, Fl_, GA, HI, KY, LA, MD, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX, VA mR, CU, U t, ID, Ir, Im, IN, R5, MA, ME, 1411, MR, M—U, 1411, M11, life, MR, tva, IVT, UR, DR, PA, RI, 5Q, 171, vl, WA, WV, VVI, WT, O.J. Iv.rit.rivz) Region Note: Central air conditioners manufactured prior to January 1, c'v1�, are eligible to be lnstalleb In all reglons until aune aQ, ,0115. beginning amy l; cQ to. central air conisitloners ...n ant, 6e iP17r11atl in P.glon(a) Tor :F101 til., mc.t try. regional of ciency requirement. Series name: t:.OMI"vrt, tzr HC Manufacturer responsible for the rating of this system combination is CP%RRIER Pmr% 7-UR13l I IVRIMG R-i:=b iaz Talla .- :rl-aaoPaGn.o .itR AFiKI 51-r13a.-a ci0/Z413-Zoo8 f.r Onita:•r Air -Conditioning and Air -Source Heat Pump EquiNment and subject to verification of rating accuracy by AHRI-sponsored, independent, third party testing: Cooling Capacity (Btuh): 22800 EER K -tiny (Cooling): 11.50 SEER Rating (Loolingy Iz;.UQ IEER Ralin- (Cooling): Raliea= folly -ed b; ■� ..ct-rick (') i�d:wte _ 1eet:rr m■!e =t pre-i■_=1- reb[i=had d_!a _el=ec _w■rrrp_�ied - 'h,, WAS, :high Indies:.. _n irrele-,eery rerG.lr. DISCLAIMER ZRiii aoa7 not onoors■ .ft. pm-u,ttsr listed on .nis Certificate and makes no representations, warranties or guarantees as to, and assumes no responsibility for. prodwel(o) 11 --ted .n this C.rtlfie :e. AHRI ■..pr.=Iy dim.1-1m: zil liablllry for d-m..g�s of -WY Rl.-m .riot mg Pat vi ;Rc aao or portarmunca or ifle pro,.c.tZs,, or IRc unauthorized alteration of data listed on this Certificate. Certified ratings are -alld onl,- for rtt■d■1= :Fid .■efigr ti=e= ll=t■d I- th■ -ir.eeary ai www.06 rugwry.org. TERM.. AND coNDITiDNS Thin C.pafi.-ta and I= aoetarm rc propri.tary pcoaec= of R ,I. iia ear:cac..:v s3.11 only ac ciao for incl: oo.l, parson.) .no confidential reference perposes. Thu ■■rtleets of thlc C■_tifie.t■ rw_; w■t, In -hal■ •p In p -pt, b= =pwdusud• ..pled; di_:anrin-ted; cnAM icrCa i„io u c,.mpaiar oat.R.a.; or otiicrwesc odlI&aa, in any form or m.nn.r.r .;y any means, except for the user's Individual, - p=�■e_I _rrd ■■wild. teal .f.raese. AIR•CONOMONING, HEATING, .!•n. ir•I�..: c : CR IPIa.,: A REFRIGERATION IN5TITUTE Thu 1-tep�.atlee top th= rw■d=1 ■lt.d thi: ■■..till■ -t■ . b■ -eplfi.d at r-r..-.hridlro.ter,-.e:a eli.k on 'Vv.lf; C..lill.mta' link ;cr m..ke I;;r b�rr� and ani.r ih. AHR1 certified Reference Number and the date on which the certificate was Issued -high i= lia:■d -b.ee, and ;h. Cartifie-to Ra., -rilah is Ibtaa -. Bottom rip,- 131461490152357962 1903.4 AI izGwri l[la-ft, R. -Ung, -n8 K.rrig.rotia.. Institatc CERTIFICATE NO.: �0,; Hoofing ' PlarRbin lr ' & 0 � '�/� est. Mart Vale Installa�I+on Work 4r Mer- Est. Cem,pletieri 17.1= I, f /Z] a6Y-5 100 Corpor.;v Customer 2 -aa US Highway 1, Vero Beach, FL 32960 Rel.li= _­10111Ru5km.1SentesolRofkL%Inc.Lice.=#CMCt248753,CAC0n507RCFC1420283 1666} 803-0879 cs- eRlr L a ;C, �P � 1/ ane! eP ADDRESS r F.y en•r7GZIP rx`� er�G 3 Y J HOME PHONIE eam Pne a WORK PHONE YOUR SYSTEM DESIGN IZE ��„PE �r"::J - S1 I TvE E „PE EFFICIENCY 1 I , t'e/ EFFil NCY � EF IERCY $_. j T $ 1 - 6 L� cr g $ io SUBTOTAL $ is ca S Z.IO UBTO TAL 3 SUBTOTAL $ MVNTHLYE5I.1 $ ONTHLYE ,• $ MON IRLY T.• �U5RjMER INITIALS U5T0 R INITIAES %-X3TC, R I1i1IAL3 Warranty: r O Parte l Labe-, W2.4y: Pans Labor War nty: Parts Lamp —UCompressor Heat Exchanger Vvnrpreccvr Het ExrhW ar _" Comp,vssor Heat ExhNginr Refligerent reve.vrtd ..md d spom4affugeirea by Ian. C.,mplete c can up Including use of Poor savers to prteet year he...= rand of o�ls.mg vquipm.nt. All mpleled is done 1n accordance with existing cod=e -md pe-ito, .cxgei.-ed, SELECTED-PTI7R: 1 ❑ 2 03 Xvveatherproof Rtonn_st t- Emoti-g Disconnect 0 Eloatramc Ar Clc-mil SUBTOTAL Elealrie l ❑ Mud;• F W N LUIVRme Egolpmenr Slab Wiew i=lywood Deck ❑ PCO 5 'MSound Isolation Pad_ )¢Re=emmeet Dram- Ci .e 15 VV tight 'ffiLige:d Tito Condoms ❑ Ceiling Saver K t u Hemidifie. $ 15 Start Kit Yon & PloatT ❑ Dahemia Fier _ TOTAL ; ❑ Raf6ge,ant LL Dryer_ ❑ M..in Drain Sofeq bwitch ❑ Outdoor Unit Pad joefriger.mt Pip_ Seal New Connections p Flue Venting 17 Ne- �&aeammeel ❑ 5eppo,. Aaic Egeipmani 194�errigerant G Dset-erk Carimvalionn ❑ CASH ❑ CHECK# Pipe .over flL$upply PI rn ❑ Feel Pi �7p-mmiem V..I:c G Ne eaenneet ❑ Electrical vvlrmng ? CREDIT CARD (CRS 1 4#a) 06 -stat -Typo [ietum Plenum %tome Serpi== PI -M - 13 New-gReconn■ct 1 Tv— {364 a -ye) MAP APPRCvAL OUR GUARANTEES Eermforl Caoorontea )WH..me Protection Guarantee ❑ FINANC,IN..i` IR24-hour service Guarantee 00% Omsemail6mal Men=y-B..-k C�tva NOTES •Paymani eprlons •amiable with approved credit 4)7 4 -Co6 • Wiitte- .sot=..per astheri_-ativ- -ill be obta:med boob begim-i..g any cnfon aoen addiaon..l or e.tended work. • ANY CLAIMS MR CCINSTRUUTTION DEFECTS ARE SUBJECT TO THE NOTICc AND CURE PRC,vl317jN5 OF %HxPTER 551 FLORIDA STATUTES, • BOYER'S RIGHT TO =NCEL: This Is a home solicitation sale, and if you do not want the geed= or =a-.. lam, yea m;.y aanac this agreement By providing written notice to the seller in person, by talvigrern, er by nr..il. ThIz -atlea ma.t indfea.a eh : ywi do not want the goods or services amd -=-t be deli-wred e. peat-..Tkad before midnight of :ha .hind business day after yot -ism thi_ .g=.mwnL If yes .a :eel thl- -g we...a..t, the sellar m.y no. keep all or part of any caslf down payment. See th, rb:ew -Ida harmf far .. a;;plomotlon of this righi; • I acknowledg. ,hai my right to cancel has been explained to me orally anti in writing, and without warcrig my right 1e a,. -eel, I amtheri�:� th- performance of the work, suaject to all terms and conditions set forth ori the step.. eider h�reef, pram- -my t....ec epom compla:i.n. Natiea To O ...n_i- • Do not sign this Rome improvement contract in blank. You are entitled to a copy of th= ■.street .t the time you -igm. Keep it to protect your legal rights. This home improvement contract ma, .■mtr:m a m=rtgage e. elh�rrprce -sate - liars e.. your property that could be to closed on if y.s d. riot wy. Be _ere yea smdere and -11 pre riciemn of the ..rdr-ril before, yon oig„ CUSTOMER SIGNATURE a-. as coMF 7 R.Pml., r 126 CUSTOMER SIGNATURE DATE f� ape;: r,mer n Resioeniml 03va17 825