HomeMy WebLinkAboutProduct Approval PERFORMANCETM
The new degree of comfort:"
PERFORMANCE" electric water heaters
feature dual copper heating elements
and a six-year warranty
Efficiency Plus...
EH.95 EF M Temperature and pressure relief valve
Isolated tank design reduces included
conductive heat loss O Low lead compliant
9 Dual 380OW or 450OW copper Warranty
heating elements depending on unit l2 6-Year limited warranty for tank
Performance and parts, 1-year full in-home labor
M FHR:29-67 gallons,based on warranty'
gallon capacity 'See written warranty for complete details
9 Recovery:Up to 21 GPH at a Units meet or exceed ANSI requirements and have
90°F rise,depending on model" been tested according to D.O.E.procedures.Units
meet or exceed the energy efficiency requirements
of NAECA,ASHRAE standard 90,ICC Code and all
Longer Life state energy efficiency performance criteria.
®Premium grade anode rod provides
long-lasting tank protection
IN Electric junction box located above
heating elements for easy installation
IN Over-temperature protector cuts
off power in excess temperature
20 to 50-Gallon Capacities
240 Volt AC/Single Phase
Double and Single Element Models
See specifications chart on back.
03/16 FORM NO.THD•PE06 N
The nary degree of c0mfat
PERFORMANCE' Electric Specifications
Raciveryin ArstHour Tank HeigMto Ship
Gallon Modes G.P.H. Rating Height . WateiConn. Diameter Weight Energy
Fr84 Type Description capauity Number 90°Rise OPAL A 8 C
{LBS) Factor'
@Iv i3 Tau 50 XE50T06ST45U1 21 67 58-7/8 61-58 20-1/4 121 0.95
Kr- Medium 50 XE50M06ST46111 21 62 48 50-12 23 132 0.95
Ta v Tau 40 XE40T06ST45U1 21 53 61 63-518 19 109 0.95
I?'iic Medium 40 XE401006ST45111 21 51 48-1/2 50.1/2 20-1/4 1 106 0.95
Q 'arra Medium 40 XE4OMO6ST38UI 17 40 48-1/2 50-112 20-1/4 106 0.95
tarK9EM Short 38 XE38SO6S745Ui' 2145 31-1/2 32-5/8 23 108 0.95
sat.g Short 38 XE38S06ST38U1' 17 30 31-1/2 32-5/8 23 108 0.95
&rt3TiT Short 36 XE36SOS'ST45U0 21 45 31-t/2 33 24-1/4 its 0.95
@L-,rrn Short 36 XE36S06ST3SW 17 30 31-1/2 33 24-1/4 118 0.95
CAaT3 1 Tall 30 XE30T06ST45U1 21 48 47-518 58.3/8 19 92 0.95
L ora Tall 30 XE30TOSSTS81,11 17 33 47-M 50.3/8 19 1 92 0.95
CSC�rrF. Medium 30 XE30M06ST45111 21 1 44 37-1/2 40-1/2 20-114 1 92 0.95
L t3. Short 30 XE3DS06ST45W* 21 42 30 32 19-3/4 95 0.95
L"--P:.6? Short 30 XE30S06ST36U1• 17 29 30 32 19314 95 0.95
r ii:s Short 28 XF28S06ST45U0 21 42 30 31-1/8 23 95 0.95
fmifN Short 28 XE28S06ST38U0 17 29 30 31-1/8 23 95 OS5
aG"alyz Short 20 XE20606STS8U0 17 WA 1 31-1/2 31-1/2 17 62 WA
'Water heater dimensions prior to instalung insulation blanket that is included with water theater.The blanket adds 1-1/2 inches to tank height 8"
and 2 inches to tank diameter.
Energy Factor based on D.O.E.Pepartmem of Energy)test procedures.
•Heaters furnished with standard 240 volt AC,single phase non-simuhaneous wiring,and 4500 watt upper and lower heating elements.
•Ali models equipped with heat traps.
'*Racwe – .�� HOT
ry–wattage/2.42 x temp.rise°F. •'Recovery–wattage/2.42 x temp,rise aF WATER
Example; 45WW =21 GPH Example: 38OOW =17 GPH CONNECTION WATER
2.42 x 90° 2.42 x 96° RELIEF VALVE CONNECTION
"Recovery calculations used are based on 4500 watt elements used in non-simuharmus operation. —'-� ROD
In keeping with its policy of continuous progress and product improvement Rheem reserves the right to make changes without notice.
Rheem Water Heating • 101 Bell Road
Montgomery,Alabama 36117-4305 • wwrw.rheem.com
03115 FORM NO.THD-PE06 N